The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 12. THE 1STE-W YORK CLIPPER. 891 "•"Of It**' 01 ODI FttB con WITH RED TTRES, AM) SHOW OUR TRADK HABK FILMS Latest Novelties, 12 Cents Per Foot. COMB AMD LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL NEVER BUY "DUPE8." SELLING AGENTS, KLEINS OPTICAL CO., A PRINCESS IN DISGUISE, a Very Pretty Fairy Tale BULL FIGHT (Entirely New), Most Realistic Ever Out AUGUST THE MONKEY, Very Clever and Laughable 57 4 feet 377 feet. 246 feet. We Sell Onlf Our Original Films. »• 42 E. 23d Street, New York. MAIIYLA.VU. Baltimore.—"The Virginian." with Dus- tln Karnum, opens the week at Ford's Opera House (Charles K. Kord, mannger) Nov. 7. "The County Chairman" had large and thor- oughly pleased audiences week ending B. Jllancbe Walsh, la itesurrectlon," 14 and week. academy OF Music (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).—A change from Shakespeare to musical comedy will be made 7, when "The Isle of Spice commences a week's stay. Vltila Allen did moderate business last week with "Winter's Tale." "The Shepherd King" rnmes 14 for a two weeks' engagement. chase's (W. Warren De Witt, manager). —"Carmen, 7, will require the full strength cf the stock company. "A Fair Rebel" did well week ending 5. "The Strange Adven- tures of Miss Brown" 14. Auditobjch (James L. Kernan, manager). "Running for Office" Is. the appropriate at- traction for the' current week.- "Mrs. De- lnney of Newport" was well received Isst week. Ross and Fenton bring "Twlrly- Whirly"14: Maryland (James L. Kernan, manager).—■ Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Crane, Yorke and Adnms, Lew Bloom and Jane Cooper, the Melanl Trio, Mills and Morris, Willy Zim- merman, Harding and Ah Sid and Mile. Olive make up the bill for week of 7. The Keith attractions Invariably prove winners. Hollidat Street (George W. Rife, man- ager).—"No Wedding Bells for Her" 7. Busi- ness was big with "Shadows of a Great City," closing 5, 7 'G!eht Bejls" 14. Bxaskt'h (Charles E. Blaney, manager).— "The Child wife" comes 7-12. "The Way- ward Son" drew full houses week ending 3. "Her Mid Marriage" Is billed for 14. Monumental (James L. Kernan, mana- ger).—Scrlbner's Morning Glories open 7. The-Imperial Burlesquers closed a prosper- ous week 0. The.Tiger Lilies 14. Nona.—The Boston Symphony Orchestra gave -Its-first concert for the season 1, at the Lyric (B. ITlrlcb, manager) The English Grenadier Guards' Band will lie beard 16, and Mme. Melba, in concert, 21 Klcc- tlon returns will be given at all local the- atres night of 8, and special midnight per- formances at the Maryland and Monumental. « »» NEW JERSEY. Elisabeth.—At the Lyceum (Elrny & Drake, managers) "Deserted at the Altar" came Oct. 31-Nov- 2 to fair business. "The Jleart of Maryland" showed to good business. Kiissoll Bros. 7-0. "On Thanksgiving Day" 10-12, "A Oirl of the Streets" 14-10, Geo. F. Hall 17-19. Jacobs'. —nobert Mantell pleased X Geo. Monroe, In "Mrs. Mac, the Major," 5. To arrive: "The Girl from Kay's"- 7, "A Race for Life" 8, "The Bell Boy' r 12. ♦ »» RHODE ISLAND. played to a large house, In "Salambo," Nov, 4. Amelia Bingham drew well ft. Maude Adams 7, "The Moonshiner's Daughter" S. +•» INDIANA. Newark.—Attendance was only fair last week generally.. 1 N'ewabk Tiieathf. (Lee Ottolengnl, man- ager).