The New York Clipper (September 1904)

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702 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPEB. September 24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER J? THE PRANK QUIEN fUBLIIKINO CO. (LMIUd.) PROmaroM.' ALHEBT J. BOBtE, EDITORIAL AMD BtJBINISS MAKAQB, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBE R 24,1904. RATES. Advertisements—»2.S0 per inch, ilnjH «l> umu. ■ Advertisements Mt with border, 10 pet cent, extra- .1 xln^ SUBSCRIPTION. One year Id advance, 94; lis months, 92 ;■ three months, (1. Foreign poitage ertra. Biagia copies will be tent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 11) cent!. 1 Oar Terms are Caih. THE CL1PPBR la Issued every Wednesday morning. The last four (advertising) pat<« <;■) TO PKB88 on Saturday it 11 a. IT., and the Other pages on MONDAY and TUHBDAY, 1 li* ForaM Cloning Promptly, Tues- day, at lO o'clock A. M. Please remit by express, money order, check, p. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is at the risk of sender. Address All Commniilontlona to TUB MOW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York. ReuUitered Oable Aidrcu, "Aothoiitx." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tfli Ci.irnsa Is located at Room 802. Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, manager and correspondent, where adver- tisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cronhourne St., London, W. C, Join Ui Carney, Maimer and Correspondent, where" advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. TUB ClH'MIK CAN 11B OHTAINBD, W1IOLB- hal« AND beta 11,, at our agents, Brentano's news depot, 37 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, Prance; M. I.lllenthul, Froderlck Bfrasse ]U1 (Terminus Hotel), Herllu, N. W.. Qer- muoy; Diamond News Co., 1)7 1'rado, Ha- vana ; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Escolta, Manila, P. I.; Albert ft Son, 187- l»li King Bt., Sydney, Australia. •I'HH NKW VORK CLIPPER pBDllrtOB only <•■>" edition, and flint Is dated friini New York. RKAMW, New llnven.—The bund contain- 5, 6, 7 and 8 Is bent. RISHi. PufliMBT.—I. He did. 2. No. 8. He waa given the decision. J. A., Burke.—-H ots a re oft TURF. T. D. M., Wntertown.—We are not suffi- ciently versed In bookmaker's rules to an- swer your query. J. A. K., Kansas City.—Make application to the trainer of some well known stable. MISCELLANEOUS. W. D. W., Paterion.—Address Funk Wsaimll, New York City. U. T., Newburg.—1. Yes. 2. We do not publish books of an y description. OUR CHICAUO LETTER. starts a 'fortnight of "A Son of neat" Bun- "^PZ^titMviowneAMxxb'eiuB ; Belle erty The Juggling Mathieua are Tt day afternoon, 18, following a week of splen- andJ*BUtlfullj LPEEtfta n were"evictions homo In Chicago for a brief lay off previous did buslnesB and appreciative audiences for Wilton and Mabel ffSSS^mTSt the to opening their vaudeville season at iff "Tilly Olson. xiiiy iriauu. utuiuuc or......... „_„ /.i nl '»r unoHnltlea Introduced by Lorraine ana kids -A-neaire, iajuiuvuik. iney closed their n personal success and the pay was gener- «'|J5;■P^ d 8l ^^ n u J*^ 0 D f entertaining season of Summer bookings' at Knew oily voted a winning prorwsftlon. £"„£, taaa Toiio o'excellent claBs. Tbi Park, Grand Rapids, Mich., 10 The I'mmrnu fl.nnvva (Mtewnrt Snnid ne. bracers in an Ol'O 01 auiraii "".'"■"•,. „„„.:.i„,» ^,„rr „» .l.n Ot, j.k.i... " "" (MOM Olll OWN UOBUKSrONDENT.) Western Dnreau, Of the New York Clipper, Room fl02, Anlilnnd Block, Chicago. The reopening of the Iroquois Theatre, as Hyde & Kehmnns Music Hall, lends special Importunes to the current days. Monday matinee, Sept. II), Is the advertised time for the opening performance. At Powers' The- utre we will bave our llrst view of Henry Arthur Jones' newest play, "Joseph Un- tangled," on Monday evening, when Henry Miller begins u fortnight's engagement On the same evening I). II. Sotbern and Julia .Mnrlowe will make their Initial appearance iih co-stara, appearing at the Illinois The- atre, lu "Romeo and Juliet," and then be- ginning a three weeks' engagement- The other new attractions for this week Include: Nat M. Wills, who begins two weeks at the Orcat Northern. In "A Hon of Rest;" "The Royal Chef." which returns to the Oarrlck the engagement. I QtiieniON Theatiib (Dea M. Glroux, busi- ness manager).