The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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.NbVEMBEK 12. THE ISTKW YORK CLIPPER. 877 THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED SONG SUCCESS. WHEN MY GOLDEN HAIR HAS TURNED TO SILVER GRAY Veatnred with laauaans* fuceei* In Chicago iiy LUCILLB HAIHB* 1 , »d by a Host «ruih«n on tba Road. ■IAUTIFUL WORDS AND MUSIC. SIXTEEN OR MORE BEAUTIFUL PICTURES. 8LIDE8, 85.00 PER 8ET. Profea.lonal Coploi and Orehe.1ration* Irnt on Receipt of Piogiamme. You'll HI.* a Good Tiling If Van Walt. A SURE HIT EVERY TIME. ass Wabash A.v.., OHIOA( 74 fifth Av*., NKW V»RK. mngivg cowbdian <uei>. oo.>, oood voice, wltri plenty of gaga for street work: Sontn ml winter. No amatenr* or drunkards. Ticket If hnnakt and not too far awav. Tell all I. flrst. Join on wlrt. Salarr limit, twenty dollar* > week and R.H. GREAT AMERICAN MK1). CO., Waco, Tex»«. WASJTKD. Al HF V. M \lf FOR GENERAL HIWUESS. wiiii. be verattiio with, experience aid have wardrobe. It yon nil the above aniwer at once; ear all first letter; give height, expe- rience and lowest salary; pay your own. Tickets to right party. Drinking not tolerated. Addrexe . WILLIS PIOKBRT, 4 Plckerta' Coined; flo., ML Olive, N. 0.. Nov. 19, II and 11; OofdiUoro, N. 0., week Of Nov. 14. AT l.mKRT V. Ventriloquism. Bug In. flinch, Lecturer. Btralghu, Oomblnauon Picture Uacblne. l.oourt. of films, ft Sing Heta (not a linger), loo Mitds»,to Join any reliable show, or will invest t for f with live partner la any sensible proposition for Winter months. TB08. L. FINN, Dooslck Falls, Now fork. WAITED, Comedians, Sketch Teams, Sinter Team* and At Lecturer and Office Worker. Must fake organ. No boozers. No ticket*. Salary low, It's sure. C. W. LEBTER, Everett, Bedford Co., Penna. w AWT BD «tc ICK, At Sketch Tenu, Man and Wife, who does Irish and Dn'ch cbaDge, doubles and sin glen for week; Novelty Act, change for week; Al Piano Player, Leotrjrer (per cen>) No bonier*; tickets If I kqoW yon. W. 1.. Wellington, Mgr. Per. Med. Co.. Oalesbnrg. III. AT.MBWTV, for First Claw Med. CO. I do I'lilu > Dntch, Kobe, Sl'ly Kid and Strong Black Face'Comedy or Straight ;iu Acts. Uood dressei s on and off. 10 yearn 1 experience in Ned. Bus. Add. •inhij K. Hunter, Effingham, 111. (P. 8.—II. and I I.. write. I'll come). . WANTED <tt icK, for Kemp's Novelir Co., LadrMoslcal Artist who can Ring, Bister Team, •inggter, Following Musician* for B. and 0.: Cor- net, to lead b<nd; Bass and Tuba, Clarionet, Trap Prummer. Wire quick. Add. Prof. 1. T. hemp, Ktidyvuin Iowa, b io; Ottumwa, 11,13. p.*.