The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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NOVEMBEB 1& THE STEW YORK CLIPPER. 875 TBI HlUTAK Quabtbt writs: "We are ths feature act on every bill we bar* ap- Dtirtd on over the Moee Goldsmith N. W. viudevllle circuit Manager Peckham, of the Clneoerapb, Spokane, Wash., and Manager AlaopT or tie Family Theatre, Butte, Mont., it* we bare the prettiest and strongest sing- ing act that hai ever played their houses. Me followed the Kern Comedy Four In. Butte. Kegards to all friends. We have return en- ■axementa over the entire circuit" Eowi* Collins and Madeline Kxrsi write: "We are this season appearing In vaudeville, after two years of unprecedented success In the Hays' universally popular 'A Hot Old Time,' In which company Mr. Col- lins was the comedian. Our present offering li a one act farce comedy, entitled 'Mooney, the Expressman,' with a special set of hand- some scenery, painted by Seaman At Landis, of Chicago. One of the many features of tu ■ little farce are the gowns worn by Miss Keene. Mr. Collins appears In the charac- ter made famous by Johnny Ray." E. W. MiiaH joined Ouy Brothers' Mln strels at Wlngham, Can., Oct 21. Fatchbn and Clifton are playing a few weeks In Pennsylvania, New York and Can- ada, and will return East to play Pastor's and Proctor's on return dates. They were ■o successful In TJtlca, at the Star Theatre, that tbe management held them over. Tom, "Toe Minstrel Tenor," and Ceo. P. Qallot announce that tbey are still together, notwithstanding reports to the contrary, and are booked almost solid up to Feb 1, 1905. ,_ Ibenb Mat has been engaged by John Greaves for bis stock company at the Olym- pic Theatre, New York City, for soprano Clara Cole has been engaged by John Grieves for his stock company, for tbe season, at tbe Olympic Theatre, New York City. Ta Thacha, toe balancing serlallst Is re- covering from an operation which was per- formed at tbe Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. City. Cajtut and Grant have Just finished ten continuous weeks on tho New England cir- cuit and have several return datea Coosa and Miaa Rotribt write from Antwerp, Bel., aa follows: "We finish here tonight and open at tbe Nouvesu Cirque, Ghent Oct IB, King George of Saxony died and now all Germany la In what they call landeatraaer. All theatres are closed for live days. This leaves as to open on Oct 20. at tbe Krystal Palast a re- turn engagement from last year. From here we go to the Wintergaiten, Berlin, for No- vember, our second trip. In December we open at the New Coliseum, London, for Mr. Stoll, which house, by the way. Is promised to surpass anything In theatricals In the whole of Europe. Jan. 23 we open In Mos- cow, Bussia, another return from last year. April will find as back In America until Sent. 1,-1905, when we open In Vienna, Austria, with a continental tour to follow until 1907, in all the leading cities and principal theatres. Miss Rothert s costumes are admired here and ber splendid make up aa a Spanish girl baa evoked general admiration. Every de- tail of her costume has been carefully thought out The result Is charming In the extreme. We have a new act In preparation, which will be produced ahortly." Conn and Conrad report meeting with suc- cess at Chase's, Washington, D. C.. week of 24-29. They played Kecney's, Brooklyn, week of 31-Nov. 5. They sail for Europe 18. Rica and Cadi write: "We have bsd a very successful season on tbe Pacific coast of one year, closing at Fischer's Theatre, Ban Francisco, Oct 23. The cause of our clos- ing at Fischer's Theatre was that the man- agement were enable to secure good pieces for us, so we decided to give In our notice, which was deeply regretted. Ws were given a great 'send off* on our closing night, at which each member of the company made a speech. Messrs. Fischer and Rebman treated us royally. We open at tbe Alvln Theatre, Pittsburg, Pa., Nov. 7." Geo. and Laura Lb Noib, marionette manip- ulators, after playing sixteen weeks on the Lang circuit and elx weeks on the Weston circuit In California, are playing six weeks In Southern California, end play a return engagement on tbe Lubelskl circuit In Utah nnd Colorado. Next season they will