The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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OOTOBEB 22.' THE 35FE"W YOBK ^MPBEK. 81* . SBWIiWUvSTATK. Albany-— At Harmamis Rleerker Hall iJI It. Jambs. niAnogor) the Byrne Bros.. In •I'lchi Bells," ,oni» more nmtised large andl- ,„««. 10-ia. ".Ssy 1/arm," 1.1-15, net will' a good reception awl closed n good lW j. coining: "Tho Wlinrd of Or," with Montgomery nntl Htone, 18, 10: "Healers in 'White Women" 20-L2. .... i;mpirk TiirATBB (H. n. Jacobs, manager). —••Wetlded nnrt Patted," 10-12, had Rood •nercge attendance, anu "Why Girls Leave iloa.o," 18-10, had t-lg houses, particularly at tlic nffornooa jPfrformances AtJnotince- i.ients here: "A Woman's Struggle" 17-19, ■Slaxrs of tbo Mine" 20-22. . i'jioctoji's TneArRB (Howard Oraham. resi- dent manager).—This theatre haa at "all time* crowded louses and the bills are of n superior order. -Week of 10 uw: Vlnella's horses. Mabel llrownell and Frank Lee Short, in a Hkelch, entitled "Levey llovo's Honey. n.x.n;" Hill nnU silruinl, Bertha Allison, l,oney lloskell, 'Xcjtsen and Nossen. Kelly and Itmo. Sinter nml William* and the Proctor- scope. For 17 and week: t Instnr Ke rker's iiiMTU Co., Smith and Campbell. Slldgley and Carlisle, In their sketch. "After School;" Caron and Farnum, Nina Collins, Terry and llandoll, Nate l-elpslg and new pictures ou llie machine. GMETr TnnATRE (H. B. Nichols, nana. P-n.—The burlesque entertainers 10-12 was lilce k Barton's Gaiety Extravaganza, giving "A Night at Manhattan Beach, and in the olio: Cert linker, "Vvette, Seymour and Sey- mour, Itenzette und La line, tillroy, Haines ,,nii Montgomery, and Cioldsnilth and Hoppe. K.xeallent attendance ruled at each perform- ai ee\ The. Trocaderos Burlcsquers amtucd Lirge crowds i;:-15, giving a very amusing show. The burlesques were: "The .Misfit Family" and "Tho Virginian." Among the people were: Win. Bartell, Frank and <;race lirnham, Wink and Mack, and the World's Comedy Four, coming here next: Vanity Fair 17-10, and Jolly CJrnss Widows 20-22. Ono Kbllowb -IIai.l. —Anna Kva Fay drew packed houses JO-1.1. She stays another week, 17-V2. ■ Rochester.-—At the Lyceum Theatre (SI. B. Wolff, .manager) on Oct. 10 occurred lbe.first performance on any stage, by the Weber & yJegfeld Stock Co., of a new musi- cal melange. In two nets and three scenes, bonk and lyrics by Edgar Smith, music by Maurice I>vl, entitled "Higgledy Plggledy. The book proved to be entertaining and the music bright and catchy. As for the cos- tuming, etc., the production has been most lavlshry staged. The chorns wns all that could be desired. The large oast of princi- pals acquitted themselves most creditably, Anna Held. Stnrle Dressier, Joe Weber, Harry Morris, Chns. A. Hlgelow, Aubrey ltonclcault, Franz Eberr, Ainiee Angeles and Bonnie Magln being an array of talent that could hardly fall to plecsc. Marie Dressier made the laughins hit of the performance In her song, "A Great Big Girl Like Me." Large and enthusiastic audiences attended Its) three perfornuweesben'. Cost in full follows : Adoiph Xchnitz. Jos. St. Weber: Gottlieb Oesher, Harry Morris: Sandy Walker, Chas. A. Blgelow; i.'hnrlov Strlnghnm, Anbrev Kon- licnult: Waldorf- Lamb,. Frank Mavne: Herr Baedeker. Franz Ebert: Hans, a bear, Walter Stanton.Jr.; Henri Hngtinnlles, Harry Hoff- man; 1'lerrn Montemartc, W. Douglas Stev- enson: Jean- Procope, Robert Austin: Hor- ore D'Absinthe, Richard Dolllres: l'rosper Malheur,. Jarvls Joceyln; MnurU-e De ,Ms\- iras, Chns. FIvnn; Jacques De Rich, Bert Ho- gan; Pierre, Henry De Packh; Sllml De Char ireuse, Anna Held: Philopena Schnltz, Mario Dressier; Gertie Keith. Alraee Angeles; Ma- rnie Proctor, Bonnie Maglnn : Flfine, Slav Me- Kenzie ; Mile. Pascal, Julia Itooney ;'Sllle. Tolletto, Joalo Rooney: Filler Bragg. Freda Mnyard; J. Rushton Bridges, Lillian Harris; Cecil Carlton, Esther Bntnnette; Holmes Sleadows, Hena Hoffman; Willie Dodge Cnrr. Daisy Leon; Mrs. Tooker Knapp, Vivian Blackburn;.Miss Lotta Crahbe. Addle Ortcn; -SHss-Goldle Gates, Edvi h Sloyer; MIhs Ellie Vntor. Hnttle Lorraine; Wllhelm, I'dltli Sntyth r Hlnrich, Mnud Leroy: Hans, Frances Palmer: Ledlng, Belvn Don Korsley ■ Karl, Jlllyid Do Vere; Heinle. Ada Verne: Ilmrant. Florence French: Helene, Grace Kimball:. SInrcelle. Mnrjorle Itolrao; Kline, Elaine Selooer; Marie, Madeline Slartln; Madame He Itonton, Mabel Verne I Slargot St. Ar.lolne. Daisy Greene; Hilda, Elslo Davis; Freda, Edna Chase; ftelga, Blanche West; Olga, Beatrice Walsh; Meanle, Violet Pearl; Tilly, Iva Catber:. Hcnnie, Kitty Whoaton; Lottie, CD-o Renoir. A word of prabe is due Sam Marlon for the excellent manner In which the production was staged. Win. Gillette and a most excellent supporting company 'oresented "The Admirable Crlch- ton.'to very large audiences, :14, 1.1. The staging and acting were perfect On 20, 21 will occur tho first performance In this coun- try of Flthel Bnrryraore's new play, "Sun- rtny." Wnltcr E. Perkins, In "Who Goes There?" 