The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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000 THE NEW YOM CLIPPER. November id. U generally conceded. Mr. B«*tnan bjs neld many position* of Importance In both the clr- cui JnTtheatrical bnalncM, and m »• fW«J exploiter of the new ihjw will be largely In eTfdence on the bill board and elaawhere. The cntnt will Include iwentj-flte new care of ln- genlcn* design and of Terr large capacity, and the Introduction of several original and moat Mutational feature la promised. A ape- tacule" Innovation will be ^The Tribunal of Natlona," earring to Introiluce on magnificent float*, In appropriate costumes. Napoleon mnaparte. Frederick the Great, tie Queen of Holland the Kings of Auatrla, Italy. Bpsln, Denmark and Sweden, the Mikado of Japan, and other heroic and conspicuous rulers. H. I. Ellis, contracting agent of the John Rob'naon Show, was a Clipmb caller Not. 11. Mr. Ellli report* lmmen»e business with the Boblnson Show during lu Southem tour. It was. In fact, beyond anythlngthe »how baa *Ter done In the South. Vbere waa plenty of oppo*ltlon, but It in no way affected business. Mr. Bill* Is the picture of good health, and will go to his home In Seneca County, N. Y„ for the Winter, _ Now's raoi thb Chas. D« VotoOhjat NOKTHKBN VaUPlTILLB Cmctjs.— We om get. tlwthinge In .hape for the tenting season oiriOW, and everything will beinew. We intend to make onr *bow the best of the vauderllle clrcua Idea and will hare one ring, one stage and four sets of «*nerr.We will open the aeaaon about the middle of April and close about the middle of Novem- her. playing through Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Delaware, fiaryland and Virginia, mostly week and three day stands. Mr.. De Ewlng Co., 7, 8, also fared well. At. 0. Field's Minstrels had • blgmatlnee and packed the Forbidden Land" 14, Dollev and Everhart 15, "The Village Parson" 16, North Bros.' Stock Co. 17-19, "Peggy from Paris" 21, "Happy Hooligan" 22. Standard (m. De Beque, manager).—The trio, Two and A Half, opened 7, In their sketch, "The Noiseless Cannon/* and were the feature of the week'a bill. The olio also brought out Phillips and Gordon, Lottie Ver- non, Leah Dancourt, Chaa. and Hattle Ver- dler, Billy Campbell, Virginia Rankin, Luce and Luce, Eleanor Dunbsr, Louise Byrd, Let- lie Cotton, J. E. N. and Georgia Powers, Luln De Mar, Little Dot, Tom Fey and Lulu Law- ton. "Courtship and Marriage" waa the stock offering. Business continue* big. Cbown (Phil Epstein, manager).—A big hill was presented week of 7, the openings being Harry and Mabel Martlne, Belle Samp- son, Fannie Florence and Joseph Koehler, Those retained: Chaa. H. Clark, Tessle Em- mons, John A Murphy, Fay Delmar, Sadie Nellson, Vasale Allison. Hazel De Moncourt, Ethel Hussell, Ada Yule, Dixie Terry, Evelyn Blsnehard and Baul Harris. "Flnnegan's Troubles" brought out the stock. The week opened big. s Dallas.—At the Dallas Opera House (Geo. Ansy, manager) Black Paul's Troubadour* played to good business Not. 2, 3, with mati- nee. "A Millionaire Tramp," 4, had fair business. "Human Hearts." 3 with matinee, camo to fair business. North Bros.' Come- dians opened for a four nights' engagement 7, preaentlng "A True American," and dl'l big business at popular prices. Coming; AI. Field's Minstrels 11, 12, Harry Bereaford Co. 14, "The Forbidden Land" 15, 16. Bush Tmcpli (W. H. Wray, manager).— George Zeno, juggling act and flying rings; orattan De Vernon Co. opened for a week'* the Wiltons, statuary and musical act: Mons. engagement 7. presenting 1 'Shamns O'Brleu," H earn I magic art, and the Flying Del Vona, and did fair business, with a change of play easing act and triple bars. Wewlll carry a nightly. nd of eight mouthpiece* and trawl by rail. Sbllb ft Downb Noma.