The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 5, TltE ^EW YORK CLIPPlfeR. 863 Different from lay Act in America Today. NO TALKING, NO SINCINC, NO DANOINC, NO JUCCLINC. ■ ryi «& ARTHUR'S COMEOIAMS, i„ JIIV MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL SCKNKRY roduction in. 3-TI1KEK (iini'LKTE 8CRNIC < HAXOK*-:i < H-TWKLVK l'kOPI,S IN TI1K COMPANY- 14 Including the Well Known and Capable Performers, JEHAN BEDINI, ARTHUR, J. C. MACK, HARRY WATSON, CHARLES GILLETTE. — II'H THRATHF, BOSTON, for an Indefinite ran. Will be produced ChrlilmBi Week al KKITII'M THBATH1 New Lyceum Theatre (Daniel 1'ioh- in-i11. manager).—At this house on .Monday niihr. Oct. 24, occurred nn event of' more ii'iin ' passing Interest. It was the debut "«' ■ star of Mr*. U. H. Gilbert, who baa been on. UM stage for upward of sixty years and who. at the close of tbe present sea- son Intend* to retire from the profession at 'the ripe age of eighty-four. There Is probably no pli'.ycr before the public wbo baa endeared, herself to theatregoers more thsu Mrs. Gilbert, and her reception on .Monday iilght was iearty in the extreme. The ve- hicle chosen by Charles Krohninn for the oc- casion was "Ornnny," a four net play, by I'lyile l-'ltch, who acknowledges his indebt- «tne?s to Ine French of Georges Mitchell fur tbe- foundation of the work. John Allen- l>y's wife, Margaret, died about x year before tiic actio? of lite play begins, bat her mem- err Is kept sacred by members of the house- hold. Tbe house la ruled by Margaret's mother, Mrs. Thompson, who is called ndectlonately . "Uranpy."..' Iter . special -barge and. delight Is jack Allenby, her grandson, and be Is the apple of his father's., eye.. Happiness, reigns in the home and there la. not a discordant, note until Granny and everybody clue notices that Jobn Allenby has beep attentive to a Mrs. Helen Mason, a divorcee, from nobody knows where, and who sings In the church choir In order to support herself ami ten- rear-old .daughter, Itora. Granny resents 'this unknown Woman's taking" her daughter's place In Jobh's heart and she pointedly" tells him so. He Insists that sGe la a misrepre- ncnted and persecuted womnn and tells Gran- ii v that be will brook no Interference In his .i(faIrs. To . prove that he means what he says be .orders .the maid to lay a plale for Mrs. Mason, as he Intends to bring her to dinner ihat very day, and at the table will announce bia engagement to her. This drives Cranny and Jack from the house and they lio not return to It for six years. Jack en- lists and is Still In the Philippines when Granny makes a visit to tbe Allenby bouse io say sbe is sorry for what she did and said. .she begs John to write to his hoy and forgive hlra. But the lather Is olidurate and Insists ihot Jack must nsk the present Mrs. Allenby's pardon before he can re-euter the home. Granny does not like to confess to Jack that phe has been the cause of the trouble between him and bla father. She reunites them, how- ever. In another and mo;-e nimantlc way. lioift. now a girl of sixteen, and she heroine last friends. Sbe Interests Dora In Jack and Jack In Dora. The result Is that the two young people are In love with each other when Jack comes home from th-> Philippines, and when Jack learns- who his sweetheart really Is and learns from Granny that she is to blame for his misjudging the woman who took his motherls. place in his father's affections, he does not hesitate to sue for pardon. It Is readily granted .by his father and stepmother, and with the assurance that he bus lost none of Ms love for Granny, who has been the means of his winning Dora, the curtain falls on a reunited and happy family. In tbe title role Mrs. Gilbert was her own affectionate and motherly Self. She Invested the role with her charming personality, and