—-Otii Skinner, in "The Harvester," this' week Raymond Hitchcock, In "The Yankee Consul." last week, filled the house nightly. "Checkers" Nov. 14-10. Columbia (M. J. Jacobs, manager).— Fannie CurtlB,- In "Down by the-Sea," this week. "Why Women Sin," last week, drew business above the average. "The Flaming Arrow" 14-10. Empibb (H. M. Hyams, manager.)—J. H. Stoddart, In "The Bonnie Brier Bush." this week. "Eight Bells" drew moderate bouses last week. "Running for Office" 14-10. Blanev's (J. HT Bucken, manager).— Spencer & Aborn present their new drama, "A Wife's Secret,* for the first time this week. "Her Mad'Marriage" received fair at- tention last week. "Tracked Around the World" 1410. Waldmahm's (W. 8. Clark, manager).— The Bowery Burlesquers present an elaborate bill this week. Harry Bryant's Extravngama Co. drew fairly well last week. The Moon- light .Maids 14-10. PROCToa's (J. Austin Fynes, general maa- oger). —Mabel McKlnley Is the hendllner this week. Others are: Dan Sherman and Mabel De Forrest, In "The Battle of San Dago;" the Watermelon Trust, Alf. Grant. Frederick Bros, and Jeaslo Burns, Hale and Francis, Waldorf and Mendes and the De Maths. Business was good last week. Note. —Flora Zabelle will give up the role of Bonlta, In "The Yankee Consul,'' Nor. 12, and sail for Europe to attend her mother, who Is seriously 111 In Tarls. Mrs. Agnes Cain Brown, formerly of the Bostonlans, will assume the role from that date. Providence.—At the Providence Opera House (Felix R. Wendelscbaefer, manager) Andrew Mack pleased Oct. 31-Nov. 2, In 'The Way to Kenmare." The theatre was crowded, 3-5, by "Red Feather," with Grace Van Studdlford. "Checkers" 7-12, Frltil Scbeff, In "The Two Roses," 14-16. Empire (Spitz & Nathnnson, managers).— W. II. Turner, the old Albee Co. favorite, played, to good business, in "David narum," last week. Bob Fttzslmmons, In "A Flgbt for Love," 7-12; "Flo Flo" 14-19. iMFEniAi, (Felix R. Wendelscbaefer, man- ager).—"The Royal Box," by the Providence Dramatic Stock Co., drew fairly last week. "The Thoroughbreds" 7-12. A new policy was Instituted, that of giving dally mati- nees and a box of bon bons to every woman attending. "School for Scandal" 14-10. Keith's (Charles Lovenberg, manager).— A good bill last week.' Bill 7-12: nallen and Fuller, the Four Rlanos, James J. Morton, Powell's Marionettes, Laura Millard, Leroy and Clayton, Charles Kenna, Charlotte Del- mar, Newell and Nlblo, the Brlttons. Pierce and Malzee, the Maglnleys and May Evans. 1'ahk Mpsic Hau, (Harry Young, resi- dent manager).—The opening of the Park as a music hall was one of the events of Inst week. "Whoop-Dee-Doo" drew ottendance which was good nt the start, hht fell avn*.' Fox 7-12, "The Japskys;" "Fiddle-Dee-Dee" 14-10. The house has been brightened a good deal and ventilating apparatus Installed for carrying smoke away. Westminster (George H. Batcheller. man- ager).—The Gay MaRqueraders renewed old acquaintances Inst week. Rellly & Wood's Big Show 7-12. ■ WnomncVei.—At the Woonsocket Opera House (Josh E. Ogden, manager) "A Ragged Hero" Nov. 12. May FIsTte played to excel- lent business week of Ort. 31. The Ramsays deserve especial mention, as do Emery aod .N'odloe. Allen Wlghtman and the Feature Trio. Coming: Bertha Galland 17. IIi'B (Jas. W. Cqaklln, manager).