The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November. 5: THE 15FEW YOEK CLIPPER. tien A*"a jkj^^vx^ OHILD SOIffG STG PLEASE COME » PLAY IN ' W.i<de by ED. HADDCN. „„,,«. ,_ THEODORE MORSE. Conceded by All I* be the Sweatast Song In Word* and Maale or Hi IClmi. ...18 GREAT SLIDES FOR THIS SONG... WHAT THE BRASS BAND PLAYED Word, by JACK DRiaLAJIB. Made by THEODORE MORSE. ^i.i'ii,tiil-, i ,,,-c- — A ■laahlng March Son*:. Good for All Kindt of Art*. *j- isi-aij mi. CHORUS. Way down In my heart they played a feeling I've got for you, I must t»«y farewell, good-bv uiv nine Hell; tnv ' Then the boy* went marching rif'to~tfco "nine of "the Boy In KlueJ On the seventeenth of March Bedella and Btrney parade, That's what tuo brasa ban it uiy u pill. ycd. DAN, DAN, DAN-U-EL ED. BOOF.nj' Cracker Jack Coon Bona;. The Or.atut "Coon Sh.nt" «• BEAD THE CHORUS. Dan, Dan. Danue!, won't you come home to your babe once mo' I'm waiting honey In da rain fo' you to come homo once ago In: ■«a*r Sine* "Bill Bailey." Hat to It t|nlek. ....a, Danuel, how I love you why no one can tell, Why hon, don't leave or els* I'll grieve, but come back to me. Danuel. aaa "Cr y I a." Dan, Dan, Danuel CAN'T YOU SEE MY HEART ALL FOR YOU ■Word, by BERT BTTZOIBBOV. as Maslr by THEODORE .MORSE, «~- t>m.t» .r.r.-r, or,/v„J!,* y ^ H *" Ma '' th, « *• **• Btmt «»cc»a»or to "reeling For^fon," and la THEHE -Always. W klad THE CHORUS. Can't you see my heart beata all for you, all for jou, When you're far away I'm always blue, always blno, , It y ou'd only tell me what lo do, what to do, For my heart beats all for you. TALLAHASSEE TESSIEI OYSTERS and CL. A MS Words by BERT FITZGIBBON .mi ri-»vwov,i ainaie by gk One of the Cat. and Cnnnlng Kind and Bar* to Pl.ast by GEORGE BELL. , Words by JACK DRIBLAVE. in A HOVEL MM SOWQ in Mnale by THEODORE MORSE* ) Faatarad by the Ortat JOSEPHINE 8ABEL and Many Other.. Don't forget these: "Little Boy Called Taps," "Make a Fuse Over Me," "A Rare Old Bird," "Come Down From the Big Pig Tree," "My Honey Lou,". "Isn't It Nloe to Have Some One to Love You," "BLUB BELL," "I'VE QOT A FEELINC FOR YOU," Etc., Bto. F. B. HAVIXiAND PUB. CO., 125 West 37th St., New York. ^ (3"y*H a»r»c. Biroaaciv* any). v iliijl. ■ m a ' ' ■ HAROLD E. CORNELL, Juvenile Leads, Genteel Heavies, Stage Director. HETTIE BERNARD CHASE, Leading Juveniles, Soubrettes, Ingenues. Experience, Appearance, Ability add Wardrobe. "Joint engagement only." Responsible managers Piece ~ of stock, One Piece or Rep., please write or wire HAROLD E. CORNELL, Ni. 1512 Congress kit., Houst.ii,Tins. Wanted,» VAN DYKE & EATON CO. (WKSTEHSi. HAN K0R RBAVIKS. MAN FOR CHARACTERS and GENERAL BUSINESS, MAN and WOMAN FOR GENERAL HU-tNEsS. All most be good dressers,and hare up-to-date modern wardrobe. Those doing specialties il»on preference. State all arse letter; ntme lowest salary; I pay board and R'y. SB0W OPKNB NOV. 11; REHEARSALS IS. Never close. A<idreas P, II. C0GGE91I ALL, Manager, tare of Lyric Theatre, St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED, FOR BROTHERTON'S W. W. W. MINSTRELS, Oood Novelty At t, Second Tenor for Ballad and (Quartet, First Violin, Doable Trombone or B art tone. Other Oood Feople, writ.. Muilclsns. address JOBS NIOSO. Weston, W. Va,, Nov. 8; Buchanan, W, Va., Nov. 4; Clarksburg, W. Va., Nov.6; Pomeroy, Ohio, Nov. 8; Ularkaton, W. Ta., Nov. 12. Regards to John W. Yogel, the Minstrel King. DOT KARROLL CO. WANTED TO SELL On tde account of my wife being killed, my entire medicine outfit, consisting of 1 tent ooxBO, 6 push poles, 10 foot side walla, stage, MsH, slide cur- tain, dressing rooms, marque, ticket omce, bala- boo stand, stakes and hammers, ropes, As Jacks for feats, 1 beacon llgnt, l double star burner, 2 single star, 5 Baker's burner*. Bad tbrto rains on tent; all new. ! Edison long dlstaooe moving pldtnre machine, with 2,too foot of mm consisting of comic, Cnclo Tom's Cabin; lamp for calcium burner, 1 set of song slides, rheostat. 