drew her audi- ence to her, feet at once. Tbe role Is a long one .and must tax the strength of the actress considerably, but she gave no evidence of fatigue. The hearty reception accorded her must have been gratifying In the extreme, even though she has so long known bow fondly Hhe Is admired by our public. .At the close of tbe play she spoke nil epilogue,' In which she feelingly alluded to her affection for her audiences, and the fact that-she was .eighty-three years of age, and hoped that she would always bold a corner in the hearts of her hearers. Marie Dot'o, as. Dora, easily won second honors. Her performance of the light hearted girl was delightful. Her sympathy for Granny in her distress and her maidenly reserve, when love makes Itself first known to Dora, did not .seem like art, but was .more like reality. She seemed. In fact a sixteen-year-old Maiden—big Iienrted and sympathetic, but full of animal spirits and Impulsive. Miss Doro possesses "temperament'' to a high degree anil her work. In this role places .her in the top of the ladder among the leading ingenues of today. William Lcwera was ex- cellent as Jack. Dorothy Hammond, ns Helen Mason; Jennie lielffarth, as Jaae, and Emmet t King, as John Allenby, gave full satisfaction. The cast was; Jobn Alien- by. Emmet C. King; Mr. Allenby, Frank B. Aiken: Jack, William Lewcrs: Henry Alien- by, Austin Webb; Jim Wells. Sydney ltlee; I'ete, Frank Ilrownleo; Boy, Herbert Marion; Mrs. . Tompson, "Granny," Mrs. Gilbert;' Helen Masou. Dorothy Hammond: Dora, Mnrie Doro; Jane. Jennie Itclffarth; Katie, Olive Murray. The second week and iast fortnight began 31 with good business con- tinued. . .... Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger) .-—This hoiiRO was tilled to the doors as usual both matinee and night Monday, Oct. •11. to. witness an excellent bill, headed by Bobby Gaylur, "the Celtic tattler," who cap- tivated the nudlence In his own Inimitable monner. Green and Werner returned nftcr nn absence of only two weeks, in their de- lightful creation, ''Babes of the Jungle," and scored merrily. The act Is deserving of all the applause It secures. EckholT and Gor- don, (n a musical absurdity, were an extra attraction, and scored well. Wood and Kay delivered. "A Funny Hunch of Nonsense" in a manner highly appreciated: iicsnnh and Siiller have a good singing and dancing act, which was well received: the Lorre Trio w "i™ applause in a clover I urn : Vern nnd "Krlen appeared to much laughter and ap- plause; Lillian Shaw gave a clever Hebrew nniiei-son.-itor much, bettor than many main performers In the same line; the Hol- lands, In "The Clown and the Doll," have !'Y crT Pleoslng'ttirn: l-'onnell nnd Snowdon, the Newsboy and the Sonhrctte." cap- lured the required amount of laughter and applause; Mile. Nellta and Co., In a mag- eal act. gave some Interesting and mystify- ing demonstrations: the Vedmars succeeded wen lu on acrobatic sketch, and Hie vaca- tion camera and vltngraph lllled out a good, entertainment. Gaerlck Theatre (Charles Froliinan, "manger).—Henrv Miller, in "Joseph En- MWl ^p"" 1 1iIk fourth week Oct. XL ;?.?■*,Jwaacll a engagement-in her new play, nrolher Jacques.' has bivti postponed until December. ..: Criterion Theatre (Charles Krohman. manager).—-Win. II. Crane, In "llusluess Is tiiiRlnesi,' began his seventh week and last fortnight Oct. 31. Broadway Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, manager).—Mine. Schumanu-Uelnk, In "Love's I^lterr." began her lifth week Oct. »). Belaseo Theatre (David Belasco, mana- gers—David Belnsco, In "The Music Master," began his sixth week Oct. SI. Varkvllle Theatre (Meyer It. liimlierg, manager).