—Week of 7: Adams and white, the Walls, Rurk- Iiart, Rena Arnold, May Ixirralne. Charles Farrell and King and Wilson. Business last week was very satisfactory. »« » VIRGINIA. Trenton.—At the Taylor Opera House (Montgomery Moses, manager) Prof. S. S. Baldwin and Co., Oct. 31 and week, did fairly well. Bertha Galland Nov. 7, Viola Allen S, local 10, "The Earl of Pawtucket" 11, "Red Feather" 12, "Sergeant Kitty" 14, "Qulnc? Adnois Sawyer" 19. State Street Theatre (Frank B. Shel- ters, manager).—"The Beauty Doctor," 31- j**5 ,2, pleased good sized houses. "The Lighthouse by the Sea," 3-5, had good busi- ness. "The Peddler" 7-0, "The Heart of Maryland" 10-12, local 14. 10, "A Working Girls. Wrongs" 10,. "On Thanksgiving Day" Trent (Edward Benton, manager).—Last week's bill drew good houses. Bill for 7 and week: Josef Yarrlck and his "magic kettle," Brown, Harris and Brown, Scott Bros., Wat- son and Hill, the Grcgsons. Mohan's doej, Paul Klelst and the olograph. Mebceb Pleasure Park (John L. O'Brien, manager).—The following people drew good' business last week. Blodgetl Sisters, Jack Irwin, and Leon and Bertha Allen. Jersey Clly.—"The Bonnie Briar Bush," nt the Academy, week of Oct. 31, drew large attendance, "The Factory Girl" had ex- cellent patronage at the BIJou. The Bon Ton, with the Brigadier Burlcaquers, an up to date organization, pleased tho usual crowds. Acadbmx (Frank 11 Henderson, manager). —Week of Nor. 7, "Sherlock Holtnes." "The ■Ninety and Nine" next. Bijou (John W. Holmes, proprietor).— Jeek of 7, Florence Bindley, In "The Street Singer." To follow, "Girls Will Be Girls." Bos Ton (T. W. Dlnklns, manager).— JJeek of T, Trocadcro Burlesquers. The Grass Widows next week. l Hoboken.—At the Lyric (0. P. Soulier, manager) "Queen of the White 8laves" Nov. '1-0,, Biwell Brothers. In "The Female De- fectlTes," 10-12; "On Thanksgiving Day" 13- 10, "The Lost Boy" 17-19. Business con- tinues up to the standard. - • ■ fWM.I'i M. Bruggemann, proprietor).— splendid offerings have brought tremendous business. For week of 7: Josephine Sabel. Fltxglbbon-McCoy Trio, Pantser Trio, Irving; JonlM, Marco Twins, Miles and Raymond, Cubblt's Musical Melange, Dan J. Harring- ton and the kinetograph. Indianapolis—At English's Opera House (Ad. F. Miller, manager) Dockstader's Min- strels Nov. 4, 5. All star "The Two Or- phans" 7, 8. , Park Tiieatre (Dickson & Talbott, mana- gers).—"The Curse of Drink," Oct. 27-iO, tilled the bouse. "Alone In the World." 31- Nov. 2, scored a big success to capacity busi- ness. "Shore Acres" 8-5, "How He Won Her" 7-9, Nellie McIIcnry 10-12, "McFad- den's Flats" 14-10, "After Midnight" 17-10. Grand Opera House (Shafer Zlegler. man- ager).'—For week of 7: Byron Douglas and Co., Joan Haden, Waterbary Bros, and Tenny, Talbott and Roger, JoRselln Trio. Powers Brothers, Flo Adier, Walter C. Kelly and the bioscope. New Unique (It. B. Thorbus, manager?. —This house did good business last week. Bill for week of . : Krouse and Chapman, Melroy Trio, Rose Ellis Donaldson, Master Krouse, Devaro and Curtis, and the Unique- scope. Empire (Chas. Zimmerman, manager).— Manchester's Cracker Jacks gave a good lively show last week, to very big business. Renti-Santley Co. week of 7, Fay Foster Co. week of 14. Norfolk.—At the Academy of Music (Corbln Shields, manager'! "The Tenderfoot" drew well Oct. 27. "Under Southern Skips" followed 29, to fair returns. Booked: Chas. Howtrey Nov. 18; 10. Qranby (Jake Wells, manager).