The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 5. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 851 GEO. L. TALLMAN, W. H. THOMPSON, LOUISE GIJMTO, ., With Mme. Scbnmann-Helnk, In "Love's Lottery."" — Notes from the Lloyd & Genler Ecl'pae Stock Co., now touring Texas: We are now In the lumber and oil fields of Texas, playing many of the towns visited by us last Spring, to a good business. We expect to remain under canvas until the first of December, after which we are booked solid for the Winter months In opera bouses. The weather is very warm. Following is the complete roster of the compaav: Lloyd & Genter, pro- prietors : Chester W. Genter, manager; J. W. west advance representative; Vrank Gavin. stage director.: Prof. W. S. Coffey, musical director: Prof. Ed. J. RIchardBon, band leader;"Jack Cramer, master of props; II. D. Warren,.boss canvas man, with four assist- ants; Nellie Chapman, Clare Sullivan, Ida Repass, Mrs. W. 8. Coffey, Harry Robinson, All B. Adderley. H. B. Herman, Bay Charles, R. C. Keckler, Claude Duffleld, A. C. Morris, It. C Hogne and Master Lawrence Sullivan. Have Just received a new lighting plant It without doubt la the best method employed for the show business. Both band and or- chestra are making a bit in every town visit- ed, being one of our leading features. The specialties featured between acta are; Nellie Chapman, coon songs; Clare Sullivan, ballad- 1st; Ida Repass and her troupe of perform- ing dogs; Harry Roblson, monologlst, vocal- ist and dancer; Master Lawrence Sullivan, singing and dancing specialty. _... — Roster of the Sterling Stock Co.: Wil- liam Trlplctt, manager: Loven Sterling, stage manager; J. F. Cassel, advance representa- tive: Ernest D. Pltsor, E. G. Falrbrother, Jack Richmond, Fern Keller, Lillian Trlplett and Lillian Sterling. . — John Kuna writes: "The Shaw Stock Co. closed suddenly Oct 8." _ - . — Harry La Mack Is playing the role of Simon Legree with Al. W. Martin's "Uncle Tom'* Cabin" Co. (Eastern), and reports meeting with success. . _ -Wo. Gallagher, In the role of George Shelby, with Al. W. Martin's "TJ. T. C." Co., reports meeting with success In his own ver- sion of this role. — Notes from the "Two Johns" Co.: Ths show Is still doing the business. In every place we have played the house managers want the show for a return date, but can not K" • the time, as we are booked solid until y. Al. Bice Is playing the part of Peter Johns and not Al. Roe, as has been staled. Ed. Bcgler was left a large sum of money by an uncle of bis In St. Joseph, Mo. Soger and Belle Dolan are a big bit — Panl Hiuis closed with the Thorns Stock Co., and after being treated eight "irke weeks for an eye trouble, rejoined the Burkc- McCann Co., at Olyphant, Pa., Sept. 16. having folly recovered. This Is Mr. mills' — Chas. W. Lester and Louis V. Dugan write that they have completed arrange- ments for a tour of their new farce comedy, entitled "Two of a Kind." Mr. Lester, who Is ft well known minstrel man, will manage the company, and Louis V. Dugan, former comedian with "The Little Wife" Co., Is routing the show. The company will con- sist of fourteen people. Thomas J. Mack will manage the stage, and among others •re: Mrs. Louis V. Dugan, soubrette; Vaughn Bisters, singers and dancers; Holmes and Tlllbnrn, black face comedians; Denton and Brownell, gymnasts; Edith Watson, illustrated songs; Haynes and Asher, "the kings of mystery." and the Great La Tour, who was featured last season with Hackney Brothers' Carnival Co. Season opens Oct 81 at Monde, Ind. We have a fine Una of paper. — Winifred Stewart mourns the death of her father, which occurred Oct 13, In Brook- lyn, N. ». MME. BCHUMAW-HEINK, Whose picture appears on the front page of this Issue, was born Ernestine Roessler. She Is a native of Lieben, a village near the city of Prague, Austria. Her father was the com- mandant of the Austrian military post at Lie- ben. As a child she was possessed of ft lively disposition and gave her parents not a little trouble with her desire to play tricks. This vivacity still remains and is one of the rea- sons) why she has become to be known as undisputed queen" of the German prima donnas. After her eleventh year she was Placed In charge of some nuns In a Prague convent, and to these nuns Is due tbe discov- ery of her wonderful vocal powers. Her first appearance on the professional stage was In Dresden, Germany, in 1678, when she was only sixteen years old, the role being Azo- eeut