22.- National Tiieatbe (Slax Hurtlg, mana- ger).—"The Ninety and Nine" pleased large audiences 10-12. A good bit of acting was iiivcn by Walter Hodges, hi the lend. "The Itcauty Doctor" renewed old acquaintances '.115, and made many new ones, playing to good business. The company, headed by Henrietta Lee and Chas.1'. Morrison, Is up io Its usual good standard. The Rtys, lu ;;Dotm the rike," 17-10; "Holty Tolty" 20- HtKEn Thf~athk (J. E. Beyle manager),— Nellie Slcllenry and a very competent com- pany had excellent cud well pleased audi- ences lti-12, presenting "M'llss." HnmThoroe, In 'The I'eddler," US-IS, did capacity liusl- ticss, creating a most favorable Impression In the title rolo. Barney Glliuoro, hi "Kid- napped In New York," 17-10; "Down by the Sen'' 20-22. Cook Opera HonsE (J. n. SWore, mana- ger).— Rom Stnhl was the bit of last week's moat excellent- bill, and S. I!. O., business done. Bill 17 and week: Eight Vassar Girls, Jules and Ella Garrison. Harry Gil- toll, Gotham Comedy Four, Three Donals, Billy Link, St. Onge Bros, and the kineto- graph. Corinthian TBbateb (Henry C. Jacobs, rcauageri,—The New York Stars..Co., In "Stolen .Sweets," gave a lively-and meritori- ous enter'tJnineut the past week. CbAs. B. "ulsoa ar.d Alice Porter made decided In- dividual Impressions. The Three Leillotts stored. In tne olio. ■ Business was good. The Cherry Blossoms Co. 17-2!. ftle«^-At trie Majestic Theatre Chas. A-.Loder, in "A Funny.Side of Life." opened the week Oct. J2, to good business. "Shadows "f a Great City" did well IS. "Holty lolly" pocked the house Jfi. Tho Majestic will have a. littlo ran of vaudeville, week of i". with-Row Coghlan and company, Jo "The Ace of. TrnmpK" and "Lady CllTe Brooke's •lltslon:'; Gregory and Wood, hoop manipu- lators; Mr. and Strs. Fred D. Lucler, In muflc; Ziska and King, Bud Fnrnum, John- son, Dnverport nud Lorllla. and Paptutn, the tire dancer. .Due : Hurtlg tc Kenmon's Co., In "Me, IUti nnd I," 22: Rnselle Knott, In "''2»»lB. : K«te," 27.-.- . . OttJltlrtlM TBeatbe.— iJlst week's bill drewJ»k^..Blll for week of 17: Carl Marey und Maudo Edna Hall, In "A Timely Awitkeu- InB:" fllaters Meredith. Chas. E. Colby ana Alice C. tjV«j,_ Cliff .Conlou. Harry Brown, Leonard jCahe.and tbe Exposition Four. 8f*n TnnATnB.—Tho Fayn closed a two weegr. nia ib > good business. 'Xlils week's bill Innlndes: Sfabel Barrymore, Alblnl, Beatl- goaaip, Patcbio and Clifton, Slgnorlh. El Selto,. Nellie jttit Hunt, In. songs: ; Llston Sister* «M Florg Foster,, comedienne.^ - aotb.— T?tlca Is to hate a new theatre soon. It will be located Just south of the — ■ iii'ii wvluKi bank bulldlnV, ntj Gcneaee fcUHet, In tht> rmt, and reached by a rweHty-tlve foot entrance friim ileiiesee Street. Tlie seating capacity will he about lUiOO. Plans from l*on Lcmperl. of Ttnchesler, have Iwen re- ceived. -A -jUnlform. to- rover the Bents haa bean arranged for making It n convention hail on iiwclal occasion. The plans re- semble Schubert's Theatre, In New Haven, very much. . . _/_- « ' ' ' ■ i ,,,Trt»>'—At-tbe Lycnnm Theatre (Burns Glllajm, manager) the Soew.Siock Co. filled the bonse at rxerj performance Itist week, In "Soldiers of Fortnne." Week of. 17 the bill will be "The Shadow Behind the Throne" the second production of this company. Hen- rietta Crosmnn, In "Sweet Kitty Bellalrs," packed the house 11. Oimswomi Omni llorsB (M. Relss, man- gerj.—"Shadows of a Great city" drew well 10, 11. Audn'w Mack, In "The Way In Ken- mnre." drew a good house IS. "Tlie Wizard of 07." is due 17. "Jle, Him nnd 1" 21, "Her First Divorce Case" 22. Rand's Offjlx 'M. Mas, manager). —"Why Girls Leave Home" had ton heavy bouses 10-12. '.-Wedded and Parted" drew good houses 13-1.1. "Dealers In While Wo- men" 17-1D, "/» Woman's Struggle" 20-22. RorAt, TitnATBB (W, II. Buck, manager).— The Trocndero Burlcuquers had big houses 111-12. Rice k Barton s Bnrlesnuers packed the house 13-18. Jolly Grass Widows 17-10, Vanity Fair 20-22. ■ Jamestown.