—There Is no peace in Chi- cago for Patrice. During the past fortnight she wiir "Driven from Home" on both ibe South and West'aide, and her present refuge In the North part of the city Is for only one week, starting Sunday afternoon, 18. She succeeds Lillian Mortimer, who last week gave enthusiastic and sympathetic audiences of excellent slxe their first Ideas of "A Girl of the Streets." Acaubmi ortfnsic (Win. Roche, business manager).—Two Jlons of more or less fe- rocious demean will hold the centre of the stage this week, while a dramatic company Illustrates "Her First False Step." Last Sunday afternoon was the date announced for the reopening of thta thoroughly recon- structed theatre, but the authorities refused permission to Harry Clay Blaney and his clever company to begin their Journey "Across the Pacific" until late Wednesday afternoon, 14. The wait was worth while, however, as the Academy It now by far the most beautiful playhouse In our chain of out- lying resorts, and play and company were Now comes the Bon Ton Burlesque™. They ton Pederaon. musical director; Walter Bur- start upon their week of two-a-day Sunday ridge, scenic artist; Thomas Tipping, afternoon 18T Williams and Adams, Fields stage director: Walter Hueston, electflclna 2nd Si Grace I^nard. the Musical Simp- ...... pille Young and -brother pas," sons and the Livingstons are mentioned aa through Chlcngo last week on their way t< among the tod ng members of the company, begin the complete Orpheum tour at New Last; week toe Cherry BlosBom Burlesquers Orleans.... ..Charley Duncan Is In town. gave one of those clean and wholesome ......Marie Tower opened her season ■> ?omedy shows which drive away the blues bjadlng woman of "A Glr from Chill" „ and make sbowgoera of the populace. "The y>Jparal«o,Jnd.,J6 :| ._. v _,It know expected QUERIES ANSWERED. No Replica by Mall o r Telesjrapa. ADDHESHKa Oil WlIBttHAllOUTS NOT OIVBN, All in quasi or bucii should wbitb to THOBS WHOM TIIBT BKBK, IN CARB O* 1HM CLIPPER 1'ust Officii. All lbttsbh will I IK AUYKHTIHEU ONB WMJK ONLT. If TBB tOCTB 0» AN* TUBATIUCAI. COMPAN11 IB HOIIUIIT. KRFRn TO OUB IiIBT Of KOUTB ON ANOTHXK I'AOB. Wll CANNOT HBND IIOOTBB ll\ At AII. OU TKI. KOBAI'II. I1IIAMATIC. t«. W., H., lti'iidltig.—Wo have no knowl- edge of the Brawn* whcrenhoiitH of the UM1*. AildresM B lolUir III our cure null W<; will M'l- vertlee II i" Tub Clu-i-kii letter list. ii, M. K., Ciiluiiibln. (1 'i'. Co., Ft. Wtiyiie, C. S., llrooklyii, i. MitN. M. Mi, New York, Mux. II. N., Miiiieliesler, I*. 1»h .M„ Syracuse, I'. K., Kreepurt, ,1, ('. & Hon. Ilalllmore, C. Mm Toledo, W, C, 1'oi-lt, ami ,„ _ 1*. It. 11., Oxford.—See nnswer to C. W. It., J.Vt. 1)., Lu llarpe.—Wehnve no kuowledge ns to the ability of the piii'ty. F. I.. Co., Knlaiiiaxai).—Advertise your wauta In Tun Ci.ii'i'Kii. .1. II. W.. MeredoKlii.—No, the Temple The- ntre, Detroit, wim never destroyed by tiro after It wiih upeneil to the pulille. I for a fortnight; "Her First False Step," at worth waiting for, too, as large and enthu the reconstructed Academy of Music; "One Night lu June," ut the Columbus; Harry Clay ninney, lu "Across the Pacific," at the Albiiinlirii: Patrice, lu "Driven from Home," hi the Criterion; "Nobody's Claim," at the Itllou; dramatic stock presentations ot "Cant Jinks" and "A Celebrated Case," ut the Hush Temple of Mimic and People's The- atre, respectively; vaudeville, nt the Chicago Opera House, Huyimirket and Cleveland's; slock hiii'lcsqne, ut Bam T. Jack's ; Brooke's Band, at the Coliseum; the Thoroughbreds, nl. Troendero ; the Hon Tons, nt Hie Folly, ami the Inst call for out of door entertain- ment nt Water Chutes nud Riverside I'aiks. During the past week we had our lli'Mt brush of cool weather and biiNluesa was generally satisfactory, particularly so last Sunday night, when every house open plnyed to Hh legal capacity. We had our llrst views of four offerings new this season—the La Snlle reopening with "The Jolly Baron," the (treat Northern ollerlng Uertiude Swlggelt in "Tilly olsou;" Irving Montgomery ap- pearing, at the Alhambrn, In "For His Brotn- er's (•rime," nnd Lttllaii Mortimer present- ing "A Child of the Streets" nt the Criterion. I'nrtlculnr success was scored by Miss Swlg- gelt, ut the (.rent Northern, ns Tilly Olson, in "Ole Olson." The La Salle's offering was followed by the Lu Mnlle's luck and "The Jolly Hnron" may be counted upon fur n run of lumiicliil prosperity. The other two offerings were received with the fervor cus- tomary with melodramatic offerings lu out- lying theatres. Generally speaking, our man- agers ure In a mure hopeful mood than for many months past, our theatregoers are inking kindly to their showgolng opportuni- ties and Chlcngo Is clearly outliving Its dis- astrous period of theatrical misfortune. Illinois Thkathk (Will ,1. Diiv'h, mana- ger).