The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 12. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. TABLE OP CONTENTS. -a*. 881 Page. , 874 Miss Cllpwr's Anecdotes. Kte Mr. and lira. Ocu. II. Wilson—Sketch 874 The Unlgue Trio—Sketch 874 Anella Barleuh—Sketch 874 WMU of Players «4 Vaudeville (ml Minstrel 875 Jim tod Lottie Bntherfnrd—Sketch 875 ihicrle* Answered 878 Onr Chicago Letter 878 Our Ixgaloo letter > M78 clipper Post Ofller 880 latest dt SHI (l'.tlie ttewl........... 881,882,88^ V* wlrt llo Biifbi: List 883, 884 Sk York City—Review And Cumnent... 888, 8*7 With the BUI rotten 884 Litder the Tent* 884 Death* In the Profession H85 Miscellaneous MSr, Julia Marlowe—Sketch ., 881 THEATRICAL CORKESPOXDRNCE. Massachusetts .....' • 8"(t Ohio SB New York Stale 870 Maine SW < ikla booia »J» New Hampshire 890 Pennsylvania 890 Oregon ■ • 890 California '. *»'» Hatrl.-t of Oolniuhl.t... t N90 Maryland 891 New Jersey 891 jihads Island Hftl Virginia 891 Kentucky 891 Indiana 887,801 Washington ' 891 nSii vlrgiaia h»i Wlaconaln' 881 Iowa 884 Texas 884 Mtcblga 884 Nebraska '. 885 Smith Carolina 885 Illinois 88fi Louisiana 885 llcorarth '. 885 Mlaanurl .• 887 Minnesota 887 I'nnnila 887 Connecticut 887 Tennessee 887 LATE3T BY TEL EftRAPH. Monday Night's Opening* la All the DlB Show Towns. '■• UOliDBK <■ ATI". GLEANINGS. I'lacher's Tharstret HeoyrtMa, With Vaodrvllle—UaalneaH Is rit Hlfth VVnler Mark. Njicdflf Dlspatohen to Tin: Ni:w Vohk Cupceu. San Kbancisco, Nov. 8.—At the Columbia ■•The-. County Chairmen" began a two week*' engagement laat nljjlir. The bouse was sold nut boforo the. opening, which was for the benefit of Jewish local charity. lUJEHti'.—"An American Citizen" Is this week's • bill. Amelia Gardner, the leading woman of the company, leaves In about tbree weeks to accept n similar position with Be- Iiihcii *V Mayer, at their new theatre In Los Angeles. .Business last week was very large. AM'ajiab. ~ "I'rlnce Kail" opeued last night, for the week. HRANO (JPHRA llOb'SE.—Tlllg Is tk) «f .ltd and last week of "Pretty Peggy." Busi- ness Is very good. CAUFouNiA.-^'oweet Plover" Is here for Mils week. "A Friend -ho Family" fol- lows. Business Is Immense. Cbntuai.. —"Her Marriage Vow" Ih the ■ un-eot offering. Tivou Oi'KiiA Ilotrs,;.—"The Messenger Hoy"-1». In Its second week. ' OnMiGiiM.—Bill for the week opening Niin dav, tl: Caufield and Carlton, John T. hcliy anil Co.. Becd and Hhaw, the Twelve Navnjo dlrlH. Watson, Hutching* and Kdwuros, retching Bros., Delmoro Sisters, Hnlley ttnd Meebart and the blograpb. Ciiutkn. —Programme for the week be- ginning 7: Heugel Bros., Hugh McCormlck, the Musical Benttey, Mabel I^mson, Itobln- wi nud Jones, Snuison and Zaucbo and tho blograpb. _ , . Kihi.iikh'h Theatre opened " with a vn- i Inly performance. The management has been changed. t • a FROM OTHER POINTS. Olympic, In Chicago, Robnllt and Roitnened—Klre Destroys Actors' Home* Nenr Wsxhlngtuu, D. V. C'h|C«uO/ Nov. 8.—Too Olympic, rebuilt in a cost, of #100,000, and resplendent m Ivory, ' gold and green, re-opened Sunday packed to the limit. Tile houBe has beeu closed since.the Iroquois urn last December end In that time has beeu brought to street level, and Is practically entirely rebuilt. Mclntyre .ami Heutb are the heatlllners ot the daltial. excellent bill, uud the other per formers got a great reception Kellar opofled nt McVlcker's to medium buslnes ...Louis Statin, lu "The Second Kiddle," begun nig engagement at the Illinois to three- luut'lhs business "MeFudtleu'n Flats" got u rousing greeting from n big house nt ihe'Great Northern, at the opening Them were. no other Importune changes lu down towu bouses. Robert Elleaon held •>vci' at Powers' to fair business Kara Kendall,. In "Weatherbeaten Benson," con- ilnued to medium business at the Grand.... Hyde & Behman started the week with fair bttslness ulid few Changes in the bill Mudebukec's wus dark Sunday night, us. ou ncco'unt of. the long Jump from the i;usi. Richard (Jolden could not open until Tuesday uluht,.., ...Cleveland's started strong: the Chicago Opera House and Haymarket did banner business at week's beginning. The burlesque houses got their usual shure "^nutans," at the Garrlck, continued with big buHluess'' and probublv will sltty mull •Ian. 1 .The popular price melodrama and stock houses begau their usual meusuro ol u'rosiH'rlty.' Election returns will Iv read froln nil hiukos Tuesday night The vftsi Nanbem ..will spring un 'luuovutlun I.lection Day. us three performunces of "Mts- I'addeu'g Klats" will be given, matinee, even- ing uud the Ilili-tl beglunlug at mldulght to eaten the. all night election crowds. tManur; Nov. S.