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OCTOBER 22. THE NEW YORK"CLIPPER. 813 NORA. Writttn by J. ALDRICH LIBBEY. Composed by THOS. H. WEST. The Whirlwind Ballad Hit.' - -_.__ A SURE WINKER FOR A BAIXADIST. SEBIO OOHIC OR COMEDIENNE. A SENSATIONAL, SUCCESSFUL SONG SUCCESS WHEREVEB SUNS. BE THE FIRST TO GET ON THE BAND WAGON ^"T 1 ^! 1 Coi^oBtoiireo.lpt of Into program. Orchestration. 10 Oast*. Pianist In attendnacr.. CI I on n.. HAMILTON S. GORDON, ... 139 Fifth Avenue, New York City. American Then (re i Klnw. Hrhinger & Wcls, managers).—On Wednesday evening, Oct. J'-'. SI. Ca2cllos presented lils French Comedy Co., In "L* Chupeau de l'alllo • ilnllc ("The I/eghora lint"), a vaudeville. In live acta, by Shire Michel and Laukhe. 'Hun piny- nerved ns a vehicle to Intro- duce for the first time to the American .stage Messieurs .Maury, Dane. Aznrrt and Roberts, and Mmes. Coeturd and Derange. The story la slight and deal* with the loss nnd recovery of-n Leghorn straw hat, hut ihe complications are amusing, and the act- ing of the company was on a par with that ot the opening, the new comers nil making pronounced Impression*. The cast in full: Ferdinand, SI. SInury: Slonancourt, AI. Italic; Reanperthliils. SI. lHirhnn; Veslnet, SI. I'ctlhon; Tnrdlvenu, SI. Rozc: Ilobln, SI. Desnlus; E. Cavernlcr, SI. Jnubcrt; Felix, .M.'Chulals; Acllille, M. Viillcc; l.e Cnporal, SI. SInxcr; Un Dnmcstlqiie. SI. Auird; Un Monsieur, SI. Robert; llelene, SI inc. Cos- tard Annls, Mme. Derlnnge; La llarouuc de (im.uplgny, Mme. Iiegrlgny; Clara, .dme. Dnnja; Vlrgliile, SIme. Dnspremont. ■Taituffe," Sfollere's comedy, in live nrlx, itns presented by the slime company .s.iiiir- i!ny. Oct 15, to a large audience wiiich voiced Its appreciation of the bright linen ami good i.ttlng- very often. SI. Perrln and Slmes. Sehuller ami Sllliinres made their American t'.ebuta, on this occasion and were weii re- n-lvid. The familiar rlorv of the hypo critical perlidy of Tnrtuffe, the gullibility of Organ, the wit nnd Plnkcrton-liko manner of both Dorine nnd Klmlre was wi-ll jior- trayed, and the keen, scintillating humir of •lie great French pliiyrlght wns delight- ful. M. Perrln, as Tnrtuffe. gave ,u< exeel- Knt performance, smooth, oily and covertly despicable—a very Uriah Ucep. Ilia make- up, voice, manner nnd facial expression could hardly lie improved. M. Dorimn, as Orgon. icpeated farmer excellent impressions ami kept the audience In continued good humor. Ills riinncialiiiu is perfect, and one is enabled to catch each word without trouble. SIme. Sehuller was nt all tltr.es within, the part of Mm\ Perr.ello: SIme. Remit, as Porlne, matched Ihe work ni SI. Durban admirably. making a splendid foil nnd showing herself lu bo nn nrlress of great versatility when i up remembcra her noble and pathetic work in "I* Rossu." Mme. .Million's had a good (onrcptlon of the demands of thn pan of Klmlre, and wa* morn, than pleasing.In her work and appearance. SIme. Costard made n sweet .Marianne, though having little- to do. SI. Bream, ns Clennlhe; SI. Jlemnger, as Vulere, and SI. Cnyper. as Damls, Were nil fully equal to the requirements; In fact, the ■ ast was even throughout. The east.In full. Tnrtnffe. M. l'errin; t'lenntbe, SI. P.re.mt: Orgon, SI. Drirbnn: Valere. SI. Bellinger, Duinls, M. Cosset; SI. Loyal, SI. Dane; l!n ixetnpt. K Sinner: SIme. P«riielle, Mme. Sehuller: {Mrlne, SIme. I>. Kenot; Eimlre, -•Itne. Slllllares: Slnrlnrne, SIme. Cos'Hid, lllpofe, Mme. Dzspremnut. "liny lllus" Is minounced for 10-22, nnd "Ln lloule" for 20, 27. ArorsT Funk, a well known manager of '"alls lu this city, died at his home in this city on Oct. 4, from pneumonia, nged ulaeiv- three years. He established Funk's Union Assembly and hall rooms nt the corner of (•rand and Kllstnhcth Streets. Jjitcr he took the management of Linn Park, at One Hun- dred nnd Tenth Street nnd Columbus Avenue. >vhleh he gave up after Ihe draft riots, lie. then started Funk's [talon I'ark, oetweeu Slxly-lirst and Sixty-fourth Streets, from First Avenue to the Knat Itlver. After re- malnine there ur.tll lfios he rnn