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Bid TBEE W&W -rDHR GTLIPPiJfi. 0(#08fiS 22. onto. Lambert and Tenbrooke,;Sale] Johnson, Ford Ko Wife,'." ill ; "TliOLiMubjciyand the .Hum- and Dot West, Fred Ward, V. P. Woodward mlng Bird" 20, England Hook moving pic- mSMpv< ClnelnriatL—Two of tho stars who were •adiTltj^ph/qopd^jmtronngc rules. Jiooked jturei 22. ■eft w«*kpf*24: "PatU.bx.Nlght.' __. lUfl'a mil'f, mnllf .* «_M4 tMt A*> and Mason, In "Frltx and Schnltj." o an.i week- "York State Folks- Is underlined for In Cincinnati fating tbe past week are surrender,Uaswnleles In which they - trayellng over the road- to success BarrymoreamtJler comnany apept tbe week rn'rehcnrsiils of tbe English 'drama, Manager Lll- nre now JMttai.cake walk.cMteat on the evening li Ethel PWved a success,,the participants.being Tocrtl . most of glared talent and members of "Dm Policy -.,; Players'' Co. Notkh. —Mr, Albntigh, of Akron, O., and a Montreal.—At . Majesty** ' Brooks, mauug«r) Blanche Walsh, la (H. Q. Resur- "Sunday," under tbe guidance of William ':'?I EN T.i' A . ! 1 Un, ''> '■ ' 1 , '„ A '" , <' D ; g., nud n rectlon," came lo big house Oct. 10-10. Seymour tbe general stag*, directorof. Charles PSJ|^, «' %? ± l Z*tfi n f £. .i f iHSI'-fti. It""'- Q - »**»wooko, ■ G. "Tbe Billionaire," tfrobmauM enterprises. Edgar Mvonk WH- Alba^b rtcnt a couple of daw herew tit 17.22; "A CSilneso floueyuiOon" 24-20. . Ham Sampson, Josepl. Brcnnnu and Ciulrlee Mnnjlg Mk^. ....OH ™o^oTel41ng af 0 AcadbMy or M0sl6 (U. C. Kaerton. man- llarbury ire to hare Important parts In the later the performance, Harrison J../W0II8 new play, wblcli Is to have Its American wan given a banouct and was presented by premier nt Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 20. J.w hlaloungatowu friends with a handsome ring. 5ew«rtt^-*uUiiess UnproTed ■/little last ^-fifr- weak. .._-<■ ••' ~> ■-tt'ii-r- - ^rVASisoj.TitEMW <n^.C. Wyatt « NewUTK Xtfi«*lU5 (Lee .otosngi^JianA- Mcroscj, ntanigsrs).—The .Orympla ger).—Tbe war«lrculationVfit6e»(!k.belp* Opera C4, lny:|he Belle of New v„ lr tofaake '•The Virginian," a,very JMrbpg at- and week..,- LetJPer chole", la underlined. . trtfetlofr Oct. liVi. and Its acting is re- -OBPWftJSt (Martin, Beck, general matin markably tine. Good sized audiences demand- & er >- — People 10 and week: Fibaul and Hon cd many curtalu calls of Hubert Meson, In "• rrovnllo. ^"J/dy end Ueynolds. tbe Two * Oliver a Comic York," S Welch, who lias been sinning In "Tbe Pcd- Oler," Is u> leave Sullivan, Harris k Woods, and assume the leading' role In "Lucky Co- hen," to tie produced by Manager A. W. IHub- wall, of the Broadway Theatre, |n New York. The comedy Is by l*v Arthur. Uiund opera Him.se (Harry Ilnlntorth nnfl John II. llnvlln, managers).—"Mother Copse," the apectuclp staged uy Klaw k Hr- '7, in)i 1 tod for 11. two Cleveland.—At the Opera House (A. F. Or M0sl6 (II. C. Hgerton, mali- nger).—"The Way of tbe Transgressor" drew fulr bouses 10-1S, Jim. Cornett, in ■Pals," 17-22: "'ill* Last Dollar" 24-21). Tiujatee Fkancaih (F. W-Ao Clajr, man- ager).—The Jolly GrasH Widows hnof good lariger, will come Oct, 1 womb' stay. Ijist week narti. manager) Annie Ruasell Is presenting receipts 10 IB. The Dainty buchesa""CoTlY •■Brother Jnoiuej," the current, week, for 22^.New York Stars i!4-jaj. the first time. This Is 'a cirucrty "in four nc-is, by Henry Bernstein nod Pierre Weber, and Miss ItiiNsell plays the pnrt of Oenevlevc. Kllznletli Johnson, daughter of Mayor John- son, nf Cleveland, makes her debut In the prufetMimml nnk«. The coibbaDy Incliidcs JOsrtih Whcelock Jr.. Oswald " "HaniCii's Poll.v.". Imit weak. William Col Her. in "Tile I>ictator," 24^2t>.> ■ HJiriHB TiliATBU- (H. M. Hyams, mana- ger).—The scenes of tbe Russo-Jnp war. In "A Prisoner of War," are attracting much attention 17-22, and are well depleted. •Happy Hoollgnn'' was quite up to date 10 I'ucks, Mr., and Mrs. Howard Truesdale. Al Ijiwsod aud Jrapces Mamsn, tba Gooluianc MelroHf Troupe rtnd mntlon pictures. UMQDt: THKATRB (Hentz k Zallee, pro- prietors).