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SEPTEtfBEB 10. its Eui'iBB ("f"'" 8 -Oeluuu,.manager).—The ..?«Tiif vaudevlllo nt the Empire are over. 85 Shea and Mr. Keith lam weelc patched in ihclr differences, with the remilt that there will he no vatMlorlllc war In Cleveland ,hl KnTU'a r 'PKO«w:cT (I.. M. Brick, inana- -i> __Mabel Mckinley la the hendllner this 5nh! The bill Uat week was exceptionally „.»Kl'it» a season opener nnd drew fine housos. st in tam * Campbell, managers).—The Trocadero Burlesquers are here this week. rriiii Rrlaadlcri had splendid houses lust week. ■r lc Jolfy Grass Widows week of 12. HMTNonTH's GARDEN.—Creatorc and his imfian Band finished a ten days' treat Tues- .i/v Aug. :I0. me Urania Theatre Co., of iiiinWit. play at this place Sept. IIS, after which these gardens will probably close for lb Manhattan Beach (Harry Tudor, mano- tt'r) —Bostock winds up his season here Smii' 7, after which he will ship his anl- SS» and training force to Paris. ■ X„tks. —A panic was narrowly averted at n,c Cleveland Friday night. Sept. 2. Dur- n* the third (act of ''Midnight Marriage" the skylight of the theatre was blown In by ii wind storm and the darkness, rain and wind soon started a commotion. Quiet was restored before any one was seriously hurt. ..There* will he no vaudeville war In cii'velnDd and Mr. Keith, the latest owner, will stav. Mr. Shea, who opened the Etn- nlrc Aug. 2H. will quit Cleveland and re- main In Buffalo, and It is generally under- stood that the Empire will be given over to light opera. The den! for the closing of the Ktnplre as a vaudeville house has tieen tending for about ft' month. By the terms !,f the agreement Shea will continue his ItufTslo and Toronto houses but will book through th e Keith agency. vonns>town,—At Idora Park Casino Theatre (B. Stanley, manager).—Manager Stanley provided for week of Aug. 20: The Skerlwcks, Marlorle Barrett. Josephine Gasa- mtin and her pickaninnies, Jerry Cowley and I toherty's poodles. Attendance was very good, considering the coolness of the weather. The Home Guards of America picnicked here Vug. SI and the big crowd was royally en- tertained. Labor Congress day occurs Sept. 3 and Harvest Ilom'e picnic 8-10. Avon Park (Jos. W. Wcas, manager).— Week of Aug- -8 the Manhattan Opera Co. held the boards, with matinee every day, uttd pleased to fair attendance: The K. of 1\ cn- itirapmeut at Avon was a success :i-5. OrBR* House (Peter Rice, manager).— "A Desperate Chance" showed to a top heavy house Aug. 31. "Von Yonson," matinee and evening .'!, drew fair. The Hays, in "A Hot Old Time," 3; "The Curse of Drink" 8. ••Down by the Sea" 9. "Hottest Coon In Dixie" 12, Vogel's Minstrels 13, Martin's •IT. T. C." IB. '•Out of the Fold" 17. N'otes. —The Hays arrived here Sept. 3 mid rehearsed for their opening performance .">. They have relatives here and msny friends who arc always. glad to seo them. Sophie Burnliam, a popular favorite in Youngstown, has signed with the lluys for Hie season and her clever work here won favor; The city Ih billed to some extent Hiinoiiaclng Forepaugli & Sells Bros.' Circus at New Castle, Pn., 12 One of the big events of the week was the annual outing of the I'lks. a clambake held at S. D. L. Jack- sun's fanu Kept. 1. Manager l'eter ltlce was n guest and rcjwrls a royal time. ■ Dayton.—At the National Theatre (Gil Burrows, manager) "On the Suwance Itlver" drew good houses Aug. 2U-.11. "To Die at llnwn,' with E. Lawrence Lee and Elsie Cressy. did good business Sept. 1-3. Coni- It:;;: "I'nelo Josh Spruceby" 4-0, "Too Proud lo Beg" 7-0. VicroittA Tiieatiie (C. 0. Miller, mnnn- gi-rl.—The Al. 0. Field Minstrels did S. It. H. business Aug 30. "The Struggle Be- tween Capital and Labor," n new produc- tion, was presented here Sept. 1, 2. under Hie auspices of the Independent Order of Foresters. The play Is an original four act sensational nielodramu, written liv Richard Hunuisb, of Dayton, 0.. Aug. 40. It Is under the management of Kuni- niery Haniilsh Co., starring Kuchael May Clark. The .cast: Jack Hunter. IS. Sardlu tawrence; Balpli Iluiulelitnd, lltilph Mcn/.- Ir.g; Dave Brooks. Alf. J. Knsscll: Mike arncr. Jus. B. Carson: Hanv Ilimburv. nek-Bone; President Corblit, Fank J. King: Isaac Ureal, Milton Hammer: Walter Mc- iimald. Gen. «. Heusley: Officer. Menard Haflij Until Brooks, Lillian Cavltte; Marv Kllea Gertrude, Vera M. Conway: Luclllo • orblii. Kuchael May Clark. Souiieiiu' Dumb Tiieatiik.— "Thou Shalt Not Kill' nllractcd n big bouse 2. Coming, AHapless Honey moon* a 1«5B? 1I,B . , '* BK <'•"•• A - Klrby. manager'!. 