Irving Hall with his brother, lien. Funk, nt Fifteenth Street nnd Irving I'lnce. He was the llrst lierson to open Jones' Wood, at Hlxly-sevenlh Street and the Kast River. Wbbto & ZlEutrKM) have again postponed their opening in "Hlggledy Plggledy" at the Weber Music Hall. The date now set is Thursday, Oct. 20. Ai.kxasdka IIksteii SLiAZKi., who was for- merly an opera singer, was tuken to Ihe Hiirlem Hospital last week, after she had attempted to throw herself from a window. She has been suffering from melancholia for some time. At tub New York Theatbe, on Friday morning, Oct. 14. the first complete produc- tion of "Parsifal." In English, was given under novel circumstances. Henry W. Sav- age, was the only one in the "nudleoce." SIme. Gabbiellk Rkjaxe. the French act- ress, and twenty-seven members ot her com- pany who will appear here with her at the Lyric Theatre, arrived here Oct. 14. The eutire company sailed the next day for Ha- vana, where they are to piny a week. They will opeu In this city Nov. 7. HKiNMcir Cummer announced last week that the sale ot seats for the opening per- formances of "Parsifal" will liegln Oct. 31, at the Metropolitan Opera House. Harlem,—At the Harlem Opera House (Alex. Llcbteiisteln, manager) "The Secr.'t of I'ollchltielle," under the management of .lames- K. Hackett, Is the attraction for this week, and the pleasing comedy was presented with most of the original cast Oct. 17. All ludlcatlons point to another successful en- gagement. Thn house was crowded 17. Next week, Dockatnde.r's Sllnstrels. West End (George A. Olumenthal, mana- ger).—Florence Bindley, In "The Street Sing- er," opened to one of the Itest Slonday night audiences of the season 17, and met with u warm reception. The play affords Miss Bind- ley ample oportunltles to display her lalelir. and her supporting company Is a competent one. A big week seems assured. Next week, "The • Volnnteer Organist." SlsTiiopOMK (Henry Unseuherg, manager.) —Chns. A. Tnvlor's new melodrama, "The white Tigress of Japan," with all Its splen- did scenic effects, nncked Ihe house from top to bottom on the opening night, 17, nnd It ■ ■■ seblo'ii ilint n play of this character Is presented In s.i complete anil lavish a man- ner. Tills fact was appreciated, ns wns proven by continued applause. Next week, "The Mlssourlau." m Stab (Win. T. Kcogli, manager).—"The Inetory Girl," by Chns. K. lfiancy. will lipid the crowds at this papular house for lite current week. This Is the llrst New Snrk presentation of the plnv. which Is n comedy drama, and ot n must sensational nature. There are numerous thrilling situa- tions and the piny made a Hue I in press Ion, being well suited to the tastes of Ilia pa- trolls of 'tills Home. Next week, -No Wed- ding Bells for Her." I'ROCtot'S Off! Hll.NOnRD AND 'PWENTr-FIFTH Sth*et ThRatbb (J. Austin Fyues. general manager).—"The Cavalier." which was the (.tiering at the Proctor down town: house lattvweek, was given here 17, with Ihe same '.ireful attention to every detail. A crowded lionse gave every evidence ot approval IT. Ihe vaudeville offers several ftoon uuiuoers, including: The Marco Twins, Mabel.'Adams, Aerial Sbaws. the He Sluths and moving pictures. UriiTic & Seamon's Slrsio Ham. (Ben. Hurtlg. manngeri.—A most■ excellent hill was offered for the approval ot a Inrge audi- ence 17. with most gratifying results. The bill Included : Brothers Datum, .Maddux and Prouty, Acnle Abbott. Julln Klngslev and Nelson Lewis, Fanny Itlce. Chas. II. Burke and Grace I.n Hue, James II. Cullcn ami llelene Gerard. Gotham (Sullivan * Kraus. managers!.— The World Beaters moved up town and crened to a weli rilled house 17. The com- pany scored heavily from the atnrt and was accorded a most cordial welcome. It Is deserving of n big weeknnd prospects point Hint way. Next week, Clark's Runaway Girls. OitniEUJl closed fur repairs Sept. 10. The Ol.tMl'lu will open Oct. 'J2. Brooklyn.