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XOVBMBBR 5. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. fc67 STIRRING SONG HITS 1 By the Emlni-at WrlUr of Iafalliblc latfHiH, 1. "HE'S A DEAR GOOD BOY" (Something out of tho ordinary; a song that give, the MALE 8BX a chance. Just the thine for •oubrette and Sketch work). 2, "YOU GAN'T BE TRUE TO NUMBER TWO WHEN FALSE TO NUMBER ONE." (An original and Intere.tiugly de«criptlve ballad for Serio Comic Specialties. Pint Part Mlmirtl Use v and General Vocal Work. Written In that famonsanthor'a beat vein). BOTH SOlfOC 8BHT ON RECEIPT OP 10c. BACH IN STAMPS. WE A. EVAWS MTJBIO CO- 211 Tramont BU. Boston. We're cutting sack coats very long this season. Propor- tioned full. All the fit part of the new coat is around the neck and shoulders. The rest is a matter of draping. But thafs just where the knack of real^tailoring comes into play. We're out in advance of the most shops with this garment. We will build it for you from a choice of exclu- sive imported fabrics at $20. Single or double breasted. Special sale of extra fine imported Winter overcoatings in worsted cheviots, meltons and kerseys in grays and blacks—$25. Send for samples, measuring outfit and fashion cards. ARNHEIfll BrO*dw»y and 9th St, Hew York. TEXAS. Ft. Worth.—At GreenWall's Opera Home [ML W. Urocnwall, manager) "JlcFndden's Hats" did good business Oct. 21. "Can- dida" had atalr house 24; Al. H. Wilson, nitli bad. weather to contend with, did only n.oderato business 25. J. H. Huntley Stock Co 20-28, "The Burgomaster" 20, "In Old Kentucky" 31. Black 1'attl Nov. 1, "A Hid- den Crime" 2, "Human Hearts" 4, "Little Homestead" 5, AL G- Field's Minstrels 0. STAND4ED (M. Do Reque. manager).— Openings 24: Jno. Stewart, Cbas. La Rose, Jflulsc Jlyrd and X, Cairo. People retained: riilllipsand Gordon, Eleanor Dunbar, Ldlu Dc Mar, Luce and Luce, Little Dot, Lottie Vernon, Tom Fey, J. F. N. and Georgie Pow- ers, Virginia llankln, Lulu Lawton and Let- tie Colton. "A. Rural School" brought out the big stock company. Business opened big. Crows (Pull. Epstein, manager).—Cbas. Clark's coinedv, "Married Life, opened the show week of 24. Rrownlc and Buster, buck and wing dancers, were the only open- lugs. Those holding OTcr: Clark and Em- mons. Jno. A. Murphy, Sadie Nellson. Hazel He Moncourt, Und Loverly, Kay Delmar, Nclllo Brownie, Dixie Terry, Saul Harris, Ktbel Russell and Ada Yule. The opening was satisfactory. . ~ ■ ' » Galre.toa—At the Grand Opera House (Fred G. Wels. manager) Al. H. Wilson, in ■■The Watch on the Rhine." drew two good houses Oct 19. "Candida" did fairly well 22. Black Patti Troubadours had top heavy houses 22, 23. "In Old Kentucky" drew a .rood sited house 24. . _ . . «:bown (Bay & Co.. managers).—Week of 24: Lillian Palmer, Virginia Haydcn, Walker King, Ada King, Jessie Lee and Clarence ltuuton. The stock In a farce, called "Duffy's Daughter Kate." Business Is fairly good. ■ . Saw Antonio.