in "II Trovatore/' in which she scored a brilliant success. Since then she bss en- joyed an operatic career which has placed her at the head of the world'a contraltos and . cr *» tor of more Wagnerian roles than any or the other prima donnas. In 1808 her abearance at the Wagnerian festival plays ■» Bftyreoth brought her world-wide fame end she was pronounced tbe most powerful contralto of the day. The fullness, mellow- ness and beautiful quality of her even voice, which extends from low D to high C, stands by Itself. The voire Is singularly clear and true for every note for three complete octaves. At the present time she Is appearing In .i* T S*." attM 7»" Bt the Broadway Theatre, in which sue has met with unqualified suc- cess. Notwithstanding her fame, Mme. Scbu- mann-Helnk has never lost the natural fresh- ness of her youthful character. She believes in artistic ideals, but In her every day life ■ne |s ft genuinely womanly woman. Uatifleville and minstrel Zamiow, of the Zarrow Trio, writes that their act is meeting with big success. They have added several novelties to tbe act, also a new set of scenery, making It one of tbe best spectacular acta In vaudeville. They have set back their European time, and ex- pect to open at the Empire, In London, next September. They are booked solid, Including thirty-five weeks European time. Job Docbow was a recent Clipper caller and reports ft very successful season playing the Summer parks In Connecticut The following performers have opened on tbe Lang circuit: Monti Collins, Norma Wills, Mr. and Mrs. Dick KummlDgs, Frye and Allen, Tommy Hays, the Klugsburys, Bice and Walters, Ida Bussell and Casper and Hayes. . . Thb Paroas report that their new act Is meeting with success, they having played Pastor's Theatre, the Grand Opera House, the Star and Third Avenue theatres, and have return dates at each house. John Caniteld, of Cantleld and Carleton, writes: "We are on our way to the coast, and open at the Orpheum, In Denver, Oct 24. Nov. 7-14 we play the Orpheum, San Fran- cisco, and Nov. 21-28 Los Angeles. We will do our act, 'The Hoodoo,' and are booked solid until the middle of April, 190C.'' Morton, Tbmpib and Mobton, who have been playing the Al. Haynes Caalo circuit, closed at Lowell, Mass., Oct. 22. with Bra- denburgn's, Philadelphia, to follow. Their act they write, has met with success on the above circuit Adams and Dauw are not on the Kohl & Castle circuit as has. been announced. They are with the Innocent Maids Co., and report success. '•' " Nat Le Bor and Minnib Woodfobd are not with the Gay Masqueraders, but are on the Poll circuit _ . . Vontbllo and Nijta, white playing Keith's, Boston, were entertained by Nellie B. Chand- ler, leader of the orchestra at the Grand Opera House, at her Summer home on tbe North shore. ... . Mas. Jack Ellis (Helen Castle), who has been visiting Vlolette Whitney In Albuquerque, N. M., the past week, has joined her hus- band In Chicago. Htdb and Heath write: "We recently pro- duced our new act entitled 'A Load of Hay.' at Proctor's One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street Theatre,. with great success. We open at Denver, Col., on the 8-L. circuit for fifty- two weeks. We carry special scenery and electrical effects for the act making it one of the best novelty singing acta before the public." Thb following pebfobmbbs sailed fob Europe Oct. 10: Al. Lawrence and wife, Mc- Phee and Hill, Swan and Bambard and Gal- lagher and Ulld. Geo. and Mat Woodwabd, "The Original Sunburned Rubes," report having closed very successful engagement on the Keith circuit. They opened on the Proctor circuit Oct. 24, and report that their act bas been a big laugh- Ins success. Tbey have other good work to follow. Fbbdo and Dare, musical comedians, rejoin the Utopians Co., after an absence of three weeks. They open at Trocadero Theatre, Philadelphia, week Oct 81. Rout. E. Livei.t, contortionist and bnsd balancer, has signed for the season with the Herbert Swift Female Minstrels, to do his specialty and manage tbe stage. Ford and Wells, "German Emperors," are with the Broadway Burlesquers, playing principal parts and doing tbelr new Dutch act "A Trip to the Moon," and report meet- ing with success. Ned Nelson writes that he will Join a big farce comedy to play the principal comedy role. His specialty will also be featured. Fotteb and Habbis have Just closed a very successful season with the Gollmar Bros.' Circus, and have good work bcoked up In the