The New York Clipper (September 1904)

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m THE NE¥ YORK CUPPER. September 17. Cttr. Mo.. 11-17. Leavenworth, Kan.. IS. In- dependence Hi. Scdalta, Mo.. 20. Fulton 21, Hafisbury 22. Klrksvlllc 23. Hamilton 24. "LItilc .Outcast." K. J. CarDMitor'i—SjjjrlngllcW. III.. 14, Oioinpnlgu 15. Danville 10. Bloomlng- ton 17, Pckln IN, Canton 10. Peoria 20, Mon- mouth 21. Burlington. In., 22, Muscatine 23, Mnllne. 111.. 21. „ ■ . _ . —l.lttle Church Around tlic Corner" (Vance * Sul- llvau, mgra.l-Nownrk, N. J.. 1217. Brlilgc- iwrt, Conn.. 1U. 20, Springfield. KM. •*•■-*■ 'Lighthouse by Ihf r*4" (Vance ft Snlllyan. nigra.)—Philadelphia, Pa.. 12-17, X. V. City '•Utile Outcast" (It. A. Hank*, ragr.»—«»•«'• Ind.. 14, llluomllehl IS, Hiislivllle Irt. Bleh- mnnd 17. Union City 1". Fort Wijuo 20. M Mack. Andrew IBM * Harris, ingrsj—Portland, Mn.. II. Portsmouth. X. .It. ftJWj Muss.. HI, I.swrciico 17. Concord, .V II., 1». llnmhfslcr 20. Lowell. Mass., 21, Salem ... Maiden 23. Wallham 21. * Miller, Henry (Charles Frohiaan. mgr.)—Kansas fill' Mu. 12-14, Ml. Joseph 15, Omaha. Neb., hi, 17, Chicago, in., looit. I. . Mann. Lonls ((." B. Dillingham, mgr.)—Biiffulo, X. Y.. 13-14. Rochester 15. l.tlca HI, Scbeuec- tndv 17. Phllndeliililn. I'll.. 10 Oct. I. ' Murphy. Xlmatlgr <T. K. Saunders, mgr.)-Mont- gomerv, Ala.. 14, Pemun-olu, Flu., U, Mobile, Alo.. Id. 17. New Oilcan*. La., 18-24. Murphy. Joseph (George Kcuney. mgr.)—Montre- al. Can.. Oct. 3-8. „ „ „ , . Mautcll. Itobert 11. (Max Zocliner. Mgr.)— Nashua. X. II.. 14. Gunlurr. Mass.. 13. gj* ler HI. 17, Mniitli Frnmliiglium 1». Portland. Me.. 20. Wiilcrvlllc 21, Bangor 22, Bath 2J, Rockland 21. _ , „. . ... MucDowell. MoPwuriie (Date A. t\cl*. mgr.) — I'nrllnlsl, Ore.. 12-24. Muaon mid Mason Broadhurst & Ciirrle. uigr*.)-— Suvmnmli. Cu.. 13. Augusta Id, Allien* 14.. Atlanta 15, Hlriiiluglinin. Ala., 10, Meridian. Mis*.. 17. New Orleans, La., 18-24. McAullffe mwt iJero McAullffe. mgr.)—Newport, 11. I.. 12-17, Full Blvcr, Must.. 10-24. Myrtle-Harder Block. Eastern <W. H. Harder, nigr.)—Chester, l'u.. 12-17. ratersou, N. J.. 10- Myrk'lc-Ilnrdrr Stock. Wmtctn (Kngcue J. Hull, mgr.)—Washington. Pa.. 12-17, East Liverpool, Murray ft '.Uuckey (John J. Murray, mgr.)— Wheeling. W. Va.. 12-17. Maine*. Clara—Suult Ste. Mnrle, Mlcb., 12- Malta block (Tom Marka. mgr.)—Bat Portage, Out., 12-17. Winnipeg, Man., 10-24. Murks Bros. (Joe Murks, nigr.)—Brockvlllo, Can., 12-17. Orlllln 10-24. Murks Bros.. May A. Bell Murks (B. W. Marka, uigr.)—Ciiuton. N. Y.. 12-17. Mvcrs. Irene, Big Block (Will II. Myera, ragr.)— KuslOII, I'O.. 12-17. , . ... . „ _ Myera, Will U., Block (81m Allen, mgr.)—Har- rlaburg. Pa.. 12-17. York 10-2-1. Murray Comedy. Onirics Lnujb's—Tcrre Haute, )nd„ 12-17, Mlildletown. 0.. l»-24. McDonald Stock (Owi-rc W. MeUonald, mgr.)— Jlouud Clly, 111., 12-17, Poplar Bluff, Mo., 10- 21. Miller fc llrynn Stock (Frank K. Miller, mgr.)— llutou BoiuA'. La.. 12-Oet. 1. Maium fc Hlgbla Comwlluna (W. K. Mn.iura k .1. W. Blgbla, mirrH.)—Wlllmar, Mum., 12-17, Lit- Ho FalU 10-24. . ._ •'.Mra. Wlgga of tbe Caldiage Pntcli" (Llebler & Co., ■»«.)—N. V. City 12-Oct. B. "Mummy nnd the Humming Bird" (Jnlea Murry, mac.)—North Ailnma. Miikb., 21, Flttufleld 22, Bolyoke 211, Siirlnglleld 24. "More to be Pilled tkiiu Scorned." Charles R. Bluuey'a—ltocbeHier, K. Y., 15-17, X \. City 10-24. ••M'liH»," Nellie Mcllenry (Speueer & Aliorn. iagra.1—Brooklyn, N. Y., 12-17, N. Y. City 10- 24. "Moonalilncr'a Dnughler." Eaatcin (W. V. Mumi. iu«r.l—Port Huron, Mlcb.. 14, Monroe 15, Te- I'uuiaeli 10, Juckaon 17. UUIadalc 10, Angola. Ind.. 20, Auburn 21. Columbia City 22, Blufftou 2a, Marlon 24. __ "Moonahlnor'a Daughter," Wenlern and Southern (Frank Dodge, mgr.)—l'redcrlcktoau. Mo., 14, Charleston 15, Poplar Bluff 10, Cnruthersvllle 17, Keuni'lt 10. Jiiuesbora, Ark.. 20, Morlauua 21, Forrest City 22. Clarendon 2;l. "Midnight Mori-luge," Forrester ft Mlttcuthnl a iFriuik C. Bhoadeii. ingr.l —lilrmlughum, Ala., 18-17, Nashville, 'IVnu., 10-21. _ "MeFaildeu's Flats." Uus HUPa (Cuaa. K. Bar- ton, mar.)—Petersburg. Va.. 14, Itlchmoud 15, Churlotte, N. 0., lit. Columnlo, H. 0., 17, An- Kiutu, Ul„ 10, Cliiirleatini, S. C, 20, Suvau- nub. (lu.. 21. .TuekHonvllle, Flo.. 22. Albany, Ua.. 211. Uoluuibu* 24. ••Mwb-rii Vlklug"—Peoria. III., IS, Burlington HI. "MUMiurl Olrl," Kasteni. Fred Baymuud'H (tleiirge lledee. ingr.l—MonlleeUo, lad., II. Deealur 15. Dclnhus. O., 10. St. Marrs 17. Ce- lluu Hi, Vou Werl 2», llnrrelt, lud., 21. Al- bion 22. Fori Wayne "'i. Bryan. O., 24. "Missouri Ulrl." Walern. Fred Bayiuoud'a (Hurry S. Hopping, ingr.l—Cbarlollc, Mleli.. 14, Nash- vlllc lu,. Hastings HI, Oranil ).e<lgo 17. Port- luud Hi. lunla 20, Lmvell 21, Holly 22, Corun- uu 2:1. l'unlei-tllle 24. "Midnight Flyer" (Bd. Auderson, mgr.)—Shelliy- vllle. lud.. 14, Comiersvllle 13, New Castle 10. Hartford city 17. Peru IK. aloiiltwller 10. Van Huron 20. Decatur 21, Portland 22, Alexandria 2:1, Klwowl 24. N Nelll. Jniiies (Cliinli-s Aator Parker, gen mgr.)