—10. II. Sothern nnd Julia Marlowe make their first appearance ns joint stars on Monday evening. 111. presenting "Romeo nnd .Inllel," which will remain lu evidence throughout the week. "Much Ado About Nothing" Is announced to follow nud the engagement will eud with "Hamlet," which Is to he-presented the third week. The fort- night devoted to FrIUl Scheff and "The Two Roses," which was concluded Suturilay night, 17, marked a prnpltlniin opening of the new season for this beautiful nnd vastly popular playhouse. 1*0 win ucgiu ineir uhuiii winter seasuu o day night plays given In Herman. On day night, 17, ICthcl Biirrymorc con a fortnight of "Cousin Kate, au enguii slastlc audiences vigorously attested during the remainder of the week. Gertrude Swlg- gett takes Tilly Olson to the West side next week. Ai.hamhua TrtRATKE (James II. Browne, business manager).—Following the excellent financial results attendant upon Montgomery Irvine's realistic and faithfully portrayed sufferings "For His Brother's Crime," which terminated Saturday night, 17, Harry Clay Blaney will take the loyal patrons, of this popular house "Across the Pacific," starling Sunday afternoon, 18. Next week, "Her First False Step." Bl.toti TllEATnH (Win. Itoehe, business manager).—"Nobody's Claim" will be staked out Sunday afternoon, 18, as this week's twice dally nature in the Bijou's round of strenuoiisness. Patrice gave fourteen ex- empllflcntlons of being "Driven from Home" Inst week and proliled measurably thereby. Next week, "A (llrl of the Streets." Coi. i:mops Thkathk ( Wclie i' Urns., man- agers).—Susettc Wiley Is featured In the eompuiiy which will this week present "One Night In June." beginning with Sunday's matinee, IS. "A Modern Viking," new tn Chicago, will come next In order, 2f>. Last week tho attraction was "At the Old Cross Roads," n piny which has become an an- imal event ut this house. Iirsii Tumplk TlttiATiiFi (Ellzabcrt Srhn- her, manager).—The Players' Slock Co., led by (.en. Alison nnd Mabel Montgomery, will this week be seen In "Capt. Jinks, of the Horse Marines;" following their Interpre- tations of "When Knighthood Was III Flower." The change of bill takes place Monday night. William lOvnrts. the great- est of last sen sun's favorites, retained for the preseut term, will be cast to advantage. Puopi.r'h TitKATRi: (Fred (I. Conrad, man- ager).—Singe Director S. S. Simpson, Ku- gene Moore- Coulter Howard and Mahelle Mohr will have prominence in this week's stock presentation of "A Celebrated Cane," which follows a week of "A Wise Woman" and will give way to "Jim Bludso," which Is lu preparation for next week. I'liifAdo Oi'riia llorm: (Kahl A Castle, managers).—Opening Monday afternoon. Ilk, to give the current bill of continuous vaude- ville : Laurent and Company, Hutcbeson and l.uMhy John Dillon and company, Maceo uud dog, Carherry and Stanton, Rice and lOlmer, the Three Florence Slaters, Juggling Drawee, Don and Thompson, Marguerite SyTvu, How- ard and Bland, Searle and Violet Allen, Clnude Gllllngwater and company nnd Oeo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. Large bouses every afternoon and capacity business every night ruled here Inst week. Boss and Fenton, lilrkel and Watson, Wra. Wlndora, Ulckcy and Nelson nnd Boranl and Nevuro were favorite acts in an exceptionally strong pro- gin in me. Haymarket Tiuatbb (W. W. Freeman Ulrl from Shanley's" was the first part nnd "Look Out Below" was the burlesque, but the titles gave no Indication of the great entertaining qualities evidenced by the com- pany in presenting those cliief cards In the programme. Frank Reitly and J. A. Perry led the comedians, with mirth In abundance resulting. Bert duller started the olio with his clever Imitations, Carlysle and Perry next presenting their neat sister turn. Sey- mour and Hill scored a great hit. Crollus nud St. Alva nod Oaylor and Graff, ns the New York Comedy Four, gave a forceful farclol comedy sketch ln"The Toodles Trust. The Kcllpse Quartet closed the olio In a whirlwind of approval. Maurice Jacobs is manager for Rutfer, Jacobs & Lowry. Clark Sthekt Mushum (Louis M. Hedges, manager).