The New York Clipper (September 1904)

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636 THE 1&&& YORK CLIPPER. September 3. Pierce * Malice, Lake Grove, Paik, Ajmro. Me,, M9-Sopt. S; Cook's o. Ki Rochester, N. Y„ Plercy' * Raymond. Bister's Park. Baltimore, 29-Hept. :«• • j. .. .« m. Plnardn. The, Caalno, Rockaway Beach.. N. Y„ rieir*. Great,- Beacon l'erk',1 Webster, Mass., 25-Seilf. 8. Powell. Pew-tor's, Newark, IC, J.l -in-Sept. 3. Pott A ICollmx. limplte. Bristol, Kng-. 29-Sept. 3. Potter A llarrwell. Kelth'n.-.BostoyV'29-Sept.- d; Ftetbvl} Park. MMt. It !.. «-W. . Prentice Trio, Boulevard, MedloW, JUaaa,,. 29- irii-pi IL •' frlmr..'"P &'Uojiloir. Alhlottf Psrk,;Bun"olo, H.'Y., ' 29-Seiil. 3. .. ' ' •■•'•_ Ilaraey Slaters, Vorncy Park, AUcatOWn, F»„ ' 29-Srpl. 31 P«fK. TamaqiwVfl-ie/-' . _,. Raul* & Von.r(aiifmnh,,BortTon, Salt Luke City, a. aii-Mi-pr. 10. i •* •. 'jit- Bnytnoiid I- Trli-cy, I'lnhnn Park, Salt Lake City, 0.. W-RM. :!: Iltahnn PSrfc, 0»*>n, 6-10. Raii'cMr, nrphi'iini, BUn.. 20-Sopt.'3. • naya (3), Ellin. DaTuBporr. la., 2t»-Hept.rS- ■ Ketnt Bros., colnrnMn; ninrtnoatl. as-Kept. 8. Reno & Co., Fore*I Pnrk, Kauan* City. Mo., 2R. Ite~i P BIrd". Terppl*. Permit. Mich., 29-Scnt. .8. Krllly, Johnnie, Hhndyaldc Park, Peekaklfl. N. Y.. SOrVpt, il; .Nunfey's CoaIim* Stalen'IauiBd, ' S.lO, Bedford & Winchester. Howard, RoOton, rflScpf. 8 ReUly A Morgan, Qa*ernatur'a, Atlantic Olty, Ni ■ .!.. 29-S(*it. 3. ■■ Rreven, EUdtf, Kldrldgs Park, Elmlrs, N. Y„ 29» Rlce'ft'rreroat, Paradise Roof, N. Y. 0., 29-Sept. ;i. Richardson, Lavender, & Oft., Wilton's Park. • Weatlwro. Maaa., 20-8epf. |i; • ■ • ■ *■■ Rlchlnrt*. Oarrle. Pastor's. N. V. 0.. 20-Sept. 3. Blonos (*»,. Snnn Soncl Park, Chicago, 28-Sept. ■ ;i: AInniilon's Park, St. I^nnlx. 4-10.- itlaira, Mile... Columbia, Cincinnati. 28-Scpt. 3, Itlce, Andy, Cluitc*. Han Fran., 20-Sept. :i. Mecohoiin'n ilorw«, Freebody i'aak, Newport B. 1.. Sept. 0-W. • *.. Bin Bros., Fair. Cambridge, N. Y., ao-flept. S! Vreenody Park, - Nmfport, B. I.,'0-10, *' Rice Family, Sacondagn. Park, .OlOTerarllle, N, li, 20-Her>l. .3.. :,, I . .••■_•'•'..: Rico & Wuli (Tb, Park. AtKoV'tlasi., SO-Bcpt. 3, «lc« * FJmar. jfliea'a.. Buffalo,. N. X., 2B-3ept. ;i; Hnviimrki'l, Chleaso, R-10. ' Bl»a Broa,, Klectrlc Park, Newark, N. .1., 20- •■ Hcpi.,:i. ' ■ • •'•.. -, • Rfchant »l«tcra. Weaal, Penrla. 111., aOBent,Vl. Itlco, Kanuy. alien Buffalo, .V. V.. 20-Bept. R. Itoaaow Mlilaera, Kormt Park, Km*** Oily, Mo., aK-Slepl.. 31 '. .-. ^■'.«. J , w—^ Rotilnaon, liihi-l, Morrlaon'a, Rockaway Bead*, ?. V., 3B-Sept, 3. ■ ». Rooney * Bent, Brlnhton Beach, N. Jt„ 28-Hept. Rno'ncr, J., Dreamland, Coney Inland. H, Y„ 2H*Hent. 2. -..'.. i Rockwell.'Maud. Chntea, flan; Fran., 29-flept, 3. Hole ft,'Weal, Oaaluo. Oanarale, K. Y„ -20-flept. Troubadcnr lour, Paxtanf Park, Uarrlaborj, |'a., Trotailero Quartet, (J. it. II., ChlCMP, 29-Sept. 3;,Columbia, Bt. Loula, 0-10. Treloar"* Tetnneat, Orphcnm, Sao Kran.^ Chi.. 20-Hopt ft it v*V« Tanda, Acniemr, PltUbnrir. 23-Sept. 3; Olnetn- Trrt-li,' Al. k. aodrroy'n, drand Sap).la, Mich., ii flirt, if; ■ Vaaaar Olcla' <BK Kellh'a, ClereUm), 0., 20- ■■> rlipt. :i: KelUi'a, Phlla.. 0-10. Vance, Clarice, KeUh'''. J»«a., 20 Sept. 3. Vaa. illadta, Olenlius/ Park, Colontbua, 0, 1R> Van \ Beaiimont, Orphcum, Rkln.. 2fV-flent, 3... Van Cn'mrta;' farn,-Toledo, O., 28-Sept. 0.' Vinoa, 'J)ii\ Bajutoa'n Park, PottalaWn, Pa;. 28- Hntl. 3 | fln\n Jtoot park, IfeW Haven, Conn., V»Ulni*, The, Cuverttator'i, Atlaotlr fliy, N. I,. BmmL«. ■ « < , Van' 'Aiikmi ft Vanaeraon, Pala'a, MaapaK"-* Jlnarh.'N; V„ 29Se|it. 3; Fair. Walton..6-10. Verdtan, Kbirvnee. Hhea'a, Buffalo, ■ K. }f., 20- Sept. A. "'"• '" ,' , \»r e'^l Verpii-lte * Dlonne, Tower, Blnokpool, Kag., 20- Sep), 26; ' -tlar " :v. T., Rnanldoa (R), Rlcclrlo " Park, BaUltBdre, 20- Sept. il. • .. ,;.. ..',".' .. ... n<we iMylhe, Ballet, Auditorium, Phllo., Bept. 3-10. . ,. • Roial Bro«„ Orplieum, Ilkln, 20-flept, 3. __ ii.iMiina A Trcnntnan, liaymarkel, ChleaKO. 30- •icnt. * 3, • • ■••,....■' lliilihiaon, Elhcl, Morrlaon'a, Rockaway Boaeb, N. V.. 2l>-Sepi. 3. i _ '.!..■'• ■ _ , .- Una* A .KenIon, Cnlnmhla, Cincinnati, 28-Prp». R. lluaor I A Buckley, Park. New Britain, Conn;, MM Jlj Wniwin'K;■ llkln.. T.-Hi. . RiiafcaU. nnn> A O'.Nejl fllatera, Vlneocraph, Hpo- katif, Waah., 211-Hept; 3; Conor D'Aleae, Rpo- ki>ie, O-IO; • • -<-i i flaln, (». K,, finnan, Ilambnrg. Oer„ 20-Nept. 30. Malailmn, IVUp.Port KlcUmnnil, N. V., Hept, 3-10. Snicnota, l.litlc I.iinn Park, Coney laland, 2ft- Nept'. 