—Features 10 and week: Will- and Barron, In "Hooligan As an Agent-'' Memphis Kennedy, musical act; 8ldney and TltriATJiE NATl0.v.<rrFhA\c>.vt»B (fieo. Gau- vreah, manager).—The permanent French atock company, _hi "Calestlns," drew large 15. ana drew "fairly good business. "When JS UD0 - Oarrity Staters, singing and danclor: lag Home" 24-20. , Jegge and Danlele, In "Glerman Bwect- .Colchbia TutAiBE (M. J. Jacobs', man- hearts,-and the Uniaue-a-scone. Johnny Cornea Marching Home" Bger).—«A well bnlunccd company presents "Deserted at the Altar" 17-22, and the auto- Bboadwat Theatbb (A J, Morganatern mano^er)j-—People 10 and week:- Burton Ktbel Rarrymoro J6sr|ili Whcelock Jr., Oswald Yorke. Grant houses lo-ir». "The Orphnn of Notre Dame mobile race Is llndlne favor. "Her Marriage ona J* Elmo, beil ringers; Bhattuck Trln. Bridge" 17-22. .. . Vow" Inereascd business here last week In acrobats; payey and Elberson, comedians- j for Gold" Is Wm - *' Wbnlcn, Irish business, and John introduced "Cousin Kate," tbe Herbert Henry Stewart, Georjrc Wilson, Mrs. ChaS. Walcott, nine," drew fair houses 10- Datis comedy. Cincinnati has fallen In love nod, 1'lnrhla Pier. The advance Bale Is large. Han" 24-20.- .UL ■a~-~' Zm^Aui „• f«.,. famAlia - affirm l,, n>n 1'ti*/\ n*T\>\iiriD '* trlth #111 nil <■*•»■» nn^A • J Vur.Yim uch "nil I Ml* I \mi Tka perma- '.a gratifying way. "A Struggle nent French stock company, lb "The Chatel- billed 24-20. 15. "Francll- Turner, vocalist No*e«.— /'Sweet Clover" with" the daughter of two famous stage "The Two Orphans." with an all star cast, favorites and she was given u warm wel- had big houses week of 10. Robert Edcson come. The comedy Is decidedly clever, and week of 24. Rmce McRae, Beatrice Agnew, Mm. Annie Colonial (Drew Adams,,James Kearney. Augustus D. WllkJi mid Anita Botbe complete the cant that Is uojl placeil. Business was great and de- wal'vLt SmEET Tiiextiib (M. C. Ander- tton, manager).—Ward and Vokes are due 10, im."A. Pnlr at Pinks. I-ast week the Royal Llllputlans, In "Dreamtend," repeated Sit. John—At the Opera House (A 0. "Peaceful Valley "Are You n MaBOn . Btock Cp., current week lined the fiouso ateveri Usually the case, week of 10. "Heartsease 1 Week of 24. Lyckum (J. K. Cookson, manager).— Clmiloy Grapewln. In "The Awakenlflg of Mr. IMpp," current week. Keltar had bla their success of n year ngo, and business usually good houses week of 10. "Our New uveragea well. "My Wife's Family" 23. Minister" week of 24. t- p.mBi-,11 n ,„„,„,ru, Skinner, manager) "A Cracker Honeymoon" £«TS£%S32?m2S opened Oct. 11 to a good bouse, but aftei wiSf "ftli'vS P° "terture Phillip. Yale Drew,' the lead- Blasev's Tueatsii (J. H. Ruckcn, tnana- NotE*.—/'Sweet Clover' 1 .will attract lin- ger).—The Russell Brothers assure a liTCly »; u al atentlon because ot the author, Marlon week 1J-22, In "The Female Detectives.' Short, having formerly lived In this city "The White Tigress of Japan" pleased large ^ a Carrlllo. mimic, now having hu Initial houses 10-10. "The.Factory Girl".24-20. > our over, the Orphenm clfcult, entertained . Waldwaksi's Tiibatbb ( w. S.. Clark, man- performera at the local house with a bull's ager).—Hyde'e Blue Ribbon Girls are re- bc-ad barblcue at the home of,hta father re- lug man and "manaeer ~BteDDed 'before the ie'liR Ibe patrons with many novelties 17- cently. having as guests the Go'olmans. Harry e^oUao at/every.perforniance, as,.h CU rtaTn. aud announced that owing to busl- 52, particularly Fotfs Blue Ribbon Zouaves, ^a Rose, Pat Rooney, Marlon Bend. M. IJlucs'.s OpiIra Hm.-sjB (Henck, Penucssy inagers).—"A DesjierHtu Cliimce, CuntUUm (J. K. Cookson, manager).— "Escajied from the Harem" current week. "On the Bridge nt Midnight" had good busi- ness week of 10. , "A Working Glrl'a Wrongs" week of 24. & Btnlr, ninnngers) the dramatic story of tbe Biddies, will lie Jmt on JU. I^-U't week Joe Welch, lu "The •eddler," packed the house nt every per- funnance. "The Smart Set" comes '13. Columbia Tiikatue (M. C. Anderson, man- ager).