—At the Samuels' Opera House (if. Rels. manager) George F. Hall, in "A Ragged Hero," Oct. 0. satisfied a good audience. "A Bunch of Keys," 10, drew fair atteadance. "Ebon Holden" came 13; the piny nad company were good nnd the house was well filled. Lincoln J. Carter's "Too Prnnd to Reg" H. Kennett-Moulton Stoek 17-22, except IS, when "The Beaiuv Doctor" appears; "The Holy City" 2n. "David Harum" 20, "Our New Minister" Nov. 1. Notts. —Florence Worden, the Mrs. Pine- apple of "A Chinese Honeymoon" Co. No. J, closed at Meailvllle 10 und left for New York. A loving nip, suitably inscribed, was pre- sented to her after tbe final curtain SI. 11. Slesslnger, owner of the Armory The- atre, a: Carry, wns struck by a Pennsyl- vania train 7 and one leg was amputated cs a result. s Elmlrw.—At'(he Rlnlto Theatre (F. W. Mi-Connell. manager) arrivals for week of Oct. 10 are: SlrKlnnon nnd Reed. Towner Sisters, Bessie Ralph, Lillian lie Vere, Len- slo SIcAvoy and George K. Slello. Business Is good. Nivrr.—nilhcrt Devlne, of this clfy. has leased the '.'nslno It ink r.nd on Nov. 11 will open Ihe new Casino Musle Hall. The in- terior of the building rill be remodeled and newly equipped throughout. » BlnKhamton.—At the Stone Opera Honse (J. P. E. Clark, manager) the Behnett-Monl- ton Co., In repertory, drew big business Oct. 10-1.1. "The Strollers'." come 18. "Who Goes There?" Ill, the Campaunrl .Co., under the auspices of the BInghamton Press Club, 21. ■ »♦ MICHIGAN. Dptrnli. Kalftaiaas**.—At the Academy of Music (It. A." Bush, manager) "Princess Chlr" nlnyed In gotsl business OcL 7, as did "The KaixenJnmmer Kills'' 8. John A. lllmmeleln's Imperial Slock Co, opened week of 10, play/ Ing to splendid-business the entire week. Han Qulnlan * Wall's Minstrels will come 18. cnanncey Olcott, In "A Homance of Ath- loa«.'1 20. > . < - •• • - L»n«|ng.^-.\t Balrd'a Opera House (Fssd J. Wllltsms, manager) ''Princess Chic" came Oct. 11 to a well pleased house. "The Kal- renjammer Kids" followed 111, and packed the house with ynnhg-dors. "A Dream of Fair Women" (local) was presented 14 to K It. 0. Due:. "The Lltlle Red School Hoiinc" 15, lllmmeleln's Stock Co. 17 and week. Jackson— At the Athenonm (II.-J. l'nr- ter, manager) "In the Shallow of the Gal- lows," Oct. 10, came to good, business. "The Kaizcnjnmmer Kids," 12, pleased a large house. "Dora Thorne" 1-i, Cluiuni-ey Olcott 18, Qulnlan k Wall 10, "Rudolph and Adoiph" 20, "A Bunch of Keys" 22. 4 < * OREGON. la order lu nvoid salshuaJteii and to ln«iirr I In- iiriinipi delivery of the lellrrs Hilvrrtlsrd lu this 11*1, an envelope plainly addressed mast ke aent fnr each' latter, «n«l a written order for the letter, alnraed nit It the tall name anal address and the line tog liuataess follnvreil by the arader, nm»t also lie eni'losrd. . Plrane mention tlip date (oraaaB- nrhl " At the Detroit Opera Honse (It. C. Whitney, manager) Arnold Daly, sup- ported by an excellent company, presented "Candida," to fair sized houses, Oct. 10-12. " "Way Dowii East" closed the week to good returns. Louis Mann,-In "The Second Fid- dle,? 17-22 ; Ethel llarrymore 24-28. ; . Ltcecm TrrxATiE (E. D, Htatr. manager). —Dnvld Hlgelns, 1ft "His Last Dpllar," played to ft. R. O. 9-lf.. Hnbnortlng the star were Eleanor Moutell and Thomas Reynolds, both of whom are most ngreenbly known lu this city. W. Burt Cartwrlght, ClinrlesFlem- iOf. Katherlne Miller and Allen Kalley are among the leading characters. "Olir New Minister" lfl-22, Kellar 2.**.-2:i. L.«pavkttb TiiRATRB. (R. R. Curumlngs, mnnnger).—Tho Cummlngs Stock Oo.present- esl "Alabama," to large and appreclat Ivo audiences, 0-1.1. The piece was handsomely staged ami the cnaraciersbi capable bands. Tin; same company will be seen In "Peaceful Valley" week of 10. Wiiitnky TiiEATsn (E. D. Stair, mana- ger).—"The Smart Set, something new for this house, for'It wan a well staged bur- lesque, by a colored troupe, scored n big suc- cess week of 0. The chorus was well cos- tumed and the fun of the piece was carried by S."II. Dudley, ihe'heiress hunter: Marion Smart, on whom most of tbe singing fell; John Bailey. Hattle Hopkins, J. E. Green, Lawrence Chehanlt, Wllllnm Johnson and Jerry Stills. "Driven from Home" 10-22, "Escaped from tho Harem" 23-20. TUMIli ■ Tiieatbh (J. II. Moore, manager). —Last week's offering was first class and the attendance afternoon and evening tested the capacity of tbe house. Attractions tor week of 17: Robert llllllard and coiupauy. Carter and Bluford, Lucy Clarke, Geo. W. Day, the Italian Trio, Tcn-Icby Troupe of Japanese, O'Brien and Havel, Kelly aad Asb- by aud tbe klnetogrnph. - AvcMCi: Tiii:athk (Drew k Campbell, man- agers).—Sam Devere's Own Co. amused large audiences 0-1.1. The show was good through- out, and in the olio Cbnrles and Alice Schrodes, dancers, and Marion and Pearl, acrobat*, carried off tbe honors. The Ma- jesties will follow week of 10. ■ * Grata* Kaplda.