The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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-. i% ....■•■• NOVEMBER 12. THE lOTEW YORK CLIPPER, 889 +*%*%***%s%%*%%*%<%*% %>%*%>%+* WINNER IN NEW li 19 MY MERCEDES We can't tell you how good it is; you must hear or sine it to appreciate its greit beauty. The greater majority of singers who know the song are now using: it. Orchestrations and Professional Copies in All Keys, FREE to Recognized Performers, or those sending late programme. J. W. JENKINS' SONS MUSIC CO., KANSAS CITY, MO. «aVli<H»Vs>| r* ayi«%'»y%»j^ ># <l>lr^^ NOTE.—Members of the profession who wish, good, fresh music that ti»> not been "sung .to death," will And It advisable to tako advantage of Die generous offer given above. '.j& BT.4P E> K>. ,AT- O a: G JS> , Every Ballad Singer In tbe V. 8. to Sing tne Lateit end Prettleit of ail "Baby" Songs, "BEING HE SACK MY MAMMA," The strong»»t deierlpUve long ever written. So matter what eiie you are tinging. THIS song will be tbe nit of your act. OUR TREMENDOUS HIT, "The Girl I Left Behind in Dixie-Land/' A new Southern ballad that wins encores from tbe coldest andlencef. Prettier than anything you have heard in a long while. Chorus la specially fine for quartette work. Orchestrations 10 both mum furnished, it desired.' No stamps necessary—we have lots of them. KONMSKY MUSIC CO., Koalaakjr Balldlng, Trojr, BT. T. TWO GREAT NUMBERS BY FORTH AND MOHAN. J. A. STBHHAD is No Longer Connected with the GREAT INTERNATIONAL THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, Suite 401,402,403,404,405, No. 67 So. Clark St., Chioago. ALL OONTRAOTS HOI.B OOOB. Please notify the INTERNATIONAL at once as to your contracts. First Class Artists can always secure work by applying to u>, as we Control from 16 to 20 theatres. i . LEW AROI.8QM. General Manager. SMITH'S OPERA HOUSE -WAST8- Al UP-TO-DATE BURLESQUE PROBUCER, Two Oood COMEDIANS, 16 Young and Experienced CHORUS uIRLS, for Stook. MRS. WM. h. SMITH, Grand Rapids, Mich. TO JOIN THURSDAY, NOV. 17, COMEDIAN with Specialty, S. and D. SOUBRETTE, A No. 1 PIANO PLATER. Most be sight reader. Name your lowest; pay your own hotel. Onenighter. Other useful farce comedy people, write. Tickets to them known to ns or of reputation. Maok Qllden, Mattle Stanley, send address. .. SOUR WISE 4c SHI LT Z, Br.xll, lad. THE ORIGINAL QUAKER REMEDIES. The remedies that sell on tbelr merits and make new patrons In your territory. Address FRIENDS' HERBAL ASSOCIATION, Elkhart, Ind. DR. t. 6. AN8ELME, Pres. ■wnmn, ROSABELLE LESLIE SIPPOBTLVfi WAJTTg RELIABLE REFORTOIRB Good Modern Wardrobe and Appearance Indispensable. Photo and full particulars Drat letter. Address SIM ALLEN, Mgr., Franklin, Pa, 7-12; Jamestown,N. Y., 14-19. BELIABLE. AT LIBERTY EXPEBIEIOED. The Thebus Bros, and Oates OTTO THEBt'8, I WHi THEBl 8, I HISS MARION OATK8, LEADS AND HEAVIES, CHARACTERS ANDCOHrJDIES. Ingenue, Leads and Soubrettes. AGE '.6. AGE 24. Age 21, Specialties, Doubles, Tries, Dramatic Sketches, Red Hot Singing and Dancing Acts. Jnit the thing for At Repertoire Cos. Joint engagement only. Best of reference*. Reliable managers only. , Address OTTO THEBUS, Huron, 8. D. roe