—Freaks and curloaltles hold at- tention on the upper floors while oft re- pented vaudeville hllla have the call In the tbentre. Business is satisfactory. London Dimb Mukijm (Wm. J. Sweeney, manager).—This week: In curio hull—Al. Mastiff, magician; Chief Kingfishers In- dian village, Aug.. Meyers, human telescope, and Jessie Frank's trained bear. Ou Hie singe—lOtnmn Clarke, Rose Rodlue, Harry Dohbs and Hill's motion photographs. Busi- ness Is good. AFTEltMATif.—The Bnrntim Show Is billing that the new music hall which la'belnii erected In Michigan Avenue for 'the exclus- ive use of the Chicago Orchestra, will in. finished in time for the anticipated dedi- cating concert by the Theodore Thomas mu- sicians, on Dec. 2 Martin Reck him been In New York during the past week booking attractions for the Orphenm circuit nnd transacting business for the Western Association of Vaudeville Managers. ♦ »» MASSACHUSETTS. Boston—W'ltli the exception of one or two houses which are soon to open Huston'* theatrical season is now In full swing. The principal new bills this week arc: Rnhcrt lOdeson, in 'Hanson's Folly," at the Colonial; Blanche Walsh, In "Resurrection," at the Ma- jestic ; 'The Little Princess" at the UIdIm>" and "No Wedding Bells for Her" at the drawl Opera House. At the stock houses the Cas- tle Square presents "When We Were Twenty. One" nnd the Bowdoln Square offers "Tlie Worst Woman In iLonilim. These utlruc- tions continue: Hollls St., "The (llrl from Kay's;" Tremont, "The Slio-Gim;" Boston, "The Wlxnrd ot Oa;" :Park, Ezra Kendall, lu "Weather Beaten Benson." The Hub opens Monday of the current week with a Yiddish tbe city for Its opening at the Coliseum stock company, under tho management of Thursday afternoon, Oct. 6. Louis M. Cook, Louis (Jottlleb. formerly ot the (Iruuil Then- general agent. Is In the city, supervising the tre New York. eiiiuiuilKU. The show will remain two weeks. Colonial Ihkatiw (Chns. Frohman, Rich During the past few days changes & Harris, managers).—Robert Edesun begins bave been made In "the man In charge" at u two weeks' engagement at this bouse lu two of our theatres. Fred R. Hamlin has "Ranson's holly." Mr. lOdeson Is n favorite given up the bna'ness conduct of tbe Orand In this city and in tbe role of Lieut. Kansas . ___ .*■ ._ .. _■ ..*.. t_t_. ■ *■*— .. > t .. .. < i.,.. tin hna A /■ ri it r-ii .' t .n" it-nl I i.. I.i>., t_ of Hie Cobbnge Patch," for Llehler & Co. Chns. A. Bird has retired from the business management of the (larrlck Theatre to man- age the tour of lizrn Kendall, lu "Wenlher- beuleti Benson." Mr. Bird is succeeded by Sam P. lierson, who was formerly the press ngent ot the Oarrlck... ."A Chinese Honey- moon" has been secured as the nt nut ion for the annual benellt of the Policemen's Benevo- lent Association, opening lit the Auditorium Theatre, Oct. !l. for two weeks May Ilosnier enieiN upon her llnnl week nt How- ard's Theatre. Sunday nfternoo.l. IS. She will give n double bill. "The Jewess" run- ning until Wednesday night, with "Cn- inllli" to llnlsh Hie week, Miss llosmer and her entire stock ciiin|iuuy then go to Des Moines, whore she will lill lu the season lit Hie Minor Then Ire Chutes Park, closes Sept. i.V Rlvervlew Will not keep open much longer Tho Bur- lowsLnncnsler ('uinpiiny. at the llnyninrliel. lust week, presented "Wheu ficorgiunu Was Klghteen," a little sketch, wrllteu by Burn Miiutell, n local dramatic critic. Thereby hung nil unusual amount of newspaper in- tention for u dramnllc sketch In vaudeville. Doris Mitchell, who plnys Lady Mon- tague, In the Sothern-Mnilowe production of "Romeo nnd Juliet," Is a Chicago girl, last season with "Babes In Toyland," who has been but two yearn upon the stage inand for afternoon seuts T, Wllmot Bckert and wife, ICiumii Berg, tor" did well last week, passed through Chicago lust week en runic reciiimt ruction ot Hie house. S. W.