The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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870 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. November 5. THE BIQQEST COOK HIT OF THE CElf TORY I SHAME ON YOU ^ ANNOUNCEMENT * In offering these Two Hits to oar Professional Friends we wish to call their attention to the faet that in the 10 years of our succesBfal career as publish- ers we have never had a Coon Song or a March Song which we could recommend as highly as "SHAME ON YOU/' & "I WANT TO BE A SOLDIER." HIRE'S TH« MARCH iOHO THAT'S BEE1» HAUHTIUO YOt I WANT SOLDIER PROFESSIONAL COPIES FREE Oa Receipt of Late Program, onlen known lo ni. Orches- trations, 10i'. each. Regalar Coplei to Son-Prof,)..lonal., <0c. eacli. NOTE—"-end u» j-onr peimeaent address, and we'll keep you poeted oa good ihlns.. JDS. W. STERN ft CI 34E.2I St.. ,, NEW YORK. ILLUSTRATORS-GREST SONGS WITH GREAT SLIDES "Whentbo Harvest Men Is Shining On tbo River ""Sunday Morning When Un- church Dells Chime." "On the Pillows of Despair," "Little Rustic Cottage bjthe Stream," "My Martna J»nc." "Won't Yon Walt. Nellie Dear*" 'Where Sunset Turns Ocean's Bine to Go! J," "You're Aa Welcome As Flowers In H*y." Slide, to any of above seat on receipt of 85 per eet. Copy and Orchestration. FREE. * "WHEN SHE BEGGED ME NOT TO GO" SCANLON and DEW. (♦. ioag that Wears like Gold). "ELSIE LEE" DEAN and ROBS. (Pathetic sad Melodious). "SHINING STAR OF ASIA" GALLUP and DEW. (A Japanese long, with • Beautiful Melody). Send lata programme and postage tor Professional Copies of latest Inst and Vocal Music Orchestretlona ioo. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., 909-909 Baltimore Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. WHT PAT MORE? Oar XXX Trunk has no Equal. Its Superiority and Lou Prlco gives It every advantage over soy trunk mads, be lng built on well seasoned uasswood, with a~ Continuous Steel Binding, Canvas, Glued on, and over 800 Blvets used, Heavy Ilawhlde Handles, Yale Lock, Sin. Tray, made tc Swing In tbe top, making In all the Best Theatrical Trunk Guaranteed B Years. 28, $10.75; 30, 111.26; 32, S 11.75; 84, 112.76; 30, |13.75; 88, -14.76, 40, 115.76. Our XX Trunk Compares Favorably with any Theatrical Trunk Made. Built oa Uasswood Box, Covered with Ball Duck, Glued on, Bound with Heavy Steel, Tale Lock, Dowels snd Doable Hinges, Angle Edging, 1 Sin. Tray, A Very Strong Riveted Trunk. 28, 17.25; 2, 18.26; 84, |S.76; 86, S0.25; 88, $V _ 1.75; M. S. CASEY 1 4In. Tray. A Very Strong Riveted Trunk. 80, $7.76; 82, 18.25; 84, $8.75; 36, $0.25; 88, 40, $10.26. STEEL CLAD,—Uasswood Box, Covered with Cold Rolled Steel. 1 Deep Trey, Yale Lock. Large Bolts and Dowels The Beat Cheap Trunk on the MARKET. 28. $5.50; 80. $0.00; 82, 16.50;.84, $7 00; 36, 7.60; 88, $8.00; 40, $8.50 lished 47 Years. fu.uv; OA, f V.VU , HI, fl.WV, OU, I.WV, OOi Shipped C. O. D. on receipt of (5.00. Write for Catalogue, , 441 Utn Ave., Bet. 26th and 27th Sta., N. Y. Establli RICE » CADY Pronounced by Managers, Press snd Public the ONLY REAL SUCCESSORS TO WEBER and FIELDS. One successful year on the coast Closed Oct 23 at Fleoher's Theatre, 'Frisco. Open Nov- 7, Alvin Theatre, Pittsburg, Pa., in the Weber & Fields Productions. Address ALVIN THEATRE, Pittsburg, Pa. EVERYBODY, AND ESPECIALLY MY FRIENDS. TO KNOW THAT I WILL, ON OCT. 1, ASSUME THE MANAGEMENT OF 'THE ARCADE," No. 716 So. Central St., Knoxville, Term. which will be my permanent address, and would like to receive your open time after that dale, would like to heur Immediately from four single ladles or two sister teams Id open Nov. 7, for two weeks; one pood sketch team and three single ladles to open Nov. 21. for two weeks, and four single ladles to open Dec. 5, for two weeks. Ladles writing for time MUST send photo It tunic is not on their letter heud. I'hoto will be returned Immediately If you are not booked. State salary Jlrst letter and address all communications to MGR. JOHN B. MORRIS (of Morris A Parker), Box No. 407, Knoxville, Tenn. [CTO JlTsE HALF-TONE 3 1 K/% 1 E. PROCESS CO. . PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A., rnTC Sets. SQUARE INCH- *» ■ cul f THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPBB. and TMKATRK REVIEW, 401 Strs& Zjondon, "W.O. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION. ......... Ss. Bd. p»R YBAB PROFESSIONAL ADVKUTlSBMRNTS. ... Bl. 6d Blagl. Column laah NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND REP., IDA CARLE, OFFICE 108 8T. UMEB BUM}., Wkaaj advertisements will be received. Copies on file. ARK OUR SPCOIALTY. TRY US FOR PRICES. ALL OUR LAMPS ARE NEW OODE STYLE, AND WILL PASS INBP10- TION IN ANY STATE. Bend SO. stamp for Catalogue. WE ARE THE PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURERS OF TBE OLEKIN STAGE POCKET. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC 8TAGE LIGHTING CO.. ELECTRO-OPTICAL STAGE LIGHTING APPABATUS. Telephone eios-sstb St. Itt WEBT 40th STREET, NEW YORK, ARTIFICIAL G1AHLANDS, VINKB, BPKAYS, CROWNS. Plants, Trees, Palms and Loose Flowers tor stage purposes, r Particularly BiaiiKi, fllutrattana of the assortment of goods I carry, jgft^aAA* CARL NETSCHERT, CENTRAL TRUNKS. •*••? 1 PFK^V&kt&JttffLWVS"* *rjar&*& "ks- SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS »t"fw >SHL* TRUNKS STORED FREE. Telephone; BOBTHlTis. (Not. Inc.) CHICAGO. 'e will meet yon at the depot. 1U NORTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO. Write or telephone and we will meet you at the depot. s Song a Hit."- SALEM HEWS. A MAIDEN COY A IBW 8018 01 IBW LUES. A VEEY CATCHY WALK CH0BD8. *■ HIT EVERY TIME. CHORUS: Long, longago, throngh sun snd shower, Went this maiden to her.iove'y bower; She wss often questioned whom she did adore, Bhn said 'I cannot tell jon," nothing more. HORACE L BROUQIITON, Publisher. P. O. Box No. »3S, Marblehead, Mass. Professional copy sent tor 2 cent stamp snd late programme. WANTED, WITH CHILD NOT OVER FIVE YEARS OF AGE; GENTEEL HEAVY IN, FOR WELL KNOWN MELODRAMA, THIRD SEASON. Address H. A. R., aenersi Delivery, Pittsburg, Pa. SKLil OLOOAl-8 r « •1 EXP. PAID. Can do everything a gas stove does, fa- dispensable for nnrsery, sick room, Chafing Dish, shaving; for tourists, boarders, or wherever gas U not avail able or desirable. Vapor- izes alcohol Into gas. Portab e, weighs but 8 os. Consasnee bu« 9 cent.' worth of alcohol an honr. Will boll quart of water In 9 minutes. Bmokelese and odorless. Uses either wood or grain alcohol. Simple; cannot get out of order. Safe. Extin- guishes Instantly (blows ont like a candle). Non- explosive. Solid Spun Brass and NICKEL. PLATED. Exp. paid. St. Agents wanted. C. P. GLOGAU ft CO., 40 Oiarborn 81., Chicago. with Eeetrie Are, Caiicom or Dlnatrated Song Bill BOUOBT AND SOLD. des, 8M., colored. STERE- OPTI- COK, Aoetylsne Lfglt wiored. FILaB L.HBTZ, •» E.SM street, New York otty> __ Tights, ••.o#i W< Tights, SB.OOi Cattoa Tights, •LO0| Bilk Tights, from M.S5 apt BhlrU to match all same arise as tlahtci Pans pa, *» c.aUi Oalt- Elastic Bapporter., •LOOi Cloth Bapporters, »» csata. Bead far catalogue and samples of tlnhta free. Positively a «*• Kilfrequired. BatUtaotton gaaraa- 1 or money refundau. BPIOBJt laOBn m Woodbine St., arooBym, E T. QUI stand but new address. AT LIBERTY, R. £. OLDS FOB HEP. 0B ORE HI0HT. High Class Operatic Whistler and Novelty Imitator. Quartette and Ballad. MARIETTA, OHIO. FRED ZOBEDIE, 6YIUST. Permanent address, INTERNATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, Room aos. No. A Clark St, OHIOAGO. 0. B. WHiTIEI'S BI6 SCEIIC BAD AID OBOIESTBA WAIT Musicians, with Instruments, to double Band and Stage, Performers In all lines of show business. Rehearsal call Not. 21, at Poco- moke City, Md. Ticket advanced If known. Salary must be low as It la sure. Kickers, Ivnocker.i, Mashers and Boosers not wanted. This Is a professional company end wants profcsalonal people. Address all letters to C. B. WHITNEY, Pocomoke City, Maryland. LIBERTY. COL. R. B. MARSH ADV. AQT. or BUB. HOB. Long experience; thoroughly competent, reli- able. Will pilot to success any attraction having the msrlt to susttin advanoe hustling. Address Oare THEATRE TEN DOME, Nashville, Tenn. Becond Haa, A No. 1 Lithographer aad Baaaer. Don't drink and a hard worher. Try me. HAHHY CRAMER, care of CL1PI -iJR AT L.IBKKTY, Good Flute and Piccolo. Address MR. G. D. FOR8YTHB, 438 Cass Avenue, Detroit, Mica. THE CLIPPER 511AKSPERE CLUB THE CLIPPER BBAK8PERB CI.UB has secured the American rights toan absolutely new edition of SbakBfere, Jattjnbllibed in London or which a limited edition wUl be offered at bait price, and on a very attractive plan of sale. Write at once to the Clipper ShaispeieClab for particulars Tbe American edition Is limited to loco sets and when 200 copies nsve been sub. scribed (orthe introductory offer will be wIthdiawn. THE ROYAL BHAKSPEBB la the most Important contribu- tion to Bhakspere Bibliog- raphy that has yet ap- peared. The text Is that of Prof. Delias, the most eminent Shakspere scholar and critic that ever lived. The life and Introduction have been contrib- uted by Dr. Fnrnlval, founder of the new Shaks- pere Society of London, 1873, and tbe illustrations are from original nalnttnrs and drawings, made especial y for this superb production by tbe most notable Shakspere artists in the world. A DISTINCTIVE EDITION. Bhaks- perisn scholars and critics the world over con siderthe Delias text the most reliable snd com plete in existence. It haa been adopted by the Sbaksperlsn Society of London, which is tbe fore most authority in the world, in this text, tbe p'sr? are all given chronologically, which affords the very desirable opportunity of studying Shakspere 'a works in their natural and scientific order. ART FEATURES. The Royal Shakspere Is the most complete, fine srt edition of Bnakspereyet published. The lines of each play are numbered. It contains coplus notes, and the Illustrations, of which there sre more than IK), are full-page Water Colors, Rem- brandt Photogravures and Xylogravore illustrations in color. The pho'egravures are from the celebrated Intaglio secret Process, which Is unequaled in merit anywhere In the world. DBBOBIPTION. The work Is complete In 12 One targe volumes. Royal Octavo size, and Is printed on the highest quality of paper, made especially for this edition. The bindings are tooled by band and sre of the best workmsnsblp and material procurable. It Is In every sense of the word an edition for people of taste and discrimination. Please send description of tbe Royal Shakspere and par- Name... Uculars of your offer of THE NEW YORK. CUPPER free Address for one year. Mall the above coupon to-day, and you will receive sample pages. Showing the text, specimen illustrations, etc. Only BOO sets are available suader this offer. THE CLIPPER 8HAK8PERE CLUB, 23 E. gist STREET, NEW YORK. THE IBW T0BK GL1PPEB -111 be seat free for one year to eaeh npetriber fer tbe ROYAL SHAKSPERE. Write to The Club for Full Particulars. A Corker for an Encore. "ROCKED ON THE OCEAN OF TEARS" Profenionalp, lend XT. T. D. Program* Non-Prof., 20 ots. each. Orchestrations, 15 ols. each. PUBLISHED BY THE WHITE MUSIC PUB. CO. "VSZZT' "A WORLD WIDE CIRCULATION. ii TD OLDEST AID MOST INFLUENTIAL THEATRICAL ABB VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. ESTABLISHED 1HT. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. O. POREIOBT SUBSCRIPTIONS. BBs. per annam. PHOPEBBIOHA L AJ VEBTIBEMEIITB. Sd. per lime. IsUaUrjlI AITBUS flHlTUIQ THE ■BTBOPOLJS USE THE BRA OFrTOBI Al THEIR FBRMAIEn LONDOH ADDRESS. RyBOO ARTISTES APVERTI8E IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY. Warning to Managers of Theatres in the States of Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. Von are hereby notified that a garbled version of the Haaleal Comedy, THE TELEPHONE GIRL, Is being performed la your section af the country WITHOUT ANY AUTHOBITY. Ha one nas any aalhority to perform this Mo.lcal Coin.dy In your ..rllon, and all Theatrical Kaaagers permitting any UNAUTHORIZED performance af THE TELEPHONE QIHL will be held responsible for any damages that may accrue therefrom. ARTHUR W. TANS, 1«9 W. asth L.Rew York, Sole Agent for the Owner, of the Telephone Girl. 4 Towns to Draw From. T Modem Stage, 25x50. Seating 800. For No-v. S3 aad 94; also One Night Show for Dee. 93. I want to booh yon. House first class. If years can make good. Electric Light*, 4 Dresslag Booms, New Piano. Nothing boohed ahead of Deo. SO, WrUrJbr ojpen time. Answer qalek. W. II. STUBBLEF1BLD, JR.. Oran, Mo. ATTENTION! (/, •» '/, DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods when you can handle goods that will sell themselves t Electric Belts from ll.oo P" don. op. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars, Tic dci; Hectrto Insoles, S7S'c. dos. pairs; Soap, f L10 gross; Pine Medical Batteries. Bend He. for Sample No. 14 E. B., exp. prepaid. Latest cut. One third cash re- quired. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Electric Bella and Appliances In V. S. A. Established 1871. Lecture and prioe list free. TIE EtalwTBIO APPLIAICE 00., Burlington, Baa. AXTELL and EARLY, ONE OV THE BEST GROTESQUE SKETCHES IS VAUDEVILLE.