The New York Clipper (September 1904)

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660 THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. SEPTEMBER 10. Williams 4 Mrllniru.' C. Us U.. Chicago, n-10. Wilcox, Helen Mar. Portland, rorilanil, Me.,' !>-JO. Wlfwai, May. Empire Ashtabula Harbor, O.. G-IO. Wilson. D»t1«. Keith's .New, Phlla., G-Jo; Keith's, jc. y.'c. ii-n. Wills 4 IIsssoii, Iiigcraull I'ark, Dra Moloca, la., 3-10. ' • - \MlHon Drua., Kaat Lake Park, Btrmlngbam, Ala., .1-10. Williams. ISus. Circle. X. Y. C. 5-10. WUftgreea. The. Crystal. Cripple Creek, Colo., 3-to. WimxI & Barry, Ourcrnator's, Atlantic C'ltj, N. J., 5-to. Woodward. V. I'.. Pajlaiig I'ark. Harrlaburg, Pa., G-10. Wood * lta>. Keith's, X. Y. C, G-10; Keith's New. Phlla.. I2-I7< „ . .„ Wolf * Mlltim, i:ailn«. Toledo. 0., 8-10. Wood, lien. II.. KlieaV. Toronto. Out.. ..10. Wood Bros.. Wenona Beach Turk, Boy City, Mich., WaWMV Stallions * Dogs. Pair. KlngMon, B. I., Woodwards. The. Portland. Portland, Me., 010. Wtim It Hart. Brlatol Park. Buffalo, 5-10. Wvlev it Wylaon. Criterion. Tomna. Ha.. f'0«t. »• tlcruffiky has been engaged for the Hub Tflea lOj Bin ?mn. Notes from Loral IT. Boston.—Bro. Walsh, of the Donnelly Bill Coating Co., died Aug. 20. Bro. Frank Donobue. super- intendent of the Maiden Division, had charge of the funeral arrangement*. Bro. Walsh. waa nn earnest worker in thin lo-nl and the boyss will mint) him very much. The Boston. Theatre opened Bept. .1. Chat. Harris la the advertising agent, with Broa. Al. Hoott. Martin White and Joe Vokea on bin ataff. They will attend to the billing aa In the pant j-eaaona. Bro. Jake Hlmea has Joined the. "Beauty Doctor" for the aeason. Bro. t'haa. Peyser la chief naher at the Palace Theatre. Hrrt. Nick Pnnfello In at the Point of Pines. Bro. Bill Pierce Is In charge of the South End wagon for the Donnelly Bill Posting Co. Bro. Harry Superior la doing the sntpe- Ing for Ezra Kendall, In "Weather Beatem Benson." at the Park Theatre. Bro. Hyme No. 1, as we spent Saturday night and Sun- day In the "windy" city, our car manager. Mr. Oelly, y»ve Us spare time to his fam- ily, who reside In Chicago. We are In our twenty-second week out, are looking forward to a long season. Some of the boys have their Winter position* and feel at esse. Notes' from Indianapolis . Local, No. 7.— PresMent Charlea Joseph, of Pittsburg, dropped in unexpectedly on its. Aug. 20. lie waa with us two daya and bad a very pleas- ant time while be waa In the city, aa all the boys of No. 7 have always extended a glad band to President Joseph. K. K Hlck- tln was transferred from Pittsburg this CANADA. BurIln*ton—At the Grand Opera Hum* 1 (Chimberllo, Harrington fc Co., managers) Toronto.—At the Princess Theatre (O. opened Aug. 24, with a fair bouse for "On B. Sbepard, manager) Lew Dockstader'a the Bridge at Midnight." Many Improve- Minstrels played to big business last week, ments bare' been Inaugurated by tbe enter- "The Sultan of Sulu" Sept. 5-10. prising managers, notably a commodious smoking room on tbe lower floor. Local affairs will be In charge of W. L. Passmore who has shown bis' ability In bis successful management of tbe Qulncy, HI., Opera House for the past seven years. Due: "A Girl from Texas" Sept. 1, "The Moonshiner's Daughter'' r.. '-'Sandy Bottom" 13, "Tbe Tenderfoot" lj "A Modern Viking" 1«. °* Grant) Opera Hol'sk (A. J. Small, man agar;.—"David Ilorum" played to big busi- ness last week. "Busy lriy" 5-10. MAJKMTir Theatbe 'A. J. Small, mana- ger) —'The Curse of Drink" drew well last week. "Two Little Sailor Boys" 0-10. Shea'h Theatop. (J. Shea, manager).— Enormous business last wee! 1 . Bill week of Fanny Rice. Raymond and Caverly, Merc week to No. 7 and has taken a position wltli ditb Sisters, Lugl Del Orn, Bailey and Madl- Bro. Patty Brown, of English's Opera House, eon, Wins. Bradsbaw and company, George Bro. Lon Adams Is doing the advertising H. Wood and the klnetograph. tbe Grand Opera House. Bro. K. K. Star Theatre (F. W. Stair, manager).