—The only novelty of the week, "The Secret of Pollchluelle, at. the I'urk, opeued to :t tilled house. William till- ktte.-tn "The Admirable Crlcbton," crowded the. Mollis Street on .the opening of his cecond' weok Henrietta Crosmau, In •'Sweet Kitty Hellulrs," opened second week with'a SeM uouse at the Treuioul. Frit*' Sehclf, wttl Hie' Two Uoses," started Iter last .week, to u capacity gathering, at the < oloohil .At the Boston Theatre, iJeu- mgn , TlioutUh'iu. in "The Old Homestead," "iieiied second week wlrb u comfortably tilled bouse..... .'Wright. Lorlmer opeued his ilunl ■eyeK. at the Molestlt. In • "The Shepherd Kinn," with the usual overflow tbrous lopumr ii'lc* openings doing well were: Stella Muybew. at tho Globe, In "Klo Ho," aun -"rtnv'a Hnruni," at the Grand Opera lions*. ....Stock productions fared well Notwithstanding tjie keen competition among the vaudeville and burlesque bouses, each iincut. bad . nothing to complain ot In the way of utt ea itBAir a ,: WAgimeio.v' Nov. 8.—Ada Betaan opened hi the National, U? "The School tor Scandal." to a.good liottse, "The Comity Chulr- "inn", had n. big house ut the Columbia Eugenia Ulnlr opebbd lu 'Iris," at the \a- Is yet is, -to nnnekedbnusi'...'.... ."Hhi'dowM of a Oreat City" had a standing room bouse i't Ihr- nMcwmv The Msusll"ld-Wil»''iv Co. nud the Will Cressv-Ulancbc Dayne Co. headed a great bill at Chase's, jacking the house twice yesterday. The house ih atrenoy mild out. for the performances Klectlon Day ami night The Imperial Burlesque had full houses nt both afternoon and nlgbl per- formances yesterday The Hummer homes of James T. Galloway, of the "Shore Acres" Co.; Walter Adeu, of Henry Miller's Co.: Ileorge Ihrifmra. of "Babes In Toylanrt." und Morgan Sherwood, of the National Theatre, located at Four Mile Itun, near thin. city, were totally destroyed by Are Sunday, Nov. tl. Cincinnati, Nov. 8,—Xat Goodwin immi to the i irnntl lust night and Introduced "The Usurper." fla.wa* greeted by a lars* nudl- ence, wlib-ii gave Its approval of the comedy. There were two other new offerings: nttbe Lyceum Harry Jackson's play, "Wnat Women Will Do," attracted a rush All Snaday offerings were large At Heuck's Hal Reld'g new thriller, "A Midnight Mar- riage," wan warmly applauded.... Hanlon's new "Suparba" made good at tbe Walnut Street Vaudeville filled the Colnmbla. Tbe Forcuaueb Stock Co., Inn clever Interpretation of "The Conquerors," Jammed Robinson's At the People's the Merry Maidens Burlesque Co. pleased. PBILaDEU'IUA, Nov. 8. — The openings were wen attended, considering. l»lng goodly <n the mtsreKHte. and well distributed "The Serio-comic Governess" Introduced Ce- cilia Loftus as a star at the Broad, ami earned favor The Kogers Brothers' new conglomeration attracted a filled bonne ar. the Opera House, and proved as amusing as ever The Oarrlck was unable to open, as "The Eternal Feminine" could not get teady >n time. The opening occurs Tues- day night . ."A Madcap Princess." at tho Chestnut," and "Itesurrcctlon," at the Wal- nut, both continued well, and the rest of the combination houses fared well.. ..'Hie stock companies earned prosperity with admirable ftraductions Vuudevllle. at Keith's, wan arzely patronized, and the Bon Ton was not t'pglected The Kleventh Street Museum ami the burlesque houses all did nicely. Kanhar Cm, Nov. 8.—"A Chinese Honey- tuoou" opened n four nights' engagement at the Willis Wood Monday night to a good house. A big Sunday matluee and a sold out night house greeted Ward and V'okes, In "A Pair of Pinks," at the Grand Mnrguerltu Svlva and a good vaudeville bill packed the Ortiheum twice At the Oillla "Across the Pacific" sold out at both per- lorrnancca "To Die At Dawn" dreiv well at the Auditorium Fay Foster and her burlesquera drew big houses nt the Century. Kdwnrd Morgan, in "Tho Kternal City," opened at tho WIIIIb Wood Thursday night. Mn.wAt'KKK. Nov. 8.—The most Interest- ing feature of this week's openings win the I urge increase lu attendance at the I'absr, where I.eon Waebsner's German players put on "Tin- lint tie ot the Butterflies." Wilton Lockayc, In "Tho Pit," also drew a big house at the Davidson The High Rollers, ol the Star, opened to capacity.... "On the Suwnnee River." at tbe Alhambra, and "The Curse of Drink," at the Bijou, i"itii packed them In Sunday "Charley's Aunt, by the Thanhouser Company, looks good for the week. Loi'isviixk, Nov. 8.—"The Awakening of Mr. Plpp," ut the Masonic, drew a good crowd at the opening for the week...... At. the Avenue Patrice, In "Driven from Home,'' opened Sunday to a crowded house. The Rose Hill Folly Co. packed thu Itucklugham Sunday at both iwrfonnances. ... .Vaudeville, ut Hopkins', drew a packed house Sunday. Pi:ojttA, Nov. 8.