The New York Clipper (September 1904)

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SEPTEMBER l 7 > THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 687 urnuklrn.—At tUo Moutmik (Isabel Ulitb the Bill Posim. CANADA. *Zn££? Next" week, William Collier, Id '"the Dictator." ..„«,., mukstic (Charles R. Sturgls, manager). ■•vV'heu Johnny Comes Marching Homo" ^"presented 12. "The. Wizard oj Ox" iloscdlO, a two weeks' engagement, of pro^ ■icrnm business, Everything. Next week, "A Little of aiaso iii-era House (Nick Norton, maua- ,„, _"Thc Fatal Wedding" 1217. An un- ii.iilly fine cast lias been secured. Last «wk Charles Granewln played to big busl- Sm Next week, "Ninety and Nine.' i'iliK (Wm. Hyde, manager).—"Lights of Hnuic" opens 12 for the week. Last week "ig business ruled. To follow, "After Mid- "riiou (Mary G. Spooner, manager).—The uroductlou this week Is "Winchester." Edna \|ny and Cecil Spooner and Augustus Phil- Zi imve the Importnnt roles. Cecil Spooner anil Harold Kennedy Introduce n new spe- cially "Ig business ruled last week. Next neck "The Taming of Helen." COLUMBIA (Have A. Wels, manager).— The Columbia Stock Co. presented "A Gen- tiouuni of France" 12-17. The entire strength of the company Is seen. Richard ljublcr Is cast as Gaston de Marsac and Miss llodgcrs plays the heroine. Capacity ruled last week. To follow, "Alice of Old vim-cnnes." OBMTBUU (Percy G. Williams, manager). —This week's bill presents another star in vaudeville, Henry Clay Barnabee, who Is nssleted by a capable company of singers hi a one net operatta, entitled "The Opera King." Others are: Carter Do Haven (Sex- tette, Willy Zimmerman, MHly Cnpcll and her trained dogs, Ernest Ilogmi, Hayes and Hetty, Gus Williams, Orle Dugwell, Charles Carlos and the vltagraph. IIvde * Bekjian's (Archie II. Ellis, man- ager).—Another all star bill Is presented this week, with Rosarlo Guerrero and the lireat Fuigora as the hcndllners. Others tire: Mary Hampton and company, Exposition Four, Artie Hall, Colby and Way, Kelly and Aslibv and Ford and Wilson. Ke'eney's Theatre (Frank Keeney, mana- f;er).—An excellent bill was presented at this ioiisc Monday, Sept. 12, and was greeted by n well pleased audience. Archie Boyd and roinpnny held the headline position and pre- sented a rural sketch by Will M. Cressy, en- titled "After Many Years," Which on this occasion received its first presentation In Greater New York. The playlet, which is In ihe delightful vein of others by Mr. Cressy, tells of the return, after many years, of Samuel Tobias, to his old home, where he passes himself off upon bis own father as a llslilniug rod agent and, In spite of the old man's protestations, succeeds In making a sole. A recognition takes place and "Sammy" Iranis of tils mother's death and decides to remain with his father and lift the mortgage from the farm. Mr. Boyd, as Ebenczer To- bias, was genial, unctuous and thoroughly delightful throughout, giving the right lunches of humor and pathos deftly and never for a moment descending below the legitimate. Robert Gaylor was Impressive la his work and aided materially In the suc- cess of Ihe piece. Mr. Cressy has written a beuullful Utile sketch, adding another to the list of Ids many successes. The stage set- ting and appointments were all that could lie desired, the back drop showing a wheat Held, which was realistic in tbe extreme. Edna Wallace Hopper pleased In her three selections; Keno, Welsh and Melrose aroused great applause with tbelr acrobatic work: Mosher's coinedv dogs proved a first class opener of the bill; Pauline Wells and bcr picks were entertaining; Dick Ford did some ludicrous burlesque feats of strength; Swift and Ilnrton pleased In a musical act, and Ed. Cray caught the gallery in his monologue. The bill closed with the Keeneyscope. Watson'b Theatre. —Current bill: Cur- ileula and Murad, the Musical Bennetts. Me- lm.vre and Illce, Castelett and Hall, Miuuz mid Mazett. The burlesque offering will bo another fnrclcnl potpourri of fun and music, entitled "The Greaser," mid there will be seen W, B. Wnlnou, Nut Fields. Dave Conrny and Lew Watson, Jciinctlc Dupro, tuneful Klsic Leslie mid n host of girls. Xtak (Al. Seboclhcrgor, miiiiuger).—The Morning (lloilcs, with their musical extrava- ganza. "The Devil's Daughter," 12-17. Women appear lu a military band. KnoAmvAV (Leo C. Teller, manager).