The New York Clipper (October 1904)

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839 m* ^&&K OL¥PPJ2M, O(ftoBBE30. '■< ■**» RbWfeW ud Comment.—The weather continued :tnvorohle to thtatre-golof last week and tbe local houses benefitted accord- ingly. Of tbe several openings during'tie week the most noteworthy was tlint of E, H. Sothern, Julia Marlowe aid company, In 'jRoraso and Juliet," at the KxicxcRnocKJcn TiiFWTBf, Monday night, Oct 17. Tbe con- census of opinion was fnvcrnble, hut Minn toty jHHh AVenoV Theatre (T. fronot** VlUr«ei u hih *tt*».t The- l«rm:tur> T^ve*tr-1ihl*« Street Tis- FinK /general manlier).—"The atrjr (J. 1 Austin Frnek, general manngec).— '**** (.1. AiiMin Fy^es, whens! rtran**c:). r of Wood&arrdw." a anther of 15. H. Vnadcvllle lioldi sway here,this week. Had MsIM HcKlnlc.r heads-this week's sAb. W net- iuweaW, in tbe atock offer- on/Monday. Oct. 84, ine'-bou'se was lull, the en Oct -24 »hc received several beirty guineau a mi iuci ain< cHTrn p in mr riuv» vi< 1 - ui*. wuu'iaj, f<.w .-i, iue luubc wafj lo« this week.- Ede.In Arden played tbe lead- attractvenfew of the Mil being the Ins role delightfully on Oct. 24, never for- ' getting hi* dialect, which was excellent, and glrlDg throughout a clever conception of the character. Gertrude Berkeley gave a fine bit of acting as tbe mother, and Bessie Barrt- ficale, dainty and sincere In her acting, was particularly charming. Gerald Griffin cele- brated his return to the company by giving one of bin carefully conceived and artistically , magnet. The top liner was Hose Coghlah, assisted by Lynn Piatt nnd Frank!) 11 Jones, in tbe one act comedy, by 3. Hartley Manners, "Lady Cllvebrooks Mission." Miss Coghlan. of course^ took well, and the turn passed oft with eclat, applause being gereroosly be- stowed nppn tbe star and her support Mabel McKlnley wan another number, ber excel- lent soprano voice. being heard to nd- cotes; Wright ilunttngtoo and Co. p greatly. In "A Stolen JOm." which they played cleverly, while Thos. J. Ryan and Mary Bichneld made "Mike Haggerty's Daughter" ao very entertaining that dience was loth. to. part with them. Stuart Barnes was so well liked that he beld tbe stage for considerable time, aod beld • It cleverly, too, while Simmons and White got plenty of laughs In "lint*." Alt. Grant waa Ualttt Thentre £_ ager).—At'.tsls housS'oa 24, occur** the ant i of ."The Clngaiee.''.-* musical play, act* book by .James Tanner,, lyrics.,by Adrian-Row nnd Percy Oreenbank, and Tnn- sic by Lionel Monckton. with additional num- bers by Padl Bubens. The work was original- ly produced March 5 last at Daly's Theatre, I.ondon, Eng., under Its fall title of "The Clngalej, or Sunny Ceylon." The production Is mads under the management, of J. C Duff, and It Is presented In a lavl'h moaner The two scenes, which, as Its title indicates, arc Marlowe received ,th« linn's shnro of approval rendered character bits as I'lffln, and George vintage In tbe selections she; offered, nnd she greatly appreciated for bis bright ond well laid In Ceylon, are as handsome stage' pi for her portrayal nf Juliet, which wasi voted lb Be nlmoat Without a' flaw, -Mr. Notbern receded consldernhla, praise, but he was criticised far JUb conception of Romeo, which lacked the wtrmtlj and ImpVtunslt f which we expect to see -In-yoifng Mnritngu*. At tbe Princess Tnr.ATnE, on Tuesday night, 18, Charles Hnwlrey revived vA Message fron/'Mirs."... ...On the snaie rlnte, at the Ibvino Pijcb TmtATni, "So Ich prr*V ("An Friend Is another well liked player of former days, who was cordially welcomed. Douglnn Hint nnd Isabel!* Kvesson played father and dnnelUer, respectively, with credit The cast: Allen Ilnllltt, ildwln Arden; Lnkn C'Mn- bourne, Wallace ICrsklne; Mike Strotton, George Friend: Colonel Jack Dexter, Douglas I light; Mr. I'urtwee.Wm. Herbert (Tbe Hon- orable Tom flussett, H. Dudley Rawley; Ba- ron >on Schorr, Kd. I'.llls; Ilk-hnrd Hn'rinlnc.- ford, Ueorge Friend; Ichabod, Edwin Fow- ler; Mr. Plffln; Gerald Griffin ; Peters, Iwvld 1'botnjDsoa j Clara Dexter, Isabelle Lveswn; Eye for aa Eye';), a four net drama, by %* ^*^ ttBE*S&B&W!