The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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920 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. November 19. To the Greatest Novelty Songs of the Season, WOULD YOU? (THE NBW 8PIDEB AMD FLY SOHGj. GREAT SONGS ANYBODY IF FOR ANT «t./\ev^^»T^ew*^ BEING FEATUBKD BY THB FOLLOWl.\« UBEAT ARTISTS! NED NYE. CLARA HESS. EVANS LLOYD. ETTA FLYRIE DENCH. STINSON and MERTON. THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN 8IKGER. CARTER. WALTERS & CO.. O'CONNOR S GOODALL. PAULINE GREY. MARGARET BURNHAM. We Are Pleased to Announce That Will lock after Singers at our New York Office. Come and see ns at either store. Isn't the Greatest March Song Ever Published. 41 W. 28th St., NEW YORK. 266-8 Wabash Ave., °ML PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS They're Fibre Absolutely the Headhner of Trunks. Thev are Different from All Others SEND FOR CATALOGUE "O" WILLIAM BAL, Manufacturer, 679 Broadw»7, Not Third »tr..t, *.w York JAMKg HeHALLY, Theatrical Representative. ThH Una Hollow Ground H*nd Flnlthod Razor Wll, a 1MM Tim*. A* O/ran rr— I* Ermry rmrohm—r ot Mm I I*. . FREE" Radiumite Dollar Razor Strop THE STROP """"^ THAT HONES Wt make thla TctnirkiMc frtt offer of a II excellent raior, tha* sell* it 12.00 at mil, toaceoafnlall with the rrurvelonaand Initanunecua hoeing- and finiefairif uropenlea p( OwRADlUMlTB STROPS whkh will not hann the lineal and nwat delkaie raior. CflMK Titavnikt ihartrw t convenience and a detlfht, even to men having the hardest btarda. The Mcrttoffl quick, dean » have doe* not lie to much In a food nuor at In ■ food strop. With ihelcAUItMIT8 STROPS, lhcmoit Inferior mora are broughl rto ■ fine eoft, and the elfen of the alropa upon the fioeal raion la to keep ihnn at all aaln the heal wiaalble condition, ready to ahave the harden beards eatilr and delinht- lull*. Each Radiumite Strop I* aoid under the poiitlve ruarantee tint If It la ,_.. not aallifirtory yourdoiur will be refunded. They are for either Ordinary or 1tomm,m<l9h-m§»amtoUi%Tii*m. Safety Raxora. Mow dealer* handle <he RADIUM IT R pmducia. Tbose who do not are rmtfdjy taklni them on. RmdlmmHm •Wrooa--«Oo to $3.60. RmdtumHm Raxor*--$f.00 f 93.00. Ridlitmlla CiUIco *>•• to all. iSs&i-a^L!H PETEB L FR0ST mmi I"w»5Kar «t.ln«i.>UK ID.D118 SB-B7-S9-10I I. Clinton SL. Chlewo. U. 8. *. I C AT A I. or, IK FRKje "A WOULD WIDE CIRCULATION." TBI OLDEST AND MOST UTLVtBTliL THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. EBTABL1BHED 18*1. 40 WELLINGTON STREET. STRAND. LONDON, W. O. roHBiair BPBBCBHTioitB. a aj. ■■ >uu, PBorsasioiiAi. ADVEBTiBBatBNTB. ad. par n»«. AMSIIOAI ABTDTEB YIBITIHO THB MEtBOPOLIS USE THB BRA OFFICES AA THE IB PEBMAJIEJIT I OHD 01 ADDRESS. 11,500 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY. THE MOST MnCEKT JEWELRY STORE IN THE WORLD. We have lost opened a large Department where we can show Stage Jsweiry of Exclusive Style and Design. Speolal orden given prompt attention. KIICKEBBOCKER IEWELBT 00., Oer. slith At*. *nd 18th St., Raw York. SECOND HAND FILMS. 700 Subjects. 50 to 1,100ft. Lengths. WRITE FOR COMPLETE LIST. GEO. K. SPOOK GO., OS* No. dark St., CHICAGO. U too are In the liedlolne Business to make money there la bnt one line of remedies on the market that bring results and big round dollars. We f urmeh the largeBt and most elaborate line ot paper FRBB with the Modern Remedies. No matter what line you are handling at present we oan tave you money. Write us today tor particulars. ——— —^ RE1VIEDY CO., Cor. Oliver end Central Ave., CINCINNATI, OHIO. t ar»EOIAUTY. TRTCS FOR PRICES. ALL OUR LAMPS ARE NEW CODE STYLE, AND WILL PASS INBPIO TION IN ANY STATE. Bend So. sump for Catalogue. WK ARK THB PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE OLBNIN STAGE POCKET. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC 8TACE LIGHTING CO., KLBCTKO-OPTICAL BTAOB LIGHTING APPABATU8. Telephone uos-wth St. its WEST toth street, new tore. WIGS TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And tha Latest and Most Populir Styles In Ladlis' Hair Dressing. A. M. MICH & CO., 110 If. Ninth Utreet, ----- Philadelphia. N. Y. Rep.: H. HALHWELL, 109 E. nth St. IB8. L. SCHE0EB. 924-926 SOUTH SHEET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. I wish to annoonoe to the Theatrical Profession that I win open the Fall and Winter M».on win. tne Moat Elegant Line ol Ladles' Evening. Street, Dinner a">1 Reception Gowns, Opera Coats and Oapea, Seal Skin ana Persian Lamb Costs. In the Oentleman's ....pertinent, we carry up to data Full Drees and Tuxedo Bolts. Inverness Oapea and Opera Hate, Prince Alberta, in Coats and Testa; snd a Swell Use of Paddock, Frook, Long London and Box Overcoats and Rain Coats. Our goods are selected with sate and come from the best tailors In the country. They are but slightly used. Call or address MRS. L. BOHEUKR, «*«» South Street. Philadelphia, Pa. PLAYS Fir Stick CiiiiiIis, fir Ripirtoln Coiuiln, fir Aiitars LARQB8T ASSORTMENT IN THB WORLD. Book, for boms amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Boenery, Mrs. Jarley'a Wax Works. Catalogue Free I Freel Free! SAMUEL FRENCH, IT W. Bad St.. New York. SHOES FOR STAGE, BTBHKT AND EVENING. KXCLUBIVB STYLES AND WOIXMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vajnp and Stag always ob hand. Mali Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. V*/ BBPlNSTsXIN, Tel. sei Madison Square. set Blxth Ave^ atar Bit Street, X. T. This Kate need by courtesy of MR. J. 8. STRAFFORD, Phlla. GATCHEL S MANNING, °»*""* EltulEIS.""^!^ ST to «1 B. Oth Street, PHILADELPHIA Of PROGBAH COVEB8, PORTRAITS Or anything required by the profession. To print on a type press In one or more col ore MAGICAL Goods and Illusions. YOST A COMPANY, 43 N. Ninth St, (Established 1810.) Philadelphia. mr Large new catalogue for stamp. GL.OGATJ'8 Alcohol-Gas Stove •1 EXP. PAID. Can do everything a gas stove does. In- dlapemaable for nursery, sick room, Clmllng Dish, shaving; for tourists, boarders, or wherever ga. la ssot ■.▼ellabte or desirable. Vapor- izes alcohol Into gas. Portable, weighs but 8 oz. Coaaamea bnt 9 cent.' worth of alcohol ess hoar. Will boll quart of water In 8 minutes. Smokeless and odorless. Uses either wood or grain alcohol. Simple; cannot get ont of order. Safe. Extin- guishes Instantly (blows out like a candle). Non- •xplo.lve. Solid Spun Brass and NICKEL. PLATED, Exp. paid, tl. Agent, wanted. C. P. GL0GAU A CO., 40 Dsarborn Sf., Chicago. C. W. PARKER, Abilene, Kan. Largest exclusive manufacturer of Amusement De- vices In the U.S. MERRY.SO-HOUNDS! SHOOTING OALLKKIES, Military Band Organs, Or Under Pianos. Nlokle-ln-Blot Pianos,eto. MO PLACE LIKE HOME. PALOS PARK IS A SUBURB OF CHICAGO. The scenery of wooded bills with oreeks snd springs makes It a charming place for home. It Is healthful and restful. Fare, 18c. Many families have located, and among them quite a few families of actors who And it convenient to their business, and a one place for home. We sell large lots, Ui ISOfu. on timbered hills, at ISM; aiQoaahand no monthly; send for literature: names of actors given by request. Monson A Co., lit LaSalle St., Chicago. SHOWS CARNIVALS Gic ( ARNIVAI. POSTER Cq MI ISNCAPOLIS, MlreN. Main St. Theatre, POLITE VAUDEVILLE. Now booking for entire season. Four bUowb dally. Address