3, • . SnivagKly, J**. Temple. Detroit, M' fh '> 20-Bepl. Hucks, PaMor'a, N. Y. O., 80-Bfpt. ». hinitell. Uudy, Mercer' Drlvlni Park, Trenton, N, J„ 20-8rpt. 3; Central Park, Allentown, Pa., Ml). ' • '••■"'•• Sni«»i. Josephine, Poradlaa Roof, N. T. 0., 29- Hepr. II.' •' ' • •'. • •' ' - f : ' Umifonl, riorllla, llnnorer Park, Merlden, Conn., 20-HMt.a " r Sent t * lolinaon. Howard, Roarflti, 29-8ept. 8; A'. & B., Bnatnn. r.-10. Hcoit A JennlngH. Ouvetnatofe, AUantla City. Hi 3:, IB^Kepl. 3. . , ». ..,-..-.'■. .^. He.vnionr fc 'Dnpree, Tlanan, Jfambiinr, (Jer., 20- Haw, 3i». • ' •' \ ' -^ ' • Seymour, Nfllle,'Cnpllnl Park. Uarlfnr.1. Conn,, HMMpt, a. •' • •■ • ',>• ■ • . •',•;. Hcohcrr, Al.,, Dreamland, Com-y/Inland, N. T.. 20-Hra't, 3,- • . > :. - ' '" sciiri Itlnalnnlata, tlu»crnslor>, Atlantic CHJ. .V. J., 2«-Hopt, h.- ■ i " ' '-- ; ■ ~ ••< .seeker, %Yllkea.'.A Co.. Ukamnnf 1'ark, Altoono. I'n,, JIIMtoi. ; 3; Oakforrt Park, .leaoetle, dtii. MeypioniH, The, 0. 0.. II.,'Chicago, 20-Bept. 3. Shormnn A Puller. Paator'a, N. VJ 0.. SB-Kapt. 3. Slicrnian k I>e Poreat, Orand, ladlanapolla,' 20- Nopf. 3j rtoliuneln, Cincinnati, IO., fT-10. Blierry, i. v., liaymarkel, Chlcaro, £M-K<nt. 3. Kltcrwmal. Morion A., A Co,, Proctor 'a 2Sd Street, N. 1'. «., M-Ntt, .'I. Shntilnii,' Conalnnco, A. A B., Bnakftn, 20-Sept. 3. Mhnw, .Mr. A Mra. l.arry, Howartl, Eonton. 20- Sept. 8| Street Railway Park, Mllford, Maaa., 0-1(1. ... , Shaw. Lillian. O. O. II.; Ohlcaar* 2l)-8ept. 3. r.linnnou A Dixon,, llayranrket, CMcago, 20-Sept. 3 Rheantnn'a Doit«. Fair, Camden, Me,. 20-Bept. .1. Khrinnnn A Lucler, Forcal Pnrk, Kanaaa Olty, Mo., M4kmt, a. Shown, Aerial, Railway.Pnrk, Mlddtetown, Copn,, 20-Bept. ik •' ' '• ' • : > • • Slnen A Pari*. Brighton Reich. N. Y., 20-Sepl. 3. ShliloiiM limp., llowunl, Boalon, 20-flcf)t. 3; A. A M..IhBlnu, 3-10, » ' slum rnc. .Mile., Drcomland. Coney laland, N. X.. 20-sent. • 3. KUrotaM, Mme., Kcltli'a, ClerelanU, 0,,' 20- S: -niton. 01b £ Arch St., Phllo.. 20- •rW-pl. 3, I • ' SftOKiB, & Wlhlu, lliiH-nrd, Hontan. 3n8apt, II, spiiiiuiii, I'aol, Parailke Uvvf. ,\. V. v., 20-Sapt. Sparrow, nthderaoa'av' Coney lulnn.t, N. V., 89- «*>l>t. 3., Spmllillnff, Hnymorteti Chicago.' 20 Sept. 3. S|ics«,iroy, sig„ u\pi Park, Ooney laland,. N. T., HprexacL Bmii., Fore* Park. 1.1111* Rock. Ark., SMtant,' 3; OrnndNew, Joliet, 111.. IS-10. S|>". ww l|no. The, Ltnrolu Park, New Bedford, Maaa;, 2n-Bcpt. 3. Sii-wari, tjal,, Farm, Toledo, 2-RBept, 8, Stlellney, llobt. Jti, l.iinu Park, Coney laland, .<*. y„ Bo-sept. a. Stone. Belle, [.mm, Pork, .Ooney loland, N. V., 20-Sept, 3. , ' Sirnkoifh, Mme, 'A,, Arcade. Toledo, a, 28- Sept, .3, , srimtr.n j Wagnar. Ucllpge Park, Sb tcoli. us- M>pt. a. .. i si.■ i:imii. ]^o. Ocean Pier, Atlantlo Olty. N. J„ 20-Scpt. II. , Stewart A Rnymnnd, Rtecplechaao, Atlantic Olty, N..J,. 2nsepr, a. Stelnerf A Tliomaa, Dorney Park; Allentown. Pa., WHi'i'i. 3; Ifrb'M Casino, North Beach. N. Y.. 3-10. Sliuirt A FlUglhlxma, liaymarkel,,Chicago,' 29- Hept. .-). ... Stum-l & -Murphy, Novelty, Cripple Creek, Col., 2ll-fle|tl," U. . • • si. John & l« rvrre. Doyle't, Atlantic Olty, N, J., -20-aept. 10. i Snll.v 'Piimlly. Caalnu,,Toledo, O., SB-Sept 8. Sully A I'hrtpK DroadVjr, U>» Anselea, Cal., 20- s*>pi. 3: Ifnlque, Frewo, 0-10. Simtini'ri 1114 Amelia, 0; O. H M Indlonapolla, H< Sept.-3, ^ 'I' " ' " ^tmoiiilM. little Weat, Arcaile, Toledo, 0„ 28- Sept. ft. ■ ' Tallmt A Itogera, Park, Ulouceatcr, Maaa., SO- Sept, % Tinea a (lllliert, Creaccut OnBletu, lterere. Maav.i 20-Sent. 8V Ten),, IU,-roood. Manulon> Pnrk, St. Loula, M- Sept; .1; RnMnaoAParkt Ft. Wayno, Ind.. B-10. Tcroplrton, Clarice.. Citek . Park, Brie, Pa„ 20. »ept. So Xee<l A t^irell, : Renwlck Pnrk. Ithaca, K, Y.. 2|I-Sept. 3. - I Tliorne, Mrl.A Mra. Horry, Norumbega Pork, Boa- inn, 2n-sr>pt.'Si,.. ... Tlmr, Mimical, Arcade. Toledo, 0., SB-Sept. 3. Theo. .lock, Aln. Shea'a.iToronto, Can., lli.rnok-a O. II.. Ilnchcaipr, K. T., 5-10. 7!iAa>"«i" *i'Seflda. Fentnn'a, Bnffalo, N.-Y., 29- Sept. 8, . , • J» aJIral Thompson. Stella A Ida, Steeplechaae, Atlantlo rily, X. ,T.. 29Sept. 3, • - Ttmrklnn, Howard,' WllVnw Ofore . Park,. Phlla., 20-SepL. It. ■' Tlimll ft, VVeft4t, A. A,8„ Boston, SO-Sept. 8. . Venetian Trio, Kelth'a, N. Y. O.l .. Vlnello, MoSi., Una Pork. Coney ii VlleraA 'l/eo, Dreamland, flooey laland, N. Y., 20-Sept. 3 —• ' - '--,' '■ "-■■-.' Vokea, May, Arcade, Toledo. O..