£2L con. Jlcssle Barrlscale; Raclirtel, MargaRt made n pronounced snreess. Others nn the bill were: It. J. and G. W. Qulgley, In thrtlr taking conrersaiional remedy; Slew- art Barnes, who sang and talked himself Into favor: Rose Naynon. exhibited her tronne of cleverly trained tropical birds; Iltiyes nnd- Healy presented their nntel com- edy creation, "Toe clerk and the Bell Boy," and were rewarded with frequent peals of lniitfhK'r for their efforts to amuse; Spar- row gave Ms clever Juggllnjr net successfully ; Mis* Mort.ia and Pnul Nicholson soon made themselves favorites, In tbelr sketch. "The Lady ana the Pugilist:" the motion pictures Wero continued.. Sunday's continuous con- rendered material,. and Orvllle and Prank, with the boy a strong favorite, got great applause -for tbelc line act. Others were: Tun Major Sisters, Ivy, Delmore and Ivy, Leon-nnd Adeline, Inaes and-ltyan. Vlnla Duval nnd Leonard Kino. The motion plc- 1 urea continue. - » * .";'.' ;., . , tyoeoin Theslrn (Daniel Frohnian, manager).—Mrs. Gilbert mhd6 hor.dehnt as n sfar 'on Oi'l. 24. In Clyde Fitch's comedy, ''Granny,*'. A tr-vffw. of: tb<* performance Is deferred until our xaxt Week's issue; tures as have.been seen In New.- York In many a day: the scenery, by John Yonne are rare examples of acenle art, and -the costume* nre georgeoua. The electric effects flea als«> excellent.. . "Hie - book Is- well written for the most port, bttt Is milch too JOngy and. wjth jqdlclona p(unll|g cteatty Impwrvcd. TheTyrtcs^o fcooi and the mnslc contains tnony plesslng an<b catchy numbers. The thenw of tbrrpiecfr.tleaU w j t {, the adventores or Naqoya, a. yoniig tea girl of .Ceyfon-..Harry Vereker, a yonnger son of n i»i..i n,i.„ .:.iiU--u ; 'iij:r..,l con. ncfisie nnrnscaie: nacunei, niirgaiei -^t» vuuiuiucu. . nunony B continue Paul Lindan, was given Its Initial American Klrker. In the vaudeville: Sydney Orint In «erts were, well patronized. Next week "will prodoctlon. » On Friday nlglit, 21, "Uriel his ohyvcr stories and Imitations;: Lillian WMlo bo. given op to vaudeville, headed by Uon Tuesday Evening. Oct. 38. ~The play AcosU,V.!fcftrl autlkbw'H flye, act twgefly of Mllls^ttd Ellda Morris; n mo«t pleaslnjf team Job^C. Itlcrt and Sally Cohen. .,. deals with the German codo of honor, which of "minstrel misses;" tbo Maxsttiih Doo/ In Weber Music Hail (Weber & ZtegfeM, Provides that Inequality in station or caste unlnaejiiggllng: \iolet McCoy, In Scotch hal- managers).—This bouse, which for years dW prevents receiving satlsfactloa foi Jewish life, was revived At the AMgni rHV'Ttairnr, Wedaesday.blgtlt, )D> Cnzelles French; ,Cc was seen In Victor Hugo's "Buy Mini 1 " and on Saturday night, 22, tbe same company presented Mellhnc k Ilnjevy's four net comedy, "La Boule,"..,.. .The WfiBKB Music Hau, (formerly Webph & Finns) opened the season Thursday night, 20, under , tha .management of frebar t Klorifeh), with at l.unn Pnrk Uie first New York f'lty production of "Hlg- i » n F 1 ' ** 1 for Insults. .ue i' .. lads; Barlp arid Lafferty, singers and danc- ployed Weber \ FTe1da v sTgXand"'offered "for Clara BreraVr.'a"young"glrir has riignwsl hsr ers; the Albcrtys, band-to-hand balancers; ' Geo. /mil May woodward, singing and danc- ing, and. the motion pictures. . ..... Miner's F.Iojhtb Avenne Theatre (Ed-' win F. Jliner, mannger).—Miner's Americans played to capacity Oct 24, entertaining well . . Irving Place Theatre (Helnrlch Con- . reld, manager) "So Ich Dler" .("An Eye for H*~■,**$!* ftB i-Ji •"•*, Purcbas«*« large an Eye"), a drama, In foor sets,, by Paul if?^? n " tlo ? f i Dd £*» , fn ," en ' n >o T « with tlndau. wVs-gtwiaitB first Amorlcah produe- ^"23"*' on L? t . t "ii^/ lr l'J: 8he loves hlla in return, but la. rtlmdy the wife of .Boob- bnmba, a noble of Kandy, to whom sho wns aarried when she was tour years it nee Her husband bad never seen ber and Is searching for ber, and when he finds her Barry learna for the first flmc the obstacle there Is, between them Boobhamba takes his bride to-bis nalace Whfiro Drains ,« *V,a m .«» AM _« »». ^ - "7^ . • the delectation of burlesque lovers the spec'al *e" to a cripple In order to provide for her brand of high class fun originated by that mother, Thropgh her sense of: dnty she famous flrm, jeopened on Thursday evening, represses her natural craving for life find , 1-™- I—.- Oct. 20, {i«.16r JbVnana^nient of Joseph % gaVerf, «na wortrs bard to snpport ber mother wh a e i.^ co i, d r i?« f, tb e ; <™Htom of the country, Weber and Floreriz Zlegfeld Jr., who will and herself. Cnarlotte, a: dancer, j*fsuades ?C K a Q £\?!