The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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864 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 5. < ALL RECORDS AT RED BANK BROKEN. CHAS CHAMPLIN BREAKING RECORDS ALL ALONG THE LINE. '. Thii li to ceil iff thai Chss. K. Champlln and hl< »to< k company played my opera hoaie at Bed Bank, N. J., the week of Oct. 44, 1904, and, although Mr. Chomplln h»» held the record of the bom* fhr the pa.t three years, tble season he has |<n PAR AHEAD OP ALL PREVIOUS RECORDS. He has lite strongest and beet repertoire org imitation I hare ever played, and hie ptrtarmpwess are better than many of the high priced ntlractloni.' ' HEIST QABRITY, Mgr. Red "Bank Opera' Honee. TUEA'i'HE, 4^1 •■> IrtLLf Doer Broadway. EXTRA MATTVEE ELECTION DAY. Regular Matinee Saturdiysat 2. Evenings at 8.16. IN THE NEW COMEDY DRAMA, THE MUSIC MASTER, By Charles Klein. DIRECTION' OF DAVID BEIiASCO, BKLAftCO Regular Matinee saturaiy» a WARFIELD, FOR BALE—trick Dogs, Tronpe of Doves, Rantacri, Tents S4io r >, 12x10, »xla; Films Uncle Ton, laic Jeff and Oorbett Fight. Wanted. late Puma. At Liberty, Dor, Cat ana Bird Show, High Class. Moving F1ctnren.Pror.Harr7_BmJlh^rajzJnt. — RlCt-uft'iTnlcH—O.t Rtxitori's book, toHow In the mighty Juggler's atops, and yeu will suc- ceed, .Rooks, $1. RlCTON. Brooklyn. N. T. m P. «.-liegarda to Bedlnl and Arthur Kurtz, Paul Spadonl asdBatanma POR SALE—Complete serpentine Dance Ont- iit, SHkolene Dress, is; 20Slides, $4; KllenBtere- optloon Acetylene flat Generator, 120; whole outfit, |24. Black Art Outat, (IB; FlBh Pole, (3 Bowl or Fir*, |i.6i); Neat of Boxes, 16. Lot of Tricks Cheap, stamps for particulars. MKwK OARL . j jg Court 8'., Rochester , N. T. WANTED —Sketch Teem tgeot anil lady)": mutt play organ and sing; must bo good. I will famish medicine, paper, locture, Hutch, straight, cornet solo, contortion act, otc, givo half of re idols and mako a guaramee (or Winter in Wis- consin. Just closed iiftor 7 months other per- formers, write quick. Nathan the Quaker, No. 30 Kelt Slsi rhJce, Chicago. musk and Song. Mine. Bcbuinann-Uclnk recently became n member of the Twelfth Night Club. T«e parts of the newly found opera of Harfln, "The Knight Roland," rendered ait a concert number at Jfiunkfort«in-the-Msln, (iermuny, week of Oct. 10, are pronounced by the critics to be genuine Haydn, revealing Iil» sprightly mirth at his beat. Kiinun Mlscha, of Ht. Petersburg, Is the latest boy- performer on the vlol'n. He Is twelve Man old and npiwared evening of Oct. IB at-Bcchstelii Hall, Berlin. Ucnnuiiy. Hlchnrd Wagner's long lost "Rule Hrltuu- nls.f recently discovered at Leicester, Is to be reproduced. Frau 'Wagner lias wl uslde her own wishes that the youthful work ot her husband should roduiln. uupubllHbed »>ud has granted the rights of performance and publication. The new. march, by Rudolph Aronson, cn- tltlod "Our President." was played tor the ilrst. tlmo Oct. ID, on the occasion of the parade of tho Old Guard, and afterward at Madison Square Garden. The first band parts of "Our president'! march -have been forward- ed tb John 1'allip Bouse, at Los Angeles, Cat., to bo added to bis repertory. The Leo ielst catalogue Is much In vogue iiiuobk