7-MiddH.tn's Muilonctti's were it good draw- ing curd for week of Aug. 28. 1-aikvikw Pakjc (Frank Melville, booking t:geiit).—A first class vaudeville bill drew good crowds week of Aug. 28. The Organs. I tan, Lubors, Hut-do, Juggler, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Perkins-Fisher-made up the bill. i Columbus—At the Empire Theatre (tl. A. vtelaiuaii, manager) "The Prodigal Daugh- ter played to large crowds at every i>er- formance week of Aug. 20. Chas. Wnldron uud Beryl Hope, the new leading people, were a decided success. Coming: "The Amu- •/.ons Sept. 5-10, "In Spile of All" 12-17. ■CT.-qwt.ft Mason V" will he presented for Vo Jft ltt Btock b y iiK Kniplre Slock Onus SoiTiiKns- (0. M. Ilclfncr. mnn- ageri—AI. 0. Field's Minstrels opened the season to large houses Aug. 3U-Sept. 3. ij B, J»e: Blanche King, In "Vivian's Papas," M. 15: "Ben Hur'MRl-Oct. 1. .,„ i S ^,2 PBBA HotiMj (A. 0. Ovens, tunn- f r >.—"Tho 8how Glrl " played to big busl- SK A '! B ', S»-S«Pt. 3. Coming: "Dad In Harness r 5-7, n™*™ S T «SBT Thbatkk (A. C. Ovens, mnu- UI™'»2* t, l£Sl ,n "Driven from Home," THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. m MEW YORK STATU. 'louUadours 15-17. t.J,,? 1 l ' K ^' Su r PA,,K (W; \V. ProBscr, mnna- si!..;~I & largeat crowds of the season J ' rSi "B MWllent bill 28-Sept. 3. Creutorc <■■"> nla.famous .Italian baiid Sept. 7-10. wUjiM' biitrax (H. Collins, mauuger). i«» "S. ""slnehs was the rule for week of 5'Viol Coni,,, B : 1,orcl1 » n ^ Beru and Vice ■iJS ,\ '""p'' 1 —At Spring Grove Park Ca- „"". (>'i J*. Martlny, manngcr) the bill for '*»' Aug. 20 was good and the nttend- iiV. .i r 5?' . lot w o«k of Sept. 4: Sully Fani- hfrt, t 'J?„ 0 K<ien*. Slaters Millar, Mardo, lillia- sein tstellc and moving pictures. ,.„i N i!f, °''«"A Housr (b J. Dalle, maun- ilt^T 1 ". 'muerinl Stock Co. had a fair BSE" huslness Aug. 20-Sept. 3. The Burr iimi.. *r 0- i. ""Piwrtlng Morris Burr, and "uuer the direction of Frank H. .Mackcy, 3-10. * mo , '" r,on -—At the Grand (C. K. Perry. Manager) the Brandon Evans Stock Co. Aug. ■SSc? ■> had average houses. . v,,,,. o l " i S' : :!' wll i' Olrls Leave Home" ofpt. 8. Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 27. * . ». » OK I, MIOM A. Oklahoma UMjr.—At Delnior Guldens n?iiS?"J«'.* Mnrfc. managers) Plcrse and Sf&I^^»W!J Mitdge Mal.tland, Spls- se11 Bros, and Rnwson nnnf.Tupe mnde up n '.'"si -programme wnok of .Aug. 22. N "«!«.-r.O»luiae Unrdfli ■ closed Hsnt. 11. ;„ , ,!■c;-' 0, ' ef '» n l Ht ' , ' Opera House opens Its sen- son Sept 1, with Apollo Glee Club. niiffnio—At the Star Theatre tJ. II. Sllr- mv g, aSd ttU i1,f V.,. 1 ^,"! Ul te p ' ■ '•'ite Stmn- k ^ • ?UPJESP* "8 ,llrn - *mm sept. I"l4^r, ^*" U ' ,n ;'nie Hecind Kiddle," iF.'it' 5K iSHKS! In ." The •»"• t:ifi" of 9S£ ) C J* 'nterestlng as the former efforts ?uro U g\2fu p, . n he a we°ek ana dteW P""" 1 hoU8e9 w2&*i£P2&Lyfc' Mt ' S ', Bnldwln, mana- Zl I'hJPLV^ ,'• »« tt tl "s week for the list time In Buffalo for many years "The K 0 M b f V?' 11 b . e °«t WW S'» Wll "Wh?5 magnetic^ Flower" proved to be Shra's Oahdum Tiikatrd.— This house will tSmS? Ill De l - the . onI - T vaiidevllle resort In Buffalo, the he'th Interests having with- gfflgi n 2 Pff contract signed 2. The present weeks offerings are: Byron Douglas, Henri- etta Browne and B. II. Calvert, In "The Cow- boy and the Urd:" llelenc (Jcrard, Ellnore xtilil'-, I !t ,ne ?n n , ,1<1 i'Wocq. McKee and Hill, Meeker-Baker Trio. Patronage was large Acadimt (P. C. Cornell, business mana- P*)j-?*.Vm***U Chance" will commantl marked attention, as usual, this week. "At Sggft. grtlrr next week. "Her First False Step did well. MiffW. 1 . 1 TnET BB (J. Langblln, manager).— David llnrum" week of 5. "At the Old Cross ISufuKt weck ' " Chlu 8,aves °' New York did nicely. Lafayette Thkatiie (CIibr. Jl. Bagg. niau- a F e ^' £ he ^ lse G "y" Co - thls week. In- cluding Edmund Hayes, Is the offering, In conjunction with the Brigadiers. Waldron's IrocaderoB week of 12. The Utopians de- lighted big turnouts. Atiiletk: Pahk (llobcrt F. Walter, tiinn- "Sr'-r -A '"'a* I""«gramnie of amusements and athletic events has been prepared for Labor Day and week, Markeen remaining in the park. The bill In the theatre Includes: The Kumltis. In "The Bogus Count;" Primrose and ltohloff, Billy Illnes and Harrv E. Boyd. lni.KWii.li Park (B. M. Oarflcld; mana- Btti-r-fate new river resort has had a most §ratlfylug season and will open anew In the prlng. greatly enlarged, inheriting the favor- able prestige attained In 1004. Note.