— Sun Francisco. UaL. 12-17, Seattle, Wash., 10- Oi-t. 20. North ltnillii-n>' Comedians, Western (P. C. Oar- ler. mgr.)—Kui-eku, Kan., 12-17, Cellar Vale 111-24. North llivthers' Comedian*. ICaslera (It. J. Mack, mgr.>—Kowunee. III.. 12-17. Deealur 10-24. Xntlonal Stock iCliitM. It. Sehad, mgr.)—Mas- *eu«. N. Y.. 12-1T. Nolile Ilrothers—t.'ival Iteuil, Kan., 12-17, Hut.'h- lii*ii'.. 10-24. Neville, Margaret (William Cradoe. mgr.)—Me- Keesporl, Pa., 12-17. Fairmont. W. Va.. ltl-24. "Ninety and Nine" (Frank McKeo, mgr.)—Brook- yu. X. Y.. 10-21. "No Wnhllng B.'lls for Her." Forrester ft Ml turn- Dial's—Heading, P11.. 12-14. Ilobukcn, a. J., 13-17. Boston, Mans.. 111-21. "New York Dh> by Hay" (tleorge W. Wlnuelt, ingr.l—Plltsburg. Pa.. 12-17. "Xolaaly's Claim"--Chicago, III., 1S-24. O Oleott. Chunnw.v (Augustus l'ltou. mgr.)—Du- Inlh, MU111., 14, Wliuina 15. La Crosse. Win., 10. Albert Lea, Minn., 17, Maukato H>, Sioux Falls. So. Dak., 20. Sioux Clly. Is., 21, Umuha. Neb.. 22. -.;. St. Joseph. Mo., 24. "Oilier Hlrl" (Chovh-H PnAunan, lilgi.)—Spring- Held. Muss., 21. Iloslon 211-Ui-t. t>. ■Our New Minister" (.Miller ft Conyers, regra.)— St. Paul. Minn.. 11-17. Minneapolis 18-24. "Over Nlugnru Falls." A (Ituulaud ft Clifford, nigra. 1 — Warren, (I.. 14, NlleS 10, Yuuiigslown HI, New C-aslle. Pa.. 17. Wheeling. W. Va., 10- 21. Zi.tiesvllle. O.. 22. Daylou (Soldiers' Home) 2:1. "Over Niagara Falls," B (Bowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)—Suiilt Sic. Murle, Cau.. 14. Sanlt Hie. Slarle. Mleh., 13, Mamuelle HI, Calumet 17. Lake I.luOcu IS, Hancock 10, Jstioemlng 20, Anllgo. Wis.. 22, Wnusau 2:1, Merrill 24. "liver Niagara Full"," C (Bowland * Clifford, nigra. 1 — Mnlloou, 111.. 14. Purl* 15. Torre II.mi.'. Ind., HI. 17, Fvunavllle IS, Wnshlng- luii hi. Vineeniic* !». Olney, 111.. 21. Centralln 22. Lllrlllleld S3, Allon 24. • "Onlv 11 Shop Ulrl" (II. II. Wluchell. .mgr.)— Brooklyn. X. Y., 12-17. Providence, B. I., !«• "tiui' of Hie Fold" (Uenr.v II. Marks, mgr.)— Toledo, O., 11-14. liiunil Biiplda, Mich.. 18-21. "lUi Hie Suwamv Blver" tK. 1>. Stair, tugr.)— I'lnelnmill. ft.. 11-17. Uillsvllle, Ky.. 18-24. "Old Arkansaw." Fred llujuaiud'a (Morle H. Aor- ton. mgr."—Biislmell. 111.. 14, Ablngdmi IS, Moniiiviilli HI, Mui-uuib 10. Cuba 20, Cauton 22, Pnlemburg 3:1. lteaiilstoivu 24. "On Ihe Bridge ul Mhlulglit." Kastern (Vrank tloxsulo, ingr.l—I'lnelnniitl. •>.. 11-17, Sprlua- lleld III, Znnesvllle 20, MasHllbm 21. Akron 22- •011' the Bridge al Midnight," Western (Frank OuhoIu. mgr.*—Porllninl, Ore.. 11-17, Balem 10 "I - "Ole oi'miii." Ben Mcadrlck* (Wllllnni limy, ingr.l -■llrookflllo. Pa., II, CurwliiSTllle 13, Clrar- tlehl 10. 1>ii Hols 17, Irwin 10, Jeuirnnttc 20, (Inviisbnrg 21. Oil City 22, Mcadvlllc S3. Sharon 24. „..„.. 'Old Farmer Hopkins" (Frank S. Davidson, mgr.) —Conderaporl, Pn.. 14, Galcton 13. Addlsou, N. V.. lit. llbwsburg, Pa.. IT. Troy 11), Canton 2t>. Ileisiva 21. SI. .Maryn 82. llnH-kwayvllle 21'. liet noldat Hie 21. ,, "On Tlianksfiiliig Day" iVnuee * Sulllvnu. nigra.) —Srrantun. Pa., 12-14. Wllkesuarre 16-17. "One of Ibe Finest," Vaiiuml .1. Hussun's—1'hlU- delplila, P«- 1217. Newark. N. J„ 10-21. ' L'lhil People* UVU*' 1 (VVIU kt UUlatls UWil PortBgc. Wis.. 14. Black Hirer Fall* 1(1. Nellls- vlllc 17. Kan Claim 20, llnrand 21. Wabasha, Minn.. 32. Bed Wing 2a. Hastings 24. "One Night In June"—Chicago. III., 18-21. P Pat Ion. ft. II. (J. M. Stout, ingr.l—Creslon, Ia„ 14, Clorliula 15. Ilnl Oak Hi. Atlantic 17. Xwi- la is. I'liittsiiKiiith, Neb.. 10. Fremont 2U, Schuyler 21. Wahon 22. Beatrice 23. Frealoii, John A. (II. C. Crawfonl, mgr.) — IKviimlfn. HI., 14. Pinion IS, Wataekn HI, Dan- illle 17, Jlriir.ll, Ind., in. Paris, HI., 20, Mar- shall 21. ltoblnaon 22. Pavlon. Corte, Slwk (David J. Ilamage, mgr.) — Xewbnrgli. X. Y.. 12-17. Poughkcepslo 10-24. pjyion. Oirse, Comeily (J. T. Mncanfey. mgr.)— Trenton. X. J.. 12-17, Hliichnmton 10-24. Pnrton Staler* (Col, Frsnk Bobertaon, mgr.)— Little ll.ii'k, Ark., 12-17. Hot Spring* 10-24. Piiwell-Parlello. Western (Hallon Powell, mgr.) —Maualun, Wis.. 12-17. West Salem 10-24. "Pretty Peggy" (Arthur C. Alston ft J. Erainett Baxter, mgrs).—Alexandria. La., 14. Beau- mont. Tex.. 1(1. tlslveaton 17, 18. Houston 10, 20. Sun Antonio 21. 32. A11-tin 23, Waco 24. "Peddler." Sum Thorne—Hulllraii. Harris ft Woods' (Fred Block, mgr.l—Springfield. Mass., 12-11, Fall Blvcr 15-17, Lawrence 10-21, Man- chester. K. II.. 22-24. "Prisoner of War." Forrester ft Mltfenihul's — ('million. N. J., 12-14. New Haven. Conn., 15- 17. I'lltaliiirg. Pa., 10-24. "Peck's Bad Boy" (Leroy J. French, mgr.)— Klgln, III.. 17. Bockford 10. Sycamore 20, De Kalb 21. Mollne 22, Kewaoec 2.1. Peoria 24. "peck and bis Motlicr-ln-Law"—Wooasocket, B. I.. 20. "Policy Player*" (Dly S. Hill, mgr.)