—1. See answer to C. W. R. 2. Let- ter bus been claimed. , L. St. K., Philadelphia.—We do not know lt'."il. 11., New York.—Make application to tlie managers, 11. ll., Worcester.—Wc can not. J. B. C„ Dover.—Wm. A. Brady, Hud Broadway, New York Cliy. Mhh. E 1>. 11.. New York.—There Is no Bitch honk published. _ „ „ A Constant Rbaukii.— Address Wm. Har- ris, On crick Theatre,. New York CHy ; 'owmih' Tiikatbb (Harry ,T. Powers, man- ager).—On Monday night, 111, Henry Miller begins a fortnight here, giving us our llrst view of "Joseph Knlaugled," the latest work of Henry Artliur Joaes. On Sunday night, IS, tho Leon Wuchsucr Milwaukee Stock Co. nfteriioou and capacity business every night to their home In 1'hHndelphlu from an all will begin their usual Winter season of Suu- ruled here Inst week. Boss and Fenton, Summer vacation In California, spent In "in Satur- nickel nnd Watson, Wm. Wlndora, Hlckcy visiting Mrs. lOckert's mother Fred oncludcd and Nelson nnd Boranl and Nevuro were Hamlin will. It Is said, make bis home In Tugeincnt fuvorlte acts In an exceptionally strong pro- New York hereafter. He lately purchased is house, gramme. a residence at Seventy-second Street and Business ruled excellent throughout. Uaymaiiklt Tiuatkb (W. W. Freeman, West Ktid Avenue, nnd will live there a part HliAND Oi'BiiA Houbh (Harry Askln, bu»l- manager for Kohl A Castle).—Opening Mon- of the time, at least Next Saturday ness inunnger).—"Bird Center' starts upon day afternoon, 19, these entertainers will nnd Sundity—two'afternoons and two even- Its fourth and concluding week Sunday appear In the current bill: Llzxle Welter, De Ings—Bousa and Ids band will appear at the night, satisfactory ut tendance having rilled Varo and Curtis, Andrews anil Feld, Kmer- Auditorium, 2ft, 20 The I mm Opera son and Omega, Wise and Milton, the Sully Co., which has been rehearsing In Chicago family, iioch, Elton and company, Fred J. for a fortnight, opens Its season, In a repcr- 11 ii in 111. Agoust and Weston, Blckel and Wat- tory of popular operas, at Belolt, Wis., 20. who are familiar with the McCutchcou cur- son, Oeo. Primrose and his dancing boys, ltuymond Stevens and wife, Tom Johnson toons and proves likewise entertaining to Reno and Richards, the Salvaggin uud Geo. (stage director) and Virginia Perry will bo those who nro not of the McCutcheon cull, K. Spoor's klnodrome, Several especially prominent In the company. The tour will entertaining numbers were notably (I, 18011, while the pluee was being enlarged. ,£■£ -j- g5JX* 4tta ifl of , uu production si n eitucrcio roof, which was being 1 nl . re" , mV( , , )( , cn ,„,,„.,„,,,,, Hlnce 1|B | u |tlutlon and F uud killed twelve of tie men winking ou me , , , evident satisfaction to those 11 ............. ....... .... .. t .In, ...11UII r J* ... ... ... ■ ■ _ '.._..._.. _. .... "Babes In Toyland" returns to Its birthplace next Sunday night to stay for a while, with n rousing welcome assured. MoVickbii'm TitBATiiH (Geo. C. Warren, business ninnngerl.—The definite end of Wll- tou l.ucknye'c eiipigcineiit, In "The Pit," Is not announced. The third week starts Sun- day night, 18. Tho Brady production hna thus fur tested tbe legal capacity of this newly reconstructed, vastly Improved nnd ever popular playhouse. When Lnckaye de- j. l). J,.. I-hlluilelnlilB.—nanlol Krohi«m, parrt'taa aaeoFTjIt arodaeUon "oT'siberia Ire, anil Charles Fruhiuou, Lm- ' wlM ^ c mn( j c " Lyceum Tlicnt . Hire Theatre, New York City. C. (I. 8.. Albany.—Make applications to tho vaudeville agents. 1). S.. tltuu ha .--Address to Columbia Copy- right Co-, Washington. ''• v - \\ J„ New York.—No. A. M., Cedar Rapids—Watch our route list Mfin week. . ., .1. (1. T\, Whcatlunil.—See answer to A. M. Minn L. G., St. Paul.—See roulo list lu Oils Issue, H. K. C, Lnndonvllle.—Inquire of somo tierfornier In thai Hue. A. B. d Blrmlnghiim.—We do not know ot unv Instil ut lun In Hint line that pro- cures or gun rn nI cos potdlrons to Its PUplll. "lo did She did not. Ni:w Yoiik. —1. : " O. P., New York.—See ronle Hat In Issue. J. this I1ASI0IIAI.I.. Bi'ldgoiiort.—Send stiimiieil envelniie selfud- F. M. (!. O. P., Bridgeport.—Send a dressed and stamped envelope to Knnwles, secretary of the N. Y. B. 11. Club, Room tSB, St. James Rulldlng. Broadwuy nud IMlth SI reel, N. X. City, and ho can probably rurulali you with tho Information desired. A. K.. Bellefonie.