—Oeorgc Prlmrone nud his minstrel lioys are tbe heodllners of the bill offorea J 0, with Reno nud Richards, Lee Hickman, MMge Coleman and Sam Howard (the. Na- of 10. "Cavallerla Rustlcana" week of 24 ne«s troubles, there .would be no perform- ance, and those present could obtain their mouey nt the box office. The performances are canceled and the members of tbe com- pany are still 'in 'this ctty. "Catit. Reece, of the Mnhtleplece," by Ckpt.Todn, will be presented by sixty amateurs, of Halifax, as- Hlsted by the band of H. M. 8. Avladne, M- Ml 10 her's Americans enjoyed' excellent business Shean. Francis Nnmon, Bob Gcmp, and the .-13. Roble's Knickerbockers 24-29. Truesdells Arthur Geyer, formerly n I'eoctou's Nkwabk Tiibatbe (J. Aust'n noted gymnast, la proprietor of the buffet Fynes, general manager).—Odette Tyler and adjoining the Bclasco Theatre Thomas ■her company Jiead a well arranged bUL 17- Oberle has. signed with tbe.Belasco Theatre 22, In "The Maid, the Mouse and the Man,' which Is new here. - Hayes and Healy, Har- per, Desmond and Bailey and Mabel Brownell tlcmal Trio), Empire Comedy Four, Agoust uufl Wefltim, Musical Klelst, Louise Mont- roH anil Ryder's performing monkeys. Last we$k Marujucrltv fiylva made her first local appearance In vaudeville. Dorothy Neville, ltiv"As It Happens," made a miccess. Mr. Co Edith Campbell baa, gone to San Francisco Disputes among stockholders has led to a cessation of work on the new 20. Marie Walnwrlght 21. ' E."w"1fedd» and. company are prominently placed, and Tlvoll Opera House. , 24-20. ww. «»h» Graeey and Burnett, Ethel Robinson,. Dixon - * ' » , York Tiikatue (Robt. D. Hyde, manager). ■ n0lJ Holmes,.and Kelly and Beno complete MARYLAND. the list. Good audiences appreciated all of , , — ■ Baltimore.—At Ford's Opera House (Charles E. Ford,. manager) 'The Yankee ™, n.nw mm uiu uuu, n-ri _ —;-—-.--. ■ ■ - ■ --^»w ~ •r^':: ■ Consul" will be heard Oct. 17, for the first lusssr""wna'Srtli ■ itroni^a D J£l£ B4 Randall, Mae Russell and Castellat and K'Bl 1 ^^ »i a tt |e .Q |lg °°-*° d . B'M; time here, with Raymond Hitchcock and the H91 lr .™ llg ami patronieea_week Hall. Business la big and the 8. R. O. sign "art last week, to Join the show 24, and original cast. Full .bouses enjoyed "Rod 1b very, often in evidence. The following -5J!E?—J.° ■?r'i l ?! e *5_??'.*. , i:_-fS* d ?!?? l *.R er ' Feather!* Week ending 16. "The Earl of Keith's (J. SI. Elrlck. mauager).— Km- mett Corrlgan and Co., Katherlne Bloodgood, Ford Hud Wilson, Joaselyn Trio and the Ford Slitters are included In the bill the current week. -. v. Stab (Drew & Campbell, managers).— uufl-Mjra. Swlckurd were seen here lor the Bohemian Burlesuuprs current week.. Thor llrltt time. Buniness ruled good, . Rorindo.n'h OrEBA Hoi.'SE ((leorae F. Flsli, & L. Fcrepauglj, manager*).—iThe For Stock Conipany, which has mhde u ulstluct- Irely, favorable Impression with the theatre goeri . of Clridpnr.tl, will stage Jnmes K. IlnCkett's old success,. "Tbe Prlilu "f Jen- nlco,"' in. Lhfit wek n spleridid liitcrure- tntlon of C. Ilnddon t'liumburs' drama, "the Idler," was given. Lavlnla Sliaunon, - its Lady Harding, wus "fully euual 'tu lint do- mauds of that character, nnd all the others were capably sustained. Business, lias been grout, ,OKCtjllng all the fondest hopes of the uinnagrarcnt . - : " - - Lyceuh Tiieatru (Hctick, Kenuessy k Stair, managers?) .—"The Wayward • Son" is to bo seen here 10. Last week, Annie Blanckc, us Bob,.In "Tfao Little Outcast," was dntbtt- Minsticall.v reecrved. Irene Mcars, u dainty ailtc of citcina'ntl femlhlnlty, does a clever spi«lalty -with "The Wharf Ruts," nnd she, too, was loudly applauded. Business was big. "Alon.fi.lp- the .World'' 2fl. . . _ . . .. , , PEorLt's TnEATitE (Hubert ITeiick. manti- KeH.-f^TJio. l"ay PoBtcr Company urrlvea 10. following the Rsntz-Bantlcy Burli-stjuera of Abo tMyltt'j»,,!'LJ)Opl,DBlho World" proved.fi> lie .quite a pretentious burlosijuc. The City SpJfts '28 At!DiroRti;M.—Tbe Shay Stock Co., a Cla- clnatl orgimlaetloD, managed by V. Cuvler Dury, Is t6-|)r«)ent "Faithfulness" 10. .pqHbH". ok. tub Lobby. —Al. flrome,, who ottghbreds had good business week of 10. Sam Dcrcre'g Company week of 24. ^ t .. , li lit .. -.. ColnmbBs— At the Great Boathem Tba- ntte (0. M, Hcffnex, munogcrj.