The New York Clipper (September 1904)

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September 3. THE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. C27 Aug. 22, nine week*, and on Sbof Oct. S3 — Howard Herrick and Frank Eldredge bare resigned from the bualnesa staff of Wright Lorlmer's "The Shepherd King" and have formed a co-partnership. Their first managerial venture will be to send on tour • Kben Holden." They hare engaged Harry (111) Borton lor the title role, which be played so successfully last season, and blanche Kendall, a well known Western ffla£^ri*J£^c&^ a u ppe c ara « ^%*«~%»"°>$ llerrell, Austin Conroy and William A. Oil- writes' thaf'»ff P r tLMl 0 T k§ run -^ Ha letts. Mr. Herrlck was a well known news- nll.^. -Lll , . e .?A n ?. fl ™ t performance Cant paper man before be < liefd, since when be h work of Charles Blchman, Rose Coghlan, Qer nude Coghlan, Corinne and for the last eight months he baa been Wright Lorlmer's press representative. Mr. Eldredge was for two years general New York representative for Jules Murry's attractions, and Beaaon be- fore laat acted In same capacity for Frank I, Ferley. He also managed tbe tour of effle Ellaler In "When Knighthood was In Ktower" for Mr. Perley, and handled the road tour for Elizabeth Kennedy in "As lou Like It" for P. J. Kennedy. Both i of the new firm have had long ex- In theatrical affairs, and as they e workers their new venture bids (air to be very successful. The season of "Eben Holden" opens at Albany, N. Y., about the ^^a^aSrwlU.o.tlnu.f., OTaveTor thTweTto & S£Z circuit of parks and closing the show with their acrobatic novelty act They close with Mr. Wilton In September and play fairs through Maine, New Hampshire and Ver- mont. Coofeb and Robinson write: "Week of I o^en U ^tl1hTF5n 1 k W rl"B , row; ,, -"^ J!?.?^.*?*!"*.!-^ s a wel known news nXZ hat ht \ er . tD0 . ftnt HrfiSiw ftsfc enferld theThea?rlca KsUaX'fK ?l the «t rt ' •-■•«*t«ly ias handled the press Sept 3* It uJm f tW< L We " tB more ' cl ? 8lD S lan. Rose Coehlan'n'™ act MonL FU.^nS.'fc X? * i? 108 -', ""M ";>"»" I'..! "I?" a ba i- enV(, 'oped In flames, slide* seven hundred and fifty feet on a wire and dives Into a sea of flames In the lake. toopiB and Robinson will open their regular season at Cook's Opera House, Ro- until next May. Casad akd Db Vehnb, comedy musical en- tertainers, are booked solid for one year ?,ltl,l he Northwestern and Crystal circuits, opening at Marinette, Wis., Aug. 20. John P. Bubkx Informs ua that be Is In Th.'J xte 'n tl !., week ln , ,tock at P' 00 * 1 '' P«* theatre, Baltimore, doing comedy parti ln all of Mr. Truehearfs burlesques, ne fin- ishes hie season there about Oct 2, when he will lea~" gagements. doted a very successful fifteen weeks of Sum- mer bookings at Richmond, Va„ Aug. 22. the entire week at Winter en- . week of Sept. 6, and are booked for this season aa beadllners with McMahon's Minstrel Malda and Watermelon Girls, their second season with Mr. McMahon, being featured as "end men" In the minstrels and in the water- melon act. They Inform us that their original engagement was secured through an "ad." lu Tn» Cliptor. The Musical Simpsons are closing the olio with tbe Bon Ton Burlesquers. Lawson Herrmann has been retained for this (his third) week at Valley Park, Johns- town, Pa. Zeli.o and Younq McFaddkn report meet- ing with big success with their act at Dream- land, Coney Island. Habbi Thomson reports excellent success at Hurtlg A Seamon'a Arverne Pier Theatre, Arvern, N. Tbi Musical Brinnans writs: "We will cloae our park engagements at Klein's Deer Park, Baltimore, Md., Best 3, having been continuously engaged In the vicinity of Bal- timore since May 3. Onr act has always met with most satisfactory results, bavins been accorded a prominent place on all pro- 8rammes. We begin our Fall dstes st tbe tar Theatre, Atlanta, Qa., Sept, 