— " I'lie Southerners" Is Interpreted by n large ninl excellent cust here this week. Manager Idler bus secured n list of bookings which include many popular successes. Business so mr I his season has been most satisfactory. A Little of Everything" 10-24. I' fBennett Wilson, manager).—Char- ley Granewln, In "The Awakening of Mr. llpp.' 12-17. The play Is one well sailed o the taste of the patrons. Good business lust week. "The Fatal Wedding" next. ... •A |KTl ' (James Clark, manager).—Harry Williams and Jess Burns bring the Imperial ■ ■urlusipicrs here for a week's stay 12. unique (Frank B. Cnrr, manager).—A new policy lias been Inaugurated here. Beginning « gbt of 12, Mr. Cart will have the Unique stock Co., under the direction of John Burke, •is a permanent organization to promt bur- lesyues. A change In the olio will be made J'yi'J' week. This week's cllo Includes: Cody aid Vinett, the Cosmos. Butler and Wilson, in sale Vivian, Mile. Carmarslc and Lowandn, Vinson and Co., In the Bijou Circus. The lairlesqups nre "A Night at Rehearsal" uud Down Where tlio Blue Grass Grows." Lyceum (Louis Phillips, manager).—"Xo- budys Claim" Is produced this week by the siock company. Uuslness continues good. Ai n lA v VT0N ?„. ,s - 8 - A »e 0 . manager).—"Lend •uc \otir Wife" is this week's offering. It s one of the most successful comedies that '. v .J** company liere has produced. Next, ai> UoBs, No Crown." lill 'V yi ' l ;' 0X -—The Spooner Stock Co., It Is som, will open the house the first week In ntoner as a stock company house. Tlio Notes from Locul No. 17. Boston.—At a special meeting Sunday. Sepl. 4, the commit" ShSE%?fi r ^ lM tlmlr ou U» »ew con- Burtln, Donahue, and Peyser. The delegates to the Central Labor Union paraded ou the chief murshall staff on Labor Hay, and pre- KHJ2S ""pe appearance. Tlicy were: Pierce. lejsor, Ward, Superior. Judge, Lewis nnd Hognn, and they dined with the stuff nt Brig- ham s Hotel after the pnrnde. Bro. Jake IllmcH Is In town ahead of "Tlio Beauty Doc- tor to. J. II. Emery, a friend of the Isiva, mid lute manager of the Castle hours Thea- tre, will nssnme charge of Wright Lorlmer's business nlTnlrs of "The Shopnrd King." Bro. A. Rich, of the O'Xell Auiiisenicut Co.. did the hilling for Ezra Kendall nt Uie Park Thea- tre, with Bros. Ward nnd II. Superior. Bro. James Gammon, of the Palace Thoutre, who hus been visiting the scenes of tils boyhood days in .Scltuate, has returned to town. He received cordial greetings from a host of warm personal friends. The local will have J, smoke tnlk In the near future. Bro. Geo. ♦-oilier, advance ngent of tbe Mnlesllc and (.lobe Theatres, hus refitted his oitlce nt 28 Avery Street. Bros. Sandy Munro, Will Hnle nnd Bobby Barr are on his staff. The local, at the Inst meeting, donutcd $10 to the tex- tile strikers of Fall River, and jlO to the Consumptive Home. Bro. Lyons has re- turned to Boston for the Winter. Advertising agents In Boston for the season of 1004-05 are: Chns. Harris, at the Boston Theatre; M. J. Wogan, Hollls, Colonial and Park: Cleo. Collier, Majestic and Globe; John Ells, Grand Opera House: James Gammon, Palace Thea- tre; Chns. Perry, Treinont Theatre; Ilymuu Gerofskr. the Hub, nnd John Butler, for Hoble: Henry Corbctt, superintendent for Hie Donnelly Bill Posting Co., with Francis Lloyd, Frank Donohue and E. A. Johnson, as assist- ants ; L'ullen, nt Revere, and Carroll, at Chel- Beu. Members will kindly send their nddress to II. It Peyser, 14 W. Dedhnm St., Boston, Mnss. Xotca from Car No. 1, Bnrnum k Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth.—We duplicated our Fourth of July celebration, on Labor Day, In loin, Kan., where we had the natives spellbound by tbe appearance of our golden car, decorated with Its hundreds of flags and Japanese lanterns, and "tbe fireworks were the best" Is what the people say, that were ever seen in loin. The boys enjoyed them- selves greatly with ball games, foot ball and all that goes to make a bill poster happy. The only mishap of the day was that our worthy brother, Sliver Lcclalr, had a narrow escape from being killed. He wns shot nt, and the bullet lilt his watch, thereby saving his lite, but smashing his watch. Roster of ear: Les- ter W. Murray, car manager; Pop Alctn, offi- cial programmer; Ceo. Lackns, boss bill post- er ; hill posters: Tom Connors, Red Fitzger- ald, Silver Loclalr, II. Cook, Joe Curry, Kid Hobey, Shine Perry, Dusty Iloades, Tom Burmun, Percy Slnlten, Lady Dnuthlt. Wil- liam Coates and W. Taylor. Boss of llthos, Ed. Hubbard, with Rudolph Diikhnrr, pro- grammer Stump Jacobs, chef; Arthur Her- bert, assistant; Mike Cocoran, porter; Duke Burke. From Local No. 1, Chicago.