—Vaudeville Is still potent here and business continues (o be excellent. An evenly good bill for this week Includes In Its make up the following popular vaudevlllers: Clayton White and .Marie Stuart, Yorke nnd Adams, Melville and Stetson, t'hns. II. ltitrke, Grace La Hue and Hie Inkey Boys, Kord and Dot West, nnd Watson and Hills. Umpire Theatre (Chas. l-'rohman. man- nger).—John Drew, In "Tbe Duke of Killl- crankie," began his ninth week Oct. 31. Academy of Music Killraore k Tomp- kins, managers).—"Checkers" began Ha elev- enth and final week Oct. .11. Liberty Theatre (Klnw & Erlnngcr, managers).—"The Ilogers Bros. In rarls' 1 began Its fourth nnd final week Oct. 31. "J-lttle Johnny Jones" Nov. 7. Hudson Theatre (Henry B. Harris, manager).—Win. raversham, In "l.etty," be- gan Ills eighth week and final fortnight Oct. 31. Mnvoy Theatre (Frank McKce, manager). —"ill's. Wlgga of the Cabbage Patch" en- tered its' ninth week Oct. 31. Garden Theatre (Henry W. Savage, mannfter).—"The College Widow"' began Its seventh.capacity week Oct. 31. H.iai.tM is to. have, a Yiddish theatrb on Nov. ,s. when the Orpheum Music Halt, In Kast One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Street, will he turned over to a Hebrew stock com- pany. Hnrlem.—At the .Harlem Opera House (Alex, t.lchtensteln, manager) "The Girl from Kay's." with Sam Bernard and Hnttle Williams, Is the attraction for this week, nnd the bouse was packed Oct. 31. Next week, ltnymond Hitchcock, In "The Vnnkec Consul." West End (George A. Blumcnlhnt, mana- ger).—"The Ninety and Nine" wou a hiic- cess Oct. 31, and the house was crowded. Next week, the Rays, In "Down the Pike." Hani*III III (Henry Rosenberg, manager). —"A Woman's Struggle," by J. L. Green- Imitm was lirst presented at flloverville. N. V.. Oct. 13, and received Its lirst New York altering at this house 30. It In u - live act melodrama of an effective type, 'iiasmurh ns thrilling incidents are most vividly de- pleted. The material is all well handled and deals with scenes on the Bowery, nt the Majestic Hotel and the Polo Grounds, wllh a bnjl game being played. The play Is well, constructed nnd cast. It Is somewhot dif- ferent from the usual run of melodramas and contains plenty of good comedy. Tun cast: Jack llnnson, Charles D. Unburn; Hu- bert Coos, Mlltou Dawson: Jacques Diimonf, Frank Whitman: Algernon Herbert Van Vonrt, H. Bradley Barker: Burke Xlpsnn. A.,J. Sliarplev; Sinkers, Charles It. Wlrtii: I'lnneguu, John P. Curley: Hurnslde Con, John O'Brien; Feathers. Milton Dawson; Gluscppi S.irucinoscn. James II. Powers: James McCanii. Thomas Jones: AHce Des- mond, Gene (Jauntier: Attalle Coes, Tussle Mae Lester; Mrs. Hanson, Minerva Flor- ence : Merry Winkles. Mary Keogh. Staii (Wm. T. Keogh, manager).—The Russell Brothers, in ,: The Female Detec- tives." parked this house both afternoon and evening 31. nnd greatly pleased the people, as the play is full of funny situations and enough thrilling material Is Introduced to give it melodramatic touches. The stars' re- ception was of the warmest kind. Next week, "Tracked Around the World." Paocron's One Hcndreh and TwENTV-m-rn Street (J. Austin Fynes, general manager). —"Secret Service" Is the dramatic fcnlun: this week. William Ingersoll, as Captain Thome, gave n good performance 31. The rnudevltie presented Hill and Sylvlanl, While nnd Simmous, Itusseil and Buckley, Three Keeleys nnd new moving pictures. Hl'RTlo k Seamon's Mi'Ric Hall (Ben Ilurtlg. manager).—A bill r.f unusual merit was offered for the approval of a Inrge audi- ence 31. The bill Includes the Champagne Dancers from "The Silver Slipper," .Mnttle Keeue and company. Josephine Sabel, Bailey nnd Madison, the Gleusous and Houlllinu, Four Klnnos, and Van Slcklen and West Gotiiasi (Sullivan & l'raus, manngers). —Kd. Miner's Americans arrive this week from a down town house, where they had a miccessful engagement nnd Indication.