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64£ THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 3. Cli pper post Office. — — 'i > > —' '' ■ lu order to avoid mistakes and to Inunre the prompt delivery of the letter* advertised In thin Hit. an envelope plainly addreiuted mnt ho sent for each letter, and a irvttiea order lor the latter, sinned with <h« fnll txmmn and address and- the Una or i>tmlnea» followed by tae sender, uiimt ajap be enclosed. flrnar mention the data (or nnna- li.r) of tub OI.IPFBII In walea the letter* sent for were nd-vertUed. LADIES' LIST. Alliili, I•".i■ i-sy .MiImiii, AuuleU .Vilnius, UelK Adams, May Allen, l>. Alto, M:lU"i Alliui. lane Ann,M. Kdllli . Allvn. Hutll Aim-In. Miss lluulcll, Uittlo Ituik-o. l-'lnors Hurilm-k Sisters lliutvn. l>clla llohlonl, K.lla llitscoiiic, Mnrle linker. Klslc llimlcanx, llonn I'eriiuril, Bertha lIciiiniKint, A Oc lliucc, Dot H.irrrll, Kilnn Q Piyaiit, Violet lllckcit, Mlnole HnWrr Bw«. Bcllin. Ann* llowdoln, Lnarn Bell. Jem. Browu, Stella Ilcrtr.un, Helen Buller, Mnrjotto Burton. Mnrle Barrett, ft, C. llnrrott Sister* Ilurfoii, Kloniior Hrlscoc, A. K. llonlouv, Mnrlc Chnceli, Knuna OimplK'll Mrs.A ulirion Ado cluiimiuii, Unice Orion*. — Uiuipboll, Mrs. A. Caiiwoll, Mn.v Ctirllugton, Ulla (Joiustock, ~ Mrs* V. Cnrcw, Muybel Crawford. Josephine Ciisey, Helen W Chnuipiiuy, < Agues CIllVlOII, l.il. Crone, I.!l. Cmunocll, Mr-. V„ M Cuiiuluiliuiu, ilcm-glu Cu.vue, Mrs. T. Onrlor, Mabel Curtis Vern Celeste, Urnycc I'unify, i^na Clifton, Viola llnukc, Violet %V c'lm money Amies IH-Vere, Kit. DePnya Sisters navies, Klhel I ••■in, mi. llnrii I. IICIllllllll lli'MH Ill'Vl'llll. Ml;l' liumlilson Alli'.e MaKHk, M. DnvAiiurl IWiin IH'SUIlMld, 1,11. Is-Vcre, Cnrs Immon, Kmiiy DiiVrell, MiiiIuk Hclroy, KIhIk Dixie, M.uliii- iiiiltmi, ,\<m Dram-. I nun Dnulol, Irene I 111k, Corn Kverctl, Sophy Kvcrult, (inuii'll lluiuiemon, Ollle llsworth, Marg Knici-aon, Noll. 1 ulicblld, Josephine Franklin, l*elhi Pugariy, Mrs.F. Fugerty, Helen Francis. Amy I'liHctto, Mizle l-'lura. Mllil. Francis, v.i. Gllmoro, llcblle Gardner, Mnsie Ulbbona, Georgia D. Orey, Vera tJnilirle MrilC.W Genrrej. Mamie HulTinnn tlrh.M Humor, IhuiIsc llnnle.T, Nell. Homer, Jennie lfiirte. Vera lliinilllnn. A lire Hnnly, Susie llopklm, Mm. J. V Hiywnn!, Jrsa. Hllllanl, Mne Ilnnwu, Marie Illiiry, I. 1. llurrlHim, Mny Horner, Aila Jausen, Mnrle Jordan, Nell Klein, Illln C Perry. Jennie Pun ridge, Franklc Pope, Bess. Ijulgley, Mrs. Geo. Itnse, German Itlvera Mnrcnrct ltiiaacll. Klslc luno, Adele Kydcr Mrs Tony BadclltTe, 1'earf PukdoII, Ktlliur Itedmojit, Itlla Itunaell, Mild. Ilnymond, Pearl P.iiUt'in, len. liniiny Hlatrrl Rocnmora, Mary lcnhlinoii, Ethel ltowley. Mm. N. 0. KmlcllTe. Carrie Ituy. Alberta l.mltn. Mim . Hoy, I^bIi Ilonalilo, Kra Banuoy Rlniera Uiuaell, Ilia llimoell, GraceU llehnn, Ada Rice, Ilorel Miewniil, Uiiltlo Sinltli, Mamie Sweeny Winnie Htouc, Vivian l.hiKHtnii HlHlera hylvesicr, Nell. Klnoner, Kmnia Knanii, V.i. King, M. M. Keilno, Vldo Keilwlu, Hiicle Kelpfer, (irncc King, Hens U l.ewln. Irene l.awience Ada LI I tie. M. B. Iiiimanl Sinter* l.eioy. Mhi< I.vrle, Annlo l.enry, Ellle Jinllev, l.nellu .in.'lfer, UevlN IXMitiet, Plioehie 1 lli'lll'l. I.nllie I mill Mlalen I.tMnnehe. Kloa l^iftua, Ceeelln I.iiu-wiu, Mnrg. I.nllu'. li-ilu- M. Miller, Kit .Mniit'ijeatcr. Hntel Mnllln, JllKepl'liii' McDonalil. Jnnclt Muye. Kn.ll' Mllelioll. HlllN! Mllliird. Mnrx. MarHlmll, Ituth Malllnml, .le-x, Meiilt-llli, JtHltl Miit'iliiniii, Win. Miirihi'lln, \erii .MiCnidt-y. Hert. Mereer Mi-h.M.M Mniilnne. tll'NN Neviiiii, Annie NuitIh, (.'iiilnne N'liilnii,' ''nrrle NeKnn, ^lililt-y Nelwm, \|i,1lle Ml'udrllllli. Mrn. I.. Y, Nelson, li'i'ini U, NellH, mii il'Ilrlni. .Ii'i.nln I'hiuo.v, II mi*. Pmviill, Mnliel lillll\iv. Jem ».' GBNTl.IOHUN'9 LIST Htlekne.v, Mine. Simps Chtrid SI. Clnlie. ' Mnrle H. hiiiwrlm. Marg. Slublilefli-IJ, Mra, Geo. Slmulee, Beta. :>lonley,' Ocrt. Kavoy, Blnnrb ■'■iimwi-'lla, Grace Sawyer, May RnmnMra, Kdytb Molaer, LU. Pndonla. Minn S.'etl. C. M. Smith, Hello 2c Sill.nr, Mrs. Win. Snvllle, Alice Mewiul. Lit, M'ntt, Cmrle M. Hl'Him, Miw. By. sunt), PnMlliie Hlokca, Murtlc 'i Iicrt-Hit, Mnrle Tfiwnii', Flor. 'i'urr, June M. 'loylor, Km UrlJnc. lidna Vincent. Mabel WnahlugUiii. I'unli' Wlllnll. Ilinle Wi-Hten, .Mi-iry 'Vllliur. hull Uoultunl, - Ollle wenl, Clara Welln. C'lrliuic Wn.nie, I'-lny ^. Inlnek, Imiliel Wlnli-M WJnntia \Viili'npl. Minnie s. WllHllllllil. Hum WiiIIiiih-, K|»r M Uiilliiee Curium! nun), I'll,-.. !'■'■ Welles, OlHtr. U Ynuo, Tereiu Yiinng, Nell. YiHing, Jeim. Vllllllg, Mlllflvil /mum. Mill. M Aliiinu tluimily I Allen \A|>[i|c(ati AI III. Will.' Allilim ilinel. Co Atelier Ullis. Aiii'llliilll, S. U Alll'lll'll. CIlllN, Allen. Mill', Allen, lj. H. Annills, Slu. Alliiirtiia \ lluilraiu Ahlrldi, 0. T. AdiiniH, I''. & 1 AlieniH, Will. Adiium, Hunk Aniiiu, Ar.dy Allilul, liei'li. Allvn. >\ V. AllUlUN, I'T.lllli A HnuNM W.p Alibln, Jemuitt Allier. Slurs'. :l AiI.iiiih ,V While Allen. 