— The Bowery Riirlesquers drew packed nouses last week, Moonlight Maids Burlesauers CIO. MpXBOE Pabk: (W. Ranks, manager).— WISCONSIN. Yarrlck. Joa.. CleTelaad'a. Chicago. 510. Yale Doo, Park. Blnnliiabanj, Ala.. 5-10 Yeamana. Jennie. H. ft 8., J». T. U., o-w. Voder. Fair. Toronto. Can.. •■•1". Yniiiig. Irene. A. ft ».. Boatoii. 510. Yuuttga * Brooks, Haymarket, Chicago, 6-10, ifchunbla. St. Lnnls. 12-17. Y.srke ft Adanu, Proclor'a 2»d Btreet. N. Y. C. Zaiiil ft Mario, Luna Park. Coney laland, N. Y., Rataum Family. Avon Park, Voawtown. O.. B-10. •/.«*! I ft Vcruoo. Keltb'a, Cleveland, p.. 5-10. Zeno Trio, Weoona Ileacb Park, Bay City, Mlcb., yarrow' Trio, Park. Bay City. Mlcb.. 5-10. Zimmerman, Willy. Circle. N. Y. C 5-10. /.Iinincrnmu. Al. ft Pearl, Orcen Front, Dead- wood. S. Dak., 5-17. X.lioiucr. Jidin, Orplieuin. Bklu.. u-10. MeE A KlnK. foil's. Brlclgeport. Conn.. 6-10. ZlhKorclla, Mile, Fair. Quebec, Can., 0-1O; ralr, (Minion. Maaa., 12-17. Pertornu-rs dealrlnar . tafia routes (.. nni.cnr In iUI» Ifit will P>e»«e liuve them reach IhU office apt later I Han Mondny-morning of ■ each, week. trA Bro. Joe Wilson is with Perry, the ad- vertlser. Bro. Oscar Klevenaar is nt Nor- wood, Mass. Bro. Tbeo. Wehrle. our finan- cial secretary, can be found at No. 84 Ley.- crett St.. Boston. The N. A. B. P. * B. of A.. 1/Ocal No. 1. of Chicago, held its regular meeting Sunday, Aug. 28. A good attendance was present In spite of the beat. Tbe newly elected officers were seated and a vote of tbdnks tendered the retiring officers. The newly elected officers arc: President, P. !•'. Murphy; vice president, Jns. L. Martin; finan- cial aeerelnry and treasurer, J. H. Dun- ning ; assistant flnanc'al secretary and treas- urer. George Cochrane; corresponding and re- cording secretary. It. B. Pearson; buslnesi agent, F„ C. Laird; sergeant-at-arms, Tbos. Cnhlll; trustees: Wm. Pearson, P. Gottlieb and John Cella. Bro. ('Imp. McCllntock, of Local No. 18, Newark, Is here In advance'of the "Driven from Home" Co. Ho 1b a genial. fellow and wel' liked In this city. Bro. Sam., Itotbchlld Is still on the sick Hat and a Mae- fit. In the shape of a rnfllc, will be given him. President Murphy appointed Walter Council, Thou.;Reynolds and Geo. Klllott delegates to tbe C. P. of 1/.' and tbe Label League. Bro. l.o« Anm-le*.—At the Mason Opera House (has. Hill, who 'was sent to Dunning Insane CALIFORNIA. for Karl hah returned from his Brown County form for the Winter and is back on one of the Kmnlre bill wnjrons. Kid Roster, of Locaj No. 10, Dayton, 0.. and L. D. Proctor, of Local No. 3, Pittsburg, were in Detroit week of Aug. 29, heralding the- coming of "Her First False Step" Co. to the Whitney Theatre, Sept. 4. Under tbe cents. Cms. 8. Wells writes: "In the history of atnasement enterprises I do not Imagine that a more unique trip was ever experienced than that recently taken by the advance ad- vertising car of the Buffalo BUI Wild West Exhibition, which is now touring Scotland. It was Saturday morning, Aug. 20, and tbe long, white advertising car stood in tbe p.tntlon of the Highland Railway, at Inver- ness, Scotland, the beautiful Capital City of the Highlands. Owing to tbe great Interest which Col. Cody's visit has aroused In Scot- land, H. H. Gunning, the manager of the car, with admirable enterprise, determined that the far away towns In the North should be dsly Informed of the two days' exhibi- tion of the 'Wild West' In Inverness, which occurs on Sept. 2 and 3. Formulating his plans, he decided to take his car as far as Wick, .t fishing village of 8.000 Inhabitants, which lies close to John O'Groat's Land, In Biz business. Canadian National Kxhibitiox (J. O. Crr, manager) was formally opened on Aug. "0 by Lieutenant Governor Mortimer Clark and promises to be a success In every way. Some of tl i specialties that appear before the grand stand are: Karsy, Schreyer, Kac md Benedetto, Wlncchermann's beaib, Adgle's lions, Al. Yoder, Sansone and Dellln, the Hollands, Aldo and Amour, Blckett Fam- ily and the Mack Watch Band. a Hamilton,—At tbe Grand Opera House (A. R. London, manager), week of Aug. 20, tbe Chicago Stock played repertory In a most excellent manner, to large audiences. "Ham- let" IE. N. Hoyt) Sept. C, "Buster Brown" 8, 0. "Busy Iray" 12, 13. Nona Park (J. G. Appleton, manager).