-28-Bept. 3. Vocrg A Welda, Athletlo Park, New -Orlcano, 29< Vrootnan,'nick, Dreamland, Coney Inland, N. Y„ *'29-8*pt. 3. ii> "Watermelon Truat," Wataon'a, Bkin., 20-Bept. I miaoti A Hill. Henderwn'P, Coney-fcland.N: Wariia.-Al., Ktapirc.fU.Panl, Mlnifi 20-Sept. 3, Way A American Beautlrn, Aurlltorlum, Phlla., ' 20-8*pt» ». ' J] ' ,• WiiMorf A Mcndea,' Olentangy l>artd Columbna, 0., «-B*PU- 3. 3 .u>.'i. Wallararn A Whitney.' Fair, MnneS), Ind., 20- Hept. 3; Fait, Portland. 3-10, jC '**• Warn* A La Mar, Paator'a, N. Y.JB;, B-I0._ Wola, Al..' ParadJac-Roof, N. V. CACO-BepL S. Warren. A Blanehard, O. 0. B.', 'Indlanapolta, 1 JO-Hept. 8; ■ ■>•■ ' -i" ' ' ■•: H • • WaU*, The, take. Componnce Parky/iBonlhlagton, Crttln., SO-Sept. 3.'' '' £ • ' ' Waller A Maglll, Kelth'a. PhlU.,' i ,29;8ept» • 3; Kelth'a, Fro«rte«!e,"0'10: iKelth'tilloatuu, 12- y/ilai, Tom, KleVenlh Street O. H Pblla., 29> ni^io' f?ar^e t |i,*flay. Steal >l*r. AtlaJtMcttjIiy, ii. jr., oity, mo., yap-uipt. a. -~ ..'J. ~, m .. WcK Welch, Lem, Hon Palace, N. Y. OS 20-Sept. U. " Wetton A ■ Hajmond, Myers -l.ake,:-,iCao|on, O , 88-Sept. 0,, . ..-,■ .»■ .. K 72, ' ,' Well a, I'anllne, A Plcke, Heodenon'jj, Coney lo- land; M^ Y.. BO-Sept. », „]«..'• « WeWT. Chaa., Howard, Boaton, 80-Mnt. 3; dot- eftutor'a, AtlanUc CIU, N. l.r^lO, Weltaell, .lumen, Paxfahft. Park, UarriaUorg, Pa,, it0-8ept. 3. . "' i Weaton, • Harty. Kelth'a, Phlla., ' »-5l*pt. 3; Keltb'e, N. Y. C;, 6-10. '. ,.' ■ Welba (*), Fair, Sherbrooke, Can.,•• S9-8ept. 3.' Weat, John A., Aton Park, loungstown. O., Sept. 4-10. '' Welti A Wells, Crescent Qardena, Revere, Maaa,, 20-Sept. .3.. WcuTcr. A Lambert, Onrernator'o, Atlanllc Olty, S. J., -Jll-Scpi. 3. '. , . Welch, Jan. I Cella, Athletic Park, jBtlffolo. 39i Whlio'i 'Tlmona, Youtig'rt l-lcr, Atlantic Olty,' S/J.. 2o-s»pt, 8.••..,: ' •• • Whalen A Searla, Kellh'R, N. Y. 0., 20-Sept. «■ WUctler A Wllaon 1-rb), Hulurhan Uaroen, St. j&R, 28-sept. 3. • •■ ' i •» _ • „. Wllllnmn A Tucker, Orphcnm, Baa Fran., 20^ Sept. 8. - ■. ' -•:(' Wliln A Haian, Fair, St. Paul, Minn., 29-Sept. ll; Juremoll Park, Dvh Molnm, In.,'.510, - WIlKn £ HavK Aron Park, YotmgstoWn, 0„ 29- sept, a: Keiih'". Phlla., o-io. Wl|*>" Kroa,, Ponce De I*on Park. Atlanta, Oa„ • MSept. 31 Park, Birmingham, A1a...D-UI. Wllilanw A Cordon, ,U>|umbla, St. UiiH, 20- Wifiif ma 'fc Melbnrq, qaalno Park, Kalamatoo. ™Ml?h., 28-Bept' 3. '• ' WJ T" Wlutrrn A Winona. Hoyrnarket, Chicago, 29- . , WINclEBOTA . HI.: Vow!..—At the Metropolitan Opera IIoiif* US N. Scott, maonter) the regular nnron was opened Aur-. 26,-by Chauncey 01- colt, rtr t*n dnya, prcscntlpg "Terenee" 23- 27, nnrl "A llorr.ancc Of Alhlone'" -Jb,-Xor the week. -Tnv opening night waa most an- aplcuotis, and proBogcK well for the engage- rneDt. Manager Scott nna completely over- hauled and decorated big popuinr playhouse, nn<J the theatre' new nrcsents n piconlDj nnpect. A new drop curtain has been palm- ed, HhowlflC-I.nk-e riplu. Uike Clly,' MaldfU Ilock and ■J.p.lte Camp • View.; Tho entrurrce to tbo house 1b entirely new and nf.a novel iitft\gn and decdratlnn. The preilomluntlng tolora are Nile green and'old gold. Twu beautlfuT palntlnga lave been w>ne- In nil nn- either *ld« of th<v-entr3oCe, .each meas- urlBff nbout. 12x24-foet. The snblei-ts are "Cvtautlne ihe Oracle" and "heautlfi'il rtprlug." They ate remnrkably handsome, and were executed by Teler Clnnseil, " 'Way Jtownf Kast" week of Hept. 4, aad "Under Ponlhern Sklcn" west of 11. tjBAKi) (ITleodoreI,.Hoys,manager). — Basl- nesarttled very good the opening week of the Bfanon, Aug.-iil-27, with "in Old Kentucky." Thematlnefi Sunday, 21, was only fairly well attended. It being a new feature and the pa- trons of the hoiino not belpg alive to the fact, Bui; It Is thought that It will be a BUccesttfut move. The Urtt nlghfs business, Sunday, waft big.' -"TUly Olson" week of 28 (new here); "Queen of the-White Bfavea" follow*. Mtar (J. C. Van Boo, manager).—.-Business was very good with tho Dainty Duchess .Co., Hl-27. l'V week of 28, the New York Btars, followed week of Sept. 4 by Cherry Blossoms. Umpire (A. Welnholter, manager).