—At tbe New Powers (Hnrry (1. Mommers k Co., managers) coin- ing: CbauDcey Olcott Oct 21. Vaudeville at this bouse Is proving very popular. Couilug week of 10: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thome nnd Co., Anderson und Wallace, Handy and Wilson, Lew Hawkins, tbe Juggling Normans and Jessie Cree. Majbstic TnKATBE (Orln Stair, monngor). —Koso Melville, In "Sis Hopkins," 2-S, pleused large audiences, as did "Our New Minister" 0-12. "Princess Chic," M, 15, "Tbe Smart Set" 10-11), "Faust" 20, and Passion Play 21 22. GbInd Orniu Hocse (Orln Stair, mana- ger).—"The Curse of Drink," fl-8, drew well, as did "Driven from Homo" 0-12. Coming: "Jn the Hbudow of the Gullows" 13-15 and "Michael Strosoff" 10-10., t .'- K Hiiirn's Di-Eiu HochxI (Mrs. \V. B. Smith, manager) .—Week of 0: Nlddel's French luir- tesquera played to good business. Adamfess Eden Co. 10-22. % Bay City.—At the Washington Theatre (W. J. Daunt, manager) Ken Hendricks, in "Ole Olson." pleased good sited audiences, matinee and night, 8. "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" came 10, to a fair house. "Princess Chic,"-with Caroline Boclen In the leading role, drew n. very enthusiastic bouse 12. Qulnlan & Wall's Minstrels make their ap- pearance 22, "A Country Kid" 26. Note—Chns. Roach, of this city, n mem- ber of the "Princess'Chic" Co.. ass given u roval reception by his friends here 12. » ■ Battle Cree-k—At the Post Theatre (K. R.. Hmllh, > manager "The Katzenjammer Kids" bad a fair bouse OcL 7. .Tbe David- son Stock Co. had a very successful week and gave good satisfaction 10-15, presenting "Wife for Wife,',' "Under Two Flags,'' „"Dr. Jekyll and Mr.nyde," "The Two OfpbatH." "WortnwooiL." "Ooody Two ShoesV (matinee) and "The Train rtotibers." Booked: Cliaun- <ey Olcott 19. '"Way Orit West" 20, "A Bnoch' of nTi>rs" 21, "Rudolph and Adoiph" ■24, "Dcfa Thorns" 27. • Mb n I - tee. — At the. .-Bs CD sd al I Tbtatrs (Ooht.R. KamsdiH, ■masapr;) Mm at* sun AAsrionn -JuUpstrair pla/sd to.,a ferie and dellghttd audience Oct. n. Thomas Jefferson, In 'TSip Tan Winkle," drew a Urge house 8. Portland.—At the , Columbia Theatre (George L. Baker, manager) toe Colnmbl.i Theatre Stock Co. - opened to the capacity Oct. 0, with "An American, Cltlseo." The company did good business wek of 2, with "NlobcV' "Sowing the Wind" 16. SDrotam Gmank (CalvluHelllg, manager). —Kyrle Ilellew did big business in 'Hallles, the Amateur Crnrksnutn," supported by K. SI. Holland and a cnpnhle company. Ward oud Kidder did fair business 0-8, In "Solara- bo." Ralph Stuart, 10-12. in "By Rlgbt of Sword;" "The Wlsard of 0»" 13-15, Flor- eace Roberts-week of 10. Hakeb's Tueatrb (Geo. L. Baker, muua- ger) Is dark. "The Sign of the Four" did good business week Of 2. CoRnsAi's Tueatrh (Cordray k Russell. managers).—"A Romance of Coon Hollow did good business week of 2, except evening of «,'when ".Grnndfather'g Clock," it three set comedy drama, by Chas. A. Callahan, was given lis first production on any stage to tbe capacity. The play In Its-present form was not entirely successful and was withdrawn after oae performance. The cast: Daniel Hughes, James Hurley; Lyman Hughes, his sou, Prnnklln Salisbury; Mr. Hym Jr., Louis Simmer: Lynx Fairfield, County Detective, Arthur Vomer; Lysander, Oliver D, Sudden; Grandfather Hughes',' Geo. P. Hhlnes: Knnloe I.vtell. Loin Davis; Sirs.-Hughes, Alda Gard- ner! Sfalvrnn, Estelle Ferry. The Humphrey- Chapman Co. opened to rt. It. O. 0, In "Down by the.Sen." "Knobs o' Tennessee" 13, "For Her Sake" 10. Staji Theatre (S. Morton Cohen, mana- ger).—Tbe Diamond Trio, Saqford nnd Dar flngton, Seville and Pagan, Dutch Walton, Will C. Hart «no tbejiroleetoscOne. ... Arcade tiieatbe (S. Morton Cohen, man- ager).—Huiiquel Brothers, tbe Helm Children. Itose Remee, Peres and King, Knle Coyle and the bioscopi'. Lyuic Til k.vtrr -(Keating & Flootl, mana- gers'.—R. G. Weli'h mid ciimpany. Gurnscv. Wilson-nnd Ityao, Slurry K. Hill, John Hud- zelenl, Harry lloyl, Swan and Swnn, and tho vltusoope. P.ilot: Theait.b (I'red T. Merlll, mana- ger).—Owens nnd Hart,: Lesle and Cecil, P.!Jon Quartet, Owens and Lamnrr, and the vltascbpe; ■ $ r,- i ig**«* l ■"- *' Tius VUtX (A. Shapiro, manager").—Mag- gie Graeey. Fay Leslie, Helen lluslmell, 1'lalne Forrest and Normn Draper. Blazieu's Cjiscebt Uaix (I'M! B. Davis, mnnnger).—Josln Dean, Helena, Trnsk and Slurrer. May Gilbert and Anita Ray. , Kitii'KMN'a Mrmic Hai,i, (II.-l>. -Griffin, mnnnger i.—Nellie Thompson, Clara Kdwards, Jennie Illpfey anU Sllle. Lav.renilau. FfclTZ's NEW TBEvtbb (J. J. West; mana- ger).