— Week of Aug. 20 Rhe Lorraine Co. presented "La Belle Marie." Mountain Pabk (Wm. B. Sherman, mana- ger).—The Summers Stock Co. closed Its en- gagement, week of 20, with repertory. The company opened its regular season at St Catherines 5. Winnipeg.—At the Winnipeg Theatre (C. P. Walker, manager) "Sweet Clover," Aug. 24. 2o, played to two very large houses, mi- ."• SSh • maniaVrVIleor,-^UterlS Awlum is a hooeleslTea* thouiS hels « h « e]ttrenie Nortn °' Scotland, one bundreU put up a good show, and gave good" satisfy VWlJi^It'.iSJ^a^fai^airdllan" -.T"™.- Hjh.'.iitW'.h.n'SiV ThSrtnctorJ »1 J>lxty-.llye miles due north of Inverness, tlon. "The Burgomaster* 26, 27, had ca- Harold Nelson and his company, pre Joseph Khtarigled" and "Mlce^and Men." stronger physically than ever, lind good sized audiences Aug. 25-U7.' Kyrle Ilellew, In "Raffles," follows. •Monosco's Bi-biiank Thbatbb (Oliver Mo- I'osco. manager I.—The Oliver Morosco Co. present's "The Henrietta" Aug. 28 and week, hi good attendance. "Robert Kmmett fol- ° Bklabcii naAffii (J. H. Blackwood, man hev rb r, e ave 0C nro' £* A™ "o'clock "j n ~ the" morning we "break- gone .am sy have_ pro- faated at a ho(cl dlngonal)y % ppoaite tne house in Inverness, where the Duke of Cum- berland, the victor of Culloden, was lodged on the night previous to and after that memorable battle. Arriving at tbe station say his mind Is „ nounced him Incurable. Every member of this .local Is working at prct-ent and we ere all enjoying prosperity for the first time since the Iroquois disaster. Tbe election work starts soon and the boys are looking forward "Heart and Sword" and "Faust," tbe Columbus Theatre, ,.,-er)—The Ilclaaco Tlieatrc Stock Co. opeaed advertising agent at u lilts new and handsome house Aug. 20, with ieft last week in advance of "Out of the Fold" Co. - Bro. A. K. Pearson Is In advance of tbe "Alone In the World" Co. Visiting brothers io with great hopes, as irincreaaes J r e t U'f7rirti«n5 n«nS l « me »h^^K r iS t S; d « l nt nlT W w Decker formerly ' tne J1, Kul» n d Hallway, who was to accom- ot an. »v. iv. uecKer, ipnneny . h _ ,. . j > , ,- . . the,bank roll i "The Wife," to an overflow audience, Sept. 5-and week. "Mrs. Jack.". ' iln.\Ni> Opkba Hophk (Clarence, Drown, manager).—The Ulrlch Stock Co. presents "In u Woman's Power" 28 and week, to be followed by "Iiost In New York." Good busl- " CAHINO naWM (H. C Wyatt fc Oliver .Morosco. lunnagcrs).—The Olyropln t pniic lipera Co. presented "The Lady Slavey' to KHOd slr.ed bouses week 2", and "Circus clown" Sept. r.-10. ' ' •OfepiiKiiii (Clarence Drown, manager).— I'c'Atures 2U and week: Kmmett Do Voy niul Cn.. Walter C. Kelly. Three Juggling Bar- ictls. Little mid .Prltxkow, l*wc, Koy and Clnrk, In "Old Curiosity Shop," und the 'Ihrci' Jlndcaps. Crowded houses. ('sign; TilKATiu; illeiitr. & Zalloe, pvo- liany us on tbe trip, and at 5.40 In tbe morn lng the start was made. We gilded past that portion of Inverness known as The Crown ' paclty. tenting Sent. 5, 6. Edison Unique Theatre. — Avery and Healy, Fred and Mae Waddell, Harry Cross Baby Gladys, Fred Hayden, the Harrisons, and L. O. Wbltten. Business is good. Jas. W. Thompson and the Marvelows week Note. —The New Dominion Vaudeville of 3. Grand.— People booked for week of 5 in Milwaukee.—Monday, Sept. 5. State Fair week, will find aif our local theatres open with the exception of the Pabst. The attendance last week was a little light owing to outside attractions and warm weather. Tbe Albambra, wben reopened Aug 28, presented an attractive appearance, hav- ing been entirely overhauled. "Out of the Fold," Langdon Mccormick's well known play, was especially well received and should prove a favorite on tbe circuit. Manager O. P. Miller offers Haverlv's Minstrels week of Sept. 4 and "Dad in Harness" 11. Bijou Oi-ktu House (John R. Pierce, resi- dent manager).