West for their ring act Haiilan and Franklin sail for London. Eng., Oct. 20, and open on the Bsrrlsford tour, Nov. 7. They have no open time until Mav, 1005. Chas. Bobnhaupt, European agent, sailed for Europe on his annual tour on Oct ab- end will return Dec IS. North, Sooth and Dixie, after a tour of six months through Oregon, Washington, California and Alaska, where, they inform us, they met with big success, are again booked to go over the Crystal and Graumsn circuits for seventeen weeks, opening at the Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo. C. L. Doty, pianist, writes: "I hsve been called to my home, In Canda, N. Y., by the sudden Illness of my father. My 'ad.' In The Clippeb brought me in about thirty answers, but under the circumstances I could not accept any of them." Prince writes that with May La Brant he is organising a novel company, to take tbe road the first week In December, consisting of high class magic, hypnotism and many new illusions. People engaged are: Prof. La Belle, Miss Becker, Illustrated songs, moving pictures, Ascott and Eddy. In their novel act: Anno and Dally, musical act; Ternatto Slaters, serpentine dancers, and Albeno's mysterious gramophone. Marion and Feasl are with Bam Daren's Own Co., closing the olio and playing parts. Minnie Granville Is also with the Bam Devere Co, Jab. R. Adavs writes: "Ray Smith and I are appearing as the Two Comical Plcos, and our new acrobatic comedy act has been a laughing hit the past two weeks with the Spooner Stock Co., In 'A Night at the Circus,' at the Bijou and Amphlon theatres, Brooklyn. We have added ft number of new tricks, making our act better still. We go to the New Orpheum Theatre, Montreal. Can., for the opening, Oct. 24. We play the Empire, lloboken, and Keeney's Theatre, Brooklyn, Id & few weeks " Hates and Wynne, owing to their being re-engaged with the Nat M. Wills "A Son of Kest' r Co., were compelled to set back their time on the Moss & Stoll tour In England (where they were to open Jan. 2) until June, 11)00. Albert and Hogebs report meeting with success In their Dutch act Pink and Ellsworth have dissolved part- nership. Hereafter Chas. Ellsworth will con- duct the Stillwater Electric Theatre, which will open Oct 31, with vaudeville, farce com- edy, moving pictures, etc. CRAB. LORBAINR AM) LOUISE GANDY Will close their engagement with Irwin's Majes- ties Co. and play dates. Manager Tony Lcbrlski writes: "The handsome Grand Theatre, In Reno, Nev., with a capacity of 1,250, elegant large stage and modern in every particular, I have turned Into a combination house. I will play road companies of all descriptions, and when the house la not so engaged will run In vaudeville) shows." Santobo and Mablow have closed a suc- cessful engagement with the Henderson Stock Co., with which they were engaged aa the vaudeville feature. Mu. and Mrs. Walteb Sanford have added Dew costumes to tbelr act, "Tbe Blind Soldier of '76," and changed Its action. Tbey re- port success and are booked to 1005. The Dorothea Sisters played the Shrln- ers' entertainment at Cleveland, 0., Oct. 13, and were a feature on the bill. After the performance ft banquet was given them. Mr. Habbis, of tbe team of Harris and Merlo, informs us that Anlto Mcrlo bas been Btrlcken with pneumonia and Is at her home. Mr. Harris has been compelled to cancel their Western time. Tbe team was booked for a number of weeks over tbe Novelty circuit, where they were to open Oct 31, at Denver, Col. While plating in mica, N. Y., Mrs. Al. H. Burton was presented with a brooch and a ruby ring, at a supper given In her honor by an old friend she had not met since her childhood. Notes ihox thi Harris Vattoiville and Musical Comedy Co.—Bob Harris, proprie- tor and manager; Mrs. R. H. Harris, tress- • urer, and the Four Harrises (Rob, Howard, Al. and Margaret), singers, dancers and acro- bats. We carried twenty people all Summer and played the cities throe dsya and week stands. Our band and orchestra was a feat- ure. We closed twenty-four wecka of success- ful business Oct. IB, at Bay City. Mich. The show will lav off until after the election, then open our Winter season at Ashtabula, O., Nov. 21, and will plsy some small towns, halls and opera houses. Tbe show will be under the name of tbe Harris Vaudeville Musical Comedy Co.. and will carry ten vaudeville and musical people. Next Summer we will have a large outfit, carry thirty or thirty-five people- and make week stands. We have signed for