The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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, r*r *f.-. t-1 November 12, TI£E NEW YOEK GLIPPIER. I li »■ i Ml) WW 889 Last week we promised to have MAUD'S ™%$$«™~h!r e 1 ■■""■ ' Make Jove to all her- sisters, >jrjt*j in this issue of THE CLIPPER. ^HBKSr^ If you're n bit handy, you'll be all the dandy- Let's all go up to Maud's. Pabllsfaed »BwiCopyrlght»dlOO*,by suppose YOU ARE also, but without fail f \.^J?t! kV s ' MAUDS PICTOREW/CLIPPER NEXT WEEK She is terribly "PUT OUT" about it, and I liljiui Theatre (Henry B. Sire, mana- ger)—May lrwln signalized her return to ihc local stage on Nov. 7, after a retirement of two years, and tlic reception she received Droved now dear she Is to our public, and how anxious they are to assure her of leally. "Mrs. Black Is Back," a three act farce, by George V. Hobart, Is her present Witllnrk'N Theatre (Mrs. Theo. Moss, mnnnger).—"The Sbo-Gun" begau Its fifth week Nov. 7. Harlem.—At the Harlem Opera House (Alex Mrhtensteln, manager) "The Yankee Consul," with Itnvinond Hitchcock, was pre- sented for the first time In Harlem Nov. 7, offering, and on the above date It was g yen before a large audience. Next week, Mrs. its first production In this city, Its Initial Patrick Campbell. rendering having occurred at Poll s. Water- w E8T km, (George A. Blumenthal, roana- hury, Conn., Sept 20. M r - Hobart has con- « er );—The Hays, In a musical satire, "Down trlbuted nothing of n novel nature In this ft,, pike," opened to a big house 7, and piece, nor lias he gone to any deep well of were warmly received. The play received liumor for bis material, which gives toe players a bard task In their efforts to ex- tract fun. That they succeeded In amuMi.g was due to their own attainments. The story concerns the tribulations of Mrs. Black, whose second husband Is a stickler for the I ruth, and who haa been told that his wife is •■.evrn years younger than she really Is. Mrs. Black's seventeen year old son has never been seen by the second husband, who imagines him to be a boy of ten. The vortex of lies Into which Mrs, Black la plunged In order to keep her husband and son from meeting furnishes the point upon which the complications are made to swing. May lrwlu. looking younger than ever,. and with her beaming presence just as welcome as In the duys of her greatest triumphs, got more than Hie face valuo of fun out of her lines and ciing some coon songs with all the irresistible charm that makes ber the greatest in ner line. Her success was a whirlwind one, and the encores she received were numerous and on that date Its New York premier, and proved exceedingly humorous and very well adapted to the style of fun for which Johnny and Emma Ray are famous. There la plenty of action In the piece, many lu- dicrous situations and ample opportunity for specialties. The audience plainly liked It, and fairly showered favors upon the stars, who were never funnier. The scenic equipment is handsome and the costumes are line. The show evidently gave great sat- isfaction, and the Kays will have a nig week. Next week, Eugenie Blair, In "Iris." Mktbopolis (Henry Rosenberg, manager). —The sensational melodrama, "Her Mad Marriage," with all Its thrilling scenes and incidents, packed this bouse 7. Next week, George W. Monroe. St.vii (Win. T. Keogh, manager).