—Rooney and ForrCster. the Stiltons, itevnolds nnd Oracle. AI von! Trio, Harry .McCoy, Ainia Bailey. Norma Wallace. Carrie Wlneiiell, l<n Petite Alice, Hadls Jennlng, Slellville Sisters, Llllle Stetson, Birdie Wrenn. Josle Myers, J. J. West, the Mor- rises, the Midget Hnndow, Genevieve De For- rest and Carl Raymond. i - Winter Garokn (I. D. Holland, manager). —Wilson nnd I«lcester, Tralnor and nut- ton, Davis nnd Carmen, Four I'rerldlos, Stella Clair, the Great Kathleen, C. L. Ileilly, tbe Rube Comedlaas and AJzcl Llndsey. OnniKi'M Tiieatrr (W. A. Simons, mana- 5er).—Vlnn's Biirlcsque Co., Mae Vernon, .raelitn, Ida UOslter, Irene Allen, May. Km- merson, Francis Venlte Grey, Mabel Stall- lend, Hsttla Ward, Nellie Moore, Imogene Mansfield, Kva Winston, Slemo ditto, Kddie Jeiuilngs O'Brien, Horace Mano, Leon Kr- rol, Will l'ltchett and Jack Kvans. » ■ » TENNESSEE. Memphis.—At tbe New Lyceum Thcatte (Frank Gray, manager) darkness prevailed the entire week Oct 10-15. "Tbe Eternal City" 21, 22. . Hopkins' Grand Opera Hochk (A. B. Mor- rison, manrtgtr).—"Mrs. Jack," tile bill un- derllned for week of 10, attracted crowded houses at every pcrforuiance. Kacb member of tbe stock seemed to be cast with eBpeclai care, and tbe performance in general was most satisfactory. Those deserving men- tion were: Nora Rosa, Lucia Moore, Isabella .Bowman and John Sinckley. Between acts the vaudeville features were: Howard aud Bland. Campbell Und Johnston, Ollle Young und ■Brother and the Juggling Slattbleus. "Northern Llghtu" 17-22. Hum- TiiHATiii; (BenJ, SI. Stalnbnck, manager).—"Tliu Wnlffs Purniilse," week Of iu, came to very good business. Howard Hull, In (be loading role, received much ap- plause. Marlon Leonard Barnett. William 1. Fiugg and Pain Barnutt s»sialne<i their chgr- m'tcrs well. The performance pleased tbroiigh- out. "How He Won Her" 17-22. Citnncn'H Pauk (R. R. Church,naanager). —Tbe Black Pattl Troubadours, 7, 8, crowded tbe bouse to <ts capacity. Black Pattl re- ceived an ovation. - li«r) at TUB < I.IPI'I.R la vrhleh the letters sint for vrere ailvertlaed 1AIIIFS' LIST. Killer. Mrs. I..It Klnmnilc, tliitil.' l'unieN, Yu. Florlne, Miss l-'iirtl, Slnmle L. Ciller, Mrs. Floyd Josephine MBsassa, jini-^. Cosier, I lor SI, i,'oMnn, Ami llarrltv Sisters ftsMnoju LU. (ioo<lwn% Irene illlnserettl Nina (.lootlnlgbc, .Mrs. Orn Ginoieo, Vtrs.C (Irey, Vera idle. Lucille Gordon. LU II. Griiuvllle, M. Grant, Sirs, ttnle ICvange. 0 lillns.'iViU Niuii lllllanl. Helen Hunter, Merlan Henry, Louise llarle. llelalne llllitnr, llnoeM llmuuner. l/iita Hamilton, line llmvc. lKilly Hayes, (lcnle Halls. Violet llnyes Mrs. M" llsrlowe, Beslr. I'niiti-r, Oroce llnitley, Knthvr. lldbbs, M.v .!■ Horlai), Uetllin Hall, Kilns M Johnson, Nqm .Inmesnn, Km h. Jermon, Irene Ji'frlcx, l'lnr, Jordan, Nell. I\h;l|>|>, \'n. Karsy. Sirs. .T. KemiKh, Mnry Klnra Kath. Kltwln, Susie Keith; Otrls KltW,. Hi—i L. Kokln, Mlininii"! Ivlng, Vera LnTelle, Evelyn l.oveit, filuiln Umles, Mr« H.I Long sisters Leslie, Statle Ixng. a. lister, P. M. tun... Marie [.nVmi. J, Avtle, Kthel M iLil'lelils, PhH. I.atell. lilaiuli UiiiK. I.II. Lyman. Jrnn. l.aValta Minnie Leone. MnuUe l.acnls, But term.i Lantle,-. I .on W l.micasier Pasta Leslie, l-:lsn i.r«-u, I'Mna I mlell, .Mrs. II. Slsrnn, IPsullac Monitor Sisters Mllljurn. May .Mitchell, Ab. C. Mason, ML Miles. Asnes A Morltn, Therenu Miirths. LU Mt Mellville, Rase Melville * Ntetson Mnrkley. Josie Stnrllnot, SHss .Mrs. liar. .Major Misters .GKHTCKMF.PI'S LIST. Al«ander Fell' Mrs. Geo Altorn, MsttaM Arn..|.y, .MllC. Aiti'lene, ljiilri Arniiii Mrs.w.iit Ailierton. AL'ne* AistvCy Klsttrs AVotn, JriH Ashloo, Mirle Arnold*, Mil-. Alrxsmler.-llar. Ultat ilabsMW. ttrsdl-em. If. Itetfelvy, Cautluc I'.urton, Itay Hi I'kullh, Lis. li.irtram, Bund Itrlilol, Tesslo Illacfc. Sim. Barnett. LU. liurchlll I'nnale Hales. Flor. . i;utiou..>'cji. IiJll, Dot». lUnek, Olga ' lllxlale, SfahCl, Harry Mrs. S.un l'.r.ttleauv, Itftin Itallironia, Iteuir Hurke tlraeeljilt llerlrnnil, Slailge I'-cvker. t'larlw Hn-iuier, llreun.'u. Mrs. II. It. liurilo.-i; Sisters liernnnl, Ada l'.jkr-c Sits., I'.l l'.rldues .Wlaoan Mo..lff>o-t KSUi liunm, "Sfnud I'm. hi lor. Net11'j" Agues C'lenmer, Anvy t.'lansi'n Sisters t'ln-lslle SlrsPSl ('Union, Isabel (.', l.ul.t c.x-.k. ilcralillno t'otien. .M«y «1. Carter, vap. { uniilnitlinm, fla Curtis. Vloletlo Clarke. Kdythe Coctlon .Mrs.ilur Carr, Jess Culllsou. Alice Clemlenlne. Oyrl Ciath'tnlt. ours Ciatlln Histars Crystal. >t(M jin^e. riypAy Pelroy, tWb pretv, Ru««* (ii-lniore, Kthel Peltiuin'. flrniM plsle, llnllie tliiprex, SI. SI. t>e»ere. Kit Iiwlnell. LU. IKiwIini:, If. J. Pruinctlv. St. ''• Vkvinonil. Moni Deltlno, Nell L. fx-sninniln Millie DiSlrev, MIM.ll. Pillion. Allen rialsrll,. Uor.. DasW,,J*Sj 'R. tiorlnnlyleriba Prew, gUloe 11. Hviiih. Pearl Kli'lthnlzer, Jrali Rinmeil, LU. Rnsel. I. F.dmonds, E. Kl.lorti.lo. Nell l'mmeti, tlrael Esmeralda. K.ln Fllliurn. Mrs. Franklin. Mild Fshchelt Ulsters Florence. Maner Korenangh, Mnn Flelillnir. Martin, It. .Myrtle. Helen Mil). 