next season: Chester Bar- rett, the West Indian high tenor and coon shooter: also Fred Barlow, Baldy, the black face comedian. Mr. Harris and family will rest at their new home. Euclid Beach, Cleve- land, 0., for the next four weeks. Thb Old Reliable was our mascot all Summer. Sherwood and Fox have joined hands with Harry Faulkner and Frank Peck (of tho Bowery Newsboys Quartette), and here- after will be known aa the Supreme Comedy Four. Their act, they write, Is meeting with success with the Christy Bros. Minstrels. Snyder and Buckley write that on ac- count of their act being so much In demand In vaudeville, L. Lawrence Weber released them from the Parisian Widows Co. They opened on the Keith circuit in Cleveland, Oct. 17, with the other houses on that circuit to follow. The New Mexico Territorial Fair was held at Albuquerque, N. M., Oct 10-lB, We are informed that notwithstanding the rainy weather It proved an enormous success. The attractions were: Gentry Brothers' Show. No. 1; Austin Sisters, trapese; Fra- dlavolo looping the loop In a globe, Edwards leaping the gap, snd Phil D. Green's spiral tower and the independent Carnival Co. H. Percy Hill and Poll D. Green managed the special features for the Fair Association, Bvbbhart has closed a successful four weeks' engagement st the New Apollo Thea- tre, Vienna, where be was re-engaged for 1005-1000. He Is at present playing a four weeks' return engagement at the Hftusa The- atre, Hamburg, Qer., and opens at the Win- tergarten, Berlin, Nov. 1, making hla fourth return engagement there. The Rbikart * Weoeb Vaudeville Co. will open Its Winter season after the election. Everything will be new this season, with a brass band snd orchestra. Manager Jas. It. Hughes has opened his Parlor Theatre for tbe Winter season at Cedar Park, Pbllltpsburg, N. J Teed and Lazell are now playing a thirty weeks' engagement on the Novelty and Lang circuits. They report great success. DELIGHT DARSCH, As "Sally," with Mme. Schumann-Helnk, In "Love's Lottery." Kitty Hart, "the Georgia Girl," appeared at the Star Theatre, Utlca, N. Y.. last week, and not Nellie Hart Hunt as was snnoonced. Mb. Habtman, owner of the Eagle Brew- ery of San Jose, Cnl., tendered some of bis theatrical friends a banquet at San Jose, Cat., on Oct. 0. Those In the party were: Mor- rell and Evans, Fred Tracy, Maude Carter, Jenny Bentley, A. Von Bendeleben, Varda- man, Otto Zlegler and F. L. Nott Freda Lancaster reports meeting with success In her singing specialty through the East, Jean Raleigh writes that after an Illness of nine weeks she Is able to resume her en- fagements, opening at the Orpheum Theatre, prlngfleld, O., week of Oct 28. Dudley and Chrslyn write that they have been very successful on the Keith circuit, and have other good work to follow. i.ImiPHT and Faliibr report success with their new black face travesty, written by Har- ry Seyon. Arbib Johnston will hereafter be known as Abble Hawford. She Is in her sixth week on tbe New York circuit. Williams and Mki.buun were on the open- ing bill at tho Columbia Music Hall, Boston, week of Oct. 17-22, did their act was well received. They hnvo been engaged for six weeks with Abe's road show. Notem fiiom White & Clark's Vaude- ville and Novelty Co.—We closed our tent- ing season at Harmony, Pa., Oct. 10, end opened In opera bouses Oct 17. Business has been very good. Roster of company Is ns follows: White ft Clark, proprietors: J. C. White, manager; Bruno Clark, stage man- ager, J.C.and Mule White, Illustrated songs; Homer Clayton, comedian; Olive May, coon songs and buck and wing dancer; Mayme Conroy, balladlst; James W. Conroy, Irish comedian, and Verne E. Smith, musical di- rector. We carry an Edison klnetoseope snd n nice line of films. Everything Is new and up to date. We aro touring Pennsylvania, New Tork and the Eastern States. Notch from Da Mack's Bio Show.