-, arc that they will duplicate It here. The entire, company Is up to date. In every particular. Next week, the Blue Ulbbon fllrla. Olympic (Fred If. Schaefer. manager).— The second week of stock burlesque started in well 31, aad so far it has been n success. The bll' Is changed weekly. The lirst part Is made up of musical numbers, which give rut Israel Ion. 'Die olio Ibis week Is as fol- lows : Bulla and Raymond. Arthur Ynle, Kelly nnd Adams, the Znrrow Trio. Harry La Marr nnd cunionny, nnd Neltle Fields. "Dewey at Manila Bay" la the closing Bklt. Next week. Belles of the Bronx. Notes. —Wm. Ingersoll, lending man at Proctor's, will leave that company after the performance Nov. 12 Irfillle Gllson and Billy Halt have Joined Miner's Americans for the season, and proved n hlg success In the show at the Gotham on the opening day. Brooklyn.—At tbe Montaiik (Isabel Sinn necht. manager) Richard l.'nrle. in "The Tenderfoot," Oct. !'l and wtek. "The Yankee Consul," last week, did b's business. "The Girl from Knv's" next. Majestic ((harles II. Margin, manager). —"Captain Bnrrlngton" la here this week. "Down ihe Pike." last wipk, was a record breaker. Next week, Billy B. Van. la "The Errand Boy." GuANP Opera Hoise (Tew Parker, mana- ger).—Thomas K. Shea is here this week, lllg business ruled Inst wu'k. "The Volun- teer Organist" nerl week. P.MIK (Win. Hy.le, malinger).—"Dealers In White Women." a realistic melodrama, Is pre- sented this week, 'tig b.isluess ruled Inst wee't, Next week, "The Lllile l.'hiiivli Around the Corner." Bl.toi: I Mary G. Stiooner. malinger). — Edna May Spooner presents "La Toacn" tills week Miss Hpnniier bus given miHi study to tills character Big but-laess ruled Inst week. Next week. "Pawn Ticket "in." (.'olvmria (Dave A. Web), maniiBer).-- "Fablo Itniimnl" Is given by tbe Coinuili'a Co. tills week. Itlchurd Ilnbler. Miss Bad- gers aud Will II. Wnlling have tbe lending roles. . "Jim Bludsoe," last week, did excel- lent business. Next week. "The Climbers." ORl'lfF.l'M (Percy G. Williams, miusger). Annie Irish Is the main attraction for the current weak. In "An Act inns' Christians.' Others are: ltlecobons's horses. Sager Midge- ley nnd Gertie Carlisle, 'lie (i->»cl> SIk'"™. Cole and Johnson (second week), the Four Huntings. Maynie Itemlngton anil her "min- gle Booloo Babes," Dvltorelll and Gllssando, t.'llff Gordon and the vltngraph. IItde k Br.iiMA.v'.s (Nick Norton, ninnn- ger).—Jessie MUIward beads the bill this week. In "A Queen's Messenger." Others nre: Smith and Cook. Grade Enimeli and Co., In "Mrs. Murphy's Second lluslmnd;" Ihe Itoberty Troupe. Geo. Wilson. Caron and Herbert. Alice Lyndon Doll, Clifford nnd llurke nnd Qulgley Brothers. Kkknky'h (Vronk A. Keeaey, manageri. —This week's bill Is headed by Odette Ty. ler and Co., In "The Maid, the Mouse and the Man;" as nn extra feature Fanny Illee appears. Others are: Una Kraft. Mar- tini and Mnxmilliun Conn and Conrnd. J. I'lancls iKxiley. Joelson. Palmer and Joel- son. Two Astons and the Keeneyscnpe. Wathon's Cur.v CoiiMn-. (W. II. Wat-son, raaunger).—For this week Manager Watson offers the Maxsmllh Duo. Grade nnd Reynolds, .iir. and Mrs. Wilson,' Dupre nod Dupre, (leonie II. Thomas, wllh his movlns picture machine, nnd James ilnlvhi. the Irish wrest- ler. The burlesque offerlnff is entitled "Lift- ing Ihe Lid," Introducing W. B. Watson, Nat Fields, Dave Conroy and Lew Watson. New songs will bo sung by Elsie Leslie, Tlllle Co- hen and Asnes Hehler. Star CAI. Schonticrg, matipger).—The Run- awnv Girls are here this week. The olio in- cludis: La Vals. Murphy, Marche and Uellly. tbe Mnreo Twins, Reynolds and Gtihl, the Burg Sisters and Dans and Rosalie. BitOAiiWAV (Leo C. Teller, manager).— Richard Carle, in "The Maid and the Mum- my," Is here this week. I.irge business Inst week. William Collier next week. (Bennett Wilson. . manager).