6, and will probably stay In tbe aunny South all Winter." Tub Jawesonb have canceled tbs Lang circuit and signed with the Blttner Stork Co., for fifty weeks. While playing Wcaat'a Theatre, Peoria, HI., week of July 11, Dave Jameson was made a member of tbe F. 0. Eagles, Aerie 200. Tub Brothers Rossi played the Park Theatre, Bayonne, N. J., wees of Aug. 22, with the Orpheum Theatre, Brooklyn and Proctor's Fifth Avenue, and Proctor's, New- ark, N. J., to follow. Paulinetti and riQL'O, after completing a successful engagement nt tho London Hip- podrome, returned to America laat week. They opened with tbe Tburber A Nastier . *. Y.. last week. His time Is nearly Co., at Norwich, Ct, Aug. 20. Next Summer filled to October, when he begins a tour of tbey will play at the Coliseum, London. tbe Kohl A Castle circuits. D. Standsburo writes tbst he severed his Uaudevijle and minstrel Notes raoM iue John W. Vooel Bio Cut Minstbxls. —The seventh annual tour was inaugurated at Hamilton. 0., Aug. 11, and inaugurated ai uammou. u., aug. n, auu «.,„ on _. „^_~"V «T- V, • 5»' S. "* the performance g w e n this season is said to r"£L;L w V P I a ^ th . e 9£L2P"3J I 29 eclipse any ever offered by this organisation. m°V™ iw™ r V, an< ? . ,re A )0 !5S5« M, i d n ?°' The Jefferson Theatre was packed from gal- lery to parquet and late comers were satis- fied to get even standing room, which has been the case ln every place this company has appeared alnce the opening. At Zanes- vllle Fame's "Last Days of Pompeii" was the opposition and, In spite of this fact, the Vieller Theatre's capacity was taxed. The record of the Orand Opera House, Columbus, was broken on Friday, 12, and standing room was at a premium during the entire four per- formances. The beautiful and costly velour first part, Illuminated by more than one thousand colored Incandescent lights and cal- cium effects, was pronounced a thing of beauty. Tbe vocal portion of the entertain- ment, under the direction of Harry Lelghton, scored heavily, while the numbers In tbe olio were enthusiastically received, likewise the terpslchorean movements by Gov. Bowen and the "Dancing Dandles." Marvelous Marseilles, tbe European athletic contortionist, has mys- tified the multitudes and several physicians have endeavored to get permission to make an examination of this mysterious phe- nomena. Fred P. Russell received numerous encores with his budget of new songs and sayings; Gov. Bowens negro dialect, Jno. Cartmell's "Preacher and the Bear," Louis Knetzger and his hoops and clubs, Master Newton See, the wonderful boy soprano, and tbe D'Elmar Troupe, barrel Jumpers and ac- robats, provided an entertainment which is strictly up to tbe times. J. Maetin Habbis, of Harris and Merlo, writes that he has just completed a new so- ciety skit, which he has written around Teddy Snlder's latest march song, "The Yankee Doodle Girl." Tbe team Is booked until Christmas In the West. Cobbbtt and FOBBBSTSB open Aug. 22, at Ionian's Casino, Coney Island, N. x. They report that they are doing splendidly with their singing and character change act Claddb Raw closed with Busby Bros.' Circus Aug. 12, and opened at the Novelty Theatre, Denver, 16. He will open on tbe Kdwtn Lang circuit, at Butte, Mont, Sept 4, for twenty weeks. Eyebhart sailed for Europe Aug. 18, to open at Vienna. Kennedy, and Evans mourn the loss of their trick monkey, "Bill," who was a great favorite ' with tbe Thoroughbreds Co. - last season. He died Aug. 16. ROGER IMHOF, HCOH L. CONN AND SOZANNE May 16, 1805. On June 10, 1906, we open at the Coliseum, London, Eug., for four weeks, with bookings on the Moss A Stoll tour for eight months." Eodie Cabroll and Aones Clarkb played week of Aug. 16 at Monroe Park, Toronto, Can., and are this week at Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, Can., with Montreal to fol r„_ ' —i ■ '-m !