if Sck co., AI LBADINC. LADY; ALSO YOUNG CHARACTER WOMAN TO PLAY 8TRONC LINE OF PART8. Address i C.J. W. ROE, Week Nov. ",, Norwich, Conn.; week Nov. 14, Mlddletown, Conn. SINGERS, SEND FOR HE SENSIBLE SONG, IN THE %s* MERRIMAG VALLEY. SLIDES IN PREPARATION. OTTIE E. GOLBUBN. Send Stamp and TJ. T. D. program for prof. copy. Nice title pago copies, Soc. OTTIB E. COLBUfl.1V MUSIC CO., 06 High St., Taunton, Mas*. By wa^xbd, RiCE . s co stoOK 00., No. 2, Direction ......... . . . w. 8. BATES REPERTOIRE PEOPLE WHO rfr a 3S2£™ STRONG NOVELTY ACT TO FEATURE. A friendly Tip-DONT MISRKPBE8ENT. HAY WARD 4 IIAYWARD, WRITE. K. W. rice. Manager, WatervGle, Maine. m A FUNNY RID. A BIO MAN. A KITTLE WOMAN. Featuring frank IK ORACE. A Clever Bantam Comedian, who has no competitors in his class. More new play things that have a market value. Good becauso they are original. Confidence and ability are the fundamental principals of success. AH ECCOmUC I0VELTY IF THEBB EVEB WAS 01E ! LEW DOOKSTADER. THE BIO COMIC BONO HIT, NOW BBINO FEATURED BV a. FRED ■J A SONG ON THE ORDER OF "SAMMY." Every Soubrette and Serio-Comic Should Have a Copy of It. A Great Lyric and a "Whistling" Melody. It's Catching On Immensely. Be Sure and Ask for Extra Chomaeg— Yon'U Need Tkem, ■am affa saw" any. Professional Copies to Recognised Performer.,__sav» .aah ^a**, *a aanM t" ■"asaaVBa*'* 1 or Ihoir lending Prdgrsinnic ■■ , l^s1%P VarAA.PVIafSI. 1VI. \\ritmai'li: »5fe Sons, WITMARK BUILDING, 144-146 WEST 37th STREET* NEW YORK. LOOK FOR THE BEE HIVE OMiCK. TOWER. Conftdsnce Cm Be Placed In rUnownid Goodi, Sine* GOOD QUALITY Qilntd Thalr Reputation. For the past fifty years have been universally rec ogntzed as being the BEST HADE, and are preferred by professionals everywhere, which Is proven by the numerous unsolicited endorsement* received from all parts of the world. THE ORGANQLA Is a splendid novelty to be used in vaudeville. It consists of a solo mouth organ, nearly chromati- cal, attaohed to two sets of reeds, controlled by a double row of valves, wbloh render chords and bass notes, both minor snd major. Has the same effect as a concertina. Instruction book goes with each Instrument. ALF. HOLT BACK EI10M EtTtOPE. RETURN 1806 AND 'oe MOSS A THORNTON AND SYNDICATE TOURS. Immediate Time Open. Address METROPfJUTAK HOTEL, T K. Broadway, New York. Are made of the best materials which skill and years of experience can obtain, thoroughly sea- soned wood, to stand any climate, the finest roods, clear and resonant as a bell. "Just as good as tbe Uobner Harmonicas," la the best proof of. their superior quality. The "Hobner" instruments are endorsed by Wm. B. Burke, the original harmonica wonder, who was the first to fntroduco tills Instrument and lis possibilities upon the stage. During his profes- sional career of the past 2a yean he baa continu- ally used the "Hohner" Harmonicas. FOR 8ALE BY ALL LEADING DEALERS. IB. HOhm 354 BtM.way, II. [■ WANTED, WANTED, GOOD PLAYS FOR DR. SMALTS aj VXIT I^TX aT* A T^Q T ST. CHARLBS, MICH. Seats ooo; stage, 40x30; four dressing rooms; good scenery, flood Show Town. Apply to DR. 0. A. SHALE. 