be with the Great Wallace Show, where they will be a feature of tbe side show. Bii.lib Mrrbiaic, gymnast la en route with Gay's Electric Co. JIM AND LOTTIE RUTHERFORD Make up a comedy team which Is rapidly gaining prominence in vaudeville. Their new comedy act "A Case of Snakes," written by Mr. Rutherford, gives Miss Rutherford an ex- cellent opportunity to display her versatility. She possesses a pleasing soprano voice, Is a clever dancer and a good musician, executing operatic and popular selections on the saxa- phone, and subjugates a den of monster pythons and boa constrictors. Mr. Rutherford Is a well known clown and comedian, and bis eccentric comedy and originality have won him much popularity. They are booked for an extensive Western tour, opening In Milwaukee Dec 12. Kolct and Sbtaiotjb Inform as that they are meeting with success throughout the West and are booked solid until April, hav- ing lust closed twenty successful weeks on the Lang-Edison circuit and opened Oct 10 on the umpire circuit through California. After this they play return datea on the Lang- Edison circuit for twenty-two weeks. Sam Evans writes that he has a strong vaudeville company. The season opened la Seymour, Conn.. Nov. 2. The roster: Eddy Llthgow, magician; King and Flciett, Geo. Raynor, tenor; Ella and Bertha Weston, sis- ter act: Kittle Dales, serio-comic; John Clan- cy, leader, and Al. Henry Bean, manager. BusaiNO and Kerb left for Savannah, Ga., for a four weeks' stay at tbe New Alhambra there. They will play further South before returning to New York. Tbey Inform us that they have been meeting with success during all engagements so far this season. Hathawat and Walton write from In- dianapolis : "We have lost one week In eigh- teen (as tbe Olympic Theatre, Chicago, did not open) and still have twenty consecutive weeks booked. Including tbe Anderson circuit, Powers', Grand Rapids; Orpheuo. Utlca; Mohawk, Schenectady; the Poll circuit New Bedford; Pastor's, snd tbe Keith circuit Next season we will add to our dancing act a novelty spectacular finish, and will carry our own sceneryand lights." Divini and wollbt state that their air ship Is a success with Al. Reeves' Big Show. Nsil Litchfield writes from England: "We are now on the Macnaghton tour, with the Livermore and Stoll tours to follow. Our act Is being featured 'at the bottom,' or. as we would put It In America, 'added attraction,' and is making as good a laugh- Inghlt as in tbe States! 1 ' Tub Tbbei Phelps, whose sketch la en- titled "The Yankee Farmer," hsve returned from the West, after playing successful en- gagements of one year and seven months from Mexico to British Columbia, taking In California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah and Colorado. They have returned to Chicago, where tbey bave bought a home. Jraar CnNNtNOHAst reports that he made a success on the "end" with Dnmonfs Min- strels, Philadelphia, Oct IT. The Gordon Sibtebs are preparing en- tirely new apparatus for their specialty. Tbey will Introduce a Boston terrier bag puncher. Marshall and Ervin returned to Chicago week of Oct 24 after playing twenty-five successful weeks over the Bijou, Nash and Crystal circuits, playing return dates on tbe way back East at Denver, Lincoln, Leaven- worth and Joplln. Tbey play return engage- ments over the Bijou and Nash circuits of ten weeks and are booked solid until April 1, 1005. Al. II. Tybell writes: "I had everything destroyed In Are at the Grand Theatre, To- ledo, O., but am telling the stories to them In street clothes, and with good prospects ahead." Billt Link was called to his home, Co- lumbus, 0., while playing Cook's Opera House, Rochester, N. ¥., recently. His son, Billy Link Jr., eight years old, was seriously injured while climbing on a buggy; his foot caught In the spokes ss the horse started, breaking bis leg and tearing tbe ligaments loose under the knee. He Is la Grant Hos- pital. Edwin Georoe reports that he made • de- cided bit at Lynn, Mass., upon his first ap- pearance as an eccentric Juggler, and was Immediately booked for Gloucester, Mass. The Misses Ratmond, Russell and Fol- Lsa. of Clark's Runaway Girls Co., enter- tained Misses Gordon, Lawrence and Ray- mond, of the same company, at a