—Kverylhing is on the boom here, and nil members of Mils local arc working; In fact, we could tlnd employment for u few more men If It m necessary. Walter Floyd Is here, In advance of "FIuulgan'B Ball," but closes to take tbe management of tbe Duquesne Theatre, Pitts- burg. Ills place will be Ailed by Bro. Wnl- ter Myers, of this local. Harwood Springer nnd Clarence Murray arc here. In advance of "The Wayward Son" Co., and arc Introduc- ing many novelties in the way of advertising. Edward Morrison Is still in charge of the ad- vertising at tlic Illinois, which opeued Sept. ft. Sans Soncl Park closed Sepl. 1. A. Bon- net, who has hud charge of the advertising there, moves down to the lolly, lo advertise that house. Bro. John J. Whitehead, presi- dent of Minneapolis, Minn.. Local, will be In town next week, heralding the coming of ••Tlllle Olson." Henry V. Peiiuypacker, In ndvimce of Haverly's Minstrels, passed tlirnuzh Ibis clly. !!, lo transact same rail- road iiiislncsx. Hurry illehards Is In advance of "Arizona." The Academy opens Sept. II. Willi "Actus* the Purine." Fred Myers si III retains his position us advertising agent. Bro. •Ins. Battles Is still ill MeVlcker's In bis old poslllou, Bro. It. 11. Pearson is ngiilu nt his old post. Ilia Atliuiiilirn, Willi the assistance or Wm. Pearson, Win. O'Grudy. J. Johnson and (he bill room pest, "Danger." lie expccls to get good resulls. Notice from Local No. 21. Buffalo. N. \.— At our special meeting, held Sept. 4. to finish all arrangements for the Labor Hay parade, we bail ti very large meeting uud one of the best the local bus hud since its start- ing. The bovs turned out Monday: Hint Is, nil that could do so. and we made a very good showing for the local. We hod with US Bro. Bart Scunlnn. of Local Xo. 4, who Is working here nt bill posting. Bro. Ed. Gulncs has transferred from Loral No. .in to Local No. 21. lie is also working for the Wliitmlor & l-'ilbrlck Bill Posting Co. Bro. Kddle Shnntlcr Is .billing Ihe Hamburg Cuimlv Fair. Will Bros. John J. McCor- mlck. of Local No. 24 : S. II. Victor, J. L. ilnfemer nnd Frank Wilson please send tlielr nddress at once lo Secretary Chns. L. Mn- cont, 141) Penn Street. Buffalo, as the local wants to bear from theiu at once. Bro. 1'. C. Taylor has reslgued as financial secretary nnd business agent, as he goes on tbe road soon. Notes from Local No. 11, Cincinnati.— We made n Hue appearance In the Labor Day purndc. James Tnbln nnd Thomas Robinson I.I... i . . tv ""«:* t:uuiiMlliy liuuwr. aiiu "a Is lo have Kdnu May awl Cecil Spoouer Head the east alternately, 'nr"2EP (David Robinson, manager).— h\T?m "Q*. season of Ncillo MeUenry, In Al Has, begun U ore „|„|, t 0 f jo satlsfnc- i'»iy iHUrtncH lust week. "The Charily Aiirse" next. •■fiVV'"-" 1 , (Charles Williams, manager).— Jiily u Shop Girl'' begun a week's en- SS?"SSl, 12 - < ; * , °' 1 business Inst week. •Next. "The Span of Lire." I'liEAMi.ANp.—So reuinrkablc has been the J access of Dreamland that Senator William "■ "eyuolds, founder of this place of amuse- iient, bus prepured plans- to greatly Increase me capacity for next seuson. The new things tor next season will Include more than a ri££L 2^V*. ur « e «ttrnctloilB. All tbe great. MioHs will be retained and for the new ones n uitiona ground has been piircbiused. The III m ? a }- season will not close till nfter (•?',:• 2 J!; ' J ' he leading features of the Midget il„ wj " so t0 the Worlds Fair. ' JR1G «To>i Beach <Wm. T. Grover, mano- f.V'rvhe offering for the closing week Is the ,.'m, Lafayette, surrouuded by n large nud ""lent company. Including Ills own bund nnd J'cheslrn. Ho presents his new Tibetan mys- " l '. W. 'The Pearl of Bluutnu." ti i VA *" K Cl'liompsoii f> Dundy, ownersir u-iii' . w . l! "k's circus lis i'i iiinlus iinehauged, JJaAtcbea Bros., Jusie Asliton, Sllle. Alex- ,,? i V. 1 . 