—Columbia, Pa.. 14. Altoonn 15. Johnstown 10, ConncUs- vllle 17. Pittsburg 10-24. "Papa's Boy"—Jackson. .Midi., 24. "Queen or (lie lligliwny" (W. McUowan, mgr.) — Ht. Luul*, Mu.. 11-17. "QiiliK-y Adams Sawyer," Central (W. (J. Buel- llng, mgr.)—Lcwlston, Me.. 14, Portland 15, Togus ID, Bangor 17, Waterrlllo 10. Augusta 20, Bath 21, ltockluud 22, Kxeter 23, Salem, Mass., 24. "Qnceii of Die While Klnves," Kastern (A. It. Woods, mgr.)—Bridgeport, Conn., 14, New Hiiven 15-17. Dnnbury 10, Bristol 20, Middle- town 21, llarlford 22-24. "Que«oi of (he White Slures," Westeru. (A. n. Woods, mgr.)—MlnoeaiwllK, Minn.. 11-17. Dea Moines, la., 1P-21, St. Joseph, Mo., 22, 2.1, Leavenworth, Kun., 24. It Itogcrs ltrollieis (Klaw ft Krlaugcr, mgrs.)—X. Y. Clly 12-Oct. S. Bays, Johnny and Kmma (K. D. Stair, mgr.)— Cleveland, 0., 12-17. Toledo 18-21, Columbus 22-24. Itoherl*. Florence (Fred Belasco, mgr.)—San Francisco, Cnl„ 12-24. Hyno Stuck (Daniel ltyan, mgr.)—Fall Blver, Mas«., 12-17. Xew|K>rl, H. I.. 10-21. Bohurts. (lertrude 111. 0. Arnold, mgr.)—Hsr- wleliport, Mass., 14-OcL 1. Boe Slock (C. J. W. Hoe. mgr.)—Brockton, Mass., 12-17, New lyjiulnn, Conu.. 10-24. Bentfrow's, J. X., Jolly Patbllinlcra—Hunting- ton, Ind., 12-17, Fludlny. O.. 10-24. Itnyal Ullputlans. Cus Hill's (Tlimnas B. Henry, ■ugr.)—blisnlwlli, X. .1.. 17, Cheater, Pa., 10, Atlantic City. X. J.. 20-22, Beading, Pa., 23, Allentown 24. "Haven" (Maurice Campbell, mgr.)—Bridgeport, Conn.. 10. "Hudulph nnd Adnlph" (Broadhurst & Currle, ingrs.i— Pottsvllle, Pa., 12, .Muhanoy City 13. Mount Ciuniel 14, Shenandoah 15, Ashland HI, Shamokln 17, Lcwlsburg 10. Lock Haven 20. Wllllamsport 21, Beuova 22, Houttdale 23, .luliustoivii 21. "Itoyal Slave," X'oitbcru. Gordon ft Benuett's (Ueorgo K. Crowder, uigr.)—Ashtabula, O., 14, North East. Pa.. 15. oil City 10, Tltusvlllo 17, Union City 10, Franklin 20, Greenville 21, Sha- ron 22, Wnrren 23, Youngstown 24. "Royal Slave." Southern, Gordon ft Bennett'* (Henry Blackaller. mgr.)—Sycamore, O., 14, Mount (Ulead 15, Gallon 10. Manslleld 17, Orr- villu 20, Chicago Junction 21. Mlllcrsburg 22, Washington Court Houko 2S, Wllmlugtou 24. "Hoiiiuiicc of Coon Hollow" (A. C. Allen, mgr.)— Mile* City, Mont., 13, Billing* 14, Livingston IS, Unite 10, 17, Anaconda IS, Missoula 10, Wallace, Ida.. 20, Spokane, Wash., 21, 22, Seat- tle 23-Oct. 1. "Buimwiiy Banker" (J. F. Jcffcrs, mgr.)—Hin- doo Mines. Mo.. 14, Weir, Kan., 10, Bcammon HI, Columbus 17. "Hiiiiuwny Miilrli," Clint nnd lleasle Bobbins 1 Chase ft Lister, mgrs.I—Lucas, In., 10, Albla 20. Centervlllc 21, Scyuiour 22, Princeton, Mo., "lluuiiwuy Tramp"—Omaha, N'ebr., 18. 8 Bollieru, K. 11.. and Julia Marlowe (Charlea Froh- iii.-iii. ingr.l—Clileiigu, 111., lu Oct. S. Stutirt, Ralph flalwnrd Thiirneur, mgr.)—Den- ver. Col., 11-17. Halt Lake City, l\, 20, 21, Oakland, t'al.. 23, 21. Sully. Huulel 1 Willis K. lloyer. mgr.)—Spring- Held, Mass.. 14, Ware 15, Lawrence 10, Gard- ner 17, Lowell 111. Lynn 20. Manchester. X. II.. 21. Portsmouth 22, Dover 23, Blddeford, Me., 24. Shea, Thomas L. (Xlxou & Zlmmeriunn, mgrs.)— I.owoll, Mass., 12-17, Brockton 10-24. Smart Hot. (ins Hill's (W. B. Moore, mgr.)— Montreal, Can., 12-17, Quebec 10-21, Ottawa IKI.OI ^ Stcelsuiith*. The (C. M. Steelsmllb, mgr.) — Bloomlicld. la., 12-17, Ma recline, Mo., 10-24. Sterling Slock (William Trlplett, mgr.)—Skld- uiore. Mo., 12-17. Wlulrnwt. In.. 10-24. Sites, Will 0.. Slock (II. S. tillliert. mgr.) — Pollsvllle. Pa.. 12-17. Jolmsloxvn 10-24. Sowuid Bliow (Fred Seward, mgr.)—Albion, N. V.. 12-17, Hudson 10-24. Snow, Mortimer, Sl«s:k—Troy. N. Y.. 12-24. Show Stock (Xnlr ft Hhaw, mgrs.)—Monroe City, Mo., 12-17, Gallatin 10-24. "Spellbinder" (Gro. W. Ledcrer, mgr.)—N. Y. City 12. Indetlnlie. "Shore Acres" (William B. Gross, mgr.)—To- ronto, Can.. 12-17. Buffalo, N. Y.. 10-24. "Sweet Clover" (V. II. Slmfer. mgr.)—Taconih, Wash., 14. 13, Port Towusend HI, Victoria, B. v., 17. "Sherlock Holmes'' (Uothuer ft Campbell, mgrs.I —Albany. N. Y., 12-14, Schenectady 15. Aia- sfotclmii 10, I'llcii 17, Syracuse 10-21, Roches- ler 22-24. "S|>lrlt of "ill" (1). K. Benn. ingr.l—fjiwrcuce, Mass.. 14 Nashnu, X. 11.. 15, Wallham, Muss., HI. Maiden 17. "SI Plunkiinl." .1. C. U-wls (W. A. Junker. mgr.)—Knlun llnplds. Mleh., 14, Hillsdale 15, Three Blver* 10. I'.lkhart. lud., 17, Mishnwaku 10. Rochester 20, Peru 21, Huntington 22, Wabash 23. Logansport 24. "Slaves of the Mine" (L. J. Slcvln. mgr.)— Wlllluiiispni'l, Pa.. 13, Slieiinudoali 14. Proe- laud 13, Shauiokln HI. Alleutowii 17, Beading HI. l'lnenlwlllc 20. Iluvru dc Grace. Md., 21, Wlncbcater, Vs., 22, llagerslonu, Mil., 23, Att- luipolls 24. "Sign of the Cross"—Huntington. W. Va.. 12. liiiutun. ().. 13, Portsmouth 14, Murysvllle, Ky., 13, Frankfort 10. "Stain nf Guilt" (Iluvlln ft Garon. nigra.)— Saginaw. Midi., 11-14. Toledo. 0.. 1517, Phila- delphia, l'u.. 211-Ocl. I. "Struggle for Gold" (Joseph Marllno. mgr. 1— HnvcrMU. Mass.. 14. Manchester. X. 1L, 15- 17. Lowell. Mass.. 111.21. Blddeford, Me., 22. Augnsln 23, Wulerrllle 24. "Sbiidom) of a Ureal City"—Provldeuee, R. I_ 13-17, Jersey City. N. i., 10-24. "Sandy llottom" 11 Inuiptim ft Hopkins, mgrs.)