The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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86$ TIIF, KT<:W YORK CLIPPER. -'-November 5 % CHCAtR </&.€? -STiER % SONG THE BANANA MAN SARAH ROSENSTEIN RALDA McCANN Hamilton ft Fischer's novel creation, v. veritable humorous treat. Already betritc featured by such start on Burl Haverli Elizabeth Murray. Raymond Ctrl and Wlliv Tildrn, In "A Son of Rest" Co. The res! aud oi-Ijinal "Roaenatelu'' aonjr SnDf with terrific success by l.eih Russell. Watch 'em all tr.v to imitate this one'.- The greatest Irl:«h Hong frer written. One of those Irresistible, once-heardnerej--rorzoit«D- toelodlcs that jingle* In .tout ear and haunt* you wherever yon go. A big. hit with Carroll Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Mart Mnrpbv, Johii F. Leonard. Irene Franklin, Favor and Sin- clair, Campbell an-1 Caulfleld and Wu. Cahlll Professional Copies Free. On Receipt of Late Program, unless known to us. OU'CHESTUATIONV—iOc. each, or all 3 for I'Oc Kt-gulur Copies to Non-l'rofcaslonals, 20c. each. NOTE.—Send us your permanent addreon, and we'll fteep you posted ou yood tlittiftM. JOS. W. STERN & CO. 34 E. 21 ST., NEW YORK. BAND AHD ORCE UABERS!! It's about time you joined our Band and Orch. Club. $1.i.hi per year. One new Band or Orch. number each month. "POLLY FltlM" continues to be the one Reo! March Hit of 1904. Full copy for Band or Orch.. 15c fiend 2c. for Sample of our Great Songster. 75c. per 100: ?7.00 per 1,000. I WILL BE BLAB TB SEE MY FRIENDS AT M. WITMARK & SONS 144 W. 37th Street, N. T., WHERE I WILL BE PERMANENTLY LOCATED. VINCENT BRYAN. ALWAYS IN 11 to 3. SOMETHING DOING. WARXIiVG TO MANAGERS. MISS ELISABETH M\ Kill It V announce*, as representative of GFORCE BERNARD SHAH', that tne only '•otnpanles authorized to play "CANDIDA" In this country and Canada, are controlled hyARNOU' DALY and GEOflUK II. KRENNAN. At "CANDIDA" In thoroughly pro- tected by the untied stales Copyright laws, any Infringement in the way of unauthorized production of thta piece will be prosecuktl to the full extent of the law. MANAGERS, PLEASE NOTE!! Return to Vaudeville of this Always Successful 14 Minute Novelty, L § BUFFALO EXPRESS, July 811, 1*04, Say.i WALTER STANTON, AT SHEA'S. A decided novelty. ■■ ■■ • Took remarkably well • • • Exactly like the King of tlie Barn- yard. * " " An act aa unttiual aa ills clever, and It easily leads an excellent Vaudeville bill. iINO, IM. Y. WAI/TKR STANTON .IR., an the Olant Itooator, really made lite success of Hie evening. Bis dancing won round* or applause, anQ caused him to be recalled half a do/.cn times.—N. V. CLIPI'KR, May id, 19U8. . A FEW IMMEDIATE DATES OPEN. Agent, WM. MORRIS, or 839 E. 14th St.* New York. WALTER STANTON 8H., it III laying Golden Goose Earae for Klaw a,Brbanger. BUSH im HON Famous Comiques in Vaudeville. PRESENTING TIBBIR LATEST SUCCESS, "Burlesque Atlil tei Addrra* FOR OPEN TIME WN, MORRIS, 13 W.aStu STREET, N. Y. I •• POST THEATRE, FORT RILEY, KAS., RECENTLY COMPLETED, OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS. 1 1 I* fl li IT* First Class Vaudeville, M.ilodrama, doiiKtdy. Moving Pie- ^s^raWJ%|^l ■ turn. etc. Seating cnparlty, 1,0011. On.