— Messrs. Keith. Shea and Albec got together In.the Rlssell Isw office here 2 and signed the contract as expected, and accord- ing to the announcement heretofore made, so I he new theatre project developed Into an- other of our famous pspcr theatres. But Manager Keltlt will realiste a nice penny on his splendid Main Street site. ■ . lluchestcr—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. K Wolff, manager) "Woodland 1 ' delighted large audiences Sept. 2, 3. Chcrldah Simp- son. Harry Bulger, Chas. II. Bowers, Frank Doane, Stanley 11. Forde, Ida Brooks Hunt, Emma Carus nnd Helenc Hale made Indi- vidual successes. A word of praise Is due Lucille Nelson for her quaint rendition of "ltomunce of u Bachelor Bird." Paul till- more. In "The Mummy and the Humming Bird," 8-10; Kvti Titnquay 13, H. National Tmkathk (Max Htirllg. malin- ger).—The first performance on iiny stage was given here Aug. 20 of "Dad In Harness.'' an original musical farce, in three acts, by Frank Duprce, featui-lnir the comedian, Ned Nye. Cast was as follows: Frank Stone, A. Lionel Hogarth; Hon. Percy Hock. Arthur Story: Slg. Salvatore Berlin), Frank Doug- Ins: William, n flunkey, T. II, Jordan: Mrs. Perkins.. Margaret Sayers: Ada Perkins. Unity Pains; lllitnclie Merlon, Nellie Grant; Antluucttc, Gertie Lewis; Slg- tioni Bertliil, Mnad Armour; Marntaduke Jas. Perkins, Ned Nye. Nye 1 Dc Shelley ore proprietors and \Vm. De Sbctlev mana- ger. Ned Nye amused greatly by his droll comedy and A. Lionel Hogarth's voice was well liked. As a whole, the company pleased. Geo. Sidney, iu "Busy Izisy," played to en- pucilv Sept. 1-3: company was the best (his popular comedian has yet shown us. ('arris Webber, Fred Wyekoff and Win. MaiMsey scored. Florence Bindley, In "The Fencing Girl," .-.-7; Nut M. Wills 8-10. Bakku TitKATiti;, —Black Pattl's Trouba- dours pleased large audiences Aug. 20-31. Black I'attl has lost none of her singing qualities. That old standby, "The Span of Life," with the Three Dunngettas. played lo fair business Sept. 1-3. "No Wedding Bells For Her" 5-7. Cook Ol'EiiA Iloi.sB (J. II. Moore, mana- ger).—Capacity business was done the past (the opening) week. Hill for weck of I: Six Musical Ctillys. Kd. F. lieynard. Welch- Melrose Trio, I.a Belle Blanche, Jack Thru Trio, Clifford and Barke, Pierce anil Mub.ee and (he klnelogrttpli. CUttXTHMM TmurtU (Ileni'V (*. Jacobs, iiiniiiiger).—The Moonlight Maids, one of Hut best burlesque companies ou lite road, lumen people uway last week. The couinuny is made up of first class comedlaus mid pretty women, handsomely costumed. "Trust Busi- er" and "Chill Sauce" were given. In I he olio were: Cole and Warner, Heldy und Car- rie, Curr and Burns, Exiet' and Webb mid the MncHiinds. who gave the best club swinging net. shown on our boards In u long time. Week of 0, the Utopians. NoTB.—Local II. P. O. E. held lis annual oullng Aug. -•"■ A number of the traveling profession attended and everybody was sut- Islled. » ■ Alliun.v.— Iltiriiiutius Blecekcr Hall (II. II. Jueobs, uiaiuiger) was opened Sept. l-.'l. for Charles Gropewln, In "The Awakening of Mr. Plpp." The success of last season was repeated and big audiences assembled. "Shudows of u Great City" 0-7, Ward und Yokes 8. Kmpiub Tiibathk (II. II. Jacobs, uiana- gcr) —"The Game of Life." Aug. 20-31, and "One of lite Finest," Settt. 1-3, nt popular prices, brought large audiences all the week. "Queen of tlto White Slaves" 5-7, and "The Little Church Around the Corner" 8-10. Piioctor'8 TllMTllK (Howard Graham, resident manngcr).—The Summer stock con- tinues Its successful career giving "Blue Jeans" to capacity bouses Inst week. "Hush- c-Bye Baby"' week of Sept. 5, "Nancy Hunks" 12-17, will terminate the Summer slock yeeson. Vaudeville will bo resumed pi. gaiety TliBATRi; (11.- It. Nichols, mana- ger).—Hose Kill's MngUsh Folly Co. Aug. 20-31, had splendid business and gave n good show. Iloble's Knickerbocker Hurler oilers followed Sept. 1-3 with a large com pativ, lucliidlug Frank Finny, Hie Ama- tos nnd the Church City Quartet. Hood business ruled durlnt' tho enllrc engug. 1 - ii'.ent. The Merrv Maidens 5-7. Hlbctuh: I'aiu: will close Its season on labor Day. The attraction at the theatre will be Georgia Colored Troubadours. The season throughout has been very successful. » ■■ Elmlrn.—At liorlck's Glen Park (Her- bert Salinger, mnnageri John B. Wills' Musi- cal Comedv Co. closed Sept. 3, after a week's presentation of "Two Old Cronies" to good business. A vaudeville entertainment this week. Kudbiuok Park (Enoch Little, manager). —Vaudeville, which has been running here during the Summer, has closed and no more attractions will be booked until next sea- son. Hialto Thbatbr (F. W. McConnell, man- ager).— Mav Nellson, Pearl Davis. Fred Stiles and 'James D. I'roudlovc continue lo draw good sized houses. J Notbh. —Col. D. C. Robinson will build a new ground floor theatre, on the slte'.*f the old Lyceum, which several months ago was destroyed by lire. Work upon the new nlitvbbitse will ls» stalled shortly .... Illllii-r! Ileilne, of this, clli, lis.-l leased the i.'raIimi llluk, on'Stale Street, and will remodel It Into'an up to date music ball. Tho ueiv hall' Bill be opened lu-N'oTtfniUer.- ■ Troy.—At the Lyceum Theatre (Dunftt Gil&m, manager) the Suow Stock Co. played to Immense houses. In "liatel Klrke, Aug. 2tiScpt. 3. The regular season opens wltli "The chrlshin," 3-10. A number of'now peo- ple have been seenrcd for this production. Giitswiu.ii Oi'BRA Hut ky. (M. Iteis, mana- ger).—Florence Bindley, In "The Street Singer," drew large houses Sept. 1-3. "The Little Church Aroiiud the Corner' 5-7, "Queen of the White Slaves" 8-10. IIovai, tiikatrk (W. II, Buck, manager).— Large houses greeted Kohie's Knickerbockers Aug. 2031. Rice & Hnrton's Rose Hill's Lug llsh Folly Co. parked the house Sept. 1-3. I'omlng: Harry Brown's Btlrlesquers 5-7, Merry Maids 8-10. BliiirhnmtMii.—At the Stone Open Mouse J. P. K. Clark. manaccr)Myrkle-liar- der Sto'.-k Co., In rcperttiry, drew largo busi- ness Aug. SB-Rent, 3. "A Chinese Honey- moon" comes 0, Black I'ntll Co. tl, Kvn Ton- guay, In "The Sambo Girl." 7: "The Mar- riage of KUtv" 11, "Hamlet" 10. Ross I'AtiK (.1. P. E. Clnrk, manager).- iiwm i aha 1,1, i. r.. i^oiiK, uiauugei I.— Hastings and Sheldon. Murphy end Nolan. Rice Brothers. Mile. Victoria nnd Gregory end Wood clote the season 20-Sept. 3. — ««» RHODE ISLAND. Providence.—At the Imperial Theatre (Felix II. Wcndelschacfer, manager) so great was the Interest In the opening of the Provi- dence Stock Co., headed by Malcolm Williams, Sept. 5, that the house was sold out for the week. "The Liars" la the opening week's production. In the company, besides Mr. Williams, who Is popular here, are: Florence Heed, Marie Boland, Viola Burton, Mlnnlo Hadclirfc. Lillian Andrews, Blanche Devlyn, Walter D. Greene, Benjamin Qraham, Ferry Jennings, Charles Artmir, Ernest Howard, Albert Roberts and Nathan Aronson. New scats have been put In the theatre and the American Band Orchestra of nine pieces has been engaged for tho season. Keith's Theatre, (Charles Lcvenbcrg, manager).—The Albee Stock Co. season closed 3. after nineteen successful weeks. It was the most prolltnble season of the four the company has spent here. There was a large patronage for "7-20-8," the closing production. Vaudeville liegau 5, with the following programme: Henry 1'.. Dixie, In "David Garrlck on the Art of Acting;" George Evans, Victor Moore and F.muiu Lit- tlelleld. Hire and Prevost, In "Bumpely Humps;" the Italian Trio, Travers Gerard, Green and Werner, Cliff Gordon, Yankee and Dixie, Dlson Brothel's, Campliell and Can- Held, ICd, and Nettle Masse und Moller und Magill. I'm i-t tit; Tit i:\tiii: (Spitz & Nnthanson. managers).—"When Women Love" Is the offering 5-10, with it special Labor Day mati- nee. "Shadows of a Great City" 12-17. Park Thbatiik (Marry Young, resident manager).—A thrilling melodrama, "Her Marriage Vow," Is given 5-10. It will be fol- lowed by "Deserted at the Allur." Westminster Tiieatiik i George II. Biiu.ii- eller. manager).—Rice & Bartons Rose Hill Kugllsh Folly Co. gives a good show 5-10. WumiHOi'Ut-t.—At I he Woonsockel Opera House iJosh !•;. Ogden. manager) "Why Girls Leave Home" plays here Sept 3. The Har- vey & Gage Slock opens nV for the week, ex- cept 7, when Robert B. Manlcll. assisted by Marie Booth Russell, will be seen here in "The Light of other Days." "A Cracker Honeymoon." a now farclal comedy. In three acts, by A. Siiilt Burns, wits seen hortt Sept. 1 to fair business. It received its first production on Aug. 22, Hay Shore, L. 1., X. Y. Cook-Church Stock 12-17. Ilu.u; Lake Tiiivntt; (II. M. Young, mnn- Ucr).—The bill Mils week Includes: Tony Wilson and llclolse. Mile. Amoruse, assisted by Mile Chuiiotte. Frederick Bros, ami Hums. Martini und Mnxmlllaii and Al Wall*. Lust week's programme was ouc of tho host of the season. Notch. —C. Wilfred Chngiion, formerly villi one of the Phelnn companies, has left here 'o join the Kmory Slock Co., ut Atlantic City Kdwnrd Kramer litis arrived In New York and will bo connected with the "Serlo-Comlc Govoruess" Ibis sea- son W in (Jiirck, who opened here with Maltle Keen A- Co. last week, has left thai company to Join James J. Corbetl's Co, «» » UaudcPifk and minstrel. \ Ntrn:u vhom W. V). Nankbvii.m;'m ir.ut;n- i.v'u MiNUTUKUt. —Wb oiieaeH- otlr si'iison July .id, at Pittsburg, Pa., under tho most auspicious conditions., with (leu. A. Bovycr as mauuger, The company has boon pru- uouuchI by press and public to he a fine nr- gitnlKntlon nnd the original scenic Ilrdt part never fhlls lo receive rounds of applause. The company Is headed by Hilly Van, who re- ceives many encores for his original parodies. The singing contingent, always a feature with this show, Is headed by (he famous Haverly sextette of soloists—Franklyn A. Untie, Wm. Moore, Walter IKirscy, Win. Boyer. S. B. Nau- kevlllc and Waller A, Wolfe, Jimmy Wall. In' his negro specialty, "Moonlight In Dixie," assisted by a chorus of twenty, Is sticcosafti'. Mazier and Conby. Young Bros., Herbert Swift and Clayton. Jenkins and Jasper (their first American appearance after seven yenrs uhroadj close the show, which Is under the musical direction of Prof. Joo Norton, with Ills symphony orchestra of twelve and mili- tary band of twenty pieces. Tim Tumtn La. Mo inks write: "We ployed Lake Ontario Park, Kingston, Can., Aug. 8. Mr La Moines' old home. Uur act met with big success nnd proved such a great drawing card that we were retained for weck of Aug;. 22. -Mr. La Moines' many old friends gave us a hearty reception at every performance, and they tilled the Casino lo Its capacity. Baby Grain received many beautiful doi-al pieces from a host of ad- mirers." • ■ SIli-k. SoitsA. magician, will be assisted this season by Harry BloRn, comedian. Mr. Sloan at present la with "The Fall of Pom- pell," at Dreamland. THE WoBLIi'H COMEOT POUU (Colllnu, Ward. Dobbs und Leigh) have opened tholr third season with the Trorodero fturlesiiucrs. Lotus M. Gr/.nat, i he whistler, closed Aug. 27, the tenth and Inst week at the New York Theatre Roof Garden, where be was one of the features of the hill, t Me will have he Informs us, a novelty act ■ this season, with scenery. Wim, ir, and Kditk Iiart played Keith's, New York, recently, making their third en- gagement there IhlH season. They open with Billy H. Van's "F.rrand Boy" Co. Sepi. IS, for the season. Susie Gootnvix, vocalist, recently closed n successful tour over tin: Southern parks. She has Joined hands with Mallle Stanley, n well known singer and dancer Iu vaudeville. They arc playing dates In Ohio, nntl will o|s<n In Butte, ,Mon„ Sept. 20. nt I be Grand Opera House, lo tour the Lang circuit. Harry Love has finished several weeks of park dates In Illinois and lows. Week of Aug. 22 he was lit Luis Purk, Racine, Wis., and was re-engaged for week at 20 In his eccentric monologue. Wim, C. Smith has Just closed n pleusuul and successful engagement on Ihn llellrr & Gladlug purk circuit, and Is booked solid for this season. Mae Wilson, vaudeville pianist, and J. II. Mcliellan. klni'tosro|to operator, have closed at Hie IIIJou Theatre. Inilulb, Mluu., and will open nt the liuiipie, Han Claire, Wis., which opeus Sept. .". Lorraine ash Ganiiy opened with Fred Irwin's Majesties ul SI. Louis, Aug. 22, doing ihclr specially and Isilh playing parts. Tub tenia of Oiav anil Dclmo dissolved pnrliierslilp, and the former will hereafter work with his wife, under the lllle of the Oxavs.' 'Hie Unavs write. that Ihey are Isinked solid, wllh Hie except Ion of one week, in Western vaudeville houses, lo the middle of March, .1005. Wb AIIH iM'iiii.meu THAT (be Criterion Tho- at n*, Tninpn. Fla.. Is doing the largest luisl- noss In the history of I he house. The hous-. lias been newly relit led mid dccornlcd. The theatre IS open (be entire year. Hilly Hill Is proprietor nnd manager, nntl Wiley llninil Ion. amusement, director. Hkyndi.iim ami Ohai'ik wrlle: "We are on tho Goldsmith circuit nntl lire making good. We raibe here lo the Shamrock Theatre, Ho- MAINK. Pnrtlnuil. At Hie Jefferson iiienlre 11'aim A. Grunt, uiauiigers) (he l'cnberg Slock Co. dlil good biislnesK week of Aug. 20. Specialties by. the Colby Family. Will .1. Kennedy, Grace Ylnlou, Fred D. WinmI- bury und Murle McNeil were pleasing. Iiookeil: The Aubrey stock I Jo, Sept. 5-10, wllh the excepllou of 0, when "The Silver Sllpisir" appears. Got TiiBATiti;, Peak's Island (C. W. (Jod- ing. iniiiiiiger). —"Brown's in Town" was presented by the slock us the closing nil ruc- tion for the season Inst weck mid drew ciowdcd houses. The Bosloula Ladles Or- chestrn rendered a programme of excellence, und the theatre closes with a season's roc ord breaking attendance. The stock will hold over for two special performances La- bor Day, 5. Cam Cottaok Tiieatiik IB. V. I'lmlan, iniiuageri. —"The HlUck Hllssur" was pre- sonted by the K. V. Phclun Opera Co. us the closing attraction at this theatre lust weck, continuing Labor Day. It drew busi- ness well up to capacity and ihn patrons were well pleased. The Ladles Orchostra met wllh favor. The season at this house lias been a most successful one. Uivkiitdn Park Tiibatrb (D. II. Smith, resident manager).—J. W. Gorman's Inter- niitlonul Vaudeville furnished nu interesting programme, to good business, hist week. The olio Included: Tint Kllnore sisters, Mitchell uud Mnrron, Frank Whitman, Chas, Colby. The Perkins Concert Orchestra enteralns in Its selections al the Casino dully. I'oiiti.ami Theatre (James II. Moore, inuii- agerl.—This vaudeville house oiiens 5, after extensive renovations. Hill 5-10; Win. II. I'liKcoe and Helen Mnr Wilcox, Jordan and Harvey, Scott Bros,, Dyco and German, Lntz Bros., the Wootlwards, Jeffrey Milne. The stuff of employees Is the same us last seasou ami Includes: lOuill II. Gerstle. Iinslness mali- nger: Irene McCulluin. treasurer; Mamie Mc- Culliim, ussistritit treasurer: Bert Hutchin- son, stage manngcr and electrician; Prof. P. Bar! Bishop, musical director. «»'«» TEYMSSSKE. ipilnm, Wash., for one week, mid nfler our iierf second week and were offered Hie I bird week, Irst iierformnni-e wei-e licit! over fur Ihn Memphis.—At Hopkins' Bust I.'od Park I A. B. Moriisou, manager) fireworks after the performance and an excellent programme attracted large crowds week of Aug, 28. Those deserving mention were: Blckcland Watson, Julian Hose, Ariel Natalie, Mrs. Wynne Wlnxlow, Potter's dogs and as an extra, the Ktcln-Bretto Family. Notbh. —The BIJou Theatre opens lis doors week of Sept. 5. with: "The Sign of the Four." The New Lyceum Theatre presents "The Liberty Belles" 21 Hopkins' Bast Bod Park will give Its final performance IS and (be Hopkins' Grand Opera House will throw its-doors open for the season IB, An entirely new Stock coin- puny has been engaged, a < ImdnnooijB.—At the New Opera House (Paul R. Albert, manager) "The Devil's Auc- tion" had fair' business Aur. 211. "Llbcrlv Itclies" had a good bouse and pleased 30. A I. II. Wlhu.U, In "Prime »f TnlicrH," Sept. 12. ,— M » , » ■ — Dlxou 1 Muslufd'1 "Hliibiily Duinply" Co. played tivo B'eeks.nt the Vaudeville Pa- Vllivu, South Usud, lud, to capacity. hut bsd.to refuse ou account of oilier work ahead."'. Tub I'inaupm (Al. and Jessie), who arc presold lug II refilled musical sketch, have Just dosed Ii two weeks' engagement ul Binding's casino, North Heneh. und have signed will llrnbutu ft Meyers' "The Chorus Girl" Co., for the seusuii, tu do Ihulr specially and play purls. The Tiiiiek IImnai.imim ■report uieellug wllh siieccHs over .1. K. Burke's circuit of parks. Howe ami Jid-keu will close I heir third season with the Burlow Show Sept. 17. und open on the l-Muln It. Lung circuit Del. II, fur twenty weeks. They report success wllh tludr new Juggling ami balnminguct. SeaIii.hn ANli Giiohh write: "We have re- joined hands after a separation of twelve weeks ami are now playing Hie Kinplre cir- cuit Hi rough Cullforniu, uffer which we piny return dates over the Ijing-lhllsoii circuit Iu I he Northwest." . . • John T. Hanson ami Mayiiiii. Diikw lire ou Hie. 1,'dwurd Shnyue circlill of parks uud lli"i! act Is meet lug wllh success. Tut: Al.. G. I'iEi.u GiiEATHii .Minmtiiei.i; be- gan their twenllclh iiiiniinl lour wettk of Sep 1 ., 13, opening theatres for Die season nt Marlon, Munsllcld nnd Akron, D., uud Dulrull, Mich., to capacity, Lui.u Keeoan will bo known hereafter n-j Lulu Mc.N'atll. .She writes that she Is nett- ing with success playing parks through Penn- sylvania. ' Herun ami Tiiiuias, musical performers, report success with their new Set, "Moving Day III Melody Lane." Tub Mbi.ton Twins opened at Hie Family Theatre, Butte, Mon., Aha;. 