—Yes. At the Polo Grounds, this city, the official nttoudanco ns given out tills seiimni wits once over 38,0t)U people. W. 1). M., Sunlmry.—From what we can uuderstiind liy your query A wins. There MM onlv one gome played and his club won. When two giumm ore played lu one afternoon the ill's! oui> is lHe game regularly scheduled lor thul day. As ruin slopped the llrst olio before u result wiih reached. It Is only nat- ural that It wiih tlie regular game Hint wus Hfterwnrd plnyed. P. A, II., Nashua.—A Inses. We answered this query last week. CARDS. II. ('. F. .In.. Bench llnven.—If the luuul Is called the full hand ininif he shown. If It Is not called, onlv the openers need be shown. S. H. E., Worcester—As you describe I!, It la no cut, us the bottom card has nut changed He place lu the pack. II. C. T.i New York.—He must. GAllHICK Thhatiik (Sum P. Ocrson, busi- ness manager).—Returning from Broadway by specinl train, "The Royal Chef" begins n two weeks' return engagement Sunday night, IS. Sam S. Sbubcrls production ot "Fan- tuna" will follow ou Oct. 8. Tho fortnight devoted lo "Wang," by Do Wolf Hopper, opening the regular season for the house, ended Saturday night, 17, after a run of large audiences. Stiiuhiiakkk TiiKATim (II. 10, Hnrmoyor, business iniiiiugerl. —Despite divergence of opinion, beautiful "Woodland" continues In attract capacity business. lis costume uud .scenic splendors, lis catchy music, pretty women, clever comedians uud originality of theme bring delight to nil beholders. Its third week begins Monday night, 10, with the eud ot Us run still iinannouncnl. La Sali.k Tiikatiih (Albert Campbell, manager).—-.Tills house reopened for tho regular hcusoii Tuesday, HI. "The Jolly Huron." n revision of the Lnmh-Von Tllxer opera. "Tho Fisher Maiden," wus then pre- sented for the first time. In tbe revised work the music Is by Hnrry Von Tllter, the book by Addison Duukhnrdt and Aaron lloifnmn. uud the lyrics by Arthur J. Lamb. Viewed from the most tangible standpoint (the evidence returned by tho audience) the piece was u aucceaa from the very start. Sum Collins has replaced Dave Lewis an the chief stock comedian, both In position nud popularity. Florence Holbrook retains Her station ns Riiprnno nnd along with it In i- dainty personality, piquant manner uud cnlliusltiNtlc following, llrsuln Marsh won Immediate nnd deserved favor. To Billy ltubliisoii. however, a word ut apeelul coin- ineudntloii Is due; lie took the part of John Turner, the character old man, on a few Hours' nut Ice and played It wllli extreme cleverness. The most skillful musical num- ber wan "The Sail on the Tall of a Whale." Other popular numbers were: "The Magic Man," "The Miller's Daughter" and "May- dee." Tho piece, which seems due for a long nnd successful La Snlle season, was cast as follows: Baron l.udwlg Schmidt!, Sam Collins; Dlouyslus Wbeote, George Mac-Kay ; Arthur Dunbar, Charles 10. Hunt- were notably popu- lar in Inst week's bill. Warren and Blan- cliurd, Ferguson and liecson, Raymond and Clarke, Wills and llasaen and Bobby Gay- tor coming In for receptions, appreciation and applause. Ilvm: & BmiMAN'8 Music Hall (Lew Parker, mnnager).—Tho reopening of tho Iroquois Theatre, under the management of lids well known and long established firm of Brooklyn amusement providers. Is set for Monday nfteriioou, 10, Two shows will be given dally, with prices ranging from 25 cents to tl In tbe afternoon, nud from 25 cents to $1.D0 In tbe evening. Roaarlo Guer- rero, In her condensation of "Carmen," wlli be the feature of the opening bill and she will remain, It Is presumed, for several weeks to present other impassioned sketch en of Spanish romance. James Thornton la an- nounced us the extra attraction, others lu the opening Rat being: Elmer Teuley ana company, in "llnruui Scurutu;" the Avon tng. Kturgls, Jane Rivers, W. H. Burton, Mabel lltizleti, Sydney Alnsworth, Percltu West, Taylor Holmes, Adele Richardson, Lawrence sheetuiii and Harrison Ford. The ullstnr cast In "The Two Orphans" did fair busi- ness last week. "A Little nt lOvervthlng" follows ou Oct. '.I. Ma.ikstii' Thkatbe (Stair & Wilbur, mali- ngers i.