—At the Grand Opera House (Sid. W. Weiss, manager) Al. WUson played to fair business Oct, 19 20. "Candida" had two good houses 22. ''Tried for Iter Life'' ::2,28, "In Old Kentucky" 20, 27, Black Pattl 28, 20, "Human Hearts" 30, 31. The above plays will draw well "on nccqunt of the San Antonio International Fair. P.mfirb OfEiuv Hocsb (T. V. Brady, man- ager).— "Rip Van Winkle" 17-22. Attend- ance continues very good. •• ' ■»«» NEW JERSEY. dette's Woman's Orchestra scored; the World Trio presented an Interesting novelty and Alexander and Kerr nad a singing spe- cialty that ranks well. Leah Russell lllled Lillian Shaw's place and was successful with good original material. For week of 81, Florence Brockway, Monroe, Mack and Ijiw- rence, "The Village Choir." Geo. H. Wood. Ynmamoto Brothers, Sherman and Fuller, Alexander and Hoffman, and Mttlc Lolo Cot- ton. Business has been excellent ■ - Trenton.—At tUc Taylor Opera House (L. Stoddard Taylor, manager) "The Bonnie ltrlcr Rush," Oct. 2C, had good business. Kntherlne Wlllard, 28. did fairly well. "Young Tobe Hoxle" pleased 20. Prof. S. S. Raldwln and company :;i and week. Bertha Oallnnd Nov. i, Viola Allen 8, 1.0ml 10, "The Earl of Pawtnckct" 11, "Red FealUer" 12. State Stheet Theatre (Frank R. Shel- ters, manager).—"The Flaming Arrow," Oct. 24-26. had fair business. "Tracked Around the World." 27-20, drew good business. Tbls play, an original dramatic spectacle. In tax acts and twelve scenes, written by I'hns. A. Taylor, was given Its premier nt Poltstown. Pa., Oct, 23, ot the current year. Manager Wood lias spared no expense In making the piny a success, having provided a cuni|>ctcul company, beautiful scenery and handsome costumes. 'The Beauty Doctor" 31-Nov. 2, "The Lighthouse by the Sea" 3-.". "The Ped- dler" 7-5, "The Heart of Maryland" II. 12. Trent (Edward Itenton. manager).—Ijn.1 week's bill, with Jewel's Manikins as an ad- ded attraction, drew good sized houses. Hill for 31 und week: Willis anil Hassan, Maxwell* and Dudley, Oenaro, and Bulloy, Henrlcltl He Scrvls and her living, art reproductions, lid. Latcll, Mr. and Mrs. J Innate Barry, Tascott and the blocraph. Mi:bci:b Pleasure Park (John L. O'Brien. manager) .—The following bill drew good busi- ness last week: The Evanses, Pete Ttuyuioud, McCarthy and Relna, and J.oralno Iluyard. . Camden.—At tUe Camden Theatre (M. W. Taylor, manager) Brothers Byrne, In "Klght Bells," drew large audiences Oct 24-20. "Her Marrlngc Vow," 27-20, bad very. sat- isfactory receipts. Hilled: "The Little Church Around the Corner" 31-Nov. 2, "On Thanksgiving Day" 3-5, "A Girl of Ike Street" 7-9, "Queen of the White Slaves" 10-12. »» » CAIN ADA. Newark.—business Is good for this time of year. Newark Theatre (Lee Ottolcugul, mana- ger).