The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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NOVEMBER'5. THE !>TErVV YORK CLIPPER. ' H 8*1 >E»' II \MP?IHRU. Mimhealrr.—At the Opera Honse (K. w Harrington, manager) Rlcbaxd Golden, In ■Comrnon-Senso P.mcftett," pleased Oct. 2I>. Theodore ■ Bibcock pM "*"••■ Rockwell laKdc successes. "The M*.Id and tlie Mrnn- my" 20, hntt A large nudlcncc at ndvonced p.iicd Coming-: Thurber t Nasher Co., headed br Florence Hamilton, 31, Nov. 1; Nanette Comptock, In "The Crisis," 3; "The Other Girl - ' 4, Nnace O'Nell C. TASfe iJohn Stiles, manager).—Edward Blondel! presented bla "The Lost Roy" 27- •<o &noclaltl«>f>wpre' introduced by W.Brown and Ellis Sisters. Harry Hasting*. Tom n.irrett and Viola Sheldon. Oeo. F. Uall, In ■" Bajtgod Hero.'! Ol-Jiov. 2: "The Minis- ter's Daughter" 3-5. . Camxo (fl. P. I'hlllppg. manager).—Week of 31 • The Grent Platte, Beaurala and Adel- nlde HatleT • Staters, Thomas West and the Dot Twin Ulster*. . . . Notes.— -On Nov. 12. n change of manage- ment fill occur it the Caeinci. when Mnnn- »r PblUpP* will leave to take up a like portion at South Bend, lnd., to open a new rmi»e thorc on the Crystal circuit, Nov. 20. Dime Humor that AI. Martz will suc- ceed him.. ...-.George Barker Is bnck as pi- anist at the Casino. ' »■» DISTRICT OP COLVMBIA. W**h tattoo— At the National Theatre <W U. Rapier, manager) this week, Annie Unwell, lit "Brother Jacques." Last week, Viola Allen, la "A Winter's Tale," bad a» mllcnt houses. Ada, Return, In repertory, ' "■obTjtttA (Joseph E. Lookett, manager). —This week: Lawrence D'Orsay, In 'The Karl of Pawturket." T<ast week Illnnr'no Wnlsb. In "Resurrection," had good business. '•The Oodnty Chairman" next. CantBtra (Ira J. La Mate, manager).— Last Weelt "The Ninety and Nine" was well reco|7«d. This week Al. Leech, In "Girls Will Be Girls;" Eugenic Blair. In "Iris," next. AcaMWT op Music' (J. W. Lyons, maim- «r)._Thla week "No Wedding Bells for Her." Last week, "The White TlgresB of Janirn" had backed audlrcces at each per- formance. "Shadows of a Great City" next. Chase's (II. WinoUred Do Witt, mana- ger), This week's bill Includes: Mabel Mc- Kinlcy, Geo. C. Davis. MumcsI Klelst, Jolly and veils, Mills and Morris, Herbert's dogs, Mooney and Holbein, nnd the vltngrnph. Licwm (Eugene Kernan, manager)—This week Weber's Parisian Widows. Lost week, the Merry Maidens, to good business. Impe- rial Buriesnner* next «■» LOUISIANA. Xew Orleans.—At the Ttilane (W. H. Kowles, manager) Maude Adams made ber first appearance In New Orleans week of Oct; 2*.. presenting "The Little Minister" ir, larg* audiences. "The Forbidden Ijind" "i> and week. • CBFilcr.NT •'W. H. Bowles, manager).— Al. 0. yield's Minstrels did immense busi- ness'all lint week. George Sydney, present- ing ."Busy Jaty,'-' "M> nnd week. Grand Opb«a DMM (H. C. Fourton, manager).:—The popular stock company pre- sented .'."The'Queen of Chinatown" week of 23 to big business and scored heavllv. "The christian" week of 30.. GHEf.NWAU, (Hy. OrcenwaJI, manager).— The Baldwin-Melville Stock Co. played to ca- pacltv Week Of 23. presenting. In a splendid manner. "The Girl 1 Left Behind Me." "Why Women Sin" 30 and week. St. L'harlm GRPttEPM (Martin Beck, gen- eral manager).—A big week's business was scored week of 24. and Manager Chas. K. Bray and his hustling adertlslng agent. Tom Winston, wen- elated nt the appreciation rhown each .number. -— ««• ' ' ' GEORGIA. Atlanta At the Grand (H. L. t 3. L. J»e Give. mnnnEcrs) "The Hign of the Cross" Oil, i'g, 21*. 'The Sultan of Sulu" attracted lnrge audiences 21,. 22. "The Marriage of Kitty," with Bettlnn Gerard, pleased 24. Harry Beresford, in "Oiir New Man," met with success 25, 2rt. Booked: SbepardV moving pictures :il, "Happy Hooligan Not. 1, "Miss Bob White" 2, 3, "Babes In Toy- land" 4, n. Btjou (Jake Wells, manager).—"A Hot Old Time.' week of 24, drew large audiences. Lottie Williams, in "Only a Shop Girl," 31, for one' weok. Stak (J. B. Thompson, manager).—Bill for week ' of 24: HI Tom Ward, Lowmsn Sisters, Blair and McNnlry, Mable Bennett, Morris and Parker, Mllhuru Sisters. Kceley Sinters and moving pictures. Business Is good. " . PicmtoxT Pabk. —The Beavers Jubilee Nor. "• 12, presenting- Gaskills twenty shows. a ■» SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston.—At Owens' Academy of Mu- sic (Will T. Kcogb, manager) "The Sign of the Cross" drew falrlv well Oct. 24. "The Sultun of Suln" pleased 25. "The Silver Slipper" did well 2!t. "Babes In Toyland" 31- Nov. 1, "The Fatal Wedding" 2, "A Royal Slave" 3, "Iris" 4, "Under Southern Skies' 5. KoHEPAuaa. & Sku-s Bnos.' Ciicvk had splendid business 2."». *>»» DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. W>f. J. Kttr.r, a vaudeville |ierformer, and n favotlte ou the Pacific const, died at his home, in Detroit. Mich,, Oct. 22'.. He made his first appearance as a black face song and dance performer. In 187S, at Foster's Coli- seum Theatre. Detroit, and has been on tbo stage ever since. He played first class vaude- ville theatres in America, and of late years ttppeared principally In the West. His first partner was Ham Morton, He worked with Joe Madden, Pat Conroy, the late Jas. Ward and the late Dan Creelaud. His last partner was Mr. Baker, now of the. team of Baker and Lynn. Kelly and Baker met with success nu tbeCore circuit, and Mr. Kelly remained In Portland, Ore., for a number of years us stage manager for Mr. Corf. His last en- gagement wag at ' Seattle, Wash., about a yesr ajro, where he waw stage, manager for John ConslJInt', at tbo Theatre C'omlque. He developed Into a good Irish comedian during bis last years. Max It lei max, plar producer, died at his home'la New York last week, from Brlgbt's disease.- About ten years ago Mr. Blclmsn went Into partnership with Charles E. Evsns and took the Herald Square Theatre, this city, on a tense. 1-ater he purchased n part interest In "The Heart of Maryland." Some of the plays bo housbt were "The (Hrl from Paris" and "A Southern Uomance." Mr. Blel- man married two or three years ago bis step- dsnghter, Lily Boulanger. Lawbbnce J. Keevak, a pianist, died ut libibometn Brooklyn. N. Y.. last week, from consumption. Ills wife, professionally known us Lillian Franklin, surrtves him. William McAror, manager of the Howard Atbitneiim. Boston, and chief of Dr. H. A. Lotbrop's theatrical enterprises, died at llox- bury, Mass., Oct. 27, aged sixty-seven years. As WU (jo T» PCEHrt sKwg is u.e<:eivli> or i he mutii ur Da.n Leno, the Euglisb come- dian ami muste hall favorite. Uc died Oct. 31, in LCndon, from heart failure. In ison be came to New York to fill an engagement ui Ilamiucrxleln's 01>'mpla, but did not achieve the sncfcw that marked hlt> appear onces In Hnglsml. ■ , ."'«'> ' . — James A' Young and Maurice Drew have •igned for Geo. Monroe's new play. LETS ALL .i it .• •. i '.. ,., •., . •# MAUDS OHONUS. U.«»t'a all bo Up -to Maud's, we'll have m Jubllao, +*»r IVIaB don't mind the noise, Her Dad"»;one oftha boy a, ifyou're m bit handy, you'll bo all -tno oancfy, t-o-t'o all gro up -to Maud's. - .. : • - ' . . .1 ; ■• " ■ , ' • . This is the absolute knockout for a jolly little waltz song. The author wrote "OK A GOOD OLD TROLLEY RIDE" and the composer wrote "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS, LOUIS." That's good enough, isn't it ? By the way, MAUD'S PICTURE will he in the CLIPPER next week. 'f You Must Think I'm liy IKVINU JONES and MAXWELL KILVKR. The ffcanlest foou Song aver written. HEINIE MY DEAR LUZON This la the Great Oriental Hong, with a melody prettier than nnv of them, If you hear this yon will nso II. UNDER A BLANKET? FOLDING BED A Comical, Little DnteM WalU Hong. Another one of thota that they will whittle and etna; along with fan. ' UBOROX n. COUA1T 8 funny Coon gong. We think wa »re inylng enengh when we say It's hy him. FOR A LITTLE WHILE Hy the Writer of "MIMIHIIPP! MVHIi;." anil It I. better than that. POSSUM PIE By the Writers;of "TROLLKV RIDB" and "BILL BAILEY." This Is rertalnly a Novelty In Coon Bongs. WHEN THE BEES ARE IN THE HIVE The Greet Rnstlr Ballad, With glide*, the Very Best. This 1. the Real Uennlne Home-Like Ballad. DON'T CRT. KATIE DEAR. By the Author of "F.AKK THE WELL, MOLLY DARLIIfG," and the "CITY OP HluHa AND TEAIta." With Heaatlfnl Mlfrion end m Kfpes t ( Jiom. That Will (ii t Ton Knrilea* gnrsrai, JUST i SOCIETY MY SWIEf LITTLE This Is the soag that ha* made giant ctrlde*. It ■* anperhly Illustrated. On* more of the fiMf'that nre abaolntoly away frnm the ordinary. Any and all of these songs, professional copy and orchestration, to suit, your voice. Send stamp for postsge We would rather have you CALL If you can. 48 W. 29th St., N. Y.