^-"Mother t*ol?9>" >a» the attraction treek of 10. "The J(uvel Of Asia"-drew fair business 1. Era TSbgnay. In The' fiambo Girl," 5, 0, ptavea to good houses. "Who's Brown?" did a fnlr busltess .7, 8. .Coming: ".'Way Down East" 21, 22, Louis Mann, In "The Second Fiddle," 25,211; Ethel Barrymorc, In "Sunday," 28, 29. E.MPJUt TjiEATBfi (H. A Weinman, inaoa- §er).—The Empire Btock.Co. presented "Why mltb Left Home" during week of 10;. "Tbe Pride of Jennlco" was ably presented and drew good bouses week of 3. "The Dancing Girl" week of 17,"Oo the Quiet" week of 2.C Giuto Opera Horsk (AG. Ovens, mana- ger),—"The Hajen" came 18-,i6. ''BustSc rown" drew crowded souses 8-5. Stella May- hew, In "Flo-Flo," 'played 10 fair bualnesa 0:8... Coming: Broadway Burlesouers 17-10, HarrlBon Wolfe, In "Hamlet," 24-20; "Ebea HotUra" 27-29. •• .ijion Hthelt TaeAinB (A G- Ovens, man- ngeru—"Escapod from the Harem*' and ■Qttcen of the White ("laves" dcvhled week of in. The Royal Llllputlans and "Hearts Adrift" played, to good business", weelc 'Of 8. per- Feather!* are booked for week of" 17 : "Spfagueilos! Wrmanccs will be given at Waldmillh'B The- Pnwtucke Camlllo and Fona, Perry and Alecla, Chas. "trc election OJitht.. v Majia«w J, H. Bncken Academv (Nixon * Zimmerman, mann- K.. DIckerson, Ferguson and Mnrpby, Billy '» PutHnFpn - tbe King of the | Opium-Ring" gers).—Herbert Kelcey. and Efflo . Shannon Hlnes, Valdlnga, and Hyde and Leola. for Mr. Baney, to be ready in about four present "Taps" 17 and week. May Irw'u Notts.— Adgle and her lions, Prof. Hamp- we « kl »- -" r -■' -». ... ■-, appeared last week In "Mrs. Black Is Back'' ton aad his educated dogs and E. J. 8tev- ■ tl \ . i* I „„ Next week, Lulu Glaeer, In "A Madcap Prin- ens,..mush:al comedian, returned to this city Trenton^^At, the Taylor- Opera House cess." K having closed their engagement with F. (L. Stoddard Taylor, manager) Mr. .Taylor .CnABE*8.fW. Warren De Witt, manager). G. Spencer.' Messrs ITamiifon and Stevens *' on jft..,. :au fnawaM, h. — .*»ti,«takhm an.i ti,. t n ,i^" i a &> t ££> left 0 for Boston, i Adgle and her lions wene etigagea by .Manager Hyde for the York Theatre for week of 10,...„W. Hamilton, busltiesi nmasgat of the Flake Stock Co., was in town 11, tn rout* to Calais, Mc,...c.. At Halifax, N. 8., 6, Walter Cooke, of the has tsgdered his resignation as matusar, to —"The Cowboy and the Lady" is the bill tot Inl-ii alfiuiA aKnn* X'j-.r- V tfi- _^.______ _ni 1 •* OO —,t4L *V_ _e.___.__.ft. _* A.% — *- _ take effect about Nov. 1. IBs.successor will be Mohjmmety. Moses, of New York CI tv. "Thou -Shalt Not KillT 1 Oct 12,13, did fair- ly welL "Her Lord and Master," 14, bad fair business. "Iris" 17, "Ghosts 20 r "The Bonnie Brier Bush" 20, Daniel -Sully 2 17-22, with the strength of the stock com- pany. "An American Citizen" was well-done week ending 10, to satisfactory business. "Why Smith Left Home" is announced for 24. ■.:..■, ,. £.;. . AtmiioBiCM .(James L. Kernan, manager). —"Grrts Will Be GRlg" commesees a-week's engagement 17.-.'The'-Awakening of Mr. - Plpp" did well 10-15; BlTly B. Van 24 and Flske Stock Co., was married to Margaret Katherlne. Wlllard 28, "Young Tobe Hoxie' Macklnnoh, a well known vocalist of this 29..-.. . .: . .., -- - city. Mr and Mrs. Codke left the same day Statb 8tbeet TncATBE (Frank B. Shalt for New York, • era, manager).—"Tbe-Street Singer,' 8. had week.. In "Tho Krrand Boy.'"i, - ^ » _ g big business. ."The Fatal Wedding, 10. aid Mabilano. (Jamea L. tcernan, manager). Torpnto.—The, Prtoceis^^ Theatre (O. B. ?'*"•. afM Goes Therer" • 11. 12, deew —Another Btreng bill 17 includes: Henry, Leo Shcpperdi manager) waa dark 10-12 "A falr -bbalness. . "From Rags to Riches.-" 14, Claude Ulllingwatcr and Co., Hlnu.«Dd Bern- Cblnej"^ wtriwiavrnhnn" Mil..., Blaae ger).-^Joseph"Mtn^y,"tn" Shaun^Rbue^a^d . ^texx. (Edward. Renton, 1manager)r^The could be desired!" !•«••>—,. n„-» Ss_(_w ■ ...i .