—The Main Street Theatre, completely transformed and under new tnan- risMMlt, opened 0, giving the best sotts- fnctlon and turning hundreds away. *)«» JULIA MARLOWE Was born In tbe village of Caldbeck. Kng„ and came to the United States with ber pa- rents when she was five years old. The fam- ily first resided In Kansas, but soon removed to Cincinnati. O. Miss Marlowe made her first stage appearance at tbo age of twelve with a Juvenile opera company, In "Pina- fore," und at that time she adopted stage nume of Fnnnlo Brotigh, which was rt filially name, her christened name twin,; Snruh Frances Frost. Iler first dramatic ex- perience w.i.'t In a child's role In "Hip Van iVIqltle," und eIio afterward played for one season •tun 11 parts In a company presenting •'Inselc drums In the West. Having attracted tho attention of Co). It. K. J. Miles, a promi- nent manager of bis day. she was placed uu- ricr tho tuition of Ada Dow, an experienced art rets of tho old stock company days, und although, she studied for four years, It wiih rumored that she did not entirely desert i in- boards daring that period, hut that Coi. Miles gave her opportunities of playing un- der various names and.In various places. Hec i It-lit it as a .star wus made In New -London, Cohil. on April "5. 1887, lu the rolo of I'm thenlu. in "Ingoraur," under tho manngemenr. ot Col. Miles, wbo In October of the sanm yenr brought her to the Bijou Theatre, New* York, wherv she marie ber metropolitan stel- lar debut In the same role. She won on In- stant Rttccess and bun since continued to ue a prominent star, devoting her talents fre- quently to tho Shakespearean drama. On May, m), 18A4. tOi« became the wife of the late. Uobert Tabor, and they wero .co-stare ut one time, Mr. Tnlior having been one of her first lending man. MIbb Marlowe ob- tained a divorce from Mr. Tabor nt Burling- ton, vt., Jan. 0, 1900. During tbe present hciiwin she Ih whining new lnurels or !'■• shnkesp^arcaa plays, ns a co-star with E. H. Sotbeni. and New York hus thus far given, unqualified praise to her Juliet and Beatrice. 4»» WISCONSIN. Mllwsiakve.—"Babes lu Toyluuil" was lbs centre of attraction last week. Attend- ance for the week was good. Manager Sher- man Brown offers Wilton I.ackaye Nov. 7-b, Arnold Dalv 10-1", "Tho Billionaire" 13-10. .Vi.hamiiu'a (0. i-'. Miller, manager).— "Vnder Southern Sklus" found. favor Inst week, "(hi the Suwunee Klver" 0-1'J und "Tim Liberty Belles" l.T-19. Bunt' oi'kha Hocki: (John it. I'lerce, resident manager).—"A Uesperute Chance,'* for the third time, packed them lu Inst week, nud scored heavily. "Tbe Curse ot Drink" tt-12 und Kellar 13-19. At'«>i< my Tlianhouser. muuoger). —^'Tuc Black Flag" was revived last week. Jair.eH Kyrltg'Jil<^:urdy scoring the suecesM of tbe performance. "Charlcy^t Aunt" T-l.'i, und "Twelfth Night".' 14-20. Busluess cou- tlnties excellent. I'uist (Leon Wachsner, manager).—Th.; iiunuuncement tbut (lermou performsucim were, to be discontinued was premature, but It' appears to lutve awakened interest, an Sitnday'u lwrfortnauce, • Oct 80, WttH Well attended. "Thu Buttle ot thu Butterflies" 0-12. Star (Frank It. Trotltnan. manager) Al. Beeves' Big Show last week, as usual, was u big winner. Business was greot. The High Boilers 8-12, the Cracker Jacks 13-10. Crystal (F.- B. Winter, manager).— Drako's trained sheep, Baby Gladys, Inuens and Bysn. Lonle Bros, and Win. Wlndou make up bill week of 7. Gbastd. —Manager 3. W. Kenney offern Atbos Bros., Dean CHIT and company, Morris Manbye, Blchard Lee und Texana Slsteru i-i«. Ncniw.—George Tyler nnd W. A. Bnidv bnve shown luterrst In the Milwaukee Press Club, entertainment by purchasing it Itox o« r»"'*evli'<» •n»ct» In the f'ress cltii* annual. "The Billionaire," Nor. 14, Is the attraction. O n tbe Roa d. All Rontes Mast Bench Us Not Later . . Tama Monday. DRAMATIC. -*■ Attain*, Mantle (Charles' Krolmun, mkr.)—Lexing- ton. Ky., T. Hprlngfleltl, U., S. lluutlnitnii. Ilitl., li Toledo. <!.. 10.-Ynnngntnwn II, Wbeellng, \V. Vit.. is. nttaburg mi:' Alien, viol* (Uiarles W. Alien, ih»t.)— Wllmlng- tun, Del., T, Trentoo, N. J., s, Allrnlown, !'».. n. .Ueaillns 10. Harrltburg II, L'alotitown r.'. Wheellbff. \v. Vs.. 14, 15. Dayton, o„ 1U. to- luuibua IT, ludlausiwlls, lad., IS, IP, Anitllii. Margaret (Frank I'erley, mgr.)— I'ltlla- ntl|thls. Pa., T-IU, Kaattm 10. Aubrey Ntoek. F.a*tern. Mltterihal Urolher.t (W. U, Fltu-erHM. nigr.)—Merklea, Coun., T-tt, fjrtMnioutli, N. II., 14-ld. Aubrey Htock. Western. Mlttenllial Bratber* (W. R. Hardy, sctlog nigr.)