—Advertising car. No. 2, of tbls show, closed our season^at Chickaaha, Ind. Ter.. Saturday, Not. B. The ear has hsd only union men on It all aea- matinee, drew large and enthusiastic audi- ence*. "The Royal Cbef" 11, 12, N. C. Goodwin, In "The Usurper," 14; Viola Allen, In "A Winter'* Tale " 18, 10. i PA4K Thiats* (Dickson A Talbott, man- , agers).—"Shore Acres," 8-5, filled the house at every performance. Billy Clifford and ' company, In "How He Won Her," 7-9, packed the house twice a day, and scored a die- i tinct success. Nellie McHenry, In "Mils*," | 10-12: "McFadden'a Flata" 14-16, "After | Midnight" 17-19, "Across the Pacific" 21-28, "Paris by Night" 24-26. Oband Oram Hodbb (Shafer Zlegler, man- ager).—The Great Lafayette Show Is under- lined for week of 14. Byron Douglas and company, Waterbnry Bros, and Tenny, Tal- bott and Rogers, Powers Bros., Flora Adler, Josselln Trio, Marcua and Gartelle. Walter C. Kelly and the bioscope furnished an en- j tertalnment, week of 7, that drew capacity business. Ntw Dniqdx (B. B. Thorbus, manager).— Kosure and Chaplin, Melroy Trio, Rose Ellis Donaldson, and Devaro and Curtis gaye a pleasing performance week of 7. For week of 14: Jackson and Douglas, Rose E. Don- aldson, Dawson and Booth, Clifford and Drake, Lew M. Fields and the Unlqneecope. Business Is growing, (flu* Zlmi Bents-Santley Co., In "Looping the World, Burial (Gu* Zimmerman, manager).—The Jersey, De Voto Family (rour), sensational axroiwu and *rmillbrlPti: the De VotoBroa. (ages five and six), double wire act; Chas.De> Voto Jr. and trained dog*, cats, goats and geeae; f«r DaU DBU Villi uuiuu uwm v» .» ■•• -■— con. Edward Norrls, the boss bill poster, was called Into the car manager's office and the boys presented him with a fine meer- sehaum pipe In honor of hla fifty-fourth birthday and the close of our season. Mr. McMann, the car manager, made the pre- sentation speech, to which Mr. Norrls replied. Daring hla remarks he said that this coming Winter, while he elta around the fire, telling funny clown stories, he would remember the boys of advertising car, No. 2. The follow- ing men were on the car the entire season: Fred McMann, car manager; Bdwardtrjor- rls, boss bill poster; C. W. Parker, lithog- rapher; Dusty Rboads, C. W. Anderson. W. R. Davis, J. W. Culver and Harry White, bill poater*. The men will Winter at the following places: Mr. McMann wl I return to Topeka, Kan.: Edward Norrl* will locate In Bl Reno, NeT., where he ha* taken an Interest in the El Reno hill posting plant; Dualy Ithoads will return to Denver, Col.; O. W. Anderson, to Argyle, Wl*.; W. R. Davt*. to Kansas City, Mo.; C. W. Parker, to Merlden. Conn.; J. W. Culver, to Bhenan- doah, la., and Harry White, to Kansas City, Mo. KANSAS. Waco.—At the Auditorium (Jake Gar- flnkle, manager) "A Hidden Crime," Nov. 8, came to good basinets. Al. O. Field'* Min- strels 10, Charles B. Hanford 22. Parker Amusement Co. showed here one week, end- ing Oct 29, and business was splendid. Rinqlino Bros.' Circus, Nov. 2, gave two performances. It Is estimated that 1300 peo- plo were turned away at the afternoon per- formance, and at the night performance nearly every seat was occupied. The per- formance throughout was excellent and was enjoyed by every one. e Austin.—At Hancock's Opera House (Geo. Walker, manager) Black Pattl greatly pleased a top heavy house Oct 81. "Human Hearts" drew fair crowds, matinee and night, Nov. 1. No dates ahead. Singling Bbob.' Circus had capacity 4. Wichita—At the Crawford Theatre (B. L. Martllng, manager) "For Mother's Sake" came, to good business, Nov. 4. "Over Ni- agara Falls" played to fair business 5. "Un- der Southern Skies" pleased a large audi- ence 7. Black Pattl Troubadoura gave a double performance 8. The special perform- ance began at 11.16 r. at., at which election returns were read from the stage. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" drew a large house 9. Tolsb Auditorium (II. G. Toler ft Sons, proprietors).—"The Devil's Auction" pleased a large house 4. _ Lybic (Lewie ft Lake, managers).