- nlghl stands. Have numerous oina ilaii-i lieweon new mid first or ytar. Address POST EXCHANGE, Fort Riley, K»i. LB* n tell too XT'.PKr "OT7" *D VT ItrT A *D AnU "» r ' SOMETHING! XX XdlX XV X JtJ Z* JLll v AlA.XCa.DraiiiitiBl l Stage nireclor, Writes, Re-Wrltcs, Revises, Reads, Pisces all Kinds of Dramatic Ccinpoeltloui. TO "THE OAMBLEN'S DAUGHTER." X,*SX. ' SHORT CAST, CATCHY PRINTING, LOW ROYALTY. A Bare Winner fur Storks and Repertoire Companies. Easy T«»sn«. HENRY BBLMAH, MUX Broadway, N. V. City. FOR STAGE. STREET AND RTENINO. BX0HJB1VB STYLES AND WORKMANBH1P GUARANTEED. Short Vans and Stags Lasti always on band. Hall Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. WILUAM BCRNSTKIN, Tel. ma Madison Sqnsre. so. SUth Avs., near out Street, S. T. ' SHOES AT LIBERTY, ■SB •RpRUf ANA- BDDINGN. Leading Hnarm-i*. 1'eatnred two seasons. .1 Trunks of wsttlio^s. r. E. MOORE, Business Manager orTreasurer. Tears of e.\per!euoe with the best. -Can play jiaru. Rotli joiinit : good appearance. Would consider a partner with capital w rite or wire. ¥, n, MOORE, Kstrport, Tenn. Feature Films. All the latest hlta, headline™ in moving pictures, to rent. Second hand flung for sale from 4c. op. New and second band machines always on hand, fall when In New York, or write and we will treat vou right. PALEY'S KA1.ATBCHNOSCOPB, •» West 28th St., . • New York city. Tel., 3!06-Mad. Main St. Theatre, ii_i-. POLITE VAUDEVILLE. Now booking for entire season. Four shows da lly. Address K. P.CHURCHILL, Manager. E i WORLD'S FAIR, Humorous and other Stereop- tlcan VIEWS. A MOTION PICTURE Machine, Stereoptlcan, Gag Machine. FUma. eto. Nearly new and In perfect condition. Business very profitable, bnt bad misfortune and must sell, will Bbtp ror examination, all or part. F.O, AIKEN, 66 Dearborn SU. CHICAGO, ILL. MED. PEOPLE Sober and the very beat. Change for one and two week*. StAte lost what you do and salary first letter. THE DALYB. ED. and BERTHA wire. U.VAKEU DOCTORS, Crcatilno, Crawford Co., Ohio. WANTED, A FIRST CLASS COMEDY BAR PERFORMER AT ONCE. Address FRANK LEFFEL '.'07 East Mln Street, N. T. City WANTED, 3 SKETCH TEAMS ONE MUST PLAT PIANO. Also 3 S. and D. MEN, B. F. and IRISH. No boozers. State all you do, and lowest salary L. 0. KLOCK, Waukesha. Wis. AT T LIBERTY AFTEB MOV. 14, AL. O O •=» R C U L_ , COMKDY AND GENERAL BUSINESS. SPECIALTIES AND BITS. Plenty of good tvunlrobo; experienced; solier. Aildrt'SB AL. GOIlftELU 'on W. Maple 8treet. Centcrvllle, Iowa. AT L.I IRTPV, BOB PEN5LEYI LI IIME MITA NtiVRl.TnGYHNASTS, IIUEASAWAY LAUDER rBKCH, 11UIBI.E TRAi'tZE aud CANNON BALL .it■imi.lNn. llnth play small parts. HOB I'KASLEY, ij>9iscrrtnil Av e., t'l ttab ursr, P*. llaaelwuoa Bta. FOB SALE, vABDEH THEATBE, Located ni'STEUBENYILLK, 0. Running vaude- ville, tiefresluuenta served. $2„'<t) buyi entire oatflt, Intruding boUdlng, is.vioO, on leased ground, $30 month. Half oaah and time. Good reduction for all cash. Address W. W, MacKtiy, Stenbonvllle.O. Palm Garden, 1CHUYLERVILLE, N. Y. ADAM MILLER, Proji. CHA8. JANKE, Musical Director, WA STED , 31ST E RTRAM8 AND SINGLE WOMEN. FOR SALE Jim TwftnBl Fm» ftf Fills Original Patbe and Blograpli make; no dupes; .price nine cents per foot. Address ■: QDlOK AOTION, care of OLIPPKU Offlco. BAWLS aid VOH KAVriAl CALIFORNIA a L OIBODIT. Cateblna Them With "MU8H." Fer.address,AROHIE levy. WHITE FOR PRICKS. CO., Mason city, Iowa, Paragon Park, BOSTOH'S 616ANTIC A1U8EBEIT ENTEBPBISE. OPENS MAY 30, 190 5. The work of construction at NAHTASBIBT BEACH ii now being rapidly pushed forward on the