— "Tracked Around the World," Oeorgle Mack and ten young show girls, Is this week's ot- ferlng. Ijist week the business was big. "The Ninety and Nine" next. Gaiety (James Clark, manager).—The World Healers, under Ihe direction of J. Heroort Mack, .irj here this week. Business continues big. Payton's tS. S. Aden, manager).—"What Happened to Jones," wit It Mr. Payton- as Jones, is liils week's offering. George' If. Thomas shows suae fine moving pictures. Crowded houses prevail. "Josephine, Em- press of (he Fr»nch," next. A.urmox (Mrs. Snooner, director).—"My Brpther's Sister," which Leonard Grover wrote for Minnie Palmer. Is produced this week. .The central diaracler Is essayed by Cecil Spooner. Business Is must satisfac- tory. "Ciunllle" next. •« • ; ■ Novelty i David l!oblns.iii. manager).— "Escaped from Sing Slnv' Is this week's production. Biislne«s hist week was good. "The Flaming Arrow" next. Gotham I Charles Williams, manager),— "A F'ght for Love." which was at Mr. Wil- liams' other house a couple of weeks ago, has been moved up here, with Robert Fltsc- slmmons and Julia Mav Gilford at the head of I he company. "Why Girls Leave 1 Ionic" next. I'xiqi r. (Frank II. Carr. manager.)—The Unique Stock Co. this week. Business last week was line. Lyceum (Louis Phillips, manager).—This week's offering Is "The Black Hand." Busi- ness continues good. ♦ »» f'KJiSSYl.VAXIA. Philadelphia.—A goodly array of at- tractions foe the current week offer Induce- ments to theatregoers and ought to result lu an increased aggregate. Two novelties are Included in the list: "The Isle of Hplee," at the Garrlek Theatre, and Ihe tlrst ap- pearance here of Blanche Walsh, In "Resur- rection.' 'at the Walnut. Aoapemy <if Mi sir.—The season for the Philadelphia Orchestra opens Oils week with n Friday afternoon public rehearsal aud Saturday evening concert. The soloist on both occasions will he Mme. Bloomfteld- Zclsler. The local season for the Bolton Symphony Orchestra a'so cpens Ibis week with concerts ou Monday and Wednesday evenings. Willy Hess Is the soloist for the lirst concert, and Vladimir de Pnchuiann for the second. Biioaii Street Theatre (Nlxou & Zim- merman, manngersi.—With attendance of large numbers of admirers nnd appreciation n-plemy the opening week of the engage- ment of Herbert Keleey and Kflle Shannon at this house was very satisfactory.. Tbe excellent work of the two stars and (heir able assistants deserved all the praise be-' stowed. The engagement Is continued (his week, being followed next week by Cecelin I.nflus. In "The Hnrlo-Comlc Governess." Gakrick ThkaTRH (Frank Howe Jr.. man- ager).—After a profitable fortnight's en- gagement for "The County chairman" this house now has the lirst local presentation of "The Isle of Spice." Next week brings Margaret Angllu, in "The Eternal 'Femi- nine." Ciikhn'i'T Stiiei't Ockiii Ilnrsi; (Nixon & Xliiiinern'au, mii'ingers).—The liberal jit tend- ance last week showed what a strong hold Bertha Gallund him secured on the affections of local th"aircgiu-rs aad. Hint Her vehicle, "Doi-othy Vernon of lladdr-n Hall." hns by no means outlived lis iiKctulncss. The en- gagement continues this week wllh "The Rogers Brothers In Paris" scheduled' to fol- low, Chkhtnit BtMBTI Tiieairi: (Xlxon k Zim- merman,, —"A Little of Every- thing" continued to attract audiences of ?ood[y size last week. This week b"glns a oil night's engagement for Lulu I Unset, In "A Madcap Princess." Nov. 14, Grace Van Studdiford, in "Red Feather." • Walnut Strew Tiikatiie (Frank Howe Jr., manager).—Hlniidic Walsh liezlns her local engagement, to Inst for a fortnight, this week, appcarlag In her production of "Resurrection. The two weeks' engage- ment of George M. Cohan, lu "Little Johnny Jones," wni undoubtedly highly prolltnble. Park Tiieatbe (F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdlinger, manager).