0. tl. .'.hilel'HMi. P. A. Allluel, -Ins. uwit, c. w Heulley Wiliiii-l linker, Hen Mine*. W, \V. Ilkniili'ii. KM lliillu, A. 0. lllSBOIUleltO & Ncwniiui Hell. Th'is, lllinie;!, i:. .11. Hurry, Huh - Hiirlruui, Clnii'le Hiuwiilng. Hill llnl Hill & A'nvill-'i liniieii, Urn- H.ui-y & JnllllsOII Hieiiirui, Jnb. Hii-iuu, II. iiieieieii, i;. 10. Utugliiimlon ,v 'i'liuriiluii Hunlull, Will, lliiinl. I In r, HuinsH-iid. 11. 11 liin-kli-.v, llur. Hlllluts, llnl. HilHlnr, .1. s. Kerllnl, — l«c. Hiiwcrs, .Idi- ItruhNl Trio Beuwllet, Lew liurti'll, liar. HtHkle.v."ll. II. niiu-k, .1. IE. BiiiiiH, Jim. Ri-iKihH, Mux Rtjqnm, Nut llrlnkluv, Duviil Kurmn-d, (Ills Hiirliiiin, Suin BeiiMin, 11,- It. HiiiikM.n, Ray UeUhu'l & l-'i-nneeeU lirnliHin, II. Balnhi, S. S. Burgetui. Nat Brumlt & I.iiriiiiln Itmoka, J. M. Huiirko. .1. W Heiieh. Henry I'lml.-iii. Ituy BnhHrliiMi" tjarlatm, Al; DnmnlK-li, A. M. IViiiiuIk-I). tlHM rin\l"ii. lieiiii, I'nri'li'ti. .Inn. I'liiik. tl. A. Cnrey \ i.'ul-"'r Prln CiiksIiIv. II. A. Ch-iiiv, 0. V. • ,.' i i. i.'si-r.ill ft Ciller Colby & Wn.v Piegnii. \. It. I'nx. \V. t'. I'lnyl Pi.ink Pl.lllllH. W. I''. Hiuiiilii-r, I'.. i.'llnii.ii, i -ii.'i.i i.loulen ft tli'iindy I'ruiie. LuftT. Cux. V. T. Colli Ji IP mi, T Cllvello, — I'lliiiiril. Ilnve Cunh. llurlvlitli I'nlliiliiiii, J. P. I-n lew & IIII yes CIiiihIIiih, Diiiiii i :iiI inrn. J. A, I'lik'MIl >V- HlHi'll Purlin ft Olln I'hil.lr, II. lUC. lilnrk. Sum i-ainla-ll, W. A. t'lirlKlle, .lun. I'limiur, J. .1. I'liiiirii. Hilly Ci.rbel. .1. J. Cfiiinliill'a. (Xim. IVnly, T. I-'. Cuilmil, A. - I'linklln, 0, A. Cimke. (I. M, Crunch. i'Iiiih, Cole, II. Ciiok. lli-lil. Curl Is & AilniiiH iVilllnis. V- T. CiHike.lr.. Hill,. Clihnilti, A. J. Decker, llur , liel.ong, llur. HoVoe. Hd. IHxter. K. L. Ulllon. W. A. DoWllt. W. Uovciipnrt, C. M HeBar ft IIukhcU 1'el III'ire. ,lllo, Heonto HniH. Hnnliiy, -Wll Hisniro. Al. lM.-Siilo, Merrill llu.vle. Jlitf. H'tirinond, Jno. IH-Wlee, J. M. HeRiiD, Hilly UlllklllMOII, tl, R. M. I-nwna k Heolt IIiiiiiiIiImiii, 0. II Uounrnn. J. It. t>iirt-n|H>rt, llur. Ilel.iln llur. Dlekemou. K. S. iDnley, V, A. 'Hiniiililsoii. G. It H'eVeiT. tl. M. HuvK II. II. Mekwm. Mr, P. \ilie Sl-H'k «'o,]|)orelo. I'hlll n.inull, II. II. |l>lek, II. T. Ili.rilcll. Hum Belt. Joliuny IVryef. Jno. Hiirt-'ll. llur. Pill, .-LI. tle.i. BiLif Brop. BiMlrin, FilTTln TinsjJ.s ,V ll.'I.KIl l'i'litli-1 .v- Yiilillfi liiiius i Mini Urukkcr. K. I, Dugan. Tirtiinj liiiiiiiriiii ft Mnrrlo IHUc'iir & rit-Wa. If Iljfls, A. W. Won, Henry Dncey, Wm- If.lisffurth, Kdj. I'.lKvill ||H, II, I-.iiii, Harry Kliuir, rrM vi.iiii I'.l-.'.ln Klips A. Lorellli ■wood, Prllici- l-'Auim, Cliiro l-'.Kt-rnnl Ilie ML 1-iVI'IIH. K> v. lillKlioll. <l- -I- . I'HlMy, J- 4- Kul-I & Nlll.nr |.'ox..J. K I'riiuklyii. Marl. I'OHler. \V. A. J. I' I II Hi'lH, •). U I'lKeher, II. I-*. I'lligg, IlllU-ri "Vrgumiu ftMuck I'.IS. l'lilll'lll I'lTlieh, .1... .1. Ii'ioeiuiili. Hut'. PielilH.'.lii- I'nnl It lleliriie l-'llllll'd-l. Mens. 1'itt-r.e HroH. iiney, I'niiiii Pel-gumin ft 1 leer, II 1'i.illllllci-oj.s, ii.'ii.'li. Mur. l-'i-rgiwon. Alla-rt l-'rlitl, Bnrney li'nne, Willi. Ilnlierly, Hiialil I'IIikIIiIhiiih N.I': l-'in-illiiiiii. A. tirwli Meadow Root Mi-il. tki. lieuernl Aui. Co. Unity, Wiu. ilmcey, W. II. Gl'llllt, (Jim--. Cumiinn. 11. T. i:u Ih, Knrl Giiglioli, Viil. liiTllln. C. K. Giinnaii, Art. GrcitbOiiH. Tim fliuiiard, Buy GraliuiUi 0- W. Gulden & Miner Gnrrutlu, PkI. liniHlnitiii. It. 11. Glrard ft Gardner Gorton Hr.. Jos. Uniw, Knil Glynn, Nlcholna GlCJlHOIl, J. V. Gi-ay, Barry Gilbert, Geo. Gugnon, Ii. N. iIrons ft 1.vol! Grunt. Hurt HolCM. J. J. Ilullowny 'frln HtiiobHiigli. li.G, II He. (I. W. linvener, Hd, Ilniitcr, S. V. Hurt ft Plllou llownril, lltr. Ilmrley ft Li-kIIc iioiini-M, a n. Hunter. 8. V. Itearu «: l.i-u-ln HiilcliltiK'H. Geo. Hull. U. P. Hnmlllon, Gen. llHrrlKon. Art. Hurl, Al. Hills. I llriidprson, liny Herbert. W. O. lliiru.ii. T. M. llillili, Alonru lint inier ft 'ill. Hie Flowell ft F,nn isnn Hnwiird A Norlh Uemnulll, B. U, Ilarluml, Roht IlclrouluniM. l-'rauk ll.-vl.'lt. It. A. lluldHwori.il. Chns. llnhii. Art. Ilugini, Knout 11-i-.-vel. A I. lluywurd A llaywnrd lli'lilmrn, Wol. HiiHlliiga, liar. lleriiiniM, Art. lll-IIHclll!l, Ifs B, llackctf, W. H. Hutnoa, V. X. Itart llenclhi, Joe Hyde, Walt. Ilnyee, Bid. Hill, A. lillliert. Orner Hull. Krnnk Hart. Billy Horner. S>. J. Howard, Mack llownnl, Jack llnuck, K. It C. Howard Itroh Irving, II. 1. Inneaa ft Ryan Irwin, 1. Ireland, 0. B. lligrahmn A , Mayer* Irving. T. R JollllHOIl, TIlM, JelTer.