— We closed our Summer season, under canvas, at Colllnsvlllc. Ind. Ter., In a blaze of glory, and opened our Winter season Oct. 24, at Ochelata, Ind. Ter. We will work through the cotton country and expect to do a land office business. Mr. De Mack thinks he bas the strcngest show that he has ever had. The roster Is as follows: Billy De Mack, manager: Mrs, Minnie De Mack, the Lattas (Bert and Marie), Prof. H. Von Bezloski, Bob McNally, Morgan and Hayden, also a band of eight pieces, and everything looks bright. We received The Clipper every week, on Snturday, and we all look for It. May Ellis and the Hart Sisters have signed with Herbert & Swift's Lady Min- strels. - Martha Harelmann has been engaged by John Grlovei for his Olympic Theatre Stork Burlesque Co., In New York, for the season, to sing leading contralto parts and coon songs. IlEitnERT, the frog Impersonator; closed a successful senson with the Walter L. Mnln Circus Oct. 18, and after a brief visit to the World's Fair will play vaudeville, being booked solid up to March, 1005. ghktfEISM THE RAW RECRUITS AMD POUR LAUNDRESSES, With Mme. Schumann-Uclnk, in "Love's Lottery." Deafness Can Be Cured I Bare ltd* the lost Marvelous Diico?. eif fir the PeiitlVB Core of Diif- neii tad laid lolna and I Give the Secret Free. Walbourn and Whitney Just closed a ten weeks' engagement at Klkton, Mich., on Frank P. Spellman's circuit of fairs, snd are spend- ing a few weeks at the Whitney Circus head- quarters. Tbey open Dec. 18, on the Lang Western circuit, and are having a new nickel plated rigging made. Glen Burt bas closed, ss comedian, with the Burr Btock Co., and has Joined bands with Will Litchfield. They will present an original talking and storing Hebrew act, and are already booked to Dec. 12. At a banquet of the Aerie of Ragles, at Mliford, Mass., on Oct. 18, Jan. Cole, of Colo and Clemens, and Harris and Nelson were pre- sent. Manager Slitter, of tbe Hub Theatre, of Mliford, ssng coon songs; Jas. Colo sang Irish songs snd told some stories, and Harris and Nelson did their song and dances, Every- one bad a good time. Clbmo and Cabsels, the contortionist and tbe prims donna, report success with tbelr new act. They are ths features with Williams ft Stevens' Big Spectacular Co. With Woaderfnl, ■rtterleu Power I Hit* HaC* People Deaf (orTeat■ Hair the Tlok of • Watch In a PiW Minutes. Bead ■• Ho Hoaer- Simply Write ■• About Tonr Data aid 1 Band Ton the 8aorat by Reran Mali Ahulatefy Frta. After years of research along tho lines of tho deeper scientific mysteries of the occult niul Invisible of Nature-forces I have found the cause and cure of deafness and bead noises, and I have been enabled by this sarao I Have Dtinomtrated that Draftees! Can be Cured—Or. Gay Clifford Powell. mysterious knowledge and power to give to many unfortunnto and suffering persons per- fect hearing again; and I say to those wh> have thrown away their money on cheap apparatus, salves, ulr-pumps. washes, douches and the list of Innumerable trash that Is offered the public through flaming advertise- moots, I can and will cure you to stay cured. 1 ask no money. My treatment method Is one that la so simple It can be used In your own home, You can Investigate fully, ab- solutely frco and you pay for It only after you are thoroughly convinced that it will cure you, as It has others. It seems to make no difference with this marvelous new method how long you have been deaf nor what caused your deafness, this now treat- ment will restoro your hearing quickly and Ecrmanently. No matter how many remedies ave fatted you—no matter bow many doc- tors have pronounced, your case hopeless, this new magic method of treatment will euro you. I prove this to your entire satis- faction before you pay a coot for It, Write today and I will send yon full Information absolutely free by return mail. Address Dr. Guy Clifford Powell, 1887 Auditorium Build- ing, Peoria, III. Remember, send no money— simply your name and address. You will re- ceive an Immediate answer and full luforma- tlon by return mall. "CLOTHES WOH SHOW PEOPLE." MOSSLERCO. . 121 MOHROE, CHICAGO. Clothes! These Moss- ier garments appeal as strongly to your purse as to your pride. Not fiieh- prioed De- cause best. No tailor can fit or dressyou bet- ter at double our prices. Mo'ssler's "Broad Shoulder Effect" Over- coats are the much- talked-about style for good dressers. OVERCOATS i ' ' 10 3>4U, BEND FPU HAMPLKB AND BOOKLET B. "SMILES"! ATOOTH MAKEUP! I Temporary Ivory Finish for Gold and Dliootorod Taath. No Acid. Warrantad abiolutaly harm law. tiAKh and;;' ifn*^ ^Mii.i:^*'". '•* Applies Quickly. Dries Immediately. Removes Easily. Mallid,pottp3l4,»1 BAKU A SMITH, ITS. aaiw.ssd street. New York. N. T. Paltnt Attoued. TENTS. WRITE US for Prices. Lirgi Block New snd Second Hand tknth always on band. TIIK OIIARLKB 1\ HIKDKK TKNT AND AWNING CO..Hucccssors to T. W. Noblo Co., Tout Dopt., Detroit Bug and Mfg. <!»., Detroit, Mich. ■"> tPISO'S CURE FOR ».., 1UT0KX, MSUKUS MS rtlSUV I tKursas m rise's rims urtnaittM is. i«ir* i»4 pr#T»«i ss e maw B, ' C CONSUMPTION <"