—"Our New Minister" opened the house week of Aug. 28 and scored a pronounced success. Ernest Hastings, al- ways excellent, was especially well cast In the title role and won many new admirers by bis artistic work. Josepb Conyers, owner, stage director and leading character man of the company, carried off first honors. "In Old Kentucky" week of 'Sept. 4 and "The Two Little Wnlfs" week of 11. Academy (Edwin Thanbouser, manager). —"Peck's Bad Boy" last week was presented by the Thanbouser Co., with the assistance of e number of French's road company. The beat of tbe original comedy work and a lot of up to date specialties made the perform- ance a winner. "Blue Jeans" week of 4, and "Tbe Middleman" week of 12. Star .(Prank R. Trottman, manager).— The Thoroughbreds romped through last week, drawing their full share of attention. Willie Weston, Tim Healy and Causen Sis- ters, the Dancing Mitchells, Washburn and Flynn, Mile. T.a Toska and the Four Thor- oughbreds stood out »s favorites. The Bo- hemian Burlesquers week of 4, and Sam De- vere's Co, week. of. 11.—Manager F. B. Winter offers Theatre will be uader the management of Mr. Kyle, a gentleman of long experience, and when completed It will be equal to any of Ita size in America. It will nave a seating ca- n-here, tradition says, Macbeth bad his cas- paclty of eleven hundred and will cost, when are welcome at all times. Notes from Local No. 18, Newark, N. 3. — At our fast meeting, held Aug. 28, it was re- ported very favorably concerning our agree- ment with the managers under the Jurisdic- tion of this local, as they all coincided with 'lie same. Wo have a new member from the Sullivan. Harris & Woods' forcCB, B. Lynch, tie and consumated the murder of Duncan; .skirted.' a few miles further on the battle field of Culloden, and were soon In tbe midst of a panorama of the most beautiful scenery In the world, that of the Scottish Highlands. in a few minutes tbe Dornock Firth came in sight, and upon reaching Bonar Bridge we could plainly see on the opposite side, shel- flnlched, fifty thousand dollars and not fif- teen, as stated previously. Tbe contractor la under guarantee to be ready for the opening on Dec. 3, and bookings are being made from that date. St. John—At the Opera House (A. O. Skinner, manager) tbe Katherlne Rober Co. very &Z&Z SL-.^ m tei2 Dd ,h bea T l iV f k u lr ^ w ? oded cl08 e<l Aug. 27 with "A Girl from Montana." »■*, I /°^ r , r ? ;tl 'heri W*» >■»» U atle,.th« Highland borne to a very good house. "The Volunteer Or- f* succeeded by rorl. * *t**w ijWjjIl.. As each town of any. ganl8t » ; a 5 e o„. 31 t0 p>oA business. Ed- ln 5 "?«•»••-.• with whom we spent, after initiation, a pleasant evening. All of our home members , An.ireu, i'»m» n ire either working or getting ready for work. m. om ir7 em " m« S«, «.^kS nt ™2£' K anl8r came ' M31 - t0 P** 1 huslness. «.- „j Lr ^ ii . and we can predict. Tn another week, that J2EK2**22J£*1 *<ggWi?« "™ n par Halstead. Chas. Hasty, Wilson Deal, "f 4 ",)"' *eek prohibiting concert singing l." m .^!! e _" dv . e . rtl . s . ,n r5 i* r stepped down and Willis Nelson Rnd Samuel Golden scored. I? M'oons. ._ This order closed the Forst elude:.. Lizzie Weller. Armont and Newman, Leonard and Leonard and John and Nellie MrCarty.' Notra.—O. F. Miller spent tbe past week attending tbe opening of big two bouses at tbeTwln Cities. Norma Hyatt, leading woman of "Out of the Fold," was qnletlv married in, Chicago on Aug. 20, to Paul C. I,oeber, of .St. Louis. . Mr. and Mrs. Locber returned to this city, and. after the even- ing performance, were the hosts of the com- pany at a banquet at the Planklngton House, "res from tbe cast 3 and will Daurwene Franklin as lead- Chief Janssen Issued an every member in the city will lie In harness.. Ilhdlev mid Archer, In "The New French .Maid:"" the Kronos, In "The Dudo of the Village:" Hopper and Biirrcll. tn "Secret nc in Harness,, .,,,, i n ,i„„ ,„i,^ .,.„fL i;.....i ■ # ,,7. 7_ «mis .ii-imju huu nainuei uoiuen scoreo. .-_,,__ r, . ,— -r,— == — . w .^* again. We would like thennmes and addresses "%'. h ad '" w 11? ii'iivVn ,i d J e8 «.i° n H lt,108r , a ?S" Kelle >' nnd «•'<«• bo » iied 5 " 7 . mneeled. "The M! la ri'. wh _ 1< -" h , f0 . r ..» tln ? e w »» 1°.? .°»"y <-on- "fferent ocals C^vm^^^h?^"^.^ IJ »»™ fcft. 99* A* J*^+. Q ork coslumo for tlie Academy "production of Geo. II. Murray, representing '.'.?L"??^^ Knighthood Was In Flower." of • all secretaries of the dlfferen throughout tbe country. Thanks for couimu nlcatlons from Secretary MeCormlck, Bro. Scottish villages, and who were to rejoin the car upon Its return. At Dornoch Junction, the nearest station to Sklbo Castle, tbe popu- Aug. 20 and week : Ken- Joseph nnd others. Next meeting will lie held {„ "jimmy' Lvoiis was dismissed anTld' ou nnd 8mion, BHinald's cut and dog circus, Sept. 11. Address all correspondence to H. ",„wer of chafllng Inlunctlons to 'nl.^e I ith,iier iuhI Archer, in "The New French S. Parker, recording secretary. 04 Market 7"™!F P.i.... Dam °?_ ID A unt ii oa ! to Plaie 8.' Parker, recording secretary, 04 Market St.. Newark. Notes from Local No. 3, Pittsburg.—At. Service, and the Unlque-a-scoiie. Good busl- j nc i n8t regular meeting of No. 3 we budc ncas. . the honor of having a number of visitors. .ItiMiAuwAY (A. J. Morgunsteru. manager). Among them were: Bros. Hllbrook and Tin- " dell, of No. 3: Bro. Kd. Pepper, No. 7, an'l Bro. .1. Ueynolda, No. II, who are here on car No. 2, of the Forcimugb-Sells Show. We also had Bro. J. C. Byera, of tbe N. A., who is hero In advance of "Tbe Factory Girl" Co., which played the BIJon week of Aug. 20. There also were a number of No. 'I members who have been on the road for -Features 20 and week: Raymond, the handcuff expert: Del Mas and Do Verne, l.uellii Cross, Sully and Phelps, Dutch Wal- ton. John Turner. Big houses. 'N.itkn.— I.llllsn Burkhnrdt (Mrs. George Goldsmith) Is the mother of a bouncing boy. . T'... .The Itelasco Theatre opening was a i iimplcte success and It adds a beautiful new outre of amusement to those now established here. a ■ nakimid— At the Mncdonough Theatre I Hall & Barton, managers) tho Humphry- • 'hnpnion Co., in re|>ertory, closed a very sue fearful week. Henry Miller Aug. 30, 31. 'Ihe nimi'i- thai ihe. houso was to change bands has proven untrue. .LtBKiiTV Pi-AviiotiNB (If. W. lilshop. mau- Muer).—"Mr. Poller, of Texas," played to largo business week ending Aug. 2K. "Tbe Private Secretary," by Bishop's company, 20 nod week. Bbi.i. Tiicatbm (Ed. Homati, manager).— FMMra* 22 and week: Stafford and Stone. Itlrhurd Burton, Honsley, June Bui niid the Unlqueoscope; cd al all performances. .'Novllty Tiieatiih (Tony Luliclskl. msna- gcr).—Features 22 nnd week: Paul l^crolx, Howard and Edwards, Jennetto I.uurelle, Fred I.hiii aster. Three Wells, motion pic- tures. Business Is good. •Bmpirh Thhatiib (Lee 1". Stone, mnna- ppr).—Features 22 and' week : The Juggling Kurkes. Ernest Edwards, the Hlrchorns, Hurry Clinton Sawyer, Teggle und Daniels, hiosVopc. Business is good. IlioltA Taiik Tiieatiib (Fred L. Grlffelh, miiuliger).—Features 22 and werttflAzerne, Anna Hill, tbe Great Alvlno, Will n Tin' conicdv. "Tbe Green If iwltleu by Fred L. Griffeth, elded success. Tlio Cluematug age Iihh been large. Notes.— Itlngllug Bros.' Circus Sept. 10. ..... .11. W. Bishop, of tho Liberty play- house, has tiikeu the uianngcnient of the Ma- lest If Theatre. San Franclsi'o, which will tic run on the same lines as the Liberty playhouse, tn this city. - t i t . ~ COLORADO. a - his largest poster upon the front door of the castle. Passing through a wealth of historic associations, we came at noon to Wick, the Northern terminus of the Highland Rail- way. There were exactly two and three quarter hours before our train mado Its re- turn journey. According to arrangement carts and bill posters were awaiting us. and. within the time limit, tbe ancient flsbluK hamlet of Wick, to the Intense surprise of Its Inhabitants, townsman, crofter and Usher folk alike, was aglow with numerous ulrtorla' representations of life In tbe far West. 'Aye. they be uncommon canny, the cert saloon In Milwaukee Edith Evelyn Way Down Easf r 810, 'Fl8ke"Btock Co! BE 8e r?!' x (or a short visit to New York 12-24. CHy WMa a view of securing Julia Marlowe's Noteh. —Edmund Breese left for New Yo Aug. 31 Geo. II. Murray. represeutl„ s "The Silver Slipper." was in town 27 S Y., m I |l ow . n will. open tho Davldsoa Harry I.evy. business manager of the Amerl- ! wee * of 5. can vltagrapb, Is in the city. some time, and all tbe boys expressed thenl- Yankees.' I heard one honest crofter remark selves niton the I enctlta derived from being a union man. Bro. Jack Sydell, of No. •), was In our cltv week of Aug. 15. in advance of the Rose Sydell Co. Bro. ('has. Joseph, of No. ",' arrived home Aug. 20 from I^jiiIs- vlllv. where ho bad been on business for the Alliance. Bro. Jot Howard, of No. 3, Is !n Pittsburg and bus a number of the local boys putting out banners for tbe Forepaugli- tsells Show, which plays here Sept. 5. The No. 2 car, Forepamih-Sclls, wus here Inst week und the boys claim they spent r very p'eusaut time with the local boys. ThlH same remark comes from every member of the Alliance who bus visited the local boys returned to Pittsburg tn take his old posltlc: at tbe Grand Opera House and Avenue The. utrc. Bro. Cohen hns been engaged wlib one of the big steamboat companies In Chi fRgo for the past three months. Bro. L. A Snyder returned from a trip to Detroit and Mt. Clement, where he had gone to rest- for n few weeks. Bro. Wm. Jack.was a visiter last week. He has Just returned fronv. spending a month In camp nt Seward, Pa., lie claims that he never enjoyed htmse,(_ better und wants tbe boys to organize a '.Ishlng nnd hunting club. No. 3 Is gettintr as be gazed upon a poster delineating the gyrations of a bucking broncho. The bell rang at Wick station, and we sped back toward Inverness. We gathered up the de- tachments of men who had been busy tn their respective towns, including the faithful Mtuimy,' who had not succeeded In his mis- sion at Sklbo Castle. The lights of Inver- ness came Into sight and we concluded our day's mission after a run of-330 miles. From Inverness to John O'Groat's Land. Scotland, was ab'aze with the many colored posters of the Wild West Exhibition;" • tlon marka the opening "of the regular season Notes yuou Al. F. Wheei.ek's New Mop- at this house. • lave jnst .finished our S |. Catharlnea.—At - the Grand Opera Guelpb.—At tbe Royal Opera House (G. L. Hlgglns, manager) the season opens Sept. 8. with E. M. Hoyt. in "Hamlet." Black- Watch Band 13. "A Ragged Hero" 16. Note. —Mr. Hlgglns has purchased the Opera House and expended over $4,000 In steam heating and improvements throughout. I Woo4stoek.-Falrmount Park Theatre closed, after a good season. Aug. 27. Most of the players left to All other engagements. Woodstock Opera House (C. 1'yne, mana- ger).—The alterations and Improvements are ncarlng completion, and Mr. Pyne expects to open about Sept. 15, with George F. Hall, In "A Ragged Hero." ■ Onctiec.—At the Auditorium Theatre (A. J. Small, manager) "A Struggle for Gold" came Aug. 20-3], to fair business. Tbe spe- cialties Introduced by Gaspsrd Brothers are food and were, well received. Coming: W. I. West's Minstrels Sept. 5-7. This atlrac- ■»■>♦.—i— MINNESOTA. St.. rani.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) Chauncey Ol- cott played to the capacity and part of tbe time to standing room week of Aug. 28, In 'A Romance of Atblone." " 'Way Down East" comes Sept. 4. for tbe week, followed week °*,.ll °y "fnder Southern Skies." There will be a special matinee 5. Executive staff: Manager and lessee, L. N. Scott: business manager and press agent, Harry E. Rk-ker: treasurer, Boyd P. Joy: assistant treasurer, JVm.ll. Cunimey; advertising ugent. Chas. Itreslauer: stage carpenter. H. Schnlti ■ property man, Charles Bernstein : electrician, r.. Annett: master mechanic, .11. H. Purn- liagen ; musical .director. D. Muhlcabruch • programmes, aam'l Newman. ■»rVu» N ni ( J, he ?d ore , !•• H»ys, manager).- Tilly Olson" drew big all last week. The original production was at Rockford. III.. Aug. 23. Fl of Minister.". :Stab.(J. C.Van Boo,' manager).—Business SS b J.L?" ,n . ,he N«w York Stars la,t wert! uriKiom proonction was at Rockford, III.. K&aTaa lne 1 'fi la 7 '".^ Ard a r '« ^">\x snd ;/ a ,? k SBfiSI "• tor week of 4, "Queeu ui ^ W * t,e 8lave8 ; week ot "• "Our-N>w taken placo eluce our opening. Nex"t season will And tbe New Model nearly doubled in Blze. with many new and attractive features added. U'he Sim Letta Family, six In number, ulased with the Lamont Shows at Montlcella, Ind., and played two weeks of fair dates. They th the Pan-American Cedar Rapids.—At Greene'. . (Will 8. Collier, business manager) Co.. supporting Belle C. Jackson Sept. 8, in first class repertory a good bouse, with "The Charity Coming: "The Last Rose of Summer' What Women Will Do" Frank Daniels 10. Leslie, May Edwards and Helen Morse. us.—Horse show 14-1Y. The Mmnesola lln's second eeaion 'with that company, equestrian director'with the VOreat . Bro. 1. Houser, of No. .1. has accepted a Shows, was last week at the Great Decorab poBltlon.ut the Grand Opera .House, Pitts; lowa, fair. , Denver—At Klltcb Gardens (Mary Elitcb- l.oug, malinger) week of Aug. 20 Orrln John- sun nnd the Bellows Stock Co., In "The Girl and the Judge." gave a tine show und packed the houses. The attendance at tbe garden lias been the best It has ever had. The sea- son closes on Kept. 5. I'v in ui liiuMi (Peter McCourt. manager). -Week of 4. "York State Folks." •'Under Two. rings" last week gavo a good produc- tion unit had good houses. . Manhattan Beach (W. B. Lawrence, man- ager!.—-Week of Aug. 20: Tliit Zeb and Znr- nnv Troupe, the Itozlnon, the Great I,eou, De- KtiiKM* Sisters. I.u Tnaka. BusIucsh Is good nt this piiiHilar Summer resort. Tho season close* on Sept. 5. • Jnr* Cmrm Tiikatbk (A. R. Pclton, man- ager!.—Week of.4. Weber A Fields' great success. "Pousse Cafe." and the travesty on "The Royal Family." Last week "Flddle- Ilve-Dee" (Its second week) drew packed bouses. Tbe new seats are put In place and l ho house looks very pretty. The manage- ment Is ranking this house very popular and glrliie grind ahows. New Cbystai, (Geo. Ira Adams, mana- »>ri.—Week of Aug. 20: Bonny Gavlord, Duvy and Kverson. Harry Dalrgy. W'lllug- ion Bros., Wbalen and Crawford. IIuline and Donne. Huslness is good. Ont'HKttxi (A. C. Carson, manager).—Week luirg. Bro. htj Kholipp, of No. 3, one of tbe oldest nnd best known circus bill posters In the country, died Aug. 22, at the home of bis sister, In Pittsburg. Bro. Kholipp had been nn.the Forepiiugh-Sells Bros.' car No. 1 until within a few weeks of his death. ' lie continued to work, bat at Inst bad to Klve up and come home. He never left ibe ouse. from that time. Bro. Kholipp was it member of the Indianapolis Lodge of Elks nnd a strong union man and No. 3 has lost a good, honest worker. All members of >' >. 3 who have not received ballots for tbn clen- lion of delegates to the next convention will please send their address to G. W. I.owerc. secretary, .it once, so Hint all members may vote. Notes from Local Xo. 21, Buffalo, N. Y.— "in- past president. Bro. Harry GllespV, leaves here with "Her First False Step" Co.. as stiitfe carpenter. Bro. Kd. Jones hiiB been transferred from Local No. 15, of Spring- Held, Mass., to Local No. 24. Bro. Ilom'.-r Hull has gone to tike charge of the bill (.oatlng plant at Olean, N. Y. Bro. Will Opham. of the No. 1 car of the Pawnee Bill's Wild West Show, wrltea that he finds the iuc.ils in good shape and that the bora ore joining very fast through the country. The bofH of No. 24 are preparing for [the Labor Day parade. President Tornles R W. < Pawnee 8 111 U,o.a #-l- *. .. '* *"V JltUIIMI'lll innlgan's Bal" : X?^m£J?S6"" w " 8 WS "S33 •» B !,V, e continued rainy weather last week. Aug. manager! _ ,{ s, ,;., p * ul D" v . was the biggest day of the VSE w «" of A«8- 21V: Mltcheifllnd Bro g wnlinj: fa - lf ' T h.«° »t largest was .MlnTea poll. ig,'"? >ecorab Leonard Slaters, Murray and Clayton. Madne n„i.,.i. „„ . ■ • Milton, also a farce and the polyscSpe ^ m»*?«e* ,, =?5£i»235 , :i«v.A .Marshall. SgquWe Jtl!! ' ^? *! ,vV E ^ R *SK£~WA&&«*± ^^Uu«?c?P^ ek H o „ , ..- 4 « u «li !0 a Bill's Wild West and Great Far ^ ?- 8 i wl » eclipse all of Its predecessors'; _ — 1 . 1 f - l . * _k* •* l< AVAft.1 TJkA.. ... I \ 1 I _. * - I L A. - . . m don, OLtTAN OrEBA HOVHE (J. T. CoU- HsLSw^mtym m~m*i3m~m S^%»_ w J r fcr..«*J »« ^>"i^«^ai^ich"^ooiW^^^ Malone, N. Y., Aug. 17. Mr. Fleming will take a couple of weeks' vacation In and uround Buffalo before opening with the Forniaii & Fleming attractions. Peerless St Ji'I.ian Is In his twentieth week with tbe Pawnee Bill's Great Wild West and Far East Show and reports suc- cess. on. the Midway. Pain's "Eruption of Mt '■ 't» e,M. a . I % as0D *.'?' wlth i seen every night. Babnum & Bailev Show, Aug. 31. drew two big crowds. I /«? e, ., Mo,ne " ,—At Forter'a Opera House (tym. Iorster, manager) Ethel Barrymore. In "('nil. n Wntt*" -T—^l ._ _ . w . m * !Z house. There 11kiik.S7.ii and I.API-B have signed with the f-oualn Kate, played to a large and well Barnum A Bailey Show for next season, to l )le , 8B «d audience Aug.. 28. "Tbe Wizard o' do their revolving pole act. SClJ'H nre8en, *d to big bouses Aug. 30, 31 Aug. i neJe l°Si C n l ? 0d p,! ? ple ln tb * eompany who v-ere given a number of curtain calls "A tomnnce of Coon Hollow." 20-31. drew good Sept. 1J, "Maloneys Wedding Day" 5-10 Pablob Theatbe (W. J. Wciis manaier) i ih? U ^. ne f Week °. f Au 8' » w2« ve?y go5d. el ) vn.« ^» pl ? arc w , e " P'w»«« wl" tbe vaude- Tom ??£ lS2&J S L&g!'l L VC-lle Blake, Frm» A. Houoson. manager of the Orrln ,i?? 1 1 ^ d «SS t ' c " me8 „ B *P t - ••'Ti Frank Tom Gale. Howard andTriton s ,Vi f i»^7n ( Bros.' Circus In Mexico, reports excellent Daniels, Ip. "The Office Boy." 12. Clem Savage 1VJ Veil .'n,i ,Z V ,l' liaslness for the season, lie will arrive 0nAM >..yr En *.. HoL '«B '»»■ Forster, man- The new nfav- fo- i S SKJS .?, t .°.V k ' IB New York about Nov. er).—"What Women "flayed "to SU** « to " S""* "a "ailed ' Lynch, of Local No. 24, met with a severe accident last wrek while helping put on Lew Dockstnder°8 MlnRtrels. hut Is still at work. Bro.- Harry Easllck. vice president of-Nu. 24. Is on the advertising staff of Al. G. FleTrT. Roster of Gollmar Bros.' Advance Car No. 1 : Wm. II. Dolly, car manager: Ed. Wahler, boss bill poster: Roy Pnrcell, lithographer pleased. Ethel Barrymore thoroughly de lighted a large audience 31. Her support waa exceptionally good. Coming: '!A Thor- oughbred Tramp' Sept. 4, "A Little Home- son and Ross. Babnum * Bailet's Cibcpb comes Sept. 7 Mobile—At the Mobile Theatre (J. Tan- nenbaiim, manager) the season opened Aug. 20. Tbe openlne attraction =.-.. xV.Kli n.rr; — May Murrliigf.' ■♦«» Maurice goes with "A .Midnight OllU, Ire lleni-T king Hie run ihrtmgli Chicago we picked up Fredle Johnston. The hoys on the cur had a pleas r.ut visit with the brothers of Chicago Local steed" 5, Frank' Daniels 7. Weast Theatbe (C. F. Burtson. mana- ger).—Business la fair. Bill G-10: The Mali- lets, Blnney and Chapman and Campbell Sisters. Jacorh' Theatre (A. F. Jacobs, mana- ger).—Business la very good. Bill 3-10: Mayer and Harrington, Lewis and Clifton, otis "1 B4Hte.-taa Mldgleys and (>. F. Rockatteld. crow Indblnde. I^w Stone Him. Garhkn (Frank Grave, mnn- ng»rJ.-rIlusliH>iw Is eicellenl. Week-of .1, "American Horn." Clips.— Fall festival begins Oct. ID ,. Frank Grave and family, and Nelson Cmuii. ton, of Stone Hill Garden Theatre, sail for (jerinany so\, 1. opening attraction was Mabel Palgi) Boone.—At Aries' Opera House (Wiley & raTpHce8 T 'ror C °s r n P en^.i n m r „ ep f rt ;T at HB? Klrby. managers) the Chase-Llater To to g^od^buslnea? •finf." 1 ^ °l nTe n '8 ht "' opened tbe house to good business An" 14. |° D SepfTo, "B«" lS Auction" ft'vfc aSS repertory, reinulnlnir until •>« i»...r. ,«-." m',- ' "*'" 8 ^uciion 10, Tim Ml roll rePfftory, remulnlng until 20. Dne: "Two HI. i Tim Murpliy •'T^oT^Til- '" ¥ln 8,Mk *» 8 " 7 ' -i*»^S»»Sr«i«t4.M*BI^I* ^S^Jss^i *-* an exit liuiir^fo7''naVTn'"cSWTS IfttourVTS ib« SSTUS