—"Tracked Around the World received Its flrst New York hearing 7. its story concerns the track- ing of the villain around the world, through many strange end wicked localities, arid big. Large business Inst week. Thomas li. Shea 14-19. Gaiety (James Clark, manager).—Clark's Runaway Girls this week. Business last week was large, Ampiiion (J. Wlilfnm Schmidt, presa rep- resentative).—"Camllle" la revived here this week. The title role la assumed by Kdna Mny Spooner. Business last week was lar^e "The Adventures of Lady Ursula", next. Patton's (8. 8. Allen, manager),—"Jo- Kiphlne, Empress of the French," Is this week's production. The play did an ennr- ii.oiis business when produced last season. The name part Is essayed by Mrs. Etta Heed l'nvton, and Louis Leon Hall plays Napoleon. Business last week was large. Next, "Blue Novelty (David Robinson, manager).— "The Flaming Arrow" la here 7-18. Good buslneas last week. Barney Gllmore comes uext. Gotham (Charles Williams, manager).— "Why Girls Leave Home" has been moved up here. Satisfactory bnslneas last week, "The Factory Girl" next. U.Niqcn (Frank B. Carr, manager).—The Unique Stock Co. present "An Evening Soi- ree" and "Ilnnelgbborly Neighbors." The agon.—"Her First False Step" 0-12. "Hearts Adrift" 13-10. Rose Melville, in "Sis Hop. kins," drew vnry good patronage. Ltcruu (Dick Ferris, manager).—"The Nominee," (I and week, to be followed by "Theodora 1.1-10, when Florence Stone, tbn new lending lady succeeding Grace Haywnrd, will make ber first appearance. Standing room only was the rule 0, when Miss Hay- ward iiiii'shed her duties at this* house. Orpukuh (Martin Beek, general manager). —People for U and week: I,eroy and Itlccl, Mr. and Mrs. Truesdell and company, Olllo Young and Brother, Betas Brothers, Arm- strong and Holly, the Great Heroine, Kro- uau's Bora In Blue and the klnodromr. Crowded nouses prevail. Dewei (M. II. Singer, manager).—Al. Reeves' Big Beauty Show 0-12, High Rollers lil-10, Tb« Kentucky Belles drew well. II: vllle "house whs - opened" Oct. 'M. The bill for Nov. B and week: Mile. Carrie. Dell mid Fonda, M1I(h and Chase, Ahrens, Bddle Lei- lie and Mrs. Levi and company. Mummy anil the Humming Bird" 7. 8. "A Factory till I" «, tlio Casenouvo French Stock Hi-12. % i » CONNECTICUT. Hartford. At I'nrsons' Theatre (IirTT. 'Rehan played to two "The Sleeping Beauty I'nrsons, manager) Ada Kenan played to two irge audiences Nov. 2. "The Sleeping 1 id the Beast" 7-0, Bertha Galland 10. St. rani—At the Metropolitan Opera i House (L. N. Scott, manager! "The Jewel olio: Ellis, Brown and Ellis, Edward* nnfl „{ As | 0 .. bn a fair to good business Oct. !I0- Kernell. Bryant and Sevlll. the Three Zoel- Kov- TF ••Woodland" came to capacity »-5. lers and Fanny Da Costa. Business continues Kyrle Bellew, In •'Raffles," 0-0. Coming; "Babes In Toyland" 10-12, Frank Daniel* kiio ciikviTB) oiau iiwin-u n w v ■**■■*•» v *•» „..-- iiiiiiiv nil jihk'' tiini i"i it i\ru UMiiiiiMhi uiii hearty. A. 8.