—win bin ptotiire mactilne and films. WANTS O, TWO 0001) MfcDIOINK 00M«- DliNB. Change for one week. One to fake organ. State all In Brat. Would take real good Man as partner. Address, for one week, . OBOROBW. REVERE. Soath Acworth, N. II. WANTBD, 8. and D. Comedian who Fakes Organ) tlso Organ Player that does Specialties. Most ohange for one week; make it low as yon get it here Tony Coleman, write. Address ED. BENDKR90N. 1011 Llnd BU.Wheellng, W. Va a*j55f WBITB, from Oonnly Cork, please send word. to PETER BLACK (Barber Shop). *«» sal«-«},ooo Highly colored Lltho- gratjlis suitable tor vaudeville and bnrlesqae. Half, one and three sheets. $ioo for lot. ROOM 12, 4 Square, Brooklyn, N. Y. TO TRaTbLiNQ^MANAOERS.— will iolTiTur- msnae Co. as Dialect Comedian and All Around Man. JOSEPH 1). ORACE, care of CLIPPER, _ AT'TIberiv after Nov. If JA8. 0. DELANOY, Black Face Comedian, Monologl*t and Eccentric Dancer. Ohange for one week? Yes. Address Care NORTH AMERICAN CONCERT CO.. P ots dam . Bt. Lawrence P p., N. Y. FOB BAMB—Fancy Set oTmiubIOAL COINS. Sttel, Nickel Plated (never used), played on mar- hie slab, two octavos chromatic, tut coins, for one, two or three people to play; cheap; H«. 0. A. BPQNBL BB, care l i t X. Goo. 8L. York , Pa. once, M«n for Chancer Leads, comedian, Oharaoter Woman, Bright Chl'd; meu mint h*vo square Cats; Three Night Repertoire. Holfht^welgnt, all firnt letter; report for rehearaal on wi re. Mana ger , Box 1490, Providence, R. L "WASTBD, for B. L. Hudson's Mod. Co., Clever Hingis and Doable Acts. Organ fakir with Spe- '■iHiuih. I. nig season; snre money. Tell all flrst, reference, age, experience: do not misrepresent. , hi,. HUDSON, Hillsdale, III. L1THOB—New shipment Im. Lithograph*. VaudoTll!*, ' etc., unlettered. 600. 100; 8-Sheet Comb. Posters, 100, limited wording. • UHJOil FTP . CO. , 428 Callow ninst,, Phil. wahtkii. Two Sketch Teatne(Mosloal); also Single Musicians that Double Band, Orohesrru and Stage. Would like (o hear from Lady Orchestra. Song, book publishers, send samples. Printing hou-tet, please send etrnplesof vaudeville paper, novelty printing. Brook* Musical comedy Co., Oltlton, Iowa; WANTBD-Man for Light Comedy, Charac- ter Man, Singing and Dancing Siiubrette. Ex- eertenaed Rep. People, wriie; prefer Specialties. tat* lowest; pay own: no tickets. Raymond A Powers. Abilene. Kansas, Nov. 14; Herrlngton 16. wasted «ABjioK-L'cm>dian and Dancer to put on, acts anil make them go. Orpan fakir preferred, Salary $7 and expenses Other Mod. People, write.. No tlukcts unless known to me. *. Of WHITE, Teiupieton, Armstrong (jo, Pa. „ W»WTWip, TWO B. F. COMEDIANS, Daooer*. DonMJug nntaa preferred. 11.40night and ex. S i n ,?iS;„ T i*» H *5 t ma lor lt wor * ■*««• °f "'"". OAHTflR * ROSS, Greenville, Mian., Nov. 11,1a. Also Vdrneltlai, B. and 0. ,lno. Sherwood, wire. WAhfTBD.gniCK, a Strong Musical Team that o»n ohange (or three night*. Man and wife preferred. Must be able to play responsible P*rtj. A'so Man with Moving Picture Maohlne. with,plenty ot films und song slides. Other good Dramatic People, write. State lowest first letter. DllOrganliiars. euve stump*. Frederick Roberta and North and Month, please write. Address 1 J. A, DUNCAN. Mgr„ Marysvllle, K*D. WAWTBD-Slster Team, Acrobatic Team, m »n l atioj Wife preferred; man with Picture Me- ctilnslelio Pianist. The Vedmart please write. state all and lowest in first letter. No tickets ■nip** w« know you. Carr A Hungerford's All Star- Vaudev ille Co,, rtrpheumTheatre, Otlca.N.Y. AT LIBrjRT7... 