The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 19. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 923 WE TOLD YOU SO LAST WEEK - WE TELL YOU 80 AGAIN OUR MAIL ^^ SWAMPING US WITH DEMANDS FOR COPIES. tbe counties, with it—alone of the show THIS IS THE SONG STERLIM AND VON TILZER'S INSTANTANEOUS HIT. work this up: the thing* you can do with It; And 1( 70a want to do a neat little dance saw ■ ions that was bo useful In all branches den opportunity Is send (or a copy of this song. a the you HAVE YOU SEEN MAGGIE RILEY? It gives ibs the greatest pleasure of oor career to say "we told you so," for this song has done all that we expected of It. In spite of the predlcl Serformer. Wherever sung uproarious greeting has been the reward of the singer using this little novelty Irish waits song, and It Is going bigger on't quite believe all we say. Very well, put It on, that's all we ask, and you'll know the answer for yourself. By HARRY VON TILZER and A] M redactions of tbe croakers and In snltc of tbe Imitations that were calculated to mislead Maybe you haven't had the cbtnee to bear It sung, and and bigger all the tlmt. 3W K. - ANDBBV STKItLINO. "WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE PUMPKIN. MAGGIE DEAR" "COAX ME" At present there Is no bigger record of rustic ballad successes than that of HARRT VON TILZER, who, with ANDREW ». NO, has written ninety-nine per cent, of tbe successful songs of this nature whlchyou have sung In the past, and hi. skill as a producer baa Increased yearly, till now he stand, alone as a writer of rustic songs. Tils particular one would bay. made him 8TEBL ii famous If sll the others had been failures. The best slides that money can buy constantly on hand at the uniform price of $5.00 per set. COAX ME" ii COAX ME » fit. ALEXANDER 99 « COAX ME" It has been truly said, that many reputations have been made by songs, and It Is a fact that the only difference between a bad singing act and a good on. Is, In most cases, the difference In the song used. In other words, If yon sing songs that tbe people like, your act goes well, and vice versa. Tbe people like "Alexander," as hundreds of professionals who are using It can testify. How .bout YOUR audiences! Are you pleasing them with "Alexan- der?" If not, why? By HARRY TON TILZER and ANDREW B. 8TERLINO. "GONE! GONE! GONE!" "MY PRETTY LITTLE KICKAPOO" Joe Hollender had a host of friends before be wrote the above coon song, but If you can see the letters that he and we get you'd think that the whole army of singers were under obligations to him. There's a reason for this—It's a bully good song. "Yes. It's an Indian song, and It's a good one. HARRY VON TILZER and ANDREW B. STERLINO put In extra hard licks on this number, and the results show It. I don't think we need to tell you just what It's good for. Tbe title Indicates that. But it la far ahead of anything that you have been offered before. •coax me- "DOWN AT THE BABY STORE" "coax me This Is one of our Illustrated songs, with the best slides at $5.00 a set, that you ever bought. The song Itself Is more than good. It's the very best. A plaintive, appealing story with heart stirring music, such a. only HARRY VON TILZER can write. wh™ sWANEE RIVER FLOWS" "COAX ME" WN THE COAX ME" In a Another one of those ANDREW B. STERLING and IIAUItY VON TILZER'S pastoral ballads, that Is the surest thing singer's repertoire. Being made of good material. It never wears out, and although published some months, an already extensive nit. It Is as good In all localities as It ever was, and in new ones will be just as warmly greeted. Slides for tbls one, too, at 15.00 per set. Order what you Need, Enclosing late Program—NO OARDS-and lOo. for Moiling:, to HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUB. CO., 37 W. 28th St., N. Y. City. MALE SINGERS; ALSO MUSICAL ARTISTS, If yon are laying off