-Mjn. JM.Jr Jtrvla, Jno. Joclaon Pros. .lenkliiH, ilar. Jc-nee, Irv. Jnyaraangtla, Kane, Chaa. Mng, Walt. kaw A VJolette Lelley, Will Kin spy, M, L. KnatKler, Orcat Karoly. M. Keno, Wi-IkIi A Moutlone Kelly, Thd-i. Keltlewor,d, W. MBHey, M. L. Kennedy A • Kennedy Krunau. A. T. Kane, 3. K- Kiiilzlng, V. T. Kellogg, Palmer Keelty, A.'R. KiirteJH, Albert Ken, Geo, i. Keen. Julian 1 11 vol nee, J. B, IniMiirr, liar. Lynn, Front; I i-wIh A Brown Liiwrciica, J. P. l#Kvere, IMtel) l.oi-ellii, (Juicy l.ulloto, II. J. Lena. l>ou Lloyd, 11. 0. l.ee, L. (1. Lane, Art, 1 .lino, llur. I.ilfur.t. Ilar. Linnence. Mm. I.conurd A Mnaon 1*0 Clair. Wm. Ll-lgllluu, Frank l.nllnsc. II. .1. l.umbrldeH, K II Liieaa. Hum l.uVelle * Grant Leu lie, Bert Inlteiille. Ilar, l.t-lgh Bros,. I i-viiiu, Walt. LnMidfi-. Ol-'i. I.i-Kler. II,. II LnMnli' ft HolUKUiirtli Lilly, ti. W. U-Mnrlo, Mana* l.nwr.-ilre Trio Leon, Glrni-il Lurnilne, Rhe Lewltt, - HinH. I.eiUer. C ir. It-wla ft Willi* Lnwreiien Tilo I mile. M. N. I.iskI'., Iliidjl Limp, Art. Meek llur. II mil:" in, •luck Muuvllle ft I. .ri.'iiiii- Murllii. 1). A. Mimcht-y, lh.r. Millhewu, PI.II. 11,'llllusll. Al. Met in- -. .InnIn urartln. A. W, Monoii ft KllllUl'll Miles. II. J. Mct.'iiitlc.v, Br, Ml III lit; Ion, Sum Mill-kins, Jug. Moiilgoiuery, Ilar. Moiitn'iiiiiei-v. Heuiuu McUnltotiiiliH, MukIi'uI Murlui-ll'ii. (K Melville, Chan. |IIiis«ell, L-l. ilajpuile l.'npler. Gits Mu'ilcal I III. •'ui- OHIO. CANADA. MePliee, A. 11. Mcltoble, W. U Murray. Frank Myi-rK, J. I*. .Miller, ir. I.. Murrlal, i.'Iium. McDowell. Wall Mueller, 8. A. Moron. Win. .Miller, Bert It. Murphy, W. .1. Morrlwy A Rich .Mack, Wilbur Minting, It. Merrill, Chna. Mortimer, Clina. Merrllicw. A. J. Morrla A Dally .Munnflolrt. !■*" McKee, Hnr. Melville, liar. Slnwiwii, lilwd. Mora, Jno. HaOarte, Mr. .McDoiinld, I-:.l. Mnellounl-.l, llnl McBoyle Hurley Michel, Rich. Miinsiit'iii, Monte Malloya, Tl-e Mile* A Nltrnm Murphy ABrown llomlnee, Alex. Mnyhew, H, E. Miircui, II. Huhoii, W. A. Ill-Cue, W, IL Murlpj A Cjulgg Marco, Jan. Muye, R. J. Mnckln, W. P. Millar. 0. A. Montgomery. H. Mullen, J»s. Maurer. Gtto Mnrslinil, Bert. Mnel^in. r. O. McKce. A. D. MneMlllnn, Don Newman. Hnr. Nelaon, fl. B. Neville J. P. Nelaonla. Frank -."orris. VV-Klcy Nlinp, W, P, Nlckidomax, V. V. Klcliolv A Croix Mrliola, Gleo, Nuiili, W. P. Nnwn, Tom Norton, M. II. Newbnuae, 8. P. Norton, Joe (isiraoier. Carl. D'Brlen 4 Knvel O'Connor, Chaa. D'Nalll. -Ins (•dell, W. II. Pettnley. Bob l-earco, Gi-o. I'aacalel. — •i.llnii. P. C. I'llUl. Hsiiir Ptlee. Billy O. Powell, Prank Park* 0. W. puggKley. R,0. Perry. Juo. 1-hlillpH, 'loft llorce, N. R. l-alroer, Krcl I'uchcco. Deltln Purl*. Hiivld I'liuiine, J. It- Peek, Mr. 1'etrrH. W. 3. (juluk-v nreu. I tel. I A (llllH-i-l Hcynaril, Ti. V. Il.iyor. Archie Knyin-ni'l Jack Read, M. (J. Itintiujll, U. 0. IViiT,' Joe Huge, 0. Ii. km-. JllH. Uueki-ll. W. D. Howe. Will liolKTts, Geo. iu-ynur, Jack lleilly. fat llngcra, Harry Klco * Provoat Um»i-ll, V. A. Itovrr, Paul Iti-il.l. Ted 1.1e11 1'-.'.. G. II. Il'ihi'i is, -lui. Key nor. J.H'k It-ibliliiH ft Tri-unail ItulierlH. I). W. P.iwIL W. II, U.sliofnit ftMuy Knwluiiil ft I'll or.1 KulllllMUI. W, It lliullii-y A Kelloji Hisli-ite. (leu. Ilvblll-Hlll. Ml'. Ileeil. Claude UwIkuIo. tl. A. Hi in/.. Wm. .1. Rogers. - - Rny. P. Iltwar Trio Heed. V. K. KlIHM'll ft l.nehn iSjtrUvr, II. II. Illi-e. w: II I-'.KIK. Illell It-rd, Jllo. steeiiH. V/iu. Sen rle. Art. Mewuit .1. ltll.VIIII.llll Si idler. J. II. Slucklinrt, W.D sun, tint Miuut. — (Mali: Pjltl Hnlvlul, Ben Hraltb.J. 't^ Mlewiirt, O. w. rlllverton, 0. 0. Soiumcrvllle. Rob. Slt-fnno, 8. s;to ltli Jr., Chaa bweet, 0. D. Stnrk A Ixmdon Stnirord. II. B S tihakeapecre, Kucenc Hmlth. O. 1.. SeroKoppl, P. Sleplicna, V/. P. ServlK. C. U. StcfTens K. J. Swltt. P. A. tlnter. M. Slonnc, A. B. tk-oley. 0. W. Upriimer, CHU. HulUvnn, Art. Huyaorr Troupe Bpraaualloa, The Mmlth A Baker term, R. srliwnrtx, J. W. Schrorte, Walt. Hulllv.in A I'nFiiuelenn Shea, Thoa, si. Vraln. Rlcb. Stevens, B. J. Spencer, C. E. Sebastian, Rom. Squire, J. Slutiman, Chaa. Slrnnitfort, L. Swnn. M. E. Stanton, Walt. SicgTlst, Toto SpniiRler. J. 1'. Heeler 0. W. hlnrtup, Har. Htone- syd. tfrlilmllor, Geo. Swallow A Marklc Tnylor, Bill ' liomiisoii, C. N ■I'l.oision, Hnr. I'liroKher, Roy 'liddlcwliik A Dugan Thompson, Frank Thomson, E. W. TroelBcbel, Otto Tucker, N. E. Tnylor, llur. Tliomus. .liiu. V V nag, Mllo edraars, The Trggq A Dnulel Trtplett. W. Tunn, Billy Tliornc, If. A. Taylor, A. 0. Tempest, M. L. 