0 ' ionise De Molt. Erhanlo. Gasmonu m lanko, Will mil, the Uve Flying Her- ' „'| 8 :-^ennebec-Ducrow nnd Lnrenz, Mntsootn *Hl, ra , n Ji n> Nnza.lo. Hie Noiiwms. Rig. Spas- "•Kff, Little Snlix-oln, Alous. Vlucllo, Roneri •Jtia-ney Jr., and Zopkl and Mario. f~„ ~ »«» jtSWaSUiT Axn Rowpi report sueccsa wllh fclr new singing and duuclng uct, elug qiilln a feature. Joseph Werbel WM a fioiintcd member of the (Jrand mnrshall a tuff. BusluesB Manager Sbeau and b. Stey- ntou stair. enson. of Brooklyn, representing llm Doilt- stnder Minstrels, were In town last week. Stevenson reports that they thoroughly nd- tlsed the show In Cleveland, doing banner nud window work, something that bus not been done In the lust four yours. J. II. Dono- van and John Feuster, of the Itoliliison blmw, were visitors here lust. week. Headquarters arc now located at Uth and Pluiri Streets. Notes from Local Xo. 28, Manchester, N. II.—Bro. Ernest Pi-ovencher, now with the Beunett-Moullon Co., attended our meeting, 8. Two new members Joined, bred Mackin- tosh, ahead of the "Struggle for Life Co.. mid John J. Sullivan, advance ugent or ham T. Jack's Co. Bro. Ed. Meyer Is managing the Chas. K. Chauiplin Repertory Co. AM members are requested to forward their ad- dress to the secretary, D. J. Lcl-cbvre, Man- '''ArDeVatiir, III., the wooden bill boards pow In use will soon be replaced with Iron ones, which nre far more serviceable In everv respect. J. F. Given, the Opera House manager bus given the subject. hhL ™ns <1- erat.lon for some tlmo and will effect the chunge us soon us practicable Fred Belmont was chosen delegate from Locul 13, of Springfield. Mass., to tbe Na- tional Convention, at PlttHlie d. Mass., nud Paul Davis alternate. William Riley, of the National Alliance, ahead of "A CITHM Dav:" Win. Biillens. also of Ihe NHtlolinl IHIanrp. In ndvaiice <>f "An English Daisy. »,d ttolil. Mills, of Locul Xi. of N. V.. r-pieseiilliig "The l'cdilb-r," were In Spriugliehl b'^l week. KOKTII CAROLINA. ClinrloMP The Academy r.f Music iMiirc «. Mtllmn, mnnsigcr) opened li.i sea- mn Sept- S. with Tim Kumar, to first cUs. businVsa "The Jomes Boys in Missouri,'' b. arevTfalr Imslness. Mbboh and Mason bad good returns b. 'I '•> roil to—At the Princess (0. B. Sbcn- purd. manager i "The Sultan of Sulu" drew inn ked homes Sept ,% 10. . Isadora Rush, in "lillllerlug tllorla." 12-17. (iiiANu orr.iiA Housii (A. J. Small, mana- ger).—Geo. Sydney, In "Busy Ix»y, ii-10, nud big business ruled. "Shore Acres" 12-17. Ma.iestic (A. J. Small, manager).—"Two Little Sailor Roys" came to packed houses. "The Factory Girl" 12-17. Shea's (J. Shea, manager). —Standing room only for the entire week of 5-10. Bill week of 12: Elinors Slaters, Hclene Gerard, Basque Quartet, Haines nnd Vldocq. MePhee and Hill, Lu Petite Adelaide, the klnctu- grnph, Meeker Baker Trio. Staii (F. W. Stnlr. manager).—The Moon- light Maids drew packed houses 3-10. Utopian Burlcsqiiers 12-17. Ca.vaiha.n National Ksnininox, Aug. 20 to Sept. 12 (J. O. inr, manager), with One weather and. n good performance, continues to draw Immense crowds. Mi Mint; I'.uik (W. Banks, manager) did big business 5-10. » London The Grand opens the season Sept. 10, with Edwnrd M. Hoyt, In "Ham- let." "Buster Brown" 12. 13. Largo crowds nre expected In the city week of 12 to the Western Fair. The Black Watch Rand Notes. —Alex Harvey, owner of the Lon- don Opera House, has leased his theatre to C. W. Bennett, former proprietor of tbe Pa- cllle Coast Vaudeville Circuit. The house Is to be remodeled and refurnished through- put and when completed will be a first class vaudeville theatre. W. C. Fleming, of Phila- delphia, a well known vaudeville manager, bus been engaged as local representative and attraction uinnagcr. Mr. llurvey will run off some of bis booking and then shut down In time for the alterations to be made. The Rodney Stock Co. opens week of 12 as a fair attraction 12-17. SiT.iNOnASK Pauk closes 10. The follow- ing was the bill for week of 0: Jane Court- hope and Co., Allen and Hughes, Rena Arnold und H. V. and Bessie Lee. — I ' '■ St. John.—At the Opera House (A O. Skinner, manager) "The Sliver Slipper" pluyed Sept. 1-8 to big crowds, nt advanced prices. Snltz Edwards, Harry Bursber. Beatrice Golden, Lora Lelb and the English Dancing Girls scored big. The American vliagrupb drew big busincsn 0-7. " 'Wny Down East" 8-10, Fluke Stock Co. 12-24. iNTEttxATioXAi, ExuiBiTtos, 17-24. Among the vaudeville attractions arc: Adgle and her lions nnd the Melsterslugers. Notes. —Robert D. Hyde, owner of nyde's Vaudeville Show nnd Hyde's Gilt Edge En- tertainers, hns leased the Vork Theatre and Intends to open It as a vaudeville house Sept. 20. It. J. Armstrong, the owner, Is renovating It. Hamilton.