^ a Jj*J° £ e Performed. With Mill keep the banner of burlesque flung to the her to accept tbe Invitation of Fredertcha Mne "Har^ su«^s fr^ ~ ^fii * 8gy "" secured abundant laughter; MrFartnnd and Mtirrny-, In sidewalk conversation and tongs, were successful, and Lottie Gllson and Billy ' Hart, always welcome at tbla house,, closed the first part. In a highly comoicnuable. manner. "Around tbe World on the Airship Jennnette," nn acronutlcal _ dialogue and lyrics by Edgar Smith, and music by pem employer and high above Maurice Levh The stage management Is " untler George Marlon's practised eye, and the dances have been arranged by Snm Marion. Prior to the'New York opening the rough edges were polished, down by a week of road engagements, the ibltlnl production of the and At strikes position and be long list The rol> of "itself is "funny",Tint Mr. Norrls added much merriment to It 'by his capital performance. During one of bis dances with .Peggy., m tie .first- act, be injured his left ankle so badly that he was named houses will bo found elsewhere lb this issue...... ..On Saturday night, 22, the Olympic TnRATBB, in Harlem, waa reopened ns »• stock burlesque house..... .The con- tinued attractions for the week ending Oct. 22 were* F, EL Sothern and Julia Marlowe n't tbe KHicj-F.nsocKEP., Charts* Hnwlrey at the I'fliNcrss, "Hlggledy-PIggledy" at tbe tow lltisic H all, Henry Miller nt tbe G.iRntCK, Mrs. Patrick Campbell at the New costumes and scenery were^alT at the high' bejh'the_nsc"endenc^ earty-lii the'evehlngffor Amsterdam, Otis Skinner at tbe Lviilc, Ca< siellen French Comedy Co. at the Amrrican, Knn- {2 rc<!d V 1)mi) ■ a K Uma ' during the rest of '■ u r the nprrnrmnn^e l%nfr In Bn l^T -» i, *..* e thn In the th 1 f 1 P^tfornjancc. but^Ja spltB of. tbe pain social scale: According to hi* own code be R !ni-,M^« rld i e ,K tl ?-if , 5 er S?'" n ^ ilA not '« Is dlshondred. Tbe play was well acted. 2 SB3K w "fti'^,' Votfc nnd **<> h««y Agnes -'Duehren,. .who roW her American °WLi a8 -t>' , ^?/ d ". A ?' m £? 9 « ^ recog- debut In the role of Clara, showed the various ?i!~5 'cSLi« J! lt< »^.J-'l?nt*e "JDeytk. as emotions with tmlBciont reserve ;.Hedwlg Von i.?^-!?" lnc ' !T a ?,' -W-«e«Ueitt opposite to Ostermann was at her beat an the life lov- i'lf'k ».° "n^ 4 i <Ie3e ^ cd1 -' tilBt eo- success •The 8ho-Cnn" at Vallack's, the. ringers rlta Del llrottiers at tbe New Libbbtv, Mme. 8chu- ' raann-lielnk, in "IiOve's Lottery," nt the extmvaganga, formed the second part, and piece having been given at the Lyceum The- la K dancer. Charlotte. The other characters Sil?"'o« ° ■" ? nllv W * Pleasing proved an extremely funny creation, The «trc, Rochester, N. IT., on Oct 10. Not since wprc appdrttoned to other good players as kitIK 0 :.^!? ?* D * Jm " acted, tbe role In ji crust tailed on to success in mld-alr nni the days of the late John Stromburc bnvc follows: Frederlcba, Conncel of Commerce n '^'y^"9r ftc tory manner, ber finely inodti- alighted with a rousing burst of laughter and such musical numbers been Introduced oh this nn<i Consul, Otto Ottbert; Baron von Schwep- J" , <*"*.'"'"> T°»« being mod togood er- HPPiuuBe at the climax. Songs, situations, stage, and Manrlre Levi's star was seen to penhausen, Oberst a. IX Helnrlch Sfarlow: ihV*! . -, nPr P' eas,n J? personality added costumes nnd scenery were all at the high be In the ascendency early In the evening, for i,aD9 v »n Stelnacb-Elchstctten, Lieutenant _5„„„ to "f," rerforraance. -Hallyn Mostyn water mark nnd tbe week should prove very almost every bar of music he bns composed ot Dragoons, P'rlU; Klelnke; Honstorff, Hen- !'„ITk. K ° ■» nc< ^ un .,- 0 A htoself ns Boob S rod table. The cast: Captain Neversalled, Is rhythmic and pleasing, with tbo lightness !' er ' Jacques Horwltr,; Dr. Fritz Domoitz, nlinny Murray; Jeannette Longbranehj Sen- nnd grace required by the settings, s, and sc\- Muslker, Kngen Hob en wart li; Gottlieb Kup^ el Bollo and Mtnnekahta. Gladys Clark; eral Of the Bongo, including "Nancy Clancy." &*• Frjderichs. l'rivatsekretary, August tllr. nichey W. Craig: Mike O'Nell, ft pretty waits, nnd "The Big Indian and the Meyer-Elgen; Minna Bremer. Elisabeth ^ McFntiand; Maggie ltlley, Lottie Gil- Little Maid," an Indian frolic, whlcl George son; Frauleln Schmidt and Itegglb, Lola Bl mlts novel and pleasing work by the chorus, lamba mid Harold Vizard did capable work as Sir Peter Loftus. Martha Carinej, In the role of Lady Patricia Vano, proTed to bavo n pleasing, tliough light soprano voice, but her performance waa marred by her very an- sham at the Hudbox, Mrs. Flske and stock . Miner* Bowery Theatre (Tom W. quently bright and tbe songs and chorus company at the Manhattan, "Mrs, Wlggs of Mltfer, manager).