or have any open time address a letter to BUD BASS, THB ARCADE, Baltimore, Md. If you cannot deliver the goods or afraid of work, save postage. NOTE —The Cascade la a swell Grotto catering to tbe best people. No stage. Use only piano. LONDON VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, London, Ont., Canada. "TOT" Aa "PiTT' affl Ii Vaudeville Acts at All Times—Magical Aots, Aerial Acts, Casting Acts, Dog « *»i.w M-wniMFq and Pony Aots, Singing. Dancing and Talking Comedians, and Sketch Team*. State lowest In first. We pay no fanoy salaries. Break your Jump between New York and Chicago. We are on the main line of all roads. No Sunday shows. BK.fSKTr it FLEMING, Manager,, London Vaudeville Theatre. "UNCLE SI HASKINS" CO. HINTS Allim Actors, to Doable Brass; Comedian for Uncle 81, with Sfong Specialty, to IT rill 10 VUlllil, Double Brass; Good Whistler tor Parade and do parts; Soubrette, with Strong Specialties (most be small); Juvenile Woman, with Specialty: Stage Manager, to Doable Brass; Tuba, to Double Stage; Piano Player and Orchestra Leader; both Double Brass. Company pays board. Open near Milwaukee. Ifnst report Dec. 6. Address 0. S. PRIMROSE, Manager, La Croise, Wisconsin. CROSS 7N£ATP/CAl Pff/Nr/NC'A-ENCRA^/NO "IM CROSS PRINTING CO.. CHICAGO' TbIT OM3X»£S. CMOi. CCNTBK.T5 riatm £7t Ptff. STAGE MONEY, 100. TRICK CARDS, 5c Book ol cuts, 20c, containing over 500 engravings. SEW YORK. CHICAGO. HlSilrlf kfiiR >sVli MAKER, IM W. Mth STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, H. T. CHICAGO BRANCH. CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. A. KERSHAW, Resident Partner. Bend for Catalogue O, either office. Do You WART MILITARY GOODS 7 BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY SUITS. TENTS GUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what you want in that line I can supply It New or second hand. Bend for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, tn South 8L, Philadelphia. Pa. HOW TO START IN SHOW BUSINESS (copyright), 8 different books, loo. All kinds act. MOBPBBT'B SCHOOL, 837 K. 13tb St., Phlla., Pa. WAJTBD at Once, Good Irish Team, lady and gent, man to be able to lecture on Pictures of Ireland; a man to do specialty and operate Stereoptlcon. Piano Player and Good Agent. JOHNKEAT1NG, Keating Hotel, Ctlca, N. Y. "THE PREACHER AND THE BEAR." GREATEST COON SONG EVER WRITTEN. There's no end to encores. Send for It. Prof. copies with orchestration free. Bend progamme. CAPITOL HUSIG HOUSE, 207-216 So. High St., Columbus. Ohio. WANTED, FOR CITY CLUB GOHGERT COM (SOUTHERN), LADY HARPIST, LADY VIOLINIST. MUSICAL ACT, M*n aod Wife, muit bo refined; MOTION PIOTURC MACHINE, LADY BARITONE VOCAL- IST, DRAMATIC READER, Female. Stale salary. Yon pay hotel. COLE A PIPENBRINK, 286 East State St., Huntington, Ind. HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock, Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogue just Issued. 20c. List of tOO bargains In one apparatus for 2c. stamp. A. ROTBRBBRQ, 170 Ontario St, Chicag o. Films for Rent Spectacular, War, Historical, Scenic, Mysterious and Comedy Feature Subjects to Select Prom. LATEST ILLUSTRATED SONG SETS RENTED. Write for list. Terms right. C. E. VAN DUZEE 7» Hennepin, Ave.i Minneapolis, Mlnn< JUST OUT, I24PA6E ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOGUE. ISo.; SUP. CATAL., 6c. Nona tree. Only N. K. Agent for Mabatma, loo. W. D. leroyTTos Court si., Boston, Mass, AMERICA'S BEST AJfO GREATEST Endorsed by Press and Public 8,000 references from all parts of the world. THE ONLY SCHOOL ENDORSED IN CHICAGO. SCHOOL . ETC. (Up-to-date In every detail.) fines, Jig, Skirt, Novel Gate Walk, Elocution, Singing and Rag-Time Bongs, vaudeville Acts, Sketches, Monologues, etc ENGAGEMENTS SECURED. MO FAILURE!. PROF. P. J. fUDOaa, Miss Frances Lee and others. Circulars Free, GRAND OPERA HOUSE. 