1| y Le,a,: Thf > 0aMi ,,lrl . *» WPaa* I*"Hoosler, Spanish and Fanoy Dsnplng. oive me a good offer; will come at °»M- FANNIE CROFT, ■■ Bis N. Illinois St., Indlanapol Is. Ind. WtiiiiTi^ PerttrnieH. Oood salary to good peonlo. No IS? m Ui* , "» 11 a,tl } * lt * T - MODERN BEMEDV CO.. HrpfHwIn, Deuel Co., Soath Dakota. EXPERIENCED AOVAtfCE HAN WANTED FOB PICTURE MACHINE BHOW. Apply n.^' liL : ' '" J - FROH8IN. Care of Tanner A Co. J. KROH8II. 4» W. »tli St.. New York. WILL' COMEDIAN, EJEYNOLDS ■BL.LIB JDVBNILE«orGKN. RnWMESS. OBItRO (KlRJIO, HI. Wiim, Virsiiih Al SkittliTiM; Mist Bi •aiJwSSSK:, 52?* P" 00 '* "e* 1 no HcketsT- dr. HITOHKLI. ew»Pennsylvania Ave, St LohU, Ifo THEATRICAL HOTELS and BOARDING NOUSES. NATIONAL Van BiireuanWKaahiv D. A, DOOLBY. Prop. ptups IMia donwe. Wabash A Madison, cniOAOO. 0. 0. Yanghan, Prop. Strictly American Plan, »8»16 iingie; Holt's Nil HtHI Cifa g-cf*" fSS S82! Booms 80c. to 76c. per day; *x&o and $3.00 a week. Ladles' Restaurant on second floor. No. » E. 4th St., Wilmington, Del. 0. R. HOLT, Prop. BT. JAJUBS HOTBIa, TOL.EDO, 0. Ameri- can Plan. Theatrical Headqnarters. iLitiingie. |1 donble: te and 17 per week. VICTOR 11 on sk, 174 B. Indiana St,, Chicago. Room and Board, $8 week. Italian and French Onlstns . Centrally loc at ed. Y. Oastellail..Prop. PA LACK HOTEL, 101 N. Clark St., OhlcagO, Rnropean, fs per week; with private bath, It. Turkish Bath, too. H. B. HPMPHRET, Prop. WAY. tkll iiot'SE, Howard and Somerset Bta,, Boston, Mas*. Central location. Excellent meal* . EMILY T. BANNWART, Prop. IaAFAVBTTB IIOTBL, ALLBNTOWN, PA. THBATRICAL IIKADUI'AIITBIIS, ti.a» single, ti Donble, $s and $7 per week. TRAFALGAR HOTEL, 116-117 E, 14, N. Y.,nr. Onion 8q., Academy, Dewey. Rooms 60c., 71c, |1, II M day; UM tojg week. W.D.HANNIOAN, Prop. BBRNARDHOTBL,8th and Pine, St. Louis, near all theatres. Enropean plan. Room with bath, t8ftoto «7 week. Oive trial. B. F. CAHILL, Prop. THE CASTLE IVflf, Niagara Square. Buffalo, N. Y. Rates, *2 to |4 per day. MR. 0. F. DUNBAR, Prop.; MRS. M. F. HAIR, Mgr. The LeSure, FINEST PROFEBSIONAL HOUSE IN PUILA. 8. W. CORNER 19th and LO0C8T. HOTEL VELEY ■UBOPgAll FLAN. gar special weekly rates to the profession, is* dark St., Chicago- Most central location In Olty GOOD SOUBRETYE, With Specialty, for recognized one piece. State ago, height, weight and lowest xalury In first letter. ROI1KRT sniCRMAN, Winchester, III. 1NTID, Dr. De Alva's Concert Go., Al Meillcluo People, that can change for week; Sister Team or Slnglo Ladles, Silent Acts of nil kinds, nnd Oood