The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 5. TELE NEW YOBK ..CLTPPER. 853 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE BIG FIRM. EDWARD MADDEH, of "Blue Bell" and "Feeling for Ton'' Item*, ban algard to write for as for a number of >e»r«. For h I. drat offer he hai collaborated with .NE11. MORET, I lie composer or "tllatvatha," ONE LITTLE SOLDIER MAN i Positively the |r«tt f ,i of all Japanese Soldlrr Songs. Abeaatltal story told aioaly MADDBIf raa tell It, and a Rippling, Quaint, Catchy Melody, a. only NEIL MORET cam write. < JEROME and SCHWARTZ «»•* on dock again with n •arc flrr walls <ong hit, "DONA/IM IIM THE SUBWAY" Voa raa't ho la line wlthoat Ihli world beatlaa number la your rr.»ertoirr. The one big Winter Walt* Song, by tit* one big learn or wtllin. AND TIIE BIO too* SONG HIT. it (Are Toa Staging This Oneli By WILLIAMS and VAIt AL8TTNE. TIUB BRAl m l L DESCRIPTIVE CHILD BALLAD, 99 "NOBODY SEEMS TO LOVE ME NONA/" By JOB MAXWELL. ST GIRL. IIM DIXIE" a. T Still the great Ballad that hat Inaugurated a new style, and ■ hundred others. When in town don't full to give n- a < all. You will be glrea every consideration. Ju«l aak for BUIE BUMBLE. Banagar l'rnfrulnnnl Oaaartmeat. 3HAPIRO, RBMICK cfc O O 3MC r» A INT Y • 45 West 28th St. CHICAGO OFFICE, 8T-89 CLARK ST., BOB ADAMK, Manager. ■ SEW YORK, - i DETROIT OFFICE, 10 WITIIBRELL ST. PASTOR'S l#th St.. near 3d Ave. O O M T I NVJOUS. BOBBY 6AYL0B, 6BEEN & WEBSEB WOOD * BAT l.ORRB TRIO, LULUS SHAW. FBNSELtBNOWDO.V, BERT WIUCIS. BBSNAH 4 MILLER, VEKJt 4 O'BRIEN, THE HOLLANDS. MLLE. NELITA, THE V1TAGRAPU. B And as an Extra AttractloD, CKHOFFA CORDON . 7. KEITH'S International Circuit. Theatrical Enterpriser E, >'. ALBEE. General Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. S. K. H0DQDON, Booking Manager, Association or Vaudeville Managers, St. James Bldg., Broad- way an d awn St., X. Y. LADIES' MAT. DAILY. Trocadero Bnrlesqners. ••MISFIT FAMILY." "VIRGINIAS." THE East 14th St. m rani 13&tkS1. w 34AT. LADIES' MAT. DAILY. AuiertciR Borlesquers. 2—Farces—2. Vaudeville. Huber's "£ Museum Goo. H. Hnber, Propr. J.H. Anderson, Mgr. WASTED, •Attractions and Freaks (or Gcrlo Add- J. H. ANDERSON, as above. CIEO. and HAY WOODWARD, CASTO THEATRE, LAWRENCE, MASS. WALTER BEEMER, AHU 3U10 RHODES AVE., CHICAGO. JUGGLING GIRL. TOM BA/TUMAJV, Descriptive Actor, Vocalist, Chaags ArtUt. Gen. Bin. Per address, 'US BORDIff ST., Fall River, Mass. AT LIBBBTY FOR BEET SEA80H, TROCADERO QUARTETTE. Mt, lMf W. POLK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. ■ . • - JOE B1K NE8. Rep. BERTRAM MILLAR LEADS and HEAVIES. 47 W. 28th St., New York. Harry Holman siNli.l.M] AND TALKINtl I.'OMKDIAN. /.'