'loviiia, Roy Tyron, l'rcd Terre. Mr. (Carlton A T.) Trueheurl, W. \eruun. II. B. VonMoltkc. Paul i'niiiii He. Clina, Wnltera Jr. Jaa, \velsir A Coliliu WUluuoi A ■TTj flallWra Wntaon, O. P. Wilson, A. A M. Wnkely, Moufe. WIIhoii, .1. A. Weslon. It. K. WTiisniui'ii, liar. White. It. C. Wiilson, (J. P. Miniums. Malcolm Wlillo, Tony YVwkU'lI, pmi W'nlurs, J. lit Wolleia, C. I.. Wlnli-r, J. P. Wnrrcli. I'eflK- Welx-r ft Collins W rill, Uilil' Wiley, Oeiir Wi-sl, J. II. Wi-sluli. Hilly w minion. Job WIIIIiiiiisoii. Herb. Wlm-yard. A. W Wiiyne ft l.li.Mnr W'llsiuib, Tlu: W'IIm.ii, A. A.M. Viilnlcciie. Cbns. W.illers, Ci.sl Wiiimiii. <jiiir Wlllhinm Grirt WuisIs, T. tl. Wilder, (htrl WllllHiii, Rich. Yftnl, < hsi. Yurk, ft Allium Yhrki Chns. Y'hutor, Leon ■ UB NOTIUD AT 1IUAD OP LIST. *«» Hllltlli: ISLAM*. 1'rot lili-m-e. —At ivellli's Tlieini-i- (Cluirles toVMtWfrgi nuiiniKcf) fur Us itluHlng wit-k, AiiK.ail-Sei>L -1» 111" Alueo Htuttk-Co. presents "T-UO-Ji." Tilt) vuinluvllle Ki-itson .qpena .1. Willi Henry 15. lllxoy, In "David liurrlck:" iluorKo Iaiiiis, Moore mid l.lltlelleld, In "Cliuiign Your Act;" Uluo mill PruVtnrt, Ilie ltiilliui Trio, l''riiiicln (.ii-rnril, Crt-en nnd Wer- livi-. CIIA* (loiiluii, ylinker- mill Dixie. Olseit llt'olliara, Ciiuijiln-ll nud Ctuilllitlil, Mil. and Net I lu MiiShle. Waller anil Muu.111 mill tbo bill- gruiili. Kmi-iuu '1'hhii- in-, (S|ilt/. A Niitliiiiiiioii, nunc iiKt-nil.—"Tlic Way of tltn T'mMaRrcKxor,' 'Jlll-Heiit. A, follows "Tbc I'euiule Deli-cUves." ■Prnliieil >Iors lljrnretl lnvgely. "WUen Women U>\«" 010. PftotC THH.VrkU (Harry 0. Youaft niaim- Bi-r).— Dm roirular kcbboii oiieneil ^7. wll.li. '"I'hn Vrleo of Honor," wlilcb will l|nltl (bo Hoards until :l. "Her Marriage Vow" r>-10. IIiiitv 0. Ytmng, wlio bun been for Hvtyyears with Siillx & NotlmriBon, owners n( llio bouse, HiHt lit the Olympic. Inter nl I bo l'nrk and Mmtiltv, nud who la very poimliir with the public na woll as with his cniplovi-rs, bus been uiiulo i-esldont mnnngrr of the 1'iii'k. Wkhtminstbii Thkatjim ((.corse II, Rntch- ellor, uiuunger).—Phil Sheridan's City Sports t:o. umkes Its annual visit this week. Tbo Hose Hill Co. 5-10. Moths. —The Pnwtncket Albro Slock Co. opens Its BCiisou 3, Willi "lu thu I'nlnio of the King."......Tbo tninurliil Theatre, lfellx It. WeiidelHcliaufer, niatiuaer, opens 5 with Mai- i-olin WllllimiH us leadlnic man, sutiporictl bv thu Providence Stock Co., In "The IJnra." "Tbo I.ltlln I'l-lncesa" Is booked to open the Providence Opera House 12. a Womuuekel.—At Ihe Woonsocket Opera House (Josh K. Ogdeu, uinnauer) "A Cracker lloneytniiou" Sept. 1. "Why Girls Leave Home" II. Clnrn Turner ami her repertory company were here Aug. 22-27. giving tlvu inntlin-es. Mlsa Turner gave proof of her iui|uiliuliy by tmckhig the house at each ik-i'- forinatii-e, Dllletl: llitrvey ft Uiigo rllorktri, H nml H-10, Itobcrl Manlcll 7, Cuok-Chttcch Stnik 1217., ;. lliiAtl I.AKB ThHatris (II. M. young, man- ngerl. --Tills week's hill Includes: Mult In Keone mid roinputi.v. In "Her Klrst Dlvon-o « ii'ii* " Mi.riT'i nml Ituttun, llfireu and llcnli. Itul.cit (.Mini..,- uiol i iiinv mid ilnycj 'I'lif hill Id si week. Iirttrieri In tlic Snnilor Trio, was a plvtisliig otic. Ituslncss uoutlnues to ba j-outl. •- • • i lin-liinntl. -Wiiliiu another week every house In town, ««<<> Itoblnson's Opera Hoiibc, will be In full nncrallnn. The opening al Hiii Columbia and Walnut Hired waa co- incident with lUo close- of Coney Islaiui, which was the llt-st of the Summer resorts to lock tin? gates.. Hilimi OfEIIA Hoi'SB (Italnforlh ft Ilav- lln, rutiniigers).—"The Y'ankt-o Cnnaiil,'' staged by tue Hmvngc fonts, will open the seusDii Sept 5, to be followed 12 by Dock stnder's MlnMlrelM. Walnut Stkxet U'iibatiib (M. C. Ander- son, manager).—Joseph Hart and Carrie De Mar are to be the joint stars of the Inau- gural of the season, Aug. 28, In "Foxy Grand- pa." The second attraction, Sept. 4, will be "The Shew Girl," a Whitney show. Cnt.CMiitA TUBATltR (M. C. Anderson, man- ager)—The down town home of the olio begin* Its campaign Aug. 28, wben Boss and Kenton, Foster and Foster, Mile. Itlalta, Atlir-H Troupe, Hoi-ii, Elton and company. Howe nnd Scott, and Hickey and Nelson will produce the opening bill. Ukuck's Oi-biia House .(Heuek, Fennessy & Stair, managers).—James H. Wnlllck'a acetilc novelty, '"l'he Qneen of the Highway," will come Aug. 28, following the very success- ful engagement of Ralph Stuart, la his dra- matization of A. W. Marchmont's "By Right of Sword," Edward Tliurnaucr's new star was received with the best evidences of fa- vor—large nnd appreciative audiences. Play and cast were both good, and Mabel Wright, as. Olga, made a most charming "slater" for Richard Hamilton, who masqueraded as "that devil Alexis." Martha Mayo, as Countess T'ueski, and Russell Simpson, as Prince B1I- lasoff, gave strong portrayals, and Alf. Hel- ton, as Bennett, tlic volet, provided about the neatest bit of acting below the star's de- lineation. "For (Hs Brother's Crime" Sept 4. J.vcHUir TimiTno (Heuck, Fennessy A Stair, managers).—"The Stain of Guilt" week of Aug. 28, to follow the run of "In the Shadow of the Gallows," which pleased lovers of tbe scasatloaal last week. "At Cripple Creek" .Sept, ,4. • Chester I 'ark (I. M. Martin, manager).