- Llpman did clever work aa highly sensational incidents naturally re Mr. Block, and 'Edgar Atchison Ely did capitally as tbe son, his songs with Miss Irwin being excellently done. John G. Sparks made a funny Irish valet, and May Donohue stored a big success as the cook. Jane Hurby and France? (iordon also scored. Tbe cost: Mrs. Black, Mny Irwin: Professor lllnck, A. S. Llpman; Emily Mason. Jane llurby : Prlscllla Black, Frances, Qordon ; suited. There was every evidence given liy the opening night audience of favor for the play, which Is a worthy one In Its class, replete with thrills and strong In melo- drnmntlc Interest. Next week, "why Girls Leave Home." Pboctob's Onc Hundred and Twenty-fifth Sthket Theatre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).—"Hearts Aflame" Is the stork of- large. Lyceum (Louis Phillips, manager).—"The Wolves of New York" this week. Business continues large. ♦»» MISSOURI. large audiences Nov. mid the Beast" 7-0, _. HabteoM) Oi'kiia ilDtiMH (Jennings A Orbves, managers).—Charles A. Loder, In "A Funny Hide of Life," pleased Oct. 31. Barhev (lllmore, In "Kidnapped In New York.' 1 had good bouses Nov. 1, 2. "Lights of Home" it-fl, "Happy Hooligan" 70. "The Game of Hearts" 10, "The Secret of the Sub- wnv" II 12 NiQtiE (M. W. Gallagher, manager).— ed houses Inst week, wee't of Nov. 7: Mr. , new and exceeding,, fcttyJ.ttloW a* ^A^^igSS'SfAX raster and company, Cliff Gordon.and U'll and Sylvlnnl. ' ■ i * ' New Hsvra—At the Hyperion (flluibert Bros,, managers) Ada Rehan pleated Urge audiences Nov. 1, 2, Margaret Angim, in the Initial production of "The Eternal Feminine." 7: Bertha Gnllnnd R, Grace Van Studdlfofd 11, "King Dodo" U, London a Victoria Band 1(1. In "The Office Toy," 18-16,* and "The Wltnni of 0»" 17-10. OaiND (Theodore L. Hays, manager).— "Her First False Stop" drew well week of Oct. 30, and pleased. Week of 0, "Hearia Adrift i" "By Right of Sword" Week of HI. Stab (J. C. Van Hoo. manager).—Tlio Trans-Atlantlce hnd big business week of Oct, 30. Kentucky Belles week of Nov. U, Al. Reeves' Co. week of 18, ■• MnzAkT.—John Fny Palmer and Hogiull Lewis presented "I'ompell" !l, under the au- spices of tbe Ladles of the Mnccnbees, to uwi jiujor xuume, miiiui n.nuti., j..u^.- Ine lonowing people: weorge rvuson, urncev !ey Bush, John Johnson: Hank, Roland Cur- ni)u Unmett, Ilnrto and Lafferty, Maxsmltb ttr,: -Lizzie, May Donohue; Peter Patter, rjiio and new moving pictures. Hurtio. ami Seamon's Music Hai.i. (Ben ind Tyson; Lllzabctii Hurtle, manager).—The usual Monday crowd bill : Caroline Patterson, turned out 7 and showed their approval of iVav Amelia in ant, Kate (ne offerings. Tbe bill Included: Dan be r i n >- McAvoy and his live society belles, Grade Kmmett and company, Smedley Sketch Club, Caron and Herbert, Qulgloy Brothers, Ho- bertv Troupe, Anna Kenwlck and Rastuaand Banks. Gotham (Sullivan ft Krans, managers).— The Blue ltliihon Olrls came from a down town house and were warmlv received by a large audience 7. That they will have a suc- cessful week goes without saying. Next week, Roble's Knickerbocker Burlesquers. OLTMi'ir (Fred II. Schnefer, manager).- Charles Church; Sarah Dale, Vlra ltlal; I'llen Lelghton, .Maryland Tyson; Elizabeth Morgan, Lliile I.awton Madeline Anderton; . Gntthuld; Agnes Hnmllton. Dorothy Banet.. Haber'a Museum fJohn II. Anderson, manager).