luncheon after the show Oct '25, In honor of Mlu Russell a birthday. Covers were laid for seven and ttw affair, we are Informed, was a very enjoyable one. Fbancis J. Gillem, leads, snd L. Jerome Ingram, heavies, with tbe Halcyon Stock Co., Lavs resigned, and are making preparations to open In a short time In a new vaudeville act at one of tbe New York houses. Tux TaonBADOtra Four, Nat Wixon, Harry Thornton, Burt Eaton and William Fuller, sailed for Europe Nov. 2. They will open their European engagements Nov. 28, st Cardiff, Wales. Connelly and Bowb report success In their new singing snd dancing act. Tbey play Dockstader's, Wilmington, Del., Dec. 19; Baltimore 23. Pastor's, New York, Jan. Wilmington, Del., Dec. . Pastor's, N 2, and the Howard, Boston, 9. Rosttb and Notes raox Barlow A Wil- son's MiKSTBBxa.—Lawrence Barlow. Bob Wilson, Tom Barlow, Fred Wilson, Harry Martin, Frank Lawrence, Harry Spangler, Ted Primrose, James Kennedy, T. Handly, Waldo, Alfonso Gray, Louis Hurt Acken, Smith and Bonton, Tom Amsr, Darcy Cam- bell, Amos, Harry Rennells, S. Ham, Frank Sceklns, James Eckles, James McQuarrle, George Taft Jean Foster, Loals Walsh, Frank Wlllard, Will Johnson, John Kenos, Lawrence Young, Louis Glrard. Harry Mason, Bayard, Frank Ilysn, James Armstrong, Bob Holly, Frank Bailey, Ted Hughes and John Ferris are Included In our rotter. This com- pany Is In the twelfth week of Its season snd business continues fine. Our company now numbers forty people. John F. Fields, manager of the Fields A Hanson Big City Minstrels, was a CLirrsB caller Oct 27, and stated that tbe company will open on tbe New England circuit Dec. 20. Fields and Hanson plsy vaudeville dates until that time. Tin Wilson Trio, In their comedy Dutch act, will finish their vaudeville engagements at Keeuey'a Theatre, Brooklyn, then begin rehearsals with a company to open Nov. 14. Morris McCauuon, musical director, has signed for the season at the Crystal Theatre, Marlon, Ind. Bates and Ernest, German comedians, are In Southern California, where they re- port meeting with success. They will re- main In the West until next August when they take out their own show. Tbey recently purchased a piece of land, on which they con- template erecting a residence In the near future. They will have as neighbors Geo. Le Nolr and the Stetson Sisters. Clifford and Clini hsve dissolved part- nership. Dave Clifford, Hebrew comedian, has Joined hands with Will Raymond, and the team will be known as Clifford and Ray- mond. They report meeting with success In tbelr new act, a travesty on "Hamlet" Robin Frear Heath writes: "I was com- pelled to cancel tbe week of Oct 24 at Keith's New York house on account of sick- ness. I played the Grand Opera House, Pittsburg, week of Oct 17, and left for borne Immediately after the performance Saturday night." Blanche Stetson and Hebuie Nixon are in Southern California, where their act, "la Marriage a Failure?" Is meeting with favor- able comment Tbey contemplate a visit to Australia and will have a companion, Fannie Donavan, who Is booked on the same circuit, and they expect to be abroad for tbe next two years. While In California tbey were the guests of Mrs. Geo. Le Nolr, with whom they will spend a month, on a ranch, pre- vious to sailing. The Washes Bros., midget boxers, write that tbey closed a succesaful season of nine weeks with the World's Fair Carnival Co., Oct 8, and opened an engagement of twenty- five weeks over the Crystal circuit beginning at Joplln, Mo., Oct 17. Ths Babtelubs, Louis and Bessie, foot Jugglers and head to bead balancers, closed at the Lyric Theatre, San Diego, Cal., Oct 16, and opened at the Orpbeum, Riverside, Cal., for two weeks, with two weeks at Unique, Los Angeles, Cal., to follow. Ths Laxioinxs write that tbey were very successful at Keith's, Boston, week of Oct. 24-29, and played Orpbeum, Utlca, N\ Y., week of 31-Nov. o. Bingham, the ventriloquist. Belle Verna and tbe Three Auburns bave booked twenty weeks en route to San Francisco. . Tub Datibs Duo recently closed a very successful week at Cripple Creek with their novelty ring act. Tbey bave been six weeks on this circuit Tbe remarkable strength of Fern Davles Is causing much comment. They open on the Lubelskl