1 endorse PROF. RIDGE as the only Pert onset and Professional Dancing Teacher In Chicago. FRED h WILDMAN, Theatrical Agent. 127 La Balle St, near Madison, Chicago, DL THIS IB WHAT Half AOXtR LOTHROP, OF THB OLD HOWARD. BAYS ABOUT BIB IM THB BOBTOM POST, 11th. MOV. JACK IRWIN (TOUNQ SHARKEY) Tie's been well known to the sporting' ternity for some years as a fast, game fellow. fra- Now he's making good as a monbloglst In a turn of character songs and stories. The 'making good" goes, for he was a hit on Mon- day and bus been going to them strong ever since. OPEN FOR BURLESQUE OR FARCE COMEDY Address Care of CLIPPER. STEREOPTICONS FROM 112.00 OP. 112.00 NEW AND SECOND HANDS FILMS, MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND SONG SLIDES. PEAROE A SOHECK, 214 N. Calvert St., BaltO.JM. GOWNS F £ Ao r SLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET 0OWN8. We hare on band a large assortment of slightly worn Evening Gowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea downs. These robe, are perfect in every respect, and are especially suitable for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC productions. We have a foil line of Seal Skin Coats and Furs of all kinds. MRS. H. STARR, Sfl south State St.. CHICAGO. OaRKIV TIIVIE AT TWO 000D 0PBBA H0UBES, Edwards and Utica, Mississippi. Large stages; seetlngcapsclty.too; popaiatfba,; good show towns, write for dates. New management. Everything new. Address B. M ORAFTON. Mgr. Opera House, Ctlca, Mlai.; FREDERIC W. WAIBLINOER, Mgr. Opera Howe Edwards, Miss. New Orleans, La. A FIRST CLASS POPULAR PRICE THEATRE, Play Ins First Class Dramatic, Farce Comedy anil Open Every Night. Mallnri-i, T" First Class Combinations, write tor time. Addres* Modern In all Departments Mlnitrel Combination!, open Every Sunday P. A. OAPOAV, P.O.Box IlOO, New Orleans, La tight. Matinees, Thursday, Saturday and NOVELTY and ACROBATIC ACTS of ALL KINDS FOR BUMMER SEASON 1MB. TEN WEEKS' WORK FOR OUR CIRCUIT OF PAIRS, RAIN OR BHINB. Address, with descriptive letterhead, Barnas >Vestern Thoatrloal Exohsina*, BOB Chicago Opera House, Chicago, 111. n P. H. BARNES, Wgr. A FIRST CLASS SENSAT.ONAL° DANCER Or ORIENTAL DANCER. MUST BE Al. FORTY WEEKS'WORK TO RIGHT PARTY. Address CRAB. F. KDWAItnN. Smith's Opera House, Oram! Itaplds, Mich. I_l_--A.ll Poopl. Inarmod for Big Scenic Production, Band and Orchestra, RKPORT MOV. Hi, AT POCOMOKB CITY, MAKYLAND. WANTED, PIANO PLAYER to Double Clarionet or Piccolo In Band. Good people who double, write. Managers wanting big Christmas attraction near Martlnklmrg, W. Vs., or Grafton, wrlto si once. LEADING MAN who has played tn "Nugget Nell" or U. 0. Acknowledge tins call In 111 WARDE, ft B. Weir* Business Manager, Pocomoke City, Maryland. rlIITNKY, Hole proprietor. PARK THEATRE, E_. IM. J. This place Is at the end of Bayonne Trolley aod opp. Stateu Island Kerry, und was run as a high class idevUle Theatre all Summer, doing good business; wan newly rofurnlthod. Seating capacity. 800. Also n«w restaurant and cafe. Reason for selling, Iwivo oilier lni»lne»H to attend. Address all Vend letters to _EON 8T-ARS. 21 Belmont Ave.. Newark, K. J. WANTED, IN OR UN, TO 8U8 MUSTBATED 80108 AID PLAT PIANO 08 OBGAI. FRANK KELLY, Terrace Park, O. WAMTBD, FOU BEST REPERTOIRE AND SPECIALTY PEOPLE. PIANO PLAYER, AORBT AND BUSINESS MGR. Address quick, PRANK TUCKER, Decatur, Michigan. PERFORMERS Til^LL LINES OF MED. BIZ. Good sa'ary, sure money and good treatment to good people. Those who wrote be- fore, write again. Joe McOee and Trig MoHale, write. DH WILL GENAIIO, 160 Lafond St.. St. Paul, Minn. AT LIBEBTT, WIDE WALKEB, JUflBLEB, Singer. Eight Character Monologues with Songs, Straight or Second Comedy In any act. CIIAS. DORADO PERRY, Potsdam, N. Y. AT LIBKRTV, 'CELLIST WHO D0DBLEB CLABI0IET Hotel or travel. Would loin recognized musical sot. Addres. 'CELLIST, Csre of CLIPPER.