—The bill at this house this week, opening Monday, Nov. 7, Includes: Capt. Auger, giant: Prof. Sam Johnson, the human reservoir; Chief Running Elk, Indian strong man: Grace Gilbert, bearded lady; Capt. .Chas. Austin, midget policeman; Cbanncey Morion, fat man; Young Krucer, magic, and Marrle LIU, fnt girl. The usual big show, with nn all star bill, gave their regular per- formances In the theatre. ,^ uI ^ P1 T, ^ , „"fi"vSil F u 0 . b ?h7r;i m w?e 0 i; JoimulMeWs-'BuYle^urc'rcontiunerThelr gel .j _..Thc Clngalee began Its third week offorlnR „,,„ w ». k | g .. 0ur Minnie, ot the "''oa^.^'T.enT*'(Charles Frohman. A V B t , u „r 0f Y,!. 1 e C WT'^ feVKn n ^^3SSJ^SS!i^ r iJ' w nm^nii OnriiRUM will open Nov. 8, under the m ana^.-".me T, Hcnun,nnn A HeuIk BgTIllr management of OotHleb. Roth.teln_a.Latl. sixth week nnd last fortnight Nov. 7, playing to large bouses. Pvlnoesn Tin-Hi re (Sam S. Shnbcrt, manager).—Chas. Hawtrey began his fourth mid lost week, In "A Message from Mars," Nov. 7. viiiiiiiiittuu Theatre (Harrison Gray manaasF). — Mia. r' Sharp' Nov. 7, New l.j i-i-uiii Theatre (Daniel Froh- man, manager).—Mrs. Gilbert, In "Granny," liegnn her third and last week Nov. 7. Charles Wyndbam. in "David Garrlck," follows 14. Ilrrnlil Squnre Theatre (Charles Froh- man, manager).—Edna May, In "Tbe School Girl," commenced licr third week Nov. 7. llustness to capacity. The engngement has licen extended Indennltely. The Pmncipai.8 or tub Klaw & Eh- i.anokb Comedy Co., the permanent musical stock orgahlzatlon which Klaw & Erlanger will maluulu at the Liberty Theatre, follow- ing the engagement of George M. Cohan, In "Little Johnny Jones," bnve been called for rehearsals at the New Amsterdam Theatre Nov. 7. This company, which will bo headed by Peter V. Pulley nnd Fay Tcmnleton, In- cludes Joe Coyne, Virginia Earlc, Leo iluirl- eon. Louis Kelso, Charles M. MacDouuld, Lillian Hudson and a chorus of fifty people. Klaw & Eiilanobii have nrran ' K. Wlllnrd to present "Lucky Du Kulckerbocker Theatre the latter St. Louis.—Fine business is the general report. The fair still makes things hum In theatricals, although Its own attendance Is small. Olympic (P. Short, mnnsger),—"BenHnr" remains a big winner. l.urEtiiAl, (D. 10. Russell, manager).— -i-—- —j -.— Blanche Bates Is still breaking records In very good Dullness "The Durling of the Gods." !!■*»■ ___, Welnholzer, matingerL.—Bus! Grand tJohb G. Bheedy, manager).—"A- ness was^ajr week ■" Girl from Dixie" is here this week. ODfeos (Geo. F. Olendbrf, manager).— "Louisiana" remains strong In favor. Milsic Hall (J. C. Jnnnopaulo, manager). —Klralfy's "Ix>ulslana" Is a potent retained IIUNNBM.'H New Havs™ (0. B. BuMltelL manager).—"Why Olrla Leave Home" bad good business Oct. 81-Nov. £ Tbe Ilnys did record business 3-u. Due: "Lights of Home CO, "Dealers In White Women* 10-12. - r^ot.i'H tS. R, Poll, manager).—Bill for week of 7: Howard Bros., Brooks Bros., Howard and North, Mason and Frances, John Kirch, Famous Aerial Shaws and Hne, » Bridgeport.—At Smith's (Edward C. Huiiih. manager) "The Sleeping Beauty and the lleavt." 33. ai-Nov. a, ptNd.tO.lM MM; ■less. Mlldfed HollnhU, In T 'The TriuttbB of an Empress," .'I, played to big returns.'h (Win. llnreti, manager).—"Si- beria" Is on for the week. CbAwfomVs (0. T. Crnwford, manager). —Selma Herman, in "Wedded, But No Yittu," Is the current offering. Com'MMa.