circuit, Califor- nia, shortly. Geo. W. Leslie played the York Theatre, St John, N. 13., week of Oct 81, with Lowell, Mass.; Utlca, Buffalo snd London, Ont, to follow. He opens on the Kohl A Castle circuit at the Olympic, Chicago, Dec. 12. Klein and Klein recently nnslhed over tbe Kohl A Castle circuit, and report success In their original laughing comedy, with which they have secured; bookings nntll July 81, 1005. Tbelr act, we are Informed, Is a de- cided novelty. The Four Juggling Moitons write that they were beadllnera on a strong bill that opened the new Utahna Auditorium, In Og- den, Utah, Oct 17. Tbelr comedy club act has been featured on tbe opening bill of ten new bouses In the West since July 1. Tom Haboib opened on tbe Crystal circuit Oct. 30, at St. Joseph, Mo. J. Martin Harbib, formerly of Harris and Merlo, and George Norton, comedian, bave iolned hands Their new act "You re On ly Feet," Is a sure winner, they Inform us. Fox and Ward. report tbat they are play- ing return datea at tbe leading vaudeville theatres In California. Notes fbou thb Great Tbavbllb Co.— While playing the Auditorium Theatre, Mont- peller. Idaho, we were tendered a banquet by Aerie No. 119, F. 0. E., after our perform- ance. During tbe evening several specialties were rendered by members of oar company, and a most pleasant evening was passed. Lil- lian Lenders and Grace Carroll were made honorary members and presented with beauti- ful badges. The r.ompany Is playing to big business and Is receiving praise from press and manager* at every place we play. Tbe company Includes: Tbe Bheck Bros., B. F. Forbes and Co., E H. Hume, T. M Cilne snd the Great Travelle. Tbe company Is under tbe management of B. F. Forbes, and Is booked In tbe best three night end week stands through Nebraska and Kansas, after which we play direct East Euilb Honeoeb and Pearl Davii were Clipper callers Oct 29. During; their visit they Informed ua that they had been married In ibis city on Oct 7. Jack li. Butter writes tbat his eccentric specialty Is being well received. He Is play- ing clubs In ana around New York. Notes fbou thb Peers Coubdi Co. —This Is our nftb week In opera bouses and busi- ness has been good. Our roster: Jack Parks, manager; Joe De Telm, comedian and Jug- gler; Claude Boyce, comedian; Lula Bell, coon shouter and Illustrated songs; Anna La Marr, soubrette; Miss Detelem, pianist: Billy Suttcn, wire, ring and trapeze, snd Boyce and Boyce, sketch team. Ths Old Reliabijc reaches us every week and Is a welcome caller to all. La Motnb and Lb Lands write tbat tbey 81aycd the Star Theatre, Pittsburg, week of ct 24-29, and met with gratifying success. They were at the Venetian Garden, Steuben- ville, 0., Oct 31-Nov. 6, and are booked through thi West Mitchell and Warren bave added a street parade to tbelr act Tbe new feature scored strongly In New Haven, Conn., re- cently. Sam Brooks, of the Brooks Bros., and Rose Jeannette were Clippzb callers Oct. 29, and stated tbat tbey were married In New York City on Oct. 23. Mas. Edwin Winchester of tbe Musical Winchesters, presented her husband wltb s baby girl on Oct 27. V. P. WoonwARD played Proctor's, Albany, week of Oct 24, wltb the Circle Theatre, this city, and the Orpbeum, Utlca, N. Y., to follow. Al. Maxtz Informs us Ibat his speclsltv company closed a very successful season of twenty-nine weeks at New boston, IS. H„ Oct. 20, baring been out since April 0. Manager Marts will lay off until sfter tbe election snd the holidays are over, and then take his com- pany ont again. La VERNE and Russbia opened at tbe Oar- den Theatre, Canton, 0., recently. Ed. La- verne has been engaged by Mr. Manning to take the management of tils stare. Marvel Russell was a decided success In tair eharao ter act m -••.ti." . aa' The %\ Chocolate]. ~ skill *• - . ■_ .;-'-■■ » 1 v Pt^"' TE TV & THE ORIGINAL SWISS MILK CHOCOLATE, A REVELATION to the Chocolate Lover! To the many people who like superior eating Chocolntc, Peter's Swiss Milk-Chocolate has been a revelation,possessingn smooth, dainty flavor that has earned for it the phrase, "IRRESISTIBLY DELICIOUS." It has already attained throughout the United States and Canada nn instant and enormous popularity, equaled only by the premier position it