200 foot of wire, I new screen. Coat of this outfit, 11,118; will take ti25; Including 1 nprlght Uealy k Lyons 8 1 . octave piano, and will pay car fare one way to the purchaser. This is no cheap Joint, but up to the minute. Addrcie me at Wyoming, III. DR. WHITE EAGLE.' Al GENT PIANIST, Sight Reader and Paklr. State all, lowest salary, etc.. first letter. I pay board. Will send ticket subject to baggage check*. Address „ . DR. J.K. KMlfiSoN, Monroe Olt j, MonroeCo:,Mo. P. 8.—Those who wrote beforo, write again. Regards to all. _f ZELMA RAWLSTON, At lyitoert^v After Dee. «fl». KOUI, A CASTLE TOUR, BKOINN1NO NOV. II, AT TUB NEW OLYMPIC, CHICAGO, r.rinanem, gflEHMAlg HOISE. Chicago. LONDON VAUDEVILLE - THEATRE. London, Ont. tmnmcti VtV A TnTTaVI*) Vaudeville Acts at All Tlmes-Mtiiloal Acta, Aerial Art,, canting Aula, Dog wV im.1V JJLJgMaVf a U d pony Acta, Hinging, Datiolog and Talking t'om.dlars, and Skebjh ream*. State lowest In first. We pay no fancy salaries. Break your jump between Now Tork ami Chicago. w> are on the main Hue of all reads. No Sunday show*. 0. W. BENNETT • . ■ - . . Prop, | V. 0. FLEMING - • • a. Bui, Mgr. VAUDEVILLE IR. MINSTREL PERFORMERS, NOVELTY ACTS. ■TATE ALL U FIRST LETTER. Ladles, send photo* If possible, whtoh will be returned. HAMILTON t WILLIAMS, Newark, 0. MIH fOB LI8HT COHEDY AHD GENEBAL BUSIHESS. state low«st;p*.T own. Olliers, wnic. J. C. WELCH, Walt ham, Mass. Join receipt of wire. Pay own hotel. C. W. STATER, Texarkana, Texas, FOUR HOU8E RECORDS BROKEN IN SEVEN WEEKS By tbc Peer of All Popular. Price Attractions, THE SUMMERS STOCK CO. Now- plajflug to capacity business, at ADVANCED PRICES, In the Canadian Northwest. WASTED—Ucntecl Heavy MAN, capable of playing some juvenile leads. Must Join on wire. Clever people In other lines, write. Fares advanced to responsible parties, will buy some good fllnig. Address SHERMAN & SUMMERS, Port Arthur, Ont., week of Oct. 31; Port William, Out., week of Nov. 7. Payton Sisters WANT GOOD CHARACTER OR HEAVY MAN. , Long, immediate engagement; must have good wardrobe, wire lowest; pay own; must Join on "Ire. tjrenada,-Ml**., Nov. 3,1, s. Col. FRANK ROBERTSON, Manager. ^TAivrE^rav quick:, for A DAWN 0F°FREEDOM CO. CUARAOTER MAN, FRENCH HALF-BREED HEAVY, JUVENILE LEADING LADY and Other Usefn P eople, write or wire LAWRENCE PETERSON, Bus. Mgr., 24fl Cedar Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. The Feature of all Society Acts, - WII_80IM and MORAN WANTED QUICK, lady Violinist, String Bass. AleoRIANO. FOR LADIES' OROfUMTRA. Other Lady Music isns, write at once. ALMA M. NASH. 808 West Becond 8L, M»ry vllle, Mo. TIME. IPPLETON THEATRE, APPLETON, WW., A. EMERSON JONES, General Manager. NOV. 10. 11. 16, THANKS01VING, CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR, Jan. 8,13,12,29, Feb. 1,6, wee* Feb. 12. Only Brstolaas attraction booked. Wriw or wire GENERAL MANAG ER. WANTED, FOR UmBBRBW & Uill'B lOBBOUSS, Soubrette that does part, and specialties that are Al; Peatnre right part*. Cornet, to double R. A a Alto Cornet, to double First violin In Orches- tra or Stage. Tubs, same. People of ability In all lines, write. Onenlglilstands, and you must be actor* and musicians, or lake rhe ususl. Tickets/ Yes, If yon are right Mgrs. opera houses Mo., Neb., Iowa, Dakota*, lead time. Address OH AS. KINNKDREW. Chlokasha, Indian Territory. BON TON, Phila., EIGHTH, BELOW VINE STREET, OPEN OCT. 81. High Claaa Oontlnaoaa Vaadawllla. Ait