«— Bill week of Nov. 7: .Chnr- mloo, the OTcAt Thurston, Cnmnbell and Johi'soti, Empire Comedy Four. Klska and Klug, Lavender and Tomson. Lynn Welcher, the Tanakas, Clara ,Hess, Excels, Char- tiers and (he klnodrome.- - SrANDAhD.—Phil Sheridan's Clly Sports are here this week. hew fares for week ferd Brothers. Evans, Kittle Ransom, the Dayton Slaters, Oenby and Stewart nnd Hooka way and Con- way. i • • +■« • » ' i ' ■ i i o big did k of Oct. 31. The only and "Why Girls Leave Home" did well 4, (1. of Nov. 7 will be the Po- Booked :• f 'A Gams at HMrta" 7. ''paawfa In Holding over: Frankis Wblte Women" 8, 0, "Lights of Home" ID- CANADA. Montreal.—At . Hli Majesty's Brooks, manager) tbe Savage English (Iran .("• «i ',i Opera Co. came to crowded, houses Oct. 31 Nov. 0. "The Prince of l'llsen" 7-12, "Tbe OBI from Kav's" Hit) AcAPF.Mr (II. Stel nets Poi.t'a (Joseph Crlddle, minagsrj.'-mood business last w«ek. Booked week of 7: Hie- uibono'a horses, John and Neltlo Donor. Auri* imgweil, Smith and Campbell, Ford and Wilson, John Zimmcr. J. K. Kmmett and Anna Morland. Notits.—Tha Klks closed a carnival bafe 24 which netted 110.000. The money will be used to build a home bere....Al. Fos- telle, of Fostelle and Merrltt, 40 West 281b New York, had an exhibition at the ner, ns a Jewish theatre, with "Blimele." Brooklyn—At tlio Moutauk (Isabel Sinn Hccht, manager) "The Girl from KayV Nov. 7-12. "The Tenderfoot," lost week, did excellent business. Next week, "The County Chairman." Flake, manager). —Mrs. Flskc, In "Becky gM MWPl (M S™ 1 . "j.'Hffllfo JfttWl' ■"--—•■ iwsan. her elehth successful week — T 1 ' 0 Errand Boy," with Billy B. Van. i- 12. Capacity business ruled last week. Next week, "The Bonnie Brier Bush." Gbami Opera House (Lew Parker, muna- ger).—"Tho Volunteer Organist" Is the bill V-12. Thomas E. Shea Inst week packed the house with his plays. Next week, "The Mis- sourlans." Pabk (Wm. Hyde, manager).—'The Llr- tlo Church Around the Corner" should do well 7-12. Last week excellent business ruled. Next week, "Deserted at tbe Altar." Bijou (alary G. Spooner, manager).— "Pawn Ticket 210," in which Cecil Spooner won laurels a season or two ago, 7-12. ' Miss Spooner Is surrounded by a capable company. Jessie McAllster has become a popular mem- ber. Claude Tlinrdo rendered several of bis latest songs. Big business ruled lust week. Next week, "Up York State." Comjmhia (Dave A. Wels, manager).—- 'The Climbers" Is presented by the stock company 7-12, with Richard BUblcr and Jes- Kansas City.—At the Willis Wood The- litre (Woodward ft Burgees Amusement Co., managers) Inst week was divided between De Wolf Hopper nnd Maxim-'Elliott, nnd both, drew Immense buslhess. This week will be divided between "A Chinese Honey- moon" and E. J. Morgan, In "The Eternal City." Next week, "Babes In Toyland" and Evn Tnnguny. Grand (Hudson ft Juilan; managers),— Last week Nut M. Wills, In "A Hon of Best," did big business. This week. Ward and Voki'H. In 'A Pair of Pinks;" uext week, Williams and Walker. oufhbreds 7-12, tbe BohetnlaDs 14-11*.. Tiieatri DIM Noiiveaiiteh. —The perma- nent French stock company. In "Lo Fill da Glboyer," to fair houses Oct. 111-Nov, 6. "Lo Fnmllle Kenolton" 7-12, National Fiiancais .(Geo. Qauvreau, man- ager).