1'k'iIIi- Mason Mrs.W.A Melvnle. Nell. .Miliar Slsieri MillliHe, Kits. STontniOHV Slny Sterhsn, Tllaln> Vninie, TrU. Mlllrr. lllsnciii' Nichols Sisters Norto'i, Gerlriid Nets, t'rhicess Nelson, lliuule Mbio. Jose U, Osterinsii, KutU Oliver, Marie I'oltit, Marlon 1'ents, l'e*". Perl, k Hivoy I rice. Midget 1'n ntwr,-Una rii-hlw. lllllh Russell. Nell.i rtarmoud, Kiinlo Burnley sisters BlchiinK Slay S lllihioond Ileicu Itaye. V vet M linlhhun, I'.llK. lusho. Mrs. II line Wort « SUy llnlwnK. LU. I- Cirnell, Slay b Itnrkwell, Kdlth Bay. Miira. IteetV. 1. '."lie Kaiiciiffc, t'orrlo tinnford. Maud Brmen, Julia Villas. Kitty Slicrivoi.i, Jean, HMita, Marie Kiwurer, Llska Swan. M»y jta aj s t. .Mary a4-oii,.C*trle Severance. Atiirif HeWtll. f-i'h- Suyiler, .1.18. Severnner Marg Shaw. Ml. Sou, .Mine. (I. II. Mewart 4 Sister Sllbon, Oerl HnldecTmnia sweet Mrs.O.P. HcJiipier. Jess, jlhsldos. Vloln bleed. F.mms Tranter, illadys Town'-end, V. F. Taylor. Lottie lowner, P Inr. talller. Mine. Van llsieb, F»» VnnTnss<.| Marie Vouleitt, Kva Vivian. AI no \an, Slailen Vsme, Itose Verne, prtseilla VoiiKuufnian. ■ ■ .- Miss Viiuam, ntsle Weller, Ml. IVoolAon, Pearl Sells,,i>lmn A. ooilwaid..»lny llanl, RWIm' West, Ifnrlr Wright, rtoth Wright,- Ml. .Weher, Letta SI Willi. v. Josle Wilbur. Baby It. Williams, Nell WyOll. Lib WFoglaral. Hor. Wtlght.'Has. 1. west, Josle Voiihg. Violet Voir, LU Zunfr«lla. Sirs. Walt. >'ashvill«^-At the Oraud (Mrs, T...J. Boyle, manager) Act. 10 and week, tbe Ikryle HtocL Co. presented "Sir. Bsrncs of New York." Th- roles wcrd well placed gild tho performance pleased tbe patrons of tho house. Tho return to vaudeville between i.-urtulns commenced last week, and Watcr- hury Bros, nnd Tonnoy, In a musical act, madQ a line impression. The Bnylo Stock Oa» In "Too Much Johnson," 17-J'.'. Rlion (Jskn Wells, rosnager).—Week of 10 an opportunity to see und hearOeorge Sidney nnd his company In "Busy lazy," ot popular prices, lias sold every sent for every performance. '.'Hello Bill" 17. Vcn'oohb (W. A. SbclU, manager).— Murray and Mark, It. Ill "An Kngllah Daisy," bid good business. It proved a pleasing departure from -their former pro- ductions and made an .enjoyable evening. s ■ ' Chattaaaosra.—lAt Ilia New Opera House (l"nul It. Albert, manager) "Tlie Eternal City" ployed t<> a crowded honse S, and pleased. Adelaide Tbnrstoh pleased a largo uudlehce fi. "Tlie James Boys In Sllskouri" 1 : "Peck'^Baa Jloy" mlUnee arid night 1J, "la tVldKenwaky" 12, ".The InUI SVeddlOg"' Is. Murray uhd.Maclt 'UJV C'omlda: West's Minslrols IT, Maude Adams 18, "The Hultttt of 8ulo" 19, "JAir Hor .Children's Sake" St Harry Beresford C2, Hoyt's Comedy Co. 24- Alhrlght *•'.- r. wsttou Attell'« Knrly Argall, Wo. Alen, II. H. Allen, L. & ft. Anthony, Jack Ax tell, Mr. Allen. ( It. H. Adnms, 11,-P. Alden, Hull Alexn inter, T. B Arthur, (Ilia Anlell a IlayaM Ashlers, Ths Alfifiio, A. Antrim, Lauren. Arniutid, T. V. Ahruiim, Mnuuel Allen, A. K. Aiipletnu. Frank Alexiioder L. V Avoln, H. Avery. Wra. Allen, liar. Altlu, Fn-d .Mien. K. T. Am..Id, J. I'. Arcarls, HIg. Ileechi'le. If. A ItvrHt, F. U. Ilertels, A. llyrm-s, J. II.W Barker. II.- U. Bork.'-T ;'■ liacom, rlu> Ilukcr, l'.<1. linyley, J. W. llnrOH, Hob. Heck-.-, Jus. burton, A: Buck lire Trio linrke, Juo. ■■ flurtou, F. H. Ilrch, JPO. Baker, it. W. llrukcs, Jug. Ilurke, OF. Cnbnrri, C. D. Conwy -a'Mack Cunniaglinni )10 Cole, Geo. Carr, Ishsi Cnrfry & (Vitler IViiulns, J. w. Cnrley, ppter or»n#, ;<t. H. . Crane.-J. K. I Crochstt. W. F, C'nnnlnghani. It. * D. Cramer, Joo I), Cunooily, J. J. diris'nlor, II. li Chiicv. Billy (killliiM. II. P. Cnrley, j'eto Craue, Lnivr. entrants. The Corrlgan MedCi Caniplicll, Jnck liherllT. Iladjt Oraner, Joe Carter, Bivte L'onklln, t'eio Cusnil a Iievcrne Colby, C. li. (tonwuy, Nick UillhiH, Mnutle Carroll a Kller <', ilur. Callahun. G. w, Cimlsjllo, I'ranJi CXihnrn, J, A. Cnnnlngham. J f.'liiiiinuii, W. L i-:inin, Jack Csrrunts McdCo. (kuly, Thos. Cass, U. W. •,"'• Slniinuif Chester, Geo. Cole; A. v7 ■ demons, Camcr 27, lllller Sss£ -^Elrsel PcarCe and Wife hire signed'wlfb Davenport's new musical comedy, r A Wheel House." • .. benlimilu. H. It Coduir, Hor. llroWer. V. S. ' Iliuihy, Barl liriilr.tonr. J, K llreiKU, Joo, llroiru. Harry r.rlllaod, C. J. Burleigh. A. L. IlbWln. f'larenie Ilrowir, W. 8. neAnos, Tlie Burden, J. It. Burnett, Will Bell,. HI*.- Ill tier, J oa Botten, inTank Bordk.