—Bus), ness eontinues of a highly satisfactory na- ture. For week of 7. Louise Beaton, pre- senting "Rachel Goldstein." Biroc (Abb Smith, manager).—New peo- ple for week of 7: Rlckford Sisters, Roach and Williams, Hanson Sisters, May London, Eddie Arnold and James Welch. Business Is good. Acme (Chas. at West, manager).—People for week of 7: Marie Tague, Tom Wilson, Omya and Bailey and Dunn. Orchestra of eight pieces, under direction of Dick Cahlll. Business Is very good. Manhattan (J. M. A- C. A. Crlnnlan. man- agers).—People week of 7: Woodvllle and Moore, Harris and Penman, Brandon and Crouch, Mabel Delmore, Earl Boston, May Roche, Lizzie Lemuels and Will S. needier. Business la very good. Auditorium (J. M. Barton, manager).— People for week of 7: 8chenck and Morse, Florence Edwards, Maud Stuart, Irene Sulli- van, Mell Grant, Beatrice Kappler, Minnie Patterson. It. Jean Buckley and Chas. E. Rentz. Business Is good. Richmond.—At the BIJou (Wells & Mc- Kee, managers) "Why He Divorced Her" played to crowded houses last weelc 'The Child Slaves of New York" Nov. 7-12. Academy of Music (Chas. W. Hex, mana- ger).—Paul Gllmore Nov. 3, "Alice, Where Art Thou'/" 7; Ward & Kidder 8, Vogel's Minstrels 12. Forepauoii & Sslls Circus Nov. 7. ■ Petersburg;.—At the Academy of Music (Thos. G. Leatb, manager).—"Under South- ern Skies" was well received Oct. 26. "Alice, Where Art Thou?" Nov. 8; Vogel's Minstrels 17. «■» KENTUCKY. Marlon.—At the Indiana (E. L. Klnnc- man, mannger) "The Royal Chef Nov. 14, Harrison J. Wolf 17. Wilton Lackaye 18. Grand (E. L. Klnneman, manager).—"The Katzenjammer Kids." Oct. 27, stood people up. John Baker and Louise Lynn portrayed the roles made famous by the Blondclls and were most successful, "was She to Blame?" with Juno Barrett, 20, was liberally patron- Irert. The Cutter & Williams Stock, week of 31, drew crowded houses, giving the best of satisfaction. ' Rilled: "The Policy Players" Nov. 7. "A Bunch of Keys" 8, Edward Wald- man lit, the Innocent Maids 11, "The Denver Express" 12.' L'nisTAi. (John II Amnions, manager).— Last week's bill was Ills-rally patronized. Bill week of 7: The Great Oay, Charles and Jennie Welch, Irene White, St. Clair and Carlyle, John Amnions and the klnodrome. Brook (Dugaq & Cahlll, managers).—Busi- ness continues up to Its usual standard. Bill last week, which will bold over week of 7, consisted-of: The Kurt Sisters, Margaret Moore, Buskey and Burton, Kittle Moon and the Sawyers. Notes— Wm. H. Meek, formerly of Keith's Theatre, Philadelphia, has charge of the moving picture machine at the Crystal The- atre, and Is making it one of the strongest attractions on the bill lternlce Costello, the well known ' Impersonator and vocalist, save an entertainment at the Conservatory of Music Nov. 2. under the auspices of the local Elks Wallace's Circus will close a successful season at Walnut Ridge, Ark., Nov. 7, and will go Into Winter quarters at Peru, Ind ■»«» WASHINGTON. Louisville.—At Macattley's Theatre (Jno. T. Macauley. manager) Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kidder came Nov. 2, 3, presenting "Salambo." Great Interest was taken In this production and large audiences were present.' Maude Adams, 4, 5. In "The Little Minister." drew packed bouses. "Tlio Two Orphans" (all star cast) 11, 12. Masonic (Cbas. A. Sbaw, manager).