—"Resurrectinn," with Blnnche Walsh In the character of Maslorn, Is the attrac- tion Hils week. This In the original dramatl- /nilnu of Tolstoi's work by Butaille and Morton and large audiences lire assured. Judging from the advance sale of seuts. There are forty-two suenkliig parts In tbe play, tlie inure important being assumed by Alex. Vou Mllsel, Foster i.iinincr, Wm. Wadswortb, George Meech, Helen Ware, IsIs Mayuurd. Jessie llnlpli and Mrs. Henry Vanderlinul'. Lawrence D'Orsuy, In "The Karl of Paw- tucket." closed a most successful engagement of (wo weeks In si Saturday. Wright Lorl> iner. In "The Shepherd King," comes On. ;i, for s';x weeks. HlAit'.K TU KATUN r Sin Ii- & Wilbur, inniin- gcrH).—"Tlie Little Prim-ess" is here for u week's stuv lit this bouse. Leonle Dnruion Hikes Hie title rule nud lu the company are Fern Foster, Kdlth Speure nud Jullelta Day, of tills City. A special noil luce perfornui '■< announced on Friday to satisfy the de- 'Tbe Beauty Doe- Thomns 10. Sheu follows next week, Boston Thkathk (Lawrence McCarty. mnn- ager).—"Tho Wizard of Ox" continues lo pack this largo house to the doors anil the engagement bids fair to surpass Hie record breaking one of last Winter. The two chief couiedluns, Montgomery and Stone, have scored heavily, as has also Arthur Hill, us tbe "Cowardly Lion." Hoi,i.m SriiRKT Thbatiifi (Isaac B. R'ch, mnnager),—"The Girl from Kay's" enters its third week of large audiences at tills bouse. The work of Sam Bernard and Hatlle Williams Is well received and many encores nightly are the rule, Tbbmont Thkatiib (Jno. B. SchoofTel, man- ager).—The fifth week was ushered In on Monday of the popular piece, "The Sbo-Gun," attendance has been the same company, who llrst met during re- hearsal b of tbe piece, were married uerc during the past week Jolly Zcb and /eh and /arrow, did not Join Sam Devere's company la Milwaukee, as Zeb Informed mc last week. They left for Indianapolis Inst Saturday night, 17, to Join Fred Irwin's Show for tho remainder of the "burlesque wheel" season Mr. nod Mrs. Dave B, Levis left Chicago Saturday for New York, whence they will sail, ou Oct. 4, for Europe. They will spend the Winter automoblllug on the continent and y.uchtlng on the Medi- terranean, the prospective prosperous tour of Mr, Levis' severaf "Uncle Josh Spruceby" companies providing tho "bank rolls" for the contemplated vacation Ed. V. Glroux spent ii part of lust week In town, "Yon Yonion," the attraction which he repre- sents, being booked In nearby "night stands." Comedy Four, the Steln-Eretto Troupo, the Mr. und Mrs. Sidney Drew passed be under the management of L. II. Dibble. . .. lit this house," 'The _ Will Archie, the diminutive comedian of largo at all performances and playgoers wilt lllrd Centre." and Loretto McDonald, ot regret to learn that the end of tbe engage- ment Is near at hand. Nance O'Nell opens here Oct. 11), and "Parsifal" follows Oct. 17. 1'be house Is being redecorated. Pauk Tiibathb (Chas. Frohman. Rich & Harris, managers).—Ezra Kendall, lu "Weather Reaten Benson," 1b now In bis Inst week ot tbe engagement at this bouse. Mr. Kendall Is more of a favorite in Bos- ton than ever and his Impersonations of Benson lias given him a still stronger hold ou the public fancy than,when he appeared mi tho star of "The Vinegar Buyer.' f "The Other Girl" follows next week. Giund Opeba House (Stair, Wilbur A Magee, managers).—"No Wedding Bells for Her" Is the bill this week. This strong melodrama will attract the usual large crowds and a prosperous week Is looked for. Hates Musical Trio. Rastua uud Hunks, Ar- thur Buckner and the Eight English Glrla. Clhvkland'h TilUATllN (Wm. S. Cleveland, uiiiuugcr).—This week: Wright Huntington uud company, Jiilluu Rose, Kelly und Vlu- tette, the Castla Square Quartet, Joseph Yur- rlck, Lorls uud Altlnn, Hodges and Launch- mere, Orin Mitchell, Wnlbertl and "Duhl," und ltackett and Hazard. Sam T. Jack's Ockoa House (Sidney J. Kiiaou, manager).