The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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KOVEMBEB 5. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 869 ORDER QUICK. THE GREATEST EXHIBITION FILMS OF THE SEASON. THE LEADING HITS PERSONAL ANEW VERSION OF "A French !foblemmn, recently arrived In America, detlrea to mwt a hand.ome American girl. O«0«*t, matrimony. Will be AT THK FOVNTA1S >l 10 A. M,. wearing a Ch'lianthemum at Bomonalere." THE FOHHIBST SITUATIONS. Every icene 1* FULfc OF CPKOARIOIS HaUULuaurr. ANEW VERSION LENGTH, 400 FEET. THE LOST CHILD The one aare feature Oar any audience. Absolutely the .tory ever reproduced In life motion. A fantastic confnalon of a DADT and a PII'I'Y, nealnnlng with an ADDICIIOK ever wit net ted. PollceinenT . «... u*aw ■ «. .c i.u.H.r >wa •»».j •- m ......, .-. ., u ■ .. . u , >. . . ..... ■ •.......». v.u.^ .-.«-> Ife motion. A fantaatlr confnalon of a DADV and a PUPPY, bealnnlnc with at ml ending with the Wildcat, Fattett end Moat Kicltlaa C1IABB or 1'IIIMIT e- Policemen, Parents and Public in a furinut series or M1AI PS and all tad* well. PRICE, $44. 8 LENGTH, 400 FEET. PRICE, $44. 21 SOUTH EI6HTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. A Patriotic Hit Prom Start to Finish 1b 30 Lite 1011011 Tableau. Clear, 8 b arp and Dlatlnct. k Droit Momy lakor. .ngth, 600 PRICE, $< Great Train Robbery Bold Bank Robbery Holt Popalar Pletaure Brer Bbown. Length, SOO Feet. Price gOO. Hott Sematlonal Film Brer Hade. Length, BOO Feet. Price, $00. EXPOSITION MODEL CINE06RAPM WITH STEREOPTICON COMBINED, incl.diig GiltlBB Liip, ElDCtric Limp, Adjustabla Rhiisht, Films md Slides 21 S. Eighth Strati, Phllidilpbli, Pi. dflsj/y NECRESCOU HAIR CO.'S PERFECT FITTING for Stage and Street Wear Toupees Popular Prioea. 162 State Street, Illustrated Catalogue Free. 5th Floor, Cbicago, 111. mn Absolutely the Headlinerof Trunks. Thev are Different from All Others SEND FOR CATALOGUE "C" WILLIAM BAL, Manuiaoturer. 670 Broadway, Boar Third Street, Bow York. JAMBS Mc5ALLY, Theatrical H epratentatlve. VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS, TAKE NOTICE. FOR OPEN TIME On the Northern Circuit, viz.: Ban Claire, Wis.; Minneapolis, Ulan., Duluth, Minn.; Winnipeg, Man.; S WEEKS' YrVORK. Time nearly all died for ten weeks, bnt can nee few Novelty Acta. All First Class Vaudeville Thea- tres CATERING TO LADIES AND CHILDREN, address __. _ _, J. M. NASH, BIJou Theatre, Duluth, Minn. YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, Atlantic City, BB". J. MANAGERS WRITE FOB OPEN TIME. YOrjHQ'8 PIEB COBPOBATIOI, W. E. gHAOELBPOBD, sfanager. STAN1VBY S^TOOK: CO. WANTS Good Comedian for strong line of Parta; most liave strong line of Specialties; Flrat Class Heavy Han: Juvenile Woman with good voice to sing Illustrated songs, I furnish machine and slides; Character Man and Woman, must do single and donble Specialties; Woman for Bits, prefer one who can do Serpentine and Fire Dance: First Class Piano Player, must be good Bight reader: Stage Car- penter to ao Bite and ran props.; Good Advance Agent, one who haa had experience. State sl.flret letter. Pay your own. Week stands. Address ARTHUR STANLEY, Ml Brooklyn St., Bt. Louis, Mo. P. a —Harry K. WUson. write. IPBNBMHWSf QTA aT. _ aWanTnYfltfaitT BfT* »74 E. MADISON BT. Wholesale Jewelry, Notions, Novelties And STBEET lEN'S Supplies ■18. L 8CHE0EB, 924-926 SOUTH STBEET, PHILADELPHIA PA I wish to announce to the Theatrical Profession that I will open the Fall and Winter season with toe Most Klegant Line of Ladles' Evening, Street, Dinner and Reception