—Raymond Hitchcock, In "The Yankee Consul," this week. William Collier, in 'The Dictator,** Oct 24-28, was well appreciated by fair, sited audiences. Otis Skinner, In "The Forrester," next E.Mi'iiiE (H. 31. Hyams, manager).—The Byrne Brothers, In "Eight Bells," this week. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home," 24- 211, tilled the house nightly. J. H. Stoddart, In "The Bonnie Brier Bush," next. Colombia (SL J. Jacobs, manager).— "Why Women Sin" tbls week. "A Struggle for Gold" received moderate attention 24-20. "Down by the Sea" next. (Blanev's (J. H. Buckcn, manager).—"Her Mad, Marriage" this week. "The Factory Girl" had manr admirers who filled tho house 24-29. "The Wife's Secret" next Waldmann's (W. 8. Clark, manager).— Harry Bryant's Barlcsqaera this week. Itobie's Knickerbockers gained ready appro- bation, from nudlcncca that lllled the house 24-20. The Bowery Burlcanuers next. l'BOCTOB'8 Newark (J. Austin Fynes, gen- ual manager),!—Henri French. Is the centre of attraction this week and Louis Simon and <:rncfc Gardner aru also prominent features. Others are:. Tony Wilson nnd Helolsc, Bar rows. Lancaster nod company, Sydney Grant, Josephine Amoros nnd sister, and Carson and Wlllard. Business was good last week. Note. —Friday ulght, Nov. 4, a big polit- ical meeting will be held In the Empire The- atre instead of tho regular performance. ■ .Terse j- City.—"Dealers in White Women" closed a satisfactory week at the Academy, 20. "From Bags to Riches" had splendid at- tendance at the Bijou, and the Utopians, at tho Bon Ton, had a record week. Joe Mad- den and John. Jess wero comedians of the highest order, doing strictly legitimate work. The selection of chorus, costumes and scenery showed care. Academy (Frank E. Henderson, manager). —Wee* of 81, J. H. Stoddart, In "The Bon- ule Brier Bush." "Sherlock Holmes" week of Nov. 7. Bwou (John W. Holmes, proprietor).— Week of 31 "Tho Factory Girl."' Florence Hlndley Nov. 7-12. Hon Ton (T. W. Dink! us, manager).— Week of 31 the Brigadier Burlesquers. The Trocadcros Nov. 7-12. Notbs. —Bryant and Suville. who Jolued (lie Utopians two weeks ago, retired 29, and will resume vaudeville dates. While at the lion Ton, 22-29, their musical act was consid- ered one of the best seen in a long time. Hoboken.—At the Lyric II. P. Soulier, manager) "A Fight for Love," 23-28, and "A Woman's Struggles," 27-29, shared a ■rood week. As toe Elks fair was In progress. Robert FitjBlmmons presented the order with a horse shoo fashioned on the stage la the first-act of "A'Fight for Love." ami It will kt raffled. "The Lighthoui» by the Seu" 30- Not. a. "Deserted at the Altar" matinee and night Nov. 5. "Queen of. the While Slaves" 0-0. . ■ - ; : , Eurian (A M. Braggeman, proprietor).— Lost weclt'a offering wu a una one. Tbe !•> Montreal—At His Majesty's 111. Q. Brooks, manager) "A Chinese Honeymoon" came, to good houses, Oct. 24-20. Kavugc'h Grand Onera Co. Ul-Nov. 0, "The Prince of Pllson" 712. academy ok Music (II. C. Egerton, man- ager).