— Moiunimth, HI., 14, lleardstown IS, 10. Canton 17 PiKirln IS. "S|iau of Lire"—Brooklyn. N. Y., 10-24. T Tholupsou. Heiiinan drank Thompson, mgr.)— N. Y. Clly 12-Oct. 20. Tliurstou. A.lrlnliht (Frank J. ft Claxton Wits- Inch, mgrs.)—Norfolk. Va., 22. Tununar. Fvu (F. M. Nureros*. mgr.)—Bochester, N. V.. II. Buffulo 15-17. Baltimore, Md., 10- 24. Tlimpp. riara (Shaw ft l-'lclsher, nigra.)—Alle- gan, Mhh.. II, Muskegon 15. Bed City 10, lllg llnplds 17. Turner, Clura (Ira W. Jackson, mgr.)—Now Bed- ford, Mass., 12-17. Tuunloti 10-21. Thome Dramatic (Frank A. Thorne, mgr.)— Chllllcolhe, 0.. 12-17. Charlestuu. W. Va., 10- Tlilirber ft Nusher—Gloucester, Mass., 12-17, Portland. Me., 10-21. "Tivo lli-idiaii"" (A. M. Palmer, ingr.l—lloslmi, Mn*-... 12 17. VVor.'i-aler 10. SprliujDeld 20, llnrttor.l. Conn:. 21. New llaicn 22, Brldgv purl 23, Treiilon, X. J.. 21. -iVo Lillle Wnlfs," It,' l.imsdn .1. Curler's UMiss. A. S1-I1I1111, mgr.i~Clinloii, In.. II. Hn- _ LWIVJ 16. aUiiliwlS. Ul, jHHIltl* II. GbHlM City 10. Waterloo 20. Iowa Fall* 21. lott bodge 22. Perry 23. Curroll 24. _ . . "Two Little Waifs," A. Lincoln J. Carter« Una. L. Buford. mgr.)—MUwaakee. Wia., II- 17. Siicboygsu 18. Appletou 10. Grceti Bay ^0, CUIposwa Falls 21, Dulath. Mian., 22 24. • Too l-rond to Beg." Lincoln J. Oartet's—Co- lumbus. O.. 12-14. Akton 10-17, Toledo 18-J1, Grand Itsphls, Jllch.. 22-24. "Two Utile Sailor Boy»" (George D. Brenusn, mgr.)—Rncheater. X. 1'.. 12-14. "Twelfth Night" (Joseph Shlpman, mgr.l— Lan- o.,tn, Pn., 21, Columbia 22. Getlyslsjrg 2-1. I'arll-le 21, Chnmbt-rshurg 20, Hsgerstown, Md., 27 "Tbon Shalt Not Kill," Eastern (Frederick Sgliwarts, mgr.l— Yurk. Pa., 14, Besillng l.i, Allrulowu Hi, M.aint Carmel li, Shauiokln Hi. Mahauoy Clly 2U, Hilton 21, DanvHle 22, Bellc- fonte 23, Wllllams|Kirt 24. "Tlion Slialt Not'Kill." We»leru (lYclerlck Sehwartx, mgr.)—Carthage. Mo.. 14. Nevada 17. SprlcgtleM 10. Pittsburg 17. Jopllu 1». Vlnlla. Ind. Tcr.. 20. Clarcaore 21, Muscogee 22, Lehigh 23, Sapolp* 24. "Tliou Shalt Not Kill," Abroad (Frederick Sobwirlx, mgr.)— London, Kng.. 12-24. "Te.toa Sletr" (M. Bice, mgr.)—Seattle, tlnsli.. 11-14. Portland, Ore., 10. Kugene It., lan- ronver. Wash.. 17. Walla Walla 10, Pendleton 2U. Iai Grande. Ore., 21, Baker City 22, Boise, Ida., 23, PocateUo 24. "Two Merry Tramps" (McVenn ft ^elter. mgrs.) —Madison, Bo. Dak., 14, Yankton 15-1 ■, III- tertown 10, Huron 20, Abordeea 21. Town Gossip (Eurt K. Wllher. mgr.)—Sunbury, Out., 14, Teesakm 15, 8ault 8le. Marie In, Sault Ste. Marie. Mich.. 17, Manistlque 10, F.s- funaha 20. Hermtnsvllle 21, Norway 22, Iron Mountain 23. Florence 24. J '_:■ . , "Thoroaghbred Tramp" (Harry Darlington, mgr.) —Kenton. 0.. 10. Findlar 17, Norwalk 10, Lodl 20, Wailsuurih 21, OUllon 22, Delaware 23, l.nnc.isttr 24. "Ten Xighls in a Ibir Bomn," Beeclier ft Stan- ley* (Walter J. McDonald, mgr.l—Mound I al- ley, Kan., 14. Aitamont 13. Hallowell 10, Ar- cadia 17. Folton 10. Lacygnc 20, Spring Hill 21, Missouri City, Mo., 22, Camden 23, llanllu "Trip to Egypt," C. H. Kerr's—Cincinnati, O., "Ten Nights In a Bar Boout," Mltcbell-Igtwiuau's —Union City, Mich., 15, Bellevue 17. Charlotte 10, Nashville 20, Grand Ledge 22, Portland 2d, 'TIJllc "oison"—Chicago, III., 11-17. Milwaukee, Wis., 18-24. "Texas Banger"—Lawrence, Mass., lo. 'Trolley Party" (0. A. Newell, mgr.)—Naugu- tock, Conn., 15, Wnlllngford 10. WlUlmantlc 17. Webster. Mass.. 10. Woonsoc'get, B. I., 30. Westerly 21, Southbrldge 22. _.__ V I'lrlcb Stock—Los Angeles, Cal., 12, Indenalte. "Under Southern Skies." Eastern (Harry Doel Porker, mgr.)—Worcester, Mass.. 12-17, Stam- ford, Conn., 19. Danbury 20. Waterbury 21, New Haven 22, 23, Hartford 24. "Under Southern Skies," Western (Harry Doel Parker, mgr.)—SL Paul, Minn., 11-17, Mlnne- "IThdcr Southern Skies." Central (Horry Doel Parker, mgr.)—Grand Rapids. Wis., 14, Bl- ion 16. Watertowu 10, Janesvllle 17. ljtpone, ad., 10, Klkhart 20, Kal&nuuoo, Mlcb., 21, Colriwaler 22. Tecumseh 23, Adrian 24. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." AL W. Martin's (Ed. S. Martin, nigr.)-^Akron, O., 12-14, Youngstown 16, Sharon. Pn.. 10. MeadTlUe 17. Franklin 10, OU City 20, Canal Dover, O., 23, Maasll- lon 24. "Uncle Tom's Cablu." Ceutral (Grant Luce, mgr.) —Philadelphia. Pa., 12-17, Atlautlc City, N. J., 1V-24. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Stetson's, Eastern (George Peck, mgr.)—Amsterdam, X. Y.. 14. Troy 15. 10. Cohoes 17. Mechanlcsvllle 111, Glens Fslls 20. Corinth 21. Saratoga 22, 23, Scbeuectndy 24. "Uncle Tora'B Cabin." Stetson'*. Western (Wm. Kibble, mgr.)—Marietta. O.. 14. Gnlapolls 15. I ronton HI. Portsmouth 17, Chllllcothe 10. Sprlnrteld 22-24. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Northern (Al. Gould, mgr.) —Cedar Falls, la.. 14. Waterloo 10, DuiuQue HI. IT. Independence la. Cedar Baplds 20, Belle Pluln 21, Woshlugton 22, Keokuk 23, 24. "Uncle Tom'a Cabin," Ed. F. Davis'—Wludhcr, Pn.. 14. laitrobe 15. Beaver Falls 10, New Caste 17, Greenville 10. Mercer 20. Butler 21, Du Bols 22, Bradford 23, Kane 24. "Uncle Tom's Cabla," Terry's—Bryant, So. Dak.. 14. Brookings 15. "Uncle Hex," Frauk Adams' (H. W. Whltllor, mgr.)—Kldred, Pa., 14, Austin 15. Smelhpurt 10, Kane 17, Jobnsouburg 10. Punxsutawncy 20, Hastings 21, Bamcsboro 22, Gallllzlu 23, llorcwell 24. "Uncle Josh-Perkins" (Fraieo ft Bay. mgrs.)— Greenville, Tex., 15, Denton 10, Fort Worth 17, Dnbis IS, 10. Corslcnna 21, HlUsboro 22, 23, Temple 24. "Uncle Joali Spruccby" (J. P. Doiiohue. mgr.)— Iticbmoud, Ind., 14. Anderson 15. Kokouio HI, Mimcle 17. Brookvlllc 10, Hamlllon, 0., 21, Xenla 22, Cliilllcothc 23. Portsmouth 24. "Uncle Josh Spruccby," Dave B. Levis'—Lincoln, Neb., 23, 24. V Van Dyke ft Eaton (F. Mack, mgr.)—Davenport, lu., 12-18. Vernon Stock (Bcnj. B. Vernon, mgr.)—Liberty, N. Y.. 12-17. Moutlcello 10-24. "Vlvlau's Papas" (Blch ft Harris, mgrs.)—Co- lumbus, u.. 14, 15, Springtteld 10. Dayton 17, Ixrabjvllle. Ky.. 10-21. Milwaukee. Wis.. 22- 24. "Virginian" (Klrke Iji Sbelle, uigr.)—Brooklyn, X. Y., 12-17. X. Y. City, 10-24. "Volonleer Organl*l" (Harry Murtell. mgr.)— Portsmouth, X. 1!., 14, Gloucester. Mass.. 13, Dover. N. II.. IU, Haverhill. Mass.. 17. Mai- den 1U, Sulem 20. Nashua, N. H.. 21, Lowell. Mass., 22, Maucliestet', X. 11., 23, Lawrence, Mass., 24. "Village Parson" (W. U. Kaukcvllle. mgr.)— Charlotte. N. C, 15. w Walsh. Blauchc (Wagenbal* ft Kemper, mgrs.)— X. Y. City 12-17, Boston. Ma**., 1»-Uct. 1. Wanle, Frederick, and Kathryn Kidder (Wngen- hals ft Kemper, mgrs.)—Jamestown, Xo. Dak., 14, Boteuan, Mont., 10, Helena 17, Bute 1S- 20. Missoula 21, Spokane, Wash., 22, North Yakima 23, Ellenburg 24. Waluwrlght. Marie (Jules Murry, mgr.)—North Adums. Mass., 15. Plttsfteld 10. Hprlngtleld 17, New- London, Conn., 10, Norwich 20. Lynn. Mass., 21, Lawrence 22, Salem 23, Worcester 24. Wlllard. Katherlne (Edward C. While, mgr.)— Fllchburg. Mass., 14. lluvcthlll 15, Ix-wlstou. Mr.. 10. Portland 17. Bath 10. Rockland 20. Bangor 21, Skowhegan 22, Wutervlllc 23, Au- gusta 21. Wartleld, David (David Belasco. mgr.)—Atlanllc Clly. X. J., 12-14, Willluuispori, l'u., 10. Kaslon 23. Wilson, Al. It. (Cbarlca II. Yale ft Sldaey 11. F.ltls. mgrs.)—Atlanta. Ga., 14, Augusta 15, Columbia, S. C, 10. Charleston 17. Savannah. Ga., 10, Jacksonville, Flu.. 20. Macon, Ga., 21, Columbus 22, Blrmlugtinm. Ala., 23, 24. Wills. Nat M. (liroadburst ft Currle, mgrs.)— Detroit, Mlcb., 11-17, Chicago, III., 18-Oct. 1. Ward ft Yokes (K. D. Stair, mgr.)—Syracuse, N. Y.. 12-11. Rochester 10-17, Buffalo 10-24. Williams slid Walker (Hurtig ft Seainun, mgrs.) —St. Louis. Mo.. 1S-24. Waiters, Julr— Seattle. Wash., 11-17, Portland, Ore.. 18-24. Wlllard. Harry E,—Louisville. Colo.. 15. !..;■ fayclte 10, Erie 17. Boulder 10. laaiginout 20, llorthouil 21. I.nvelaiid 22. Fort Collins 23, Windsor 24.. Wolford. Muiule Sheridan (E. L. Paul, mgr.l— Hastings. Nebr., 14, Falrbury 10. Beatrice 17. Wilson. Frederick 11. (O. M. Cotton, mgr.)— 1'outluo. Mlcb., 12-17. Ypsllantl 10-24. Wiedemann Big Stock (J. E. George, bus. mgr.)— Seattle. Wash.. 12. Indetlnlie. Wiedemann- Slock (Ed. lacol-son. bus. mgr.)— Porlland, (ire.. 12. Indefinite. Wledenmiiii lllg Show (F. K. Jncksou, bus. mgr.) —North Yuklinn. Wash.. 20-Oct. 1. Wlunlngvr Brothers' Own (Prank Wlnnlnger, lugr.)— Chlpivwu, Wis., 12-18, I.a Crosse 10- Winslruff, Dora. Big Stock (J. II. Kilgorc, mgr. I— Howling Green. Ky.. 12-17, Paris. Tenn.. 111-24. Wight ft Kuln Slock—Mldlaud, Md., 14-17. Plcd- taoaL W. Va.. 10-84.. Whyle Dramatic (Charles P. WUyte. mgr.)—.len- nlLgs, 1 1., 12-17, Lake Charles 111-24. Wallls Stock-Orange. N. J., 12.17. • 'Way Ikmi V«m." Wm. A. .—lli,l,r..\. X M..- 1217. " Way Down Falsi." Win. A. Tlr.vlr's—Ullwan- Lev. Wis.. 11-17. Grand Baplds. Mleh., 1S24. "Way of Hi* Tca»si;m°«.r." —p<wll*n.l. Me.. Id. •'Millie Tlsrex" iWm. T. Keogh, uigr.)— l'-alll- E uua. ilii:. MU . ■- "We.ble.1 and Parted." Bulllvan, »«""« ft Woods -Wllkcbarre. Pa.. 12-14, gnanton lo^i, Har- rlstwrg 10-21. Beading 22, Allentown -3, lingarord. Pav 14. Potts.lUc 15 Mabanoy City HI Savannah 17. Mount Carmel 19. Sha- iwikln 20. Nortbumlierland 21. Jersey Shore 22, lxxk Haven 21. Clearfield 24. -,-. •Why Women Sin," Kastern (M. M. Taylor. ■•Wb^W^'-SIn* WesM'rn (M..W. Taylor. mgr.)-B*ttle Creek. Mich.. 14. Ipsllantl, 15, Aim Arlwr 10. Port Huron 17. Saginaw 19, Hay Clly 2«. Iginalng 21. Jackson 22. "Was She to BlameV No. 2 (Je.1 Corlton. mgr) --Ilsstlags. Xcb.. 14, Wgar 15, Falrbnry 10, Beatrice 17. . „. , _, .— * • -Wedded. But No Wife" (W. J. Fie ding, mgr.) SprluglMd. O., 14, Dayton 15-li. Indianapolis, lud 22-24 "Why" Girls I.csve Home" (Vance ft Sullivan, mgr*.)—Fall River. Mass., 12-14. _„„„„ "Mliy Girls Leave Home" (Vance ft Sullvan, mgrs.)—Newark. X. J-. 18-1 •• ., , "What Aomen Will Do" (II. M- no den. mgr. •— Grsml Rapids. Mlcb.. 11-14, Michigan City, Hid.. 17. .Chicago. I»•• 1»;? 