—After a very successful week for Elsie .lanls. in "The Fortune Teller." the current week brings a return engagement of Florence Itlndlev, In "The Street Singer.' - Next week. Thomas K. Shen, In repertory. National Theatre (Joseph M. Kelly, manager).—Louise Beaton, In "Jtachcl Gold- stein one of last season's successes at this house. Is the current offering. "Wedded and Purled" brought out the patrons In goodly numbers Inm week. I'uderllned: "The Light- house by Hie Sea." " > • GUAM) OPERA Ilnrsi: (II. A. Wegcfartb. manager).—There wits a succession of filled houses last week, when the melodrama. "Shadows of n <lmi| city." held the boards. This week the offering Is "The Volunteer • •►•'*'- white next week brings "Glrla Will Be Glrla." PEOPLE'S THEATRE (F. (}. Nlxoa-Nlrdllng- er, manager).—The curreut attraction Ts- "The Fatal Wedding." while the underlined offering Is "More To Be Pitied thtn Scorned." The liberal attendance Inst week attested to the. drawing powers of ''The Child Slaves of New York." , ni.v.\KY'R Anvil Street Theatiii'. (M. S. Sehlesslnger, manager).—"Two l.lille Sailor Boys" holds Ihe Isiards at this ftjMMt this week, ihe cast Including Amy Lee, well known here through her long association wllh a local slock company. "Why Women Sin" wns presented last week with undisputed merest. The announcement for the coming week Is "l»eserted at the Altar." GiRAan .weni'k Theatre (Miller & Kauf- man, mnnngersi.—The patrons were nltriH- led in uirgS. numbers last week by tbe per- formiinnR of "The Beauty Doctor" nnd flier wilt undoubtedly continue their liberal pal- mange this week for "Sherlock Holmes." William Hrnmwell, III "Capl. Barrlngion," Is announced for the coming week. HiRT's New TltRATnR (John, W. llnri, manager).—An ntirnctlpn calculated to please ihe patrons of this house.Is the melo- drama, "A- Child of Ih» Slums," presented this week. This Is to be followed by "The Factory Girl." Audiences of excellent slxo wire attracted by "The Stutn of Guilt" last week. • • FoREVAE'iit'R Tiieatre (Miller k Ktiuf- mnn. managers).—Tin. stock company Is this week appearing In "Why I'hey Parted," an- nmineed a* proilti.'ed for :!io flrst tlma here. "Francesca da Itlmlnl" -was. presented. In cxc'i'lentsftle Inst week .and earned the com- met'.dntloa- of Iho lllled houses. In rehear- sal for the coming week, "The Price of Perce." SAAiiK'n 'Iluoii Theatre (Curl ^ Snake,- manager).—The German slwk iiiiiipnnv at this hninie-ls fids wet* presenting "The llouso of tbo Major" and "The Wholesaler." Busi- ness shows a Klendy Improvement. StaxharD"Theatre (Dnrcy & Speck, man- agers),—The memliers of the sloi|t company distinguished their selves last week In the perfornmitt-es of "A Great Tomplatlon," and were rewnrdeil w'thjcmwded nouses, This week they■ are prjsentlng '•'l'eu Nights In a Bar Boom." wllh "tinder Two Flags" sched- uled to follow. . , KkiTII'm Nnw Tuuatre (If. T. Jordan/ resident manager).—Chuss'no coptlmies this, week with ills shadowgraphs, nnd others un tbo iirogrniniue urn Ihe Fndeiie Orcheslrn, Floreiir, Truiioe, Isitta liliidsluite, Foster's Dog, Mlkf: Charles Ernest, Palllton and Donlrv. thd lirlitons, Vera King. Xaoml lit Inn do. tbo Woodwards, Johnny Wlllliims, Milt nnd Maud Wood, and Rose Coghlnn, In "The Acs of Trumps." Box Ton Theatre (Bon Ton Amusement Co.. uiiiusgcrj,—'I ids lions-.-, foimcrly known ns ihe Stur nnd lis Dunn's Theatre, Is c|iei;ed, tills week after a; month's Idleness, under the above management-. Com Unions vaudeville Is in be given from noon Io 10,30 c. St., nt 10, 13 aud ;i.'i rents, with nil seats resrrvedi ' The opening bill Includes: Ml In. Piisiiullll'. Glory's marionettes, Mons. Hoi feron. Four E:ii|ierors of Comedy, Sisters iviiettr. |larry Hiivall, Newnll Sisters, Vau Lee.