tbo singers . of today. Among the sou* from this ca'aloguc, which are Increas- ing daily,.are: "Karatna." "Billy." "Honey, I'm .Waiting," "Didn't Father Adam Uave an Time" 1 , "While tho Baud Was I'luylng MOTIVE TO PEttFORMKRS-OARDEK THEATRE, Canton. Ohio. WANTED, a good ORIENTAL DANCER. Long fnTAgcinent to the right party. House Is open year 'round. Address M. MANNING. Proprietor and Manager. Al nTBONtt COBNBT AND TROMBONE AT LIBERTY NOV. 12. Joint engagement pre- ferred. Past lesson with Gentry Bros.' Famons Shows. Write quick. 0HA8. B. PLANK, No. 121 Academy Street, Macon. Oa. noericK—Just, opened my Factory. My Pa- tent Oalateas are the only ones on earth; ran by kerosene: cost ten cents a week; all profit; no ex- cess baggage; takes more money than a Ferris wheel; will clear $200 every week this Winter. Stamp for circulars and full Information. Charles B. Weston. 4 Carrutbera Ht., Lawrence," SKETCHES and every form of stage noveltv written to order: high grade work. JOSEPH KE RSHAW, 828 Button wood St., Phlla. WANTED—Sketch Teams, B. and D. Sou- brcttoand Comedian, Silent Act, Musical Team. Sister Team. Those playing piano or violin, and that can change for three nights given preference. C. H. SEYMOUR, Baco, Me . MAGICIANS—Large Centre Table, 1,000 Di- minishing Cards, and boo Magic Hooks; Plates to Print Curds and Books. Sell chrap or trade for apparatus or Illusion. J. HOFFMAN, 8. E cor. Highland and University Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. AT Liberty, MARIE I1ARRY, English Acrobatic Dancer, also Characteristic; to Join another lady or company in city. K. Y. Q..« vandewater8t.,hl,y. WANTS YOUNG, HANDSOME Leading Juvenile Man. Must Join ou receipt of wire. Address HARRY BUDD, Manager, FT. 'WAYNE. IHD. PICTURE MACHINES. New and Second Hand Stereoptlcons, Films, Song Slides and Supplies. Picture machines re- built with all Improvements. Rheostats anrvolt- age. Mechanical effects for sots made. Expert repairing done. NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE. N. power, Mgr., 117 Nassau St., New York. Phone 8360 Cortland. WE'RE OFF. NOV. 10, NINTH SEASON. FILMS I MACHINES FOB SAXE. 10,000ft. FILM, FROM 3 to Seta. PER FOOT. Bookings with clubs, theatres* etc.. for Moving Picture Entertainments. Popular prices. F. H. DECKER h CO., N. Y. Entertainment Bureau, Its 6th Avenue, N. Y. City. lis Fourteen Spotted Trained Mules, 3 Donkeys. 8 Ponies; Absolute Novelty; trained for Drills and Individual Acts; can give full show. Halt Inter- est for sale to experienced manager, or will con- sider sal arv contract for next season. Address li. BOYINGTON, San Angelo, Texan. and )'.ssy * ■l»lx(c," "Strolling, Along tho Pike "NyotnoA' . . > Louis W. Jones, press roprcsentiitive of the Kilties* Bund, writes from London under dalo of Oct; 10 as follows: "The Kilties Hand Ih meeting with gratifying success In tiruai Britain on Its Initial tour abroad, and tho (thousands of admirers of the plctur- csquo cScotch-t-'anadlana on the American mn-Juenr. will bu glad to learn of their uliimpli. The band has been playing to Immense' business In London ut the Royal Albeit Halt and has already appeared bofpre King Bdward, at Balmoral Castle, pleasing His Majesty to such an extent