—Sharon. I'n., 7-13. "Arliona.'' Fjiatern. M. n. ltaymond's (U. 0. IV Mutb, invtr. i—ClnrkHhurij. \V. Vs.. V, Fnrkerv- tinrs 10. Marletln. ti.. 11. Dellaln< 12. New MnrtliKTllle. W. Vs.. 14, StcuhcnTllle, O., in. Kits! l.lveriMXtl HI. Klyrln 17, Xorwnlk IH, Han- llnakv ID. "ArUonn." Western. M. B. Kaymuiid'a (Wllmtti II. Rinm, mgr.)—Hakeraoeld, Cat.. 14, Fremiti 13, Stockton HI. Oitklaiel 17. Is, Santa Rws IP, Sacramento 31, 122, Kugetie, Ore., 114, 1'ert- btuil 25. 2U. "Acnes the Panto" (Hurry tlMP MaSM. mgr.) —Kansas lUty, Mu., «-12. tit. Italia 13-IU. "Alter Mhlnlsht" (Saencer * ANmi. nuirs.)— I'lttsbntv. I'n.. 7-12. Columlnia. v.. 14-lu, In- ilhninpolls. Intl.. 17-lft. "At Cripple Creek"—Nashville, T'eim., U IS. Cbnt- tanoomi ID. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Kllroy lc ltrltleu. nigra).—Krelw, lnd. Ter., 0. Iloklenvllle in, Okmulgee It, Tulsa 12. Muwogee 14. Fort Smith, Ark.. 15. Iliinlliigton 1U, Mean 17, De Queen 18 Texarkana 10. "Alone In tbe World," Jltttontltal Brotuers' (Letsi Wllllnms, mgr.)—(Irnnil Raplda, Mich., U-t>, Pattle Creek 11. Chicago, III.. Ifl-M. "An Idiot Sluie." Fretl C. Taylor's (K. K. Knit, litis, mgr.)—Cuyahoga, <>.. t>. Loraui 10, Me- dina It, Newark 12, Hellenic 14, Clyde 15, Chicago Junction 1(1, ('pper Riinilusky 17, Ken- Ion is. Fembervllle ID. n Blanche Bates (David Belnscti, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo.. 7-Dec. «. . Bitrryinorc, Ktltel (Charles l'mlnuaii, mgr.)— Buffalo, N. V.. 7-12. N. V. City 15. Imlnlidte. Blngbiiui, Amelia (Lloyd Illnghau, ragr.) - N. Y. Cltr 14, linlednUc. ' llenew, Kyrle (l.lehler it Cu.. nigrs.)—Bt. Paul, - Minn., tl-li. XllnnenpolU 1012, Chliagu, 111., IH-tie.-. S. llrtliiiwell. William (Henri Oresaltt, iiigr. i — I'hlbi- delpllln, rii.. 7-12. llltitr. Kmtenle—Washington, 1). C, 7-12, N. Y. City 14-10. Bereafonl, llnrry (J. .1. Colenun. mgr.)—Beau- inont. Tex.. 7, Uolvcutoti 8, llouatoii 9, Han Antnulii' 10, Austin 11, Fort Worth 12. Okla- homa City. Okla.,. 1», Dallas, Tex., 14,' Mc- Kloney 15, Bonlnim 10. Qreeuvllk) 17, Mar- ■.hall-is, Khrvtcpert. La., Id. llciltoD, Louise (A. II. Womb, mgr.)—Norfolk, Vs., 7-12. Itlchmoml 14-111. Vlntlley, Florence (Forreater & Mlttvntliul, itigrs.)—Jersey City, ti. i., 7-12, IMttaburg, Pa., IMS. Iiunttng, Emma (Hurl BurgesH, mgr.)—Heading, i'n.. 7-12. I'atersou, N. J.. 14-10. llennctt-Moiilton (Irn K. Kewlmll. mgr.)—Dorer. N. II.. 7-12. Lawrence. Mass., 14-10. Beimelt-Monlton (F. C. Twltebell, mgr.)— Hav- erhill, Mass., 7-12, Ulouiester 14-lu. Btsincit-Moultoii iMeorge K. Koblnaon, utgr.)— IteuilliiE. I'a.. 7-12. rottsrllle 14 111. Beiinett-Monltou (Ail. 1*. Itet<d, mgr.)—Tlltiif vllle. I'u.. 7-12. Hburou Mill. Btnnett-Moultuu (W. A. P.nttvllo, lagr.)—l|is. wlch, Must., 10-12, ilanlai'i- 14-10. Bennett-Moultnn (\V. c. .McKay, mgr.)—lluia- rortl Falls. Me.. 7-l£. Herlln. N. 11.. 14-10. llreckeurltlg.' Stock (Charles llreckenrltlgv, mgr.) —Ln Unroe, Kan.. 7-12, Krle 14-10. Belcher's I'.mieilhins (\V. If. Belcber, mgr.)— Blackivell. Okla.. 7-12. Iltirke McCann (M. MeCaiut. mgr.)—Amsterdam. N. Y.. 712, Herkimer 14 10. "lieu Ilur" (Klliw A Krlaugrr, iiigrn.)- HI. Louis, Mo.. 7-20 "Bonblo Briar Bush." J. II gtodilart (Klrke l.n Hhelle. mgr.)—Newark. N. J., 7-12, Brooklyn. N. Y., 1410. "Bird Center" (llamlln. Mitchell c Fields, ugra.) —N. Y. City 7, Indefinite. "Master Urowo," Enatern. M. B. Kaymond's (W, S. Buttertlehl. mgr.l—I'mtslnwn. Pa., II. Hur- lliigton, N. J.. 10, Chester. Pa., 11, Wilming- ton, Del., 12, llrblgetun, N. J.. 14, Atlantic i'lt> - 15, Mslianny City, I'n 1U. Hunhury 17, York IS, Coluniblu 111. ','Buster Brown," Western. M. B. Kaymond's (Jeff Itenuitchi. utgr. I—Burllnifloii, In., II, 10, .lollet. III., II, KnTumaxoo, Mich., 12, Grand Itspids '.•lliiiieh of Keys" (Otis Bothuer, ragr.)—Fern, tmi., 7, Marlon h, Blufftou 0. Frankfort hi. Olluton II, Danville, III., 12, Cbleugo Heights . III. Kankakee 14, 1'axlou IS, Ituntoti! 10, Cham- pslgn 17. (btlcsmirg 18, Kewanw IV. "Ilreuk for Liberty" iJ. M, Jaitobs, iogr.1 — Alllamv, u.. », Miisslllou 10, Lhrlchvlllv II, New Conwratown 12. "Breesy Time," Kaatem (K. Webster Fits, mgr.) --Outbi'le, Ky„ 0, Columbia, Telia.. 10, SVtei- lleltl, Ala., II, Florence 12. "lln-esy Time," Western (K, JMattst Fits, mgr.) - iilisimiielil. Nebr., 7, Wayne S. Fierce 0. O'Nell 11. Attiart 12. Alnawortb 14. Gordon 15. Chadrou It), Hot Hiirlugt., So. Dak., 17, Rapid rtiy Is. I'ledmunt 10. "Broken Heart" (Joseph C. Logsu, mgr.)—Oka- loosa. Is., II, Miiraiialltown 12, l.u Halle. 111.. III, Clinton, Is.. 14. Burlington 15. Monmouth, III., in. tliiieahiirg 17, Peoria Is. Canton IV. Fort MadlHon, la., !!0. "Banker's Child" I Harry Shannon, mgr.)