««- best show of the season drew, large booses Hoi4.iu.ix StjcEBT . TPMUft (George W. last week. The bill for 17 and week In- ' eludes: Majestic Musical Four, Irene Frank- lin, Ed Eftma, Castle Square Quartet, Dan McAvoy aud bis Fifth Avenue Girls. Hol- comb, Curtis and Webb, Jennings and Ren- few.: the Four Rlanos and the lilograplj. Mebcib PLEAstaB Pabk (John L. O'Brien, ~~)-—RnstnesB. last week was good pperd; manager) waa dark 10-12 "A jair.nuainess. . "trota Bags to Riches "14, cniuue uiuingwater una Co., Hlnftnod Bern- nese Honeymoon'' had a large sale 13-15 }?• pleased large houses. Chaster De Vohde lngtoti. Howard Bros., Ford Sisters, Pewltt, octte. Walsh, In."Eeiirrrectlon," 17-19. C S- 11 r 1 ™. week, "The Flaming Arrow" 24- Clifford and Burke and the Brothers Rlgc- i/Akt> Opeba HotiiSj (A. J. Small, mana- 26. "Tracked Around the World" 27-29. 'etto. Attendance lost week was-all that rKerry.GoWt,' S»w.' fair business 10-15. WeetoMT, Stella Mayhew. ,.. - . Majestic Thcatbb (A.. J. Small, mana- JFir^-SSP b X "W-T ar ew fair business 1015. "The Way of the Transgressor" .SnEA'B TnjATBB (3 Snei, manager).— . the great FuTgora, Artie Hall, Herbert's dogs, Mary Hampton Rlfe, • manager).—"Rachel Goldstein" begins a week's stay 17. -The Russell Brothers turned 'em away nightly last week with "The Female Detectives." "The Fatal Wed- ding" Is. billed for 24. . Slavey's (Charles E. Blaney, manager). :—"Two Little Sailor Boys" .begins a week's engagement-17. ."Why Women Sin" tested Coming >" "Drl Jekyll i d Mr7Hvde" _ 17-l9" " ud Wmpany, JFord and ^Vllson, Alice Lyh. -TwegtfW. BiJtVo W feVv £&2: "Tho Curse $? a **>»>■«•? klnctograph, Hassan Ben A4t's of.™-^?H^rd UaTf.7-» ^ W&L*SEj2SLgL*K^ Ciem Magee, the Walahs and the "Terrible Turk." c or- NflTES.-^-Tho Ladies' Euterpean pan Chorus ah llbenm-Show, including Mclntyre and Heath, returned ft ?^ ck Gardner . Spessardy's bears. Clarice ' tbroiich^thii Y?^^ 1,rank n . nd J 00 Lafona, Boston Bros- I away, », —i B ■rt^"to^Ka_wr , _fc^q>B4tylB^kf g ltjie of Yoa fowl m "Work In pottery.*. „ ^-BrHlng the 8chustor-Flo\yera Co., Audltorltiui Nov. 3,.......Dorothy Neville, at the Columbia, confessed that at Indian- apolis, 8, she became the bride of It. V. Moore, n Boston real estate dealer, and that she will retire to u now house at the Hob after completing a few vaudeville engage- ments Millie Tlghc. the ballot aiUtresa of "Mother Goose, arrived oiid took charge ■if tho titty youngsters, recruited here as Fix, manager) *.'Who's Brown V" played vd.10. Arnold Daly 1J|, 14.-' . . ; ' Lyceum TnrtATme (Frank Borr, manager). —"The Holy City." presented by a good coni- uanj, did good business 9*12. "Our New Mlnimer" 1315, "The Itaveu" 10-19. Khi'ihe TltEATBE (Abe Shapiro, manager). —'Miner's Bohemian Burlesquers made a good Impress'on 0 - and week, Andy Gardner's work ivbb especially clever. Sam Deverc's Own C6. 16 and week. Aucato; , Tbbatbb (II. II. Lamkln, mana- Mother.Goose's "bad eggs" nud "good eggs." kit). —That Cbarmlon has lost none of her A tremendous udvance sale promises profit Impularlty was proved by the splendid busl for the .'JJrury Lane spectacle liesilo Stevenson Is to retire from the Porepuugh Stuck Co. 15. . • ■ , a ' ' iiesn week of 10. Rice and Elmer ah'd the • iiinlner TWo. .were also winners. Lu telle audience were 14. . dcal- cbaractexs, M c ljm_u u* uue ji-jl*. '^Ved.- Ilttmlllon— At the Grand Opera House S?* 1 ubU p «i"'ed" 20-22, "Qneen of the White (A. R. Loudon, manager) "The Silver ^SUp- "'J 1 ^' 24-20, "Tbe Lighthouse by the Sea" per," Oct. 7; had a large house.. "The Game *'-29- . , ■ ■■ Keeper"' pleased largo audiences 8. "Tho Jaco«s\— Helen Grantly, "n_"Her Lord and Little Princess" .14, "Flo-FJo" IB, ."'Way Master," scored 13r To cOOse: 'Babes in Down East" 17, 18. "A Chinese Honeymoon 1, Toyland" ir, r "Gbostg" l'j, '■YZzUt Bells" 20. 19, Joseph Murphy 20 ( 21,."Hla Last Dollar" W " a , : ?^'n A, ..V- E'i y-l— g* Iggw -ti«. Qulnlan Hofcokesi—At the Lyric (II. P. Soulier. & walls Minstrels 25. "The Factory Glr!" manager) business continues good. "Wedded «. 29. -,.„,--.■■ - *f d Parted'.' Oat 16-19, "A Child of the Stab ; Theatbb (J. G. Appleton, manager). Slums" ^0-22, Robert IStjslmmons 23«20. —Big bualnesa was done week of 10 with a clever company, headed by Tenbrooke. Lam- bert and Co.