that the Vic- torian medal was awarded Bandmaster W. V. Robinson. Tbo European tour of the -Kilties' Is to lust Six months, after which the 'band will mako u complete tour of Maud Powell, ot the close of her recitals In America. In November and December, will begin' a-tour of Great' Britain, of fifteen wcolnv beginning In London In January. sMss l'owll-wil-return-t» Amcrlcu In 11HJ& with her own concert company. ■ ■ Chester A. Hawkes writes: "I nm re- hearsing ■with-a chorus that will rentier 'Hiawatha's Wedding r'east,' by 8. Coleridge Taylor, In Philadelphia, In December. My present season. I Intend to devote to oratorio, concert and recital, and shall introduce some new musical novelties." The Harris songs are selling very h's ' u the present time lu Now York. •'Down In tlio Valaof Shenandoah," "Come Toko a Trip In My Airship,": "Just a Gleam of Heaven n Her Eyea" untl "For .Bale, A Baby," being tag Ftantien and Vnrrell ere with the house of Uavllaud uud huvo a new one, called "Kv'rywhere." The Huvllaud catalogm- cou- talus "Can't'You Sec My Heart Beats Al tor You" anil "What the Brass Band Played, both of which tiro going big. Mme. Ktta de Montjou nrrlved In this country last- week from Europe to give n scries of sixty concerts. —! +—+ WASHINGTON. Seattle.—-At the Grand Opera House (John Cort; manager) Theodore Roberts, Oct. Ii8-i!8, In "The County Chairman." b'lorence Bohorts 3T-Nov. U, Frank Daniels H-S. Sbaixlu (J. V. Howe, manager). —week of Oct. 28, James Nolll and company, lu "ihe Henrietta." "A Contented Woman' «0 and week, by the same company. ■ 'JL'UIRO Avenub TilLAinn (Hussi'll i: Drew, niansgers).—Week of 23 ( "Tbo 1-ntal Med- dln£. ,p Week of 30, "The Heart of Chicago.' •Alcazau (Bettle-A Keogh; managersi.-- Week of W, Wledemunu Co., In "llawksbaw. the Detective." Week of «0, Wleileuianii Co., In "Faust" OrtpitBUM.--Xavr:' Blgney. deep sea diver: Nsncy Rico. WcHume uud Otaut. Uyltou Iru- vers, McNnmec, Arthur Jackson, Hie \Mn- BtanSeys and-moving Pictures. l'ANTAOLs,—Now: Yale Duo. Kelly Irlo. Svlvester. Jones und l'ringlc. Bell and Dal- ton. PctrOneJIa D'Arvlllc. uiovlug pictures Un EMF«l).-—Now: Perry and Whltlug. Three Moores. Joe Ajimou, Lcona Clifton und uiov- CateTAi.—New: Connors nud Connors, La Toska, Perry.and Eiug. Kellogg and uiovlug P ttoisoN.—New: Lucerne n nd Irt>ouf, Harvy Htsviou, Keotoy find Rlcu, Arlliur Wliwilcr woif moving* pictures. CoMitJufc—-New: Coleman auil Ueilas, rampbell Duo, Leo end 8ulk.v, Jamil, lllgel uaa-FaUnitt wd Billy Miller.. You Don't Have lo Worry about now gags, parodies, sketches, etc. They're all ready to "spring" la Madison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of comedy, con- taining 21 Original rarodles, 9 new Mono- logues, 4 great Sketches, new Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Cbmlo Poems, Toasts and Epitaphs; two roaring farces, two big burlesques, besides hundreds or Dew Gags, stories and Jests—so big pages. One dollar per copy. Back numbers as fol- lows: any 2, $1.80; any 3, %1; any 4, $2.80 or Budgets 3,4, T. B and D. $8. Others out of print. Send all orders to my agent, L. J. K. HEIb, 1401 Third Ave. New Yorfc SLOT MACHINES, ALL KINDS, AT REDUCED PRICES. Slot Talking Machlnea, Picture