—New- ton, Kau., V, IVabody 10. Haringtiai II, Council (Irnve 12, Linporlu 14, Burlington 15. "Boy of tbe Streets" (Hubert Tssoa, mgr.)— Juekson, Mich., n, Albion 10, Ulllsdolc II, Wnrauw, Intl.. 12, Knux 14, Oardner, HI., 15. Dwlght 10, I'rlmvun 17. De Kntb 18. KIglu 10. "Ilcnuty Doctor," Fred K. Wright's (Thoa. W. Prior, mgr.)—Pittsburg. Pu„ 7-12. Oreensbnrg 14, Connellsvllle 15, unlontowu Id, Falruiom, W. Vil, 17, Clarksburg IB, Cnnils-rlaml. Mil., IP. "Bell Boy" Uumes A. Ualvln. mgr.)—New Brunswick. N. J.. Id, Brlslnl, Pa.. II. Bllsa- i-ili. N. J., 12, Aabury 1'ark 14. Hohwken 17- 10. 0 Crune. Win. II. (Charles Froliiiian. mgr.)—N. Y. City 7-12. Philadelphia. Pa., 14-20. Ciosman. Henrietta (David Beliiaco A Maurice i.'umpls'll. nigra. I—Boston, Mass.. 7-20. Campbell. Mrs. Patrick (Charles Frohmau, mgr.) —N. Y. Clly 7-10. I'uiasioi-k. Nouettc (Jnmea K. Backett, mgr.)— Moiitieal. Can.. 7-12, Ottawa 14, Klngalnu 15, Belleville HI. Hamilton 17, St. TUniius 18, Lou- don 10. Collier, William (Charles Frohmau. mgr.)—Brook- lyn, N. Y.. 712. Chicago, 111.. 14-211. Creaton Choke (Jules Marry, mgr.)—Granville, N..Y., 7, Albiiuv K Ilnrllngton. Vt„ 0, Brattle- tsiro 10, Kchpiiecisdy. N. T.. II. Troy 12. Ctlea 14, Oswego 15. Hyraetise 10, Blngkamtou li. Cohan. George M.N. Y. city 7, Imleilnlte. Corliett, James J. (Ilul Davis, mgr.)—Detroit, Mich., u-12, Clilengo, III., i:i-lli. CookClnircli (II. W. Tnylor. mgr.)—Lowell. Mass., 7-10. Wuliliam 11. 12, New Louilou, Conn., 14 111. Curpejiter, Frnnkle (Jute Oratly. mgr.)— 1/mtU. Mass . 14-111. Ck mm. Lbs ter Theatre, A (Jotepb 1'- :.-!' ragr.) —<Jraod laland. Neb.. 7-12. iUSUai * I ». Curls Dramatic (M. II. Carta, tngr. ■ riihujru, Neb.. 0, 10, Dunbar 11, 12. Taliuage 14, 15, Veruon 10, 17. Itulo is, IV. Cotiroy 4 Macks Comedians (P. I*. daft, mgr.) —Davla. w. Vs., 12. Weston 14. Cutler & Williams Slock (W. It. Culler k 1. W. Williams, nicr.)—Cijavtbrtbrllle, lnd.. "•!-', Msdlson 14-10. Carroll Comedy (Ion Carroll, mgr.)— Louucoulug, Md„ 7-0. Crtsutot Comedy (Bergmau k Cuumloga, ugra.) —Hockwood. Teon., 7-12. "Ceiulty Clialrmau," Eastern (Flenry W. Ravage, mgr.)—Washington, D. C„ 7-12, Brooklyn, N. Y - .. 11-10. "County Chairman." Western (Henry W. Ravsge, mar.)—M4n Francisco, Cal.. 7-20. "Colleiie Widow" (Henry W. savage, mgr.)— N. Y. City 7, Indefinite. •'Checkers." Til nam W. lhwa (Klrke U Bbclle, nigr.l—I'rovltleiice, it. I., 7-l'J, Newark, N. J., 14-10. '•Common Sinse Braekeit" (Henry W. Savagi-, mar.)—Chicago. III., 7. Indefinite. "ClilM Wife," Win. T. Keoth's— Baltimore. Mil., •■Child'Slaves ot New Vork" (.1. B. Isaac, mgr.) Hlrhnstnd. Vs.. 7-12. Atlanta, (la.. 14-10. "Cblltl nt the Shuns" (F. E. Johnson, mgr.) — Wheeling. W. Vs., linn, "Charity,Nurse" (George II. Leonard, uigr.) nitehratef. X. M.. "1», Syraenae 10-12, Buffalo 14-10. "Country Kid" ill. II. wiilituker. ragr.1— Antl- gn 'Wis., 11, Ithhiclaiitler 10, Bessemer II, Ash- land 12. "CtikiaiM Tramp" (M. De Bsngh. mgr.)—Hen- demon. Ky., U, Hebree 10. Urvrovllle 11, Hon- klosvllle Is. "Curse of Drink." Charles R. Blaney'a—Milwau- kee. Wis.. 0-12, Chicago, 111., 13-10. "Circus Day" (II. M. Kelss. mgr.)—Bangor, Ps., li. Lancaster 10, York II. Cheater 12, Long Branch. N. J.. 14. Bristol. Pa., 15, Burlington, N. J., lu, Atlantic City 17-10. D Drew. John tciinrlca Fiobmun, mgr.)—N. Y. City 7. Indellolte. D'Ufsay. Lawrence (Klrke Lu Hhelle, mgr.)— Newport News. Va.. 7, Norfolk S, Richmond l>, Wilmington. Del., 10. Trenton, N. J., 11, liar- rlslHiru. Pa.. 12. Philadelphia 14.20. Uavla, Fay tCharles Froliman, mgr.)—N. Y, City 14. InileAnllc. linl.v, Arnold-.-Urami tliiplibi, Mich., t* DisikT. Sniifoi'tl—I.nrlnmre, No. Dak., n. Msv vllle 11. Lakubt 14. DvvII'm Lake in. 17. IX 1 Orasse. Joacpli (Fnsl A. liny ward, mgr.l— Laurence, Kan.. 0, Osnwatooite 10. Inla II, Pin-suns 12, Imleiai'iideiico 14. C<iffeyvllle 15, Chsiiuto 10. Cheyenne 17, Nevada, Mo., 18, Webb Oily 111. Dan Darlelgh (llob Mack, mgr.)—Latrobe. Pa., V, Jeansstte 10, ScOttdalc 11, Conucllavllle 12. 1>> Vonile, Chester (Phil Istvy, mgr.)—Harris- burg, Ps.. 7 12. Uavlibtou Stivk (A. K. Davidson, mgr.)—Fort Wayne, lnd.. 712. Mnncle 14- II). , Dllger-Cornell—Ht. Marys, W. Vo„ t-0. Wells- burg 10-12. De Tourney. Klsle (E. <l. lllnebaugb, mgr.)— Hedalla. Mo., H, Clinton «. Klch lllll 11. Fort Meott. Kitn.. 12, Lamar, Mo., 14. Nevada 15, Pittsburg, Kau., 10, Parsons 17, Coffeyvlllr 18, Columbus 10. Dale. Marie (W. K. Martin, mgr.) -Mens. Ark., 7 0, De Queen lu-12, IlOfm ll-lti. Arkailclpliln 17-10. Dalley, W. 11., Sloek—ML John. K, B.. 7Jnn. 7. Iitiilley. Fruuk |W. Dick Harrison, mgr.)—lliiutH- vllle. Alii.. 7-12. Hii Vrles stiK-k t'Snm I)n Vrles, mgr.)