—"His I-aet Dollar" drew big bualncBR 24-20. "Flo Flo" 31-Nov. 0, "The Crisis" 7- 12. Theatre Francais (F. W. Lc Clair, uinu- nger).—The New York Stnrs came, to good business, 24-20. The Cherry Blossoms 31- Nov. 9, the Thoroughbreds 7-12. Theatre db N'ocvkautks. —Tho permanent French Stock Co.. In "Lcs 3 Flllcs dc Mr. Dupont," had fair houses 24-29. "Lc Flls dc Glboyer" 31-Nov. 5. Theatre National Fbancais (K. Gau- vrean, manager).-—The permanent French Stock Co.. In "The Bottom of the Seat" had good receipts 24-28. "Lo Nlut tic Noel" 31: Nov. 5. Onputiuu (Al. Head, niauagor).—This the- atre; opened, week of 24, with Read and Write, Detain, Bud Fa mam, the Original Pico*, Caprice Lewis, Wm. Scott and Chas. La Voile. Loudon.—At the Grand (F. X. Kormtnn, manager) Joe Murphy packed the house Oct. 22. "The Factory Girl." 27. pleased n fair houne. Qulnlnn Ac Wall's MlnHtrels 20, "Tlie Ullllonalre" 3L LONDON VAOnETII.I.K TjIEATRE (W. C. Fleming, manager).—This house opened 24 as a straight vaudeville theatre and had a packed house. Excellent business continued during the week, with the following bill: Mark Fields, the Great Sldonia. Lillian Bar- lowe, Ryan. Lester and Ryan, Dorothea Sis- ters, Mr. and Mrs. Tbornc aud company. W. C. Manning und the klnetoscope. With low prices nnd shows ot the cleanest type the management hopes to Induce the citizens to become regular visitors. The house look* cheerful and clean after Its renovation. The ushers anil doorkeepers are In uniforms. The house staff: ('. W. Bennett, general mana- ger: W. C. Fleming, business manager: M. B. Bennett, treasurer: Prof. W. O. Stevens, musical director. For week of 31 the bill is as follows: Art Rendu. Chas. Wlllard. Knox Bros., La Tell Bros.. Pntchen nuil Clifton, Aloz and Zoln, Adams and Smith, Itrumnicl and Kimberlcy and W. C. Mnn- n log. 1 Toronto At the Princess (O. B. Shep- Bard, manager) Thos. Q. Seabrooke, In "The llllonalre, drew big business Oct 24-EO. Roaelle Knott, in "Cousin Kate," 31 aud week. Grans Opeba House (A. J. Small, mana- ger).—•• -Way Down East" drew to capacity 24-20. Week of 31. -His Last Dollar.'' Majestic (A. J. (small, manager).— "Pals." 24-29. drew good business. Week Of 01. "on Thanksrivimr Day.'.' . 2 . Shea's (J. Bbea, manager).—A good shew 24-29, d«w to capacity. Bill week of 31: Thi- Four .Mortons. Ib> Vanxnr filrl*. JMIwlla Fniubart nnd C«.. (.my Clark, Family lib- choj Ilrothers Bright nnd the klndograpli. BTAUtr. W. Stair, manager).