The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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S66 THE NEF YORK OLIPPER: November 5. BY! I THE OF PtrKAMLrTNY FAM1S, 1| WATUEftft AT tBB VlCTOHtA WATERMELON VINE LOU). Thli long la a great' programmes. hit" u lili THB UOLDKN OATS |IDtllfl,Mw on the KJBITH CIBCE1T. FRKK cople. at tbi* w>| and many others Juil fro I from the press to professionals sendlna oi).i n ,i WALTER .JACOBS, 107 Tremont 8t. Boston,ansY* WW Post Office. «l I III ■ ■ ■■ In order to avoid tolatnkea and tn linnrf -the priimpl delivery- of the lettern advertised In thin Hat, an envelope plainly atlilreaaed nut be • eut for each letter, and a written order far the letter, signed with the full name and address and the line of baatneas followed by the sender, jurist bJbu lie enclosed. Please mention the date (or sin- her) of TUB CLIPPER In which the letters aent for were advertised. ;;<-;- ;-, LADIES' LINT. Alvora, Peerless Adler, Francis Adams, MnuJIe Abbot, Ann Mn Misters Arm, Edna •.Arnold, LoeJa ■AlrUon, Kdyfhe Aliirloh, Louise Anger Mrs. (Jen Black. Nettle U Hiker, Bessie Urackctt, Helen Brink, l.lllle liowl. Mura ISernln, Annie llrynllt, flora ltatchelor .... Sisters Bryant,' Mar .Itl.ncbard Dora W»», Lottlo I'-nker. Nellie l.rtnrn, Helen Brown, B. V. Illckel Mrs.O.L. .Bond, Murn l'carkley, Adelaide Bniee, 1 Hluiiilln Eleanor liitrllnghnmc •n .'■.-.-. 'Clara .Baldwin Lucille l;, May Klancbard. Dora Hnrrett, Marie Deardsley, Adelaide HrachaM, Julia KeFkwHh, Little Hartelldt, J<«le I'nrlbde, Flora <** Bay Chester, Ida Otimcrou, J. Crnwcll, .Burt Cttrltnn, Sadie Carter, BcTiliit Carlisle,-Iray cheater, Ida . Curtis. Vera Clanyn, , ,.i -Beatrice 'Crawford, Khun M. Clifford. Maud Uuanaaa Manila Del more, Addlo Drake. F.thell Davenport, • Ed.. Mm. DiTfukl, Alma Desmonds. Mllll 1 .nwVvn, "Laura ', Eonj ItavlM, flniee Pa row, Clyde IiesMoitt], Mary fin pant, l Mnyme tieqne, Linru >.■: i u, Jose Polar, J. P. 1'lirainl, Mnnd Donegal}. .Nellie Ptvi*; Eva ■ I'acre, l.onlc IHenl. Mary B. li'Kntrlle Slater* Donnelly, Cecelia it Ellcdn, Hose Ellis, Com - LUK Muble r.Ueda, Rose .Baitrsou Hello nnytb, Boar Ismopd, Flora .LHeda, Row Fell, Ailille 1'urnlRs, fl, L fowler, Edesso Foslordeor D. J Ployed, Bessie IWkMlK'W. iSBI Sisters 1'rAnela, f'mmn I'ledura, Bessie 1'nwlei. Berlle '.Mnuller, Kale Fluniu-ie. amudelMill*. llallle (inrson, Marlon l-oodri<l|r,c, Etta HoiJmi. L. II. illletle Sl.tcts tlreen, Jean. W. tlnnlner, .Masle Orooac. Laura Ollrnore, (Urid)s Lrcy, Lottie ■•- (irnver, MUilreil (Inint Jennie It llrey, Vera tlniniion, Ida itregnr.v, fleo. L lilllell. r.rtle (illbert. Addle (IrclR. Irlne (irnni, C,-ssy Ucrbrnndrou, • . Nino lie/wood, kvilth llmgfeton, H-.lw: .'(unilsb, .Mamie Ileal). Rlln term a mi, JI me. Hnrey, Xnnle Holland, Helen Ban,. A, Ilardenbcrgh, l^>utae Her Mnrrbfie Von llamm, Oertle il.irrU PannleM lne*til, "ndle iliMisjii, Marie llnninirt. Ilnlaj Herbert, Nettle luimi 141, Joule JeffeMon. W. I), .lelterson, ~]m\p lohiiBon, l»ia T Jordan, LowIm "one. Ma. Uemner, Dolly King, ileaalc L. King, Vera Kenton, Dorothy Klrke, Celene B lCnnlTmnii, (luy l.aran. Am If Lester. Nina l,.amont, Marlon I .Mile. A. T. r.ovlnjjlou, May Lit Voiir, Mfirle l.n Oallle, U K, l.e Illunc Sister* l.iitell. Bhllit'll Leslie. I'.Ihii l.eiianl HlKleta I.elKlitun, Illiineh Norton. Mabel Norwotth, Jock Norrli, Corlnnc Noel, I.uellle Oekermab. Kloranee Van Oaten, Era ITilllpH, Madeline false. Ml l*l 1'rlngle, Jennie 1'aul, Nettle i'untaer, Lltia (Julnn, Mnrle Hi■llwm, Marie itulierts, Milan i'erere, Mnrle IUiIIIiik, Theresa ilotiliiioa Ida K. Upany Slaters ichenaid, . ' Madeline Kawlslon Zilma Kiulcliffe, Carrie RediDeinl, lata Heed, Leslie ItoliertH. CoMellt Ralney, MaUl Ueeee. I^slle Kemelley. Mrs. lloae, Herman lierere, Annie Hlalio. Mlhlred Knusell, Neita ItiibertH, l^iurea Rile. I'ntuiy Itordon, •• • Catherine telnhart, M. J. 1'oberta, Eiiith' Klcbard!, II. .