—(Ileus > Falls. N. V., 7-12. Illiivcravllle 14111. lie I.con's Coniedlnns tl. Kent Colin, mgr.)—• Oxford, Miss.-, 7ll. Water Valley 1012, Tns- calouitn. a la., IT-In. ISHlge-Bowninn—Vara lion. HI., n IS, Untlslatis, Mu., 1 l-lil. l7-i:i De'Itnilffe * ltevnolils m. II Wenlffurtb, mgr.) —Newport Me.. 7, (lunllner H. Spriugrale 0, Itnekester. N. II., 10. Nashua II. . '■David- Ilarttin," No. 1, (Julius Calm, mgr.)— Boston, .Mass., 7-12. I.cwlston, Me.. 14, llnck- bind 15, HI. Portland 17-10. "DSvbl Hanim." No. 2 (Julius Culm, mgr.)— Halt. Cati.. 7. Ulielpb 8, llarrle V, Orlllla 10, II, (Unitford 12. Port Hurou, Mich., 14. HuBlnsw 15, Bay City 10, Lansing 17, Char- lotte 18, Muskegon 10. "Devil's Auction." flinrhti II. Yale's (M. Wlae, ingr. I—Fremont, Neb., V, Lincoln 10. Hustings 11. Kearney 12, Lcatlvlllc, Col., 14, Htillda 15, Cripple Creek HI, Victor 17, Cstinu City 18, Pueblo Hi. "Dom Tliorfie,", Kanleru (llowlantl A Clifford, ingrs.) -North Baltimore. ().. tl, Toledo 10-12, l-lrle. I'u.. lllll. Wheeling. W. Va.. 17-10. "Horn Tl.nrne," Western, 0. s. Sullivan's (drorgn K. Crowder, mgr.)—ilnlMiqiie, Is., 8, ('Union u. Maiiuoketit HI, Washington II, Muscatine . 12, Davenport 13, Iowa City 14, Burlington 18. "Dr. .lekyll and Mr. Hyde" (I,. I',. Pond, mgr.) -Alexandria, luil., V, Bluffloii 10, Anderson 12. Wliulieilcr 14, Klclitaontl 15, Wnthlngtou Court House. II, , HI, UrtiBltn 17, Habluii 10. ' IM'olei'k In White Women" (A. II. Wissls. mgr.) --Wsterhtiry, Conn., 7, llrldgeporl 8, ft. New llnvcn 1(1-12, N. V. City 14-10. "DsrkeMl Itussbl" (W. 0. (•uiuilughuiii. mgr. 1 -Halt Lhke Clly. L',. 7-0, (ig.len 10, Ixvau 12, Ptwiitvllo. hit!., 14, Hnlae 15. Baker City, Ore., 10, Peiullclon 17, Walla Walla, Wash., 18, North Yakluia IV. "IHsietted at the Altai" (Percy O. Williams, mgr.i—Philadelphia, I'a., 7-12, Brooklyn, N. Y., 14-10. 'Down on the Form" (P. L. Jarvls, mgr.)— Butler, Pa.. D. Beaver Falls 10, Wellsvlllr. O.. I). Cuunl Dover 12, 1'brlcl.vllle 14, New (Join- ■neratawn 1.1, Nenurk 10, New Htrultsvllle 17, Logsu IS. Athena 10. "Driven from Hooie," I'nlrlee (Forrester A Mil- ' tetiiiml, mgrs.)—Louisville, Ky., 012, Cln- clneatl, 0., 1310, •T>es|iernte Clunuxs" (Miller. I'lohti A Hnyiler, mgrs.)—Memphis, Tciiii., 7-12, Naalivlilo 14- IH. "Isjwii by the Hen" (Phil Hunt, uigr.)--Xewnrk, N, J., 7-12. "Desperate Cbnnw," Koneater *i Mltteutbal's— CIiIciiko. HI., (Mil. "Denver F.xpresa" (Oeotge II. Udwnnla, mgr.)— llrudl, Itid.. 7, Decatur H. Oakland. 111., U, Linton, luil., 111, Ladoga 11, Marlon 12. An- dsrson II, 15, Alexandria III, Green- ville, O., 17, Lawrenceburg, lnd., 18, llnfull- too. O.. 20. , <~ "Dssprrate: Cbuiice." Donna Troy (Jiiuiea L. (Ilass, aigr.)—Wlit-clIng, W. Va., 7-12. Pitts- burg. Ps., 14-111. •'Devil's Lane," Western (George D. Bweel. mgr.) —Cuudo, No. Dak.. II. Itugby 15. Otnenieo HI, Hourls 17. Went ilo|te 18, Botlliwati 10. "Deserted Bible"—Taunloa, Mass., u. ■ Flllol.t, Mnxine (U. It. Dillingham, mgr.)—Den- ver. Cola.. 7-12, Pueblo 14, Colorado Hprluga 10, Halt Lake Clly, I'., 1710. I'Mcson, llohert I Henry II. Harris, mgr,)—Chi- cago, III. 7-12. Detroit, Mlnb., 14m. Fart Wuyne. lnd.. 17, Dayton. 0. 18. I^ixlngtou, K.v., 10. i:iluorc Hlslers — M. B. Itaymond's (Milton (iuntluil, mgr.)—l'lttaburg. Pa., 7-12, Norfolk, Va,; l-iln. laioTsou, Murv (Haauiel T^wla. mfr.)—Isickport. N. Y., 7. Fredonla 8, Mrle. Pa.. 0. Jamesmwn, N. T.i 10, Olcan 11, Bradford, Pa., 12. Curry 14, Franklin 15, On-envlllo HI, Hhsron IT, Nties, <)., 18, Warnn 10. IVllpse Block (Lloyd at (lentsr, mgra.l— Velowii. 'lev., 11. ICaat Columbia 12. liny City 14, 15. Tres Pshiclos 10, Van Vleek 17, Wharton 18, 10. F.lwards Slock (Jefferson Hull, mgr.)—Itorheatcr, Pu„ 7-12, Washington 11-10. Leeebbnrg 17-10. Dillon's Comedians (fl. II. Rldou, nigr.l—Har- nett, Kau., 7-12. Burlington 14-10. F.vans, Brandon. Htock—Irouton, 0„ 7-12, Park- eraburg, W. Vs.. 14-10. Kclioli k Hawkins Ideals--Bldney, Noli., Til. Cheywuie, ■ Wyo.. 10-12. "Kteruol Oily" (I.lcbler A Co., nigra.)—Topekn, Kali., 0, Kansas Oily. Mo.. 1012. Lincoln. Neb., 14, Klnus City, la., 15. Dos Moines HI, Cedar Hsplds 17. Davenport 18. DnbumM! III. "Els»u Golden" I derrick A Khlrldge, roars.)— Mlddletawii. 0., 7, Belfonlaliie 8. Lima 0, Tlf- flu'10, Foslorla 11, Bowling Green 12. "Hacsned from Ihe flariioi," J. II. Walllck's Hlowonl Knri. mgr.)—Chicago. III.. 012. "Krrsml Boy," Billy II. Van (Sullivan. Harris i Wooda. mgrs.I—Brooklyn. N. Y., 7-12, Phila- delphia, Pa.; 14-11). "Eight Bells," Bros. Byrne— Bnllluuire, Mil.. 14- Hi. "F.rerrtasu" (fl. '.'. Denl. mgr.)— Mllwankee, Wis.. TV H, II, Hlcrllug. III., 10. Burling- ton, la., II. "I>«'«is»il (nun Hliig Hlng," Kdgar Belilrn'a— Ilolyuke, Mass.. Ml. Lowell 10-12. 