—Busi- ness waa good week of 22. Night of SO' tbl<: theatre was damaged to some extent .by .the tornado that struck this city.. It damaged the roof, breaking some of the windows and tearing nway the verandah overlooking the Mlsalsslppl, Mr. Welnbolzer had men at work the next morning, repairing the damage: tie will embrace the oportunlty to make improve- ments to the extent of a couple of thousand dollars. The interior was not Injured and no one in the theatre was hurt, JtiBt across the street, the Tlvoll Hall or theatre was en- tirely destroyed by the storm and two per- sons Were killed and a number of others -in- jured by falling timbers. Some of the actora Were hurt, but none seriously. The. Injured wen carried across to the Umpire. None of tho other theatres In the city were Injured. Tho only new people for week of 20 will' bo Wordo and Wilson. ..-.„.' . Obpbbum.— Business was very good week of-22. Week of 20 the usual- variety bill, with some additions by reason of its being State fair week. Jlstois.—Rarnum A Bailey's Show dis- pensed with the usual parade 23, by reason of wires belnc down and debt-la on the streets from the tornado. The tents were lllletl. .... .Marmlnii Stone and Paul Bunnell Stoao, brother and Aster, of this city, have Jonled '•The, Runaways." This Is (heir first professional dramatic engagement..... .The .Minnesota State fair opena for Ofle week 20, nml the attendance bids fair to be enormous. The entry, list, in all lines la bigger than ever. > . ' - Dnlath.—The Lyceum (C. A, Marshall, manager) Is dark weeks of 22 and 20. "Uncle Josh Spruceby" cornea. Sept. 5. Ward* and Kidder 6, "San Toy" 0, 1ft "Sweet Clover ■" Aug. in, bad a fair audience, Otla ii. Tbsyer, aa Jerome Holcomb, received a warm welcome, and Gertrude Bondhlll was given a -number of curtain calls. "In Old Tyen- lueky" packed the bouse 10, 20, and tnatl- nne 20. MltTROPOLITAN Ol'HS\ Ilnifsn (J. T. Con- don, nUningerj.—The doors opened for the regular season 23. Wood and Ward, In "Two Merry 'Tramps," were the opening attrac- tion., "A Honaaace of Coon Hollow" 20-31, "Queen of the-White Slaves" Sept 1-8. I'-uiuiu Tiikatiih (W. J. Wells, manager). —Rnslnesa for week ending. Aug. 27 was very good. For 29 and week: Kitty Hart, Hnm Cole, Lucille Blake, Tom Gale, Sisters Metcalf, Clem Savage, the l.owerys, Kd. and Maggie Sansome, w. J. Wells and the stock, hi ••Willie Wild Flower." . • ni Buou TltEATiiR (Joe Maitland, manager), uslnena for wenk ending 27woh Tory good. Now for 20 and week: Brady and Hamilton, Kdw. Ferns, Phil Clifford. Carl Vriicher, Jos and Carrld -Maitland, J. V. Mitchell, J. n. Mctlellan, Will Bmery and the panorama of the World's Fair. ItAKNtiH A did excellent' busl- ncFm 20. •' • ' 4a w NEW JJBIUJBY. Jersey Clty^-^he Academy will open. Its twentieth season under the Hendwaou reglmTAug^SO, with Hal Beld's "Alone in the World" During the Summer the house has, as usual, been placed in first class con- dition for the Winter. Treasurer Bones, who has spent bis tacatlon with the iron Steamboat Co.. resumes his -plnce In the l>6x. and Machinist John B. Nangabee will look after tho stage. Will Moran. who has grown up with the house, will be the adver- tising agent and.will be on'the main door,- as of yor*; la spile of the enervating weath- er Hie oast week the Bijou has done excellent business with "Why. Glrla Leave Home. The Bon Ton will open-for business Aug. 20, with a matinee: The owners, the. Klein Bros., have spent considerable money In placing the bouse In excellent shape _for the ensuing season. T. W. Dlnklns, who will manage tho house, retains hi* old slsff. Chas. Sherman returns from the Park The- atre,. Bayonne, with his popular orchestra; Hicham Wolff will bo stage manager, Henry Wolff, advertising agent, and Edward Cadu- gan, treasurer. -' > Acaoemy (Frank B. Henderson, manager) 4 —Week of 29, "Alone In the World;" week of Sept. 6. "Wedded and Parted." Bixow (John W. Holmea, proprietor).— Week of Aug. 20, "The Peddler/' followed by "The Lighthouse by the Sea" Sept. 6-10. Bon Ton -(T, W. Dlnklns,. manager).— Week of Aug. 20. the World Beaters; Ihe Kuuaways Sept n-10. Notes.— Trennrer Natiman has closed at the Park Theatre. Bayonne,' and resumed his old position /is nsslstsnt at .the Academy. 