— Barlow Brothers' Minstrels come Aug. 28, fol- lowing the most successful engagement of tbe Chester Park Opera Co., which put on "The Tolepliouo Girl' 1 last week. The farewell crushes proved to be tbe largest 6f the Sum- mer. John Young, sb Bans Nit; Marlon Stanley, as Estelle, and Helen Darling, aa Henuty Fairfax, were all cleverly cast. Wythe Lane made a cute Toots; Frank Stammers was emphatically good as Snuffles, and Dora Lynne invested the role of Mrs- Puffaway with plenty of Ore. The Chester girts are a bright and pretty lot. The regular season closes Labor Day, Sept. ii. PeoFi.F/u Thbatbh (Hubert Heuck, maua- Scr).—Rose Sydell's, London Belles am to egln a week's engagement Aug. 28. Last week Fred Irwin's Big Show played to fan- business. The weather was altogether too warm for Indoor amusements. Transatlantic Burlesuuers 8opt. 4. Zoo (Walter Draper, secretary).—John C. Weber's Band were given hearty receptions and .last week's concerts were largely attended. Tbe Kilties are coming Aug. 28 for an eight day engagement COOS ISLAND (W- E. Clark, manager).— The season will end Aug. 28. The Ander- son Township Harvest Homo during tbo past week attracted big throngs of both farm folk and city bred. Ludlow Lacoo.v (J. J. Weaver, manager). —In the Hustle Theatre, Aug, 28, the Irene Artinaa Juvenile Co. will be beard. Mutlc IUiHholl and C'lura IlsucU will mako tholr Orst upneuruncuii. (,'iiat. —Mnnu'-er James E. Fennessy l» la the Kast Charles Connelly Is here to tell of "Tim "Yankee Consul.".... ..Mary llis- scni Do Mush, u Cincinnati girl, Is to bit ono ol';lIn: soloists at the Worcester Music Festi- val In September Gertrude Zlniwer, Into of tlio Bostonlans, Is spending her vucu- tlon here Jounlo Manobelmer, of tbe School of ilxnreHslon, gave a recital of "Nunco i Hdlii'lil," nt Odeii, Mien., where she Is spend- ing her viicniliin M. C. Anderson Is Home from Chicago and Henry M. Zlcgler hus returned to Saratoga The Walnut Street Tlieutro litis cut out (be Tuesday matinees this season nnd will give afternoon perform- uncus on sjiiiiilni-n, 'Thursdays nml Waturduys. Curl Al. i iniii viiiirt, bpssv .cuntiuitc tipeared u-i . il»- sojqlst, ot tbe., I wolfih (ii-clKHti-M iiinci'ii nt the St. t-ouis Ex- IkisHIoii Gi-oi'Rii Lurseii, who was ono nf Hie old Walmil; HU--stt Thentre's stock 1'i.niiiiiiiv. miih visiting old nii-m Is Inn ii last week. Hi; has left the stage for the seen lit 11 mill. (Miin-lvo'H water ilri-wiii-ks, at I'lii-Hli-r l'nrk. iiiiiilu u great lilt. Thu niiwil l,n|lie proved u lively spectacle. Frances Keif lluywurd Is getting up u vaudeville mIuiny t'ln- the Bunk and Bunn Street con- ci'i-iH, nml Lldii Gallagher, Nellie Brenhan, iridic w.vim. John Uairlgnn uud Mr. Mur- phy urn to npiu'iif in her programme, which lii'-hiiliii tlic presentation of the sketches, "lieiu-h Pie," ''A Touch of Naluru" uud"V'll- luiu ami Victim." ■ ' ' ■ . i ■ i-li'i t-liiuil. —Al: llio Opera House (A. V. llili-lx. iiuiu-jger) l-'rllxl Schcff, lu "Thn Two ito.ies,'' mn-iis ilui season for Hie Opera lions,, tbo-current week.- Lew Dockstadei-'s Mlnsi re is week of Sept. 5. I'.'i.oMAi. (lii-ew- ft Cnmpbell, niaiiiigcrH). —"1'rlittlo Kuil"; Is. the offering by Ibu Yiiiiuhuu Clss-.'i- Slock Co. the uiirtcut week. "Who Is Brown?" lunietl pcoplp uway at every porfuiniaiira week of Aug. U3, "Why Smith Left Home" week of Kepi. ft. l.rc'KtiM (,L,K. Cuoksou, mauagiir).—This hnitsc 1ms heeu thoroughly renovated and repiiluteil from (op to bottom dtu-lug Hie NiiiniiiiT. Uuvcrly's Minstrels open this house Ilie irurreut week. "At the uld Cross Itoiul-i" week of Soiit. ft, Ci.HVKhANn (.1. K. Cookson. msiuiger).— "A Midnight MuiTluge" Is thn ntlrncl'on the current weak. "Across the I'm-lllc" pluved io gnud houses week of Aug. 22. "Ihe Chilli Wife" week of Sept. C. Kuci.il> Aveni.i; (UiiliKNS (Max Faetkeii- heuef. milliliter i.—"Pinafore" will be sting by Ihe li'aetketilieiiei- Opera Co. ihe cur- rent week. "Tlio llcheiiil-m Girl" wus well Hung uud drew big crowds week of 22. "Marlhn" week uf Sept. 0. J-iMPtim (Jules Uelmar, malinger).—Jessie Mlllward, Cni'liiue, Theresc nnd compauy, nnd Otis Williams are the features on the opening Hill at tlio Empire the current week. Kritii's Pbospeot (L. M. Elrlck, mau- nger).—Mine. Slouoffskl and It. C. Ucra aud company are the lieadllners the current week on a bill that Is not further announced liemiuie of the rivalry that begins with tbe opening ot the Empire nnd Prospect, IIai.i vomit's.—Cicatore aud his Italian baud had good business week of 22 and will continue lioro until 30. , Manhattan Hcvcii (Harry Tudor,, uiim- ngcr),—Buslock'u Animal Show will con- tinue to draw the crowds until Sept. 7, when the show closes. Star (Drew ft Campbell, managers).