- and Duke, Smith- aiid Waller, McGrath and Meflrinh, Harding unit Wilson, Amy Myertou nnd the tonnscooe, a new mov'ug picture .machine. Ei.evxxtii Stiseet Oi'HRX Hiiese (Frank Ditmnnt. mnnagerl. — "Crnxy for Trading stamps." presented for the first time Inst week,: has made the success of the season nt .this house, nnd Is to he continued. The prevent craze Is taken off In broad burlesque i,tvie nnd arouses abundance of laughter. ' Another, uew burlesque Is presented tills week, entitled "The Musical Bnrher Shop." The first.part and specialties are not neg- lected,, and altogether Ihe programme Is ex- tremely entertaining. LrcKiift Theatre (John G. Jnrmon. man- ager).—Liberal patronage was bestowed oa the' .Moonlight Malik) last week, and they re- warded the patrons with excellent enter- inlnnjent. This week the card is Scrlhner's Morqllig Glories. Next week,-the Brigadiers. Tiiocaiieko (Floyd Lau-;ian, manager).— The entertainment for the patrons this week Is furnished by T. W. Dlnklus' Utopians In n firngrumme of burlesque mid vaudeville. The argil turn out last week evidenced Ihe worth of the.bill furnished by the Imperials. Ninth ami Anftt MitMif.'M ((:. A. llrndrn- hurgli, mnnagerl.—Albert i'urVrr. the limn wllh the picture of the .Crucifixion on his back, continues us the principal feature lu •lie curio halt this week. It; Hie fbentre tbe continuous vaudeville Is furnished by chnd- wlek Trio, Pat White and Company, Lnrliie mid Walton, Caroline lllchlngs Montell, Hobby Mack nnd Hilly. Hnilmnu, .■.. . . ■ I'Kloliuru:, —Business gcqerally has shown a <leehled luiproveieeui during the past mouth und the sltiiatbn at present Is entirely satis- factory. '" Nixon (Thos. F. Kirk Jr.. resident, man- ngeri.—-"A 1,111 Io of Everything," Od. .11 and week. Cecilia Uiftus, lu "Tbo Serio-comic Governess," played to fair busluess Inst week. Annie Russell, In "Brother Jacques," next week. . ('• . . ■ Gavety (James ' E. Orr, manager).—For the opening nllritellan at tills latest addi- tion to thn Hat of Pittsburg's |ilnyhinises the offers " 'Way Down East," which commences nu crigagemeni' of two weeks. Monday, •»!■'. Buou (It. M. Gullck, manager).—"Tim White Tigress of Japan" Inaugurated a slay of ono weak Monday matinee .'(1. Big busi- ness wus done last week bv Vellle Mcllenry. :n "M'llas." "After Midnight" next week. Di'qcERXE ill. It. Gullck, manager).— "King Dodo" week of .'II. Charlie Grapewlu played to'capndty last wee t. In "Tho Awnk- lining of Mr. I'lpp," Ellnon Sisters, In ■ Mrs. Delnuey of iNewport," nnxt week. Empire (E. J. McCiilh igh, manager).— For HI and week, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." "A. Girl of I lie Streets" < Id u good week's business closing Saturday, Jtl. "Tho Deadly Doctor'.' next week. AvisxL'lMllnrry Davis, natiuger).—This Is Hie farewell week of the stork company nt this house. The bill Is "A Night Off." Last week giHXl business was done. Wm. Coitrle- nay aud Emma Dunn, In the curtain raiser, "It Takes a Thief," and Frederick Piuild- Ing, a« '.'Dr. Jekyll and Mr.. Hyde," could hardly haru been Improved upon. The per- manent musical travesty stock company In- augurates. Its season Nov. », in "Whlrl-I- Gig." . • - (Irani/ Otkra Hoi'mh (Harry Davis, man- iigcn. —Bill :;i nnd week: Wm. Harconrt suit company, Knlgmarelle, Harry Gtlfoll, Koyder:nnd Buckley, Three Kcatons, Mere- '1111) .Sinter.). Frank Hush. Foul and Wilson, Itlgolotto JJmtbcrs, Lai Ine and .• Leonard, Adelaide Drake, Curtis aad Aduois, Vontcllo end Nina and Klnetoerapb. , . .AcAPKMt (Harry. W. Williams, manager). —Merry. Maidens tbla. week. The Hose Hill English Folly Co. plo/ed to crowded houses last week. Weber's Parisian Widows-week of Nov. 7, Star (Keystone Dramatic Co., managers). —Business last week ruled fair. Bill for I? virlie of onr location ii the hurt of law York's Theatrical Dlatxlct, we eigage to nifty al- most every Theatrical leqiialte yei cai taluk at and, trie ta lacy'a, for leas money than any ether itore gets. Evidences: WOMEN'S SATIN SLIPPE8S In tad. bisok, white, pink and bine, with single or double strap*, and '.'