1" Flake, Mu. (Harrison Grey Flake, mgr,)— N, Y. (My 7, ludeOnlte. Faversbiiiu, W». (Charles Froliman, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly 712, Hprlusiteld, Mam., 15. FrankenOeld, Luuni (Maufurd Dotige, mgr.'i — He- ir .It Clly. Minn;. H. Fertile 0. Ada 10. Barnes- vllle II,,Fergus Falls 12. Alexandria 14. Hnuk Center 14, (Kenwood 17, Morris 18, Benton ID, nualmnioos. Bobrrt. and Jnlla May Gilford (Joa. KdioOiMtOn, tnjr.i—Providence, B. I , 7-12, Bnatr.n, Max., 14-10. Feiiberg .Block (fh-orge M. Fenborg, mgr.)— Nashua. N, II., 7-12. Taunton, Mass., 14-10. l-'JMilnjc. Mamie (W, If. (lraeey, mgr.)— De.ubiirr, Coaui'V.ij, Yonkers. N. Y„ 14-10. Plaice, May (J. V. Cossrove. mgr.)—Newinrl, B. I., 7-12, New Bedford. Haas., 14-111. l'errls Comedians (Unrry Bnhb, mgr.i—Evana- Title IU(1., : 7;1S, Tlflln. O.. 14-10. "Flsmlng Arrow." Lincoln 1.'Carter's IV. F. Jackson, mgr.)—Brooklyn. N. Y., 7-12, Newark, N. J., 14-10. ... -s. "Female Detect Ives." Busaell Brothers (Samuel Blair, niir.i— Klliubrtb, N. J.. 7-0, llohokru 10-12. "Fatal Wedding." Central. Sullivan. Harris ft Wotals' (Cary MrAdow, mgr.l—Syrartwe, N. Y., 7-0, ltocbrs er in is. Trey 14-10, Albany I7-1P. "Falsi Woldlng." Eastern. Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' (\V. N. Ssllaliury. mgr.l—Columbus. (In., li. Montgomery, Ala.. 10, Mobile 11. I'en- aacola, lis,. 12. UlloM. Miss., 14, Baton Ituuge. La.. 1<1, Doiisldsonvllle HI, Franklin 17, New Iberls 18, Crowley 10, '■Fatal Weddliig," Western. Hnlllvsii. Ilstrls ft Wooils" (E. T. Klegler. mgr.)—Medfonl, Ore., 0, lied Bluff. Cal.. lu. Marysvlllo 11, Block- Ion 12, Han Francisco 13-10. "From Hags to Blrbra," Joseph Snntley (M. II. Meyers, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly 7-12, Phlladelpbla, Pa., 14.1ft. "For Ills Brother's Crlaw" (Con. K. Bellinger. irmr. i—Detroit. Mich.. aVll "Factory tllrl," Kssteru (Phil B. laaac. tugr.)— Philadelphia. I'a.. 7-12, Brooklyn, N. V., 14-10. "Factory tllri." TrauHCoiitlueiital (Charles II. Warn, rngr.)—quebee, Can.. It, Three Ulvers 10. Hnret 11. 'Si. John 12, Alalone. N. Y.. 14. Plsttslmrg 15, Burllagton, Vt.. 10. Ht. Albans 17, Whitehall. N. V.. IH, Orattlehoro. VL. 10. "For Mother's Sake," Bunco ft Holland's (Wm. l'ottle Jr., ugr.l—PmlgeUlty, Kan., 0, Lomnr, (Vila.. 10. Itorky Fonl II, La Junta is. Trini- dad 1.1. Raton. N. Mex., 14, Las Vegas 15, Albtinncruue III, El Paso. Tex.. 11. Phanlx, •Flnnlgsn's Ball" (Olllo Mack A Joaenh W. Spears, mgrs.)—Seattle, Wash.. 0-12, Portland, Ore., 1.1-10, Itrddlng, Cal.. 21, Boil blurt 22. Chleo 23, Siicrnaicuh. 24, Wisalhuid 25, Vul■ lejo 20. , _ "Fiitiuy Bide of Life." Harris Lnniberg's—Troy. N. V.. 7-0. CsrlKiti.lnle. Pa., 10, I'lttaton 11, Mslianny Clly 12, Harrlsbnrg 14-W. "Fsat Life ln New York" (A. II. Woods, mgr.) —N. Y. City 7-13. Elisabeth. N. J.. 14-10, Heading, Pn., 17, Allentown IS, Pnttstown 10. ."Fogg's Ferry" (Charles W. Henner. mgr,)— Siwarervllle, O., 0, Paulding 10, CsreV If. "FIikxI Tide" (A. E. Nash, mgr.l—OldlllcoUie, ().. 10, Wellalon II. NelaniiTtile 12. "Fnuat," Porter J. White's—Neeusb, Wb)., 7. Sheltorgnu 8. Wiitirlown 0. Pintlavtllii 10, Frii" port, III.. 11, Hiihuipie, In., 12, Muscatine 14. Davenport 15. Clinton HI, Iowa City 17, Mar. shalltowu 18, Cedar Itaplds 111. a Ciooilwln, N. C. (llsorge W. Applelon. mgr.)— Clni'liiitall, ().. 712, lnd . 14, Dayton, O., 15, Columbus HI, Buffalo, N. Y., "■10. , „ (lllletto, William (L'liai-les Frobmuu, uigr.)—Bos- ton, Mass.. 7-2H. i.llbert, Mra. O. II. (Churloa Frobmau, mgr.)— N. Y. Clly 712. xlrcet, Ben. Players (lieu tlnvl, mar.)—niver- side, Cnl., 7. San Diego 8, n, law Angelrs IV. 11, Hauls Burlnira is. Oaklnnd II. 15. (lalloinl, llerllni (). F. Zlmiuctiuan Jr., mgr. I - Sprlugflehl, Mans., II, llsrlfunl. I'mui., 10, Wor- < center, Mass., 11. Tnunion 12, NeW|urt, B. I . 14, New Bedford. Muss., 15. Full Itlver 111. Wnisiaueket, It. I., 17. Ilnuklon. Maas.. IN, Haverhill III. (bile. Florence—Kitue. Hhlpniau A c.lvln'a (Win. D. Kinersiiii, mgr.)-New Westminster, B. II., 11, New Whnti-oin, Wash., 10, Sculllo II, 12, Portland. Ure.. 10. ■ (llliaurc, Paul (Jules Marry, mgr.)— Wllinlnglou, N. C 7. Italelgb 8, Clutrlnttc, H. (I., 10, Su- sannah, (la., 11, Tiunpu, Flu.. 12. Jucksoiivllls 14. Charleston, H. (I., 19. Darlington 10, Au- gusta, (ln„ 17, Atlanta 18, 10. OrTllllh. John (John M. Illckey. mgr.)—Oxfurtl, N. ('.. ft, Italiilah 10, New Hern 11. WHinliigtist 12. Florence, 8. (I., 14, Hlllllter 1.1. Columbia M. Charleston 17, Snvaiinab, On.. 18, Brims, wick lu. (Jllmore. Ilnruer (Harry .MnnlgoiuiMy. mgr. I--- Wlllliniinllc, Ooiin., 7, New Liimlnii 8. Mhhlle tiiwn 0, Torrlnglon 10, Wluslon II, Wulerhury 12. lifiioklyii. N. Y., 1410. (li-upewln, Charles (John J, Kelrnna, mgr.)