20 Property Master' Charles Dyasr, of the HI Inn, has completed considerable ma- terial for'"Shadows of a Great City," which will open, the season at Glens Falls, N. Y., Sept 1. '■'Sadie Connolly will assume the role formerly played by Annie IKard Tiffany. Specialties will also bo Introduced. Joe M. BrlcPhns. signed again as. property man. . m . S ' I M i I , lloboken— At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) "Princess Chic," Aug. 18-20, - drew an excellent attendance, ■ which thoroughly appreciated the good performance,, and tho cultured vocalists. The entire company Is must worthy In every respect. Lottie Wil- liams came 21-24, with "Only a Shop cilrl," to fine business,' "The Peddler," with Sam Thome In the stellar role, 25-27; "After Midnight" 2S-ri; Theodore .Kramer's latest play, "A Prisoner of War," under .the man- agement' of /arrester A Mlttenthal, comes Sept. 4-7. . Empibk (A. M. Brnggemao, proprietor). —The house opens with a-matinee Sept. a, nnd will havo Annie May Abbott, the Georgia magnet, for a headllner. ■»«» COLORADO. ,,. i ILLINOIS. necaiar* — At' Powers' Grand op m House (J. ,F.. Given, manager) the Howard Dorset Co. closed'a week of successful bum. nens.Aog. 20. "Hooligan's Troubles" pbjug to a fair house 22. "Bird Center" gave „, Us second, presentation 20, to a delighted audience. Coming: Dodge and Bowman "9 end week, excepting "A* Olrl of the Street* •• 30, and/The County Chairman" Sept. -.>. ' Note. —A building, 80x150 feel, to lie known as the Coliseum, erected this year by C.<E. Akers.and Fred Wilson, of this cltv was opened night of Aug. 25 by the Forester team of .Easterly Camp of Modern Woodaien to capacity.. Mrs. 'William E.nines (Karle Hemlngton),Is enjoying n visit with her folks on account of the Olympic and llayranrket Theatres not.being able to open at the lime specified. ■*»«■ MICHIGAN. Grand Rapid*. — At'the New Powers (Horry. O. Komrhers A t'o,, managersl the season'opens with "San Toy," Aug. 31. and "The Forbidden Land" Sept. 1.' .: Thb GraSit* (Onn Stair, manager).— "Uncle' Josh Spruceby" opened the seanon Aug. 21-24, playing to fair business. "A. Boyal Slave" 29-27. "Over Niagara Falls,, 28-31. Coming: "The Wayward 'Son" Sept. 1-3. . Majestic Tiibatbfi (Orln Stair, manager). —Week of Aug. 28 Sept. J! the Mil Includes: Dolnn and Lenharr, X. C. Nugent and com- pany, Lindsay's dogs and monkeys. Muster Elliott and Johnson, Davenport and l,orelin. Qonraox's Pavilion (Charles Gwlfroy, mansior).—For week of Aug.'28-Sept. 3 (lie hill includes: Lafayette Lamont Trio, Danny Mann and compahy, Murray Ferguson soil Alma Dupree, .Gilbert Sisters, Al. II. Tyrrell and Belle Belmont . ■ ♦»» . OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma city.—At Delmar Gordon (Sinopoulo A Marree, managers) week n( Aug. 15 there was >i— Bob Mack, Pierce and Dawsonn and klnodrome. date for Mr. Pierce and Miss Koslyn nnd tliev received n. warm welcome, being general fnvorltes here. • ' * e, managers; ween nt good programme, with Koslyn, Three Dancing me. This was n return Wli*Mi, Mr. ft Mrt. Geo. II., PastnW.' N. Y. C„ 20-sepi. ;i,- ..<•• .. ■ » * .... Wflder,' Marshall P., 0. 0. H.. Chicago, 29- WlUtries", The, CrysUl, Cripple Creek, Col., Sept. fi-10. '. Wlao A Milton.A Bailey Boys (2), .Grand, Mil- waukee, 2K-Sept. 3. .-., j?.'«'i «. Wlndom, Win., Jin J market, Chicago t 20-Bept. 3. Wood, Mill t Maude, Carnival, Maasllloq,' 0., 29- WoniF/'OM. II., Shea'l, BurTato, N. Y., 29-Sont. 3. Wfl*d A Berry,. llondsraon'B, jJonoy island, N...1,. . '^I'Sent ,1 ' ' ' ' ' Wood.A stone, Klcctrlc Park, Newark,.N. I., 29» WooXvsrd'o, The, Keith's, Boston. 29-Sept. 3. WynF A' Hart, Ontario Park. .Klngitoo. Con., ail-Sept, i ; Brlatol Park, Buffalo) 0-10. Wygand A Del Mont, Uelmllng'a, Boekawsy Beach,,N. Y.,.SO-Sept. S. ■ ' . • Wyley A Wyloon, Criterion, Tampa, Fla., 20- • Sept. 3, '_'..*. Yankee A Dixie, Keith's, Providence, R. 1., 20- Sept. 3. I .".. _ _. Yale Dun, Pnnco Do I*on Park, Atlanta, aa., 29- Sept. 3: Park, Binnlnibam, Ala., 0-10. Ycnler, Folr, Toronto, Can,, 29<Sept. 10. Young A Bro.. Ollle, Arcade, Toledo, O., 2«.Sept. U Young, Irene, A. A S., Boston, 20-Sept. 3. Youngs A Brooks, a o. 11.. Chicago, 29-Sept. 8. York-Heilwrl. Trio, Klcctrlc Park, Newark, N. J.. L 3fr'Hfftt Ha 5!ano. Keith's. Phlla., 29-Ber.t. 3. ^. . ' /.atnora Family, f'arm. Toledo, O.. 28-Rept. J /dpkl A Mario, l.una Park, Coney Island, N, Y„ ifli'Sept. 9. Zornea, The, F*nna Park, Ooney Island, N. Y., Zaraaoa, The'. Ouycrautor'a. AUautli; City, N. J., fleuo, Carl A Zeun, Temple, Detroit, Mich., 20- riuarniii wiiir Paradise Roof. Nt Y. C,, '29- bill Augt. 2V, the Belasoo'HfocK iSS i ' lm * ' Co., whleh Incliulos- Martin L. Aslon, Adolo Zhuiiiorrna'n, . ai. A Pearl. Areea raoai. fi«ni- lljack, oza WuVlrop, Uiulso Mackintosh, Denver—At.Ellteh Gardens (Mary Elltch- Long, manager) week of Aug. 21 Orrln John- son, and the .Bellows Stock Co. appeared, in "A Japsnese Nightingale." The scenery was grand and the attendance reached S. It. ft. nil week. . • - Bhoadwav (Peter McCourt, manager).