—Toe Cbeitv Illctsoms Burlestjuers drew to capacity 24- 29. TborougUbreds 3] and week. 1U8SEX Mts;c BiU (Stewart Beaitoa, SEVER ORIGINAL COMEDY FILMS. THE TRIALS AND TROUBLES OF AN AUTOMOBILIST A Thrilling. Kxclting nad 8«Qsatloaat Pli turc, Teaming with Laughable aari llumorou. BltuatloBs. Full or Action from Start to Finish; an ip to Date Antoraolille (has* Film. SOOft. Glass A, •op Foot. THAT POOR INSURANCE AGENT, JUST LIKE A GIRL, - - - TWO IS COMPANY THREE A CROWD, TRAMP ON THE FARM', - JOLLY LAWN PARTY, INTERRUPTED FLIRTATION, 125 ft. - 90ft. 60ft. - 150ft. 135ft. " ,25ft - All the above Films are Class A, ].jq. per foot. These Films arc sharp, clear and distinct, ant) made from our own original negatives. Wc handle all makes of Films. EXHIBITORS, send us your permanent address, and we will be pleased to keep you posted on all the latest Film. Keep in touch with our ad. Something new weekly. Send tor descriptive circulars. 40 WE6T 28th STREET, NEW YORK CITY. ' '. TKLiB..:i703 MADISO.V. To Get to Philadelphia r ; Quickly USE THE READING ROUTE NF.W ■■".RSEY CLNTRAL A Train Every Hour On the Hour Direct to Reading I ^ Terminal. C-..S-. .-J NEW YORK STATIONS 1 ■ Fl. L*-i, J, . N R ,«i Sod, Ftnt WILL PAY GOOD I'llh K«i KOUUOMiU AND MTSTBRIOUS KIL5IM. _ R RKVNtlUUS Milloo. Maine. WAJf TED,Attr«ollolii. Nn veil ins. Bide ShOWK, Dancmg Girls, Olasa H'orkris, Wuriing World. TnamtsalvlDg wock;0lh Aniiiml Kslr. Pop ,26,tOU. 1, P. Haubcnneatei, Pun^'likccpiio, N.J[^ LKARIt toThrow Your Voice. Tmilrllonulsm taught. For terms and full panli'inHis, address Prof. Lln gennan. 70S N. 51 h St., riiilBitelpUlB, ra_. CHKAP fii/m», ltuvlng I'iciurc Maohlnea. Oauerai, lanterns, Lenrrs, Ming stlile* and supply sold and boagbu Special tllnia anil tli<les made. Shows furnished Expert incclisnlcs. Itepalrlng. Oe nnan-Am . Ulne. A Film Co.. iwK. lain 8L.S.Y. FOR HALE tJHKAP.-diic Three Octave Ohrnmatle Rosewood Xylophone, on frsmes, tlLM; One set 2« beavybiccl Bnr iircpnatM Bella. chromatic, finely plated ulecl. flit M; One Set Sleigh Bells, W strap., Jls.o»: <me set tl Alum- inum Chtmea, S40 00. Ail Hie hIhivb mmrumenti Oeagan's make and In first cuss condition; only used a few times. Finest of sll muslcl hits. Sen) 0. 0. D. on trial. Hold on accnum of slckneaa. For pertlonlars address W. D. FRKllBRIOKS. 113« Grace St.. ilhlcago, III. HV8IO COMPOSED AMD AllHANGKD for any Instrument or numi.cr of liisirtimcnu Songs.wordnand muslc.skeiclicn. nlo. Send .tamp CHAS.L. LEWIS,42flItlclimond Si., Cincinnati, O. SONG SHEETS, fl W per I 000; snng Book. 11.00 per 100; Iota of 1,000, |T.6u. Samples, 100, CARTER BOOK CO.. 311 S. BROADWAY, St. Louis, Mo. A. OOODHICII, LAWYER Ml WentMadlion St., Chicago; eaubiisheit lust. Himincn legal and quiet. Brancheaand faoillilun In nihrr itlaiea. HOW TO STAUT1N allOW Bt SIrVKHS (copyright), 3 difrercut lionks, 10c. All kinds act. M0RP11BT'3 SOQUOK K17 N. Ulh SI , I'lilii., 1'a. ruil SALE, A l.uhlll Muring Cicllirc Mil- chine and (las Miking Outfit: event inn? good ns new, for only «»5. DIOK RKKVKrt, Bo\i3e, WcllHliorg, Brook Co., IV. V*. manuger).—Ann Km I'Viy i>Im.h-»1 In large nnd appreciative iwidinm.v* -I '-•<■ —^— i ■ llnniUtoii.-Al I lit- 1,'iniiii ii|iir:i House (A R. Loudon, in.-iinniei-i Ills Mm Dollar." Oct. - J2, dlil excclli.