15, on tho Gold- smith circuit. ' Their new mi, "Lady- Fennel- sea and her Multl," is meeting with success, they write. Tub Sui.i.i.t Family wrlln: "While play- lug the Proctor circuit, In June, we were en- gaged by Melville II. Raymond for I he 'Bus- ter Brown' Co., Master Hill Sully to play Ibu part of Blister. All tho fauilly, Jno V'. Sully Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Sully were to play the prin- cipal parts hi the same, and our daughter, Klhiubclu Kslelle, for leading soubrelte. After due consideration we decided lo slay Iu vaudeville, ns our net Is proving u bigger suc- cess than ever, having ulinost all of our llnio filled In all of the best vaudeville houses for this season " Prevost anu Piikvoht sailed from Liver- pool, ICnghinil, Aug, 24, for America, to fill time hooked for 'this season. Talbot anu Uoouuk report success this Summer. , They were In their twelfth con- secutive week, Aug, 22-27, over the New Knglund Park circuit, and were engaged hy Mr. - Flynn as n leading attraction for his circuit of parks. They will play dates this season nnd are well booked up In the leading vaudeville houses, linn: and Heath wrlle: "Our act Is a success over the Jos. J. Flyun circuit of Summer parks." llAORr If. Him. has signed to manage "A Hot Old Time" Co., opening shortly near New York.' He has been fixing up bis new house nt Smith town, L. 1.,'which he bought recently. Haiiiiy and Ki.i.a Guay have been engaged to do their marionette specialty with (he Murray A Mackcy Co., ns a special vaude- ville faalnrc. They Will closd with the Mur- ium! ft Bailey Show'early In October and Join the 'Murray ft Mackcy Co. oil Dot. 17. Thompson ami SnniUA write: "We have Jnst finished n rp.iy Sllfcfnsflll mason of West- eru junk uork. und ur» on Our way Ciml, In nil gotal is.iu.iuts, iirtor- ttiih.li wo'rMiirii i\Vst in .Sovcintier, and am booKfll tlirotiah to.lhe Paeifle const. Our new Dish comedy ad, la » success every whuru wu .play." . An imi'hrtast enmgement in mln»treliy for thin season, which will be of Interest lo all lovers of that popular form of amusement ami especially those who attended the good old tlmo shows In years gone by, will bo thnt of "Hnppv cal" Witancr, a rim- mi nbsenca of fifteen vests, for ,«. farewell lour. He hfts lieen luduced bv Dan (liilnhin to Join the Dun < 'ulnhiti nntl Wall Imperial Minstrels, which mmiMny is now organising at Klmlni. N. Y., anil which will rehearse In the Wnverly Opem House and give lis first performance tUero Sept. 17, before starting on a tour of tho country. Liu. ian UAXflNltn, wife of Bobby Carroll, presented him with a baby girl Aug. 24. They are both doing finely. Geo. G. IlaoWN Is second cornet lo tho orchestra at the Trocadcro, Chicago, Ida second season I here. IHir Uudtma writes: "Have Just returned from n four years' tour of the coast, wotlr> Ing on the Crystal, Fdlsoti and Goldsmith circuits. Made quite a success and found the Westerners very line people. Am homo spending roy vacation on the farm, Clark Villa, Hamilton, Conn. Wtll work this Fall with my nlster. Babe Hart." Tim Ei.hctmo coMNhv rora (Tommy Merrick, Karl Cath, elms. Stutsman and Geo. W. Kerr) rei»ort: "We Just finished our Bummer season of fourteen wcoka at Hlvottoh Park, Portland. Me. We played eleven parks nnd threo weeks on tho Keith circuit and mot with unbounded success. We hove worked steady since Aug. 15. 1003, and are booked solid until May, liiUli, In this country, after which wo will sail for Kuroiio for an extended tour. We will Iny off for one week prior to rehearsals. We go wllh Hum Hill's 'Happy Hooligan' (Eastern) this season." Dahb Dnvn, Ritchie. In his bicycle dive, was the feature nttractluu nt Iho Columbus (Ohio) Zoo Inst week. Hn writes that his act draws wonderfully and makes a great sensation. c.M'Sii'K II. Lewis Ih In her third weck with Frank P. Bpellrann's circuit of parks and fairs. She reports unit her act Is a success. Miss Lewis Is wllh tho No. 1 East- ern show. Tin; Grb.vt IU'htin, liitly tambourine spin- ner and jliggler, Is meeting wllh success. This week slie Is til Hockvlllc. Conn. ctiAHt.r.s w. 'William* writes: "Am back lo work uuiil ii, nfler liitvlng been laid up wllh u hmlly sprnlntd wrist for live weeks. I opened at Hie Still Piititce, Halt Lake, Aug. 32, Am on my wny Bast to put mil an entirely nun- act." Bli. K. Dai.ey, press iigent for several sciihoiis with the W. II, WalHiiu Anmseuieiit Co.. and who has Is'eii connected with sev- eral big Western theatres, will be locnled al the Grand Dpem House, Indianapolis, this season, making his second season ul Hint vaudeville house. Wilson anu He Monviia.h opened at tho Chicago Opera House week of Aug. I success- fully ill a uew Hutch net bv J. J. Malloy, followed hy tl week ill the Columbia Thciilie, St. IiOUIh, Mo. Tho mil Is copyrighted mid prelected. Mr. ami Mas. Caih, Ca itri.it pluyed a ru- in rn eiigiigemeut In Kenllle, Wash., nt