—At the Grand Opera House (A. It. Louden, manager) "Edward N. Hoyt. lu "Hamlet." played to two large houses Sept. D. "Buster Brown" 0, 10. Coming: "Bussv Izzy" 12, 13, "Gllrlorlug Oloria," wllh Isndorc Rush. 14: "The Real Widow Brown" 1ft, "Princess Chick" 17. Pauk (J. G. Appleton. manager).— The ltiiea-Lorriilne Co. closed its season week of 3, with "The Hidden Hand." i » Quebec.—At the Auditorium (J. K. Tur- lon, manngev) tbe season opened with very bright prospects Sept. 8, with West's Min- strels, S-10. "The Princess Chic" 12-14. Taiia Ham, (.1. E. Walsh, mannger).— A minstrel show wbb given 3 by the men of II. M. S. Arudlnc, nnd drew a fulr house. » Belleville.—At the Carman Opera Houso (S. E. Carman, manager) "A Ragged Hero" Sept. 8. Kilties Bund u, West's Minstrels 13, Bluck Wutch Band 28. Note. —Great preparations nre under wuy for the populnr demonstration and farewell bv lite citizens, board of trade and couucll of this city to the Kilties Baud. i ■ tiiieliili Royal Opcrn House (C>. L. lllg- gins, manager) opened wllh "Buster Brown,' lo good business. Kept- *. E. N. Iloyl, III "llniulet." 13; lilnck Wuleh Bund Ift. "A Ragged Hero" 21, "Jewel of Asia" 22, Flor- ence dole 2 I. «« » IOWA. foot" 15, "A Modern Vlklug" 120. "Dr. Jekjll and Mr. Hyde" 20, "A Little Outcast" 22. K*oknk—At the Keokuk Opera House (Edmund Jaeger Jr„ resident manager) "For MntheFs Sake* Aug. 31. , "A Girl from Dixie" ahtncled a fairly good house Sept. 2. "Over Niagara Fulls," 8. had fair advance pros- pects. Coming: "The Tenderfoot'' Hi, Kl- lery'a Band 29. »«» TK.VAH. MEW YOIIK STATU. Dch Mollies.—At Forster's Opera House (Win. Fonder, malinger) "The Tenderfoot" placed lo good business, Sepl. ti, 7. Flunk Duiilols 12, Cbauncey Olcott 21. (iiiAMi Oi'kiia HouBK (Wm. Forslcr, IUIIII- ager).—"Two Little Waifs" showed lo big audiences, 5-7. "The Wayward Soa" 12-14. "A Broken Heart" 15-17, "The Queen of Ihe While Slaves" 10-21. l.vuEusoM, Pauk (Fred Buchanan, mana- ger).—After enjoying a very prosperoN sen- sou this resort closes 11. The bill for week of 4 drew large crowds dally.- It named: Wills and Hassan, Lallnu, Coin's Comedy Digs, Maude Alice Kuliey, Walbertl and his horse, Dahl. and Van Fossen and McAuley, all giving greut satisfaction. Nutiih.— Maude Alice Kcllcy opened her vaudeville season here, after closing with "The Royal Chef" Co Bnrnum & Ball- ev's Circus did a tremendous business here Sept. 7. I ' Davenport.—At the Burtls Opera House (Chumberlln, Kindt & Co.. luumigers) busi- ness opened In a very satisfactory manner. Ethel Barrymore, In "Cousin Kate," opened the house lo big business Aug. 30. "A Girl from Dixie" 31. "The Moonshiner's Daugh- ter" Sepl. 1, "Over Niagara Falls" 4, "A Hidden Crime" ft, Frank Daniels I). "Sandy Bottom" 11, "Old Arkansaw" 12, "'Way Out West" 18, "A Lltllu Outcast" 23. Ei.itb (F. A. Siller, manager).—Business Is Increasing uud this house is proving re- markably successful with vaudeville. iitieni.'os' idsciir ltuphucl, manager).— Business Is Improving with vaudeville. ■ Ceilnr Itiinld*. — At Greene's Opera House (Will S. Collier, business manager I W. B. Pulton, In "The Last Hose of Summer," Sept. u, pleased a good bouse. The Lymun Twins. In "At Hie Races." 0. mnde u success. '• 'Wuy Out West" 0. Frank Daniels 10, "Two Lltt'.j Waifs" 12, "Flnnlgan'8 Hall" 13, Stet- son's "I". T. f.\" 20. "The Little Homestead" 21. "Slaves of the Orient" 24. AtiDiTOUlUM.—Manager Edward Curran's vaudeville continues lo draw and please. Rill for 4-10: Heuelln, Mitchell and Browning (second week), Tarlton and Tarlton (return engagement). Murray and Clayton, Madge Milton nud tbe polyscope. Note. —Ground Is being cleared for a new vaudeville theatre. 40 by 110 feet, next to the Auditorium. Manager Curran expects to lease It. ■ iioone.—At Aries Opera House (Wiley & Klrby. managers) I.cvln Stock Co. played Kept. ft. 0. "Two Little Waifs" drew u good liouse 8, and Ihe play wns well presented. Cuming: "'Wny Down Eusl" 12, tloofllcr Work Co. 111-21. Wai.tkm. I,. RUtN'H Cnii'itM showed In Hi hi ■ lly II, giving Ihe usual satisfaction lo large crowds. • . , i I —At the Grand Opera House ICbumbcrlln. Ilnrlnginn 'A Co., managers) "A Girl fronvDIvIe," Hcpl. 1, dre* fl big house and gave great satisfaction. "The Moonshiner's Danghter" did fairly well ft. "Over Niagara-Full*" had o fair crowd 7. Cowing: "Sundy Bottom" 13, "The Tender- l-i. Worth.