Piano Fluyer, that can read nnd fake. Join at once, Can 11I ways place good people. Money sure. Ad. Pit. E. II. DK ALVA, llriiHsels, Ont„ Can. 1NTKD, OOOD UBADIKG MAN, Strong ActresH for Heavies and Juveniles 1 men nmr wife preferred), Juvenile Mau aUd Character Cumeillan and good Property Man who can act, for ealubliHued Repertory «'o. Sure Hillary nnd good long uenson. Audress O. U. JOHNSTONE. Mgr., Hlawoton. B . Dak. I WANT A TUBA PLAYER WHO CM DOUBLE MM). Uood salary to.sober man. MOIIOAn'R V. T. C. CO.. Mexico. S. Y. AT LIBERTY, BAND LEADER STRONG) COBNfiT. Thorough Muslclnu. Ions exporleuco. O. A. PKTKRSOX. "Paris." on the l'lke, St. I/>uIb. Mo. BAB6AIR8 » SECOND HAHD 1D8ICAL INSTBOBEHTS. 12 Bass Notes with resonators to attach on 3 oc- tave Xylophone C to B. f 18; I set 18 Musical Rat- tler*, donble tones, |40; 1 set 23 Arch Bells with resonators, dampers, actlonB and cords, on rack 7ft. high, $100; 1 set IS straps Sleigh Hells, In good condition, f is: 1 set B octave Heavy Rosewood Xylophone, In tine condition, fit; 1 set 8 four-ln- hand Bells, $12; 1 set 11 bar Steel Martmbanbone tit; 1 steel Marlmbaphone on floor rack, (mine oondltlon, for two people, 440; 1 aet 1'2 Aluminum Ohtmeaon rack *4o; 1 set, 12 Musloal coins, tio; 1 set 00 Aluminum Chimes, In flno oondltlon, for three people, $85; 1 set Aluminum Harp, lMulie*. IM; 1 set 12 Musical Frying Pans, 118: 12 Musical Anvils, $12. J. O. DBAOAN, 2117 X. Clark Bt, Chlcngo, III. Many an Actor Ha* "guessed" that MADISON'S BUDQET wouldu't benefit his act. bet after seeing * copy found out Hint he had "guessed" wrong. Madison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of comedy, con- taining 31 Original Parodies, 9 new Mono- logues,« great Sketches, new Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Comic Poems, Toaita and Epitaphs; two roaring farce*, two big burlesques, besides hundred* of new Oars, Stories and Jests—eo big page*. One dollar per copy. Uaok number* as fol- lows: any 2, ll.M; any 8, f i; any 4, iu.m or Budget* 8,-4, 7,8 anil 0. |a. Other* oat of Krlnt. Send all orders to my agent, L. J. K. IKH^1404Ttilrd Ave.. Now York. (WE8TBHN), FOR k DEVIL'S LINE ACTORS AND MUSICIANS, CORNET, BARI- TONE AND PIANO, TO DOTtBLJI. OBO. D. SWklT, Granville, No. Dak., Nov. 11; Hinot 14, Ommemee 16, Hoiilneau 10, _^___ For Sale, One Horizoa Drop, 0X12, two Set Waters. Almost new, at* bargain PAULINE DE ROSA, Han.rden, P*. PASTOR'S Hiti Bt., near 3d Are. OONTINUOUS. RENO <k RICHARDS, ROME & FERGUSON. MAD6E FOX, MARTINI A MAXMILL1 AN, WH. CAHILL, DEI.PHIXO A DKLMORE, FRA8KR TRIO, UVIMR A LEONARD, KENNEDY A JAMKS, GOLDEN A HUGHES, HCNTER A MOONEY, MAX WINSLOW, THE VITAORAPII, 0THBR8. B. F. KEITH'S International circuit. Theatrical Enterprises. E. F. ALBBB, General Manager. HIGH CLASS VAVDBVlLLB. S. K. HODODON, Booking Manager, Assoclat Ion of Vaudeville Managers, St. James Bldg., Broad. way and 86th St., N.Y ™ DEWEY East 141b 81. LADIES' MAT. DAILY. JOLLY GRASS WIDOWS. THE MATRIMONIAL OI.UB. THE l25thSt.