— Tbe Brigadiers hnve the current week, The Utopians bad a fine business week) of Aug. MontrL-iil.—At Ills Majesty's iH. Q. llrookH, uiutiMgeri Lulu <»laser. In "A Mudcau .leuai-e aud Kllswdtili uud Han Heclaw, 21 and week, drew good i-rowds. Coming -8 and,week,. Mlddletoiis Marionettes. Kaihvibw Kviik (Frank Melville, bouklig agent).--At the Casino: Meelian s comt-tly jiJJ^gji," w-lTl >i|ihii the bouse on Aug. 2li. dogs. Sidney. Jerome, Amy WJialey and the aJ3 ft ;-ij|lt|oilng Gloria" 0-II. YVoods, inutle up tin-, bill for'2t.und. weBg.. ,\ c aiie«y nr MUhm- (If. C"Egerlmi. niiuiii- Klng and Qiieeu, the diving horses, have Ihs-ii tlio .Bttrnctlou. at this park. Buslnes* Is gOOlI. ,: •' •' , ' " I ! .. • Toledo—At Ihe Casino Theatre (Otto Kllves, manager) business last week was the best of the atnsou,. Tlie.houses last week. were, good. Bill week of Aug. 21): Hotan. iuid Lenhnrr, Jack" Norworth, Louise Dresser. Ada Arnoldson, Sully Family, and the Four Uunt- Fabji- Thbatbh (Louis Hanner, proprie- tor).—The houses Inst week were good, and the bill was.of a high standard. This week the bill includes: Milton and Dollle Nobles, Cal Stewart, Zamora Family, Newell and Nlbto, tbe Van Camps, and Howard and Bland. Br.Li.BvcB PAnic (J. W. McCormlck, mana- ger).—Business was fair for last week. Bunt's Theatjih (Frank'. Burt, manager). —Tbe houses were very good for "On the Suwnnee River," which was replaced by "Josh Sprueeby 1 ' 25, "Tbe Hottest Coon In Dixie" 28-31. Sept, 1-4 this bouse will be dark. _ Esirine Theatbk (Hurtlg ft Seamon, man- agera),—Edmund Hayes and Co. were suc- cessful In tbe Brigadiers, which did splen- didly. For 28 and week, Chaa. H. Wald- ron's Trocadoro Burlesquers. Lyceum Theatre (Frank Burt, mana- ger) opened Sunday, 28, with "Flnnlgans Ball" Aug. 28-31. "His LaBt Dollar" follows. Ant-ACE Thbatbh (F. Lambkin, manager). opened Sunday, 28, witb high class vaude- ville. Among the attractions booked are: MuBlcal Tbor, Ollle Young and Brother, Lottie West Symonds, Jordan and Harvey, Mme. A, Strakosch and May Vokes. Colnmbna.—At tbe Great Southern The- atre (L. M. Boda, manager) Al. G. Field's Minstrels will open the season Aug, 31-SepL 1-3. Empire) Thbatri. (n. A. Welsman, mana- ger).—"The Prodigal Daughter" will reopen this house week ot 20V The house has been newly decorated. limn Stbext Thxatbe (A. G. Ovena, man- ager).—"Uncle Tom's Cabin," 22-24. played to large houses. "To Die at Dawn, 25-27, also played to large houses. Coming: Patrice, In "Driven from Home," Aug. 20-31; "On the Suwnnee Hlvcr" Sept. 1-3. (Irand Opera IIohhb (A. G. Ovens, mana- ger).—John A, Preston, In "Ingomnr, played to fair crowds Aug. 25-27. "The Show Girl" week Qjf 20 Oi.ENTANuv Pahbl (W. W. Frosser, mana- ger).—The business for week of 21 was very good. Bill week of 28: Dave Nolln, Gladys Van, Mary Dupont and company, Waldorf nnd Mantex, Hallen nnd Hughes, and Brun- nel nnd Kimberly. Manager Prosser has en- §aged as special attraction, for, Aug. .si-Bent, , Creatore and bis Italian band. Coilins' Oabdfjk (Herman Collins, mana- ger).—This resort reopened Aug. 24 with good business, after being closed for a few (Inys owing to the death of Phil Collins. The bill for week of 20 includes: John Gle- gcr, Marshall and Loralne and Emlle Suberi, Notes. —Peter Bells, the veteran show- man, suffered a slight attack of appopleiy oa Aug. 20, but his physician says ho will recover... ..The Ladles' Euterpcan Chorus, a )ucal inimical organization of fifty voices, starts on a Western tour Sept 6 The theatrical men who have Hammered in Co- lumbus left for their vm-lous houses during the past week, among theui being: Ad. v. Miller, manager of the .English, at Indian: upolls; 0. C. Miller, manager; C. J. Miller, treasurer, and L. A. Dcnhl. adv. agent of t he Victoria, at Duyton, aud F.dwln E. Fir, niuuugcr of the Valentine, ot Toledo. ,.. » .... I , V ' YoniiRNtowii. — At -the 0|Hirs House (Peter Klce, iminnger) on Aug. 27 "The Child Wife" bad fair patronage. Idoiia I'aiik Casino Tukatub (E. Stanley, iimnugar).—Week of 22: Castle and Collins. Hurry Brown, Frederic Harrison Smith, and Pierce. Bros, mid Marks. The Home Guards uf A rlcnii from this city mul vlelnltv will ho|tl tholr outing ut Idora and Mill Creek Turks Aug. jji. .'. ; i Avon Park (Jos. W. Warn manager).— Week of 21 included: Muisbnll and Loralne, Add Ifoyi, Laura Duppont Co,, Laura Coin- stock uud Mnshei-'u bag piiuehing bull ter- riers. Carrie Nation closed u three weeks' engagement 21. JfJoTHs.—Ed. V. Glronr,. lu udvuneo of "Yon Yonson," truusuctcd buylneus with Man- ager Rice 20..... .Herman Hlrahbcrg. who recentlv returned from Alaska, left, 25, for Now York, where ho will again join "The Fortune Teller" Co. , ALr.iii.