—The Tiger Miles opened *' ork which are Interpolated at short lnter- tne Cabhaee Patch" at the Savov "Pheekers" t er * successfully Oct 24, with a floe com- >als keep the attention from being too closely r.^i *;„»...-ri ii , a*. ., . .• P«»y of comedians ahd ladles, principals and Paid to an analysis of the book. The prln- at I he Academt, "Tbe Isle of Spice at.the chortm. "Chow-Chow" was what the first cl pa I characters are Adolph Schnltj, Gottlieb part -was designated. Jns. e. Cooper, Gesler, Philopena Snltt, MlmiDe Chartreuse Dick Browu, Jules Bennett, Thomas Eobln- Charley Strlngham and Sandy Walker, who son, Lucia Cuerbo, ElBle V&j, Olga Orlolf are tourjng- Swltserlaud. > Charley Btring- and Mile. <Bartolettl took good care of -It ham 1b engaged to Philopena Sultz, but both and tbe chorus girls were unusually vlyo- . ore dissatisfied w'tb tbe .fact that fate clous, Several pretty sets ot dressings were and their parents have decreed that they shown. Morrlssey and Fav,. Jaa. B. and ^cd, and they .plan to bate . ScbnIU, Lucia Cooper, exchanged rapid conversation; rhlropena's father, and Gesler, Charley's Majjsstic, "Plffl PaBIl Pdufll!" at the Ca- sino, John Drew at the Bmpirb, the German Stock Co. at the Ibvinu Plack, "The.Old IlnnieFiecd" at the Nr.w YOIK, "Texas"' at the FouRTTBHTii Street, Cecilia Loftus at tho Nbw Ltcbcm, Edna May, In "*he School , Girl," at Day's, Uw Dockstnder'a Mlnntrcls Bonlta established herself more firmly as tmcle, who are determined to bring the match nt the H«fiAr,D Eqdaro, and "Mr. Wix of WIcRbam" at the 'Bijou, thfc last four named closing on that date. At Proctob's Fifth Avknlt ond One Hcndkld and ..Twentt- Flint Btbrgt TflEATnta stock prbducttons, with vaudeville between the acts,, continued. The one week stands closing; 22 were: "A Trip to Africa" at the Titir.o Avesit, WllJUam Collier nt the OrEKA Housb, '■Shadows ' of a Great City" at Proctou's I'GTr-niQiirii Stbcrt, "The Secret of Foll- chlnelle" nt tho Harlbm. - Opeba Hoom, Klorenoe Bindley at the W>:st Uxn, ."Tbo White Tigress of Japan" at the' Metioi-oms, nnd "Tbe Factory Girl" at tbo Rtah Variety entertainment was famished at the Chicle, rnrtPTOB'H TWENTT-TftiBn Stbmt, Tont Pwni's, toe Victorta; tho York- vi i,in, Kinn'u Umion Squase, MinbR's Bowet.v, tbe Ixinpok, DtwKtr, Miner's a' dancing" favorite, assisted by her midgets: to a successful culmination, wrangle arid call Dick i Brown nnd Tom lloblnsbn presented the affair off, Charley being In lore with comedy; La Veen ond Cross showed splendid Allml and Philopena having heart throbs la- pbyslcal development and Its application; cplred by another. This starts tbe compll- '■TUe Hold Bank Ilobbery" pictures thrilled, cations, which buliig tho .characters to Paris and "A One Mght Stand," a burlesque on end Into a whirl of difficulties. Of the the trouplng of a troupe, cloned the bill satis- ^Veber & Zlegfeld Stock Company Marie lacbeilly. Next.week, tfie Bowery Burlesquers. .Dressier, ample In arerdiipols and quick In W liiilnop Tiit-ntrc.—A. H. Woods has lehllxlOK : the hurnorous In every- situation leasetl this house for the season to produce a which fell to her; led ber associates In the full line of nielodrnmns for the English speak- matter ot success end bad the audience- with log Kustsldexs. Thus the .house will again her frOni her first line. She Is funnier than, hear Its orlglnnl language, although Its cilen- ever. It that is possible, and.ber keen np- with, wit Mr. Howard's expert piano play- tele has changed completely since the days preclation of tbe. true spirit of burlesque log still being a feature. Mathews and Har- wben Minnie Palmer, favorites of flormer Woods' opening bill dler," with Joe Welch „ slstcd by the following cast: Sammy Jacob i on, Alfred Mayo; Cbtirk Conover, Edward Mwrencn; Uncle Jouson, Louisa Owen: Charles Wyandotte, John riersou: Edward Morgan. Kelsey Cowboy: Sergt, Pat McCann, SbeildanHomes; Dr. Joseph Aub. Charles of eriW: ..Brgiiment ^ With , a« his Well Chandler; Solame Wyndottc May Nole; Sa- know* nSeekneasiniakitig the role ot the mos- Arlaans;. Frau Jenny Preetzen, Georgine v. J. Neuendorff; Alfred. Blchard Bchlaghomer; i.Breake, Chorister, Marie ReTcbardt; se, Margarete Rus9; Whllhclm, Jacques Lurlan; Franz, Hermann Gerold; Eln Pic- colo, Adolf NeuendorlT. "t'rlel Acosta" was. revived Friday evening, Oct. 21. August Mever-Elgen appeared aa tbe old Rabbi Ben AKlba. Franz tcterschner also, ns De Sllva, was satisfying, and Margarete Kuss was grace- \ .