^«el, A.H Ilroslus, Carl Brady. Iv. H. Helford, A. <1. Burke. J, ,1'. 'Bnranl, Arl. IJrennans, Mmle bragdon. V. Hois*, liar, llnrilir, O. • ■Brooks Usrr. rlstar, L. I'. lrtu,^BobL Brttawell. Wm. -liatlar, C. B. llorVrtelf. 'o*o. Delatey, W. HevUir, Mar. Hwyer, Kit. Hnreto, Phil IK-mliiK. Art. Dee,' Frank lM)ssiro. Mor. Hei-sln, Frank Dodge, lloWm.t'o Hamjii. o. It. liOnCin. A. II. DSyly. Arnold PuVrli-s, Hum Duuluii, Fluyil pssaaMta, a. PunlHir, Hilly Davis, ]•:. 1'. Dare, Frank Lashlnatun, J.J, Dunhnr,.; (I. IV, I)ii|inv, Oto. Hugiin, Juo,, Duvls, W. H. Dooley, J. V. Ultuv, Hilly l)re»r, Frank Duvls, O. li Decker, "Jan. 'yiuu. Kid I i.i-it, liar. i.ter. SI. U. ..ttoii, Sam I-^lwanls, L, A. Kills, Jack I'hnnwlt, Kmeno Fdwanht. it. W. Karl.-. K. O, LVnllH, Till I'.iys. a. H. Fuan. W. II. tltlwanls, C. »'. lly, is. A. tan; Aloert fcorlfcttlj 8. K, Cunnliisbam. I. Chlckallr, Wm. Cllte, Henry Conrad. ArL L'lishlng AMcrrll i:olllnl, Henry Chauaplln. O. K Cole k Warner Craace, Carl Cerbett. J. J, Cbrley, Pete robi)rn, J. . A. Ciioara, (Jeo, Cirleion syrcrry t'nmeron, 0. II. (vditre, Uar. ('unnlinrhQin, B. Dollar, Louts l>e»er»ai«. Hob Davis, O. CI. Delano, — Dawson. SHU DeCoraln. .E«lw D».(s», O*o. DrltfliWdter, P.J . rsiesi, Joe .«ltS[ IjSW. tew3f -Ollniuloe. IVll, dsjoilwln. T*l tit:. 'I. 11. m. •Iflson. lllrter (lagnoii. II. o. liloter. E. W. OraeM, L. ti DaUaao. A. V. (irern, U. J. lUinxnles Ailol|Mt tlstesi F. A. (Ililron, Mrlv, tlarslile. J. ft. stray. Walt. (irljhtli. J. P. i.rint, Cliff ilrunily. Jas. iilllllnn. K. At. Cermlnal. V. tiregs'Mii. The illlnscrcltl, t'.C llrind. flesi. K. tliinluer, Frmil: (Irani. U. W. i.ilraonr, Pant I In lien, RnM Hart. Tony Hunter. H. V. Henry, Sir. Ilels-rt. W. 0. II. rt. Jos. Unfile, Bert Hern. SUruunt Holmes, 0. U. Ileal;, Juo. Houghton, . K. D. W, llo,lgkln«, Burt llliuiley, 0. W. Hull. T. M. . llirtierl, 0. A. Ilea let . JeiT. Hewitt. Mor^.in HUliliiiicr. J. M, ItnlEiit k Demi l|uMi>y, (I. Al. I^w llolilswnrlh. t'n Holmes. W. J. Hall. How. Ham. J. I. Itaffiuiia. I'lisi, lUrschal. \MU Hale. Jess. Iterh-TT, O. W. Ilimlnl, J. f. IliigeuUvk, 'tarl lliirdnwny, Itutil liiiwn, II. t). llnrpntrue. J.W llnwker, A. F, llunnril. Hir. Horner, H. J. HsrrlKin, .Ins, II anion, 0..+\ IhiineM 4 lewis Henley. Joe Hodge. It. II. ; llodgkln-i A . ., 1 (*llll I In we. Hen Herbert. 1'. T. Hawkins, Percy llanley, SI. if. Halt, Billy Dawn. D. 0. Hastings, Ben Harrison, Chns. Hale. J. L. Harris ft i . Wallers ll'irt, I. M. Hun, liar, Holden, Mr. Harry, V, II. Bender-ten, SV.J. Iln|nes, Hoy Hail. ft. II. llollster. Frank Irwin, Jni-k Ireland, (I. II. jmi.of, rt. p. Isaac, V. H. Jullaa, Start. JnlMiko, N. I,. Johnston. Chest. Johnstown FICo Jnboiir, rigo. Jacob* t lid'ui .lelinllnt-i. Sieve, P. J. JonM, Aug. Jones, ltv. Juswdlu. C. <l. Jones, Frank Johnson, Iiaviil Johnlon, J.SIcM KciiKlT, Ilr-rt Kenilul & Thompson Kllpstrlek, (lima Kelt, J. W. Keane, C. w, Keeler. Tint liliinbury, D. A Uelley, l-ld. Ucefe. J L. Kralre, Wm. Kent, H. kl. King, W. K, KcIkV. C. D. Krepns, I. W. Klnlslus. V. T. Kohl, <l. k SI. Kolllnx, Ktnutt Kelaer, Juo Kurvy. 3, Kopf, K. It. II lug, J. II. Keller. Jack Kumatl, J. F. Isiwsmlu, Hurt, roncls. Chest. gSRf °- I'Tilkea, Fred Ferns, Ol. Fralkes, Fred Fen/ Mas fsmtium. 1'. P. Flock, W., 11. Fraseo, liar. fnrrell. Billy rftssltnmoiir. W HE Oeo. Fwlter, J, J, Vntftll, fc B. BM a ifla f*- rnriUcWm. .'liber, l*erklni "raBck, D, C orrester. M. II. a«i»r. W. A. J. avor, ,K. M. . on, Slax 1'rnnklln, Slnrt Fllijerald, W.I5. i'mati. Harney Frnlkea, Ficil findlsy. J. J. " rdon,-D.> JI «■-■ n-oce. AL . Har.. hardt. A, fealher. J. I..v«7er A. tVKtlte ■eOtalr. W. II. Hatrlngtsa . use. Tin l«tter. I.IkJ. iJ-Hor. nob Ixiralne, llenrl gMiMthsvnt. J. P.. errlU, Chas. oshet, N. II. ■3*3„■ ; CsrtWe Han>(leld, Vrsle Mack, T. J. M Morncao, Ulrlc Mlllnnl, A. I-'. Man ley. Jack, SlaeOregor ll.ll. McVelsh, Fred Murray, F. M. Moris k l'arkar Marryett. c. K. Miller. J W.>„ MfSweenr. LP. McNllr, J. It. Maokay, L. B. MaoVay k g grabrlght itiirfion, Jsa. ktoiKirJef, Bitir. McOormack, J.I Morrlaey.A Rich Mornhj, Bert. McCue, Wm. Mos», a p. M.xikle, J. B. \I lifer. Bert 1 Stack A Huyden .Mann, Doll. Starfre, K. D. -Miirx. n. Most. Chas, Monroe, Walt. Moore, Lou Slnltaney, llnia. MeHeynoids l*o SloMaunl. ILir. Mnxnrll, J. II. MolrUJ, Hngo >jarlOn ft Pearl Stetropole Cniiu 1 Mason. II.' SI. Milton, Frank Mi-<llnula, A. n MUCH, II. J. Melulnll. Albert Mack. Watt. Mttlxl.rFsluIn Millennial. LSI. Morton, Phil .Monroe, IL It .Marjclle, Dan .Morrison, .In 1. .Matthews * liatrls Lowaiiiio, (Iscar Uirnhiu Aflunily League, Jin IjiiiIim) Bros. I.evr, L. I', Lamb, A. J. Leonard, J, I', Iswhke, llenn. Ijirrlvre. A. «. LeVeme, II. (I. l^-rrerls, II. B, U-ltiy