has always held throughout Kuropc. TRY IT, and Know Why. Other Brands Are Imitations. FREE SAMPLE ami illnunued booklet, "AN ASCENT OP MONT BLANC,' 1 write LAMONT, CORLISS & CO., Sole Importers, Uept.1T> 78 Hudson St., New York. WHY NOT HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIRP INSTANTANKOUI IR Rl ProdoeM AH. SHADE is OME Application. It does not Destroy the Curling snd Crimping, and It Is tbe only preparation which satisfactorily Restores Bleached, Gray and Faded Hair to any natural sbade dcalred, giving life and lustre to the bslr, leaving It soft, silky and cleaa. It Is Uarmless, Pure, Elective and Sure. For Sale at Leading lUIr Dressers sad De- partment Stores. Price One Dollar a Bottle. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET C. tOMPaaiB MFC. CO.. T»B aad TUT Broadway. W. Tf. ASSIST WITH IN Sl'PPORTlNO THB BUST BY L'sIMO THE "MEYERS IDEAL BU8T SUPPORTER" PATENTED. Note the Immediate and permanent impro Ye- meni and sappers. It Is note pad and does not ■ mother the lust. It oauses a gentle massage which will develops the bast In s few weeks. It can be mljaittd to any corset, stoat ladles can ▼roar It on low bos 1 corset. Hade of silk elastic, price, ll.M. Extra fine quality, »5.M. Guaranteed to wear one year. Send for It at once. Bend two stamps for booklet. OUR NEW ELASTIC CORSET WITHOUT. PATENTS PENDINO. Physicians call Its blessing to hnnmnlty. It Is made of hygienic silk and open-wort elastic; moulds perfectly to sny Sgure, gives perfect freedom of movement and expansion of sll breathing organs, absolutely sanitary, has sir holes snd Insertion of swiss embroidery: especially adapted for dancing, singing, riding and for suffering women; makes tbe waistline smaller {straight front, any sbspe), gives superb figure and perfect support for the back. Call or send two sumps for catalogue. Ageataw.Dted. mwE , B MEYERS & CO., 27 Eut22(1 ti, W.w York. Thb Loa Lei Loxa Tbio write from Can- ada: "We Just closed tea weeks of fair dates through Canada for W. Dank, of Toron- to. Will play dates this Winter. We are at the Orpbeum, Montreal. Nov. 1, with the Star Theatre,Utlca, N. Y., to follow." Jos. P. La IIbi, flexible aerlallst. reports meeting with success at tho Klks' Carnival, Bridgeport, Conn., doing bis aerial contortion act Baines and Washbdbn write: "We bave Just opened In tbe Weat, and like It very much, because our act la aa tig a success as In tbe East. After our extreme Western time we go on tbe Kohl 4 Castle and Or- pbeum circuits, with the Keith and Proctor circuits to follow, making our time solid to Sept. 3, 1005." Harbt Tiiouson, "Mayor of the Bowery," reports meeting with bis usual success In tbe West. His monologue wsa a feature at tbe Columbia, St. Louis, week of Oct. 24-20, and at the Chicago Opera House 81-N'ov. C. Tin D'Anvu.iE SlSTBBS. Jeanette and Irene, tbe French fencing girls, are making a tour of the South, and are meeting with success, McDibmott k Diamond Bbob.' Minsibii s were entertained by the Charleston, W. Vs.. Elks recently. Naobl and Adams, novelty and comedy duo, Just closed at the Unique Theatre, San Francisco, snd report meeting with success. They open on tbe Goldsmith circuit Nov. 14. wm. Ltkbns Is booking a new musics sketchy entitled "Who Did. Itrjyrlcs by Max Rossi and music by Loals J. Monlco. Misses Derger sod D'Este, William Snyder, the well known baritone, and Rossi are la tbe cast. Tbe sketch la Hid to be original and bright. Kittib O'Bbibn, of Verne snd O'Brien. In- forms ua that she Is not tbe Kittle O'Brien who lost her wardrobe In the recent fire at tbe Orpbeum Theatre, Davenport, la. Thb Carres Tsio will go to Bt Louis after the season closes, to rehearse a new musical act WASHBURNE'S ?$ »» FASTENERS! The rasteser with a BUA-DOG CMP " mU& iiah rt m4 mult/ to Ifcrit am. AffBmit [ijlti.lULiilll. n -u ; o'l.n, SOt, iaTltaBwn.aa* Uttrl ll.Hin, 10* *\ JJ.u Vrt HtM* lM e*. BBRSBWBai Aaxritss Blag Ceapaayi ■"»■» 11 BsaSSBSBJIl "SMILES" ATOOTH MAKEUP! Temporary Ivory Finish lor Gold and Discolor id Tilth. Ho Acid. sVirnnlid ■booluiily kirmlMt, Applies Quickly. Dries Immediately. Removes Easily. BARB A SMITH, Pre. NlW.iM Street Hew Tort, N.T. Fottnt Attootd. M. ITRA88MAN, JAvlOaUisjT, li* BfMsWa*. NSW Totfc Cat*