—The permanent French stock com- here 2H. lie was operated on for appendici- tis. He was thirty-one years of age and its sided lu Chicago. ' '* i »"i' i t) THNNHRSICni. Me iii nhis.—At the New Lyceum (Fran* pnny. In "Ln Nult du Noce," had good houses Gray, manager) "McKadden's Flats" played •Cartouche" u return engagement Oat. 27. "The Forbl 28, 20, to 5. Oct. .31-Nov. 7-12. ] , OnrnitiH (Al Oct. 31-Noy. fi, Aiiena (W. Northey, manager).—The Gren- adier Guards' Band Nov, .1-7. The advance Next week, Rend, uiiiiinger). — Dark Oiipiikiim (Martin Berk, manager).—Lust snip Is good, week's bill was n pleasing one. This week, Note.— The Royal will open Nor. 14 with the acts will be: Marguerite Sylva, the Kan- burlesque. fifty people. « a ii n o ltogurs. Business last week wbb big. Cwpi'Imjh.— Ilie I'hlll] aged with K. N ex t weC it, "Woman Against Woman." »»«d. direct from the rham"attho OiinieuM (Percy 0. Williams, manager), give two concerts at Coin :ter part of —This week's bill Is beaded by Frederick The theatre ordinance In clgs, Trovolo, Knight Bros, and Sawtelle. Clement De Lion, l.nwHon nnd Namon and Burt and Brooks. Gili.18 (E. F. Brlghnm, manager).—Last week Hie Royal Llllputlans did n big week's business and gave u very clever perform- ance. This week. "Across the I'nclllc," and next week, "Wedded, But No Wife." Ai ui-ronit m (Woodward ft Burgess Amuse- ment Co., managers).—Last week "At the Old Cross Roads drew fair business. This week, "To Die at Dawn," and ne.11 week, "Olo Olson." Tub centi'uy (Joseph Barrett, manager) —Last week performances the Fny Foster Sports Co. Yale's (Lloyd Brown, manager).—Busi- ness still keens up. This week, Wurd and Lester, Van Quel. Leoiihnrilt Cowens, Fred- crick Judd and the Muslcsl listers. Cmppinus. —The Philippine Constabulary the World's Fair, will '(invention Hall 7 regard to fire und Toronto,—At the Princess (O. B. Shep- nard, manager) Rosalie Knott, In "Cousin Kate," drew large business last week. Sav- age's English Grand Opera. Co. Nov. 7-12. Oiiand Oceiia House (A. J, Small, mana- ger).—."Ills Last Dollar" bad big business. Quintan's Minstrels 7 and week. Majbntic (A. J. Small, manager).—"On Thanksgiving Day" played to large bouses. "A Working Girl's Wrongs" 7-12. Shka's (J. Rhea, manager).—Bill week of 7: Hermann, Five Mowattx, Ilolcombc, Curtis nnd Webb, Koialre and Doreto, Carmen His- ,0 .1... ■i;._7.'u._>7. .. —---»-■»• nun imuu, iiucnire nun irurniu, i.Hrmen B1B- >k the Hentz-Hantley Co gave good ters, Jas V. MacDonald, Duffy, Sawtelle and ;es to good buslneHs. This week, oufVy. and klnctograpb. oster Co., and next week, tbe City Tomonto Aiimuurikh.— ■Grenadier Guards (return engagement) hnd capacity 2, 8. Masmey music Ham, (Hiewurt Heuston, ■,•;••'".7," , , ■■• ,— •',■-—» "i-rrwi mamiKer).—Anna Eva Fay and Co. played to Amelia lllngham drew Ittrge and dellgn Immeuto business last week. ' nudlcnc'ts. Maude Adams packed tbe no Star if. W. Htalr, manager).—Can's Thoroughbreds played to capacity lust week. Bohemian Burlcsquer* 7*12. I'he Forbid- den Land" "rumo 2A, 20, to good bualoaaa. Maude Adams, 31, Nov. 1, played to capacity. "Tho Marrlngo of Kitty,'' 2,, oame lo fair business. Al. H. Wilson 7, Win. II. Wests Minstrels II. Hopkins' Guam, Opkiia Hoiikb (A. B. Mor- iIboii. manager).