—Business continues to boom In the theatrical line. All the houses did well Inst week nnd the attractions presented were excellent, deservedly meeting with good pntronnge. While there is nothing new on the hills, Oct. 17-22, it will be a week of interesting revivals, with William Ollletta nt the Montnuk, Lawrence D'Orsay at Ihe Broadway, "Shore Acres" at the Sfnjestlc, "David Haruin" at the Grand, "King Dodo" at the Fol'y, "The Lighthouse by the Sen" nt. the I'ark, "A Fight for Love" at the Novelty, "From Rags to Riches" at the Gotham, nnd nil the slock houses presenting strong Wis. SIontaim; (Isabel slnn-Ilccht, manager).— William Gillette will lie seen In "The Admi- rable. Crlchton" this week. The production Is unusually lavish nnd the cast is a strung one, Including, besides .Mr. Gillette, W. F. Owen, •juitileii SIcPhei'Miu, Harold llenton, Soldeiie ivwell, II. A. Storey, Sybil Carlisle. Jane Laurel, Itesallti Cogblan, Kate Meek, Sybil Campbell. Jessie Rusley, SInud Glroux, Florence L. P.usby and otherti. Next week, "The Yankee Consul." •Majestic (Charles R. Stnrgls, manager). — "Shore Acres" opened a week's engage- ment here 17. and the Indications are that It will achieve Us usual success. The scenery Is new nnd Ihe acting company Includes many oid favorites. Sirs. Heme superin- tends the play's production. Next week, the Hnys. In "Down the Pike." Ghanii (Lew Parker, manager).—"David Ilarum" Is the offering for the current week, opening 17. 'fills rural play seems to have a fascinating Influence over Ihe natrons of this house, as It never falls to draw large audiences whenever seen here. Wm. Turner, ns Itavld Ilarum. brings out cleverly tin- strong character nf the shrewd horse trader. A caiin'ile company supports him. Next week, tho Russell Brothers, In "The Female De- tectives." IV.RK (Wm. Hyde, manager).—The attrac- tion which serves to draw to this house, 17- :!2, is "The Lighthouse by the Sea." The play Is fill! of exciting features, sensational scenes nnd thrilling climaxes. Next week, "Her Slad .Marriage.' Columbia tllave A. Wels, manager).— "The Three Musketeers'' Is Ihe offering by the stock oompany for this week and seems sure In have success. The play Is nt the kind that is most enjoyed by the patrons of Ibis house. Nojet week, "Jim Bludso." Bunt; (Alnry (I. Spooner, manager).—"In Ihe Palace of the King" Is'the selection for Ihe current week, presented by the Spooner Stock Co., with Mnn Slay Spooner In the 'ending role, which allows her full nlay in the emotional lines. Claud Thardo nre- aent.i his specialty between the acts. Next week. "The Charity Girl." oiirjtKtiit (Percy G. Williams, manager). —A varied and cxciilent programme Is pre- sented here for the current week. The peo- ple, Include: Herrmann, the Great; Milton nnd Dolly Nobles, in a clever new playlet; George Kv.ins, the "Honey Boy;" Tbnmas J. Itjan and Mary Richlicld, Charles Leonare Fletcher, Wnrreu nud Blnnchard, Harding and Ah Sid, Sir. aud Mrs. Hwlckard, Mile. Olive and the American vltagraph. Uvuk & B;:ii.man's (Nick Norlon, mana- ger).—One of the best bills seen at this house lu some time is presented there this week. Georee W. Slonroe Is the top liner. Another popular act Is given by Rose Stnhl and her company, In "The Chorus Lady." Others are: The Basque Quartet, Kd. F. Reyiiird, Delmore nud Lee. Lulgl Del Oro, George 11. Wood, the World's Trio and Prof. Parker's dogs. Keekev's (Frank A. Keeney, manager).— A very Interesting and attractive bill has been prepared for the current week. The top liner is .May Vok.es uud company, In u clever sketch. Itnpoll Is announced as the extra uttrnct'oii. Others on the bill are. Unities and Vldocn, George Alexander nnd Olive Kerr, John Birch, Krlessel's dog and monkey circus, llernlea Brcuzcalc Co., Jones and Sutton and the Keencyscope. STAll (AI. Schonlierger, inn nager).—One of the most popular shown that comes to this house is Hellly & Wood's, announced for 22. Among the people nre: Pat Hellly, Dora Pellctler, the Century Comedy Four, Adams and Swinburne. Ortli and Fern, Keller and Watson, und the funny burlesques, "Down ut. liellly'a" nud "The Morning After." HI llnssen Ben All uud his troupe of Arabs have been engaged as a special feature. Watsu.nr Coxv Cobxbii (W. B. Watson, mannger).