(tnnrt, Mnrle Xanfoftl, Muy Sloan, Ilofie Sherwood, Oene Sehseter, Anna flevena. Alii-.. scona, 5lomla SnlllTan. . . Harriett Fliiiw, Mary MNT, I.IICJ - U ?e«rn, f. B.? Hhelton. l.lllle Mimujein, Sylrlu mU n V, .\ii..-c Wi D'a I>eBiie, Rill lltnini, V.. R. Ptmn.-lly. J. P. Done, Joa. Iirtfcir.ffe. Edgar Daley. Wo. DaTldadn. J. W llllsn'orlb, Mr. Ellawortb, Cue- V.ntoni. Al. Emmernln Mart. Ellla, \V. H. lirana. Kid Esfr^Edward '''''^""Mlaaea. .j: Meairai Ktana, Ward A TlliH Enrle, .A. ■. Knlgmdrelle Kilwarda, Al IMmunda, W. 0; Ktans. "Kid" l'dwarili. L. A. 1'fiooiit, -Jay. I'lalny a Burke l'ralkes.iFral 1'reemnrr. J Jlj. ■ Plyhn, J, A. Erantr, C. R. >b»ter. Ed. I'lnk. P. It. l>rrW. Walir I'lndlar A Kurko I'lMber k Oat roll I'ields & Hanson Enrrest, Wl''J. I Lwrtli*. Fred Jvelly k. Vlolctt^ ilie Koster> KaaelAwsIrr, Em Kyle; J. T. Kennedy, Malt. Keoorb, — Kelly, Claud krJrr, I). S. Kempt on. Ererett Kaafman, J.Quy Kerr, II. C. I.cftnoo, iebn Kliek-^Ray KeDniay, H. A Klelat. Paul Kllbar, li, J. Keebfe, Frank KennM/.'C. O. Keter. Arthur Kenofbrew, , diaries k'lDg, Charles l-'eno, We I eh It Mimtfose hielly & Vloletto Kobers, The Kline. S. M. Jack I.etlnn, Wait. I orkln A ■' I'-itterson l.arae, Eu)ean l.lnd, II. H. Lnmolnc. W, L. I.lpnert, den. l^mnelK, John l.ntz Bros. k-ids, Ihrrr John loll, Venla Siinuuern, Clara Soiithtird, Ias.. ' Semou, Julia Mewuil. Mule Tudor, Lillian ninye.-. K«th. l«irta Lillian M Texana. Mamie MnitrosL', Remit Taylor, Irene MiTtlniei-. .lean' Tattle, C. u. Mnriloprt. l'rau. Taylor, Kriiia ttaaou, XUllBH Trodfie It. K. B. lorlH. Lily ■ Tracy, Leslie MoutruseY Helen Treuai'y, Miltule, Nellie Queeulc Moran, Paulino Vance, Clarke MlMUImi, Violet vitty. Maude Monroe. Trkle Verne. Oris Mlskel, Cora Vulllcre, Alice Marney, ' Vincent, Mabel ■ Knthryn Vltty, Mnmle Moraui Altec Verne. Filselliu Marlowe, Btsaln Wella, Kdnu • Murray. Ella William*. Murphy, Annie ■ E.nPenrl MacQntld, . Wslllng, Mis* Annie Wayne, Floy ' Mortimer Elolse Wanlerrrjarat, MorrUien. Bell* : Bertha Moran, Nonne Whipple Buyout Mi.nller, Klsa White, It. Miller. Untile Watson, Mnrle Mererllh, West, Ned Magcle Worth ItiBton Millar Slatero Maud Murray. Wentwortb H.ll Eliaabetb Wlllltd. • MarlnolT, Fanny '. Katherlne Miller, Walhy, Josie Katherlne W«yne, Grace Wren. K. Y. Vniincx. Ethlyn C.K>TLEM13\'S LIST. Anihnrk, Muly Anatln. W. V. Auust.'oui' k Holly Axtell, D. 8. Auoy. W. Arolo, Mr. Aimer, Horry Adams, K. It. Avery, Will "Aredo, Joseph- Anthony, Jnek AfJiton, Arthur Alrura (Danoer) Alllaou Mr.icMri Abliey. T. II. aii, m. a Applcton & . Terry Uurt, Mr. Barker, Wm. O. 4 Mat llrownlee, J. W llelluott. J. T. Hllllnir, H. II. Ilrtdley, A. C. Buckley, Mr. lierteh. Ilnrry Itttrns, J. 11. ItllllUEa. Oay Hlltt. K. K. llyrne, John P. Burr. Clnreiiee '] turns. J. 11. Hnlre, Joe Herko & Le Rue r^rry Frank luiwmiiu Uroa. Uavaett Russell Barry AWulford Itolae. Hurry Hell, 0. It. xoycr, W. i:. ltiaudon, J. Hush. Frank Ucitsloy, Al, L'lille.v, CUR Brammell. Bean Iturlon. Harry Buckley. Fred Iiolae, J. C. ' Bury. Joe Itolae, J. Huston Rroi. Illuke, Chns. vllrotrn'a Limited - .JU»n» C». ■Iirtbdou,!, lireliia. -Teddy lurk**. A. ^ BultM, F. O: Bootliwood Kirn Bdadwelf,' Win. Ti'ymin, W. It lnrren. Will Itarton. Joe lloyer. L. M. Hr.mka i Orey Bates. Mr. Brooks, J. M. Blttner. W. V. Huclier. L. W. r.itrjte, J. P. llnabea. 