— Week of Sept. 4, "The Wlaard of Of." Last week Kyrle Bellow, In "Raffles," played to packed nouses. Manhattan BRACK (W. B. Lawrence, manager).—Week of 21:. .Julian Rose, the Pajama Girls, Hooker and Davis, Alice Ray- mond, Bush and Gordon. Business Is good. New CnvsTAL Treatus (A. it. Pelton, man- ager).—This bouse opened 'the season, 21, with Weber A Fields* great success, "lclddle- Dee-Dee." Jas. E. Howard, Ida Emerson, Allen Curtis and-others gave a great ahow and packed the house at every performance. Manager Pelton has furnished the bouae In elegant style. Everything Is new and he has spared no expense In making the alter- ations.- Last week's business'waa the best the house has ever had. CRvsT.vr. (George Ira Adams, manager). —Week of 20: Bonny Gaylord, Davey and Evernon, Harry Dairoy, Wellington Bros., Whalen and Crawford, Holme and Denne. Business- Is good, ... Novelty (Henry I.ubelskl, manager).— Week of 22: Stewart and Murphy, lb their great sketch, "My Friend Brown," drew good rouses, ,...', mention.- The Orpheum Theatre opens Its .doors on Sept. 5. <»» CANADA. ' CALIFORNIA. Angeles.—At Mason Opera House (II. V. Wyatt, manager) a long closed sen- son will he broken Aug. 24 by Henry Miller. In "Joseph Entnnglcd'' and "Mice and Men.'! Monosco's BunuANK Tiibatbb (Oliver Mo- rosco, manager),-—The Oliver Morosco Co. produced "A Contented Woman" 21 and week, .to be followed by "The Henrietta." Business Is good. ' (JRAXD Oi'iiha House Clarence Drown, manager).—'rhe Dlrlch Slock Co., In "Es- caped from Sing Sing," 21 and week, did good business. Di:la8co Tiieatbe (John II. Blackwood, manager).—This new and cozy theatre, eon- tro|leU bv Bclasco, Mayer A Co., of Ban Frnn- clnco. Will offer "The Wife' 1 as Its i»|mju1:i| wood, So, Dak., 29-Sept. 8. Zlngorcllo. Kolr, <|uehac. Can., Hept. 3-10. Zalaaf, Wheeling Park, Pltaburg, 2S-Sart. 8. (UMVIXTHIT. Brld K eport^-At Smith's TheoUrg (In- ward C. Smith, manager) -The Way of (he 'rrAnsgrossor'' played to good buslpesilAlHfc •22-21. ns did "From Ilagx to nieheH" 25-27. Hooked: "Holty Tolly" 20-81, Made Wulu- wrlght. In "Twelfth NlgUt," Sept. 1; "Pec* nml Ilia Mother-in-law" 2, il. imny will give way to vaudeville commencing ,nbor Day. , Plmmubh Beach (J. V. O'Brien, mana- ger).—The bill fur wvok of 22 played to good business, The bill for week of W Includes: Hodgklns nnd Lelth. Caroline Gardiner, (he (lagnoux, Edward Mullen nnd Brenuan and Mack. ';■' ' Notrh.— L. a McGUI, of the Poll Stock Co,, had his hums graced by the arrival of n son week, of 32 Florence Hamilton and company, under ttio management of Tburber k Nasher, who have been rehears- ing here, left 27 to open In Norwich 20 ■tommy Noff, of this city, now playing tb* Pacific const,' attended tho Mouroc-Jcffrles light as Ibe guest nt Jeffries....,.Charles Jewett, of Elkdum fame In this clljy, N «nrp porting Florence Hamilton. Ho appearotl in it, M. operry's local productions and was tnic- cesaful, and It Is believed he will succeed In the professional field.........The Ceballo* Twins, of: this city, report success In the West and with the Todd Judd. Fatally are playing the fair at Marlon, jown. i., .When Poll opened his new theatre this week at Sprlngtlold, It was reported that Prof. Charles K. Davis, the pianist, waa to move from here. A request from the patrons of the. local house to Mnnnger Crlddln aasures Prof. Davis' remaining. uu 11 a*e}sss)svw ■■ — Mabel Burt, who created the character ofUhe mother of liar, ln-Klnw A Er)ang2ir> "Ben Hur," will continue lb this role tWieaV »on. . . Vv'; ; . .. ' .... Mnry Groham. Fay Waljaco. Agnes Rankin, Starr King Walker, Richard Vincent. How- nnl Scott, Itobort Rogers and James A. Ill Ins. Oeorge W. Barnum, assisted by Louis Bishop Hull, will have charge of the stage. Casino Theatiie (II. ft Wvntt A Oliver Mprnaco, managers).—The Olympic .Cpm'c Opera t'o, appeured In "The Mikado" 21 and week. Business Is good, . Oiir-iiui.w (Clarence Drown, manager).— Features 22 and week: Lena Madcap, Harry Imiv and Flo Clark, la "The Old Curiosity Shop:" Hughes Musical Trio, Empire Com- edy four. Len Olopns, Mi-cabe, Sublno and Vera. Olive May and J. W. Albaugh, with "The Olrl from Kaunas;" Orpheum motion pictures. Fine business. TJ.niqi r Tubatrk (HarlsA Kaltee, pro- prietors).