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucler nnd Bill Tor-17'and areek: Rockfort and-May. tiie capacity of-the house week ending 15. "Thon Shaft .Not SIR" 24. U- Mi)M'mcn"tal (James L. Kernan, mana- ger).—The Merry Maidens come week of 17. Ellutbeth. At the Lyceum Theatre (El foe Bose Bl " ^°- did-the usual large busl- roy k Drake, managers)- -Her Mad Marriage" n *l 8 laRt *£*■ Parisian Widows due 24. ■«"»™* "and -Notes.— The- Boston Symphony Orchestra Bta*p ind Hie.Washington Symphony Orchestra are iiinS eacn nnhbunced for a. series of Ave concerts at the Lyric (Bernhard Ulrich, manager) ...Louis P. Elsenbrey Jr. and August Fenneman were last week appointed receiv- ers of the Electric Park nnd Exhibition Co., which conducts Fllectrlc Park, a popular sub- urban resort. Mr. Fenneman. Is president of tbe company.. ... -._, , -•-' « _ ■ ■ «'' , it.. ■ WASHINGTON. Seattle. — At the Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager) "A Friend of the Family'.' Oct, 9.1V Kyrle Bellew, In "Raf- fles, the Amateur.Cracksman," 12-15; "The Wizard of Oz" 10 10, Isadora Rush, in "Glit- tering Gloria.!!■ 20-22. To Follow: "Tho County Chairman," Florence Robert*, In VTcss oi.tfce D'Urbervilles" and "Mart* of the La Tell.Bros. Bill week of 17: The Do Bolses, MoitIb Ucrbcrt, Sygter und Cooke, Do- Dnyton.—At- UlQ -Victoria Theatre ...Miller, mauagiif) "'Wuy Down E.., nllhougli KL't-n here several llmeM belorc, Miller, muuucor' lougli KL't-n here drew- gvod crowds Oct. 10, 11, (C. Down East," Chaunccy liros,, llorothy Neville, Allan Dojhpe and coni'- i'? , ," c S, ?'»te«. Maxwell aBd Dudley, the Scot- imtiy. D'a and D's, Lavtn'der und.Tc^so*, twh Trio, the Gardiner Children and Harry und Routine und Stevenson 10 nnd week. Jordan. Huiit'n TiiKAxioj (Frank Burt, manager). —'•Driven fIoni Home," tt-8, nud "A Girl-of the Streets," came lo good business. " 'Waj Empibe- (A.-M. Bruggemann, proprietor). tne Lowlands." —Bill week of .171 Geo. Friend and To Seattle Theatbb (J. P. Howe, manager). Manhattau . Rosebuds, Rice and Elmer —Week of 9 James NelU Co., In "The Con- Harrier and Stuart, Marlon und' Dcaue, nuerors.;" week of- 16, Jajncs Nell! Co., In 1-ouUe Sytwstcr. .and Ju* . F. McDonuId. " lbe Cowboy and the Lady.*' *; • BuslneHs Is op to the staudurd. Thibo Avenix Theatob (Russell Sc Drew, . NoTKs.r—The Hobokeu I^xlge of Elks onen managers).—Week of 9, Nettle De Cotirsey, Its (air. at Quartette Hall 17. Itjs to coil- lr - "■** Orphan's Prayer;" week of 10, Frank tlnuo tho entire..week,-the proceeds to be I s "con; in t'The Hills of .California.'" To * aud "'The Oleolt ulipcared In "A ltumnnco of Alhloiic" ui-i,." ldiu to good HMMEi i li Arnold Dalji preseutcd a * ut l0 x _ u tilpla bill, comprising "Cuudlda t " "A Muu »si,».i„i,'iii. of Destiny" und "How He Lied to Her Hi Lund," in, to good satisfaction. Comlu . 4>tl»TV«u—At the Itnusult llicatre (P. Gor- devoted lo the building of Uu Elks' Hull, fellow: "The Fatal Wedding" man, manager) "Uolty Tolty" packed tho M". H. P. Soulier has donated some beautl- Heart of Chicago.." Out West" 13-15, "On the Bridge at Mid- house Sept 29. Tbe Bluck Watch Band bad f 1 ul articles, and has proven herself uu ar- -Vlc«aj« THKATm. (Bcttls 4 Kcogh, mana- crowded bouses, matinee and night, :i«. 'lent worker, in disposing of tickets and help- S*rs).—Week of 9, WIedemunn Co., In ""A "'Way Down EaBt.'i Oct. 7, 8, pleased. "The l*>K the good work along A mugnliflcent "oosler Heroine" and "A Great Divorce Spr-lllkfU-td. (Uhmt East" illle 12; Dun u good Louis Muuu, In -'The Second Fiddle," 27; Ethel Biirr.vuiiive, In "Sunday," iil. „» ^SSS^Sm%SF& r; »'«'»K' "wifeTn" N«me""on1F'«C™Wa gBRftwM VmSgT**TcSrbZu Potable' week'at ihT^^T^i^Oct. 10. '"Ucurts Adrift" did wdl l6-PJ, Jaa. T . l( ?? V: "A. Llu, « Outcart-lO. Manager >n "J*"." 1 3-lC. .... t -. le. 'J.Uter MIdnlgbr fared well at tEe Bi- ll. Wnllkk'H "Kucappd from" the lfiirem," Dalle. Is Justly proud Of the u|ipouraucc"of the Grnud this season. drew eood e'rowils d Wanl season. He has given 'the «*u«>ftec.