—The Yamauioto Urol hers, Japan- ese acrobats, nre. the headline™ for this week's programme ac tills house. The Dusch- Devcre Trio have a musical act III which electricity plays an Important part. Demonic, and Bell, Robinson nnd Grant, and Bono (.ml Lnfferty furnish good amusement. The bttrtrs'pie, inlltled "Catherine," gives oppor- tunity to Ihe Coxy Corner eompauy of re.m- edlans ami pretty girls to display Ibclr varied talents. W. It. Watson, Nat Fields, Dave Conroy nnd Lew Watson are an amus- ing quartet of fun makers, while Klsle Leslie, Agnes Rubier nnd Lillian Jeannette sing the latest song successes. The Sunday concert presented new and novel attractions and the amateurs furnish amusement for all. Dito.inwAV (Leo <:. Teller, manager).— "The Karl of Pnwtiicket" opened hern tilght of 17 for Hie week. Lnwrence D'Orsay Is seen In tlie title role. When last In this town the Karl did n big business and every- thing points to a like condition of things during this engagement. Good business ruled last week. "The Virginian" next. 1'ni.LV (Bennett Wilson, manager).—That jovial monarch, "King Dodo." who has made himself so Justly popular with tbe theatre- golntr public. Is hen: thin week. Business last week was large. "Store to be Pilled Than Scorned" next. Gaiety tJnmos, Clark, manager).—The Gay Mnso,nerfld#r4 til's week. The burlesque* nre entitled "A Trip to Coney Island" and "Count of Nn Account." The olio: The Esgle Quartet, tbe Bakers, tbe Brownings, Le Roy and Woodford. Business continues up to ihe usual high standard. Amhiiion. —Sirs. Spooner's Co., with Cecil Spooner at Its head. Oils weed presents "A Night nt the Circus.' As a special attrac- tion Jumps H Adams las beci: engaged to play the clown, anu the Two PJcos, clowns and aerobe is, hnva been engaged. for .the cinu'- scene. Business Is moat satisfactory. I'Avrox'K (S. S. Allen, manager).—"Cum- berland, 'til" is this week's offering. All tat tbe members of the company have congenial roles. As a special attraction ,ileo. II. rkemn* introduces a Una of specialties. Business continues Inrge. Novelty (David Itobinson. manager).— •'A Fight for I.OV0," with Boh Fltzslintrion* !n the role ot the country gentleman who overcomes Ihe machinations of tbe villain, who comes In contact with Sir. FHzslmmons lists. A record week Is looked for. Good business last week. . Next, "Why Girls I,eave Home." Gotham (Charles Williams, manngerl.— The play this week Is "From Rags to Rich- es," which always does a good business here. Good business last week. "Kidnapped In New York" next. I'mqi'e (Frank D. Carr, manager),—As r. special feature In the olio this week Sinn- ngor Cnrr has the Dick Cooley Trio, In tbelr comedy and singing net, "A Ninth inning Game nt the Polo Grounds." Tlie act scored n success and Sir. Cooley provtd himself to I* a clever entertainer ns well as n star ball plnyer. Others In the olio list are: Jack Brown and Lillian Wright. In songs and dances: Viilcrs and !<ee, shiging uud danc- ing comediennes; Maurice anu Brown, com- edy bar pnrformers, nnd Cote and Warner, In a Imteli comedy act. The stock company IresrnIs the two burlesques, "A Night at lte- I'cnrsnl" nnd "A Bunch of Jays." Business milt limes large. Lycei'M i Louis Phillips, malinger).—The stock company Is seen this week In "Cap- tain Impudence." Business Inst week was good, with "The Forbidden Marriage," a four act melodrama. I>y Charles P. Kiee, which lece-lved Its tlrsl production, at Ibis house Oct. 10, with the following cast : Phyllis Joeylln. I'.nin.n Hell; Henlrlce Kenaanl. Alice Warren: Madame Slorenu, Hose Wat- son Frey: Florence Ashlnn. Anna Bennett : Sirs. O'llrieii. ltose Watson Frey: Julln. Anna Bennett ; Suplio. Alice Warren: Pearl, .Made- line linrke: Lester Keniinrd, Henry Keen; SI Ike Klnosito, Frank Base: Pickle Dohsnn. George 1-1 slier: Henry Kennard, Cliurlcs ller- ls>rt : Hnnk Wilson, Carl Frey; Buster, tins V. De Yen- : intoxicated tleut, George Flsh- rr; Jlnimle, Carl Key; Foolinun. tins Inglls; Otllcer, Chns. Illley : Keno Plnyer, tins In- glls ; Ned Wuhirlglit. Wm. ('. Ilnlden. «-»♦ DIS'MIICT OK CIII.I Mill \. Wiishliivton.