•»"•> wllu nionireai to ioi- pied v. CLiFFOBD, or toe Cliffords, under- hp'nn /n begin their Eastern time at went a successful surgical operation at tbe connection as msnager of tbe German VII- 'age, at Enid, Okla., snd played week of Aug. 16 at Delmsr Garden, Oklahoma City, doing bis singing specialty. O. O. Srymoub, of Seymour snd Duprec. sends news of bis good health and excellent bunlnes'1 prospects from Valencia, Spain, en route to Buenos Ayres, 8. A. William Raymond Moore, the popular Canadian tenor, is again with Hsverly'a .Minstrels. He bus met with bis usual suc- cess. Mrs. Edward Pabkrb, late of the Howard Stock Co., underwent a serious surgical operation on Aug. 10, at the City Hospital, Boston, Mass. Geo. and May Woodwabd, the original "Sunburned Rubes," will remain In vaudeville I his season, owing to "The Night Before Christmas" Co. not going out They are at Keith's, Boston, this week. Ned C. Clifford, of the Cliffords, under- the Howard, Boston, week of Oct. 17. The Bbobst Tbio write that their park season thus far has been very successful. While playing Lake View Park, Terre Haute, recently, they were pleasantly entertained by La Belle Countess, a retired serpentine and fire dancer, at her home In that city. Gray Street Infirmary, Louisville, Ky„ Aug. IS, where he will be detained for several weeks. Nichols and Cboix have finished a twelve weeks' engagement ln the Summer stock at the Palace Theatre, Boston, and were at the Point of Pines, Boston, week of Aug. 16. BROOKS BROS. AND Brooks Brothers, Sam and Max. are two well known comedians, who have appeared in their laughable act ln the principal vaudeville houses and have also been seen successfully u°*Vt!I5» 0 ,S? n t,.*iL B "°R!rJC °. n » ==!.•■?? " ltn . T J. r I ou i burlesque attractions. They are assisted in presenting their musical comedy Manchester's Vanity Fair Co., at Reading, Fa,, Aug. 20. After closing tbe season with this company at the Lyceum Theatre, Phila- delphia, June 26, they Immediately sail for an eight weeks' engagement at the Palace Theatre, London, Eng., and then return to America to begin rehearsals for their third season, ending their three years' contract with this management W. 8. Campbell, manager of the Rose Sy- dell London Belles Co., writes: "We opened our season at Cleveland, O., Aug. 16, and scored one of the biggest successes ever made In burlesque. We are this season using a two art muBlcal comedy, written by Barney Gerard, entitled 'Dazzling Nancy, or A Trip to the Bottom of the Sea-' Mr. Gerard has certainly written a 'knockout,' and my pre- dictions made early ln tbe season came true. Miss Sydell has the best role she has ever had. The mechanical effects are wonders. At the finish of the first act, which is a boat scene, the boat Is smashed amid a terrific rain storm, and everybody on board Is sent tp the bottom of the sea, which Is the set- ting of the second act" Three Evans Sistebs (Elmlra, Viola and Edna) report big success In their comedy singing and dancing act They are now on the Melville circuit of parks. Wobd COUE3 to us that Tommy Barrett met with a serious accident at Kansas City, Mo., On the night of Aug. 16. He was taken to st Marguerlte'a nospltal, that city, where slight hopes are entertained for his recovery. Notes feom thb Habby Bbyant Bue- lesquebs. —We opened the season at Toron- to, Aug. 22, staging a burlesque of original conception. It Is a satire on New York's lat- est fad—a female hotel. It Is brlgbt In dia- logue and the music Is catchy and up to date, in addition to this Is a new first part and an exceptionally strong olio of vaudeville acts, nnd a large chorua of pretty girls. The cos- tumes are all new and the company Is well supplied with all the scenic and electrical effects that any stage can well accommodate. Thb Hughes Musical Tbio were recently re-engaged at the Orpheum Theatre, San Fran- cisco, Cal., for a