—Busi- ness Is starting out well at this house, un- der the new management s Topeka.—At the Crawford (Crawford ft Kane, local manager*) "The Lost Paradise," Nov. 2, drew a fair house. Tim Murphy, in "Two Men and a Girl," 4, had a good house. "Uncle JoBh Bpruceby," 6, drew good houses. "At the Old Cross Roads," 6, bad a large house. "A Chinese Honeymoon" 10, Eva Tanguay 12, "To Die at Dawn" 18, Richards ft Prlngle's Minstrels 15, "In Old Kentucky" 10, Selma Herman, In "Wedded, But No Wife." 20; "Maloney-a Wedding Day" 21, "York State Folks" 23, 'The Sign of the Four" 24, "On the Bridge at Mldntght" 27. , „ Avditobiuk. —The Campanarl Concert Com- pany, 4, pleased. s -^^-^— Leavenworth.—At the Crawford Grand Opera House (M. J. Cunningham, resident manager) "A Chinese Honeymoon," Nov. 4, had 8. B. 0. Lyman Twins, 6, had capacity. Eva Tanguay 11, Roscoe ft Holland's Minstrels 13, "Her Only Bin" 20, "The Forbidden Land" 22. Lawrence.—At Bowersock's Opera House (Irving Hill, manager) Tim Murphy. In "When a Man Marries," came to good busi- ness Nov. 8. The Lyman Twins presented "At the Race*/; to a fair house, 6. Joaeph De Graase 9, Eva Tanguay 10, Richard* ft Prlngle's Minstrels 11. «»» KENTUCKY. Louisville.—At Macauley'B Theatre (John T. Macauley, manager) A M, Palmer's all star cast presented a revival of "The Two Orphans," Nov. 11, 12. The house for each performance was sold out In advance. Dock- atader's Minstrels 22, 28. Masonic Theatre (Chaa. A. Shaw, man- ager).—Charley Qrapewln, In "The Awaken- ■ng of Mr. Plpp," week of 7, proved one of the strongest attractions the management ha* offered this season. The attendance waa record breaking, especially election matinee, which was the largest ever seen at thla house. Mr. Grapewin and bis company gave a very Interesting performance, and met with much applause. For week of 14, Joseph Murphy. Avbsnub Theatre (Chaa A Shaw, mana- ger).—Patrice. In "Driven from Home," met with a very big reception during week of 8. Election day matinee the Bouse waa packed. For week of 18, "The Smart Set." Buckingham Theatre (Whallen Bros., managers).—Rose Bill's English Folly Co. gave satisfactory performances during week of 6, drawing crowded bouses. Standing room was at a premium on election day. For week of 18, the Merry Maidens. Hopkins' (W'm. Relchman, resident mana- Esr).—A fine performance attracted crowded ouses week of 0. Not a aeat could be had at the rise of the curtain on election day. Among the beat on the bill were: Fllson and Enrol, Lea Olopas, Athos Family, and Maaus and Maxette, all of whom made good with the audience. For week of 18: Fanny Rice, Charles Leonard Fletcher, Five Juggling Normans, Jack Gardner, Splssell Bros., Car- rie Scott, Kherns and Cole and the blograph, s Pndncah.—At the Kentucky (James B. English, manager) "Humpty Dumpty" did very good business Nov. 7. Al. Wilson, 11, had good business. Coming: "Busy Isay' 1 17, "Human Hearts" 10, Adelaide Thurston 21, Joe Jefferson Jr. 22. «»» TBXAS. Ft. Worth.—At Greenwair* Opera House (Phil W. Greenwall, manager) "Human Hearts." Nov. 4. and 'The Little Home- stead," S, did fair business. The Gertrude ?ave an entertaining performance, week of , to good bualnea*. Fay Foster Co. week of 14. Notes. —All the local house* bad special wires and operator* Tuesday night and elec- tion returns were read from toe stage, the houses being packed to the utmost capacity and thousands being turned away. There was a special midnight performance by the Bents-Santley Co. at the Empire Theatre. Charles D. Wilson, Lew Dockttader'a genial manager, received a telegram from bis wife here, 6, apprising him of the fact that he wa* the proud and nappy father of a baby girl. s Bvsussvllle. — The Grand Opera House (Pedley A Burch, managers) waa filled Nov. 1, and an excellent performance waa given by Frederick Warde and Kathryn Kidder, sup- ported by a good company. "Salambo was presented, and was beautifully staged. Maude Adams, In "The Little Minister," 8, and never before was such enthusiasm shown here as when she made her entrance. The Lyceum Bureau, of Chicago, presented Borneo Frlck, In concert, 5, and had two fair audi- ences. He waa assisted by some local talent The Grace Hayward Co. scored big week of 7. William and. Thomas Jefferson 18, St Paul Church 19, Jessie Bartlett Davis 21, Van Dyke & Eaton Co. 22, 23, Wilton Lack- aye 23, Adelaide Thurston 24, Al. G. Field's Minstrels 25. Peofle'b (Pedley ft Burch. managers).