—Frank Ca-sar. and Helen Lewis. with Margretla In the trunk mystery: Will Henkipy, Hsrvey-Haynea Co., Gordon nnd Gilbert, Lulu Thels nnd the Unlque-o-scope. ' BnOADWAx TllKATHH (A. J. MorgaUHleia, niunuger),—Features 21 und.week: Joint Oiliuru, Elmer Llasenden, the Linplncotts, . Eddie Hlgvlns. Three Avolos ana moving pictures. Good patronage. Noteh. —Albert Zeno, human frog, whoso , btalth broke down while lining an engage- ment nt Chutes Park last June, is in a pitia- ble condition and seeking aid to reach the Actors' Home In Denver, Colo Oscar B, Rttgland, to appear this season In "The UurgomHsler," Is visiting his old home In this city The Majestic Building Co., to be Tihcorporated for (300,000, Is a now theatrical venture now being launched here. Oliver Moroico Is said to be Interested. It con- templates the erection of a theatre and hotel building, to be completed In March, 1095, Le Roy Hopklnson, electrician at Mo- roaco'e Burbank Theatre, Is seriously III...... On retiring from bis position as leader of orchestra at Morosco's Burbank Theatre, Ar> mild Rrsnss gave a dinner to his associates. Displace is filled by Joseph KoslawekI "The Players' Club," composed of local man- agers, Is organising with a view to establish- ing a resort for actors principally. . . 1 ♦»» —«—. — Allan Kelly nnd Nellie Granville have been re-engaged In support/of Margaret Ne- ville, under the management, of Rohlson A ..QssdM. .£.1*5. .«..■,... ....-.; c: .} ;■■_- Ifamllton.—At the-Grand Opera House iA." R. Loudon, manager) "At the Old Cross oads" pleased Isrge hounes Aug. 10. "A Struggle for Gold' r followeW 28, 27. The Chicago Stock Co., in repertory, week of 20. Nona Pabk (J. O. Appleton, manager).— The Rbe Lorraine Co. put on "A Royal Pris- oner" In excellent style week of Aug. 0,2, to good business. "Jane" week of 29. Mot; Stain Park (W. -B. Sherman, mana- ger).—Summers' Stock Co. played "A Gamb- ler's Wife" and "Why Women Divorce" week of 22, to good business. "Fight for Mil- lions" and repertory week of 20. Norn.—The Star Theatre will open Sept. 10, nnder tho management of J. <;. Apple- ton, with vaudeville. » Quebec.—At the Auditorium (A. J. Small, manager) the American Vitagrapo Co. was here for week of Aug. 22 and showed to big business. The pictures are the best that nave been shown here and a return en- gagement will meet with -favor. Coming: ".V Stniggt? for Gold" 20-31. ««» ALABAMA. Mobile.—At Monroe Park Theatre (M, A. McDermoti, manager) the Empire Travesty and Minstrel Co. opened Its second week. Aug. 22, with aa excellent minstrel nud vaudeville bill. The company Is making many new friends weekly, as Is manifested by the In- crease In patronage. A change of bill will be put on each week, MoniLK Theatbh (-T. Tannenbaum. mana- ger).—This house will open Its regular sea- son 20, with the Mabel Paige Comedy Co., In repertory, nt popular prices, for five nights. "The Liberty Belles 1 ' Sept. 6, ■ Notes.— The "Indian Uprising and Pow Wow," by Tuscahoma Tribe, No. 00, 7. 0. R. M., at Monroe Park, 24, was one of the mpst novel entertainments ever given in this city. Fully 10,000 people were In attendance. Tho "pow wow" was agitated nnd perfected by Frank M. Buck, late of the Dixie Carnival Co., who Is a resident of this city. The abow was billed llko a circus throughout the State and counties adjacent to Mobile. Excur- sions were run and were well patronised. The reports are most gratifying, and the tribe will no doubt be able to add a neat amount to the benevolent euni after all bills are paid. 4 I » ■ . .. UTAH. ■alt Lake City.—At the Salt Lake The- atre (Geo. D. Pyper, manager) Ethel Barry- more, In "Cousin Kate," played to good busi- ness Aug, 10, 10. Utaiina Pabk (W. R. Gourlev, manager). —Weekot 22: Adams Brothers, Sam and Ida Keely, Walter Spencer, Clarence De Shields, Frank Mslteese. Mbntios.— Otta La Page, a trick bicycle rider, .was killed almost Instantly, breaking blH neck by a fall while ''looping the loon" at Utahna Park, Aug. 10....Win. J. Hooper. door tender at the. Salt l jike Theatre for forly-three years, died Aug. is, aged eighty- four years. . .,■ »i» ' — Asa Leo Wlllard, having secured tho rights to "Jim Blndsoe." lours the West Willi his own company,, rommenclng Sept. l. music and Sciiga Paul Rubens, who wrote the play, "The Three Little Maids" and wrote the wordi and music of "She Was a Miller's Daughter,'' "If the -Girl You Love Loves !tr anil "Tact," sting in "Florodors,", has written nnd composed the following songs for Charles Frohman, which will be Introduced lu "The School Girl:" "A Real Town Udy." "The Darling of the Guards," sung bv Edna May; "Florrle" and "The Old Eng- lish Cake. Walk," to be sung by George (lrn>;- smith Jr., and "Jolly Little Japs," sung by Talleury Andrews,' the English tenor of thin company. "The Robin's Sweet .Song Reminds Me o( You" nod "June,' June, June" are two new songs which have been Issued by Joseph Plan- ner, of Milwaukee. • Ernest Nathan writes from Norderney, Ger- many, that he will return about Oct, 1. Kilties Bsnd Notes.