11. A. Honda, Bending 1 inrrows, A. II. HlreV, 11. U Iitirke. Jack Benton llownnl llenneit. J. M. lh'ltiHley, Horry BiisstMt, Russell Ikiwera. Will llnnl, H.,F.. lloyle. Charles lioljc, Hurry Uerfuian A , Cnminlnrs Pnrhnht, fleo. Iinten & Karnest Hair, Oeoroe lirlnkley. David Illlllnit, Ilnrry litedHoe, Jack L Henteron, Prof. llenlln, J; F. lloyer. L. il. .. (Ilnrk & dandy dole, II. Clarke. Mr. tide & Clements Cuiuptiell, Jack Coiurhllti, W. C. CVrtvn A Conrad champion. Jaek t'onner, Haul Curtis. J. A. Cotter, J. J. Cnstleton, K. D. ('•trios. Clins. Ooliurn, John (Mirttluim, Hiucb Colllttnoti, Unity ClltTord William Cleadcrah, The Crane. J. K. f^rhett, H. K. Carroll, J. K. ClliV.uil 4Burke Ctirtls A Adniua Corliln, C. 0. Corliln, J. A. Christv Dims, mtflrWtV-M. A. Clirton, It. II. Clikuilierlalna, The Ctirnioil.t. J. V. Ct'twi'ord, Oeo. Oaraou, MNML' Tlie CallkcHer. J. H. Colby A Way t'lirrlllon, Cnas Caiwne. W. II. Carlton. R. S. Cani)i, Jack Carlos, Karl. Croueher. W. F. Clinton, Chria Clear)'. 0. V. Crabtree. Oconee Ciiranniix, Mr. LVuillii, Iluriy Coahors, Frank Cnrotlk I'nrnnnl Onaie, M. it. Carroll, Jobnle Cummluga Coccln, Aitrelo Casslno, Jot 1 OdO, J. 11. CllffordA Burke Do Rue. Blllle De Monde, Bbes. Dttrrell, Guy De l.eob, Jack DeVoe, Ed. DeRNtane, S. M. Dunbar. Oils nemmlnjt. Joo Dnnnlilsi.ti. Cent DoRnrry Slew. Dclno, Henry Darling, s. JA. peBollen Henry Darles. T. 11. Dnrla, Tom Iiupont, r..lwlu Dixon. T. J. Dnnhnr, Ons D'F.lmaVe Heo. Day. Kdmtunl De Castillo. P. Dee, Frank Davis, Harry Deer, Jim Darls, C. O. Douglas, J. M. Daly. William Dereuilu, .Leo Detanhouc IK-lnroy. W. Dirttn. P. K. De Lion. Clem Deuel. John Donaldson, O.A. I»evlne, Horry DIekcrsan. T. J. Daveit)K>rt. Kd. Darts, Otrcu Ihitles. II. II. Dnprec, Hert; IdlKHi M. Lut'ell Denitou. \rllllir Davis, u. W, O Dtfytr. Edward DeNovn, Fn"d Daly & Rlietto Doris. Curt If DeCovaft. B. T. Dodge. Frank Borl*. I'uisey Chester Doley, Oeo. Fbl FleL . Foster. V. % Parrell.- Frnuk lesslnden Willis Fay, J. W. l-ulos, C. II Ford, Qto, F, Fnrlune Trio Fny,0. J. I at, M. A. I'mieavL. J. Flaig, E. IL HtMriUd, James Field'A Hanson Fnrrell, F. E. I'arhnn. Watt I't-istr Bros. Florence. Eddie l'orster, Mr. rbanr. J. II. (iilbert. ' ■ Mr. A Mrs iloulrt, Al ilefmlnale. Monl illlllngnater, C. lireenway Harry ilultlebe, K.AA. «uyer, 0. S. (Irnmllch. Cbss. iiiasB, Jaa. L. Htllard, L. V. Gilbert, H. B. I'raves Morton On. Co. Cnrdiier. Ucorge Koodiile, (leo. Orifve. W. L iluilili'.do, Mr. Unllatrlicr A Barrett Oixslman Artber OotHwlo, A. (lodfclr.s Trio tlolileu, O, V. Cilnslckloaa, ''- I * U. A Cruet, Al i.lrndof. Max QUUbnu A . Murtay tlenidey. Clark tlllllhuu, Kaile Grealtey, W. II. Grant, S. D. r.rlmiu, L'ltea tlamble. T. L. UttUiei. Arlliur Coldeil. Bill tiflei., J. a. tlallaeheC Edw. (■rant.. W. 8. (irimK'-Vetc • • ■■■ Remington Hlmbnn*. Mr. Herbert,'Lou Is Ilqrnnuu, Otto Hyde, W; M. Hurrlea. Eran HIIKRopWalk Henshaw, J. K. Boortr, fl. E. Harrington Dan llohllhan. F. J. lleaih. It. F. lllckraan.^IL F. Hiinler, i. V. Hoyt, Adil. • Illgglna. Ilnrry Hoiigblon, ltd. Hentb, R. i\ Jimea A Bemlnaton Parker, Burt l'uggalrr, II. 0. Potter ft tb .■Vaughn, Lair. i.llleT. J.-R.. 1 eoriard, Lyons, Edward Llndburg. W. Little. Monday Le Boy, Nat l.nke; M, L. ■ I.- ag. H. C. Linden A Wren LelTea, W. t«mnrd, Crosby yster kind, Homer Levering, James Ml Fi-rve. John LnVcen A Urona Ixrency KosrnsI Lyster ft Cooke Landor, Thomas Leon, • Bert; LeRoy t Victor L«Tian,'in Wire, Sid Wadells, Ford A Stay Wllllson. Herb. Waazcrnk ' (Stanley A Wink, W. A. White. K. V. Wilte. J. C. Westen,'Kd'iic AVeleh, Lem, Wm. J .Wynn A Hart Wlnsman Harry Wardell. Harry Winchester OX Water*, Tom vvilliems, Geo. Wnd... John P WlnfleM.Mni. L Welch. .Mar. C. Woodthlrpe. 4 Harry W'endelhor? F.J. Williams, .Todd Wills, J. H. Wymann A Rose — ■Ward. C. O. SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OP LIST. Wild. Wm. O. Ward, llonnlten A Ward Wills, Geo. Wilbur Clarence WatklrK. ' Llewllyn Wallkh Eilward Walters. Harry ^arrllll. J. A Elba! Veager, Ed. K art In l». Theo. Zerke, Bunt. ilarr: Illokuiin. Hugh KiildHKorta; - Oas. HofTroan. Dick Ileoryi J. A. llogan, Ernest llnrconrt A • o.. Wm. Hlllard, II, E. ll.iiii, Obns. Han'ct. Will lloyt, Leounid Illnr* ft -, iumlngton Hartley,.R : K Hlcktr A . Watmlnglon Hayes. Kd Hall, Franklyn Hefron Mmm Hall, 0. F. Hnrlg. V. C. Montana, Genrite