■•..' Kn route Harvey & Hags Co. INNESS and RYAN -Ceavsrsa'lonaUsta and Singers. "TAB) LO*GFELLOW," "IM'8 HIM" Jack M. Suttor, ECCENTRIC ((I31KUWV. FLXYISG CLUBS THIS 4KB NEXT WRKK. •WW end 8D5LIR end MACK'S DOS C0IE01AH8, SMcljl vaudeville feature*, BURR STOCK CO. " • TEXTH WEEK. Mabel Herbert *»» Elsie Hall .. In "THE ROYAL UKAtEI." ;' ... : Agent. MILTON* A BORN. MacVAY and SEABRI6HT, Novelty Acrobatic Hope lumpers. RUF and CUSIGK, ' .Hill Week the -Vaudeville Feature" A'. ; MABEL PIMM CO. MOCK-SAD-ALLi, . .., .. ., MAGICIAN. THIRD B EAft OX WI TH FRA.VK K. UgB CO. JUGOLING MATHIEUS Tail week, L'rsnd Theatre, Jolleu HI. . - Jmi cloned over the Hopkins Circuit. RYAN, LESTER and RYAN. ■ Itllo to All Wssfc 0R.ILLE and FRANK Are Working this week for MR. I'HOCTOU ut his"K1KTU AVENUE THEATRE. HimH. LAMOUMTaodPAULETTE Lftlsi "aUo'Dob Benchie always make good. mm FOR RENT All the Best. 10 E. 14th St, lew York City. Features with L. LAWRENCE WEBER'S DAINTY DUCHESS CO, A. D. GORMAK Manager JAMES &SADIELEONARD, In "The Wrong Tip." chas."rob1nson, The Langh Maker. The Eccentric Musical Comedians, GRAY and GBAHAM Introducing Their Original Scotch Finish. ENGSTRuFsiSTERS, The Ever Popular. BESSIE CLIFFORD. Startling Sensation In Tights. SOME OF TUB ATTRAOTIORB WITH RINGLING BROS." WORLDS />IC «RBATE8T *-* I I" TUesc Attractions may be addressed enre SINGLING llliOS.. Bnrnuoo. Wis., or as per route.of. show. 6LINSERETTI TROUPE Orlslnator-! of Everything Xciv In Acrobatics. THE COLlrtlCL AIRONS Whirlwind Dnuccrs. LIBERTY, J. f=». ADAMS, Orchestra Leader, Double Alto. CHAS. I_. STEVCN9, Cornet, B. and O., Band Leader. Base and (Tuba. HENRY SATI Trombone, B. and O. Clarionet, B. and O. Engagement joint or Untie: joint preferred. Fine Repertoire of Music. Can fornlab any num- ber of. pieces desired in orchestra to double band. Responsible managers only. Don't need tickets, auu csn make any Jump. Address care of EI8ESBARTH- HENDERSON CO.. Luxora, Ark., u ntll hov. 8; then Pnrsgnald, Ark. Bumping 'Em Hard, RIMZETTA AND BE-UIR, Bumping 'Em Hard, fTA AND BE Funniest of all Comedy Acrobats. Some of the Olio Features With BOSS 8 Y DELL B LONDON BELLES. W. S.CAMPBELL. Manager EENNEYlnl hollis, Comedians, Vocallsis and Impersonators. At WATERTOWN, WI8.. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 16, 1994, Consisting of 9 Beautiful Spotted Ponies, aland- Ins about AS inches in height: 15 btiel land Poniea, 1 Pole, 1 Stringer. 1 Jack and t Properties, l Com- mtsiary, 1 Advance, 1 Parade for Harness or Wardrobe, 2 Parades for Properties, 1 Uptown or Freak WagoD, all nicely paint«d and In good con- dition; 6 Set of Red and Braes Trimmed Heavy Parade Harness, 10 Set of Red and Bnia* Trimmed Large Pony Harness,! Tent SO with 40,1 60 with 30,1 Small Troupe of Performing Dogs: ihn well known Bartholomew Horid, "Pbyflsu," with Properties; "Senator," the Baronm k Ballet (ireat Disrobing Horse, with Unlforme.etc.; Band rnlforms. Parade Blankets nod many other art I- olc« too numerous to mention. For farther par- ticulars, address 8E1BEL BK0S, Watertovrn, Wis. Ruble Theatre