--At the Coloulul Theatre (H. H. Villi, munuger). D» Wolf Hopper comes Sept. 2, In "Wang;" Stetson's "Uni'la Tom's Cabin'' SI. i"Yon Yonson" 7. Vogel'a Mlnslrels Hi. HiTicsi. J. Lynch will be treasurer, Guy Col- let!, UKxlulant treasurer; John-iMoU. .Ii\, stage muiiiigcr; Art Uurbaiigh, stugu car- penter. c.tiAM■ ,Oi-EjBA Hoiisn i(T. K.,Albaitgb,man- ager).—"On (ho Suwaiieu Itlver"opened the season to packed houses Aug. 20-27. "The Child Wlfo 1, 2l),-ai. , , ;. * ., lfARWira Pauk Casino (Hurry A. IlnAvn, niaiiuger). —Thu business and bill were good week of. 22. The bill for week of 20: Wes- son, WiiIIoih nud Wesson, Ellxnuet.li Mslctte, All. Holt, Murphy aud Wllhard, Toni's; Trio, Earl Lindsay. a NteniM-innie. At the Opera Uoubo "FlnnlgMii's Bull," Aug. 17, proved to be a well ,1'rrjinged^ nud catchy iiiubIhi! comedy, p in ■ ■ ■ unmager).—Dnrk week of Aug. 22. Norn.—Muiuigci- C. M. Maxwell has uiiinlier of tlio large attractions booked. SprliiKiielil. —At Spring Grove Park Ca- slno (M. I''. Murtlliy, manager) Barlow's Min- strels week of Aug. 21. The nUcudiince was the largest of the season, there being crowd- ed, houses every night. •• , t, ... ..' ■ Gb&nii Oiihba HonsH (D. J.' Dalle, mana- ger).,—The Myrklc-Harder Stock Co. bud a very successful week's business 15-20. .Tpjin A. Illmmetclu's Imperial Stuck Co. will till wock of Aug. 20-Sept. 3. . a SihiiIiinI.j .— \t Cedar Point Pleiiaiiro Ite- sort <(!co. A. Bonekllng, manager) week of Aug. 21 proved (he banner week of the Rea- son lu point uf attendance. The programme consisted of llin Three- Florence.Sisters, Mcr- rltt and Uozelhi. Fox and ills dug, Todeua. Bill fur week of 28: Bnnicy.Ferguson aud John Mack, Elizabeth Knight, Jundt aud Ivors and Martin's rata nnridogs. ♦■» GEORGIA. ger).—"Two Llltle Sailor Boys" will open on Ant 211-Srpt..*' "PrlilceSH Cble" ft.11..,, THiEATiiH Fiiani'aih.. (K. W..T* Clair, mun- nger).—-Itoble'H KnlckerbockSrH opened <m Ang.- 22. to crowded houses. Tin- Austrulliui lliiclesiiuem 2a-Sept. 3. The Bowery ,Bur r lesiiperftft-JI; -.- „ '■ .', : TBr.A'rim National Fbancaih (Geo. .Gauy- rcau, managerl.—The permanent French Hlork t-o. came to good houses, In "The Komtincc of a Poor Young Man." Aug. 22-27. "Illcbc- llen" 29-8ept. 3, "L'Alglon" 0-11. Sohmf.r Pahk (Lavlgnc ft IaJoIc, mana- gers).—Tbe park did Immense business dur- ing week of 22-27, with Miss HI Snlto, Miss Faustina. Four Lukens, Adgle and ber liana, Rlecobono and borsea. '■.,..■' lUvmasinn Fabk. (Al. Bead, manager).— The park bad record business 22-27, with Raymond and Beanregard, Joe and May An- cell. Three Bartellls, the MilB.cal Knlpkers, Pomplnette" and Lavelle s acting dogs. i a Toronto.—The Princess Theatre (0, B. Sbeppard, manager) will open Aug. 29, with Lew Dockstadcr's Minstrels. Grand (A. J. Small, manager).—Hnver- ley's Minstrels 25-27, "David Harum" 29. Majestic (A. .T. Small, manager).—"A-t the Old Cross Roads" drew well 22-27. "The Curse of Drink" 29. Shea's (J. Shea, manager).—This house opened Aug, 22, to a big audience. BUI week of 21): Claude Gllllngwater and compnny, Stanley and Brockman, Faust Trio,' Truly Shattuck, Montgomery and Pease, Jack Theo Trio and othera. Stah (P. W. Stair, manager).—Harry Bryant's Extravaganza Co. played to big business 22-27. Tbe olio Included: Mcln- tyre and Primrose, Arlington and Delmore, Collins and Vacki Barrett and Bell and Kelly and Reno. Monro Park (W. Banks, manager).—Fine weather drew big business 22-27. Hanlan's- Point (M. Dee, manager).— This centre of amusement Is drawing well. ' Canadian National Exhibition (J. O. Orr, manager).—The Exhibition, Aug. 20- Sept. 10, Is promised to. be on a scale of magnitude and magnificence not before heard of in Canada. a London.--—The Grand was opened tem- porarily Aug. 27, with "The Wizard of Oz." The regular, season opens Sept, ,,8, Tbe same staff as formerly will remain this year. Frank Korman, manager, and J. R. Stewart, treasurer, summered at Port Stanley, Ont, on Lake Erie. SpnlNGBANK Pabk. —Week of 22 ; Mack and Elliott, Babe Llnd, Vice and Viola, Innes and Kgnn and the blograpb. Notes. —Cora Tracey, contralto, of "Bed Feather" Co., has left London for New York, to Join thu company...... Dune Summers, a London boy, has,Jollied. "Rupert ot Bent- 7Bii." F. IT. Goodwin, who was a mem- ber ot the Ben Greet Co., Is In tbo city.:... Many alterations have been made In tbe Grand to conform to the lire by-law. Extra exits have been built to both galleries. A fire curtain, wlll.be Installed and when the changes are fully made the Grand will lie as safe as any theatre In Canada. A. J. Small, lessee, has annpunccd his bookings for the season and the list of shown In tbo best ever booked for London. It. A. Me Veau. who was business manager for Tom Marks for several years, has Joined tbo ad- vertising department of 27ic London Advert tlacr. Hi. Joiiii.