lliisto.1. J. C. Hart. C.ABraslc Hiielmer Charlie Hunt, Oeo. B. Hathaway A Walton I tally A Merlins Hurt A Ollloii Holly. C. M. Hill.' Percy Hnnle.v, »t. E. Hardou, It, V. Hoose, P. L. Hnyward A lla.vw.ird Heeley A Meeley Hnrvey. Mr. HofTinan, Art Hart, nilley Hole ft Friuicla ltnyesf Wm. 0. linle. n. N. HetThlssty R.W lilokey, Nell Hnbart. T. J. Hayes, Eddie lletiW. J. A- Ireland, (1. II. Ireland, fl. U. Jrvlnutou. It. K. Juittlle. Ilnrry Juliei, X. P. Jmdail, Lewis wobiiseu, Joi* Julius I is'ti Flood ilbliea. J. II. Jnyee. Jack Jefferson Joseph Judge. Wally Joidyn, Frrnk Jones. II. K. .Inrretle. <1 u*rm> Jilfenon Joseph t eon hard t, A Lews. Wilt LeaTy. James Mitchell, B. r. McNeil. Steve Mansfield Wil- bur Co. McDonald, F. Merrill, ■ 8. P, Martin A Qnl| Moore, W. Mldgley ft Carlisle Murphy, \v. I, Slarx, 6. Mix. C. L. Melme, F. Mrtrosjcv Wm. Matui, TV. MrOeachy, Chss Munn, Danny Mix, Clayton L. Mnrtliictee. Harry Meharry, S. A MeKee, Mr. MWatlock, P*. Murray. F. O. Mitchell, Paul Murphy, Or * Pinky Murpbv MrAMrs Mead. W. II. Marshall, Joe Morris, Lou .. . (actor) MeShnyne, Oha*: 0. D. Mnnley. Mr. Mulerue Wm. H Muck, J. J. Jr, Maber. Paddy McClocky. Harry Murray. P. A. MHck, Wm: J. McKenna, Tom Mrrrltt. Charles Mara, B, Malm. Bnd Mitchell A ' - ■ '■•■ Marron MeAnnllnn. Joe Mabers, The .Magrane, T. A. McCready. Thomas Miller, Heit R. Malron, James Xlaroo. James Murtelll A Airmen Marshall, Jack Meyers, Eoroey Sliupby A Wlllard Melanl Trio Uouller.-U. Magee, Alex Mrrx, Charles Mong, W. V. Mnthleus, Juggling Hana, Walter Morgan, A...J. MUSgnte. W. R. Mayo. Kilgnr MoFntrldie. H. Murphy, Bert Miller, Marks Mobley A Prlnkley McQulrtn, W. J. Mack J. J. Mills, II. It. Mtll.vamb.-irk S.B Myers, J, I. Moulin, II. MoGrnth, K. A. llarili. Frank Knnk, Alfred Miillli r Family Millard. I.n Roy Norman (Frog Man) Vnlen, John Norrls. W. 3. Ncwcninb, R. NevvniRU, Jacob Self. W. F. Northern, Jack Noble. Hilly Newman. W. n, Nome. B. R. Noon, J. R. Newslwys Quart Noble. J. A. Nulls. J. A. Ntuld, A. flkley. O. R. I'lst- R. IL G'Btl^n. M. isloll. Maude ti'Hrleu, .Smllb JT*rtweII Puree, -O. Powell, Paul Paul, Oku Pbelr«. Eugene Paul, Frank Phlrlf, Alfred Phelps. P. A. I'oulton A Doley PatlerMB, Al ■ascoe, W, U. •aid, Oscar toblnaoa, It. I. •lla. Frtd yiqand,'JM suceo. A. 0. (Berg) Knssell, Frsd Itawson, Guy C. Hoar. S. A. Hussell A Tlllvn HtMHt P." P. lloblnson Harry jloblnson, Bill llogera, J. F, faoblluwn. Jaa.M BoteW'W. O; RoekreU, J. O. Itnbtnsoh W. A. Itostellc, Mr. Raymond, Jack Leaden, - - - . Sylveeton iiose. William Mnnhlo, Bruce nice, if;« Roberta, Andy Keeres,-Henry Rlano. Roliert Itnnkln ft Barrows aisles. !!22r-"2f. 7; A> house, .wpkb, no one thought on Saturday t mi l ii F mor * ln J> eou ' a be flnlshedTn time, was fln- >ov. 2, Indian band 3, "Ons Mgat In Jnne" .".. Burliuuton.—At the Orand (Chamberlln. Harrlogton ft Co., managers) *'A Midnight 'Marriage" drew a fair house Oct 21. "Under Southern Skies" 26, Stetson's •MJ. T. C" Nov. 1, "Human Hearts'" 2, "VYny. Women Sin" :». Sun's Mlnstrela 4. "Pinafore." by local talent (Juvenile), 7: "Buster Brown'' 0, 10, Williams and Walker 11, "Rudolph and Adolph" 12. «»» IS DIANA. Rlnaldo, Brace Home A Ferguson Robinson, A. r"We J-_ Hussell, Fred 1'jy, Mr/A Mr* IrvdUnhpoli*.-»-RnglIbb's Opera House ,Ad, F. MrUer. mtnnger) was dark week of uct,'24. TtWckstader'a Minstrels Nov. 4, £,, Ali Bur "TW* Orphans" Co. 7, 8. Park (Dickson A Talbott, manngers).— Howard -Hall, in "The Waif's I'arniltse." 20- 22, filled tb* honse to the doors. "OB the Bridge at Midnight," 24-26, drew, very big basinets. "The Curse of Drink" 27-29, "Alone In the World" 31-Nov. 2, "Shore Acres" 8-6,, "How He Won Hef" ,7-0, Nellie McHenry 10-12. i: : .,j! GnvsD Olm noasa:(Shnfec Zlegler, man- aajci-).—'For week of 31': Four Madcaps, Oil-. left's-rjiygs, Caron and-Kaeoumv. Les Olapas,- McCue and Cahltl, Colby and W'aji. Sabel Johnson, Klne. and Gotthold, and the blo- LtcenM <Dick Ferris, «anag«r).