third consecutive week. W. H. BarsoN writes that he will close bis engagement as manager of the S. W. Street liailway parks on Sept 12. The season has teen a very successful one under bis manage- ment, and he has been re-engaged for next season. Manages Geo, H. Saville writes: "Bryant ■ Savilie's Minstrels close week of Sept 6, "ter a sixteen weeks' tour on the Melville circuit, with great success. Have signed for jext season. The Troubadour Four sail for Lngland, and Bryant and Saville are booked >ip In vaudeville In their new act "Start Me.' James Wletzell and Elliott and West Join Jeach & Bowers' Minstrels. We have enjoyed the best of health and a prosperous Beason." ' Notes ebom Lou Hommeu's Obphbum liUHiESQUBRS.—We opened to a packed nouBe 5 Aug. 15, at the Opera House, White i lalns, N. X\, and the performance pleased very much. We hope It will continue so torougb tbe season. Mr. Hommer Is well satisfied with his efforts to make this one of ihe best traveling companies on the road, no money having been spared. The performers I Jf 18 "? credit for the way they have re- "etrsed. We are very much pleased with our paper, which is In three colors and very at- tractive. We have forty-two weeks of one = na three night stands, with the exception of six weeks In week stands. Carbh M. 8cott, contortionist has fin- ished eight weeks at Pensacola. Fla.; nine weeks at Curtis Bay, Md„ snd Is now filling a three weeks' engagement at Amsterdam, N. x. She goes West to the coast next Winter, »nd la booked up until next June. act, "Biff, Baff, Buff," by Sadie Vedder, one of tbe original Vedder Sisters, a clever singing and dancing soubrette and AI. Rouse, a German comedian. "Biff, Baff" Bull," has proved a success at every place It has been produced. It bas a plot and contains funny situations and some excellent comedy. Win-tees and Summers are In tbeir clos- ing week on tbe GoldBmlth, Lang and Lu- bolskl circuits and report meeting with great success. Vice and Viola opened Sunday, Aug. 14, at Olentangy Park, Columbus, 0. The/ re- port that their act, "The Tramp, the Hats, and Her," was a decided success. The Brownie Tboope, who closed for fif- teen weeks with the Jabour Carnival Co., at Glen Haven Park, Rochester, N. V., Aug. u. bave ten weeks booked at State and county fairs for their "Devil's Chimney" and bicycle acts. Fobdo and Dabe, musical comedians, are In their fourth week with T. W. Dlnklns' Utopians and their act is meeting with suc- cess. They also hsve prominent roles In the burlesque, which were especially writ- ten for them. Chabncey Holland played Spring Grove Casino, Springfield, 0., recently, present- ing his monologue. tie writes that be proved one of the strongest features of tbe bill. He will continue In vaudeville for the remainder of the Summer. Nobman, "the Frog Man," who played Athletic Park, Buffalo, N. Y., week of Aug. 22, 1b booked for a number of fairs during September and October. , M. E. Nibbb and Mabib Bordadex (Mrs. M. E. Nlbbe) are playing over the Edward Shayne park circuit While at St Louis they took in the fair. M. E. Nlbbe, while play- ing Oklahoma City, 0. T., was made a member of the F. 0. Eagles, No. 124. Mn. and Mrs. Alfbed Kelcy will begin on Aug. 28 a three months' tour of the Orpheum circuit at San Francisco, ending at New Orleans Nov. 27. They will play ''Uncle Phlneas" and "A Young Pareon's Predica- ment" _ .. Klein, Ott Bbos. and Nicholson write: "We will open ln New York City at Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre, with a new set of organ chimes, Including sixty bells. The largest bell Is sixty inches long We will also have several other novelties." _ . Onetda, "the Mystic," assisted by Prof. H. V. Lee, appeared last week at Preston, Can., under tie direction of the band In the Preston rink. They are booked solid until Nov. 6, and will then open at Butte, Mont., for thirty