—At Greenwall's Opera House (Phil W. Green wall, manager) the Gertrude Ewlng Co., In repertory, enjoyed good busi- ness week ending Sept. .1. Richards and " »d Itlrti, —\t Ihe Majestic. Theutre "A Trip In Chinatown" was the Labor Day attrac- tion ami drew big. The house was dark un- III Sum nitty, III, when "The Price of Houor" drew well. Coining: Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. 12, 13, "The Marriage of Kitty" 14, "Babes lu Toyland" 1ft, "Sherlock l!olntes - '.,.17. OutMiKi'M opened last week lo good busi- ness. This week's bill: Dan McAvoy and Flvo New York Girls, nud F.llswortb nud Hurt. Chas. F. Lemon, tbe Gregsoiis, Caro- line Hlchlngs, Kennedy nnd guurlrclll, Prim- rose nnd Rohloff nnd the klmxlrouic. 4 »» MiasOl III. Knii.nn clt> The Willis Wood (Wood- Prtnglc's Minstrels hart a good house 0. "l.'n- clu Josh Perkins" 17. Lyric Opera Co, 10-24. STAXOARn TiiEAThE (Frank De Beque, man- nger).—Tom Key's comedy, "Trlx," week of ft" People: Copelnnd, Thompson nud Rnl- ward & Burgesa Amuaenient t<•., mananr*) ford. Phillips and Gordon, Agnes La Porte, was jlark last week. '1 his week. I enry Mil- Marguerite Barker. Fred Do Von, Lettle Col- ler.. la "Joneull Entangled, the «rst threa ton, Virginia Rnnkln, Lulu De Mar, Little Dot, Josic Wise, Alvlu Dnsblngton nnd Tom Fey nud tbe olograph. Business continues heavy. Ciiowjj TiiEATnn (Phil Epstein, manager). —Copelnnd and Copelnnd, in "The Hteamer Viola," week of 0. Ludovlnc Gurth and Fay Delmar opened. Retained: Clark and Em- mons, Inez Do Mar, Marguerite Burkbkrt, Minnie Wardell. Luce and Luce, Saul Harris, Ethel Russell and Ada Yule. Big business rules. San Antonio.—The Grand Opera House (Sid. W. Weiss, manager) wns opened, week of Aug. 2H-Sept. .1, by the Albert Taylor Stork Co.. at populnr prices, to large audi- ences, with creditable productions. Richards & Cringle's Minstrels 111. - Empire Oi-eha Housr (T. F. Brady, mana- ger).—Wilson ft Waterman's Stock Co. Is here for an extended engagement, at popular prices. The productions are fnlr nnd attend- ance good. Oiu'hkvm. —Thl3 popular priced open nlr theatre continues to draw wall nud is pre- senting very sat'sfnetory vaudeville attrac- tions. s Galveston.—At the Grand Opera House (Fred G. Wcis, manager) this house opened Its season Sept. ft, to a (urge audience, with the Albert Taylor Stock Co., at popular prices. Crown Thkatrn (McCabe & Ray, proprie- tors).—Week of ft: Jack Wade, Put Walsh, Jennie Howard, Jits. Wolf, W. o. Cox, Hose II. Mitchell, Llzxle Mitchell, Katie liny. Ileulsh Do Man. Daley Gordon, Delia Davis, Olga Davis, llllii. Addlcks, May Howard, Wm, Dean, Dick Ycngcr and May Gales. The stock. In n comedy, "The American Girl." Business Is fairly good. ♦ «» NEIIJIAMCA. Lincoln.—At the Oliver Theatre (Zeh- iiiug Ds Crawford, managers) the season was opened by Ethel Hurry more, in "Cousin Kate," Aug. 22. Tlio boUhi! was packed. "An Or- phan's Prayer," I, wns presented to good busi- ness. The Grace llnywnrd Co. packed Hie bouse nightly week of,2U. Anuu ulaucke, us Bob, In "The Lltllu Outcast," pleased large houses 7. "I'lider Two Flngs." with Kva Lnug, Hi: "A Girl from Dixie" 13, "The Wayward Son" 21, "Arizona" 22, "Uncle Josh Bprucu- by" 23, 24. Ai i.ii lout f.M.—Week of Aug. 21) Ihe Blllncr Stock Co., Ill repertory, did goud business. This house has opened with u stock com- pany, under the direction of W. W. Itlltner. Admission will be made leu cents for any seat. Lyric played lo Us rapacity week of Aug. SB, Week of Sept. ft: Francis and Simpson, Hanson uud Drew, Lculmrd ami Held and It. A. Williams. PATTEtWoN ft Ruainaiiu'k Street Cnrnlviil Co. was held week of Aug. 211, under I lie aus- pices of the Lincoln Couiiunrshil (Tub. This company Is far ahead of any street fair com- pany ever exhibited lu this clly and Justly received very lurge patronage. Glt.N'TllV IiUUS.' Dull AMI I'iiNY SHOW CIIIII0 Sepl. ft, U, lo excellent business. Haknum & Bah.kv Show comes 13. Omaha.