Gowns, Opera Coats and Capet, Seal skin and Persian Lamb Coats. In the Gentleman's Department, we carry up to date Foil Dnss »Bd Tuiedo Bulla, Inverness Capes and Opera Hats, Prince Alberts, in Coete and Vesta; and a BweU Line of Paddock, Frock, Long London and Box Overcoats and Rain Coat*. Our goods are selected wlia ear* and come from the best tollore In the country. They are bnt slightly used. ^^^^^ Calloraddresa MRS. L. 80 HBUER, M4-8M South Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Tin Only Theatrical Supply Houae In Philadelphia. jet- OUR 8PECIAL FOB NEXT WEEK, OUR CELEBRATED COLD CREAM. PER CAN, 75c. •oods sent everywhere 0. 0. D. when deposit accompanies order. Send for Booklet. WAAB at BOM. a«« north icightb. at.. phila.. between Race and Vine ata. PLAYS Fir SIki Gmiilif, ftf Bimttln CiiiuIufK Aiitwrs LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for home amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jsrlev'ii Wax Catalogue Free I Free I Free 1 SAMUEL FRENCH, IT W. SSd St., Mew York. Works. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yon a fortune. Ifyou have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO. ACT. SONG or BOOK that Is worth anything, you sbould copyright It. Don't take chances when you can secure oorjery- Icea at small cost. Sendfor onr SPECIAL Offf R 10 WVUnORS before applying- for a patent, it mil par you. HANDBOOK on tatenli unlTWL We adrlse If patenta- ble or not, FREE. We incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult us. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, tfaSsSMTSa CoHBBbta Coeyrieat a rateat Co. lac, WASMNGTOH, D. C. mn RELIABLE hJ HA ^LEcTD„ "IT'S THE TRUTH" Oor »l* stekeopticon la an honest made, np to date. Professional Machine, with all the latest Improvements. Our SECOND HAND FILMS and Bono SLIDES are the cheapest. Bend stamps for list. Also highest prioea paid. FEABCE « SCHECK, ■a. B14 It. Calvert St., Balto., Hd. HIQH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock, immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogue Just Issued, ZOc. List of (00 bargains In fine apparatus for 2c. stamp. A. IiOTEBBBRQ, 170 Ontario 8t, Chicago. COWNS^Sr SLIGHTLY CBED. Also STREET QOWNB. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly won Evening Gowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea Gowns. These robes are perfect in every respect, and are especially suitable for wear In high CLASS dra- matic productions. We have a mil line of Seal Skin Coats and Fori of all kinds. MBS. H. STARR. Ml South State St.. CHICAGO. ELY /wvrAcnfflER CANVASS IS BEST PLACE TO BUY Wttchet, Jowolry,, Blag* BrllU.nK. Uealrlne .lid Olft Bliow Good.. I'rof. Wameuoa't arrtie P.lntj, Burnt Cork, Kace Powder.etc. Retailor's Bonn Dooltt. Full line of Eacle Esbleau. 8eaa f.p Cata* Issue. Tfce old Kellabla B. «. WICK A CO., 84 Watath Ave.,, DX s J. C. G088C0. f% Builder* of '■A HOW CANVA Catalogue andl Cvno DKTIIOIT 2nd Hand List) rlBB. Micu. d Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS, TESTS, GUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want In that line I can ■apply it New or second hand. Bend for catalogue. o. b. Abrahams, ta Booth St., Philadelphia, Pa. \A/ A IM T TEXT, ABOUT 00, WITH % .MIDDLES) NEW OR SECOND HAND. Will buy complete "Tom" Outfit. 0. 0. OHY, Wortbluglon, Ind. TINTYPE MEN IhaveenewBlmJalso parts) for Tin Type Buttons, and all kinds of nolo Jewelry. WM. h. HABTMAN, 1M W. 1th St., Cincinnati, 0. Everything la campaign Buttons and aim*. HE9 gj&aUT A NEW LIGHT AMET'SOZO-CAPBI. . 