persona most tend photos and billing matter two week* In advance. Artists be prepared to do two or mora a day. Acts always wanted. Write to above Theatre. Now Booking East. Address M. MAGNUS. Mgr., No. 07 Clark St.. CHICAGO. PIKRLE88 CLUB JUGQLINC DUO. Addreu'- DERT DRLL, Representative, Western Bnrean CLIPPER Office, Chicago, HL AtLiMtiyiMiit Nn. 15, Exptrlitesd diiititl For U, and0. (E-Uat In brass). Location preferred' LEE BARTJta, care of Sells A Downs' Show, Chandler, O.T., Nov. «; Oblckaaha, I. T.. Nov.e,7. Permanent addre**, oov INOTON, Ind. ALLEN'S OPERA HOUSE Population of town, 1,000; uatluar capaoliy of hoiae. soo. Fine show town. WANT good ATritACTlOKB. A.A. ALLEN, Manager. WiBltd. Lsctsrar «t Offlcs Worker; Safsry or per cent. Also Pianist; muit read and fake: must be *oh*r and reliable. Ticket*? YES. IF TOU ARE IT. MILES FKADLET. Calmer, Iowa. LEAPING DOG FOR SALE. H30H LEAPING GREYHOrrND. Addraae M.A-MSEHA*. t3llatle>ii»an Avnwo, Ch teayo, 1 11. sid Cowboya, and Other Featuie FDmi; must be oilglnaU, State lowe*t price. Addrsts CASH DEAL, care of CLIPfER. •9 I AMERICA'S STRUKOBiT TRAVELING STOCK ORGANIZATION, ECOGNIZED PEOPLE I» ALL LIKES, Addrca. MEM Penn., week Oct.:..; **fiBM2&S&E£tt»* BROWN.CO. WANTED QUICK, Repertoire People in all Lines FOR No. a COMPANY. Alio A FIRST CLASS MALE PIANIST, and A IIOOI) ADVANCE A0E5T. People wait be able to deliver the goods, and the canh la always ready for them. tlEO. W. LOWE, Manager LOWE BB08.' MADISON SQUARE THEATRE C 00., Mount 1'leaianl, Utah. ""KSF'RusselTs Comedians TEAM (MAN AND WIPE) for single snd double sptelallles and general bualnua part*. .H'VEMILK LEADINi; MAN, and OKNRRAL IIUSINESH MAN AND WOMAN With HpioialtleH. Al AdENT. (libera write. ' Company pava cxpeosei. Fares advanced after drat performance. Managers in Ohio and Indiana senaopen time. Have a few good weeks open. Al company. All kind* of speelsl paper, Hill like a olrcaa. Address LINCOLN J. E1BHEY, Stralghtat lllo, o. (Murray, O., week 1 f Nov. «,) THE SCOTTISH TRIO IV THEIR VOCAL AND MUSICAL ADltltDT., l&X&T&UT&m' HOT SCOTCH. Tale week, re-engaged Star Thoatre. Dtlca; Nor.;. London Thealro, London, Canada; Nov. 21, Tony ' Oood Agent Wanted. PermanontadilreHs Pastor'*, n. Y. vanauo, rvii *n 11 Care of CLIPPER. 1 ' III 1 — MEDICIHE MEN. If yon are In tbo Medicine Business lo make mouoy there la but one Hot) of remedloaon the markei that bring 1 esuits and big round dollars. We furnish tho largest and most elaborate line of paptt FREE wltb tho Modern kemcdie'. No matter what Hue jou are handling at present we can tavu you money. Write us today for particulars. Oor. Oliver and Otmtral Ave.. CINCINNATI. OHIO/ LIBERTY, HERBERT DOBBINS, HEAVIES OR CHARACTERS. Sober, relisble, experience, ability and wardrobe. Reliable manager* only, uddrem care Of 3a year* of age. Appear" uc« on and oft, STATER'S MADISON SQIIAHH CO.. Tnxsrksna. A»k after NOV. 4, RENTFRDW'S JOLLY PATHFINDERS li'oke all Repertoire records la the htitoryof tho CITY OFERA HOUfv Dutawnre. 0„ weok Oot.H, '<MM. Every performance 0 record breaker. B-mked for return daio. « OLF A KI No, Managots City OpjraHiuse. DRAMATIC STARS and NOVELTY VAUDEVILLE ACI'b, addroAH J. V. RENTPROW, "RE STFROW'S JOLLY PATIIKlNDKHft." »« par route. Alia |B,T5. CAJIII IOIh »0.»0. 301*1 iooo. WITH lOlK * 331a i«.a». ORDER *• ud f'"- < .<«». ■- , EELBER TRtlMK AMP BAG CO.. IVI Columbia Av... Phllwd.lphla. Pa. WtltU Qilck. SECORO H4ID PICTUflE ■iCEISB.ttiANDnBil IAI \ Matt bo cheap for cash, can oie Film, and other accessorial. State make, roudliloiii how long ant and all particulars in first letter, with lowest price. OMVR'Mji'h'x, save your ••ami% Adflrei* UEO.LA BC«E,careof Oen'lDel,St.Louis,It>.