largest and most expensive AMUSEMENT PI<A1I ever before attempted In tnt East. The big enterprise backed by men with plenty of capital. FIRST CUSS PROPOSITION WILL BE HSIDEOED. NEW AHD ATTRACTIVE FEATURES and DEVICES. OBORGB A. DODGE, Tress, and Mart-., No. U State Street, Boston, Mass. Address all commnnlcatlons to MANAGERS ! IF YOU WANT TWO GOOD USEFUL PEOPLE FOR NEXT SEASON. LOOK rs OVER TfllS WEEK AT THE DEWEY OMlEAaMCK. F r..Jr!F RRntlBUS.,... LBAMNC comedian TBOOi! Psrmanaat address With 80UBRBTTE Mo. 8 Lynda Street, Boston, Haas DAN S. HOLT Black Face Musical and Singing Comedian. Play parts, double in brass, good dre9ser, sober and reliable. Just closed 10 weeks' engagement with AL G. Field's Greater Minstrels. .Would like to hear from Lady* Partner, who has good musical ability, good voice and nice appearance. Address Mo. 728 St. Charles St., New Orleans, La. ICATM TH1 'INI VERrVIONT.' : IViaC AOAIN. "S YtVI kTC." Cover handsomely Illustrated on good grade of paper. Containing the latest Songs, Jt ker, Mono- logues, Parodies, Recitations, Riddles, Tossts, etc. Tec. per 100; 16.60 per; cash with order. No goods sent C. 0. T). Send two centB in etamrs for Sample Books. ' _ - A LONDON PUBLISHING CO., TIN Willow St., Philadelphia, Pa. J. C. LEWIS' SI PLUNKARD COMPANY WANTS QUICK, CHARACTER WOMAN «ltli Strong Specialty, IRISH COMEDIAN with Speelal- t>■ to Double Brass Instrument or Baas Dram In Band, HONG BOOK UUY to Douhlr In Band and Assist on Props. Wire lowest: pay year own. Address W. A. JUNKER, Manafrsr: lloute, Erie, Pa.. Now. 3 ; Corry 4, Meadvllle B. WANTED, TO JOIN IMMEDIATELY, FIBST CLASS MEDICINE PEBFOBHEBS IN ALL BBARCBES, TOR BIT FIVE BIO COMPANIES. Sketch Teams, Knockabouts, Sister Teams, Single Acta, Silent and Novelty Acts, Trained Animals, any good drawing acts: state if you play piano; and two good Al Lecturers that can get the money from stage and onice (If vou can't get It don't come). All must change nightir for a week and nisit •rood: dress, act and look the part. Long, pleasant engagement: money always w*ltitff. State, all Urst letter. Address THOsJ. P. KKLLEY, t«asi>«c riiy, tanad». • P. 8.—Can alao use a good French Lecturer. ! * ' • JAPANESE TBOVPE OP ACROBATS AND EtAVILIBRISTS. have Juit Closed a most successful txtsson with the HATCH-ADAMS CARNIVAL COBPAW. /.-, MISS OTORO. a sister of K. Namba, will sail for Japan, her native land, Nov. ■>, while K. NAMBA AND TWO SONS open on the Orphenm circuit Nov. 13, and win hereafter be known as We are now ready to accept propositions for nest season. Only responsible maoogera, write. ' Address all commnnlcaUona <B) NAMBAS (3), No.lS'i E. Randolph Street, Chicago, 1)1. SONGS THAT BLISTER THE HANDS OF TOUR AlllIESCB The Latest and Oreatcit Descriptive Song written, "LET ME 3EE NI8 FACE ONCE MORE," And that uoamiful Catchy Home Ballad, "When the Katy-DIds Are Chirping on the Pines" Send up to date programme. No cards. ACHE MUSIO CO., 105 West 18ta St, Patawwn, BV . ■cCOT' AND FAUOrT. *. t. Harry ®. May Howard^^T SINGING, COMtDT and DUNCING. OCT. 31, nATMAltKKT, 0H10AQ0. NOV. T-Is-U OtTBBf. ILL. •SSSSSBJSP Ta-S^ JAMES B- DONOVAN There la so much BAD In the MOST of ns, And an much GOOD In the WORST of ns. That It hard - IT BEHOOVES Any of ua To tain about the RK8T of D8. DOING WELI, THANl-YOP.-- „„ J AMES B. DONOVAN. ADDRESS CARI UNION gqUARK UOTKL, BIG CITT. Aswafc nonn .'