& Av. L.ADIB8' MAT. »A1LV. BLUE RIBBON GIRLS. Capt. Fox's 17—Zouave*—17, Ruber's ?£ Museum Geo. H. Habtr, Fropr. J. II. And«non, Mgr. WAMTBD, Attractions and Freaks for Curio Hall*. Add. J. H. ANDERSON, as above. GEO. and MAY WOODWARD, CASTO THEATRE, LOWELL, MASS. WALTER BEEMER, AND 8010 RHODES AVE., CHICAGO. .JUGGLING GIRL. TOM BATKMAN, DeeCrintlwe Aetor, Voesvllit, Chang. Aitllt, Gen. Bin. Per addrti.a, 1U BOKDIff ST., K»lI River, Ma... AT UBBRTY FOB SKIT BBASON, TRGCADERO QUARTETTE. 1168 W. POLK ST., CHICAGO. ILL. JOE BIRNE8. Rep. BERTRAM MILLAR LEADS and HEAYIES. 47 W. 28th St.. New York, Harry Holman SINGING AND TALKING COMEDIAN. Fin route Harvey & Gage Co. JUGGLING MATHIEUS Tins week. Grand Theatre, Joliet. 111. Just closed over the Hopkins Circuit. Harry H. LAMOUNTandPAULETTE Louise AND DOG BENOIIIE ALWAYS HAKE GOOD. INNESS and RYAN'lonalliti nnd gingers. NOTICE. MARTINK affk BBLMO SHU doing bnilnesi at tho same stand. Per. Ad- 8 AMSTERDA M AVE, N. Y. McVAY and SEABRIGHT. NOVELTY ACROBATIC ROPE JUMPERS, Jumping Rope Vp-Slde-Down this week. ORVILLE and FRANK AUK LIVING AT 10OO TI1IIII) AVE., THIN CITY. IRWIN'S BIO SROW. FRED IRWIN. .Manager THE FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL ZBB & ZARROW TRIO sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist, Extra Feature. WATCH FOR US AT THE DEWEY. 4--THE CONOLLY8--4 Singer*and Dancers Supreme. PRINCIPAL LEAD. MI8S JESSIE MOORE Contralto. "THEM FELLOWS," WILSON & SORC Talking Humorlat*. 0- .Jin? KLEINS- ,o " t(> Dutch Comedian and Soubrette. CONSEQUENTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, JOLLY ZEB TbiTrtmps Willi the Funny voice. The RAT8ELBENDER8 An Austrian Drill. A Specialty in Fencing, Marching, Etc. First time In America. HOIt-DHIOH STASE CABPEBTEB AMD BWLDEB. None but with experience need apply. Beat or wages. Address Bgj B, care of NEW YORK CLIPPER. CMOIATiOPSS AID A8T10I0U04L MIBEI WAITED. BOX 310, wjLLIKANTIO, CONN. TRE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L. HALLAUP .Manager BELLrWLTON, THE DARK EYED DAUGHTER OF SPAIN. A BIT OF GERMAN SOXBKDSE, FARRON and FAY, In "THE LAST QUART OF BEER." LARRYlicULE, THE MAN BEHIND TUG COMEDY GUN. 5-SISTERS RELLATZER-5 Bnrope'i Premier Lady Gymnasts. MAUDE EVELYN HARVEY and WALKER TOR CHARMERS. ANDERSON^ WALLACE TRAVESTY' and TRAGEDY STARS. MARIE BARRISON. THE GIRL WITH THE YELLOW HAIR. BILL, NOBLE, THE REAL COON BHOUTER. LBADlNQ KKATI Ili:» WITH BOBBBT FULTON'* JOLLY GRASS WIDOWS. GD8 W. HOfJA N Acting Manager. ■" Yuir & Storks « ■OTJBBBTTBa WHO B1N0 AND DANCB MULLEN & CORELLI, WONDBBFU L COMBDY ACROBATS. carltoFa terre, TALKING, COMIDDIANB WHO CAN SINO. JEANETTE GUICHARD, A DAI NTY PAHIB IBNNB. GARDEN & SOBERS, PHEMIHR XVLOPIIONB SOLOISTS. sruetTbruet, ECCENTRIC BLACK PACB COUBDIANB. 