—The band Is now In the twelfth week of Its ninth tout, and meet- ing with unusual success. Its two weeks' season at the World's Fair Is worthy of special mention, owing to the fact that II was the only bond to enjoy the distinction of playing Its entire engagement in Festival Hull, where extra admission Is charged. The bond will return to Canada on' Sept. S, and will be given a grand reception and farewell In Its borne city,.Belleville, Can., on Sept. I). by the city council and board of trade, prior to Its tour of Great Britain. The first con- cert will be given In Qneep's Hail, London, Eng., on Sept. 24. ' W. W. Power, formerly business mnnnger of Brooke's-Chicago Marine Baud: Dan (lod- froy'B British Guard'Band, aad the Kilties Band, has arranged for an American tour of an Irish bantf consisting of picked mu- sicians from the best bnnds In Ireland. In addition to the band' of. forty pieces, sic lady harpists, an. Irish quartette of slngors, dancers, pipers, etc., will be carried. The company will number in all sixty people, and will open Its tour In Madison Square Garden. The band'will be known la Amer- ica, as "Power's Irish Band." Leon M. I'oluchek writes: "Through the kindness of..Messrs. Sullivan, Harris A Woods in releasing me from my contract as musical director with the Billy B. Van Co., I was enabled to accept a similar position with 'The Princess Chic' Co.": . John Phlllja Sousa has signed for a fourth visit to Europe .with his band. Tho lour will again be under the direction of nn English syndicate: and twenty-live concern. will he given In Lond,oo. A tour of Grent. Britain nnd Ireland, to continue until May. will, follow. , Mr. Sousa will take Amorlctn soloists. The bond will sail at the end of December. . . .- Morltz Grimm, who Is to alternate wlili Walter Roth well In conducting the Savage performances of "Parsifal" In English, ar- rived In New. York last week, The biggest sellers on the Harris catalogue st.i the preseht time ure: "Always lu the Way," "Come. Take a Trjp in -Mr Airship,' "Hood Bye, My Lhdy Love." "Just n Gleam ,of Heaven.In Her Eyes." "Eor Balo, o Bnby.' "You Never Spoke to Me Like That Before." "Down In the. Vale of Shenendoab" and "My Home Beside the River." The big Instru- mental, hits, are: "Voice of the Night (waits), "Olymplfi" (march), "March of the Eagles.'' VLove nnd Kisses" and "By n Stmdy Brook.!' . Notes from the Royal Artillery Band of Italy.—This hand, under the management of Joseph De Vlto, with E. Tasra, leader, Is now plnylug at River View Park, Baltimore, lid., and will remain until Sept. 18. Cole nnd Johnson Are responsible for the new coon song, entitled "Gimme the i.env- lags." Quite, a contrast- to thin song In afforded by the gentle nnd not less pleasing waltz song, entitled "Fishing," which Cole and Johnson recently wrote fpr Fay Temple- ton and which sho has sung-In "A Utile of Everything." ■ .. A. B. Sloane has placed with his publish- ers a new song, entitled "When the Moon Comes Up Between the Hills in Dixie." The has already been placed in a leading produc- tion. *)a» . Johs J. CotmsTT Attn Sr.i.MA Fobbsstbr were married Sunday, Aug. 21, at Mr. Cor- bett's home In Newark, N. J„ by the Rev. W. II. Morgan. They are at North Beach, N. V, for two weeks, beginning Aug. 20, following With a week at Iluber's, New York. Rudx Bantkm,, the strong man, reports ex- cellent success during bis two weeka r engage- ment at Mercer Driving Park, Trenton, N. J. and, novelty Chinese cont- inues, do not go < with the Great Lafayette Snow as was reported. They play dates In- stead. Man. Lew F. Diamond Is taking a rest and Lew F. Diamond has Joined bauds with Sum ltsscoe. to do ah original act, entitled "dum- my Fadden and the .lew." . . Mr. and Mas.- I.auiiv Shaw have Just cloned successful engagements at Tony Pastor n Theatre and Capitol Park, Hartford, Conn., nnd are thin week at the-Howard, Boston, with Uxbrldge Park, Mllford,.Mass., the en- tire Proctor circuit and Watson's Cosy Cor- ner, Brooklyn, to follow. ., ■ Thr Buiikiktt Hihtfuh hove Inlned hands and have signed with .'A Boy Wanted' Co.. for forty weeks, to do their specialty and play parts,