Machines, Etc. ROGERS MFG. CO., 14T W. 28d St., New. York city. Sydney Diamond, IDVESILES AND HEAVIES, At Liberty After Nov. 12. One piece or permanent stock preferred. Address cure ot SUMMERS STOCK CO., Port. Arthur, Oat.. Oct. 81 to Nov. 6; Fort William, Ont, Nov. I to 12. THE AULTBELGARDE AMUSEMENT GO, PRESENTING " FREDERIC E. WRIGHT and COMPANY In a select repertoire of High Class Royalty productions with complete scenic equipment. ROOM looo. Ohllds Bnildlng, No. no West Slili St., New York City. WANTED, MAN FOR SINGING AND DANCING SPECIALTIES. Change forweek. Also parts. Join Immediately. State lowest salary, week stands. Pay own. Address qaick, 0. U. KLDON, Paols, Kas., Oct. 31-Nov. 6; Garnetl, Kas.. Nov. 7-12. REPERTOIRE. ~%MT K "rkT^lTIh COMEDIAN with spe- VV Alw M. nWe cla.ty, will feature. SOCBRETTE with specialty, will feature. UIIARAUTKR ACTOR. HEAVY MAN. Other people call. Rooia 60li, ARCADE, Both and Broadway, N. Y. WANTED. FOR THE A. 0. H. FAIR OF NEW BRITAIN, CONN., Moving Pictures, With ll.LCSTRATbl) SONGS, the very latest for the week com. Mondiy, Nov. 21,1904. Address at once, M. OLYMRR, OT Hartford Avenue, New Britain, Conn. P. S —Glass Blowers oan procure space at fair. NED WEST. COMEDIAN and DANCER, AT LIBERTY Address _^ 2*4 WEST S8th MU. N. Y. City. WANTED HtICK, Good Med. Performer. JOIN IMMEDIATELY. MKAD, NEB. BARRY M. ASULKY. Head.Neb. FIXTURES FOR SALE ALL OPERA HOUSE FIXTURES. BUILDING TO BE REMODELED INTO BUSI- NESS BLK. Address PATTY LBS CLARK, Westneld, Mass . VAlTDKVILL.E acts, Monologues, Parodies, etc., written to order at reasonable rates. A few on hind. Music com- posed and arranged. _ J. W. ft, care X. Y. 0L1PPER. WANTED, VERSATILE PERFORMER AS PARTNER FOR MEDICINE BUSINESS. Audio's DK. II. J. IRV1N0, se Leo Place, Brooklyn, M. Y. _ IMUIIEW OPERi HOUSE. 8END POR OPEN TIME. J.W.STOLL. Prop, and Muu., Blnnewater,'N. V. WlVrtn by Refined Concert Coiupsn vTAtlABll! i.ADY SlNGEIltvho SlngrYod LADY SlNGBKwho Slngs'Yode- llng sjujs, or would Itke lo learn Vodsdng. Can or write 13 MYSLIK, 348 E.$2d HI . N. Y. I'll return photos. j. AND ALL TBEATRIOAL GOODS. Soenerypalnted cheaply aud quickly. Amateurs suppled, ft. K. MILLS, -187 W, 41»t8t.. New Y OBAH . MILLS, 4BT W. 41st St., WANTED. Vork Cliy Attractions for this Season. -UP TO DATE HOUSE. Write. Good Show Town. _ ■»; A. CRAMER. Manager, Desire, Pa. BEBMD KLING, PL A Y WHI6BT, r EULPINCII ST., BOSTON, MASS. Sketches snd plays written to order. Bond sump f or lis t of $1.00 Typew ritten Sketches, Wanted at Once Repertoire people win cau act. Salary low but sure. 0. A. OLY HEK, Cape- Vinc ent, K. V. Amaienrj—New Acts' Wanted— CiicMbk For musical productions, concerts, clubs and vau- iio.Hle: pubili- sppearance and engagements ar- ranged . Apply 1-ORRE6TKII. IS* ath Ave., N. V. WANTED, For STETSONS UNCLE TOM CO., MAN FOR PII1NRAS AND LEGREE; one that Slays brass preferred. WOMAN FOR ELIZA AND [ARIE, and COLORED GIRLS to Play Brass. Mnst sing and cane walk. Answer OEO. PECS, 214 W. 4»d BU. N. Y. City. SLIGHTLY USED FILMS ~ BIOORAPH F-IU-IVIS. THE GREAT RAILWAY TRAGEDY, ...-.-... J30.0II Al .IT ANNA AT THE SEASHORE, ------- .