The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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872 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 5. %IM»*' ALL OUR FEIS COMB WITH RED THUS, ASD SHOW OUR TRADE MM FILMS Latest Novelties, 12 Cents Per Foot. COMB AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL NEVER BUY "DUPE8." 8EIXING AGENTS, mm optical co., We Recommend our Great SERIES DE Til PA88I0I PLAT . JOSEPH SOLD BT HIS BR0THIB8 8A1S0I AID DELILAH . THE PHODIBAL SOI 1410 feet 623 feet ■ 459 feet 475 feet THE BTBIKB (a socm Drama) . . 442 feet IIDIABS and COWBOYS (Attack on a ooacn) 591 feet AIIIE'S LOVE BTOBT . -754 feet CBHISTOPBEH 0OLOIBD8 • 869 feet TOUB IB ITALY ■ -787 feet BABBDI'8 TBOIK .... 410 feet OUTLOOK AT POBT A1TBUB - 131 feet A8CEID1I0 I0UIT PILATE • • 508 feet WBESTLIIO DOInEi • . • 114 feet 114 feet 328 feet 131 feet 164 feet 131 feet 147 feet 131 feet 82 feet 131 feet All these Films are Original Photographs, and have been taken in Our Theatre in Paris, or by Our Operators on their travels through the different countries. The Unscrupulous Concerns who advertise these Films as their own make sell onlv "DUPES" of OUR Original Films. If You Want a Good Picture, BUY AN ORIGINAL FILM and You Get Your Monev's Worth. Wi Sail Only Oar Original Films. PATHE OIltfEMATOGRAgH CJO., 42 E. 23d Street, New York. COLORED FILMS. FILMS FOR RENT « •» •9 SHOWS CARNIVALS Gic (ARMVAIPOSTFR Co -1 i *- -. 1 * i ►< ■ i i S MINN New and Complete Catalogue to Date NOW READY. Giving fall partIcnlar. of nearly 400 New Subject., mostly Comedies, 1 ncludlng snob Original Hit! -■ THE LOST CHILD E8CAPED LUNATIC PERSONAL MOONSHINERS HERO OF LIAO-YANC BATTLE OF THE YALU OUT IN THE STREETS KIT CARSON PIONEER8 KIDNAPPER8 8LOCUM DISASTER FIGHTING FLAMES THE ONLY MAN WORLD'S FAIR Special Bulletin* Covering the Molt Hecent Importation! of OAUMONT, HEPWORTH, CLARENDON And Otli.r Lending Make.. American Mutoscope & Biograph Co., 11 E. 14th STREET, NEW YORK. KLEINE OPTICAL CO., CHICAGO, ■ pedal Selling Agent*. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. BUGH & CO., wies A.. Ml. 110 JT. Ninth surest. Philadelphia. S.Y.Bep.: H. HALLIWELL, 100 W. lit* HI uro»&imaiiMBJiah.wlUcallonyon.Ratlsfaotion aurnnteed. FILMS FOR RENT SUPERIOR 64 WEEKLY NORTH SERVICE. CLARK ST., PROMPT CHICAGO, ATTEHTION. ILL. The Film Rental Bureau * "HARBACH'S" • ... BULLETIN ... eoish ";;=uiNti m m LATEST AND BEST MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, 175 UP. -HARBACH'S FILI BOX- SAFE, HANDY, CONVENIENT. THE BEST &. $| - EACH. ALL THE NEW EDI80N, BIOCRAPH, ETC. WILMS* ALSO WE BATE S. H. Films $2.50 Dp. Many 1,000 Feet WE WANT MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. 8TER-EOPTIC0NS, FILMS, SLIDES, Etc. Bend for list end prices. * "H ABB ACH'S" * EUREKA mm DISSOLVER PRODUCES A BEAUTIFUL GRADUAL OHANO- I.S'G EFFECT WITH A SINOLE 8TBRE0PTIC0N -A REVELATION. OBAND FOB OUR SONB, POSE, SERPENTINE SLIDES, ETC. —I am using the Eoreia Dlssolver, snd And It f»r saperlor to snj Colt slide carrier I ever used. JOE EMERSON, or Bowery Bariesqners. —I thing the Eureka Dlssolver a very good think; It is all that li claimed. I have one; too, are safe In recommending It. t. W. 8TANISTKEET, Mcslc Publisher, Folia., Pa. DISSOLVING OUTFIT, $25 Rax * StereepliGin Oxy Hid, Jet 10E 00 AND EUREKA DISSOLTER, V*** REX *■ DISSOLVING OUTFIT. ELECTRIC, |17J0 REX* D188OLVIN0 OUTFlT.AOETYLENK, gffl.M SEND FOR CIRCULARS, also Of our Wonderful HOTION PICTURE OUTFITS. $126.50 OUTFIT FOT $95, $155 OUTFIT FOR SI20. BIANCHZ FILM CEMENT PER BOTTLE, 18«.; BT MAIL ttcte. HARBAGH & CO., A PHILA., PA. Ill AA! FDO 491111111 IEO Club*, Batons, Onns, Rolling, Globes. Hoops, JUGuLERo ourPLKo." c v ss^^^ SEW FILM POCKET EDITION, Ho. MB. HVW FILM SUPPLEMENTS No,. 