—At the Columbia Then- ire - (Joseph !•:. Liiekett, manager) Lulu' Glaser.begins a week's engngement Oct. 12, In "A .Madcap Princess." Last week Buy- mond HltiiiciH'k, In "The Yankee Consul," nud' ii decided success, (lacking Hie house at every -performance. Ii was one of the most thoroughly appreciated comic operas that has appeared hern In many seasons. Nina David 2-'i, Blanche Walsh, 111 "Resur- rection," 24-21». National Thkatuk (W. II. Rapley, mana- ger i.—Itohcrt Kdeson, In "Hanson's Folly." is the current week's attraction. Last week LouIh .Manu. In "The Second Fiddle," pleased good sized audiences. Viola Allen, In "Tito Winter's Tale," 24-20 Iaiavkith oi'kisa llm sui (Ira J. La Motle, manager).—This week, Hilly II. Van. lit ••The Krrsnd Hoy." Last week. J. II. Stod- dart, ssslstfd by Iteitbcn Fax, In "The Ron- nie Brier Bush," had crowded houses at each performance. "The. Ninety and Nine' 1M-20. Acadeiiv of Slusir (J. W. Lyons, mana- ger l.—"Tbe Fntal Wedding" this week. Last week, Lottie Williams, lu "Only a Shop Girl," repeated her former successes at the house nod standing room was at u premium all the week. "The White Tigress of Japan" 24-20. Chase's Theatre (Silas 11. Wlnnlfred Du SVItc, mannger).—The bill for this week In- eludes: Knlgmart'.le, Clayton White, Slnrle Stuart and Co., Helena Frederick, the Smed- ley-Artbur Sketch Club, Victor Moore and l'.mma Litchfield, Brothers Bright, Dorothy Kenton and thn American vltagraph of ilia Gordon-Bennett automobile race. Last wee'.;. Charles Ilnwtrey aud Co., headed a One bill nnd the house was sold out every night and ut Biauv matinees. LrcKi'it Tnt'ATiiK (Kugeue Kernati, mnnti- KQr). —This week Rice a Burton's Hose Hill Co. Lust week thn City Sports miidu good, w'tli n mure iiuiu usual tine snow. The Merry Maidens 24-20. 4«» GEORGIA. Atlanta,— At Ihe Grand IT. L. & J. L. De dive, managers) Rb land Carle, In "The i'enderfont," Oct. 14, 16. "Hitman Hearts" wns presented 7, x. to fair returns. Ade- laide Thurston followed 10, 11, presenting "Pully Primrose." to good business. Booked: "Murray k Slack 17, West's Sllnstrels 18, Muuil Adams 10, 20. lluot (Jake Wells, manager).—"A Des- perate Chance" nllracled capacity bouses week ot 10. Geo. Sidney t litis v I ray) Is the bill week of 17. Stab Tiikathh (J. B. ThomiiNou, mana- ger).—Tho excellence of the bills presented here from week to week have made Ibis bouse most popular. The best class of vaudeville acts are played and nothing Is neglected looking to ihe comfort of tbe na- trons. The bill for week nt 17 Includes: Ill-Tom Want. Illulr and SIcNulty, Ludlow Allen Vnnlcer and Duke, bowman Sisters. Kcclev Sisters. Kittle and Slay Hints. Nellie llumford, Morris and Parker, Slilburn Sis- ters nnd Mattel Burnett. FnttEi-Atinii * Siu.t.H Huns'. Cibci.'H Is due Oct. 20. «»» SOCTII ( AHIH.IVA. »«4.,^ti. ^..^ J Aaua The bouse of Frist Is well represented lu Mill SIC fltlfl NOlIu H* ,lr<,nl Larayeiu Show. Tim l,yceUni IIBMn WMW ^fVMJ^ M rt i f ounrtette are using ''aly lady's Hjis" — ' ■ L — ~ L '<■ nud "Fill I'p Your Stein?' and a medley! con. Adele Ans dor oho. n well known pianist nud composer, who has lieeu visit lug In der- ma ny, arrived In this country laslweek. Sllna Aus iler Otic will begin a Western tour In .Milwaukee this week. Olive Fremstad arrived in New York last week. Khe will alternate with Lillian Nordlrn li| the role ot Kandry, In "Parsifal," nt the Metropolitan Opera House. Fanny Sloran-Olden, formerly one of thn great sonrnuos. who made a fortune through Iter New York nnd other engagements, Is In n hospital for mental diseases In n suburb of Berlin. Germany. It Is announced that tbcro Is no hope for her recovery. John Keefe, now with Henry W. Ravage's "Peggy from Purls," writes that bo will be starred next, season In a comic opera. Signer Victor nnd his Itoynl Venetian Band, from Venice, Italy, will make his llrst Amer- leiui tour In a scries of concerts this season under the management of Sylvester J. Hud- son, He will be assisted by SIme. Illy Bnriiatu, late soprano ot Uie opera. Theatre combine, Paiis. and Kllrnlietb llrlnsmnde, contralto, front tho Metropolitan Opera llotiso forces. New York City. Beginning In No- vember signer Victor will begin a scries ot concerts In New York ami Boston, after which visiting thn .Middle West and thn Northwestern ell Irs, Ihe Pacific roast from Vancouver to Hnu Diego, CuL, umt return riu Now Orleans, in ahum one hundred and seventy concerts. George H. Schuyler Is now connected with C. K. Harris' Music Publishing Co., this city. l-luill I'nitr, formerly In charge of Ihe Bos- ton Symphony nnd the Philharmonic orchos- 11 as. nrlived last week from Hamburg, Dover and Boulogne, lie will conduct the liltsburg Orchestra for Ihe neat three yours. He laid that he had spent the last two years cbletlv In Switzerland, Germunay, Austria and Franco conducting symphony concerts. • A new musical society linn been formed for the purpose nf giving a series of concerts lu wbl< b uctv as well as classic and modem com- positions will be performed hy nn archest m of H.'i well known inns!i ions, under the direc- tion of Arnold Volne. 'lite orgiiiil/nllou will lie known us the Volpc Symphony Orchestra. The llrst subscription series will be given ut Mendelssohn Hall. New York, and will lake place on Hie following; dates : Tuesday even- ing, Jnn. 17: Tuesdny evening, March 7 nnd Tuesday evening, April 4. eminent soIuIsIm will niijiear at each concert, "llnrotiess Fiddlesticks," it new opera, com- imsed by F.luilc Briigli-re, book by George lie Long. Is In rehearsal under tbe direction of AI. .Ilnlhnsik, itiul will be ripe far production early next nioidli. Tin; score will he pub- lished by the WilmnrkH. N'elln Ilergen, Ague« Flt/hugli and llcnalinw and Tonbroeck head the company. _. . ... . i . • A I nt Hud siieeess of Dnekstnder's Sllnstrels nt the Herald Square Theatre, New York. Is Fay nnd Oliver's song?, "(Jooilnlght, Beloved, GlsTHllllglll," « Dave Heed Jr., lu addition to managing, writing sketches for nnd playing with the Seven Ilced Birds, in vntidevlllu, Is credited Willi two of Hiininrkx' biggest sobg hlls of Ihe sensnii, namely; "Lucy I,I tula l,ady" which Is featured In "The III ii from Kay's," nnd "Listen. In the Rig Brass Band." ■The Girl Who Cares, for Me," Otis Ed- wards' Intent humoroiiRly sentimental song, Is proving equally popular with comedians und ballad singers, The, lyrics are by Will CnlMV Joe Coyne and "ttnster" Kenton liuvo both mado big hiicccskch with ibis song, which Is very effectively rendered by Sir. Mi I wards himself. The song writer, Dick Temple, Is now writing exclusively for Jos. W. Slern A Co. He has already plueed with them threo songs, entitled ".Moon nnd the Star," "Alleen As- thorn" and "Any Old Tree." These songs tire already placed with linnorlnnt proditc- Hoiir. In Dockstntler's Sllnatrels, at Ihe Herald Square Theatre, New York, "Upon a Sunday Slornlng When tho Church Hells Chime/' snug by .Manuel Rumnlne, accompanied by a (juurtet of male voices, makes a deep im- pression. Touin l Innlon will tun Alfred Salmon's wnllx song. "Tim Olrl Willi the Changeable Byes," In her new vaudeville act; nlso a new march ballad, by Horwltz & Holmau, entitled "Fare- well, lirown Kyes." Stern Hi Co. have a new sacred song for concert or vaudeville use, "Sly Dream of Ihe Heavenly Shore," words by Arthur J. Lnroh and music by Albert K. Wier. nud "Fill i'p . mining "Aini'ia." "She's Iho Pride and tho Pel: of Ihe l,aiic," "Somebody'o Walling for .Me" and "NyoOTO. , • Arthur Alexander Is singing 'Hi the starlight" and "The Dew- drop and the Rose," and the sacred song hit, "Beautiful Home of Paradise." /eltun Itnwlston has been scoring well-In the llelmar Gardens, at Hie St. Leuls Ex- position, for the past six mnnlha. A recent letter from her to Ted. S. Rarron itates that "In Sunny Africa" has been her biggest suc- cess, and Hint she will continue.to oae it for the remainder nf the season. A itoiicentde fact of thn kind relation In whlelr Hie House of Feist Is held by pro- fessional singers Is Ihe frequency with which lis songs nre cared for on programmes by performers who nre using "Feist songs, A good instance