0BA8. 8N1TZ BURKHARDT & MOORE, THE HBBRBW DBOUUBRS. Mom. or the Gilo areaturea With ROSE 8YDELLI LONDON BELLES. W. 8. CAMPBELL. Manager A HITI JACK and BERTHA RICH, Singers, Talker* and Wooden Shoe Dancers. KENNEY ancf HOLLIS, Comedians, Vooaiist* and Impersonator*. PfOVBLTV. COMBDY nnd HAIIMON V; BIJOU COMEDY TRIO, a*o. L. Doreey, Harry Waitjen, Edward Wright. RELYEA, World'* Oreateit Exponent of Physical Culture. IOHNSY"WEBER, THE COMEDIAN VACDKVILLB VBATVBBB WITH ED. F. RUSH'S BUN TONS. SIM WILLIAMS Acting Manager. TUB MOlfTE OABLU HILDIGffAIBBB, WILLIAMS and ADAMS In Blsok Face Styles and Habits. TUB MABVBLOV8 LIVINGSTONS, SOCIETY ACROBATS. ORACE LEONARD, THE AMBRIOAN VK8TA TILLEY. iUGICAL SSMPSONS, ARTISTS PREMIER. BOIj-COOK $ GOOK-Bei Mirthful Blending ot Oumody and Song. MUSICIANS AT LIBERTY. John Rrennan. Tnba; John MoElwee, Barllonu or Slide Trombone. Roth strong and reliable. Address JOHN McELW'EK, Kelayrcs. Pa. soax or tub attiiactioius w«rii RINGLING BROS. 9 Sk'Jt oirous These Atlrarllous limv Iw ndilrcaaed care RINOLIN11 itlttis., Harnboo, Wis., or as per route of show. DOLLAR TROUPE Acrobats. Feature with Rlngllng Bros.' Clreu*—Second Year. OLINSERETTI TROUPE Originators of Everything New in Acrobatics. THE COLInTcLAIBONS Whirlwind Dancer*. VICTOR BEDINI FAMILY Bensatleunl EoueHirinni. The only act in America Introducing a dog and U people Jumping on 1 horse. CAMILLE FORTUNS TRIO Champion Horizontal Bar Coiuluue*. Third season with Rlngllng Hros. da coITfaiiily An Absolutely Original Ar-rlnl Display, llo-engegod aensou 1005. THB VAIHOVB 7 JACKSON FAMILY 7 America's Greatest Troupo ot 'Cyclists. THE FLYHJCTFISHERS Bcnsutlunal Long Dlatnuce MM Air Leaps. Uc-engaged annum lOon. THE IlTREDS Only Three Artists In tho World Arcoinpllsli- Ing Triple Simultaneous Loup from the ground on to the back of a galloping horse. THIS FLKJMlll.t; l<tt IMIIIIINTS. CENARO THEOL Rooked solid In the biggest anil best thea- tres In tho world for three, year*. THE AERIAL SMITHS Artistic I'oslng on Hie Double Trupere. Features Wllb L. LAWRENCE WEUKIl'S DAINTY DUCHESS CO. a. D. (iouman Manager Humping 'Em Herd, RANZETTA AND BE-LAIR, Humping 'Em Hard, U AND BI Funniest of all Comedy Acrobat*. JAMES «SAOIE LEONARD, In "The Wrong Tip," CHAS.lOBINSON, The Langh Maker. The Eccentric Musical OomedJlM, GU.iY and <.ft\ll\U lntrodnolng Their Original Scotch Finish, EHGSTROMllSTERS, The Ever Popular. BESSUfcUFFORD, RtarUIng Sensation In Tight*. Kb Hoot. With The Great WALLACE BHOWa. c. z. And Hit BlBA, DELNO-GARNEL TRIO, World* Cbanpl on Atrial Btr OymaMta. DONNIE, StMtl cf the Aer ial Rings. Corclli, Rooncy & Royer. Comedy Acrobatic Ft* to re. ' THREEllEVAROS Ors.test Act O f It* Bind Id th* World. ALLEN SISTERS, Late or th* Famom Neleon Family. armnblsr*. Acrobat* end CentortloalsL*. FBEo-sTEiuiie & WM& m Double tnfl Hlngl* Clowns. I<ook eat lot Dor New fpecttlty Neit BeuoB