-m li'i-sluniis. A. O. V. W. (local) concert SL "A l-'nctory Olrl" as, a«. ••I'alK'' :il, 'Tin- lillllncnliT" Nov. 1, "David 1 In rum" 2, 3, "The Way of Hie TrotisgrcK- Mjr" I. u, Jesslo Mucluchlan concert 7, •Cousin Kate" filoselle Knott) 8, 0, Quln- lnn fc Wall's Minstrels 10, Chuuncey Olcott 11. 12. ST.tn (J. O. Applcton. manager).—Week of 2-1 nil excellent company did good busi- ness. Week of 111: l'hll nnd Carrie Russell, Tracy nnd Welsh, McKlnnon and Heed, the Ilradys, the Xelios, Wise and 'Milton and the Hnllev llovs, Al. Tyrrell and Adorela Sisters. ' ♦ « » KEMXCKY. l.i>ni»vllle..-At Macauley'. (Jnu. T. Mncauley. manager) Louts Mann came Oct. 2S, 2U, prewnllag "The Secund Kiddle." and wu. coiumeude.l by all. "Kalanimbo Not. t, 3 Masonic (Chan. A. Shaw, manager).— Ward und Vukes, In "A 1'alr of Pinks." were greeted bv large and enthusiastic audi- ences last week. ,T Supcrba" 30 and week. • Avi:xl;E (Cliiis. A. Hhaw. manager).— "tjuoea of the White Slaves," week of 23, attracted record breaking boutea. , Billy Clifford, In "How Ho Won Her." 30 and RiicKrxGHA)! (Wnallen Bros., aauagers). —The Fny Foster Rnrlesi|iic On. played to Kood HntwiKi week of ill. For week of Say Cltv Biiorts. ' HOPKINS (Win. Ilcli'liniiiu. renldeut innii- nntr}.— Week of fJO: Dorothy Russell, t'or- iiln and Ott. Three I^mouta, Marlou Llttle- Ucld and tte-bipgrsplu .,... . o, . ,. THEATRICAL HOTELS •ad BOARDING HOUSES. Van 8nren»n;iWab«ihJiV U. A. POOLKT, Prop. Wabash A Madison, OHICAO0. 0. C. Vaughan, rron. Btrlotly American Plan, $s $lt ilngle; Holt't Hiw Hotel Cafe S-e, 0 ^ iff Jsff Rooms Wc. to Tic. per day; »2.M and $3.00 a week. Ladles'Restaurant on second floor. No. S K. 4U1 St., Wilmington, Uol. °^_ b JJ , ? l J!l Pto Pv ' BT. JAMKB HOTEL, TOLEDO, 0. Amsrf in Plan. Tbeatrlcal Her f 1 doable; It and it per can Plan. TftMMcalHeadijnarten. I Li* single • —week. VICTOR HOl UK, 214 E. Indiana St.. Chicago. Room and Board, Is week. Italian and Frencb Onlalne. Centrally located^ V. Oaitellacl. Prop. PALACE HOTEL, 101 N. Olark SL, Ohioago. European, |3 per week; with prltaie bath, it. TorkUh Bath, too. H. B^HDIIPIIREY, Pro»._ WH. TELL HOUSE, Howard and Somerset 8ta., Boston, Mass. Central location. Excellent I 0 "*' _ . *' Wl ;\.Iz BANKWART, Prop. LAVAVRTTE 1IOTEI., ALLBIITOWN, PA. THEATRICAL HKADdVARTERS, ll.'js Single, II Double, is and |i per woek. TRAPAI.UAR HOTEL, U6uYk. II, N.Y.inT. Union 8q., Academy, Dewey. Rooms Mo., "&o., fl, tl.SO day; 12.60 to |s week. w.u. 11 anniqan, rrop. BUR!) AKD HOTEL, nth and Pine, SL Lnuia, near all tlieatren. European plan. Room with ballt, 181 0 ,10 IT we ek, Olvotrlal. B, V. CAHILL, Prop. THE CAITLE MW, Niagara Siiuaro, Bu'iTa"lo, N. Y. Rat*.. M to |« per day. Mil. (J. F. DUNBAR, Prop,; MRS. M. F. HAIR, Mgr. WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE San and Woman for Parti and Specialties. AIM Character Woman. Other tla.ral People, wi llr. BATH, ME., week