weeks, over the Edison circuit George II. Primrose, accompanied by bis wife and the Foley Brothers, left Saturday momlng. Aug. 20, for a three weekB' trip to the great lakes. He will open ln Chicago on Sept 10. Dave Schokfeb was engaged for two weeks at tbe Columbia Theatre, Philadelphia, and after the second week was re-engaged for the season as stock comedian, together with T. Frank. The Moxlbys, who recently closed two successful weeks at Rocky Point, R. I., hsve four weeks on tbe J. J. Klynn circuit of parks through the New England States, with other good work to follow. The Gabbity Sistebs have Just clewed a successful engagement at inscher's Theatre, San Francisco, Cal., snd will play a few weeks through California, after which they will sail for Australia, Fanny Donovan also 6alllng at tbe same time. John F. Kelf.kt, comedian snd character man. known ss Jno. F. Kell, bss Joined hands for this season with John A. West late West and Malloy. They bave some good time booked In their new skit "Who Is Her It was Klein, Ott Bbos. and Nichol- son, and not Klein, Ott Bros, and Nicker- Hon (as our types read), that played Hert- ford Boulevard Theatre, Boston, lsst week. Mr. Nlckerson has not appeared in the act since April 4, of this year. Victob Moore and Emma LirrLEriELn began their Fall and Winter dates Aug. 2J, as headllners at tbe Park Theatre, Bayonne, N. J. The act has been freshened up, and Is booked xolid ul.H1 Feb. 27, 1005. Fhanklyn A. Batib, baritone, Is ono of tho princlpsl singers with Uaverly'a Min- strels. Mubbay and Alden are this week at the Elks' Fair, In Peeksklll, N. Y. Thb Pbentice Tbio write: "Since we have been doing our new act we have lost no time and recently played a two weeks' engagement at Forest Casino, Rocky Point, R. I., and were re-engaged for the third week. Wa would have been held over for tbe fourth week, but were booked at Freebody Park, Newport, R. I. We are now filling a five weeks' engagement on tbe J. W. Gorman park circuit" Mabel Palmes (Mrs. Edw. Wertley) mourns tbe loss of her mother, who died ln Baltimore July 12. The Evans Tbio write thst they are spend- tng a two weeks' vacation at Coronadu Beach, Cal Brown, Habbis and Bbown write: "We made one of tbe biggest snecesses at Inger- soll Park, In Des Moines, and Manager Bu chanan Insisted on bold<ng us over another week. This is one of the very few sets he holds over. We are not coming East until November." Adeline and Rubbeb (tbe girl and dog pickaninny! are at Ashtabula, 0., after au eight months' tour of the West Adei.e Purvis Onbi writes: "I opened for the first time with a burlesque company Aug. 22, In Washington, and was very anxious nbout my act in this class of theatre, but It was successful, and I received many compli- ments from Jules Hurtlg and the theatre manager. Hurtlg A Seainon furnish my act with a scene which is most beautiful and costly." Habby Odell and Ollib Habt report suc- cess in tbe Northwest with their new comedy acrobatic act, and are booked solid for six months, In return engagements. I.eona Raymond and Edna Wayne are with Weber's Parisian Widows. Ruth Everett bas recovered from her late serious Illness, and Is laying off In Chicago. J. Martin Fbeb is at Chicago's new amusement resort, Rlvervlew Park, and re- ports good business. The St. Clair Sistebs (Mabel and May), after a separation of two years, are playing a two weeks' engagement at Klein's Deer Park, Baltimore, Mi, and are booked until December. Goodwin and Gardner report: "We bave Just finished a return date at the park In Am- sterdam, N, Y. Our new act, called 'Father's friend,' Is a success and we hare several offers for coming season." Lobbbtte, "the dancing Juggler," Is In bis tenth week on the Jos. J. Fiynn New Eng- land Park circuit, and Is booked solid up to April, 1905. Powbbs and Theobaia), after an extended tour of California, will return East