— Louisville, Ky., 0-12, Tolisto. ().. 13-10, Nor- wslk 17, Ijjrnln 18, Elyrla 10. (llnaer, Vunglian, Block—('levelontl, O,. 7, Itidell- idle. dray. Mariturat—Cedar Kapbls, lu., 7-12, Duven. isirl 14-III. Orsee lla.vwnnl Block (Winters A ICreas, mgrs.) — F.vanavllle. lnd., 012. Alton. 111.. 14-10. ilci'iiuni l.lllp'.ithina. TNcbtiai'a— Hastings, Minn., II. Nt.rtiiiielil 10. Cluska II. Jnnlaii 12, New Pnigiut li, Jaiiravllln 15, Fnrlbault IV, New nim 17. Siirlngilold Hi. "Olrl from Kay's," Ham Bvriiurtl (Ohnrlea Froli- man, mgr.)—Brooklyn, N. Y., 7-12, Watcrbnry, Conn., 14. Ilarlfinil 15. HI, Hprlnglleld. Maas., 17. New Haven, Conn., 18, 10. "(Ilrl fnsn Kny'a" (Charles Frolinisn. mgr.)— F.lltabelh, N. .1., 7, Paterami 8, Piiiigbkeristli', N. Y., 0. Hefimeetady 10, Walerlowu II, Og- denabiirg 12, Miintniil, Can.. 14-10. "(Ilrl of dm Hlreeta," Lllllmi Moriluier 13. L. Verouee, ingr.)— Ciiinileii, N. .1., 7 0, AHuutlu Clly 1012, eilinbelh HHL. ... . . . "(Irluies' Cellar D«tr"--Colfax, VYWk-i 0. Our. Held Id, Dayton II, unkdnlc 12. Davenport 14, Mprague 10, SpiikBtm HI, 17, Toeooia IH, 10. . "(Iiinie of llearls" (A. J. Pollwk, ingr.|--llsrt- fan I, Conn., 10. Ilai'iied. Virginia (Chillies Pi'Otimiiii. ingr.)--N.'Y. Clly 14-Dec. >. < , „ Ilawtrey. (Iliarhw (Chorlcs Fruhinaii, mgr.)—N. Y, Oily. 7-12, Norfolk. Vn„ IH, IV. llaiiftird, Chat lea II. IF. lanirvuev Walker, mgr.) -Corsicami. Tex., 0. Bmilon HI, Tenuil; II. Bi-enbuiii 12. (lalvralim 14. Henuiiiont IB, lions- tun HI, 17, Han Alitoubi 18, 10. Howard Hall (Henry pleranu, mgr.l-'loleilo, 0., 00. Aki 10-12. Dwtroll, Mleli., 111-10. HlKgliis. puvld (K. D. Htalr, iugr.1—N. Y. Clly Ilcudrl'cka.' Iksi (William Oroy, mgr.)—(Irlnnell. in., ft, Oreatoii 10, St. Joseph, Mo., II, 12. Kansas City 13-10. ; Hull. Oixirge F.-tFlcbllng Amtiaenieiit O gra.) —Houlh Fraailngliuiu. Muss., l». Taiinloti 10, lllveriorl, E L. II, Woomis-ket 12. Wake. Meld II. llrlilgt'lsal, COIIII., 15, IV, Ellsalstlli Hull," lbiu 0.—Woilawiirtb. Ni'v., 7-H. Isjvb Locks 10-12, Wliineniiiccii 14-Ifl. Hhnmoleln's Ideals Uiihii A. Illinnielelii. uigr.) — Altoomi, Pa.. 7-12. Uiek llnviin l-IIO. llluiuielcln's Imiwrbil stock (John A. IllnimelHn, mgr.) —Cohlwater, Mich., 7-12. Ilentoa Har- bor 14-10. Howard-Dorset fA. M, Miller, bus. rngr.)—Hays- vlllo, Ky.. 7-12, Portsmouth, O.. 14-10. .. Hnrcoiirt (toinedy, Charles K. Harris IW.. II. Hhlne, lagr.)—Fall lller, Mass., 712, New- port. II. I., 14-111. . _ , llnyt'a Uimwly (II. <L Allen, mgr.)—Oolutiibua, Miss., 7-12, llrookluiveti 14-10. Iliiedler Mara (Jack lliKthar, uigr. I—Appletou. Wis.. 7. Iiiilefliilli'. Ilis'ltler. Jack, Enatern (W. M. Dale, ingr.)- -Coun- cil Bluffs, in., 7-IU. Hocflurr. Jack. Wvslvni (.lack Hrs-ffler, wgr.)-- Oltiuuwn, la., 7-12. Qllllicy, III.. 15-20. Harvey A lingo Coiuidy— Brockton, Muss., 7'12, New Brlttou, Conn., 11-in. Henderson Slock (W. J. k 11 II. Hclidi-rwui, mgrs.)—Lincoln, 111., 7-0, Jiieksouvlllo 15 In. "Heart of Maryland" (Dnvltl Ib-laaeo. mgr.) - WllmlDglan, Del.. 7-0, Trcndm. N, •!., 1012, N. Y. City 14-10. "Btimpty Dumpty" (Klaw A Krlangvr, oi|T»,)— N. Y. Oily 14, Indefinite. "Heart ot Chicago," Lincoln J. Carter's (Ed- mund Mauley, mgr.)—Baker City, Ore., 0. Boise, Ida., 10, Poentello II, laiguu. If., 12, Sslt Lags Clly 11 10. l.ehl Clly 17, Provo City IH, Hrlgbum 10. "Her Only Sin," Lincoln .1. Curler's—Usage. In.. 11. Mason Cltr K', Cuslle Dion II, Fort Dodge 12, Mnrsluilltntvn 14, Tmu.'i 15, Boone 111. Des MoI iim 17 in. "flnmlet" (Honley i Co., mgrs.)—Klrkavllle, Mi>. V. Mnei.ti in, Mexico II, Clilllleullio 12. "Hidden Crime" (II. II. Morgan, mgr.)—Galves- ton, Tex., II, Oriinge 10, Jennings, La., II, lleiininiiiil. Tex.. 12, Luke CharU-i. La., 111. Alexsndrlu 14, Moons* 15, Hlirevepnrt IV. Mur- sluill, Tex.. ,17, Lr.ngvlew 18, PKlsburg IV. "Holy City," Eastern, llardnu ft Bennett's (Ed- ward Taylor, mgr.)—Klklns, ,W.. Vo., 0, lirnf- ton 10, Clarksburg II, rurkvrabiirg 12, Mari- etta, ().. 14. Kelaonvllle 15, Jackson III, Wash. Ington Court llouni 17, flamlltou 18. Xeola to. "Holy City." Western, Oorilmi k Ileniiett's (Hen- ry Harrison, rngr. i—Boon vllle, hid., 0, llen- tleraoii 10, Llatou II, Veuseiim-a 12. DriKll 14, KiKikforil, III., 15, Parts 10, Areola 17. De- catur 18, Mat list n 10. "Heuria Adrift" (Mpets.'cr k Alsirn. nigra.)— SI. Paul. Minn.. (1-12. Mlrineniwll« i:i-lii. "Her Marriage Vow" l Vunee ft Hulllrini, tngrs. I -••>'. Y. Cl|y 7-12. Ilaltlmore, Mil.. 14 IP. "IbsiHler (Ilrl," Kali- Watson ula- (tnlioii. luge. 1 --Frslikllli, lnd.. K. Ililahvlile Hi. t'onuersvllle