— "Superba," Inst week, filled the house. "The Awukcnlng of Mr. Plpp" week of 7. Avenue (Cbas. A. Shaw, manager).—Hilly Clifford. In "How Ho Won Her." played to crowded houses. Patrice, In "Driven from Home," 0-12. 'Buckingham (Whallen Bros., managers). —Phil. Sheridan's City Sports presented a lively and first class performance last week, drawing good attendance. Rose Hill English Folly Co. fi-12. . .. Colly Hopkins' (Wm. Relchman, resident man- ager).—People continue to flock to this house. Bill week of 0: Fllioa and Errol, Matnz and Mazette. Athoa Family, Geo. Olenas, Mr. and Mrs. Waterons, Marcus -and Qartelle, Don and Thompson and the bldgrapb.' • Padhcah.—At the Kentucky- (James E. English, manager) the Howard Stock Co., lost week, except Nov, 2. had good business. "A Olrl from Dixie," 2. played to a big house. Coming: "Hmnpty Dumpty*' 8. Al II. Wilson 11, Geo. Sidney 17, "Human Hearts" IB. Lexington.—At the Grand Opera Home (Cbas. Scott, manager) Warde and Kidder Tncnma.—At tho Tacoinn (Cnlvlu Heillg, manager) "The Wlsard of uz" drew tbe largest bouse of the season Ort. 26. Florence Roberts had three big houses 23-25. In "Tess." "The County Chairman" Nov. l, Frank Dan- iels 2, Miss Gale, lu "As Yon Like It," .1. •The Girl from Chill," tanked for 4, 5, can- celed, Ltcei'M. —"Flnnlgan's Hall," Oct. 30, 31, closed tho season for traveling companies at this house. Manager Khreeder will hereafter run this as a 10c. vaudeville house: Ormieum. —Week of ill: McLean and Mack, Adroe and Caron, liunnell and Greer, J. II. Maxwell and Gene King. Crystal. —Week of 31 : Royal Itnllnn Band, Wm. Kellogg, Hose Regliier and the moving pictures. Eiipikk. —Reno and Zolns, Swan and Swan, Arthur Tulbet, Jacob Hlldcrbrnnd Hnd Chas. Allmond. Edison. —The stock company, In farce comedies, Is doing ii fair business. Piienix. —Big houses, with vaudeville. ■ Seattle.—At the Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager) Florence Roberts, In "Marts of the Lowlands," Oct. .'Il-Xov. 2; Frank Daniels 3-5. Arthur Dunn, lu "Tlie Runaways," 0-9; James Jeffries, in "Davy Crockett." 10; Florence Gale, In "As You Like It." 11. 12. Seattle (J. P. Howe, manager).—Week of Oct. 30, James Nclll and Company, In "A Contented Woman." Same company In "The Holy City" Nov. U-12. third Avenue < Russell & Drew, mana- gers).—"The Heart of Chicago" 30-Nov. 5, "Flnnlgan's Ball" 0-12. Mason and Mason, lu "Fritz and Snltz," 13-in. Alcazar (Bettls * Kcogh, managers).— Weldeniann Co.. In "Faust,' 1 last week. Same company in "The Private Secretary". 0-12. Oepheum. —New: The Four Mitogens, San- key Brothers, I.alil and Cecil. J. II. Maxwell, Musical Thor. Bird arid Vance, Arthur Jack- son and moving pictures. I'ANrAOBs.-.New: Howe and Edwards, Richard Burton. Three Renos, Leo White and moving pictures. Crystal. —Dutch Wnlton, Clifford Eskcll, Monrn and Lewis, Kellogg and moving pic- tures. Empire. —New: Mr. and Mrs. Morton, Divine lKxhton, Mund.iYlllc Sisters, Eddie Collins, Leona Clifton and moving pictures. Comiqub. — New: Stanley and Scanlou, Hell and Dnlton, Hcwlette's Burlesquers, Jar- n-tt, the Two Altons, Howard and Camp- bell and moving pictures. •■ » WEST VIRGINIA. You can find prices like ours but they don't keep company with the same sort of tailoring as Arnheim prices stand for. Our $20 suit or overcoat is a $30 value. Tho $25 overcoats, silk lined by right "belong to $40. The silk lined Full Dress suits at $40 and Tuxedo $35 are $50 and $(>0 sorts. Send for samples, fashion cards and measuring outfits. ARNHEIM Broadway and 9th St.. New York. For Six Months You Have Been Looking <<tism' a> i i —— *"* .. Wheeling;.