490 nnd MH. EDISON EXHIBITION KINETOICOPE, 8115.00 X*. EDISON FEUIIS NKT PRICES CLASS A FILMS, IS CENTS FEB FOOT. CLASS B FILMS, ID CENTS PER FOOT. EDISON UNIVERSAL KINETOSCOPB, PATENTED AND COPYRIGHTED. CAPTURE OF "YEGG" BANK BURGLARS 15 THRILLING AND EXCITING SCENES. THE HIT OF THE SEASON. Show I nar the Crlml nal Lift nnd Method, of the "Hobo" Bank, Vnnlt nnd Safe Bnrnlnr. ns deaeflbed In pnp.r rend by WILLIAM A. PINKBRTON. of Plnkerton'. National Detect"" Agency, before (be Annnnl ConTentlon of the Intern.tlonnl Association of the Chief* of Police, St. Lents, Mo., Jone 6 to 11,1904. 960 PRBSIDBNT THEODOHEBOOSE- VBLT 50ft. A MILITARY MANOEUVRES, MAN- ASSAS. VA 1*0511. A RUBE COUPLE AT A COUNTY FAIR 540ft. A MISS LILLIAN SHAFFER AND HBR DANCING HORSE 1811ft. A EUROPEAN RBST CURB OOOft. A JUDGE PARKRR RECEIVING TUB NOTIFICATION OF HIS NOMINATION FOB THE PRES- „ „ IDENCY 165ft. A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL. CANDIDATE. JUDGE PARKER, AND MAYOR McCLELLAN, ESOPUB. N. Y 85ft. A FIRE AND FLAMES, LDNA PARK, CONEY ISLAND 800ft, A ELEPHANTS SHOOTING TUB CHUTES, LDNA PARK, CONE! _ ISLAND, No. 1! 76ft A BOXING HORSES. LDNA PARK, CONEY ISLAND 185ft. A WEART WILLIE KIDNAPS A CHILD 150ftA OPENING CEREMONIES NEW YORK SUBWAY. OCTOBER »7, 100*. Major MoCleilan, OttT OfllcUlB, State Senators, CoDgretemen and Railroad' omelets leaving City Hall, and entering 8?°way8tatlon-PB^ramlo ofCrowd and Sty Ball Fart-Panorama of Interior of Subway Station-Arrival and Departure of Offlolal Inspection Train, with President View _ AoguBt Belmont's Private Car, Taken In the Afternoon. ■ t Shown In New York Theatres the some night. "CITY HALL TO HARLEM IN 15 SECONDS." via THE SUBWAY ROUTE. RAPID TRANSIT NO LONOBR A DREAM. CASEY'S FIRST TRIP THROUGH THE SUBWAY. IB Of*. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO. CHICAGO OFFICE, 304 Walaik Avenie. NEW YORK OFFICE: N CHAMPS?™ "* ^^^ °^LB H ADDRES8. ™R.UA*NBvf YORK. Njgw r %^g£ 1 ^ B o N iT K D KINGDOM: 20 CLBBKENWBLL BOAD, LONDON, ■ C ENGLAND. 8CLUINO AOCNTSi T ^f«A^S^~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::"v.:::::: :::mm<i&£tt &A?& PBTBB BACIOALDPI. NERVY NAT KISSES THE BRIDE 140ft. A LOCOMOTIVE HEAD-ON COL- LISION (Real) 80ft. A MANIAC CHASE 530fl. B HOW A FRBNOH NOBLEMAN GOT A WIFE THROUGH THE . N. Y. HERALD "PERSONAL" _ COLUMNS 8T8ft. B WHITE STAR S. S. '■BALTIC" LEAVING PIER ON FIRST EASTERN VOYAGE 160ft. A JAPANESE FAN DANCE 75ft. A. JAPANESE FLAG DANCE. 115ft A ANCIENT JAPANESE^ WAR- _^ BIORS IN BATTLE SCENE... 70ft A FENCING CONTEST BETWEEN JAPANESE SOLDIERS, MAN- „._ . CHUBIA 100ft A OUTING, MYSTIC SHBINERS, . mam m , ATLANTIC CITY, N. J H5ft. A PARADE, MYSTIC SHRINEBS, ,„^ , ATLANTIC CITY, N. J 115ft A SCENES IN AN INFANT OB- _^ PHAN ASYLUM 87Bft A COP FOOLS THE 8EBGEANT„^17MtA Desire te notify their Customers, the Trade and General Public that they HAVE ESTABLISHED A WESTERN OFFICE, Where they will carry J a complete stock of latest Edison Films, Projecting Klnetosoopes, Parts and Supplies. 304 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO.