The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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896 THE nSTEW YOEK CLIPPER. November 12, • "HARBACH'S" * ... BCLLETIN ... ONSOI SSSSl HKiOSGOPES. 1904 LATES T AND BB8T MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, $71 tJP. •s fili BOX- "DUPES" THE BEST EEREKASISGLE DISSOLTER PRODUCES A BBATJTTFIJL GRADUAL CHANQ- ISO EFPEOT WITH A BIN*QLB BTEREOPTIOON -A REVELATION. QBAJTD FOR ODB SONS, POSE, SERPENTINE SLIDES, ETC. — Iemnslnj the Eureka Dlisolver.and And It far superior to anj Colt slide carrier I ever used. 101 EMERSON, of Bowerj Barjeiqnen. —I think tie Eureka DUsolver a very good thing; It la all tbat la claimed. 1 bare one; 70a are safe in recommending It. J. w. STANisraEET, Kaiio Publisher, PhUe., Pa. Notion Picture Outfit. $126.00 OUTFIT FOR $00. 8100 OUTFIT FOR $120. REX * DISSOLVING OUTFIT. ELECTRIC, I17.W BEX* DISSOLVING OUTFIT, ACETYLENE, I18.M SEND FOB CIRCULARS, alio of our Wonderful BDI80N AND BIOCRAPH WILMS* {ALSO WE BAT! B. H. Films $2.50 Up. Buy 1,000 Feet. WK WANT MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, STBREOPTIOONS, FILMS, SLIDES, ElO. Send for llit and prices. BEST REELS BEST 8 INCH HEELS, 45c. 10 INCH REELS, OOe. NOVELTY IOINCH REEL t $l. 00 THIS REEL MAT BE TAKEN APART TO RE- MOVE FILMS WITHOUT REWINDING. A GREAT CONVENIENCE. 809 Filbert St., ., PHILA..PA. (OON1 There are invested in Moving Picture Machine* and Films in this country not less than three million dollars, exclusive of the manufacturing plant*. The manufacturer, the dealer and the exhibitor are dependent upon the continued popularity of Mov- ing Pictures witn the pnblie for the stability of their business. It is an unquestioned fact that Moving Pictures are today more popular than ever. Bnt audiences are no w discriminating. The times are past vrhea aiy view in motion would satiety them. There is danger of killing this laoratlve business by sharp practice; the danger tbat lies in patting before the public pic- tures that are inferior, uninteresting and photographically beneath criticism. Every man at all familiar with Moving Pictures ss shown in public has seen the kind tbat looks washed oat, indistinct and lop-sided; which leaves the eye dissatisfied and the mind irritated. These pictures are known as "Dopes," and are endangering the Moving Picture business. A "Dupe" is a picture which is copied from an original; the copyist laves the Drain work and expense of making an onglnal negative, photographs another manufacturer's product, and places his duplicated print on the market as an original film. ORIGINAL Hero of Liaoyang The Lost Child The Waif ..... The Moonshiners - The Escaped Lunatic The Widow and the Only Man The Pioneers - Personal .... Battle of the Yalu WE OFFEB the best products of all shipped IIMKO.) He loses all the delicate shadings, the soft lights and restful photographic quality of the first print. Many exhibitors who are unknowingly using "Dupes" are dis- satisfied with the results obtained, but are Ignorant of the reason. The remedy is at hand, and is extremely simple: Buyers and renters of films should ask for a positive guarantee, subject to penalty, that the films bought or rented are originals. If any reader of this advertisement wishes ocular demonstra- tion, let him oall at our Chicago address and see an oiigiaal as well as a sample "Dupe" of the same film upon the curtain in our dark room. Every man who uses moving pictures owes it to him- self and his audiences to use originals only. It is gratifying to note that since we first called attention to the evil many buyers and some dealers have joined us in oar policy of "No Dupes." We offer selected films of all makes with a guarantee that tbey are originals. No "Dupes" of any make can be bought at this address, except a few subjects of whioh the original* cannot be obtained, which are copied by agreement with the European m tnaf&oturer, and whioh we sell as "Dupes." We do not deal in second hand goods of any description. RIL.IV1S. Great Train Robbery The Strike .... Indians and Cowboys Annie's Love Story - - - Christopher Columbus Trip Through Italy Drama in the Air - - . Fighting the Flames (Dreamland) The Yeggmen (Bank Burglary) - European Rest Cure 740ft, at 15c 735ft., 12c. 385ft., 740ft., 850ft, 875ft, 195ft, 425ft, 960ft, 990ft., makes ready for prompt delivery. C 0. D. on receipt of wire. No All new feature films are kept in •duped" films delivered. I2C. I2C. I2C. I2C. I2C. I5C. 15C. I5C. •took, and will be WE SO MOT DEAL XM SECOND HAND GOODS OF ANY DE80K1PTION. . . ■P KLEINE OPTICAL CO Specialists in PROJECTION APPARATUS, 127-129 West 32d Street! 5Z STATE O I ij CHICAGO, ILL. low ready: New EDITIOI of Complete Catalogue describing Moving, Picture ■aoMnes, 8tereop11ccna tad Views. SLIGHTLY USED FILMS'" BIOORAPH F-IUIVIB**. THE OHKAT RAILWAY TRAGEDY, --------- 130.00 AUNT ANSA AT TBI SEASHORE. ------- - • 919.00 THE ESCAPED LUNATIC, th. Hit of til. C.ntarr, .... §800 THE ONLY MA!C_Another Knockout, 00.00 PERgONAL-The Everlasting Hit, - - - - - • - 40.00 TRAIN BOBBERY, ... . . . . . . • 60.00 BANK ROBBERY, -..-... - - - 60.00 REVENGE, - - - m . . . - . - •• 04.00 AND 100 OTHERS. 10,000ft. OP PILE PROM THREE CENTS PER FOOT UP. EDISON EXHIBITION MACHINE, Complete, .... |70.00 LUBIBT, -- - . ..'. . - . - 40.00 LUBIN, Compute, with GAS MAKING OUTFIT, - ... 60.00 BARGAIN sUOHINES ALWAYS ON HAND. Ws 'will ac cept jonr old films and Machines for new ones. WE) RE5T MACHINES AND FILMS -WITH OB WITHOUT OPERATORS. ILLUSTRATED BONO 8LIDBS-A11 the Latest: TEA8IN0, MAN WITH THE LADDER AND THE HOSE. HER BOY IN BLUE, DOES THIS TRAIN 00 TO HEAVEN! BLUE BELL, and 100 others, all BeandrollT Colored, at ts.00 FEB BBT. We alto carry a large stool of Cloak and Serpentine Slides at 35 and 81 cents eaob, colored. WE WILL POSE YOUR BONO OR YOUR LECTURE AT THB LOWEST PRI0E8. THE BB8T 8TEREOPTICON ON THB MARKET, 814.75. WITH ELECTRIC, CALCIUM OR AOETYLWE BURNER. Wl KENT STBREOPTICONH AMD IUOEI WITH OB WITHOUT OPERATORS. THB CHEAPEST PLACE ON EARTH FOR SHEETS. 10ft. SQ.I ARE, 13.00. LARGER SIZES IN PROPORTION. BARGAIN ALWAYS ON HAND. AA-FRKD L.. MARsBT-N els CO., 138 EAST 14th STREET, HEW YORK, H. Y. T«l.—SSlS-Gratm. P. B.—ATTHMTIOSf.-OOOD FIRST CLA8S OPERATORS ALWAYS WANTED. IMPERIAL BURLESQUERS. WILLIAMS and BURNS, Managers. RUE TAYLOR TRUNKS. THE S YEAR GUARANTEE 18 GOOD IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. Thej- are Good Became they are Imitated. ASK. SOME ONE WHO HAS USED A "JUST AS GOOD" FOR A YEAR OR MORE. Write for Catalogue. If yon don't get an an- swer In tea days write again as probably your mall hat been delayed. Mann factored and Sold Only by C. A. Taylor Trunk Works, 3W E. Randolph Wt., CHICAGO. 131 W. 35th St., NEW YORK. Watch tbls Spaoe for a Few Pointers. If any other stores other than these three say they a-H TAYLOR'S It Is a deception. PLAYS SHOES Fir Stttk CeipiilK, fit Riptfttjrt Ctipiilts, fit Aiattirs LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THB WORLD. Books for home amusement, Negro riaya. Paper. Scenery, Mrs. Jarlev'a Wax Works. Catalogue Free 1 Free ' 11 SAMUEL FRENCH, 1* *. -2d at., New York. fOR"AOE STREET AND BYKNINO. EXOLUBTTl STYLES AMD WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. B" always on hand. Mall Orders Puled. NA/IL-t-iArVI BKRI Tel. m Medlaoa Baaars. tot sixth Ave. ntOoaran {eel? *a»TKIN, , near Slat Street, I. T. A GOOD COMEDY SKETCH ACT,Capable of Playing Parts. Reasonable salary, Long aeaaon, till Jane. Also EXPERIENCED CHOHC8 GIRLS. Wire or write. WILLIAMS and BURNS, Lyceum Theatre, Washington, D. C. WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS ! JAPANESE CRUISER IN ACTION, BOMBARDING PORT ARTHUR, JAPANESE TORPEDO BOAT, JAPANESE BATTLESHIP SINKING RUSSIAN CRUISER, the Greatest Feature Films ever offered; alto the GBEAT THAIS ROBBBBY and the OREAT BANK ROBBERY, all at bargain prices. Bend for lists. Don't Delay. Oady aUmlted nnmberof these films. WILLIAMS, BROWN it KAHLK. Dept. B, 018 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. SECOND HAND FILMS. 700 Subjects. 50 to 1,100ft. Lengths. WRITE FOR COMPLETE LIST. GEO. K, SPOOR CO., 6Is Ma. Clark St., CHICAGO. If yon are la the Medicine Business to make money there Is bat one line of remedies on the market that bring results and big round dollars. We furnish the largest end most elaborate line of paper FREB with the Modern Remedies. No matter what line you are handling at present we can save you money. Write us today for particulars. ^DESXUtT REMEDY CO., Oor. Oliver and Cantral Ave,, CINCINNATI, OHIO. att»tiomi DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods wben yon can handle goods that will sell themselves t Electric Belts from $i.oo per aoa. np. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars, too. dot; Electric Insoles, ITXC, dot. pairs; Soap, (110 gross; Pine Medical Batteries. Send 76c. for Sample No. 14 B. B., exp. prepaid. Latest oat One third caeb re- quired. Trial order will oonvtnce. Largest Manufacturers of Electrlo Belts and ippllanoas In C. 8. A. Established 1978. Lecture and prloe list free. TU ELECTB10 APfUAIOB 00., Burlington, Ian. WIGS TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Latest and Moit Popular Style* In Ladies' Hair Droning. A. M. BUCH & CO., 119 N. Ninth street, ..... Philadelphia. N. Y. Sep.: H. HAXLIWELL, 109 E. 12th St. PHNlttfiCAflillOUSF ■ ST* E. HCADIBOM ST., **• CHICAGO. Wholesale Jewelry, Notions, Novelties And STBEET IETS Supplies COLORED FILMS. FILMS FOR RENT FOREIGN FILMS. •• yaartoOTO. St.,OIilo FILMS FOR RENT THE FILM RENTAL RUREAU Established for the Benefit of the Moving Picture Ex- hibitors Desiring a Weekly Change of Programme that will include New and Inter- esting Subjects and a Service that will enable an Exhibi- tion equal to the same offered in the Metropolitan Cities at the same period. THIS IS WHAT YOU WART WHITE FOB IT FILM RENTAL BUREAU, 84 B. CL1BK 8TBBBT, CHICAGO, ILL. PROCTOR'S EHTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Soli Proprietor and Managir. J. AUSTIN FYNES, Ginirsl Managir. S BEAUTIFUL TIEATKS 6 Devoted to Refined Entertainment. Proctor'. Bth Ave. Theatre, Proctor's 28d St. Theatre, Proctor'. BSth St. Theatre. Proctor". 136th St. Theatre, Proctor's Newark Theatre, Proctor'. Albany Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Plays. WASTED, BEST ACTS IN VAUDEVILLE. It you do not receive a reply, it may be because the time la filled; you are therefore advised to write again In four weeks. Do MOT enclose stamp for reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: *». plot* of acta; complete "prop'' list; If can open and close In one; EXACT time of acts, and of "close in;" billing for newspspers and programmes; and CLEAN PHOTO- GRAPHS for LOBBIES TWO WEEKS In ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT BACH HOUSE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these IN- STRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the BISK OF CANCELLATION. VAUDE- VILLE REHEARSALS MONDAYS, 0 A. M-, SHARP. Playwrights, Authors and Play Agents, Vaudeville Artists and Players, address J. AUSTIN FYNES, General Manager, FXFTH AVE. THEATRE, IT. T. CITY fao *>* c Kiffi 'WsWCH** wd •r HI** 1 " Store**. rUf**" tlcoee for pabllc _ l w wtrTtalnmcTjU,llloslrat- Itig riLftork* anri curTWiterniU, J**^ popular sonjr«, etc. Nothing stTonls belter opportunities for men with •assU i "*•"• MAKE MONEY • c$* ai f°r ff**. Ulastratcd catalogue, u-Ha wb.t sa ouLfli ; 5 a j. oo*f. "plains the •MTatlu* Ia d lotirasu j: a * t>, ^Cf f> now to conduct psTltf eDWrt*fnn»oU. / , HsALUSTSM, ir r - Ofttftu /or 'at or Sst ««r £//« CALL. McMAHON'8 Panose Theatrical RESTAURANT 4TS BEa-Tat ATBHTUB, Between ttth an d nth 81, NEW YORK CITY. Best of Fnod.rerfeotly Cooked, Served. Prices ressonable. Special Dining Room for Ladles. Al N PIANO RflAbEB Or FAKER. Most be good. Also Novelty Acta. Change for one week. Salary sure. Add. W. J. HBVEULEB, tM Grove Street, Ban Francisco, Oal.