—At the AudltOriuuj Theatre (J. In" V l'alr^f^ Pinks" dlgnhuedTtho S It O remodeling tuul decornllng much tliought and B. Turtou. mauuger) '"Way Down East'' Idim 1Jll". I'omluL- "ftuiu^urthu White «**«ntlcm.- niicf has not overlooked the com- came here Oc>. 10, for three nights and matl- !»-«_." yui j tort 0 (. ui» .|«trons, replaclns tho old chalra nee, and guvo a delightful iierformancc, to Willi new npil olegunt ones. T ..^ fair houses. ..Paul Cuzcuenvc and his French Qitrni;u.it 'ruiiATnu (Orpheucn Theatro,jCo.i company appeurcd In VMartyro," for, the proprletorsl.—improvements In tub ! seating rust of tbo week, to gobd buiiluess. Coining: und the gcnerul nrrnngemimta have beeu "The Game Keeper" 17-10. made, uud the thcutre Is putting on ati ap- i.aclnh—At the Royal Opera House (O paranco of cosiness und comfort Good per- ■ "■- -.-•.- loruiuuccs uro given each week. -.. .... - : . » ... Can(nn.—At the Grand Opera House (M. Slaves,'! 17-10. I'AKK. 'HIUAiHK (Gil Burrows, mauugorj. --rtrdeilck.U. Strickland will lecture on Socialism Oct. ,"10. Soumms' HoMB 'l'HDATHK.-f-"A Devil's Lane" pluved to big business 12. Coming: "Wifu In Name Only 1 * 20. ■ " Ooeom TUEATitu (Jus. T. Curron, rauna- f■[•). —This houno will open as a vaudeville heutre 17, with the following high class uttructlous: Obelda, the Mystic, assisted by Prof. H. B. LOo: the Fries Sisters, blnglng und dancing act; Anna Hlndle, mule Imiwr. snuator: the Wilsons, comedy barrel jng< glcis;' liaeVay und Seabrlgbt, lu an aero- *niod business batlc sketch. SS\M *•' Notes.— Although the weather was close *'lho Mummy nni to the frcer.lng point. Pawnee Bill's Wild Ilook & bngluud C, Barber, mauager) "Tho Sultan of Sulu" delighted a capacity houao Oct. 10, at ad- vanced prices. . The Innocent. Maids, 11, bad fair business L. Hlggins, manager!- owlug to a heaVv storm tho at*endanco at "The Real Widow Brown'.' was light Oct. 10. "Tb« Game Keeper" had ■ goojlsalo for 14. " 'Wuy Down East"' 10, Joe Murphy 28. Wlnnlne*. — At tbe Winnipeg Theatre Jou and tbe Bowery Burlesijuers, excellent In every respect, pleased big turnouts at tho Bon Ton. Acaubsjt (Frank U. Henderson, manager). —Thos. E..Shea, Ina serlesof standard plays, Oct. 17 und week. "Dealers In White Wom- en" 24*20. : ■ Buou (John- W.. Holmes, proprietor).— "More to Be Pitied than Scorned" 17-22. "From Bugs to Riches': 24-20. . - *, ?3L J 0V .. ( 'F" •_ I»lnklns, manager).—The Moonlight Maids Burlesquers 17-22. the Uto- pluns 24-29. :r— . —r-- -r- pletures - Emtibe Tueaibe. —New: David Samullsco, Bolll nnd Boll!, Tint Welch, Llllle Cole, Leona Clifton: and moving pictures. .PaHtaoe8 TMeatm, —New: Royal luMan Band, Montgomery and Cantor, the Glrdellls, the Kelcey Sisters, Leo White and moving pictures. . Cbystax, ToEATBB.—New: Dan and Bessie Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Hnhnt Tommy White, Kellogg and moving pictures. CoiuOyCB Theatbb (Moae Goldsmith, man- ater)^-Kew:. Great De Shields, Lovelaud Sisters, Phcebo Glrard, Robinson und Dono- van.Seam and Lewis, Divine Dodeou, Rlgal und Fatlma.-,£ ....... , „ t •--. ■ Nora.—^The Pantsges Theatre, contlnuoni tre"^ aSSli^r^S" 1 , P i!? r - T ^ vaude^iu/an^r^hrn^na^^ "She SekMSSKT_/g_S! .. tt A°f ^ V****+ >P^oTlO.. TnTs 1. one of the West drew, fairly good crowds 12..... John A. S_eut nud Mafy F. Ask, Colby and Jcuuie Ask wero ton, Oct 1*1. They arc all Derll's Lnnc" Co., which played an engnic rueltt at the Soldlera' Home 'theatre. Magic* trate John W, Edwards performed the cere- mony. Lo-udvu Gaiety. Girls Vonnu;»lovrn.—At the Opera House (Poter Rice, mauuger) a pleuslug reudltloir of "Hunllet" wus. given by Harrison C. Wolfe, to a Inrgc,audience,-.Oct' 10. Mr. Wolfe's portfii>'al of the part pleased tocsl writers. Stella Mayhew appeared In "Flo-Flo." to. a lafis «ut aonreclatlji) .audlcnciUV.^ JJonuger Rice has boored tbo following nttruetlons: "El jCanttan!' 14, 15, "The Iunoeent; Maids" 17,■fivicr Higglhs, in "Bis Last Dollar." in: "Eheti- Holden"' 2t, " *W«y Down Eaat" 20, PatfW ST, "When the Bell Tolls" 28, "The wiiard.oii.Qa" 29. *.,>; VMUmJnmtpm (Chaa, L. Lllllnn,. runnn- ger).