5 ehdforcircul: A p BRIGHTER THAN' " >vO:i5TERE0PTIC0HAF!LM EXCHAM&Ej Nov-^* KEROSENES'.' W.B;M0ORE MANAGER. ICASOUNf:- )R MAf:TLL ; 106 FR A NHUIH-ST, CHICAGO.. I OP CTHER |««»t I o« •«!/• tar puisfti art*, Mil. PDEa" Tbfa Flno Hollow around Hand Flnlahod Razor Wlh I Ktt '"* * * /mM * d r/mav *• alnm *"*•• '• ***" Puroha—r mi I ha Ratliumite Dollar Razor Strop THE STROP "^" VV# tnaki iMj rrnarUbU frtf offer of i moil ticf llanl nior, thai Mlta at 12.00 it '> IP icqiialfit all wllh tha m«r*t!oui and InatanUneout booltxf and ftnlahlni proptrtlft 1RAD1UMJTB 8TR0P5 which will not Karn tht finnt ind moat dtlTcate raanr, tnika ahavir.«aconrenl»ncaarrl ■ d«i:fht,i*«n to mrn havlnf tht hardcal btardi THAT HONES H II* uir r. EkI . not Mil a (a-rtoe-y y ou r do . J» ■acrttorai quick. c!«ain ahavn iott not Up iornuch In • food raior at Jit • COoditrop, With ihaHADlUmrre STROPS. lh«rnr>tl Inferior rator* arc brought up to a flnc tdcr, and the efTecl of the alropa upon iht flneil riaora la to heap ihem a) ail tunc* In the- beat poailble condition, feady (o ahave the hardni bcaida rtally and dellaht- J^yglS-WaffitSaSl^S JSntfS wnstnla^la^ar^annwatnwanw, itj]cn handle the^ RADIUMITfi product!. TBOM _w|» do wit art rtpldly tlklna Ihtn en. , ftrd/umtit Rmmrm--$1.0O tm 03.00. ntdiumlit Ciltlog frit It all. THE PETE. L FROST CDIIPAHY | , " e t r ; A j^ 1 w ^„S 1 f ri j; oB JOATA I.OGVK rinca- USE BUCKINGHAM'S DYE IF YOU WANT YOUR Moustache or Beard A BEAUTIFUL BROWN OR A DEEP RICH BLACK If your drugaiat cannot supply 70a etnd 60 osnts to R. P. Hall Si Co., Nashua. K. B. CANTON OPERA-HOUSE :r* new iNAOEMKNT. All Companies Booked for this house will be played nmler New Management Other companies write for OPEN TIHB. Best show town In Bliss. Population, S.TOO. 1KB W. UETTK, Dlanagar. ii ABTBR TUB CIUCUS BBABOM CLOSES IN NOVBHDBB PUNCH" WHEELER Address Care of the DONALDSON I.1T1IO. CO.. Newport, Ky, JOHN^OBINSolTs SHOWS Illustrated story of the tour, written by "PUNCH" WUKELER. press agent with the shows. Sent postpaid on receipt of one dollar by the KELLER PRINTING 00., EVANSVILLB, IND. SIQNOR ROBT. ZIERKE AND HIS FAMOUS CONCERT BAND ENGAGED AS A SPECIAL FKATUBK WITH THE GREAT FLOTO 8IIOWB (THECIRCUS DEAUTIPDL), WILL BE AT LIBERTY AFTER NOV. 25. 2 0-A1 MUSICIANS-20 CAN OB BNOAOBO BBPARATB OK KNTIIIK BAND. I have the best people, best musle, and Invite only Al Manage" to write. Would like to hear from good musicians for IMS. Regards to friends. Address 810. ROUT. Z1KRKR, Bandmaster, Kioto Show, care DENVER POST, Denver, Col. ONE SOUBRETTE. AT LIBERTY, LOLA D. RADCLIFFE. PARTS AND SPECIALTIES A FEATURE. ONE PIECE PREFERRED. DES MOINES, IA„ eI3 EAST L00U8T STREET. DIRECT PROM WHOLESALE, SAVING OP 10 to 34 PER CENT., ANY LENGTH. Swell Effects for Bhlrt Waist Suits, »7«o. up. Exquisite shapes In Crepe de Ohene, eoo. up. Oil Boiled Taffetas, Chiffon Taffetas, Peau de Reine, Sapho, Pcau de Crepe, and all the newest, best weaves at liberal dis- count. Bend loc. for full line samples, refunded Hmt order, oouuw r»mnw.»« uu aw BioHAHDB & PIIIPPB, BO STATE BTRKET, 0HKJAO0. ■ ■» t it* A DV nAARft Unuorms, onns, swords, Revolvers, Cannons, Tents, Ite. IwllLITAKT UOODO Everything In the MUIU7 Uoe-fally described In cur Urge BhgagajM oatalogue, oonuinlng net oaah prices with upwards of 1,000 Illustrations. Prloe of oaUloiua. U oenta—mailed on receipt of t oenu In tumps. menUonlng this advertisement. Customers write us thai our "CATALOGUE IS WORTH ITS WEIGHT 15 GOLD.'' We have the largest stock In the world of military goods from Government auctions. Dealers Supplied. ITaaols Baanarman, sT» Broadway, 1st Test