ft IbiM-ltoa U'tr, Plul l.evlim. Watt, Latitsyne, Wilt ).ev.lw, Ariily leavltl, II. II. Luhonl ft llferion I.lpis'iicolt. Jack LaNolre. Cbas. Lcne. Hun Lewis, Wis. 1-ulitl. uea Lenonl. Bert Lewis A Willis Lane, II. It. Lules, C, A. k W. LI. Lane. II, J. Lee, Allen Moore. AlcOkmnl. Muray, Frank Martinet)!, liar Miller, II, L. Mlttenthnl Pro I morar. J. F. Motrlasey, Toai Uondehoft, V.J. (lark, 140 I a rili, K. 0. lurrnt, V. O, NlWfii. Mull. Baton, J so. ictf. Charlie lewninn, A. C Norrls, W. II. Srak, Mr. Nice k Viola Nairn, Bud Nelson, liar. Neunaa, J. K. Otenans, IL A O'llam,, tl.DoV fi'Cooiio*, IJI. Her, Har- Irnn. Clayton 01 (Jftii A Fernu ii'lltleu ft ;•.« Buckley OlfiB.'is, The PlilllliiS, S. 0. Pearsiiu. Bert Mav II. SI. Piinllne, J. 11. Peters, W. J. Peroral, Slons, I'larc.t, tl: K. i-ttntlce, J. B. lilllijer, ino. riand, Wnrticr I'rlnep, A. L. fiillllps, Clyde i'luaer, Har. Pike, Alt. Prolpert. IL H. Paltti 1 . Lob„ Pollock, Parcy HUM ».'J t. C. ISO _ * Iteynsid," ._; Itnssell ADenlat BSyayvNat Klva Ores. Itlauo. Jack Sullivan k -: iBkrUst.T. J. eXtClbijL j lutrfcrd. n.lLP, Sajnuel. IL SI. Spirrow, SI. sinltnnl. A. J. flpaun, Btron Hieieon, Walt. Swallow jje-L 3 2, arikrmt Sta»frys,i the «t. Jjohaa 7 ^ ■' >Fev»» Shepherd, Arch, 8t. JulK.^if, Hioln. Ernest Btesrart, Cal, Sutton k Nuttoa siiuiti. a o. Moos. Peatl . Stutsman, 0. B. Spraaui'ltisi, The "wan, Win. Smith, 8. II. Seeley, (Ihns. Slnler k Finch) Sun, (ten. Sherman, Itoht. Siantonls, Th« Slleniui, 0. U. Secoro 0.( Poo.) •K50U. V.-O^ •ylMstsr. Lawr. Mirgent, Got Is 1 Stutsmnn. (X-R. Slrfliser, Will. Sadler, J. II. Sutton, Jack St. tiyr, Kusenn Schllllna. W. II. Sells, liar. Sneath, Chns, Simon ft (larilnr Stewart, (I. W. Smith, B. i|. Seeker, Wills A AAK* Stone, pen W. SHtattft Bain a SI ill well. Har. Slnimonds, K.M. Nattier, Ch«», Traves, Jaa. 'i'raak, Phil. Tracbman. St..} 201 h O*ft,^M0r. Treror, EdwU Tlell, C. ,'hptnton, Jew. :«lhot, H. V. tlels, SI. SI. .'Solution, F.. \V a 'Ihnrnton. Jas. 'i'r«>elle, T. i', 'lakemwu, p. Venley, Elnwr Timouy, .Trio. "mrp, Atnoit Villlers ft 1*1 atigbaft. 'Uoah na, Wm, ;, VnlVlr.o * Hearls Voce, Torn Vlrden. Ij>w Voshurg, liar. Vnlller, V. SaaClaro ft Pets \'U*n», m-rh.' Williams ft Burns Whitman, Frank Worth, 0. ft. Wilson Jack Walhrrtl, I'rof. Wright. Jack Whitney (Plan) Weslon ft Kayrnoaal Weaver, Fred M'oJJkgft Lb. jvSSiAj,Y.ft ^Vl^IV JBow.- HllllKro.-IUch, WikkI Bros. Wann, W. 7. Whirlwind. Kit West Ford ft D Wnkelce, Stont. I'eiinnrdrn W.I. I'urkersnn, II.SI Purknli, Carl Pdtler, liny ftrlo, .gld Ferry, F. in Parry, V. O. f-lokelt, Sana, Powers, J, ,T. I'nrenteiiii, 7-oeI I'nultoii ft Doley I'l-rln, II. SI, Price, 11. SI I'hllllps, Jas. Ouhilan Sfluitr. quintan, 1-1. hogirs ft Lavenc lUliniiiiil. O. II. Undo ft Bertram lloaers. V. J. Uaureua ft . Ilelalr lislbbuii, a. 0. Ilalgate, O. A. Iteavey, liar. Itasscll ft Danbar liiisiell, Hdmdnd IliiHWlLL. V. Hood, Claud Kutlaud, 0. Itennloii, Ivlm, Ituclici, liar. Ueed, 0. H. Itoherts, (lea. Ilexos, Tho Itosar Trio Itleh, Jack ft B. ItonaUlo, Chirllo ttogera, P. J. lUx., It, K. ltayiaocd, KV U Itlcbiirdsnn J.L. Itocbes, Har. I'x-ynar-L IWw.l. SCIJ NOTICE! AT HL'AU OF LIST. Vi-ne;- yerftol _s, *liF, Hofnco Welch, J. ft a Walsh. Tint Wllard, Cbai. Wilde, A. B. Welsh, Col. Wills, J. H. Wilson, J. ft. Weaer. H. V. Ward, Har. Walker. Ban Wcightman, J. wirgini. Bart wintion, Utrh. WoodwariJ, Qt4. Wallcb, T. R. Vack. P. U. W'ayne, k, 1. Wiirrsn W-. ■■ Howar.1 Williams, John Wilson, Willie Whitman Henry Williams, inch Winetaiiler, Hob Warden, liar, Wards, Al, Young, 0. J, SS«», Jolly ZctW, Carl k Zlmmer, Jno. Clska 4 King Kit ZamftUowrft Zluimormao, W. a n BTAM. Halt Lake citr—At the Halt Lake Tha- aire (Oeorge IS. I*yper, manager) Ftortnes Itoherts dill good business week of Oct. S. >laye<i to good busliurai weak oFlfj. Coming: -a Runaway Sfatcli 1 ' 24-20, "rorfc Suite Folks" ill-Nov. 2. Lt.iiin* 'PAtiK".—Week of 10. Th» Tonr Morions, Ih comic Juggling; Murray and I'lnyton. I'esHi-n'den ana Foster, In a so- ciety Hkelch ; l'rlnceis Lehhi, la myitcrlous IIIuiIoih ; Mando Bros, and Lcely, la ncro- fc'iile rents: August A. Iladdlch, child alto; .Mrs. Hndtltch, soprano. Buy Ton.— Week of 10: Gladys Coriyle. the CoiHiliiodB, comedy acrobats; Itichara Burton, character Impersonator; I'd. Can- non, Ming.and:dance performer; tlie Boots.- sow, coiatd y t, t tsb taam, g •• «■ ,. —Mrs. niliaheib Htacev ttiotvptofowlonit), an aunt of Mrs. B. rrsnk Mitchell, of Mitch- ell's All Star Players, died at Heat tie, Wa»b., BBS mSL fS&t L^jamBsgtgiBg Bildwln, E. A. Daly, 0. W, UUlstt, A, St. and dollars, w« at* Informed. . . _,