where their time Is pretty well filled In the leading vaudeville houses. Manager Liibei.skir opened his new house In Colorado 8prlngs, Col, Aug. 16, with the following acts: The Tnrco Phelps. John Morrison, Irish singer; Hlldcrbrand, 'The German Sampson;" the Empire Trio, nnil Rawls and Von Kaufman. After the i» r- formance Mr. Lubeiskl tendered RndilinV' and Belmont, and Rawls and Yon Kaufman a banquet, and everything passed off nicely. Ffed and Annie Pblot, comedy jugglers, have finished an engagement of seven weeks at Atlantic City, N. J.; four weeks st the Steel F!er, two weeks at S'ccpleclmso Pier, nnd one week st Young's Pier. Last week they played Electric Park, Baltimore, Md.. and this week they are playing liio Grand Opera House, Pittsburg, Fa. They Inform us (hat their act has been meeting with suc- cess. Tun Original Fobd and Wells, the Fly- ing Dutchmen, In "A Trip to the Moon," played two weeks In stock st tbe Lyceum Theatre, Philadelphia. Pa., and met with success. They have signed with Joe Barnes' Dainty Pares Burlesquers, to play the prin- cipal parts and do their specialty. Tbey are now with Wilton's Nonparlel Vaudeville, playing parks In New England. Thb Barlows bave closed a successful season at tbe parks srjd are now on a cir- cuit of fairs through New York snd Pennsyl- vania, having twelve weeks booked solid, af- ter which they sre booked In some of the princlpsl bouaea ln tbe West. Rabby and Wolfobd bave Just closed a successful Summer engagement on tbe Mel vllle circuit of parks, ihclr second season (•n tbo circuit Tbey nre rehearsing with Vance A Sullivan's ''tittle Church Around the Corner" Co., with which they have signed for thli season. C. B. Watson states thst he Is success- fully playing the principal comedy rolo with the New York Stars Co. Trainor and Button write from Seattle. Wash.: "We sre meeting with our usual success out hero and are at the Central Theatre this week. Go to tbe IIIJoii Theatre, Portland, Ore., next week. W» are topplni Ibe bill at all the houses we play out here. Jim and Cblia Welch bave played Ren- wick Pork, Ithaca, N. Y., and have Athletic Park, Buffalo, to follow. Mr. Welcb mentions n fire which occurred st their hotel, In Elmlra, while they were playing the park In that city, during which there were some lively Inci- dents. Rodney and Fobbbsteb write: "We have Just returned from Astoria, on tbe Columbia River, where we played a very successful en- gagement and were entertained by friends. We played Portland Aug. 15, and meeting with success." Mitchell and Cain write that tbelr new act Is a big success. They were st the OrsnJ Opera House, Pittsburg, Isat week. Tna Lauonts (Bert snd May) are booked solid until Dec 6, and bave Just finished eight weeks over the Ohio snd Indiana cir- cuit of narks. They will produce their new act shortly, entitled "Fun on Wssh Day," In- troducing their swinging wire snd Juggling act Geo. W. Leslib, comedian, has plsyed the Sarks witb success and will play fairs during cptember. Geo. M. Devebb bas closed his ninth sea- son as manager of Delmling's Casino, Rock- away Beach and haa signed wltb Henry Gressltt for the black face part In "Capt. Barrlngton." Waltkoob and Kbbambb (horse vs. bi- cycle) sailed, Aug. 18, for Paris, Frsnce, where tbey open Sept. 1 st tbe Olympic, for a run of four weeks. Mr. Walthour Is a twin brother of Bobby Walthour, who Is also In Psrls, racing. Tub I/Ees (Wilbur and I.eona) finished a ftucccetstul fourteen months' engagement Ihrougb the West Northwest and ovor the Pacific coast, and opened their park work July 31, at Kalamazoo, Mich. Tbey were last week nt Lludenwald Park, Hamilton, 0.. and nre this week at Glendale Park, Nash- ville, Tenn., After their Summer work they will take a rest for a month preparatory to the opening of tbelr Winter dates at 8t Joseph, Mo., over the United Vaudeville As- sociation circuit