4 - , ,_.„ __ , "Working Girl's Wrongs' tllownrd Wall, mgr) —Mcoiiibls. Tenu.. 11-17. Cincinnati, O., 18-24. "Mhen W l onien Ia>ve." Eastern (Frank W. Nasou. mgr.l—Silencer, Mass., 14. Clinton U. Isw- mltister Id, South Framinghnm 17. Salem 10. Isiwell 20. Lawrence 21, Waltham 22, Glon- i*ster 23. Ipswich 24. ^ _ "When Women I«ve," Western JJtank W. Nasnn. mgr.)—Baltimore, Md„ 12-17, Philadelphia, •'Why Glria <!o Wrong" (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)— Wllllamsiiort. Pa., 17. _ " 'Way Out West" (Mort W. Sanford. mgr.)— Omaha. Nebr.. 11-14, Dnbisiue, la.. 10, Cllntou 17. Dayton. O., 19-21. Columbus 22-24 "Wn>-wanl Son"—Dc* Moines, la.. 12-14, Lin- coln, Nebr.. 21. Omaha 22-24. "Why He Divorced Her" (M. W. Taylor, mgr.)— New Haven, Conn., 12-14, Philadelphia, Pa., 19- 14. ■ T "li« Yoiison" (E. V. Glronx, mgr.)—Joljet. 111., 12. Ottuwa 13, Elgin 14. Belvldcrc lo, Rock- ford HI. Sycamore 17, Wnukegon 18, Waakeslin, Wis.. 10. Blkhorn 20. Belolt 21. JameavlUe 22, Stoughlon 23, Madison 24. MUSICAL. Brooke'* Chicago Marine Bond (Bert A. Hall, uigr.)—Chicago. IB., 12. iitdeSnltc. Butler, Helen May. and her ladles' Military Band J. Leslie Spahn, mgr.)—Lincoln, Neb., 11-10. Black Pattl TronbadonrB (Voelckcl ft Nolan, mgrs.)—Dayton, O., 12-14, Columbus 15-17, Indianapolis, Ind., 19-21, Paris, IU.. 22, Spring- field 23. "Babes lu Toyland" (Hamlin. Mitchell ft Fields, mgrs.t—Tioy, N. Y., 14. Rochester 19-21, To- ledo. 0., 22, 23. South Bend. Ind., 24. Creatore'* Baud—Toledo, O.. 11-17. Concert Boy* Band (L. Meroagliano. mgr.)— Dreamland. Couey Island. N". Y., 12. ludeflnltc. Canadian Jnbllee Singer* (W. T. Cary, mgr.)— Port Dalbonsle. Ont.. 14, Tliornold 15, Port Cnlhomr 10. St. Ann'* 17. "Cliluese Honeymoon." Kasteni (Sam S. Shulert. iilgr.)-*Plttslou. Pa.. 14, Willlaniaport 15. Suu- liurv 1R. Harrlslairg 17, Altooua 10, 20, Johns- town 21, La Trobc 22, Greensburg 23, Uulon- lown 24. . „ "Chinese Honeymoon." Western (Sam S. Shuhert. mgr.)—Marietta. O.. 14. Pnrkerslsirg. W. Va., 13, Clarksburg 10, Huntington 17. Portsmouth, ft. 10, Paris Ky., 20, Lexington 21. Hamilton, O.. 22. Springfield 23. Richmond, ind., 24. Daniel*. Frank (C. B. Dillingham. ro«T.)—Oiuuba, Neb.. 14, Kansas City. Mo., 13-17. Denver, Col.. 18-24. English Grand Oiwrn 1 Henry W. Savage, mgr.l— Brooklyn. X. V.. Orl. Ki-13. "Forhldilen Land"—Mluueapulis.' Miuii.. 11-17, St. Paul 18-24. GlnsiT, Lulu (C. II. Dlllliujhum. mgr. 1—X. Y. «,1fy 12-Oel. IS. "("■.littering Gloria" 1 Fisher ft Hyley. mgrs. 1— Toronto. Can.. 12-17. Milwaukee. Wis.. IS. Dulutb, Minn.. 22. 23. "Girl from Dixie" (George A. Kingsbury, mgr.) -—St. Joseph, Mo., 14, Leavenworth, Kan, 15, Topek* 10. 17. Hopper. De Wolf IW. A. Brady ft Sbnliert Broth- ers, mgrs.)—Chicago. 111.. 12-18. South Bend. Ind.. IU. Jackson. Mich.. 211. Battle Cm-k 21. Fort Wayne, Ind.. 22. Marlon 23, Dsylon. O.. 24. "Isle of Splce." B. C. Whllueys—X. Y. City 12. indefinite. "King uudu" tlnivld Trnllel. mgr. I—Philadel- phia. Pa., 12-17. Washington. D. C. 10-24. Lyric Opera (Henry Lea Vcllc. mgr.)—Fort Worlh, Tex.. 10-24. "Liberty Belles" (Fred U. Eerger Jr.. mgr.)— Port Glbsui, Miss., 14. Vlcksburg 15. Monroe, I.a.. IU, Greenville. Miss., 17, Clarksdnle 10, Helena. Ark., 20, Memphis. Tenn., 21, Jackson, Miss.. 22, Meridian 2.*:, Selinu, Ala., 24. Uuy. Edna (Charles Frohmun, mgr.)—X. Y. City 12. liideuulle. Maybcw, Stella (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)— pnt»- Uirg. Pa., 12-17. McKee's Boston laulles' Symphony Orcliestra (Frank W. McKec, mgr.)—Atlantic City, N. J„ 12-15. "Miss Bob White" (Nixon ft Zimmennan, mgrs.) —Washington, O. C, 13-17, Baltimore, Md., 10-24. ".Mother Goose" (Klaw ft Erlunger, nigra.)—SL Louis, Mo., lt-OcL 1. "Maid ami the Mummy" (diaries Marks, mgr.)— I'lilladclphla. Pa.. 12-17. Washington. D. C, 19- 24. "Mr. Wlx of Wlckhani" (E. K. Bice, mgr.)—X. Y. City 10. tndennite. Ncwlan's Concert Baud (Bob Muck, mgr.)— Cherry Volley. N. Y.. 14, Coopcrstown 15, Oneouta 10, Stamford 17. Saugertle* 10, Cuts- kill 20, Coxsackle 21, Athens 22, Waldcn 23, Goshen 24. I'liclan Opera (E. V. Phclan. mgr.)—Portland, Me., 12-17. New Bedford. Mass.. 19-24. Phuincy'* rnlteil States Baud (Fred S. Phlnncy, nutr.)—St. IaiuIs, Mo.. 12-Oct. 1. "Peggy from Pari*" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— Jackson, Mich.. 14, Ann Arbor 15, Toledo, O., 10, 17, Cleveland 10-24. "Prince of Pllsen" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— X. Y. City 12-17, Xewark, N. J.. 19-24. "Prince of Pllsen." English (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)—London. Eog.. 12, indefinite. "PUT, Paff. Putif" IF. C. Whitney, mgr.)—N. Y. City 12. Indefinite. "Prince** Chic" (John P. Slocnm, mgr.)—Que- bec. Out.. 12-14. Ottawa 10. Hamilton 17. "Princess of Panama" (Geo. W. Gotthold, mgr.) —Pmixaiilawncy. Pa., 13. Johusouburg 10. St. Mary* 17. Kane in. Corey 20. Meudvllle 21. "Royal Chef" (Ln Sellc Theatre Co., mgr*.)