—John A. Flynn remains for another week to produce his burlesques with the stock forces, under bis title, tbe Loudon Gaiety Girls. "A Parisian Soiree" and "The Country Club" will Introduce Ed. Morris, James Thompson, Chris Lane, Ed. Suiitorn, Chas. Banks, Alleen Vincent, Carrie Seltx nnd Helen Russell us principals, backed by the well selected chorus for which Mana- ger Eiisnii Han been repeatedly complimented. There will lie a good vaudeville bill on view, between llrst part n " by: Shannon and Newslsiys' Ouiirtet, Musical Thor, the Marco Twins, the Frecxo Bros und Luring and Lee, Business continues line, Increasing ns Hie weeks now progress. Tniii'AtiKiio Tiikatiii: (Roller! Fulton, man- ager i. - The Thoroughbreds, beaded by Wash- burn und Flviiu, Mlie, La Tosea, the I lancing Mitchells, Jim lleuley and the Sisters Clan- sen, Willie Western, and Coyne, Odell, Law- rence und Edwards, return to Chicago for n weei; at this house, starting Sunday after- uoou, IS. One of tho best shows we have :>eeii In Its class this season was given by Irwln'a Majesties last week, to splendid busi- ness. Larry McCule carried the burden of tbe comedy elemeut lu "The Tenderloin" nud "For Girls Only" with an unction which through Chlcngo Saturday en route for New Orleans, to begin a tour of the Orpheum circuit. Mr. Drew Informs me thut he Is booked solid until the end of May, with the exception of tbe week of Jun. 30. Ho will utilize that brief period for the production of a vaudeville novelty at the Orpheum, Brooklyn, In which neither he or his wife will personally > appear. He promises a sensational vaudeville number Tom Mnsslssey nnd wife, Anna B. Rich, are laying oft In Chlcngo during a break in their vaudeville bookings .Harry Earl In In town. He has finished his season as mnnager of Pain's "Fall of Rome," nnd In under engagement with James H. Wullack to manage the tour of "Escaped from the Harem," Hie newest Wullack melodrama.... Kitty De Lorme aad Ted Rruckett are play- ing a special engagement as features of a Tho Heart of Maryland" played to large houses last week. Next week "Why Girls Leave Home" will be the attraction. Cabtlk Sotum; Thbatbb.— "When We were Twenty-One" Is tbe offering of the stock company the current week. The cast of characters Is as follows: Richard Carewe. Howell Hansel; Sir Horace Plumeley, De Witt Jennings; Col. Miles Grnhnrae, Chns. Macklln; Terence McOratb. Mark Kent: Richard Terence Miles Audslne, A. H. Van Huren ; David Hlrsh, Joseph. Selmnn; Lord Dunclet, Edward Wnde: Jlughle Helmont. Lindsay Morlson; Wallls Brundnll, Howard Russell: Mrs. Erlcson, Leonora Bradley: Phyllis, Lillian Kemble; Kara Clvuest. lOthelle Eurle: Mrs. Grant Gordon, Cordelia MacDon- ald, and Eileen, Blanche Hall. "L'Artlcie -17" wns given last week. "Michael Strogoff" Is In rehearsal for next week. HowiiiiiN syiiAiiK Thbatbb (G. 10. Loth- rop. manager) .—Tho house stock, this week, presents "The Worst Womnu In London." vaudeville bill on view, stock company In South Chicago which opens nnd tho usual good business Is looked for. ind burlesque, provided nt the Calumet Theatre Riinuay afternoon, TtS. u™iS^S^.J!!!^!^!Ljtt™i££ &&i J85. ^ w J™* .,?.:.'" "«> J9BK.■ ; • v-«ft M» «.«<> V$m**r includes rft£lJrm& illeton returned to Chicago lust week from a len days' shooting trlii to South Dakota. He was the guest of Gov. Ibirhln, ot In- dluiiii l Mr. Mlddlelon's unlive State) and the trip was made In Hie Uovernor's private car Fred Henderson came in from Hie En st in si week, his season al Couey is- land Having ended, and proceeded to Minne- apolis, where he will relievo Col. Chas. A. Bray. Who has been supervising the construc- tion ot the new Orpheum Theatre In that city. Col. Barry will go to New Orleans, where he will again be manager of the Orpheum, ana Mr. Henderson will soon proceed to Denver to resume the management of the Orpheum there..... .Jessie Couthoul will give two spe- cial performances of her -vaudeville sketch at ompany _ he new leading man: Corlnnc Csntwell, Flor- ence Hale, .Mtilld Parker, Wllmer Walter, lOd- wlu Hi'tiison. Butler llnvllaud. Deary Alex- ander, Harry Brooks, Thomns Russell', D. L. (jiiylord and Chns. Wheelock. "Slaves of Russia" was presented Inst week, nnd "Slaveu of Ibe Orient" Is to follow next week. Him Thratbm (Louis (lottlleb. managerl. —"ltidiile," a musical drama of Hebrew life In Russia, Is the title of the nlny selected « piece Will .. Is the title of the pit to open the Hub this week. Tbe be given by the Yiddish stock company, tbe leading artists of which are Jacob Sllbert. Suiiinu Lakscs, Mr. Leveustelu, Bessie nood- iiiun, Mr. Rosoulilum and Miss Rapbell. A number ot plays will be produced during the season by the company.