The Stab Theatub, Utlca, N. Y., opens week of Sept 12, wltb the Metropolitan Burlesquers, under tbe management of Her- bert Alblni. Mr. Alblnl writes that he In- tends to play bcrtesquo, farce comedy snd repertory companies, also good vaudeville. The Star Is said to be one of the bnndsomest theatres outside of New York, snd tbe com- fort of performers bss been considered fully as much ss comfort of the pstrons of tho bout-e. Scott and Johnson closed over the Alf. Wilton circuit of parks Aug. 21, and Joined the Gorman Alabama Troubadours as a spe- cial feature week of Aug. 22. Tbey go to tbe Howard, Boston, week of Aug. 20, and Austin & Stone's Museum, Boston, week of Sept 5, with other good work to follow. Gertrude FosTEn, wltb Bam Deverc's Own Co., reports success st tbe New Cen- tury, Kansas City, Mo. The La Trbmos, comedy acrobats, closed on tbe McMsbon A Dee park circuit, and sre now on tbe Melville park circuit, with aome fairs to follow. Tbey will open on tang's Pacific coast circuit Nor. 18, for twenty weeks. Mb. Melvillb, of Melville k Azelle, has been very 111 at McKeesport Pa., but is re- covering rapidly. Mias Azelle had to play ihe engagement alone at Olympia Park, wcc!i of Aug. 14. Barney I'nMr, eccentric Hebrew comedian, reports great Luccess on the Kohl A Castle circuit, which ho ploys In August and Sep tcmber, wltb the Keith circuit to follow. Krria Brooklin writes she has bad n very successful Summer season, not baring nn open week since Hay 15. She opened Aug 11 at Dreamlond. After her first per- formance was re engaged for 21 and week. The Millard Bros., singers, dancers aim banlolsts, finished on the Keltb clrcit st Phllsdelphla, Aug. 20. and returned to 1. 1. Klvnn's park circuit opening at North Adams, Msas., Aug. 22. J 2 B SRfi comedian. Is In his sixteenth week with Monroe's Entertainers, CALL. McMAHON'8 Theatrical I am jftlie Toffee Kin £ T ! I want to aity to you that big money can be made this Summer at PARKA, carnival.", COUNTY and 8THKKT FAIRS by selling T. HE. An Old English Sweetmeat, Which is being extensive- ly Introduced Into this country. The largest ad- vert laod candy in the world. Nearly iiw.ooc has already been spent In advertising tola old English candy ln thla country alone In the last six months. ...Put Up AttrsetlVfiy... sELLi von FIVE AND TEN CENTS. Handsomely sdverttsed matter with every ease. YE OLD TOFFEE SHOP III CONE! ISUII (Mi. Pete* Block), IS DOINO A "LANH-OFPIUK UDBINE8S," ANS- IS SKI.UNO MORK CAN'UY THAN ANY OTHER CANDY rt-ACK ON THIS ISLAND, and lb* only candy they sre soiling Is my U Put up In lib Tins, is Tackages to a Tin, 113k to the case. TRIAL PACKAGE SENT BY MAIL FOR lOo. JOHN MACKINTOSH. LAMONT, CORLISS ft CO. (Imports™), Dept. IB. 78 Hudson It., N*w York. (Mention that you saw this announcement In too WW YORK OLirfKR). Dream Eyebrow AND Eyelash Cream. No Manager or Agent knows how olever you sre until lie sees you play, and you do not know how superior DRKAM en e am la as compared with other skin preparations until you have tried It A positive cure for Moth Buola, Frecklea, Plmplea and all skin blemishes—has made wonderful oures lu oaaes of Kesenaa Is a superior massage cream as it removal wrlov klei and develop* the neck, throat staid bast. ln dainty Jarn, ll.UU each. Sold st wanamaker's, inker's Drug Store, or sent direct on receipt of price—write to ORBAM flOlSAH CO. (Dept. C), Box 287, Madison Square Branch, N. Y. City. WASHBURNE'S FASTENERS Psteat Improved lbs rastener with a BUI-DOG CRIP /7N_ k./ Ib.ln and Ilia.. Sic. ^ llr».nr«hu].&.rl»r»,»0#. J T X i — *"« IM4»r., 10r. ^Mt7_M '—■ ! """ I • IJ • ^ •• •<"■ yPP"4|3 \ .IJIUIkHN.,., (aiUo- hp»IP<*i|A!l Catalafu* »nM, Amtflcsa Rloi Cewsasy, RESTAURANT 471 SIXTH .VEKIE Between ssth snd 2Mb Bis., NEW YORK OITT. Best of Food, Perfectly Cooked, DeUoloosly Served. Prices reasonable. Special Dining ' Boom for Udjes.