Co., PIANO PLAYER. EXPERIENCED REPKI1T0IRE PEOPLE, write. Smltli Centre, Kas., Nov. ,1-4; I^banon, Kas., Nov. Mn Scandla, Kaa., Nov. 1 0-lZ. Singing and Dancing Soubrette and Comedian. Mast be clever, with plenty of specialties and good modern wardrobe. Other I'aeful People, write, stale ail in drat letter. Positively no ticket* advanced unlets I know von. Must be able to join on wire. Adores* F.D\VISWKAVBIt,M»T.EdattForCo .London,Ky. WANTED, Join on wire; Musical Anist, Black Face Come- dian and Silent Ant. salary, all yon are worth. MODl 'KN REMEDY CO., Sulphur M ine, VIrgIul■. "•siVAlVTEfD, TBAF DRUMMER, SLIDE TROMBONE. H. and O. Join ou wire. Hotel show, flood salaries to right people. MORflAK'B C. T. C. CO.. Oneida, K. Y. WASTED, ' Ti Hair Fru SuiBtr Ristrt Huagtrs DESIRIK0 ORCHESTRA FOR COMING Sf MMER. Any combination. Reference. Address DRAWER lost. Blngnamton, X. Y. 50VELTY, COMEDY and HARMONY: BIJOU COMEDY TRIO, Oeo. L. Dorsey, Barry Waitjen, Edward Wright. RELYEA, World's Greatest Exponent of Physical Culture. JOHNNY~~WERER, THE COMEDIAN. VICTOR BEDINI FAMILY .Vnsntioiial KnnestrlKiis. The oulv net In America intnmurlng n do>; aud 3 people Jtiitiplni: ou 1 horse. CAHILLE ToifuNS TRIO ) Chumpion Unrlzontal Rnr Oomliiues, Third acason a-lth itlngllng IlriiH. DA GOMiTfAIILY An Abaolutcly Original Aerial Display, Ite-engnged aeasoa 1HD.1. THB FAMOUS 7 JACKSON FAMILY 7 America's (Jrentest Troupe of 'Cycllats. THE FLYIfiFFISHERS Sensiitlonnl I.oni; Illslnno Mld-AIr J.i.-ii|is. Rei'iignged nnMMi 11(115. THE iLDREDS i>nl.v Thrw Artists In the World Accomplish- ing Triple HIiniiltiincoiiK Limp from the irround on to the lm>-k of a snllopluK horse. A HIT: JACK and BERTHA RICH, singers. Talkers and Wooden Shoe Dancers. GOOD SONG POEMS and MUSICAL MSS. Rare Opportunity. Particular, Free. ILLINOIS MUSIC CO., !••'•» Dlvlaon St., Chicago. WANfED, Strictly k\ Repertoire People, Torae night Stands — Yonui; Womau, Second Business; good wardrobe; tnvenlleMan, ccnernl Business Man; Comedian, wth Danelng Special- ty: Mais Pianist; Man with Picture Machine, one who can play parte; KXPEUIENOED HEP. AGENT. State loweal salary and full particulars lirst letter. Send photos If convenient; will re- tain. Address KASTKilN MANAGER, (len'l Delivery, Pittsburg, Pa. -^...,» .,,..»,. ,..,,^,n ... ihv ..W.... aUI .1111/1,1,11- log Triple HIiniiltuncoiiK Lenp from the —a III— * THB FLKXIHI.K EQUILIBRISTS. CEIMARO THEOL solid In the hlggmt nnd b»st then- i trejt In (he world for tbr™ yeurs. 