nf Ibis Is one sent in by chnrlta Crane, of "The Little Outcast" Co. t Western i. which reads as follows: "The songs, 'Hilly' nud Tiiile mill thn Pet ot tin) Lime,' are from the pen of Ted 8. Barron, nnd nre published hy Leo Feist A Co,, of New York." Collins nnd Ilarum have selected "Danuel." "Whnt tlie llrnss Baud 1'lnyed" and "Sly Faithful Rose" to use In (he phonographs. George offeruitin, of Ihe .Morse Tlin, will font lire Theodore .Morse's inarch ballad, '<A Utile Boy called 'Taps.' " during the engage- meat of Oils net on tho different circuits. iiusHlorc Morse, nnd Jack Drlslano ore also Willi tho net. .Miller nud Kresko nre going to feature (be new novelty sons, "My LRtlo Radium Oiii'cn," written by Burt Marlon Denne nud llrnest Hall: published by WUtoark A Co. Smile 11011110, nf Marlon and Deane, 1st singing with success "My Little Radium Onion"' , SIhui) Powell, a violin soloist, wn* mar- ried about six weeks ago to Godfrey Turner, ef London, nt thn Vail Farm, near Pawling, N. Y. Sir. Tin-tier has been connected with, Cie miuiiuement of thn Umpire. Theatre, Irfiuduii. tor some years. Mux iieiiuiiii, a i-ouiiKwer, wns ranrrlsxt nl s,in Diego, Cub, Oct. it, to Anne Held, ft nun |inifcsHoiinl. . »«» • - XICW YORK STATU. Coluiiililn.-- 'I'lio New Columbia Thealre (Brown Bros., managers) was dark Oct. 10- 12. "Tho Marriage of Kit IV' 111, Harry Beresforil 14, "Wedded and Parted" II>, Adelaide TliiirsPni J7. Howe's pn lines 10, West's Sllnstrels 20. "Tlie Sign of tlie Cross" 21, "'Hie Tenderfoot" Tl. ♦»♦ KAM9A". Lawrence.—At Dowersock's Op»r (Irving 11111, manager) "A Ruhiwsr enmf._ to light bnslnesl, Oct S, atiij p] A Little fJUtcnnt"-pleasril A fair holis* 10. Coning• "Under Southern Skies" 17, Walker Whitealde 21. self At Home." "Iv'o Got My Fingers Crossed, lou Can't Touch Me," "For Hiile, u llnbv,*' "'ilindlrl of Sly Dreams," "Hnudny Morning When Hie (.itiircli Bells Ring," "You're lint mnjajMf h'lower that Ornws In Tennessee,' "Dear," 'Jlui llndger. 1 ' "Pvc Ust Sly Appe- tite for Chicken" nod "Albany," The next new production slated for Ihe Ln flalle Theatre. Chicago, Is a new musical com- edy by Jus. K. Howard, entitled "Ills High- ness tho licy," which will bo published by Charles K. Harris. Gim and Leo Mdwards recently entertnlnod Ihe Brooklyn Lodge of lllks aud wore obliged to sing most of their combined catalogue ot compositions, which are now published by tbe HilnmrkK. it. Wltmark & Bona arc to publish Hie K 1 .",'. 1 ' ?i L tu .° proilinilons of lbs new Utr Fields Theatre. Tho first proritieflou, com- iiosed by Victor llerlieit, Is already In llm hands of Hie publishers, although Ihe nnmo of tho piece Is not yet divulged. Tim WH- inilrks Will nlso pnhllsli the score nf "Thn llnchunteil Isle," Sir. Herbert's new opera. One of. the JolRst song successes Intro- duced in "The- Wixnrd of Ox" Is enlltled "I I,ove Ynu All I ho Time." It Is by Will It. Anderson, componer ot "Tessle," which was Ipr two seasons a feature of "The Silver Slipper." anil Is still being sung with sue rets In lOnuland mid Australia. The Wit- marks are Hie publishers of all Sir. Antler- son's compositions. (Vibli aud Kdwnrds. authors of "Goodbye, Little- Girl, Goodbye," and numerous other rong suceessMi, have just placed wllh their publishers, M. Wit mark & Sons, four new iiumbarN, of _ varied style, but all of (hat iKiptllar. quality which these successful writ- ers seem to have gitagad so accurately. "Tlie Ulrl Who Ctres for Me," another of their songs published by the Wilmsrks, is alio proving a big sailer. c sitdelln* Clark In featuring $*UH) of fhu bit nailer* ftorn the P. H iFarllanil Pnb. Co. Among thf m are "Make a Fuss Over Ms," "A Little Uoy Called Tapi,'" "OaBuM" and "What-the Brans Band,played." HiitTnlo.—llxcelletit nttraellnns at nil tho houses brought correspondingly line reiurus to the box idllces, ami the iinuouileed hiMik- lugs.till after elect Ion week bespeak happi- ness lo manager und patron nlike Stab Tiihatiik (P. C. Cornell, mannger). -.Blanche Walsh, lu "Histtirreellnn," re(iini« Oct. 30-22, relieving Ihe darkness nf 17-10. Annie Hiisscll, In "Brother Jncques," week n( 24: Richard Slausiiulil lUNuv. 