~^-_, s?" —~J *»• fol in the costume of Baruch Spinoza. Mar r , cln X at } e - il ?, Itiia 9SSi ! Nanoya, Gene- Freldburg played the title part;' Margarete , lev S V"\l By: ?«S8T Sabine, Blanche Deyo; Kuehmkorft'.. as Judith; Mai Haenseller, MannBsa Vanderstraten; Blchard Si hatnet, as Ben Joehia;. Elisabeth Arias as Esther; Eugen Hohenwartb, ns Ruben- ?.°*' J* 0 ^ 01 " 1 : Cootawe, JaraUes Horwitz, as Joel; Helnrlch Habrieb as De 8aptoc, and Hermann Gerold, as Van der Emden, completed the cast Keith's Theatre (E. V. Alben. pen em 1 ,yi re JfFl.H e ! , 'l!!? S . te . war ! '• Boobhamba, Hal two interpolated dancing- numbers, won well earned aproval; Their dance In act two was parlk-nloriy, clever and nrtlflUc Mel- ville Stewart sing- well nnd received his foil n.eed of npprobaUon. The ehorns, which contained excellent volcesi waa well trained nnd lent good aid In making an entertaining performance. The caat in fnlli Lady Pa- rgarete .' e,e i ;» I "By; reggy tsaDlne, Blanche Deyo; er. as $? e ' Vf""?' " a V H*ogler; Molly Loftus Schlag- £i?f?„,y, cng l? r .V, NaltO0 ,?. a ' Jnlla Millard rlaaha £ at ?^ bl s Kathleen Warren; Mjcheliah .. Albee, general manager).—AU^aeats .and., every available space wos occupied on Monday, Oct 21, when the new. bill was presented for itSla weekv "Fbr-ln a Fix," offered by. Chaa. uradsbaw and a capable company of four proved aa excellent number. Tie skit Is along the lines of the much abused mother- in-law subject, but is worked upUn,a- rather novel manner, and the 6tory developed Is amusing.. Bert Howard and Leona Bland were again welcomed in their sketch, "A Strange Boy," the' lines of which sparkle lyn Mpstyn; Sir Peter LoftuB, Harold Vla- erd; Myangah, Charles Wallace; Bobby War- ren, George Le Solr; Dick Bosanquet, Lionel Hogarth; Freddie Lowther, Jordan Osborne; Jack Clinton, Geo., Featherstone; Captain of tbe Guard, Edward Gore; Attendant, Paul Pancer; Chnmbbuddy Kam, a Bamboo law- yer, William Non-ls, Pastor's Theatre <Tony Pastor, mana- ger).—Two crowded houses greeted tbe per- formances at this capital home of vaudeville 24; and prolonged laughter and applause re- warded tbe work.of all tbe acts. Seldom are better bills put together at this theatre. of that much abused word.. Joseph M-. Weber follow^ Miss-. i>tiespier: .Id applause -wlo- nlhg,. - tlbua' lliiencj )nr*4 " Miss^respler .Jit applause ' wlh- ;,. golug . through his .comical gj-ra- f ,-»>. GernTan diaiect with - his ofi iby and BubmltUnJ to the short end excellent hill F^=^==Jbt11 ^^■uBIIIiibTi^ ««»*" of Arthur's act and a^stoge Sll of mechanical "" morons . expressions nnd^ quick, grotesque figures, well mnilDUIatS litr- fiuH^Si' movements until the finish there ij not n rail Goldberg, Jeanett Alexander"; "Llze'Bar- tnrd king n, keenly enjoyable one. Charles clay;, Nina Harrington.; Llttlo Mary, Frances A. BlgelOW'dld Wlter workthin he has 'done figures, well manipulated; Lotta Gladstone, , a welcome vaadeviiler, whose Bongs and stories.always pr— In grotesque and splitting comedy; Artamlnl and Taylor, li woll chosen;and capably rendered -vocal se- Bedlnl is an expert in Jug- plea e- 'Bailey and NfadlsoT fiT "J" nw ^ f " hl « ,uU "haS'Sf applause. aSeknert MrobatuS and sfde " r 6 f ora l tr ls not always as successful as IS: Idamlni » ^ r*'n M"** 1 ?' be secures what he works for-- laughter. Raymond and Caverly scored as Kioiitii AvrNCE, HunTia & Skamom's, tbe gfssfflST >J»ftBBff ? 4wfBBBV"TEl*fwitsF inVhe"i"nrte1halMnTvcr7thlng"bu" lMtionsT1Lanra U MWla°d?aa^ccomnlTBn^ nsool. In tbelr Dutch act and niurdered'the Gotham and the OnriiGL'M. At ITcdbr's Joe Welch. Next week, "More to be Pitied marm" Mt In "The i>lg Llttlo Princess." and orano; Three Donals, Herculean acrobats• ? f f h 8 Polish to the evident satisfaction Mt'HBc.M the usual long list of curios and vaudeville prevailed. A- .. jy.i-.. Frnnk Crelghton, S. Cabell llnlsey; Paul Dnr row, James C. O'Nell; Jasper Daubs, Chris. W. Young; BUI Dorsey. John U. Smiley; Dsva : Murdock, Pierce Klngsley: Nark Mc- CiBcrty, Master Samuel Llebcrt; Rev. Mr. (ill I, Frederick Kyle; the Sexton. Louts El- i'ott: Smooth Lorry, Edward Walker; Foxy, Frank Lc Clair; the Parson, Harry Casey Princess Theatre (Sam S. - Shnbert, manager).