--. i iM ) THE ESCAPED LUNATIC, she Bit of the Centaur, - - - "- ' 8 »eo TUB ONLY' MAN—Another Knockout. • • • - - - : - 50.00 PERSONAL—The Everlasting Hit, - - - • - -'--*> 40.00 TRAIN ROBBERY, - - - 60.00 BANK ROBBERY, ....... .. . flo .00 RBYBNGB. * • - . - - ' - - • - - - 04.00 AND 100 OTHERS. 10,000ft. OF FILM FROM THREE CENTS PER FOOT UP. EDISON EXHIBITION MACHINE, Complete, - - - - $70.00 LL'BIN, ... . . - . . ..- «o,oo I.CBIN, Complete, with OA8 MAKING OUTFIT, - - - . - 60.00 BARGAIN MACHINES ALWAYS ON HAND. We will accept your old films and Machines for new ones. WB RENT MACHINES AND FILMS WITH OR WITHOUT OPERATORS. ILLUSTRATED SONO SLIDES—All the Latest: TEASING, MAN WITH THE LADDER AND THE HOSE HER BOY IN BLUE, DOES THIS TRAIN GO TO HEAVEN? BLUE BELL, and 100 others, all Beautifully Colored, at 15.00 PER SET. We also carry a large stock of Cloak and Serpentine Slides at 25 and U cents each, colored. WE WILL FOSE YOUR SONO OR YOUR LECTURE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. THE BE8T STEREOPTICON ON THE MARKET, 814,76. WITH ELECTRIC, CALCIUM OR ACETYLINE BURNER. WB RENT STERBOPTICONS AND SLIDES WITH OR WITHOUT OPERATORS. THE CHEAPEST PLACE ON EARTH FOR SHEETS. loft. SQUARE, S5.00. LARGER SIZES IN PROPORTION. BARGAIN ALWAYS ON HAND. ALFRED L.. MARSTN & CO., 138 EAST 14th STREET. NEW YORK. N. V. Tel.—3813-Grsna. P. S.-ATTENTION.—GOOD FIRST CLASS OPERATOR8 ALWAYS WANTED. Emma Boulton, H. S. Rodenbough, Juvenile Leads, gtcond Bus. Soabrettes (Specialties). Musical Director (Pianist, ArrSuger . Advance or Bos. Manager.) Thorongbly reliable »nd experienced; good dres«ers. NOTE —Managers sneaking Info the bnii- 9s with would be stars or school of soling people, keep off. ;es KOHN ST., Norriatown, Fa. "WAJSCX^O QUICK, FOR MAMIE FLEMING CO., Woman for Leads and Heavios, {ft. tiln , with swell wardrobe, Man for Heavy and Characters, bit. Ilia, or Gft. Must be capable, and have elegant wardrobe, or will be closed. Write or wire. W. U. GRACEY, Manager, Wlnsted. Conn., week Si.; Danbury. Conn., week Nov. T. WAITED, rOB BEPEBTOIHE, BUS. MGR., TO GO IN ADVANCE; Pianist; Useful People All Lines. Address WILL F. CROCKETT, care of CLIPPER. AT LIBERTY NOV. 12, SLIDE TROMBONIST. Locate or travel. HERBERT HI NT, VOOEL'S MINSTRELS, Charlotte, N. C.Nov. 0; Rlohmond, Va., Nov. l& AT LIBERTY, Band Leader Strong Coruet In street; Electrician, Play Parts. F. A. CHURCH. :fflS E. lata St., N. Y. 0., care ot Dnnn. James Kennedy Company CHARACfERWOIYIftN. Address Danville. 111., week Oct. SI; Lafayette, Ind., week Nov. 7. O. E. WEE. Pianist: Wanted, Lady or gentleman. Give very full particulars and lowest salary. Immediate, continuous en- gagement. First raoancv In tho position. AIwivb pleased to hear from clever repertoire artists. Address CLARA MATHE8. Care ot Cliav. Lludaay. Winnipeg Theatre, Winnipeg. Man. SCENERY For Every Thing. ELIZABETH CURTAIN CO., Write us. ELIZABETH, N.J. Wanted, for Three Night Stand, People In All Lines, oapabie ot working in "Damon and PvthUs." Olve full description aud lowest salary first inter. Managi-r Dramatic Oo.,Cloverdale.Ind. FOR BAUD. Tents, Seals, Lights, Poles, Slakes Anil other Show Properly. Bend for Ihu PEARL VAN, Norlhvlile, K. Y. SHIELDS' RADIUM: LADY'S \ EFFECT J ACTS, SAPPHO; FOUR SEA SONS: SNAKE; PHOSPBORESCENT SEA {DANCE). Etc. Gorgeous Costumes