oct. ill; WATERV1LLK, MK., wtok ^or. T. CLARA TURNER GO. Attention, Band nnd Orchestra Loader*! Uo you want to Laarn to Compost, aad Ai-rnngH JMualcl If HO, .Olid Kr, .lamp for trial lesion. Nothing to pay until yuli lava liecn taught Lessontil, '.'nnd a. If llicao Inaaona do not convince yon that III In Is Nt 1 u-tiy Lvglt- ItiinlK.lticn They am Kri-e. Ilnti't write Itn- leMjouliavo a thorough knowledge »f tlio null- nionti of inualc, and Mean Hnalama. C. W. WILOOX (llarmnnlat) ISM Broadway. II. V. Property Man, HPKCIALTIKS AND PARTS, DAVIDSON STOCK COIPAVY, Jackson, Mich., woek Oct. 31; Ft. Wayne week Nov. T.' A.kllAYIUSOK. The LeSure, PHOTOGRAPHS IHKST PROFESSIONAL IIOL'^E IN Pill LA. I IIW 1 VUlUlll i I VI riSEST PROFESS I (IN A L HOUSE IN PII1LA . S. If. CORNER 12th aud LOCU8T. HOTEL VELEY ■DROPM-AR PLAft. ' AV Special weekly rale, to the pro'eaalo.. 184Clark81..Chicago. Mottcentrallocationinoily "HEARTS AKLAMIt" will be Produced at. Hie PROCTOR .'iTH AVE. nrxl week with la. Perniaufut Slock Company, headed hv Edwin ARllEN. The VAUDEVILLE BILL is'HKADEU Ijv tirtVILLE aad PRANK. WASTE D H u I CK-Man and WHo "fur Wliitcr Htm Spring .cs.on Fake I'lano or Organ. Useful, wining worker.. Salary low, botaure. Uco. Parker and Kmcrxmia ind Joe Maode.wMleagain. W aton- kee Indian Med, Co., Beaver Harbor, Charlotte (-'.i,N. B. I Cabinet Phot*, of yonraolf for aalllog or lobby, 1 M per 100. M«na OARBOHA flnlali. B.mp.loV. — HCSBANDOR WIPE re0T0a7ia<0« ir 1,0001_PORT UN EB, «0o. 1 - " PorFtitupsr _ and Lover.' DEKA CO., ntPW. tl Ulan St., Plilla,, Fa. NORMA YEAGER WANTED UlllCJK-I'lann Pla/H up Unite medlolne buslneaa; a«o a Good All 'Hound, single Mau Wlthguod.pcclaltlcs. Otlior u.eful people, wrln-, Ella Edw»ld», write. Addrcsl DH.J. 0, UALOHMAN. Surnhjvtiic, Noble Co., Ohio. WASTED, MCS1CAL TRAMS. Sketch Team, sinter Team, Comedians, Orchestra and Hand Leader, periortnen wno ijoubio band and stage. Address HARK Y F. HEVONDE, "Someihlng Doing" Co., Hughcuvitic, 1'a. WANTED, tlooil U.eful Med. People: change lor week; Comedian, put on hot farce*. Sllelll turns wanted. Al Lecturer. Statoall Inflrnlnnd ir you play organ. TIIKKARNMEUIOIMECO., St. James Hotel. Montreal, Que. "a^~lTbbrtv—PELiX jriVARI>7 RllTnt Turns, WORK IN ACTS, Change foi weok. Alto in band. RMoonidhlo manager., plcnie write. P. s—Wardrobe Al. Address 162 N. lib ST., Philadelphia, Pa. LONDON BIOSOOPE, llUOi uaed 8 mm,. In perfect condition; 2>.\4o Black Tent, complete with polos, eta; 4 u« Uannen, like new, lioo, Duo'i write unless you mean bnalneu. R. 0. TAYLOR, MS South ivth Street, Omaha. Neb. AT LIBERTY AFTER NOV. Ill, 1901, WELL KNOWN OlARTRTTK-tbree Solol.ls-ail play Parts for Vaudeville, Farce Comedy, Hur- Ieiiiue, Variety and Mln.trcl. 12 minutes In one. Permanent aodraaa, It. E. FAULKNER. Mo. 213 Una- Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. WAITED AT ONCE, Lady Specialty Art- ist., Sketch learn, man aud wife; Lady Mualcal Artiau; also Lady to aalat Jlajtclim. |No prl- Yloul experience nete.iary. State lOM-eai salary. No ticket.. AddrtM HARRY MONa'ACUE. So. nt Centre St., Easton, Pa. FOU SALE, Entorprl.c Slcreoptlcou. No. I. imp.: optlgraph Calcium Burner, to One Mechani- cal Slides (colored), 700ft. Film*. Hereon ready for .how. Oniv used two weeki. Price 171. Sent on deposit ol is. Examination. 