—Charles Hawtrey- revived Rich- ard Oanthony'a line stage sermon, "A Mes- sHge,.from Mars," Tuesday ev.cnlpg, Oct N 18, appearing ai the selOsh. man, the role - In whfch be made bis greatest success in this country. This play wears remarkably well and Is as thoroughly enjoyable today as It was several years ago, a second visit to-It being productive of more enjoyment than one umiaily experiences upon revisiting a produc- tion. Tbe staging ot this revival is excellent, Its most Impressive feotnro being the me- chanical effects, which are cleverly manipu- lated. , Mr. Hawtrey's work was ngaln dls- - tliigiilshwi by the naturalness, which singled C, Williams Is proprietor; Victor «. It out for general praise when New Yorker* llama, mannger; Frank \. Hawley, bui lirst witnessed It, and there was again ae- manager,; Wrn^ Hartmnn, agent corded him the unstinted trlbnres of an appre- ciative audience. Fred Thome again scored n big triumph as the tramp, which he played delightfully, while Henry 3. Hadnefd ap- peared hb the messenger from Mars and made ihc character dignified and effective. Hetta Kartlett wat cbarmlng as Miss Parker, lend- ing to the character a distinction that was than Scorned £ Third Avenue Theatre (MarUn Dixon, manager):—"Deserted at the Altar, by Pierce Klngsley, Is this, week's rneio- n r . r «,., _. ^.k. , iui w , nrKr u un dramatic, offering. The play was well pre- second act showing him at his best as a seated Monday evening, by,a cost including: comedian. Aubrey Bonclcnult made a manly And pleasing Charley strlngham, and Anna Held sung her songs with tho peculiarities that have come to be known as all her own. Her contribution to tho entertainment «ras pot of sufficient merit-to warrant any marked distinct Ion. Bonnie Maglnn and Almee Ange- Us were a delight to the eye, their grace in the dances singling them out for special hon- wir- business London' The-atrc (James H. Curtln, man- nger).—Harry Bryant's Co. drew a large circle of grlends Monday evening. The excel- lent programme included: "Wild Oats,'. * lively first part: Mclntyre nnd Primrose, black face comedians ot entertaining qual- ity: the Three Polos, clever aerial acrobats; 1 rnaklin Sisters, In a series of character Marshall and Lorrain, whose singing and comedy dialogue was heartily enjoved, and the blagrsph with Interesting and humorous motion pictures, which close.! the bill. Dewey Theatre (Hnlllvan 4 kraus, managers).—Harry MartcH's Brigadier Bur- lesquor-J began the . week here most auspi- ciously at the ,nmilnec of Oct. 24. It was the first city appearance this season of this organization and u large audience gave them a hearty welcome. Tbo company was made up of. clever comedians and pretty girls. Handsome costumes ahd scenery added much t« the olready attractive show. Tbe curtain miser was a skit, entitled "A Wise .Guy," In which Adelo Palmer nnd Edmund Hayes are effectively placed in the leading roles. Following Is tbe cast in full: Spike Hen- the programme withi "their artRtlc nerial'act*; *?ff ^^J?!?^^ f«>4 laD « h provoking. Jim Dykes, William Snow: Nellie Dortscy, ors and their nlinbleoess Imparting a snap Ethel Milton; Mrs. Burgoyne, Marlon Troc- OJ" oojh to the dancing movements In which tor; Mrs. Dorsey, Marie Klnile; Mamie they figured that was. cbarmlng. Frans Itellley. Netlle Trabatid; Janev, Jewell Dar- Ebcrt, Frank Mnvnc, Walter Stanton Jr. veil: Mammy Woods, Catherine Vann, Percy and Sam Marlon nil won their right to the :>rded them. The cast- fayor which was ncroi-dou tnem. The cast Adolph Scbnltz. Joseph M. Weber; tibttlleb Oesler, Barry Morris; Sandy Walker, Charles A, PIkcIow ;Chnrley Strlngham, Aubrey Bouci- cirnlt; Waklorf Lamb, Frank May no: Herr 3am Marlon; Herr Batlg- a Hnns, Walter Stanton Jr llq 8waycoll L Tom H." Nelson; Tommy Tin- Lord Get the Coin; Chns. r, Dan Qllnseriti most pleasing, nndCecll Magnus dtd-well as changes? Atllngton and JMjmore. . traveary Arthnr Dicey. There is every reason why this revival should do well, for the novelty nnd potency of tbe play have by no means worn off and those who seek entertainment wisely should not pass tbls bouse. The cast: Horace Patker, Cparles Hawtrey; a Tramp, team, presenting "My Husband;" Brno and Hohegger, one legged performers, and "Hotel Ulrlcy tilrley," full of girls and fun. Next week, Rice & Barton's Co. (.rami Opera House (J. H. Springer, nolles, Harry Hoffman; Picrro Montmarte, tyW Henry Peyser Lor' W. Douglas.Stevenson: Jean Procope, Bob! Kubn" Henrv n'onne ert Austin; Honor* D'Abslnthe, Blchard Dol- Walter Jack Boon- Ger liver; Prosper Malheur, Jarvls Jocelyn; Palmer- Maud^B' Maurice De Maxims. Cliarles Flynn; Jacques Miss Step Ina E c .,£ lch, ..? 