The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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924 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEB 19. EDISON FILMS WOUNDING OF AMFORTAB. PROLOGUE. PATENTED AND COPYRIGHTED OCT. 19, 1B04. \A/ A ONER'S MASTER PIECE 0REATE8T RELIGIOUS PRODUCTION IN MOVING FICTURE8 SINCE THE PASSION PLAY. DRAMATICALLY AND PHOTOGRAPHICALLY PERFECT. SPECIALLY POSED AND REHEARSED. IDENTICAL TALENT, SCENERY AND C0STD1ES U8ED IN THE ORIGINAL DRAMATIC PRODUCTION, LENGTH, 1,975ft. PRICE, $335.00 Complete Illustrated Lecture and Musical Score Furnished with Each Film. ARREST OF PARSIFAL, ACT L SCENE I. ELINQSOR SUMMONS KUNDRY ACT II. SCENE I. PARSIFAL IN THE MAGIC GARDEN. ACT II. SCENE II. DESTRUCTION OF THE MAGIC GARDEN. ACT II. SCENE III. KUNDRY WASHES PARSIFAL'S FEET. ACT HI. SCENE I. TWO PRODUCTIONS OF PARSIFAL ROW AI056 BBOADWAT ATTBACTIOHS: New York Theatre. Metropolitan Opera House (SECOND SEASON). E0I8ON MANUFACTURING CO. MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. NEW YORE OFFICE: 88 CHAMBERS ST. CABLE ADDRESS, KURILIAN, NEW YORK. CHICAGO OFFICE. S04 Wabash Avenue. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: 2B CLEBKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, B.O, ENGLAND. • CLUING AOKNTSi THE KINETOGRAPH CO 41 B. 21it St., New York. PETER BACIGALUPI 788-788 Mission St., San Francisco, Cul. PARSIFAL HEALS AMFORTAS AND BECOMES KING OF THE HOLY GRAIL—ACT III. SCENE II. EUGENE CLINE *CO. FILMS FOR RENT We heve made It possible for all managers to get a picture pro- gramme that I* not surpassed by any Vaudeville Theatre In America. INSTALL OUR SERVICE. ii is' nir pin flUUItt. IO E. I4th St., IM • w York Olty. CLARIONET PLAYER AT LIBERTY FOR BAND and ORCHESTRA, Address OBAS MoLAVERN, Csnova, So. Dak. WHITE FOR PRICKS. CRESCENT FILMS. ORIGINAL COMIDY FILMS. THE TRIALS AND TROUBLES OF AN AUTOMOBILIST A Thrilling, Exciting and Sensational Picture Teeming; with Laughable and Humorous Situations. Full of Action from Start to Flnl.h; an TJp to Date Automobile Chase Film. BOOft. Olasts A, I So. Per Foot. THAT POOR INSURANCE AGENT, 125ft. JUST LIKE A GIRL, ... - 9 0ft. TWO IS COMPANY THREE A CROWD 60ft. TRAMP ON THE FARM, - 150ft. JOLLY LAWN PARTY, 135ft. THE INTERRUPTED FLIRTATION 125ft. All ttie above Films are Class A, ]oc..per foot These Films are sharp, clear and distinct, and made from our own original negatives. We handle all makes of Films. EXHIBITORS, send us your permanent address, and we will be pleased to keep you posted on all the latest Film. Keep in touch with our ad. Something new weekly. Send lor descriptive circulars. Now TT7TT T Tr'C T7 A iP A TTHW A sensational comedy film. Mouldy W 1 ■ a ■ j 1 Ti §9 V XlVXl JLIV JSt a «»o feet, class a, isc, pee foot. NEW YORK CITIf FIRE DEPT. ON REVIEW, 175ft, Class B, 12c. per ft. 40 WEST 28th STREET, NEW YORK CITY. TELE.-3705 MADISON. myjwiniii , Mason Olty, low*. LATEST ORIGINAL EATUI 'IL.IVI, "The Girls in the Overalls'' (COPYRIGHTED.) The Beit Advertised Film on Earth. See S-Paae Illustrated Article In NEW YORK JOURNAL, SAN FRANCISCO EX tHtNBB, UOSTON AMBttlOAK, CHICAGO TRIBUNE and CHICAGO AMERICAN, Etc., Sunday, Oet. 10. LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE, $42. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. TRACKED bt BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHING IHEADLINER OF ALL I The Most Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK. I MOVING PICTURES, Film Ever Hade. NegatWo Actually mads in Colorado. Length, lEOft Price J54 Don't forget the a—a III ■ ETI a* othor big hit, EJWuuua ■" ■»* Three Bulls Killed and III Horsas Gored In Front of Camera. LENGTH, eOOtt. PRICE, STa.oo. WATCH FOR GRBATEST SENSATIONAL FILM KVEH MADE. RBADT SOON. SEND NAME FOR ADVANCE INFORMATION. SELI6 POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. B. H. BUCK WALTER, General Western Agent, Denver, Colo. FILMS FOR RENT THE FILM RENTAL Established for the Benefit of the Moving Picture Ex- hibitors Desiring a Weekly Change of Programme that will include New and Inter- esting Subjects and a Service that will enable an Exhibi- tion equal to the same offered in the Metropolitan Cities at the same period. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT WIRE FOB IT Fill RENTAL BUREAU, M I. OLABE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. uTATJBIOB H. BOS15BWIIO LAWnSR. PROFESSIONALS MANAGED. 61-63 Fats. Row (World Bldg.) New York. PVAN FLEET " W-fc. RINTEXt 4T WEST 28th STREET, NEW TOBK.