—"The Scope. Jewess," In which 'atlss Haywdrd closes New DstOtm (B. B. Thotbns, manager).— her engnirement at this honse, 20 and Week, For week of 31: Ooforth and Doyle, Cha3. "Tho Ndnllnee" ir«K "The Man from Mex- and Jennie Welsh, Irving and Splelman, Ar- icoV.tdrey. well 23-20. s- - . .■:■. j-i -thnr r^asanrt Harr» St Jnllen. r. OBWrtCM (Mnrtln Bock, genexnl manager). ,-BMnal (Chas. Zimmerman, manager).— —-This-vaud*vlll«'theatre opened '22 with The High Boilers, week of 24, fared well. an audience that Bljed the two -thousand Cracker Jacks week of 31. 'Bent*-Sftntley Co. seats and stood packed In the foyer ami week of No?. 7. * The performance was line. The Tumli.nron Haw..s— The annual pure food show was held week of 24 In connection with a vaudeville bill furnished by. local talent Business was very big. ...'* Minnesota; - Minneapolis. —At the ' Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) "Wood- land" Oct. 30-Nov.- 2, "The Jewel ofsAala" o-fi, "tabes In Toy land" 6-0, Kyrle Belle w 10-12. "Who's Brown?" had fnlr audiences Oct. 23-26. acd '.•Vivian's I'tpas" flfew splen- did business 27-29.'-:' ,- ^i B ■ Buou OPtitA UOBRB (Theo. L. Hat*. man ' agrr).—Rose Melv lite,' In i" SI si Ttopltks," 3U nnd week, "Her Fltst False 8tep" 'net} week. "Across the BacIIlc" bed fair patronage 23- 20. r/n? '^o 1 iitfft- in ,Hrt^ i Bow approsches the seasom c . J^!? >n ** s&n(l tt> 0 XOfrheulBati«mand r H?. 9 n ^,5 |S ' wmch number ^^ vwumt 0 ihsn"pi«euejpesiueucesndhialj)«.>i Against these evils there Is nosnrerall. around safeguard than Jaeger Under" ' Fauions the world over fir Its cuwiVe «s well as protective virtues. < -" r,,11 « RECOIDIErTDED BY LFADIvr PHYSICIANS EVERYWHERE ..Booklet* ana Sample* free. imtinmmmmm . Brooklyn: 604 Fclton St. Bofton: 230-282 Boyliton St PhUadelphla: lilo Chestnut su Chlo ago: w state St. Agent* in dU elites.. :tmi. tshed completely so far as one could see when the doors were opened. Business was great, crowded houses prevailing 23 and week. ■ The ._ . ..... lerformers for 30 and week : Howard Thuts- m „» '^.~^, lmJt n ,i, la s5 ; ai^i. L ' ^ ln 5^ Drawee, mm Tyce and~lrene j^rrnon, the gF.Ul ' l' IPg g Jg ' .' g i lt K afe 1S ,\,»?$ TtuV Funny Mitchells and Valerie Bergsre "l*****, *JS£&SE* m WSi HSSLJSSl Raymond Frank and company. ti B . nd niattnee, made a great impression. lllchaids. Croat logers, P. i. toberls, J. E. Knymohd, TO T. Ryan, 0, F. Jj-wW, Diw«f (M. H. Blncer, manager) ^-The Kentucky Belles 80 and week. Al. Beeves' lilg Beauty Show -next. The Transatlantics had good audiences 23-28.. . . Rorino.'J . Kothchltd, fiXT Raymond A •» Knrkamp Iielff, Oeo. W., The Itamonlers, The house was packed. House dark till Nov. 14, when "The ltoyal Chef" Kill be presented. Grand (E. L. KInneman, manager).—"la the Shadow of the Gallows'- brought out two full bouses Oct. 20. "Sandy Bottom." 21, 22, enjoyed standing room-huuset*. "The-Katzen- jiimrner Klda" 27. "Was She to Blame" 23. the Cutter A Williams Stock Co., In teper- torv; wcek-ot 31. -■ fea ■•> "'. .... " Brook tDngan ft Cahlll, managers).—Ca- Smediey Sketch Club Snyder, Bill Smith, P. W. Scott A Myrtle Kpaun, Bi • Steurman, 0. B. Sherman, Ralph Seabert. Alex. St. Pool.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Kcott, manager): Blanche Ring, In "Vivian's Papas," pleased Oct. 23-26. William Morris, In "Who's Brown'-" came if AMs" "qo-Nov^ 1 "?^^r2n?a 9 n d"'T h rf k^u P 11 '"? houses "nightly. Margaret lHoore, the Atthar uillttrop; andr'"BVhe.^rf Tnvinnd-'i^ii Sawyer sisters. Jeannette Martellaj the xftlSZJTSJS i. ?f m ohinl fW 5:1„ ^12' ^'y**- Laura Wells. Albright nnd Waldon, Manager Scott Is still absent In New lork, theKurt, Sisters and -Kittle Mnnn with the L e .r l „ D |5ee aSSlBUnt mana|rer Hsrry Bicker In addittoa'ot."Se TwS Welches. M0 ° ' ^ nispmcc.