0 . t ,? a «K n : Chasseur, Henry de Blanche lufford; Packh: Mlml De Chnrtrctise. Anun Held; wood ■ Mlaa Isalni Cook and Sylvia were well greeted ami-tbe former, in bis master clog and buck dancing, won repented recalls; the Prentice Trio came In for their share of applause, secured by their eccentric tumbling and balnnclng; An mlnta nnd Bnrke have Improved their act materially, and It went well, tbe substitu- tion ot more up-to-date costumes for tights adds a great deal: the Topsy Turvy Trio, In "O'Dowd from Cohoes," were good: William Tomkius, In topical talks, was successful; Forrest and Lawrence have a neat act In 'The Middy and the Maid;" M. Herbert has nn Interesting musical act; Frank Klmo, as- sisted, by May Fulton, pleased in magic ann Illusions, and Blcton, tbe juggler; tho Than- tasla Brilliant and the vftngranh completed this interesting bill. ' - - rircie Theatre (Percy O. William's, man- ager).—Tbe usual report of continued success ;cohies from this cosey vaudeville temple; In fact to date, tbls season's attendance has fairly eclipsed that ot lost season. Tbe latest acquisition to vaudeville acquired by Mr. Wll- jertle -Wonderbllt Adele i:ams Is the popular actress, Annlo Irish, who ^ IaU t d „. Bu , 8 , 8e i' - Jeaa 5f»e \oung; heads the bfil this week, in Martha Morton Buffordj Miss Fortune, conhelm's charming comedietta, entitled "An Aefl-MA' Ph*l6ttABO" Aa T.lloo Ihl B/tthAda Miss Ourl, Norma Oar- mnnngcr).—Monday, Oct Thomas K. rhllOpeUa Scbnltz, MArle Dressier: Gertie Keith, Almee Angells; Mamie Proctor. Bon- nie Msginn : Flflne n grlssettc, Mac McKenzie. Herald SQnare Theatre (Charles Froa- L7»' i~T V"*a ""*i u * S?'" Actress' Christmas,". As Llias, the actress, slppl, Jennie Symonds; Miss suss Irish delivered the speeches of her Imag- N. North; Mitt Sent, Nellie inary guests with much Fred Thome: 'Arthur Dicey. Cecil Magnus; sh * a , opened atrengagement In a repertory mnn, manager).—Kdna May, In "The School Dr. Chapman, Hcnrv Laurent: Mr, Ferguson, i2Hr* ta y ll S P. f ..^V L r „ J f5 T ". n . n .?. M ^. "i 00 / olr1 ' moved to this house Oct, 21. from her .-...-li vl.. ! di. h,. ^ %»._r._ .. a ««l,> "The Itf-lln " "Dthnttn" mi. "1II/,),aIIai, '» »hn an^^eaaiS.I -».*^ ., n.1.,.. «^.| „^„l-j *_: Cyril young I Sir kdward Vlvlnn, F. WBI ters; Mr. Sbllllngford. C. Dudley : Sir llol- and Wright, Arthur Hare; Joe, the Coster, Frank Ford; "The Krapcror." Master Charles llnrrlacale; Muggprldgo, W. Uulbort; Jim, §. 0, IVgg; . Policeman, Faithful Pearce; rfcrvont, W. H. Qltmore; Waicbman, W. Aiditon; Bov, Master Thomas Morton; Paper Boy, U.I'ltOllpa: The Messenger from Men, Henry J. tladfleld: Miss Pnrkor, Hetta Bart- lett) Mrs. Clarence, Altec Wilson: Bella, Margaret V. Dnnnc; Polly, Ethel Hertslet; n Flower Olrl, Nellie Tyler; a Poor Woman, Kate Sand; Mrs. Clayton. Marlon Cockbum: (ilrt, Loraine Frost, and Minnie, Tempter, Moha Harrison. Victoria Theatre- (Oscar Hammersteln, manager).—The bill for week nf Oct. 24 In- cludes: Herrmann, too Great. Harry Olltoll, ilioTtree- Joecarys, Eleanor ralk, Jftmea Thornton, the MnrvelotiB Koberty Family, neen and Werner, J. Zltnmer and Sit Musi- cal- ctutrh. «avoy Theatre (FrankMcitee, mnuogeil. —"Mr*. Wlggfl of the Cabbage rntch" began Its eighth week Oct. 24, to steadily Improv- ing busIneta "The BollB." "Othello" nnd "UlrhelleM,' 1 tho opening bill being tbe first named. .Mr. Shea; has a large following In tbls city and vns given an enthusiastic welcome, bis work receiving the recogultlou It deserved through. out tho evening, Tbe company is evenly balanced nud the engagemeut will undoubt- edly bo a prosperous one. Tho cast of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" follows: Dr. Henry Jckyll and Edward Hyde, Thomas to, Bhca; Dr. P. Lanyon, Spencer Charters : Mr. Ctter- son, n lawver, J. Irving Southard; Ber. Johnson, John Wilton: Abraham Pool, 3. K. Gilbert: Sir Danvers Carew, B. Chase; 8er- Kant Ncwcomb, James J. Casstdy; Jamesi ibert Lee: Agnes Oarew. Charlotte Burkett; Heliecca Moore, Rmma Sallsbory Henthnrd: RMtthi Dhlsy Chaplin. Durttlh Farnum, In The VirglhUn." week Oct. si. (larden Theatre (Heniy W. Savage, "The College Widow" contlnnea „ abd begnn Oct 24 its sixth week, •tin n Theatre manoner).'