'THE AERIAL SMITHS atflajhVt halug nn the Donble Trupeao. dollarTroupe Arrobntn. Frnturn with Ulnglln^ Urou. 1 Clreuj*—-H**roinl Y.'Ui*. HEAVY MAN; Should t>c tall and ablo to Sing. GEN. BUS. MAN Who can slug Illustrated Hongs. Other uaefnl people, write. Tell all in lint letter. No time for letters. Stale experience. Salary must be low. Address AIA.VAQF.K, Care of Allen Print Co., Bevorly, Mans. TROMBONE"no1SnNET. Location preferred. Members of A. F. of M, Best of refrreuoes. Both donb'e. SMITH and BRITTJNGHAH. Suratoga Hotel. Danville, III. THREE MITCHELL SISTERS • AN lib' l;XHA0i;i< after Nov. .', In tlii'lr ••onndv iilliletii* ski-teli mid contortion act. IVr. ad- No. 8-MB K. Sa ML. Hi. l.oula, Mo. Waited, HniiK Plctm MicMNiai. Flies. State mblects, name of maker snd price wanted Address 1IENRY ALLCOTT, care of Western Bn rean X. Y CLIP FKK.S01 Asblaod Block. Chicago Lady Viiiiilst Wlshas PuiUai li Orchestra. Can ruralsk mall ladles' orchestra If wanted. Adtlress MISS ROSE HKMPitTOOK. uo seneoa street, Plat n, Bnimio, X. y»* VAl'DEVILLE FEATl'UES WITU ED. F. RUSH'S BON TONS. SIM WILLIAMS Acting Manager. TUB MAltVKI.OlS LIVINGSTONS, SOCIETY ACROBATS. graceTeonard, TDK AMKKICAN VESTA TILLKY. MUSICAiTsTMPSONS, ARTISTS PIIKMIER. BiUy-COOaTCOOK-Ba Mirthful Blending or Comedy and 8<>iig. THB MORTB CARLO MILLIOilAIRBB. WILLIAM8andADAM8 In Black Face Stylet aud Habits. THE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L, BALLAUF Manager A BIT OF OKKMAN NOXSKKSK. FARRON and FAY, in "Till! LAST QUART OF BKKB." LARRHnoCALE. TUB MAN BEQIND THE UOMF.DY OUN. S-SISTERS BELLATZER-5 Kurope'a l'runili!i-,Ljtdy Oymnasu. MAIDK KVKLYN HARVEY and WALKER TUB riUKHKHS. ANDERSON ~m WALLACE TltAVKSTY and Tl'.Af.EDV STARS. marieIarrison. TDK I11RL WITH THE YBI.LOW IIAlll. billTnoble. TIIK REAL 00ON 81I0LTEK. BELLE WILTON, v THK DARK KVF.I) DAUQHTRR OF SPAIN. MOVING PICTURES WANTED. Will pay jR) Iter week salary and K. R. fares, after joining tny company, for n man wno liss andcanopsratoau IvDISUX MACHINE and hss up tuilktoFILUS. Statu wbw you have. Along sewion In Florida and Cuba. Address MANAGER MILLIK CIIRISTINR SHOW, Waycroas, (la. WANTE07'' MABEL PAIGE CO., GOOD COMEDY M1TD1EE BILL On the order of "LITTLE BO PEEP," "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK" or "LITTLE RED RlDINU HOOD." Short cant. Addresa HBMHV F. WILLARD Ai CO., Ocolu, Fla., Nuv. 7, a, M Jacksonville, Fla.,Nor, It, 1». LHADINO FEATURES WITH ROBERT KULTON'S JOLLY GRAS8 WIDOWS. GOB W. HOOA N......... Acting Manager. MULLEN ft CGRELLi, WONDBRlfU t, COMEDY ACnOBATB. CARLTON & TERRE, TALKING CO MEDIAWa W HO CAN H1NO. JEANETTEGUICHARD, A DAI NTY rARlH IENNB. gmdenTsomers, l'UEMIBB XXLOVOOm SOLOISTS. GRUET ft GRUET, BCCBKTBIC BLACK fAC ti COMEDIANS. CHAS. BNITX BURKHARDT & MOORE. TUB HB BltllSW Dlt DMMMBB. ■« Yuir & Storke «ime HOIinnrTlTKB WHO BIKQ AND DANCB Ba Roata With The Ureal WALLACE IllOWa. DELXO - GIRSEL TRIO, World'i Champion Aerial Bar aymaubj. DONNIE, Qaeel of Hie Aeria l Rings. Corelli, Rooney & Royer. Comedy Acrobatic Vtatoia. THREEllVAROS Gresteit Act o f Its Kind In the World. ALLEN SISTERS, LAM of the Famous Nelson Family. Tumblers, Acrobats and Contortionist*. Doable and fllncte Clowns. Look out tor Our New Specialty Net! Season. C. Z. 1R0NS0N Asa His Band.