— _ ._ _ Crystal (John.H.Aminons, manager).— Bo^Melv.Ho^fn'-vtu S^\n^lf/'i^ Iuls Handsome new^bolisS of reaned _ continu- ! Tl " 0 ' ■" Idb l - h - a i, b, r. ons vaudeville was opened for the first Stallmari's Dresser Trunk »sy to get at every thing without disturbing anything. No fatigua In uacklngandunpacking Lirht strong, roomy drawers. Holds is tnncb and oosts no more tbsn . good box trnnk. Haad-rlvfted: strongest tm Die made. In sm»'i room serves us chiffonier. CO I), with privilege of examination. - aa. akaa tarMtlsa KaJTiIMAI,8»T.S»rkgIt. fclaaiua AMERICA'S BEST AND GREATEST Endorsed by Press and Pnllte. 6.000 references from all paru 0 f the world. THE ONLY SCHOOL ENDORSED 15 CHJCAOO business last week. "Her First False Step 80 nnd week, "Hearts Ardlft" Not. 6-12. Stab . (J. C. Van Boo, manager).—Rose starkweather H. Sydell'a London Belles bad about capacity . Li h. business last week aid pleased. Trans-at- lantlca 30 and week. Kentucky Belles next. Kjifire (A. Wetnholzer, manager).— Blisluess was fair to good; week of 24. 'New smllb, O. t Singer, Jaolr r-onthrn, Bert Sanlley, Joseph Simpson. B. 1'. Stroug, Lew Sleln. Fred Srlinfler, 0. 0. BteeJe. sVJtfc smitB. oy St. Belmo, J. Stautson, A. L. Sally, Daniel Simpson,' Kd. Sweeney,' Kd. A Swallow ft. Markle Strelf. H. B. Scanton ft Stevens Simon, H. A time Oct. 24, and the throngs which have - crowded It almost to sulfocntlon since the onenlng testify to the fact that Marion ap- preciates good entertainment. John Am- nions, who lias charge of the new enterprise, 1b: a Marlon boy vrbri has been well known upon the vaudeville stage foe a number of yesrs._ The opening..bill Included: Baadnll petol»"tor-wSk.9,3i7 TStil and Fowta and^klnnev frene White the Middled. Bisters, Shepherd and Blgelow and Llll'on XSin- 1 sSSrt'ulliSiT'riteh^SjT^ Bates. Holding over ; Klttlt Ransom, Fronkle ffiSararn* Vor wee? - ^* n ^ e T^ d - thf Kvans, May Dayton. Maud Dayton, the johwJ? ioo't the Tifr Mlfsea Denfcy and Stewart and -Rockaway aSTtfc Mniahaa?" _ the ek of 31: The Gordons, ree Graces, Irene White 1 Consav' "■ : • -" _ " nnd tn0 klnodrome. AltNTlot—The new armnrv of th« TC«. -. NotEtj.—Mrs. Clarence Bennett, wife of tlona?Gu^ds.aVau"f,uTown?t f one ht st^c: ferSk ^ttSS^SBnB turo on Sixth Street, will be openetl 30 BS, sP** ^TO^. 8 ??.J' l J n | d c „ A l l ? 7ai with the famous Grenadier ' Guards' Band! 2S7S: ::..:• v.TM "J* .P°* S" ? onT Show. KTbSd gaTrtTO delllhtfnl^e^rm^nces B ,¥ eQ ,w« fc WII«I tirougbT the Bouth until here "J at^ the Peonle^K Chifreh m bf- ttiter . tLe holidays, has been, compel ed to •mwdC feopies Church, to bi ft nace] „„ ^ten nnd return to Winter quar- crowds.' ■ • - ' i ' «, ' —:— Dnloth— At the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, manager) "The.Buna*ays." Oct 21, hadca- Meaiwrt Ali^ E a . clt >'- .. T "orhtis Jefrerson. In. '.'Kip Van sonaa 'bsctelt'a Winkle." 2a. llhd a fair sited audience. "The biomrd^W.^. Irtoh-Pawnbrokers," 20. and "The Worald." Sr3tS;™li»s. 21' Pleased. The "Ole Olson" date was Sher5alft Wm.B Changed from 20 to 28. .20.. VA Modern to _ guar ters at Kokomo, owing, to a disease which broke out among the animals. . , , .; - .. • -. . ■■ " ... " a ii Slgrlfete S|s«ncc, Tom Slelder. Will 0. Smllb, T. P. Nur+rs, Kail* Simmons. Eddie Swift. Herbert Kiene, Sydney Simon, Walter Stuart, John St. Auburn, W. Smith. R. B. Street, Kdw. R. Klilonle, Mr. SlIlllR*. E. L. Sutherland, , Fred (selrlon, The* smith. W. B. Stookder, Morlti Sully. J. T. Schumann, (lustnr Hnencer,-, Oscar hllvti' James Scott A Howard The Savoys Tlinony, John Turner, P. J. TVrrlss, John EvansTllle.—TL9 Orand (Fedley • Burcb. manngers) was formally ooened Oct. 10, and Chauncey Olcott delighted a big audience The Howard Stock Co. followed week of 11, : to good business. Clever specialties were in-' troduced. "The Liberty Belles," 27, had a good advance sale. "A Girl from Dixie" 20, cess Chic" Nov. 1, a. Kyrle Beilew4. 