The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 12. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 893 ORDER QUICK. THE GREATEST EXHIBITION FILMS OF THE SEASON. THE LEADING HITS ANEW VERSION OF PERSONAL ANEW VERSION TO* Brightest, Funniest and Beit Comedy Chase, Vp Hill, D»»i Walla, Altar Straat Car., Dp Treea, Over Feneaa aid Through Water. The Funniest Situation.. Bvery Scene la Fall of Uproarious Merriment. LENGTH, 400 FEET. THE LOST CHILD The ona aure feature lor any nodlence. Abiolataly 1he funnleit story ever reproduced ta Ufa motion. A fantaatle confaelon of a BABV and a PUPPY, bestlaninsr ivlllt an AUDI ("1 ION •ad ending with the WHile.t, Faaleat and Dloit Fxrltlag CHASIli or PUH.C1T aver wltnened. Policemen, Parenla and Public In a rnrloaa aeries ol MAI Pa and all ends •well. PRICE, $44. 8 LENGTH, 400 FEET. PRICE, S44. 21 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. I AIM SOLDI A Patrlotto Hit Froat Start to Finiah In 30 Lite Motion Tableau. Clear, Slurp and Dlatlaet. A droit Honey Hakar. Length, 600 Feet. PRICE, $6*3. Great Train Bobbery Bold Bank Bobbery ■oat Popular Plrtara Bver Shown. Length, eoo Foot. Frio* teo. Moit Sensational Film Brer Mad*. Length, 000 Price, |06. EXPOSITION MODEL CINE06RAPH WITH STEREOPTIGOK COMBINED, (7C iacladlig Ctldii Lisp, Electric Lamp, AdJutiBli Rbnstit, Files and Slides J) / J 21 S. Eighth Strut, Pklladalpkla, Pa. MANUSGRIPT OF SONG POEMS ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, And it they have an/ merit we have the far 11 It lei to make them go. All lettera anawared promptly. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., 808-800 Baltimore Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. UNIVERSAL USE! KLIECL BROS.. Props.. 1393-0 Broadway ii 180 W. 38th St., Mew fork. EVBBITHIIG ElMtrloal for neatras and Prodaotlou. Productions Sapplled Which Speak fbr ThenuelTM. PARSIFAL — MKTROPOUTAH OPERA H0TJ8K, DABLTNQ OF TBK GODB, DU BARRY A BKH HTJB, WBBEB A FIELDS' WHOOP DX POO, NINETY A K1NB, uALYBSTOH FLOOD, BABES IN TOTLABD. WIZABO OF OZ, B. H. 80THESN-THJ PBOIJO PRINOE, SHEPHERD KIBO, LEW DOCKBTA-DgR'S kOBaTBllA PALL OF POMPEII. Telephone, UtB-«Bth St AWiT HOI ALL 0THE8S. IUL BIHC MB CUAI CtUBT, THE MUSICAL LAUGH MAKERS, FRED ECKHOFF^GORDON ANNA In 24 Minutes of Solid Laughs and Applause. Addreaa WH. MORRIS, Agent. WAl\ITl?n FOR REPERTOIRE AND I Ella/•} 80ME ONE NIGHT STANDS GOOD SINGING and DANCING COHEDIAN, GOOD SINGING and DANCING SODBRETTE, GOOD TEAH (Ban and Woman), With change of specialties. (Hnst play parts.) LADY PIANO PLATER, Al LEADING HAN, INGENDE Addreaa CRAWFORD of BLVNKALL, Managers '■Midnight FapreBS" Co., Care of Crawford's Theatre, St. Loals, Mo. DOMT BUY BEFORE CONSULTING ISlJt'Al« SLIDES I.. ^IIPPI IP<i Of ALL KIHDS. ■• JUrrLlLJ ■-'•■.-•■•■ 'CATALOGUE -F«ti> bTCREOPTICON .AN D,>fLM;-EXCHANGE". .; lot fpanxlin: st,--vcMic'A"G.6.-- •'W.-.bYmpp'r L SCEEOEB. 924-926 SOUTH STBEET, PSIMBELPaii, PA. I with to .nnonnoe to the Theatrical Profession that I will open the Fall and Winter season with the ■oat Elegant Line of Ladlea' Evening, Street, Dinner and Reception Ooima, Opera Coats and Capea, Seal Skin and Persian Lamb Coats. In the Gentleman'! Department, we can? up to dote Foil Dress and Tnxedo Suits.Inverness Capea and Opera Hata, Prince Alberto, in Goats and Testa; and a Swell Line of Paddock, Frock, Lobs; London and Box Overcoats and Bain Coats. Oar goods we selected Witt Care and eome from the best tailor* In the country. Thoy are bat slightly need. Call or addreaa MBS. L. BCHEUER, vW-OM Bouth 8trtet, Philadelphia, Pa. JAMES B. DONOVAN KIBG OF IRBL.ABO, There Is so much BAD in the MOST of as, And so much GOOD in the WORST 0 r ng| That it hard- ; J BK B OO VIB Any of us Total t about the BEST ef U». D01NQ WELL, THANK YOU. JAMBS B. DOBOTAB. ADDRESS OABI UNION SQUARE HOTEL, BIO CITY. A OHE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR ORGANIZATION. Caslleton Opera Company af^-t Mr^^LmmM Wr~ mm Bra *#€3fe AN ALL STAR CAST. A Grand Chorus of Fifty Pretty Girls. A BUNCH OF F-UNNY COMEDIANS. Presenting In Gorgeous Arraj a Superb Repertoire of the Ever Popnlar and Lateit lomlc Operas, CORRECTLY AND MAGNIFICENTLY COSTUMED, CARRYING THE NORMA. PORTER LADIES' ORCHESTRA OF TWELVE PIECES. Daaallag Scenic, Electric and Mechanical Effect*. A MAVCHLBSB (OBTUIIM IF I FECIAL LIT HOUHAf IIKI> PAPEH, imagine tYosn a Complimentary to a Haaadsome S8 Sheet Hand. BII0TII8 THE DIBITALED IUIOBT OF TWO HANDSOME PDLLIAH 0AB8. Shall bo pleased to keep In touch with all Flnt Claa. Operatic Feople. MANAGERS OF FIRST CUSS HOUSES AND CITIES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, SEND OPEN TIME IMMEDIATELY, TO E. DREXEL CA8TLET0N, 1837 Michigan Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. TRICKS. Apparatus and illusions. TOST A OOMPANT, U N. Ninth St., (Established HTO.) Philadelphia. SB* Large daw oataJofue for sump. CROSS THEATMCAL PMNIWGMt>£NO/>AV/NQ If ROSS PRINTINC CO.. CHICAGO LiibKULnu mczaea. own awr&crs norm em us:** Ptg. STAGE MONEY, 1B0. TRICK OARDH, Be. Book of onls, Mo., containing over 600 engravings. SPECIALS, EXTRA mini sjmittci >iciuiii«ic«».i»ucii la, •HUH Oil I it* ■••II ueuAou ohlir.1. I. unburn- I UP turn. VloU.MdrUM,Uc.SnbJ>orob. < M.,LwrtOrcb..M«. Itjll Til[LHJOT 18111 BMfiaaa^jSaKSKg IflC m ainiaaa ioideii" iss&xxxs&ei io* UMSBsVTlti. Vlo-otriav LAc.isAultOrcli. ate, Lavflt OrrB.sOe. |fyU asMPAir p wiltzes essssssssnsssiis |flr> rlAUOB. tpp.Tto Bt-U .lie.lnulHJrch .**, Ur(. Onrft . t*f |UU LOfEt IEMEHBIANBE K&&S»n&fe IQ* kllbBTAd*. VU> B »l*. lic.Oni*!! Onh ,*K. Unh •*=. %Q\i Tallin CBIBEJ sagffiria. gt& ISS jftn«r J l«.^e.oia*ilt/rth jv,Urc*Oi«b.,atc.B*A>d,tUc. |fJU THE CUPPER SHAKSPERE CLUB TUB 0L1PPBR BHAKSPEUK CLUB has secured the American rights to an absolutely new edition of Bhakspere, Just published in London, of which a limited edition will be offered at half erice, and on a very attractive plan of sate. Write at once to the Clipper Sliatspeie Club for particulars. The American edition Is limited to loco sets and when sue ooples have been sub- scribed for the Introductory offer will lie withdrawn. THB ROYAL ■HAKBPBRB la the most Important contribu- tion to Hhskspere Blbllog. _ raphy that has ret ap- peared. The text la that of Prof. Dellus, the most eminent Bhakspere scholar and critic that ever lived. The life and Introduction have been contrib- uted by Dr. Furnlval, founder of the new Bhaks- pere Society of London, IBIS, and the Illustrations are from original paintings and drawings, made especially for this superb production bv the most notable Bhakspere artiats In the world. A DISTINCTIVE EDITION. Btmil- perlan scholars and critics the world over con- sider the Helios text the most reliable and com- SloLeln existence, it haa been adopted by the huksperlan Society of London, which Is the fore- must authority In the world. In this text, the plays are all given chronologically, which affords the very desirable opportunity of studying Shakspere'a works In their natural and aoleiiuOc order. W.,IH.I WlUlim. »14l* UinniU|H. HHW *TU.«V<(« M1UI1 NMUI.I MUU BUICIIUUU UFIHr. ART features). The Royal Bhakspere la the most complete, One art edition of Shakspereyet published. The lines of each play ore numbered. It contains copiua notes, and the Illustrations, or which there are more than 100, are full-pago Water Colors, Rem- brandt Photogravures and Xylogravurc Illustrations In color. The photogravures are from the celebrated Intaglio Secret Process, which Is unequaled In merit anywhere In the world, DESCRIPTION. The work Is complete In 13 Due urge volumes, Royal Octavo shse. and la printed on the highest quality of paper, mado especially for this edition. The bindings are tooled by hand and are of the best workmanship and material procurable. It Is In every sense of the word an edition for people of taste and discrimination. HOT CUT THIS OUT. fJa t .nr II WrurthaSorrri' GUI. L BOAT E1USI0 OOMPAIT. Bitlli Grot, Kiel. | We Make a Specialty of Storing, Repairing and Sell- ing THEATRICAL CARS. Good Shop, Plenty of Protected Track Room, Excellent Loca- tion. Write for Particulars. M. MITSHKUN CO., DKTROIT, MICH. •WJavflDM WHITE FOR PRICES. , Maaon City, Iowa. AAMMMAAAAAAA.^^AA/V«^^^WWV« Bar apera Cllpps Please tend descripllon of the Royal Bhakspere and Vans. partlCDlars of your offer of Tin Niw York Olifi-.k one year, ^^^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^/m^^^^^^^^^, ■all the above coupon to-day, and yon will receive sample pages, showing the text, specimen Hi nitrations, etc. Only BOO sets are available ausd.r (hli ofT.r, THE CLIPPER 8HAK8PERE CLUB. g3 K. 2<>t STREET, NIW YORK. THE nw TOBI vLIPPEB 11U ke lent Iree tor one yair to each nnnrlbar for tie ROYAL BHAKSPERE. Writ* to Tk» ciub (or Full Partloulan. WHEN IN CHICAGO, ILL., AND YOU NEED A GOOD SUIT OF CLOTHES, HADE TO FIT YOU, CALL ON BRIBDE *5te COMPANY, Custom Tailor*, 87 Washington Slrset, Room* 406 to 400. 8U1T8 PSOM 115 UPWARDS. 8BND FOR SAMPLES. We are In tne Sasae Balldlng a. EDWARD SHAYIfM VACDEVILLE AOBHCY. Tran.rerrlnf, 4 GREAT COSVESIBNCE IB CIIICAQO. Palnllaa-, Balldlng, Storage, BaaaF ■■Aiiaw aa ra m. w is a n — amai -w. aana Flr.psooAng. ALL ON THB SAMB PBF.MIBBB. RICHARD* Ol'THHAIf5 TRAjrgFBR CO. and OlTHHAUt and QOODBICU SCENERY Down Town Office, Boom U,Si Dearborn St,, cor. Qulncy. Phone, Harrison usi, 25 CaHLOADB BOBrTERT, PROPS AflD TBDHU 01 HAHO FOB SALE. X. B—Prompt a ttenUon to all mail orders and telegrams. Studios, Shops, 8 to rehouses and Stables, 101-116 Tbroop St., near Van Buren. Phone, Monroe oh.