—N. Y. Clly 12-10. Chicago. 111., 19-Oct. 1. "Runaway*," Arthur Dunn (Sam S. Shubert, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly 12-17, Brooklyn, X. Y., 19- Sciicff, Frltxt (C. B. Dillingham, mgr.)—Chicago, 111., 12-17. Detroit. Mich.. 10-24. Schiiiuaiiii-Helnk (F. C. Whitney, mgr.)—Detroit. Mh-b., 12-17, Toledo, O., 19-21, Toronto, Out., 22-24. Slater's Brooklyn Marine Hand (0. M. Barnes, ragr.)—Brighton Beach, N. Y., 12. indeliultc. Sousu and bis Band (Frank Chrlstlaucr, mgr.)— IMtsbnrg. Pa., 12-17. Akron, 0., 18. Warren, mat and Yonngsiowu 10, AUiauce, mat, and Wooster 20, Bncyrus. mat., and Mansfield 21, St. Marys, mar., and Muncle. Ind., 22, Rich- mond 23. Chicago, 111.. 24. 23. "Sultan of Sulu" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— Cleveland. 0 . 12-17. Cincinnati 10-24. "Silver Slipper" (John C. Fisher, mgr.l—Bock- liuul. Me.. 14, U-wlston 13, Montwdler, VI., 10, lliirlliigton 17, Moutreal, Can.. 19-24. "Sis) Gun" (Henry W. Savage, uigr.)—Boston, Mass.. 12-Oct. 8. "San Toy" (John C. Fisher, mgr.)—Winnipeg. Man.. 12-15, Grand Fork), No. Dak., 10, Fargo 17. Hilling-. Mont., 10. Livingston 20, Bote- mull 21, Helena 22. Butlc 23, 24. "Soatuerna" (Geo. W. Lederer. mgr.)—Brooklyn. N. Y., 12-17. Philadelphia. Pa.. lP-Oct. 1. "Sleeping llcanty and tbe Beast" (Roseubaum ft Nankerllle. mgrs.)—X. Y. City 10-24. . "Slrullers" (Xlsuu ft Zimmerman, mgrs.)—Phils- ilclphla. Pa.. 12-17. Bridged*!. N. J.. 10. Bur- lington an, Kastvn, Pa., 21. Tvenlon, N. J„ 22, Wllmlugtou, Del.. 211. Chester, Pa.. 24. "Show Girl," B. C. Whitney'*—St. Louis, Mo- ll-17. Terre .Haute, lud.,. 19. "'I'euderioot." No. I (W. W. Tlllotson. mgr.) St. I.OU1*. Mo.. 1R-24. "TV(shft.«.l " No. 2 |W. W. Tlllnl<i,ii, mgr.)-- Heucer, C'.l.k, 11 11, Vicior 18, (-'(Im.m Creek 10. i'uehl.i 20, ("jlot.-i.ln ijf.ruvg? 21, Lai.irlil.- 22. Aspen 2.1. 1 Wills Musical Cmcdy (John B. Wills, mgr.)— fci^i l.lvi-ri«~.|, 11., 12-17. • \V.»«lliind" (llonry W. ilavage, mgr.)—Chlcagti, . 111.1 13-OcL 8* . '•WHanl of Ox," ^o. 1 (Hamlin. .Mitchell ft Field*, uigrt.)—Boston. Mass.. 12-Oct. 8. "Wlxard of Of," Ko. 2 (Hamlin. Mitchell ft Field*, mgrs.)—Salt Lake City, U., 15-17, t< au Faanclsco, Cal., 19-Oct. 2. "When Jolinuy Ccme* MtrchlDg Home" (PYed ft Whitney, mgr.)— Brooklyn, N. Y„ 12-17. "Yankee CorujitF T (Henry*. Savage, mgr.)— Pittsburg, Pi., 12-17, Philadelphia 19-OcL 8. VARIETT. Americans (Edwin D. Miner, mgr.)—Jersey Citr N. J.. 12-17, Philadelphia. Pa., 10-24. Errant'*. Harry C. Extrnvnganxa (C. H. Kenvoo, 12-14, Worcester mgr.)—Springfield. Mas*., 15-17, Boston 10-24. Blue Ribbon Girls (Jack Singer, mgr.)—N. Y. City 12-17. Jemey City, X. J., 10-24. Bowery Bnrlesquers. Hurtig ft Seamon'* (Joe Hnrtlg, mgr.)—Albany, N. Y., 12-14, Troy 13. ■17, Springfield, Mass., 10-21, Worcester 22-24. Bohemians (Thomas W. Miner, mgr.)—Minneapo- lis, Minn.. 11-17, St. Panl 18-24. Bon Tons (Rush ft Weber, mgrs.)—Indianapolis. Ind.. 12-17. Chicago. III., 18-24. Brigadiers (Ilarry Martell. mgr.)—Rochester, X. Y.. 12-17. Toronto, Can.. 10-24. Black Crook (C. F. Edwards, mgr.)—Michigan City. Vt.. 14. llarrlsonvllle 15. City S|«ort» (Phil Sheridan, mgr.)—X. Y. City 12. 17. Scranton, Pa., 10-21. Beading 22-24. Cracker Jack* (Harry Lconl, mgr.)—BalUmorc, Md., 12-17, Washington, D. ft. 10-24. Clierry Blossoms (Butler, Jacobs ft Lowry. mgrs.) —Chicago, III.. 11-17, Detroit, Mich., I8-24. Columbia Vaudeville (George M. Sleeth. mgr.)— Martinsville, Ind.. 15. 10, 7!ouvllle 17, sudor. vUle 19, Hartuvllle 20, Cambridge. O., 23, 34. Dewrc's, Snm—Milwaukee, Wis., 11-17, Mlunc- appolls, Minn., 18-24. Daluty Dneliesii (Weber ft Bush, mgrs.)—Toledo, O., 11-17. Clevelond 10-24. De Leon'* Comedian* (I. Kent Colin, mgr.)— Mount Vernon. III., 12-14, Chester 15-17, Cairo 19-21, Anna 22-24. Fay Foster Bnrlesquers (Joseph Oppcobelmer, mgr.)—Scranton, Pa., 12-14, Reading 15-17. Philadelphia 10-24. Gay Morning Glories (Scribner ft Drew, mgrs.)— Brooklyn, N. Y., 12-24. Gay Masnoeraders (Jos. II. Barnes, mgr.)—New- ark, X. J., 12-17, Paterson 10-24. High Rollers (C. U. Waldron, mgr.)—Washing- ton. D. ft, 12-17. Pittsburg. Pa., 10-24. Innocent Molds (T. W. Dlnklna, mgr.)—Xo.-. rlstown, Pa.. 14. Fottstown 15, Pottsvllle HI, Bethlehem 17, Plttston 10, Carboudole 20, Ber- wick 21. Shenandoeh 23. Ashland 24. Irwin's, Fred, Big Show—Kansas City, Mo., 11. 17, Indianapolis, Ind.. 19-24. Imperials (Williams ft Burns, mgrs.)—Brooklyn, N. Y.. 12-17. Albany 10-21, Troy 22-24. Jolly Grass Widows (Robert Fnlton, mgr.)— Cleveland. O., 12-17, Bnffalo. N. V., 10-24. Jack's. Sara. T., Own IWm. Evenwlc, mgr.)— Manchester. N. H., 12-14. Knickerbockers (Louis Bobie, mgr.)—Boston, Mass., 12-17, N. Y. City 18-24. Kentucky Belles (Whallen Brothers, mgrs.)— Ciuclnnall. O.. 11-17, Louisville. Ky., 18-24. Merry Maidens (Boiler, Jacob* ft Lowry, mgr*.) —Providence, it. I., 12-17, Boston, Mass., 10- 24. Majesties (Fred Irwin, mgr.l—Chicago. 