—"Out of the Fold," one of 1 ho best oiler lugs of the slock company this season, ilriw good houses. The company has mniln two vnluiblo acijuUIHons in Lu- illlo Hplnney nnd Alice Lovelace. "For Cole Virginia" 7-12. Hi.ioi- (Ben). M. Stalnhack, roanafer).— "At Cripple Creek" Inst week did a large business. Little Totto, a child only slg years old, did remarkably well. "A Des- perate chance" 7-12. Nashville.—At tho Grand (Mrs. T. 9. Boyle, miuiuger) the Boylo Stock Co. pro- Minted last week one of the bast stock pro- duction* of the season so far.In "Forgiven." "A Bachelor's Honeymoon" Nov, 0-12. Hi inn (Jake Wells, manager).—"A Dos- pernio Chauco" bail good uudieDcea last week. '■At Crlppla Creek" ti-12. (W. A. Sheets, manager).— , .Us house Miss Bob White." bad splendid busi- ness .1. INDIANA. At tho Grand Opera Boot* ...vm, managors) "Tba Liberty Belles/' Oct. 27, had good bouaei. "A Girl from Dixie," 20, drew well. Wnrde and Kid- Isvansvllle,— ireiiiey ft Burcb li..iu u ■' - a big sale for "Balambo," Nov. 1. dams, 8, bad 8. B. O. Rome Frlck houso 5. Tho Ferris Co. week of 7. duction of ■"Hufflpty" Diimnty,' 1 at tba New Amsterdam Theatre, Nov. 14. Mesbub, Hamlin, Mitciikli. ft Fiklds last week leased for ten yean the property at 1 be northwest corner of Broadway and Forty- Hfth Street, whero the Sire Brothers on Aug. 20, lnoi, began the erection of a theatre. I he foundations of tho playhouse were laid nud a part of the Iron work was erected, when litigation stopped tbe work. A large force of workmen will resume building opera- tions this week, and It Is planned to open the playhouse Sept. 1, 1005. Lobstta M. Hkaly, who for the last three " r >0ur years has been connected with tbe ''■ F. Proctor stock companies, Wsb married ..,. °nL£ B ' t0 A lb , er , t , 8 ■ Howson. son of the well "KMUsemeyer's Alley," In which will be wen •«» Mavouraeeb 1 ™E? Mjwltol director. Frank Howaon, and W. B. Watson. Dave Conroy, Nat Fleldi, ?.£«t w . of John,,■»<} ?mma Howsou, once Lew Watton and Elsie Leslie. lamonB In operatic circles. . „, Dsoadway (Lee C. Teller, manager),— inJSSPPk S <"M^«v") Fni.Nt., the woll "the Blctttor.'^th Wiiliam'Come^r.'afakes «5«JL2-t'» T V e «'.. wlib was known lo many its first appearance In this part of town7ia. Pm.Vi. ■' , t» d,ed . "yde"'? at h 'a noma in Satisfactory business last week. "The Yen- inis city on Nov. 1, from heart disease. t«e Consul". next. Fred Houlihan and Bruce and Dalgncau. Kkknkv'h (Frank A. Kcency. uianauer). —This week's bill contains Sadie, Eddie Rcdway, Roberts, Hayes and Roberts. Maddox and l'ronty, tbe Ritchie Duo, frcd Ward, the Claflln Sisters, Robin and the Keeneytcope. Hi .in (Al. Rchonbcrg, manager).—Miner's American Burlesquers 7-12, Good builnets continues. Watson's Cost Owner (W, B. Watson. ntsnagtr).—Manager Watson baa provided for tltla week: Gallnndo, tbe Three Madcaps, ward Morgan 8, Eva Tanguay 0, Nat Wills 10, "Old Olson' 1 11, 12, ,r Out of the Fold" i;i, Richards and Prlngle's Minstrels U. OnriiKuu (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Good bouses last week. Week of 0: Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Kelcey, Howard's ponies 'lie- Kckboff and Gordon, Etta Victoria, Waller , and Magiii, and Mdrkey and Motan. The atrled burlesque offering will be tbe ever popula S well >>irr^,,3an,j*v«r' n AllMT '• In u-l,l^l, will lu. >A41 and dogs, Hoey and, Vernon and Ford Sisters. Cktstal i J. E. Jackson, Bnalness continues Immense. Lyric Kippy. Barney First, H. Cosmon's moving: pictures. Phyllli Allen, manager).