—At Boyd's Thrill re iW. J. Burgess, iiiiiiingeii "A Girl from Dixie" 11, 12, •'Frank Daniels, lu the tilllee Boy," HI. 1 ! : Henry Miller, ill "Joseph EiiIiiukIciI." HI. 17: 'a Runaway Trump" IN. Ralph sin- art, In "By Right of Sword." drew good bouses 1-0. "The Tenderfoot" bud largo audience* S-I<i. Kuril Tiikatiii: (Chas. S. Breed, malinger). —■•'Wily Out West" I III. Coming: "Flu- lilgan'K Hall" lft-J7. "Arizona" 18-21. "Tim Wayward Son" 22-24. "A Mills Oiilossl" bad good business I. ft. "Tbe t'nnvlcl's Diiughlur" If, 7. "A Brokou Heart" 8-10, hud fnlr business. Ot:fjii:i;jt (Curl Roller, lunmige.r).—This house will open S"|»t. 18. Ntri'KH,— lla rii urn & Bill ley's Circus drew Inrge crowds 12 The Fall festivities und street fulr of the KnlglilH of Ah-Sii-Ben Sept. 28 10 Oct. 7. »»» \V\sHIMiHI\. Senlile. —Al the Grand Oiiern House (John Corf, inuuagei').- Gorton s lllg Min- strels Sepl. Il-ft. Ami Lis; Wltluril, In "Jim BhiiUo," R. 10. "A 'J'cxus Steer" 11-11, "The Burgomaster" 18-21. Seattle Theatre (J. P. Howe, manager). —Season opens with James Nclll and Co. for an eiigngemeul of site weeks. Week of 18, "When We Were 'I'wclity-oiie." Week of 2ft, "Barbtiiu Freltchlc." Tnitiii Avi;m:i; (Russell & Drew, niiitm- gern).—Week of 4. "On Iho Bridge at Mid- night." Jules Wallers, lu "Side Tracked," 11-111. Al.l.AZ.Ml fllettls k Keogh, iniiiiiigiTS). — Wledeumnn's Big Co., In "Work nnd Wages." "My llni'lii from New York" 11-17. onriiiiiJM. - New: The Three Forrests, Hie Cov Family. BoIIhiiiiiii. the Two Fiinlas, Itny- iiikikI G. Buldwlu, Christy uud Willis uud moving pli-tures. EJH'iliE.—New: Kohler and Keynimir. Wil- der und Wilder, I lurry Howard, Iaioiiu Clifton uud moving pictures. Crvhai,. —New: Southern Qmirlefle, the Buttons, Goto, Leo White and moving pic- tures, EnlHUN.—New: Luerelln Vincent, Evonti Del Znrlu. Irene Swan, Belvuu and Roberts, und moving pictures. t'o.MHiiE (Mose Goldsiulth, inunuger).— New : The Robifisous, tlio Great Delmar. Llt- llu Anita, tlte Rvnei-Mous. Queen und Ross, Norma Laugton, nick Levels. Ham Hood. Note. —At the Edison Theatre F. W. Ken- nedy Is now manager. The Edison Display Co. formerly managed the house. t ■> WEH'I' VIIIGIMA. . Ml Entangled," . nights, and Frank Daniels, In "The Office Hoy," the Inst three. Next week, "The County Chnlrmnn." Grand (Hudson k Jtidnh. managers).—"A Girl from Dixie," Inst week, wns received with open anus. The houses were great at every performance nnd the show gave excel- lent satisfaction. Genevieve Day, D. L. Don, Clifford I^lgh, Chas. K. French. Arthur T. Earnest and Chas. II. Shorter were all ex- cellent. This week, "Arizona," and next week, llnverly's Minstrels. OiiPUKi'M (M. Lehman, manager).—The season will open 11, wllh Fagau and Byrun, Lewis McCord, the Itoston Bros., lloey and Lee, the Empire Comedy Four, Tcschow's cats and the Three Jncksons. (E, S. Ilrlgham, lannsger).—"Hu- man Hearts" played last week to Its usual big business and gave Its customary satisfac- tion. This week, "A Little Outcaat." Auditorium (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- ment Co.. malingers). —Last week "Thclrntt" drew good houses and proved Itself n good romnntlc drama. This week, lite Lyman Bros., In "At tho Races," and next week "The Wayward Hon." BMW (J. J. Barrett, manager).—Last week tho Bon Tons burlesqued to well filled and well pleased houses. This week, Fred Irwin's Show.. Foiient Park (Geo. Sellcngcr, manager). ■ -tJiKid bouses were the rule Inst week In Hopkins' Theatre, where Ihe acts word Eva Miidge, Brown. Harris and Brown, Roattlnn and SteveiiB, Sutton nnd Hut ton, and Brooko Eltryu. Tlio octibun closes with an amateur carnival 11. Cl.lI'l'Eiil.NUN.— Itanium & Bailey 111, 20. (.'an Keller and wife, from Ouinhu, were here last week, the guests of Manager I .chimin. ♦ « » DELAWARE. WlliuliiKton.—Tho Grand Opera House Is now under the management of Nixon it Zlinmcrinntl, they having purchased the lease from Jetsu K. li'ii)lis. who Is retained as tbe local manager, nnd Lester Bnylls as treas- urer. . Tho new lessees have redecorated tbo lobby and Interior and otherwlso huvo Im- proved the bouse. Tho policy of tho man- agement, will he to pluv only high priced ill l met Ions The opening was on Sept. ft, with "The Marriage of Kilty." "A Vlllugo I'nrmin" ft. "Wife In Name Only" II, "A Break for Liberty" 7, "Miss Bob White" 8, "Thou Shall Not Kill" II. 10, mill John Grif- fith 12. all did good business. Hooked: "Iln- ninn Hearts" 14. "The Strollers" SB, "Two Johns" 24, Crentorn 27. Gaiiiiick (Wm. L. Docksladcr. manager). —After having mnde a number of Improve- iiieuls litis newest and cosiest of Wllinlng- lull's ibentreH opened 12, it being Manager Diiilislnder'H Iwelftb seiiHon here, lo II Very large house. The hill: Mine. Adelaide Herr- mann, Umvy lliiskeil. Waul uud Curran, John and Carrie Mack, Baker Troupe, Itcr- lliui. I^illrell Bros, und the kliielogrnpli. LraHlM (Burl, it Menial iiiauugers).