8t. Ohsrlea, Mich FILMS I MACHINES FOB SALE. 10,000ft. FILM, FROM 8 to Sets. PER FOOT, Booking* with clubs, theatres, etc., for Moving Picture Entertainments. I'opnl»r prices. F. U. PECKER A CO., N. Y. Entertainment Bureau, us 6th Avenue, V. Y. City. FOR SALE, Edison Moving Plcton Michloe Latest Model; I Oft. Film; two Reels, two Set Song Slide*, fifty Amoned S.ldes and Hereon, $100. E. B. DILL, Richmond Hill, L. I. N Y. wanted quick:. BOYER & BURKE'S RURAL OOMKDY HI-SI and I CO. NO. 2 «™ Muilclana for Band and Orchestra, Cornet, Tubs, Trombone. Alto, Hroond Violin to rtt able Trom- bone or Alto, Actors who double Id brats. Hoary, Chancier Heavy ,iCliaracler Woman, i. gut Juve- nile, Irish Comedian, SlatorTeam to play ptvrta. Those who do specialties prcfcneii. write full particulars and lowest salary. We pay board and transportation. Rehearsals begin Nov, 34. Company opens Deo. l. Address all ooinmiuilciii Ions (o * W. T. BOYISH, Empire Theatre, Colombo., Ohio. OPEN TIME. NEW MANAGEMENT. Tlio rJiirlce-AIoOnixix Co., The first attraction io piny Hie Koundout Opera Iloimo (formerly the Empire) mIiko! assumed msn- ageinent. Played the week of floi. SI to grnia bitilnms or |l,8M.20, which proves there Is big niinry for good shows hero. Plenty of choice oafs. Addresti W. O. V1PJI/EY, Mgr. Itondout Opera Houso, KlngstoD, N, Y. William LENNOX Nora M. Characters, Comedies, Character Ueavles, Etc. Light Sottbrettcs, Juveniles anil Light Comedy. Ability, reliabllltr and versatility. Nuspoclames. Onaplocoorreporti)irn;one piece, melodrama or comedy drama preferred. Wire or write. Address mt. CAHHKL. PA., Uen.Del. =r Al LEADER MAHTD AH© ORCHESTRA, CORBET, mm YXOLmi&T, PIANO A00OMPABT9T, ARRAROBB. SOLO Thoroughly reliable and experienced. I.neaio or travel. Up to date library. I'irst class Co. only. Address A. B. C, Maleekl Music Co., Musical Ulroctor, VM Wabimh Ave., CfllCAOD, 11,1,. NCVBLTY. DELPHIN0 and DELM0RA, A Comedy Eleotrioal Mnsloal Act. AT T08Y PASTOB'S THIS WDEK. TWI0E DULY. COBB AID SEE US. MARIE BARBORKA, FREDERICK JAMES VUaBiTILB LBADB. LEADS, HGAVIE9, JUVEIlLES. One Pleoo Preferred. Kxpsrletioe. Wardrobe, Ability. Ilognylllu, Ind.. ti; llcndorson, Ky„ 10 v incenncs, ind., 12; Linton,Ind,, it; ltockvlile, ind., U; Paris, 111., id. J Care of HOLY city CO. Wontrrn. TfZ Fir Sils ir Lnsi. 40ft. Crablnition and Bag. ■age Oar; steel truck, will boy eo or to feet Coach la first class order. Most stand B. It. Inspection. Add. Ooo. H. Stevens, MM High St. St Louis, Ho. MUSICAL ARTISTS WHTED. Address VAUDEVILLE, » Wlilard Btnet, Obeisea, Mass. The Arnold Stock Company TTT « TkTfTIO OI.Fl'HR YOHNO. KXI-HRIFlVCKI) WOMAN for L'nrls and Heavies, fiOUD, WW J\m JLO RKLIAKLK. BOliKIL HAN for Hcnvles, »lio can insusgi! «««,). A I inn<t e in wardnitiA nbsnlutely ncrfnaary. State age. liHglit, wrlghtatnl loiveMt laiaiy, Mum lie tiblt i» Join on receipt of wire. Do not ml»ropr<;»er.r. oinor good Repi-rlolro Pcop'tt, wlltf. J. t. ARNOLD, OltarlottnsvlPo. Va , 7 to 12; llanvl"? Vn.. '4 !.■• ]» THANKSGIVING WEEK OPEN-ALSO LATER TI WE. DELPHI OPERA HOUSE, • LESTE8SQIRE, I. V. (City of Binguamtui). Big Money for Best Repertoire and one Might Btandt: 60,ooo population to draw rrom. Address ' A. tUCAHLIrl, BlB C l>>mton,IV. Y.