E. P.OBCR0U1LL, Manager. ■ROYALTY PLAYS, MANUSCRIPT. PARTS .AND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX. BYERS. ,'i.44 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO, lllj PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sohmer Park "THE VILLAGE ON VIRGINIA'S SHORE," By CRAW and BOSS. (WIU Appeal to the Heart and Soothe the Listener). "WE WERE HAPPY WHEN AT SCHOOL," By FORD and BOBS. (This Will Take Yon Each to Year School Days). "STAND BY YOUR ^t,AO," By V. W. LtLLIE. (Another Dixie, Stirring and Patriotic). Send late programme and postage for Professional Copies ot latest Inst, and Vocal Mule. Orchestrations ioc. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., 908-9JO« Baltimore Bldg , CHICAGO, ILL,. CASEY'S THEATRICAL. TRUNKS. WHY PAT MORE? Shipped C. O. M. 8. CASBT, 441 tlth Ave. Onr XXX Trunk has no Equal, Its Superiority and Low Price gives it every advantage over any trunk made, be- ing built on well seasoned Baaawood, with a Continuous Steel Binding, Canvas, Olued on, and over 800 Rivets used, Heavy Rawblde Handles, Yale Lock, Sin. Tray, mads to Swing In the top, making In all the Best Theatrical Trunk. Guaranteed 5 Years. 28. S10.76; 80, S11.25; 82, 111.75; 84, $12.75: 86. $13.75; 88, $14.75. 40, $15.75. Our XX Trunk Compares Favorably with any Theatrical Trunk Made. Built on Baaswood Box, Covered with Ball Duck, Glued on, Bound with Heavy steel. Tale Lock, Dowels and Double Hinges, Angle Edging, 1 81n. Tray, 1 4ln. Tray. A Very Strong Riveted Trunk. 28, $7.25 ; SO, $7.75; 32, $8.25; 84, $8.75; 86, $9.25; 88, $9.75; 40, $10.25. STEEL CLAD.—Basswood Box, Covered with Cold Rolled Steel. 1 Deep Tray, Tale Lock, Large Bolts and Dowels. The Best Cheap Trunk on the MARKET. 28. $5.60; 80, $6.00 ; 82. $6.50 ; 34, $7.00 ; 86, 7.50 ; 88, $8.00 ; 40, $8.50. D. on receipt of $5.00. Write for Catalogue. Bet. 26th and 27th St.., N. Y. Established 47 Years. "A\0RERELIABLE A NFW I IGHT BRIGHTER THAN' v TMANFIPrv. aM II IBs IT klWll ~> f\UiA.^J yniTj 5E HDFOB CIRCULAR ABTISTSOFALL BUNDS WaJTB FOBSCNDAT DATA. " ho iSTEREOPTICOH'eVFILM EXCHANGE! -.No-^ KEROSENE! W.B.MOORE'MANAuER. .iCASOLIK'f OR mmj.tlL ' 106 FRAHMLTH ST, CHICAGO. "-f OR ETl MB TAYLOR TRUNKS. THE £» YEAR GUARANTEE IS GOOD IN NEW YORK AND CHICAGO. They are Good Beeauae they are Imitated. ASK SOME ONE WHO BAB USED A "JUST AS GOOD" FOB A YEAR OR MORE. Write for Catalogue. If yon don't get an an- swer In ten days write again as probably your mall has been delayed. Manufactured and Sold Only by C. A. Taylor Trunk Works, 30 E. Randolph St.. CHICAUO. 131 W. 38th St.. HEW YORK. Watch this Space for a Few Pointers. If any other stores other than these three gay they sell TAYLOR'S It IB a deception. 1WAY rtSB ALL OTBEHS. BEiL MUSIC AID CLEAN C09EDY. THE MUSICAL LAUfiH MAKERS, FRED ANNA In 24 Minutes of Solid Laughs and Applause. . Addrea. WM. MORRIS, Agent. YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, MANA6EES WBITE FOE OPEN TIME. YOOHO'S PBE COBPORAT10I, T. E, 8HACKLEFOBD, Hasagar. Want your moustacbe or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use Buckingham's Dye If your drueglit cannot supply you send 80 cent, to B. P. Ball a> Co.. Baahna, B. H. ONE OF THE BBBT GROTKgQCK SKETCHES XB VAUDEVILLE. Week of Nov. 7. Olympic Obloaoo. Can use good Ground Tumbler. SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS '«."« «SSL5°- (Kot. Inc.) TRUNKS STORED FREE. Writs or telephone and we will meet von at the depot. Vrianhona: WORTH trsa ISS NORTH CLARK ftTRRKT. OBIOAOO. CHI the den MOrTTREAX- I JUGGLERS SUPPLIES.- Clubs, Baton.. Cans, Rolling, Olobes. Bosps, i Wlrewa! ken' Appara tnsjtoman Azea. Stamp for Catalog and Book. Edw. Taa.Wyek.QlaelBBAtt,*.