— Billy Clifford, In "How He Won Her," drew HENRI FRENCH. The prominent billing matter 1* given to tbls favorite performer at each honse where he appears. The above Illustration show* the display at Proctor'a Theatre, Newark, N. J., two weeka ago. The success which accompanied Mr. French's performance caused his re- engagement for a later date in the season at the Proctor houses. Galveston.—At the Grand Opera House (Fred G. Wels, manager) Al. G. Field's Min- strels drew a full house Nov. 2. "The Village Parson" pleased fairly good sised houses 4. LUsle Daly and Jack Bverhart, In "Vaca- tion," drew fairly well 6, at matinee and night. 4 » > ILLINOIS. Peoria.—At the Grand (Cbamberlln, Har- rington ft Co., managers) Wilton Lackaye, In "The Pit," Nov. 4, 8, filled the house at all three performances, giving great satisfac- tion. "The Irish Pawnbroker*," 6, atood them up. William* and Walker convulsed an audience that filled the house complete- ly, 7. De Wolf Hopper, in "Wang," 8, turned away hundreds. Gus Sun's Minstrels, 9. pleased. The Club Minstrels (local) played to large attendance 10. Coming: ''A Legal Wreck" 16, Ward and Yokes 19, "Vivian's Papaa" 20, "The Royal Chef" 22, Eva Tanguay 28, "Holty Tolty" 24. Main Street Theatre (E. P. Churchill, manager).—Thla place has leaped Into popu- lar favor at once—and with our best clt liens. The opening bill scored Immensely. BUI the current week: Herbert and Willing, Merrltt and Rosalia, Abas Ben Omar, Arthur Stewart Llssle Weller, Peter J. Smith and the Stube- scope. Weast (C. F. Bart son, manager).—Busi- ness la excellent Current week: Le Malre and Le Malre, Shields and Paul, Howard and Llnder, Patrlcala* and Emerson and Omega. Ci.ii'.—Nearly all of the Crystal circuit bookings will start from the Main Street Theatre In tbls city. » Qulnoy.—At the Empire (W. L. Busby, manager) Maxlne Elliott had a full house Nov. 1. "Why Girls Leave Home" did fair bualness 2, Edwin Hoyt bad a fair house 8. "Sandy Bottom" did fair bualness 4. Gus Sun's Minstrel* played to good business 5. 'MuKg's Landing" satisfied a large audi- ence T. "Why Women Bin" 8, "Rudolph and Adolph" 0, Williams and Walker 10. Jack Hoelfier Co. 18-16, "A Legal Wreck" 17, "Everyman" 18, "The Lost Paradise" 10. Canton.—At the Grand Opera House (F. B. Powelson, manager) "The Irish Pawn- brokers," Nov. 7, pleased a large house. The Kennedy Players rilled • return engagement 8-12, and were well liked. "The Fatal Bear" 14. «■» INDIANA. two S. B. O. houses 6, The play was well received and encored liberally. "A Chicago Tramp" played two performances 8, one at 8 r. x. and the other at midnight. The election returns were announced from the stage. AI. H. Wilson, in "Watch on Rhine," 8. Van Dyke ft Baton Co. 20, "Only a Shop Girl" 27. Evanb Hall has been engaged by the Y. M. C. A ■ for the usual alar course of entertainments, which will begin Nov. 17 with the Crampton Stock Co. Thomas Mc- Clary, In "Mission of Mirth," 28. Note. —A new curtain baa been installed In the Grand, and Improvements have been made on the stage, making the place much more attractive to both profession and pa- trons. In the selection of assistant Mr. Ped- ley has appointed two of Evansvllle's most popular young men—Fred Wastjer and Ar- thur Dunn. +»» NEW HAMPSHIRE. Manchester.—At the Opera House (E. W. Harrington, manager) "A Chinese Honey- moon" Nov. 11, 8hepard's moving pictures 14, 16, " 'Way Down East" 16. Park Theatre (John Stiles, manager).— Excellent business is being done here. S. R <). was displayed 8, "Over Niagara Falls," 7-0. and "New York Day by Day," 10-12, both scored. "Escaped from Sing Sing" 14-lb Casino (Al. Marts, manager).—Week of 14: Cook and Johnson, Bobby Fields, Kid Evans, Jessie Steward and Bessie Bene. Business Is good. Noras.—Manager John Stiles, of the Park, was In New York recently, on business There occurred a change of management at the Casino, 7. Al. Marts Is the new manager. He is favorably known throughout the Baat • »» OKLAHOMA. Indianapolis—At Bngllah'* Opera House (Ad. F. Miller, manager) Lew Dockatader'a Big Minstrel Co. appeared Not. 4, 6, and Saturday matinee, to the usual big business. Dockstader's Airship, and Nell O'Brien, In "Rapid Transit Up to Date." were the feat- ures of the performance. The all atar cast of "The Two Orphans," T, 8, sod Tuesday Oklahoma City. — At the Orerholser Opera House (Ed. Overholaer, manager) Gov. Bob Taylor (auspices Harper Lyceum course), Oct 81. bad S. R. O. Frederick Rella, In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," 5, pleased. Black Pattl, 6, drew to capacity. Albert Taylor Stock 7 and week. Note. —O. V. Nix, formerly manager of the first Overholser Opera House, Is In the city raeetlngold friends. He la In advance of the Albert Taylor Btock. «»» CALIFORNIA. Oakland—At the Macdonough Theatre (Charles P. Hall, manager) Jamea T. Powers. In "San Toy," Oct 81-Nov. 2, drew good houses. "The Tenderfoot" (return engage- ment) drew fairly 8. Souse's Band packed the house at both performances 4. "An Or- phan's Prayer" played, to good business, 6, 6. "Glittering Gloria'* packed the house 7. "A Friend of the Family* 5 !!, 12. J FEATURE FILMS. The following list Includes the moat popular of recent rah- Jcots. and wl'l be shipped CO. D. on receipt of wire. All are original films. No "Dupes" delivered. CLASS A, PER FOOT, 15 CENTS; CUSS B, 12 CENTS; PATHE, 12 CENTS. Length TMe. aid Clan. The Lost ChUd 638 A. Hero of the Liao- Yang 716 A. Kit Carson 1234 A Personal 371 B. Moonshiners 960 A Out in the Streets. 640A Pioneers. 610A Escaped Lunatic 617 A, Princess in Disguise 654.. Indians and Cowboys 590.. August, the Monkey......... 246.. The Strike 443.. Ascending Mt. Pilate 608.. Drama in the Air....... 180.. TrainRobbery 740A Troubles of an Automobilist.. 6u0 A Impossible Voyage. $210.00.. We do not sell Second Head description. Maker. .Biograph. . Biograph. . Biograph. .Biograph. .BiogTaph. ...Biograph. ..Biograph. ..Biograph. .Pathe. ..Pathe. ..Pathe. ..Paths. ..Pathe. ..Edison. ..Paley & Steiner ...Meiies. Goods of may \iml- a« agj aga'ag -^i -^J -imiml'^a S|TO HJSJ ^ -i-jj. ^B KLEINE OPTICAL CO. NEW YORK BRANCH, i*7-1 jo West 3>d Street Specialists in PROJECI10N APPARATUS 52 State St.,CHICAGO,ILL. HAILED FREB.—New edition of onr catalogue, describing Moving Picture Machines, Btereoptlcons, PUms snd Slides. Libebti Plathocsb (H. W. Bishop, man- as-erv—Bishop's Btock Co., In "The Blvals," had good houses week ending 6. Same com- pany T and week. In "Up York Btate." Bell Thbatbb (Gd. Homan, manager).— Features 7 and week were: Fine and Dandy, the Kalmos, Maxlne Mitchell, Ed. Raymond and Beatrice Trlckey, Arthur Prlngle, In new pictorial melodies; Golden-Weaver A Co., In "The Doctor'* Daughter," and moving pictures. Packed houses ruled at every per- formance. Noveltt (Tony Lubelskl, manager).— Prof. Dodd and his trained dog, "Nigger;" Curtain and Blossom, Davles Duo, Walter Kerrlck, Sanford and Darlington, the Coltons and the vitascope. Business Is big. Empire (Lee F. Stone, manager).—Feat- ures 7 and week were: John Budillenl, Fair- burn and Caine, William Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Carter, Ernest Edwards and mo- tion pictures. Business Is big. i ' s San Diego. — At the IsIs Theatre "A Tezaa Steer" was presented, to a good house, Nov. 8. 