111., II. 17. Milwaukee. Wis.. 18-24. Moonlight Maids (Sullivan ft Krauss, mgrs.) — Montreal, Cau., 12-17, Albany, N. Y., 10-21, Troy 22-24. New York Star* (John 3. Baynor, mgr.)—De- troit. Mich.. 12-17, Toledo, O., 18-24. Orplieum Burlcsqucr* il-ou Uonimer, mgr.) — Fall Blver, Mass.. 12-14. Webster 10. Taun- ton 17. Lynn 19, Holyoke 20, Lowell 21, New Bedford 22-24. Orplieum Show. Martin Beck's—N. Y. City 19-21. Parisian M'ldows (Weber 4 Hush, lugrs.)—Troy. N. Y.. 12-14. Albany 13-17, Providence, B. (.. 10-24. Iteeve* - . Al.—Pittsburg. Pa.. 12-17. Clnciuuutl, OU 18-21. Hose Hill English Folly (Rice ft Barton, mgrs.) —Boston. Mass.. 12-17. X. Y. City 10-24. K011I7. Sanllcy (Abe I^uvltt. mgr.)—Pblludcl- Idiln. Pa.. 12-17. Ilaltlnmre, Md.. 10-24. Hlcc ft RartimV P.lg Gaiety—X. Y. Clly 12-21. Row Syileil's London Belles (Campbell ft Curtln, mgrs.)—St. Louis, Mo.. 11-17, Kansas City 18- Itellly ft Wood'* (Pat Rellly. mgr-)—N. Y. Clly 12-17. Xewark. "X. J.. 19-24. Runaway Girl* (P. S. Clark, mgr.)—Phlladel- pliln. Pa.. 12-17. Rending 111 -21. Scranton 22-24. Southern Vninlevillc (K. I*. Carl, lugr.)—l.cilng- l«i. Ky.. 11-17. Salisbury 111-24. Trniia-Atlauilc Hurlesipiers, Hurtig ft Seainon's IK. J. Colin, mgr.l—Louisville, Ky., 11-17, St. Louis, Mo.. 18-24. Tiger Lilies (.Scribner ft Drew, ingrg.)—N. Y. Clly 12-17. Brooklyn. N. Y.. 19-Oct. 1. Tris-aih-ros (Wnldnsi ft Bryant, mgr*.)—Buffalo, X. Y.. 12-17. HorluMler 10-24. Tlionnighbrcds (Frank B. Curr. mgr.)—St. Paul, Mlim.. 11-17. Clticiigo, III.. 1S-2-1. Utopians (T. W. Dlnklns, mgr.)—Toronto, Cau., 12-17. Montreal 10-24. Vanity Fair (Robert Mnucheslcr. mgr.)—Paler- son. K. J., 12-17, N. Y. City 10-Oel. I. World Healers (J. Herbert slack, mgr.)— Bend- ing. Pa., 12-14, Scranton 15-17, N. Y. City 10-24. MINSTRELS. Barlow ft Wilson's (laiwreucc Barlow, ingr.l — CharlCHtowu. Md.. 12. Kustun 13. Cambridge 14. Dover, Del., 15, Elkton, Md., 10, Waynes- boro, Pa., 10, Hagerstown. Md., 20. D01 ksinder's, Ij>u (Jas. H. Decker, mgr.)—Cin- cinnati. O., 12-17. Plttsbnrg, Pa.. 10-24. Field's. Al. G. (Doc Qulgley. mgr.)—Churlollc, N. ft, 14, Atlanta. Ga., 10, 17. Chattanooga, Tenn., 10, Knoxvllle 20, Mlddleboro, Ky., 21, Uxlnglou 22, I^mlsvllle 23. 24. Faust, Ted K. (G. D. Cunningham, ragr.)—Dur- ham. N. ft, 14. Goldaboro 15, Wilson 10, Wash- iuglou 17. Tarboro 19. Greenville 20. Gorton'* (C. C. Pearl, mgr.)—Olympla. Wash.. 15. Monteftauo 10, Hoqulam 17, Chchalls ill, I'orlland, Ore.. 20. Haverly's (George A. Boryer. mgr.)—SL Louis, Mo., 11-17. Kansas City 18-24. KersnmTs. Billy (C. Jay Smith, mgr.)—Camden. Ark.. 14. Gordon 13, Hope IU, Shrevcport. La., 17, Marshall, Tex., 10, Wiuusboro 20, Pitts- burg 21, Sulphur Springs 23. Whitewrlgbt 24. Kellcy's Ladles (flios. P. Kelley, mgr.)—Brace- lirldgc, Out., 14, Parry Sound 15. Midland 10. I'enetaug 17, Barrle 10. Colliugwood 20, Mea- ford 21. Owen Sound 22. I.ut'ler'a (P. J. Palmer, mgr.)—Bcadaboro, Vt, 14. MuDermott ft Diamond Brothers—Irwlu. Pa., 17, Indiana 10, Vnndergrlft 20. McKeesiwrt 31, Monongaheln 22. Canonshurg 23. Washington 24. Qulnlan ft Wall's (Dan Quliilnu. mgr.)—Wavcrly. N. Y., 17. Ithaca 10, Gonovn 20. Auburn 21, Syracuse 22. Utlea 23. Herkimer 24. Hhhurds ft Prluglc's (Rusco ft Holland, nigra.)— Heevllle, Tex.. 14. Victoria 10. Cuero 10. Yoak- um 17. Shiner 18. Ilallettsvlllu ]U. Gulvcslon 20. Houston 21, Sonr Lake 22. Beaumont 23. Nevasota 24. Son's. Gu*—Lansing, Mleh.. 14. Vogel's (John W. Vogel, mgr.)—Youngstown, O.. 13. Sltarou. Pa.. 14. New Cu»tlc 13. Fnuikliu 10. Oil City 17. Meadvlllc 111. Tltusvlllo 20. Corry 21, Jamestown, N. Y., 22. Salaiuauca 25. Bradford. Pa., 24. Wsrtl's, Harry—Rogers, Ark., 14. Neosho, Mo., 15. West's. Wm. II.—Ottawa. Can., 14. TENT SHOWS. Barimm ft Bailey's—Beatrice. Neb.. 14. Full* City 15. Atchison, Kan.. 10. St. Joseph, Mo., 17. Kuusus City 18. 20. Topeka. Kan., 21, Emporia 22, Hutchinson 23. Wichita 24. Buffulo Bill's Wild West, Col. Wm. F. Cody- Ayr. Scotland. 12. Slrauracr 13. Dunfrles 14. Carlisle. Bug.. 16. Penrith 10. Mnryport 17. Wurklngton in. Whitehaven 20. Barrow-in- Furness 21. Kendal 22, Lancaster 23. Black- pool 24. Preston 20. Blackburn 27, Chorley 28, Wlgan 20. Southiiort 30, St. Helens Oct. 1. Buckeye (Lewis Patterson, mgr.l—Lakevlew. O., 14. Hmitsrillc 15, West Mansfield 10, Rusb- sylvanln 17. Campbell Brothers—Rocky Ford. Colo., 13. Trini- dad 14. I.111 Vegas, New Met.. 15. Santa Fo 10, Albneninenpic 17, Las Crirsua 111. El Paso, Tex.. 2». (Vwuda Frank's—Dukoln, Nebr.. 14. Kmerwm 15. Kl***. Geo. S.—Terra Haute. III.. II. Fuiintuln Green 13 pprupangb ft Sells BroUiers—Canal Dover. 0-, 14, C<«hoeton 15. Lancaster 10, Washington Court linnso 17. Louisville, Ky.. 10. Lexing- ton 20. Klclimnml 21. Paris 22, Fraukfort 23. Slu-HxvHIe 24. I'lct" (J. II. lln,, gen. uu-r.)—Albil, la., 14, Macon. Ma. 15. Hargrenvos—rhllartelpbU, Pa., 12-17. Main. Walter I,.—Sterling 111 . 14. MseVnyV (Andrew Mnckar, mgr.)—St. Lonll, Mo.. 12, iiolelinil... Melhunj—AlUeus, Wis., 13, Edgat 14, Uolda|