—'" (Harrison Grey . riyke, la. "Becky , began her sixth week Oct. 24. Majeatio Theatre (John 8. Flaherty. manager).—"The Isle of Spice'' began lis teatti and last week Oct. 24. Fititt. maangt-r).—Mrs. BUcc«S8ful run at Daly's, and opened to ex- cellent business. The cast remains the same, and tbo same attention to detail marks the lierformancc. The present engagement will undoubtedly be as successful as that at tbe bouse further down the street Wallack's Theatre (Mrs. Theo. Moss, manager).—"Tho Sho-Gun" began its third week. Oct 24 to continued good business. Lyric*. (Sam S. & Lee 8hubert, managers).—Otis Skinner began Oct 24 bis third week and last fortnight In "The Har- vester." . -i .- New Amsterdam Theatre (Klsw & Er- lanwr, managers).—Mrs, Patrick Campbell, In "The Sorceress," began her third week Oct. 24 to excellent business. Knickerbocker Theatre.—(AI.- Hay- man A Co,, m»l)Bge-rs).—8.) H. PatBern and Jtilla Marlowe,Tn''Homco nnd JulW," bepn their eecond week Oct; 24 t6 exeetient btiti- neks, "Much Ado Abont Nothing" ls «n- noithred for the following fortnight begin- ning ai. ~ ■■ New Torfc Theatre (Klaw & Ertonger, nnusjrers).—Drtmnn ThomiiSoii. In "Too Old Homesfcod," began Oct, 24 bis eighth and last week. Krable, Edttb Masob; Miss Hap, Bertha Wright'; Miss Print Edna-Barrett; Miss Ing, May Whit- ney; Miss Took, Matte Moelle; Miss Deal, Josle Crowe; Miss Count, Marion Ollncher; Miss Laid, Clara Kuhu; Miss Spent, May Lawson. In the olio specialties wero very successfully given- by Edmund Hayes and company, Strnuse and Toung, the. Threo Kubns, the Four Famous Nelsons and Buf- fory Sisters. The ' act Inary guests with much feeling and earnest- ness, giving delightful comedy touches, as well. Hoc success was most "pronounced. George hivana was given a- cordis! reception, add bis stories were never better enjoyed, as wBs attested by the almost continual laughter during his occupancy ot tbe stage. His songs were likewise accepted by willing cars,,.aod greeted with well merited applause. Midgley and Carlisle appeared. In one of Sagar Mldg- Sisters. 1 he closing skit ls the second ley's well liked bits of character drawing from of "A Wise Ouy.' T In which figure the "Sarah nnd Sammy" series; Josef Yor prominently nearly tbe entire company. It rick Is In his second and last week, with his brings the finely arranged and meritorious "magic kettle;" '" entertainment to nn end nud nothing but words of praise could be heard from all who had seen the show. The executive staff of the Brigadiers Co. Is: Hnrry Martell, proprietor:-diss. F. Cromwell, manager; Chaa. Miller, musical director; Jack Sym- onds, stage manager; Jack Boon. Rtage enr- penter. Next week. Trocadero Hurlesquei-s. Vorkville Theatre (Meyer R. Blmberg, manager).—The third week of the vaudeville season here began auspiciously Monday, Oct. 24, with Dan McAvoy and bis Fifth Avenue Girls, beading- the bill. Haines and VlOorq. 1 he Hltchle Duo, ftleeobono-s horses and the Bellocioire Bros, are alto listed in thtt week's the Gascb Slaters, European equilibrists and hand .balancers, scored strongly; Mayme Remington nnd her Buster Brownies afforded pleasing diversion ; tbe Four Huntings, In. "A Night Tn the Fool House," caused hilarious mirth and laughter; Mr. and Sirs. Swlcard wero one of the best features of the strong bill In their unique singing spe- cialty ; Oalnpdo did. artistic - clay modeling, nnd the vltogranh closed the bill. . ,-i .-.-i Gnrrlck , Theatre (Charles Frobmsn, manager).—Henry . Mllicr H In "Joseph En- tangled." began Oct 24 bis third week of good business. .• --> --•• . Casino Theatre (Sam 8. ft Lw Shnbert managers}.—"PiffI PnfTl Pouf!" began Oct. 24 its thirtieth week. Vlnle Daly bns suc- ' ;• i-.t •_•.='v _' _,^- . ». ^ sa miniBiu wees, v 1 otirteentn Street Theatre • (J. W«s- ceeded Ida Renee ss Cora Melon, ley Rosenqnest, manager).—"Terns" eontln- Criterion Theatre (Charles FmhmsB, ties to tine business nud began Its fifth and Manager).—Wm. H. Crane, In "Business It lost week Oct. 24. Buslneji," began bis sixth week Oct 24.