and effect*. These strong acta will strengthen yourshow. BARGAINS:—CLOAK OUTFITS, lit, fur cnxturue and 20 effects: Serpentine White silk Dress. $26. worth too: Fire Dance Outfit*. Sound Effects, SERP. AND CLOAK EFFECTS. Write for lists. PMOP. SHIELDS, 109 West SOtb St., New York. RADIUM MEDICINES Have made the greatest hit In 20 years. No up-to-date medicine man will be without them. No breakage. Exprcax ctiargea one-qnarter. Easy to take. Put npin tablet form", sooner cent. profit. RAD1TJM MED. CO., ho. 432 Oleatuore Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Hickman-Miller Co. Wants flood S. and D. Comedian, General Business Man and Woman, Woman for Second Business. Special- ties given preference. Others write. Wepavall. Sure, reasonable salary, every Sunday. O. I. MILLER, Butler, Mo., Nov. I. 8, 9. ,i ■ W W Comet, Tromtvone and Drums to Double 8'age; one to Double Piano. Also Al Advance Agent. Stato salary and all in ttrst letter. Show opeua Nov. S3. WILL H. FRANKLIN, 2£i Madlaon St., Wilmington, Delaware. Last Chance -Two Complete BOIOLCG U BS, Two Hot PAB0D1ES, All 4 for 2&o. flood goods; come qnlok. WILL H. FRANKLIN, 281 Madison 8t,,WUmlogton. Delaware- WANTED AT ALL TIMES, SINGING and DANCING WOMEN, SINGLE and SISTER TEAMS. Must have first c'aas wardrobes. THOMAS McQILUN. Brag Music Hall, Amsterdam, N. Y. WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE That Double Brass. Address CHESTER QKNTER, Wharton. Texas, THE HEW EHflLAHD PLAYEB8 Wants Clever Repertoire People in All Lines. Three night and week stand*. Salary low, as yon get It, People with specialties preferred. Send photo. We pay board. Can use Picture Man and SuenluArll't Want Play with Paper. Addres* ARTHUR NYE. Rutland, Vermont. P. S.-Marulc Tuson, Kstelle Plunkett and Kenneth, write, HIMMELEIN'S IDEALS WANT HCICK, EXPERIENCED GENERAL BUSINESS WOMAN. Size, age and lowest salary In ttrst; photo If pos- sible; mast join on wire. Other Rep. People, write, JNO. A. HIMMKLEIN, Beaver Falls, Pa., 31-6; Altoops, Pa., Vft RHE LORRAINE WANTED, COMEDIAN, Must be Al Acrobat, to Join three sot. Call or address MISS DE LH AY. Vi Third Ave.. New York . WlMTPn CORNETTIST 'or Band; prefer Tia\n ABH*" 0 newhocan do Characters, Oor- nettltts at liberty, write, telling what you can do; mako salary loe, for it i« sure; never close. Ad- dress M MELVILLE. Hatesvllle, Ark. ill E3c.Hi Fifteen 8lrap. with Frnrrc; Hand Bells, 2',' Oo laves, Chrorcat'c Steel Hats, all perfect condi- on, cheap, E. G., *>l West sid Street, NY. City, CLEVER LEADINO MAN. HEAVY MAN, BTAUK DIRKOTOR, PIANO PLAYER WHO CAN ARRANGE, CLEVER SECOND WOMAN. Must be able to act. No more room for lnoom- netents and ara.teurs. Inebriation not tolerated. Salaries absolutely sure. Address OblAN. N. V. Oct. II and week; NUOARA PALLS, N. Y., Nov. ; and week. Edison Passion Play, 27 FILMS. Al ORDER: ALSO SLIDE*. LOW PRIOE. ALSO UNOLE TOM'S CARLV. HABBACH & CO., m ti^%! ^" ADVANCE A6ENT WANTED FOR THE Rlcton Attractions through Maine. Maes, and N. H. Address R1CTON, en Carlton, Brooklyn, N. Y. P. S.—State if you pltv pianu. WANTED. REPERTOIRE COMEDIAN WITH STRONfl SPECIALTY'; LADY 08 OEN'T PIANIST SPECIALTY' PEOPLE and other*. Imruedni- engagement. MORROW t ARNOLD, Cenlon, 0.