-Inch bonis XV. heels. Furnished from regular •lock or made to order, to match an* gown, a pair .... . . . Footwear Interests are looked sftar broadly, even to ihe lineal mtatom made wear that money ean buy. we also take special orders for hosiery to match shoes nail uostuuita. THEATRICAL COLD CREAM, In pound cans, per can 39c. This latter Horn servos to call attention t> cnmp'eto lines of Domestic, and Im- ported preparations and drosaing room rei|ulsltes— assortments that we real sure have uo parallel iu an American atore. similarly nnparslled— the assortments of RtagH Jewelry, faithful Imitations of real Jewels, reaiarka lily low priced. MADE TO ODDER GARMENTS Dresimaklng, 4ih Pi.; diatom' Shirt Waist nnd Bhlrl Waist Bull, ad Fl.; Mon's Custom Tailoring, 3d PI. Time departments are devoted to the work of producing highest olaia garments at moderate coit. Mill OflDEHS PBIMPTLY FILLED. R. H. MACY S CO. Broadway ■lath Avs. intli Hlraat lo .15th Hlraat. :^*w VORK oity. Ilils woek : Collins and Ma Dell, Hose Cola- man, Billy Klnkald, Marjorlo Barrett and) Slnrogrnph pictures, "1'ersonnl." , » ■■ . ■ In r rlsliurar.—At Ihn Lyceum Theatre (M. Hi-Is, mil linger) "King Dodo" draw well Oct, •-'.">. "The Bonnie Brier Bush" hud fair busb Hess 11". "Tho Strollers" uinie 'M, to good business. Hue: IXickslniler's Minstrels 111, "Wills Johnny Jones" Niv". 2, BeniMtcln's Vaudeville l.'o. fi. DfiitiA lliit'su (M. Itels, manager).—"A Wife Warned" cBiuo M-m "A Child of the Hliims" hud good bouses 27-29, Tho Myrkle- llnrdcr Co.-week of 31. I:nston. At the Able Opera Honse (W, K. Iletwlller, manager) "Unpla Tom's Cabin,*) played lu the capacity twin) On Oct.' Mr ".Vcw Vorli Day by I)uy" had fulr t)U»ln«»« 3ft, "Hi-oitlHh Refonnnilou" (homo talent) LSI, 'J.H, under Ihe niiHpti'eH of tho Oltvat Vrn- livii-i In ii Church, enjoyed the iisnul wipport. Hue: "Biislnr Brown' Nor. 7, "A Circus liny" k. "A Barn for Wfe" 0, Robert Mnntell in. 1 it-iir v l.iiill.'im, In "Homeo uml Juliet," II ; -A I'rlsoner of War" 13. +~* lldMNOlfl. IVorln,--At thn Ornnd (Chnmberlln, Har- rington & Co., iniittngersl "1,'iidor Koulliern Skies" had u good outlook Oct. 2», Wlltnn laiekaye Nov. -1, n. "Tha Irish Pawnbrokers" tl, Williams uml Wiilkef 7, "Wong" 8. Maim Htiikkt (l-l. I*. Church ill, manager). —This popular place will open under tha new management Nov.. il, giving four per- foi'iiiiinei-s every day tit the onn price of ad- tnlssloii, 10 renin. The following are on for week of il: The llosalues, .1, W. Sherry, Wheeler and Hall, Marlon Wvlngston, Johan and Mutt, Peter 3. Hmlth and tho Btuba- teone. i- . WiiAMT (C. Y. Barlsnn, manager).—Busi- ness Is line. Week of 111: fllnnn, Itackott and Hazard, Lester aud Mour, Ityun, Lester and llyiin. 4>» CONKKCTICVT. Sew 1 In von— At tho Hyperion (Shublrt Bios,, iiiiiiiiigeis) "Tim Hleeblng Beauty and iho Beast," week of Oct. 'Ii, cams to very large audiences. Ada Itohan 31, Nor. 1, Mar- garet Angllu 0. Brxuxi.'H ,Vrw Havkv Tubatkb. (0. 1», liiinueii, manager). — "Tho Wttle Church iv 2. the itajs ,1-5, "Mghta of Udma" . 1'ou'M (fl. '/. l'oll, uiunnger).—Bill for the week of 31: Dan McAvny, Carl DafflmiPnt Troupe, Marlon Oaraon, O'Hotirkc-Ilurnettfl Trio, Lulu Brothers, M. 3. Curtlss and Km- plre city Qunrtelt. ■*«♦; ' ' . -■ — Lionel Barrymore has basn III for sev- eral weeks In Boston, suffering form ft spvorc cold, wbleh bordered on pneumonia. Ills Improvement la announced and he or- pects lo be back In,the t-usl of -"rhu dilute Olrl" shortly.