5. Kaiph A m , c J ltt i " B1 1?. b A m "'5 1 ' ? reae i'» , ? t ?*& aB ^ Stuart 7, "Sis Hopkins 1 ' 8, 0, "The Wlzardof Ka r j he, „ ln ^, Bidder Nov. 1. and Maude Adams 3. Oa" IL 12. .People's JPedley ftiBurch, managers).— Good business 23 greeted "Wife In Name Viking," ibooked; for 2S. waa canceled. "Vivian's PSpas'" will close the month. "Prln- M^r.TROPOLITAN Opeea Hot'SE (J. T. Con- don, manager).—"Her First False Step" Oct. 27-29.' The Powell-Portello Co. closed- the week ending 22 to fair business. Parlor (W. J. Wells, manager).—Bill week of 31: Anna Fields, Ed. Lowry, Trlxle and Tina, Edwards and John Fowler. Kay Thompson, Sid Harris. Lucille Blake, W. J. Wella add the stock. The new comedy Is "The Brave Air. Bold.!' . ' Bijou Family TrtBAXkB (Joe Maltland, manager).—Bill week or 24 Included: The /Inimermnns,- U O. Wblttltir, the Alblonn, l'rof. Kmevy, Howell and ICmerson, Joe Malt- land and wife, and Prof. Blnkmore, with the moving pictures. .- m » » IOWA. Only," with a good company. "The Moon- shiner's Daughter" 30.-.- -, i . * is -> Notbs. — Manager Pedley has completed contracts for a ?5o.O00 opera house lu Owens- boro, Ky„ and will have It completed for a holiday opening, lie is also a candidate for mayor of that city Ferd. Wastjer, an Evansvllle boy. will be manager of the Croud nnu People's when Mr. Pedley Is awav. "Whv Girls Leave Home" broke the People's record nnd they play a return date A company of Tyrolean-dancers-and singers from the World's Fair organized for week stands, but wera unsuccessful and.only-filled one night here .Arthur Dunn .wJIJ be secretary and treasurer of toe Giaud and People's theatres. « ' " Fort Wayne.—At the Temple (Frank E. Htouder, manager) "Tin Price of Honor" came Oct. 2A : to large patronage. :"The Younger Brothers," Telllver.F-d. presented "A Son of Rest" to large audience Thurston, Barry 2jn, «\ Chinese Honeymoon" 27. Wm. Tjtekcr. J. w. owen, ,ln "The r,sdy of Lyons," Not. 2; Tamer. W. U. i> Wo r HoDner 2.. ■ . ^ters, Pilrtoa Price, Oisi. Piinl, Fre.1: Potter. W. B. I'l lest, flonlou IVrrj", P. Ij. Pilgrim AIKII ct I'olo. flabrlel i'ltt. o. n, penny, Oeo. A. Peeler. R. M. Payne. C. a. Tenner. E. The Two Pttcks Ihraslier Arthur Taylor, W. P. Tamer, W. Y. Troupe, C. D. Till He. T. O. rrovollo. Mr. Tucker A Williams Tafltnna, VhS* lopaek, Oeorge Vamont, Victor Vnmont, Victor Van Meter. Harry \tncent, Ons Vower, I.nw. J. Vark, Frank Walton, Mr. De* Moines.—At Foster's Opera House (Wm. Foster, manager) "The Jewel of Asia" . played to good busftWs Oct. 2ft. Nat Wills ' B °J. n 5*Ln B n^H'- o7, fi ' u"5 d 3 He F" ,e ,is»«it.ii "k «a„ m ii«,i- I. i«k~> „>,.ii 0 n,.o Bed School House," 20. had good business. Ferris Comedians 31 and week, Davidson's Stock Co. next weekv i Majk.sth- (Rice ft Stair, managers).— TJOs n?w playhouse, owned by iM. E. Bice, tinder the management of himself and Orln Stair, of the Orand Rapids Theatre of the mime Dime, opened to a large audience at n substantial advance In prices in its first bid. for public, favor, with "Woodland." The theatre Is centrally located. Auditorium, balcony and gallery seat 1.706..'' The stage SffiMHil, (Up-to-date In every detail.) ■ Bock, Jig, Bklrt, Novel CaK Walk, Elocution, Sieging and Bag. Time Songs, Vaudeville Acts, Sketches, Monologues, etc. ENGAGEMENTS SF.CCRED. SO FAILURES. PBOF. P. J. KLDOE, Mist Frances Lee and others. Oircnlara Free. :-: GRAND OPERA HOUSE. I endorse PROF. RIDGE as the only Performer and Professional Dancing Teacher la Chicago. FRED J. WlLDMAlf, Thestrlcsl Agent 187 La Saile St., near Madison, Chicago, 111. TMI NEW YORK, Is more ttlked about on the stage than any other store in the World. - That is because it is the most popular. We Allow Pro.BSBionals 1 SPECIAL DISCOUHf OF 10 PER CENT, on tbelr Sorcnaiai 11 their names are on onr afjlatratloa Books. .. NO COSHECTION WITH ANY OTHER STORK. $IEGEl'C«OPERg ^ tattmn^.JfSi^SL. r~-• " SEW YOnK. De Wolf Hopper Grand Opbiia Hoise (Wm. Foster, man- ager).