0. P. UARKLKv, Ml. Plaaaant. Pa. WASTED-rot the Chase Litter Dramatic Co.. a FIMt Olaaa Actor capable of playing Oenieel and Emotional Character Old Men. Halt bare food wardrobe aad be prepared, or will ing to pre • pare. Wares, one siidare out bid, K you are nor poalilve that foil am ad actor, don't waate your time, aa none other will do. Toll all in first letter. Pur uwn hotel. Hunt join on wire. AddteAM MANAGER CHASE l.rbTEH CO., Clarlnda, la., unill Nuv. i): Maty villa, Me., week olKov.7. 'B.mp.loV. i ro8nr».o« irtn'Jlwif/Bl .' Po.t wfJea. LIBERTY, Kinutioiial LeiilaOr Ucavlca. Repetlolrcor one nlgltt man'M. Addresa 001 IllfJII BT., Canton, O. NTEO, For Stetson's "Dnole Ton's Cabin" Co. Man for Hi. t'lnlr nuil Geo. Ilurrla. Piliec I not-AT LIBERTY-<OS, MR. J. 0. Light J11 yeulloi, rrop. ilrectnaite. WELLSTON, ..Old MaldatKl Specialty. piqua:ohio, Master Willie Baum, Hoy Coructtlat and Tenor Vocallal. Amorlca'a Yoiingeat cornet virtuoio. ncapeel'ly. yours, *toaTTrt«|Tfi,Haawh»Mtall Ave.,MewHav»n;co.ii. A nt T* B V> R T Y , Find i.'lHxa Italian Hand (from 16 to 81 plocea). All aololita (newly arrived) andperfectexecution. SA LVO, 021 Eaat lTUth St., New Vorft Olty. UADV C PHOIPEKT THAYER, MOni Ca Write. Acta, Song., Etc. Send ■™ atatnp for E.tlmatc. Al Reference*. Sample rarn.ir and t Oaga. 10c. 3TI Pine Be.. Pror.. R. I. WAITED AT ORCB-M.il with Moving Picture Muoblne and good ouini of Original Pliiiii. Must put up llrat ol*a. .how. Mlv feature picture, only. State H.lary-wittilod. HENRY ALLCOTT, Care of We.torn lluroau N. r. CLIPPER, ' W2 A,hlatid Blonk, Chicago, III. KBYBTONE DPERA IIOUIB, WEST vmcilNIA-Want a and v Night Companies im- mediate datee. InaLclirOo. playing to crowded Iioumi all thin week. Will, and Adam., Two Old Cronlea, Any date yon wast 0. K. PBRD, MACKLEY, MAWAOER. - KOH~Haf*--« Performing Oanario.(and Proper- ilea i|lJi Teaoh anyone to wotk them by letter, N. LA/.CLL, 101 Warrln ATI., Ohioago, III. 100 letterhead*, 2So.; Envelopea «ame:4),0Of) Coupon., 11; A.000 lethi, 12; 10,000, $3: etc. Mis- pll.,40. HOWELL SHOW PRINT, Howell, MlrD. WANTED 4AVIGK,Tuba Player, wltil apt- eially, for .mall parts; 3 night Hand. Other mu. .lol.ua, tut doable .tag*. LOwc.tial.IT, Hti* vena it. Mo.iman. care Oar Show, Sumc.f, Mo. WANTED—Coinedlnn fo join 011 wire. 'i'rup Or. lit do pinpw. Otliuru wrllu. TIiiihji doing HiHtelnltleH or play In bnml given pfef- waaee. Add. (llh'POItO llAKItlVO CO., .Mniiroe. Wis., Oct. Ul-.Nov. 0; .Sllttllaburg, ffE, Nov. Wl.