-— This popular house will again Imi on the Htulr & Havllu circuit mid under the local mult- llgemeiil of Daniel Humphries. Before open- ing, several days ago, the theatre was tho- roughly i-eiiovaied uud iiiiiny needed improve. iiii-iHh made. Russell Rros.. In "Tho Fruisln INM'tIIvi's,'' drew hi run houses ft-7. "Why Girls Id-are Home" dhl well « 10. Coming: "Nlnely uud Nine" 1211. "I'rlHoliers of War" Ift 17. "Why Women Sin" 11)21, "RUi i-bel Golilsleln" 22 21. »«» IMJIA.NA. AV ln-elliiK.- -At the Court Theatre IK. II. Friuizheliu. manager) "A Chinese Honey- moon" hud big business Sept. 10. Coming. Blum-he Ring, In "Vivian's PnpRS," 12. Oii*.\i> oit.iia llnt'HH' ICIias. A. Fiilnler, manager).--"To Die at- Hmwii," Kepi. ft-7. had big business. "Duller Hie Klnnlows of the Gallows." K In. had good luislnes., Coin- log: Murray & Mu>'kcy Co., lu repertory, 12- 17. Park (Courad lllrsch, iiuiimger). —Bill for week of Sept. 4 gavo good satis- faction nnd had good business. This Hum- mer resort closed for Hie seuson 10. •XtVii-.—The Wost Virginia .i'alr und Expo- rltlon A^oclatlon gave a -nr.iendld fair-and frns packed every Jsy, and the races wtro Ihe bcbi ever given here. KvniiHvlllc.—At Ihe People's (I'eilley 9 llureli iiiiiuiigerMi "On ihe Bridge at Mid- uluhl. drew a uihs! i-rliwd Kept. 2. Tbo play Ibis season Is si renal helled. Giiami Ui-kiia llniiKE, wllb Pedley k llttrch. malingers,, will be opened Iho hitter part ot September. OAK HfMMir (W. II. Mcnell. imimigor) closed lis most successful season Hcpl. 2, and will only Im opened once more this season. Tho local Elks, No. ltd, bnVe Ihe theatre for tw» iinrfununnocH Hcpl. 14. 1ft, wl(li n local lulus! ml, (or I hi) benellt or the eleguiit new house lo be built In tlio eiuiy Full. . CiniK's Pauk (Hurry Ijiurutur, nmiingor). -Week of Sept. -I tho Haskell ludluu Bund, (o Inrgi! and ciiIIiiisIimIIi: crowds. West Hkkiiith C.ivn Park coiitliiiiea to give free vittidevlllo ami good crowils attend. Paime'h "Fai.i. hi' Pii.Mi'K.ii." r, in, at tha Trl-Kliiln fair grounds. Good weather helped bring largo crowds. tli;-. niv's Don ami Cos v Snow came D fol two performances, uud wus well utlnnded.. The Harris Nickel Plate Snow wat forced lo disband nt Howell. Tim oulflt c»u- nUi ii| of ulsmt seven cur loads of parapher- nal lu mid numerous iiiiIiiIiiIh. Tho animals liiivu burn taken earn of lu Glen Park, and will be kept there until sold. I ler re llnnle. At I hi! Grand Opera House <T. W. Ilurliydt, maiiuger) iho Murry I'omcdv Co. eujoved good business 12-lft, I'omllur: "Over NIhkicm Fulls" HI. 17, "Th« Show Girl" HI. This season the Grand bus had Hie best opening business lu tho history of the house. Lakh View Pauk (Henry Brelnlg, maaa* gen coiitltnies lo draw good crowds. Num.—The new Emplro 'I'hoatro, a VUUdtM villo house, will open about 2.'l. 4«» i GHOUGIA. * ] Atlnnln.—At the Grand (II. h. il.E, lie Give, managers! Tim Murphy Sept. b, Hi. "Darkest Itussla" drew fulr returns «. Booked. Al. Wilson, HI, 14, Muson and Mason ift, Al. G. field's Minstrels 10, 17. Ili.ioir (Jake Wells, malinger)—"A Mid- night Marriage" was the opening bill B and week to H. II. O. during the week. "Alons In the World" 12-17. Htar (J. B. Thompson, manager).—This house rco|M-ned ft. to capacity. Tbo bill In- cluded Hratineck Hlstcrs nnd Chullta, Lorn an Klsters, Kelly Hlslors, Ludlow Allen, Paulina de Comic. Uiwrence and Gonzales and tbo Musical Brcunaiis. Hahie people 12 and Week. John Rorikhox Hhow II), 20. ■ *»1 — Ib-lienriinlH for Goiirge M. Cobau'H com* puny are progressing. The principals Includa George .M, Colnili. .ferry .1. Coiuiii, Helen ,('. i'■iliun. I.'iliel UmMMJsMN, Trillv Hhsttuck, Itcriiiird pyllyu, 'I'oiu Ia'»Is. Hum J. Rvau, c, jH<-k Iturrliigtou nnd Donald llrlsn. -Ber- nard Dyllyu will iisvu a clHiractnr now to iho singe. If is that of n Cliluuoiuu, editor of ('7ic I'elttn (Iturtlfi who Is sent to 1 LoDilon i.i Ihn llmjiernr lo repnrr on Ihe F.ngllub juthy. From there lie comes to America and visits Ban t'rancUco fir huntress putboMs. The produrHoti follows "'The Old Homesteta" at tho New Vork Tbeulrc. ',