— Week of 0: C. Sloan and r ' Lmtc III. Walter Van Dyke, manager).- a*H wT; DiHey Stock Co 7 i TbcVsn Dyke Stock Co., In'"Tracy, (he, 6ut- 4 '^ (hS" W IJ.rj^eT^nMMa»r)*tHui|. f I. w n Xm»lm Jm» «"t wee£. -Kath- n^ "coouSuw big. 6f|l'w»»™t 'SoV. 3: del- had _ Maud Adams, . had the house L. I'koplu'h (Padley ft Burcb, msnsgers).— "The Moonshiner's Daugbtnr" packed tbe house. Billy Clifford Nov. C, Al, Wilson 13, Van Dyke ft Eaton Co. 20. The Crisis" 17, "On the Bridge at Mid- „ Nora.—Manager Pcdlcy, of the Grand god night" 18. ID. People 7 *, spends most ot his time In Owens- Htau (J. (I. Appicton, manager).—Week of ll0ru - Ky.. and during bis absence Ferd Wast- Oct. ill big houses. Bill week of 7 : Uonard J"' has charge. Blsten, the Comical Plcos, Clifford and na;- — mond, Marriott Twins, Flore Foster, Parish, Kendall'and Thompson, Don and Mac Gor- don, and McKlunon a nd Reed . 81. John.—At tbe Opera House (A. 0. Hklnner. mknager) "Prince ltsmon" closed a HUccessful engagement of Ave nights Oct. 20. "The Mummy snd the Humming Bird" Nov. 4>» — Harry Hill, manager of "A Hot Old Time" Co., writes from Atlanta, Ga., aa fol- lows : "The receptions accorded to 'A Hot Old Time.'.down South, continue to be big. Tba show goes like wild Ore and crowds wait at tbe utage door to get another glimpse at tba pertornferH, All -the newspapers are with us e-12, MINNESOTA Derenda and Green, Cavanauih and Hamll ton, Kimball and Donovan, Clarke and Minneapolis,—At tbe Metropolitan Opera ..juse (L. N. Bcott, manager) "Babe* lb Toyland'' Nov. 0-fl, Kyrle Bedew 10-12, "Tbe Paor. Jacob Salvo, who was musical di- rector of "Across tbe Rockies" Co., which baa closed, Is now In this city. Wriardof Or" III-HI shd Frank Daniels 17- F01.1.Y (Bennett Wilson, manager).—"The 19. "Woodlnnd" had One bouses and "The " with 0. J. Ashman and Jewel of Asia" enjoyed fair business. log nils to be one of the,beat farce 1 written In years. Mile. Anl Is 'eatnrcd and they loudly applaud ber J work upon the trapexc. In fact, tbe • act la going so big that I have delayed unit (it) the Bobehlll net, but when Miss Temple, Bobby Fields, Kit lis Hoffman, Chas. Anl Hill frills the Reside Boiiehlll act beforo H. Edwards and Hyde,and Leola. the public It will be as nenr the original act ; .■■' ' ' " i ■■ ■' ■ '" ■ ■ as could b» produced, and to change from a Qnehec,-—At the Auditorium (3. ID. Tur- trapefe act To characteristic changes will be ton, msnijtet-) "A Chlher* Honeymoon" cnnifl a recaitkoble teat. Every performer la 'A ' far two nights, to grist business. Hot Old Time' Is getting nil Oct. 31 „ Paul Caieneuve and (bern Is out of Ninety and Nine," with 6. J. Ashman and Jewel of Asia" enjoyed fair business. In "A Fatal Card" Nov. 2 0, to large houses, man with the remarkable voice, la nuking a) Bayone Whipple. The opening house 7 was Buoo Oixba Hoobb (Theo. L. Hays, man- Coming: The British Grenadier Bind «, "Tbe bit" . s French Co. appeared this musical cotneJy anil Wm, McRoble. "tne K(d- -