— At the Opera House (A. O. Skinner, iniiiingilr) the Kntherlue Rubor Slock Co. opened Its second and last week Aug. 22, In "Monte Crlsto," giving a very, gootf per- forniunce,,to a fine Tiouse. "The Volunteer Organist':,20-31,, "Tbe Sliver Slipper" Sept. 1-J. York '1'iikatiih (It. J. Armstrong, uianii- ger).—The Midsummer muslcaie, Aug. 18, by local talent, pleased a very large audi- ence and is to bo repeated 24, tor the bene- fit of the Homo for Incurables. -i—■ » »» ■ ■ INDIANA. Iiidlaimpalli,—At English's Opera Houso (Ad. F. Miller, manager) Al. G. Field's Mln- Htrels Aug. 20, Ethel fliirryniore, In "Cousin Kate." Sept 3; ','Bcu Hue'' 12-21. I'AIlK TlIBAIltB (DlckSoll ft Tallinn , man iik-cis).—"The Stain of Guilt," Aug. 18-21', tilled the house twice a duy and raudo good. "A Working CJlrl's Wrongs," 32-24, was an- other tUrlllcr that drew capacity buslncbs. "For-His Brother's Crime" 20-27, "Uncle Tom's Cablli" 20-31, "Driven From Home- Sept. 1-3. Granp Opera Hoiish (Shufer Zlegler, inan- agei).^-Tlie opening bill of the vaudevlllo NWison.vvcek of U», Is a strong one, Includ- ing Amcllu Summervlllc us tbe beudllner— seen In vaudevlllo here for the first tlnic — Chas. I inland, Sherman and lie Forest, War- ren und Ulunchqrd, Petchlng Bros., Don and 'Jhoiupsoii,. Mr., and Mrs. Allison, John Lo cluli- und the bioscope. Vmiji.t; (Haiiiioii & Hamilton, mauagern',. — 1 lils.house did•»:fair business week of 10, nnd a n«<\v bill was put on week of 22, lu which appeared,Richmond, Harry Pleasant, Linnets, -Mable Thurston and Burko nud Gray, b'ur wuqk of .20 Bluncy uud Chup- uiut.arn the feature. MiU'iiiM TiiiiATins (Chas. Zimmerman, luuDiigora).—Miner's Bohemian Burlusiiuors, week, of- Aug. 22, opened tho season to two houses that tested the cupaclty of the thea- tre. UumIiichh continued big during tlio week. lUiliiniH from tho Jeffries-Monroe tight were road from the singe 2(J. The perfonuaiice Is hl"!ghl. niw-and well dressed, and-scored a blK .biiccqjk. Sam Devcre'H Own, Co. week ot JS.-.trwIn's Majesties week of Sent. 0. , lNjiiANA ST4P Fair Sept. 12-17* .: Ncyrus^—Shafer Zlegler, munager of tlio Grand Oporu House, returned from a busl- tiess trip tu Clnclminll Aug. 21 Ad. V. Miller, manager of. Engllsb'a Opera House, returned from his turm near Columbus, O.. 22, whero lie has been spending bis vueatlou. l.vcrytlilng Is in readiness for (he opening of tlio season ut this house. 29.. .;..Thc Cen- tral Labor Union, will-glvo a carnival and s'J« , «t.f»lr l ln.Mlebr»UQjv"of Labor Day, Sept, B-19. i-Vm ICobinaon.AmUBement Co. will fur- nish the show Tbe Kilties Scotch High- landers drew Immense business at Falrbank week 22 Hector Fuller, dramatic edi- tor of 7'Ac. /nt/iaikipoKs JVeHcs, who went to Japan n» Bpoelnl war correspondent, will glvo an lllttstruled, lecturo on Japan ut English's Opera House 29 Tho force at the G riiuil Opera House this season is: Shufer SJlegler, manager; LUI. 10. Daley, press agent; Jim Weed, advertising agent; John Sullivan, trcuBiirer; Joha ng agent Bowlby, ■♦ >. » stage manager. lliiylou.—At tho Victoria Theatre (('. G. Miller, maimgcr) Al. G. Fletd'B Mlustrels mii iNKiktnl for Aug. 30. . • . ■ ■ ,. ■YATIONAT, TltKATIlE (Gil IllllTOwn, BoHllS- fuii-l.—"li'or His Brother's t'rlmo" did guud nislness 22-24. Al, W; Walson's "Undo Toiu's Crthln" had ihe usual Btaudtiig room only 26-27. "On I hs Huwanee Rlvrr' r 2fi:iU- "To Die nt Hiiivn," with ll. Liiwreiii-.' Uw and" Vilslr CrlaBT, Bepl 1-3. ant.plF.rs' ilo:>iF. TniiTBg.—The u|>«niun Of tills limine In nniii.iiiiewl for Sept. 2, Willi "Tli.ui Slum Not Kill." Lautsiuf; Pass. (J. A. Kirk, uaauagei).— TBHNBBUBB. Metniiliia—At Hopkins' East End Park (A. B. Morrison, manager) tbe patronage continues verygratlfylng to the management, and week of 2T passed all records in attend- ance. Tbe programme, the most attractive of thn season, Included: Press Eldrldec, bwnn nnd Bombard, Ruth Melta, I'bylits Ailnntn. —At tho Casino week of Aug. 211 the bill Includes: Dixon, Bowers and Dix- on, Wulbcrles, Yale Club Singers. YVIIson , *Z~r<T*7. =r*af T >atd.~=S Brothers" Mme. Vida aud the blograpb. fcgHj -"-JTB t&22J& h,B " lck n,ul0 ' tillAMi—"Ilie Devil's Aiiellnn '» '11 oiatiit *■£" ' ■ Ml - Ki J"JnS ro. - . . i mlSSimW^i^^mlS'^SSr ■ fr"!«5TO (nobt. Ckvck, proprls- Sept. 1. Si ah TllKATtiR opens Sept. II. a,» — T..iii Notlh nrilreil in luwu Anir U'lUajiil is mi rhe itlaltn daily. Mr. N'ouh iissunita ihe iiiuungeiuoiit of Chas. Wli linker's pro- diicllon, ''How Ho Wou Ilcr." fenturliig -l)illy". ClllonJ.. . , . . . nropr.i lor).—Richards ft Pringtc's MliistrnlH gsvo two perlormances-10, 20, to packed houses. The entertainment was enjoyable - ■ ii , ■ . i 'liKllanoou.il. —At the New Opera Holine (Paul It. Albeit, manager) "The Devil J Auction,"- Aug. 20. opened the season, fol- lowed. M "The Llbarfv Bellen" 30. Al. II. Wilson, lu "A Prince ol Tatters," Sept. 12.