Iho urplieiim Aug. 15, anil met wllh success. They will not rcliiru IOiinI for a year. TiiM (Jili.en has closed a Ivvo weeks' en- uiigeineiit ill Forest Purk, Wnlarliury, Conn., Ills Icing Hie llrsl net to be retained for u second nil-It, Jai'K Gaiii'.neii Is liniikcd to open on Ihn Western circuit nt tho t'oliiiiihln, Clucluuiltl, Nov. 0. MAjaunr am> Visa are this week al ller- geii lleiicli I'nsluo mid Mr. Iluwlcy's uovelly dnnro Is u success. Stai'I.hton anu Ciianev. nfler playing: lending parks through Indiana and Ohio, open their lecottd m-itsim wllh Fruilk P. Spell- man's fair UIIIIKilnu tit LiilMloll, I),, for twelve weeks, llAitiiti; Wii.mont, hiirllmie nnd song lllus- Iratiir, i-rporls siiccesH wllh his songs. I'llltlH, Mil! Mi AMI BlAIIKI, ItllHMKI.I, will begin llielr season In viiudevlllo nt llurtlg It Seamou's Music Hall, New York, rlepl. 5. Tub Tiiiiek .Iacksons, novclly athletes, will open on ilie (Irpliomn circuit Sept. II, til Kansas lily, nnd will open oil Hie Shell circuit ul. Buffalo, N. V„ Jan. II. They liava Just iiitaiilelcd HiicccMsful eiigagcnieuls In I'hleiigii. SI. Louis, Lit lie Hock lllld Clliltla- IIOIHJH. < IINNKI.I.V AND ItllVt'B plllv II I'l'llll II lllllo ill Tony Pastor's, New York, Sept. 5, Al.l.ll.V AMI llEI.MAIN tire Ml III mi Ihn Mel- vllle circuit. This week ihc.v arc u fenliiro in Sniiilierii Park, I'lllsburg. Ph. Next week lln-y arc at JllUiiloll I'urk, HcilVCC Fulls. The Mouah, couioiIv ring pcrforamrs In "Tho Professor uud Ihc Chiwu," liuve Just elosisl n successful hvo weeks' engagement ul Olympic Purk, Niiwark, N, J, Tiiey will appeal- at l.tmu Park, foiiey Islniid, N. Y., lor I wo weeks, i-oiiiiuein Ing Aug. IfH. Mi'Kiiay a .si. Cmytom. wiilo: "Wo wnr« recently iniidn inululaii's of Hie Aclurs' Nu> lliinill li'oletilvu Union of Chicago, No. i 4 We n|Hli Sept. VJ ou Ihn Luliclskl circuit, Denver, Col .We lnive not laid oir one wceH and have beeii meet lug w 11 h siiccnss." Avbiiy ami llAirr wrlle: "This Is our llilrfl kiicresstul week on tho BIJou circuit. Wa liuve llireo uioiit weeks here, anil return dales at Miirlnellc und oshkush, nulk|nf eight weeks In nil-, nfler which wo open oo Ihc Crystal mid Griuiiiiuii circuits Nov. '19. ■ Mo Mini: ANU I'aiu:. ticrolmtle comedians, are-now ou Ills J. W. Gorman circuit of narks, und report success. Tho feature. o( tin' act Is Harry Mon roc's forward uuuicr« sault over seven chairs ou n labia, > iIusei'h Keaton writes: "I am proud to Inform you of a now arrival, born to ua night of Aug. n. Another Butter. Mother nnd hoy doing finely." ... MKMtIUjH anu Azkj.u; wero uniihlo to piny Dlyinplil Park, McKeespoit, week of Aug. l.i, nor Hiiininll Park, Lilcu, N. Y., week or S3, owing lo Ihc sudden Illness of Mr. Mevlllle on their arrival at MiiCcospftrt. Azelle worked alone ut McKcos|iort. Mr. Melville Is recovering. Wii.t.iAun II. Wbiiku whs prcsonled by his purl nor. F. C. Kelkiirl. on his birthday, which occurred recently, with it fine gold watch anil chain. A bnmiuel whs given In Mr. Weber by the members of the company. Hovcral Ksglc brothers, from different aeries, worn In at tendance und enjoyed n bop aftor the show nt night. The I'litjii IIomieh write: "Wn are hookofl solid for Hie Winter season on the Keltb, Sites and Orpheuui circuits, and liavo no open lime until May, 11)1)5, W« huve signed con- tracts loopou on the Stall tour, starting wllh four weeks nl Hie new Coliseum, London. Hng„ Nov. 20, HOB." Lewis ami Chkkn opened wltli Uohlc's Kulckerhockers In Toronto, Can., and report Hint Ihey made a l>lg success In tho liur- lesi|iie. uud that llielr new' act was a big go. Sam Green played Mlku Murphy, and Oscar Lewis was riptides. I lie silly boy, Dick CiKiu;!-. Hie well known otitflolder of the Huston Niitiuiiul league baseball team, Is about lo enter vstitlevllle. He has Joined hands with Hurry Mnyo. well known as • comedian and song writer, and they will present a sketch written especially for them hy George Al. Cuban, eutltled "A Ninth liming Finish nt the Polo Grounds." Mr. Cmiley Is putting lu ull of bis span) time, when not playing hull, preparing hluistdf for his new venture. FBIKIi anm I/iiiine iieit.iii.ev have heeu engaged for stock produeipms at. Iho Coeiir D'Aleiic Theatre, Spokane. Wash. Cm ixjwAKnn-wi i.hon buou VHnmtttM IlKei's report iiieciing wllh success nt Sea llri'i'/e 1,'nrk,' IhH-hi-tler, nnilivvek nf Aug. -A T)i?ie In their itnconil weel: ilime. ' ' nun ani» ioa iviM,iA*ts' VtmrnritM Co. opens ut New 'ICmpIre 'Tlieatre,' Terr* liaultf, tin]., Bspt, l». ••