—At tbe Court Theatre (E. B. Frunzliclni. manager) "Buster Browu," Oct. 31, bad big business. Ethel Barrymore, In "Sunday," Nov; 1, bad S. K. O. Lew Doeto etader's Miustrels, 2, bad good business. Coming' Maude Adsms, In "The Little Mis :»t«r," 12. ' ' Oband (Chas. A. Fetnler, manager).— Nellie Mcllenry, In "M'llss/" Oct ,'il-Nov. 2, had big business. "Why Women 81b,'' ,1-6, liad good business. Coming: "The Span of Llfe ,p 7-0, "A Child of tbe Slums" 10-12. . »«» — "Mand Muller" commences the season Not. 5. ' "" * ' '" *"" roil EV'RYWHERE" By IAIIIIKI.1. anil FHANT/.EN. IT'S A BULLY UOOU COMIC MONO, ARU IT WILL BK SI vq "EV'RYWHERK" by EV'RYBODY, KRAD THIH tltomsi "P.v'rywhoro, ev'rywhere, h«i lives on overy street, A Tnonsand Hmflhs you'll meet, ev'r.vwliero, ev'rywlicrn, The Smiths ore here nntl tbcro and pv'rywbcio." THI-RE ARE SIXTEEN VERSES Im¥eT0NMND ALL CORKERS 'EV'RYWHERE" «« IS NOW READ? FOR THE PROFESSION ff SENP FOft IT. ALSO KKND LATE PltOUR.lMME. AND STAMPS FOIt POSTAGE UNLESS WE KNOW YOV. <"Atnro ru» Be sure end address your letters correctly. No connection with the Old Firm of Howley. Havlland & Co. since 1903. I'UULISHKD BV F. B. HAVILAND PUB. CO., 135 West 37th St., Now York. * (WBW ZEALAND BLDCL, :IT snd B'BWAY.) MAISON BERNARD, MODES. Stage and Street Hats. Exclusive Designs. . . Seven West Thirty-first St, NEW YORK. IS For Oent. Olf to the Profession, A WW DHCOVKItY. THE SELF-fEEDIM POWER HANDKERCHIEF. BWle of Kiuo Linen and Lace, lis folds coins in a sniill pocket sad French Powdor I'nn". It cm; ha used ut ail times without creating tho sllglitoxl fli.iplclon that you are pow^eiluB yourself. 1 Self Feeding Powdor lliindkcrclilef 1 A . _ — 1 Box of complexion Powder \V [in 1 Bottle of American Ucsnt. Kxtract) ^fcaww Agents w.intcd. Writ" for particulars. American Meanly Oo.,«OW.!Utla Bt.,N.Y. ANTED, TO HE4B FROM Q00O, HOT BURLESQUE SHOW, ON 0tJARAN'l'BK, l'OK .SOCIAL HKSrtlW.V, ELKS' CLUB AKRON, OHIO. DATE. LATTER PAKT OK NOV KMBKK. ELKH' CLUB. 0. ». HART. Secretary. ILLUSIONS. WILL BUT ANTTIimo 0001) IH 111081018 OR URGE UH APPARATUS. E. H. VZRNELO. ■"' m PARK AVE., 0B10AU0, ILL. r*QQU tffii «**•*■ '■itspld chunitei or •temperature, ei- ixjcltillywlih Increased humidity end r»wwlndH,sroulHr»ys dangerous. To overcome ilium insn conserves tho heat of his body with woolen underclothes." -.V««j fi,n- Hernia Editorial. Now Jnnaer Woolon. ure admittedly a class by Tlicmsolvea. With this truly sanitary tnderwoar toyuursltlnyouwlil lisvo the best protection possible agulnat any and nil change* of weather. You will also enjoy a senmi of bodily comfort aud vigor unknown before. Hooklrt* and Samplfi rrtt. DH. JAlCUBR'a B. W. M. CO.»» OWN BTORBfli New York I m F,(tu *"• „ w J, IU7 Broadway. Brooklyn: m Kultou St. -52 , '? B: J8 °- al,J Bqylston at. PhUadeiphiai iuo Cbestaat 8U CHIC Ago: »a state St igtnlt in AH PrltuHjxu aom. WASTKIl AT ACI, TinKB. MM ORIENTAL DANCERS AillrcsM ii. MASNINH. ( iardonThoatro.Outon'o! AT LIBEftTT, B1KDN18TEIL Cornet, Tabs, Second Violin or Msno. Aecomb.. Arranger. KAI.l'H K DI1RFAK. Pumam OQBK PI5QS CURE FOR