2. The Welsi- &,Zlegrelil All Mini' Co., Including Joe Viober. Anna Held, Charles A, Bigelow, Marie Dressier and nn excellent rust and chorus, gave "Higgledy-piggledy." to com- pletely tilled houses Li III. A delightful per- formuiioo was given, in exhibition "11," net 1 , III" song, "Thn Big Indian nnd (he Little Slnlfl.' was |ht1iii;ih 4ho hit of the produc- tion, while siurle Dressier, roMitul nnd merry, liml iniii'li to do, did It well nnd wns a favor. , . , .' , .^' , " , ' »•*'*« CltnrlcK A. Illgelnw nnd Anna Held scored m thn urdvr named... Kxhlblt "A iicciirs at n Swiss chnlst; Hxblbt "11" nt a Parisian cafe. ' Teck iiiEATiin (Walter K. Ilaldwlli, umiia- F^kPF ""l.'lwhi-Melvlllo Slock Co. la this week giving "Tho Cllmbern," with "'niolai" 1 '!, (? ll0 ?f. HV 8 "' "Charloy'n Aunt" dellgbt ■4 SB , T ^' , " , n»<wns last week, nnd tnej nit ended In largo niiniliers. H ," h '\'? ,"'! mi> hk 'JiiHAruii (M. Shea, nana* Her .—Slnbcl MvKluley fiends tho list this mm. , the other peoplo lielng Barney Fagan nud Henrietta Byron, In "Idle Fancy ;*• l"olk nud Collins, Charles Ham, Kddlo Olrnrd nnd .lesslu Gnitlner, lu "Dooley and Ilia Dla- Titoiid:' Fisher and Carroll, John M. Camp, Win. Morrow. La Vlne-Clmnron Trio, to. uetlier will, the usual now klnetograpu pie- Htrer. '!.,« (irpheitin Show was a most Kiiitnetlc uttrnctloii last week. . i-oiynM-H'-v Ham, (rj. L. Meecb, cos- tisllfiii).—The Grenadier Guards' Band, re- luriilng from St. Louis, delighted good pat- rynage 14 and 1(1. Political meetlngs-iths big ones—are on hero largely 'till election. AiMHRitv Tiibatbb (0. V. Btovens, maoa. «erl.—"Too Proud to Beg" Is tbu current W'V' . ',,'.!" /''oanksglvliig Dny" next week, Hubert Fll>simmons proved to be tbe season's iiioiiey niter par oxeollencn nt this honsa Inst week. Breathing spacu could scarcely be Kcciireil ulglils, Lvi'kim TiiHATBR (J. LaugliUn, mana- Kci-I. — Nellie Slrllnnry, lu 'Tdilse," this week. "Aiicr Midnight" unit weefc Tho Rtivs, la "On tho I'iko," did nicely, IiAiai'kttb TlifiAigM (Chns. SI. RaBg, mon- ngeri.—Carrs Thoroughbreds are this weak'* liiirleniiners. Slliter's Bohemlnn Burlesqiiers next week. The Cherry RIohsoius bad a proll.'ilile eiigaKeinent. Notkh.— The revised staff n[ the Star The. litre rends as fallow*: B. 1). Slalr, president; George II. Nleoiol, treniurer; P. C. Cornell. iiiHiiugyr of the corporation. House staff ;■ J II. Olsluil. treasurer; M. II. Whitman, sul.t- uiit treasurer; F. V. Lanphear, advsrtlsiua iigetit hihI doorteniler; Dr. N. Vf. W11*oj" lioltse Ithysloluii uud press Manager Vini tar H. Haiti win Is spending a wsek In Naw < rleniis, attending (ha opening ot bis new Hientre tliere.. .7,. .wilfiaui II. Brennan. ahead of musical attractions, and Mr. War' req, itdvnnco of Annie Russell, are here li-av.l from hero to tbe world's Fair Is laryerthnn nt any time hetefofore...,... Murk Bennett, manager of the General Preset lltii-eiiu of the World's Fair—a posltfoa eariKdby ennspleoous similar work at Pan- Anierlca Here, 1* likely to return to jour- tiollsllc neldM. .Vrank Brlnker J SSS A Klc Wheeler nr« other Buffalonl.tm who linve dntin well In prom nent place* at Hie fair, while stntler, 'tho inside 'inn "on- (cssliiihtlre, Im a generally reputed winner lo Hie exicnt of half a million, though, milmci! for lire hy nn explosion......Paul lloflcl another concessionaire, will return la lltilPi o soon, to resume lils violin studio. Lliili,!te"**i'Ri w *' of tlin Academy ataJr, niieHiiltieil visiting profesalonaU the pdit F/"'"'.i • v •S ,4)r « '" ,M > ln * "'"hed on tbe n!w Mien 'iti<k ihentre. to he openrd by the Wll. Mflni l';irinim Stock Co., about Thankegivltir week, It will he a most up to date aril toiinptihiliM Hiiffnlr. theatre, lite money far lis '.'iinslrilfHen having been earned In Hie post few year*. MtiMt" Co.. ha*joined the '^hon .Shait.fiejt Kill' Co., to play tbe cntnedy role and Jo His slating, talking and dancing specialty. He, opened it Stamford, conn., Oct. To, audi made, a sncceula the.role-and hi* specialty,