8. R. 0. greeted the production of "Anions," 4. "Candida" 7, Haverly'* Mln- strel* 10, "San Toy" 11, 12, "Glittering Gloria" 14, "Trelawney of the Wells" 21, 22, "The County Chairman" 28. < i « VIRGINIA. Norfolk.—At the Academy of Music (Cor- bln Shields, manager) Paul Gllmore, In ''The Mummy and the Humming Bird," played to very good returns Nov. S. Warde and Kidder drew exceptionally well 7, presenting "Sa- lambo," to a delighted audience. Lawrence D'Orsay. lu "The Earl of Pawtucket" was accorded a hearty reception 8. Booked: Shepherd's moving pictures 24, "The Vir- ginian" 20, "Qnlncy Adams Sawyer" 26, "Sherlock Holmes" 28. GaiNBT (Jake Wells, manager).—Louise Beaton, In "Rachel Goldstein?' played to good business week of 7. The Ellnore Sisters, presenting "Mrs Delaney of Newport" 14-10. Bijou (Abb Smith, manager).—New_peo- ple for week of 14: Deonso and Wells, Three Deltorelli Sisters, Wordell and Legrand, Og- den and Barron, Lou Follman. and Howard, Shafer and West. The musical comedy, "The High School Girls," will be presented. Acra (Chaa. M. West, manager).—People week of 14: Mack and Moran, La Mayo Trio, Angelina Hanley, Harvey Sisters and Prof. Weston's moving pictures. Bus'nesa Is good. Manhattan (J. M. A C. A Crlnnlan, man- agers).—People week of 14: Warring and FraBCr, Alfredo Alphonso, Brandon and Crouch, Harris and Penman, Emma Wallace, Lizzie Henderson and Master Boston. Busi- ness 1b good. Will S. Beecher, stage mana- ger at this house, closes Nov. 19, to accept an engagement with "The Waif of the Sier- ras" Co., to play the Chinaman. The play opens Nov. 21, at Pocomoke City, Md. AudItobidu (J. M. Barton, manager).— The following people week of 14: Edmonds and Roderick, Johnson and Sullivan, Buckley and Rents, Mell Grant Florence Edwards, Minnie Patterson and Lottie Wilson. Busi- ness Is good. FoRBfAuoH-StLLS Circcs gave two per- formances 8, to packed tents. ♦ » > Pennsylvania Railroad's 'Winter Excursion Route Boole In pursuance of Its snnual custom, the Pas- senger Department of the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company has Just Issued an attractive and comprehensive book descriptive of the leading Winter resorts of the East and South, and giving tbe rates snd various routes and combinations of routes of travel. Like all the publications of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, this "Winter Excursion Book" Is a model of typographical and pictorial work. It Is bound In a handsome ana artistic cover In colors, and contains much valuable Infor- mation for Winter tourists and travelers In general. It can be bad tree of charge at the principal ticket offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, or will be sent postpaid upon application to Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Phila- delphia. NEW YORK, Is more talked about on the stage than any other store in the World That is because it is the most popular. We Allow A SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10 FEB OEOT. on their Buronaaei It their nuaei are on onr IsaUtraUonBooka. NO CONNECTION WITH ANT OTHER STORE. ofeajsnat P— *t iorrtiiBa? - irtmoiuw i/^-r suiimuur ^^ 8ysBEra§ HEW YORK. MAISON BERNARD, MOOES. Stage and Street Hats. Exclusive Designs. . . Seven West Thirty-first St, NEW YORK. IS Per Cent Off to the Profession. "KABO"CORSETS Received the Highest Award from tie World's Fair Judges, at St. Xrftnia, Oct. 25,1904. SEND FOR CATALOGUE "a" KABO CORSET COMPANY, Chicago. MIJLLlfiR'g HALL, ABORA, PA. Beating capacity, (00 people; good coal town. Small companies, medicine stows, elc, will do well here. MILLER BROS. WANTKD, POTfAVS TBKATOI, BICHIOID, VI. AT ONCE, Serlo Comics, Sister Tesm, Spe- cialty People, Etc. Also PIANO PLAYEIt. Address P. W. PUTNAM. ACROBATS, WANTED TO BUT, 6000 PAD, lift, lona or longer, eft. wide. S Inohes thick; mast be In good condition. AOROBAT, P. O. Box its, Havana, III. * PISO S CURE FOR I iw urrouL HUMouu m* rcsuu ■ larsuotB* ■»raw*ccaaultra I Ik* mIw MSprvrart Sotmv. CONSUMPTION I