—Hoeffler'B Comedians showed to big; Imalness Oct. 24-2(1. "Yon Yonson" pleased 27-20. "Across the l^clflc" 31-Nov. 2, "Hearts Adrift" 3-0. Auditorium (Wm. Foster, manager).— This house opens some time In November, with popular priced repertory W jriyTlnWraallsm fgihi ill in Vaude- 18.^0x80x60. wlUi ample fire escapes. "What 'vllle. and Miss HnrverAkers. ,vho Jlayed J2KK n Vff"iiS2a, nt ^ m ;« »! onnlnp -J» , «S' the wldowln."A Buaaway Match." las^t is- •)»£« '^ f «»««» %J> „'«•'*?»«». -20. son, have left for-Cblcago. where they will join "Bust-ox Brown" Co., No. 2. » Cedar Rapid*.—At Greene's Opera House (Will S. Collier, business manager) "Yon Yonson," Oct. 21, amused a top heavy house. Sandy Bottom" came to fair attendance 27. iind "The Royal Chef" swelled the mnna- jterlal exchequer 20. Coming: "A Child Wife" 'Not. .2, 'The Curse of Drink" 3, 4, "Holty Tolty ,> 0, "A Wife's Paradise" 11, 12. ;J.n"on. Mr. "Johnny on the Spot," 22, drew fair busi- Vlncennes—AtMcJunsey Theatre (Frank S. m ■• uJi. n«s. "A Chinese Honeymoon," 24. pleased Green, manager) "Humpty Dnmpty," Oct. 22, came to ?alr business. "Wife lu Name «-2li^ ai v » '"'I house. Edwin Hoyt, In "Hamlet," SB. w vlii deserved a larger audience. "The Irish Wills Oeo F. Pawnbrokers" 20. Ous Sun Minstrels Nov. 1, Williams. Harry Johc Preston, In "Ingomar." 3; Julia Gray, Wilson, Tom P. In "He» Only Sin." C: North Bros. Co. 7-12, except "Woodland." 10. AUDITORIUM.—Manager Kdw. Currnn'sblg bill week of 24 drew well, with Frof. Lo noy Benson, the Three Bays, Carl Charles. Ray W. dough, Dclmore and Darrcll and tho polyscope..- ....... . • -. Wolf, J. IL Walling. Percy West; Ned Whllelinnae Fred Wnodfitd. John Warren, Fred W«tethotise, Harry Walker. A. A. Wilton. Jim. Wafilo, Tom Warntu, rftrv Wllsoc.-M.-D. White. Bud vrarotj'A, B Only" drew well 24. "Old Arkansaw" 25. Coming: "The Chicago Tramp" Nov. 1, "A Royal Slave - ' 2, Gordon & Bennett's "Holy City" 10. • ' «■ ■ ■ "'. OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma C-Ily.—At Overltolser 0|>era nouse (Ed. Overholeer, manager) "The Moonshiner's Daughter" drew a good bouse " bad MarahnUtoTTn,—At OdeonTheatre( Busby ^Mfi , No ? n Rtot -' Cotneulans, 17-22,1 Bros., tnaosgers) "Von Yonson," Ocl 22, did good business. , y ^ i... ■ .. . hlg buhlncss. Hsskoll's Indian Baud, 24, . . . . - — pleased, a largo, houtc, "A ChUiesa itaney- moon," 26;rcame tc-eanacl^i "Edward V. Hoyt. ,n "Damlot," 27:4 Walker Whiteside 20. John Preston, lu "Ingomar.";Kov. 2; Guy Hickman C6. 35, "Ola Olson" «. Iowa City.—At the Opera House (John Woodward..Mitt N. Coldren, manager) "Hilmau Iledrts'" pMyed Western, Ja«.W to n fnlr house 18. "A Phlnese llnncympon" Williams, l.con played to cnpnrlty 22, pleasing everybody. William* Ilnrry Coming: "Ingomar" 20, Ous "Sun's Minstrels Centrnl.—.4ili*. ...aiAir, Wllk- k Oolllns .VWte.-VJcS* tllL' LIVE OF LEAST HfiSISTANCE rtuiia aioasr the Hudson lllTe-r. throuwU the Mohawk Valley,. along liske Erie to Detroit, Cleveland, (hi- caco. Cincinnati, Indianapolis 'anal' St.«. It U oallcil the New lork "KABO"CORSETS Received tb* Highest Reward from tho World's Fair Judges, at ' St, Louis, Oct. 25,1904. SEND FOR CATALOGUE "0." laABO COBSBT COMPAXY, CiiicagQ. MAISON BERNARD, Stage and Street Hats. Exclusive Designs. • a Seven West Thirty-first St, NEW YORK. 16 Per Cent Offto the Profession. WANTED QUICK, In with Strang 8. and D. Specialties, fir Beeoad Comity aid Seaerat Bnsineas. - J40KBOEWLB1VB-8B&W, '—'■'-- . Conncll Blnlfi, tow*, Nov.6to 12-, , JkT UBKRTV, Al PROPERTY MAN Plav good parts. Good wardrobe. FMtclnss cinnipnav only. Join on wlr*. Address JAMi.S ANDERSON, 3a3 Center 8C, GhtntaR*