—tWefik.pf 10,. VTht rollcy PJqjrers" h«ld the boards nnd played to fair business. Pro- aramrao for current week Includes: Eight Aiuul'utli' divjpe, likhlel Duo, U'cdI>1\)uLi'i Akron.—At the Colonial Theatre (S. 8. Tall, manager) "The Holy City" pleated a very. larfc noose Oct. 10. Stella Mayhew, in,."Flo Flo," had good business 11. Harri- son J. Wolfe, lu ''lluuilii," did well two performances .*15.'- Piul Gllmore, lu' "Tha Munuiuyand tbe Huramlug Bird." i7: "V'Wu* Down East" 24, "Tbe Witui'd of O*" 2S, "ShoreAcres'.'2». ■. ....... UkAM> Orciu MookB (T.-. K,. AltiMigli, mauuger).—"Tbe Prince of..Honor" .plca>ed 10-12, "A GUI- at the .Street* tad ■ big houses;, ia-15. "Flood Tide" 17-19. "Drlveu from lioiuc"j, , (l3j52..^ s: p_, I'ora munager) "Tho. Real Widow Brown" . 525 Pteu'Meste Hit* (W. E. Shfickel- ijinlpn tn m i'i,A.t ii,\iiMn n.,l 11 " , l')i.» n..,.. n j i ■ . z * _. ti I'".*.' ™oui ford, general mauager).—Good business ul- faj-s prevails here. Thos. J. Qulgley and tho lnetograph furnish the entertainment. Savot TirElTltu Is belug enlarged and re- modeled throughout. SHAr good house Oct. 11. "ilie Game hud a packed house 13. Booked: Down East" 20. «V*i FLORIDA. I'cn.acola,— At the Pensacola Opera House (J. M. Coo, manager) "Peggy from llrls," Oct. 11, bad a good bouse. Al. G. Field, .18,.had the.S. R, 0. slt.-u.displayed tUe early part of the evening. Coming: "lu Old Kentucky" 10,"The James Boys-In Mis- souri" 17,.-"Peck'a Bad>Boy." ,18.-"Huiuuu Hearts" ?&£&* >'illaep P T rMb , > ' 22. - ,.. . PoBB«iuon-*8eujfi Bnoa.' Cmccn jhows ber* Oct 1R:. Frtan all indlcatloni. they will uavb a In£etfc4$tfc4-;. „». . » ( Ai! WJVBA P 1 . II. ' , . ., — Manager Ch«a. r L. Walters' writes: " The Irish I'awnbrokera' *peued their regn. CAMldRMA. houses . . Theatre (Cahn 4 Grant, managers) the Cook-Church Stock Co. presented "The White Squadron, "Paul Kauvar," "Du Barcyt* and other.plays. with a good line of specialties, to good busi- ness, during the week Oct. 10-15. Booked: Daniel R. Ryan.Stock Co. week of 17.. . ,-.. . Fobzlakd TuSATBa (James E. Moore, man- seer).—Press Eldrldge, York and Adams, Kingslcy and Lewis, Chas. Hera, Ed. Estus, Marshall and Loralno, Ed. Foster, tbe stere- Los Anarrle«.—At the Los Angeles The- optlcon and the.blograph attracted Interest- «a ill' n M-, ,t* ^...^. u _h ..-.-I. . n n^ .n^. n .ll filial |7«... «™ ... ,r Willi T.-rt*tr <Tllt^_£ the <\'6ljDr.Tneatri fi, Isf; season, Sept.. U. _ai liacltio, Wis., nnd incl, maaa^rj-.tbe Mkrcwet* Nwrjle' have Been playing to standing toom r,t iitost Xnneatv G;,l5nstawT, rnannger) .the Mkf^ffef .. Co-opefied*,' Oct. 10-and week, with vaude- exlery.^perfatmancc... Xbl. ptess.hns ptal«d vllle, to n good house. "SI Plunkard" came the show In every town so far. Geo. W. 9, lo n large house. Comlug: ''WeWed, But Siicnr left for New York recently." atre. (U. C. Wy&tt, manager) 'The Burgo- master" Pvt a-0. and "The Wizard of Os." 0-S. luidgood bouses. "Bwoet .Clover" 13-15, Frank Daplelsi In "The Ufllce Boy." 17-22. MOaoijqOH BvafilSii TiiL-.vriii; (Oliver Mo- msco, manageri.-^The"Oliver ' Morosco : Ce. presented "'Whca We Wore Twenty-eho .*?■ lu add week, to be followed by "The Ensign," 17-22, '•• ■'-- -. .. Bv'-asCq's Theatbe (John, H. Blackwood, maniger .-*-"Too Mdch Johnsoa". 1010, to lie followed,,-17,, by .."Lady; llouotlful," arc offerlogs. otitho- Bclasco Theatre Co. c *»*. «$_■ J»fi®T_j_to ed and-well filled houses 10-15.-Bill week of IT? Melanl Trio, Cbae-M. Ernest, Prevost nnd Prevost, H. V, FlUgerald, Mabel Brow- nell aud company, the Zarncs, Moua Des- mond und Miles McCarthy and company. - K.\TiSci«JtAB' Bam. —Local people held tha board*; here • 1 "The Frogs 14, presenting the opera, "*^B4" to-cspaeity boOSM. manager) was a drav.-lng rnrd week ending 8, MagoQ ,■ —Charles Frahman, having «uccetathl>y produced rinero's H»W farce, . ,r A Wife With- out a Smile," at Wyndbam's Theatre, boa- don..-has inst,;.secured for the season, uw Criterion- XJreatT*. where he f'U present, on Nov. is,; MSHTTOnp«t; tn-n new piaf, cftllea "The rreedoa oj Bozanse."