The New York Clipper (November 1904)

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November 26. THE 1SHEW YOEK CLIPPER. Ml icri/ptivo Elciillcid. of tbe Season THE BURGLAR AND THE CHILD A TREMENDOUS MIT WMBRBVCR OUNO. Fr««, with orchestra part*, to professionals enclosing lute program. Others »ts your postage. Call and hear our other good songs. laVO WEST 42d ST. Botwoon Broadway and Sixth Ava.). INO:>*V YORK OITV. 9SB TSOE TO MANAGERS AND AGENTS: WM. JEANETTA juit returned from South America after one year traveling. At Pastor's Theatre THIS WEEK. K indly call and see a good, ctean act. Refined, finished and a novelty from start to finish. Upon for i. good co. or dates. See for yourself. Best wishes to kind friends. Wn.-8ELB.NI and CROVINI-Jeinetti. Per. *ddre3i,' 297 E." 15th 8t, LA PALHA APARTMENTS, Nov York City. Chaser-Lister Theatre Co. "A," AN Al SPECIALTY TEAM AT ONCE. Trefer mau and, wife, nun for general business, woman characters and some beavtes. Special!y work must be a feature and Usee must be learned and spoken »nd parts dressed. Tell all first letter. If you misrepresent, yon go to Siberia quick. Al REPERTOIRE PEOPLE in other lines write. Address JOSEPH FARRELL, Manager, Norfolk, Neb., week Not. tffl. COMEDIAN FOR REPERTOIRE ... With Specialties. MUST II AVE GOOD 8TVDT AHD WARDROBE. Join en recept of wlra. METROPOLITAN STOCK CO., Wft STA.\iFOHD, Manager, AihUnd, Kr,, Week of Nov. St. NEW CASINO THEATRE, Eimira, n. y. \t" A VTITIb **' * n Times, first Class Variety People. Canadians, lingers. " Ait 1131/ Dancer., Musical Act., Sister Acts, Comedy Acrobatic Act*, etc, (State lowest salary In first letter. Also W anted. First Class Piano Player; salary, ■■li) per week. BURLESQUE SHOWS PLEASE WRITE. Address all to MASAOKR G. P. DEVINB, New Casino Theatre, Elmlro, If. Y. Torcat and Flor D'Aliza, IN THEIR NOVELTY ACT. This week, CLEVELAND'S THEATRE, CHICAGO Address ALL GOOD AGENTS, or care NEW YORK CLIPPER. V«a.x*d©ville Acts. PUT Iff A WEEK AT THE LITTLE STAR THEATRE, HAMILTON, OANAOA, *U'l break;your Jump between New York and Chlcngo. Halluces Tucsdsv. Thursday and Saturday, I can use a couplo of sketch Teams week of HoyijBf, WriteioriWJRE. No Bunds\shows. J. a. APPLETON. Manager- ELECTRICAL SCENIC PRODUCTION, The World That Was and Noah's Ark 1EBIET8 THEATRE, BROOKLYN. WEEK IOT. 28. WH. HOIIRIS, or Any Vanderllle Agent. ¥• Hare tbfl Record of Breaking All Hecords. OPBN i_i URBANA, Ohio. Nov. 14, 'OJ MR. J. rf. BENTr'tto iV, Manager Jolly Pathfinders, Oblllcothe, Ohio. - DEAR SIB: Since jour departure yesterday from this city, I feel it my doty to drop yon a line com- plimenting you noon the general excellence of tour company and the productions p»t up l>» the same during- jour engagement here laBt week. You have never been equalled in this city by a Repertoire Co., and Uiere has never been such a large work's business done here. I hope to play you again. Be- lieve me. With b«« wishes, ED. C. CLIFFORD. Manager Clltrord's Theatre. Ackowlondged Dramatic Talent and Vaudeville Features treated with at all. times. Address per route, JOLLY PATIIFINDERS. WANTED AT OSCE, FOR AMERICAN VAUDEVILLE CO., Experienced Dramatic Come- dian and wife, to put on one «ct playlets (we foinish camel. One or holh must do specially; [Picture Machine operator (we have man me); Magicians (with or wuliout assistant), with big Illusion, and a few acts that have worked tre large houses. All must, be good dressers on and on*, and thoroughly capable people. Salaries (ubsolcte'v guaranteed), 116 single, ISO team, and all cxpenaei. Enclose photos, programs, and state »n in flrst, as we open Dec.». All correspondence confidential. HOB. M. J. MORLEY, care of CLARK'S OPERA HOUSE, Toronto, Ohio. ALSO WANT EXPERIENCED SEOOND MAN FOR ADVANCE. • MA.M1E FLEMING CO. SECOND SEASON. AT LIBERTY DEC. 12, ELOISE SHEPARD. %i&£ CORINE JEFFREY. ^SS^ singing snd Dancing Ppeolsliles. One piece or Repertoire. Experience and abiltrv. Responsible managers only. Address ODBON xperleuce and ability. Retponsi THEATRE, St. Lints, Ho. RUSSELL and SINCLAIR, Iii 'TRE CHORE ROT," the Most Norel MuslO"' Act In Vaiid«1''e: F*ature_Bn»fllalllcs; Wonderful Musical Imitations, and Elegant Wardrobe '" Miss Wnclair'sRapid Dhanec open. Address M. MAGNUS, 07 B. Clark Danes. Jan 8sn1>ater St., Chicago, III. MISSTRKL MAS OR MUSICAL COMKlHAN, with reputation, for a Funny Nlggor Act. ANDY WA»«K1W, General Delivery, HHwankeo, Wis.. Form erly of BUNNKL and RANKIN, ALLEN and RANKIN, DEVKAUX and KANKIN. _ wire Hk on', Md , 2i7vor. D pcBlt Si, Havre de Grace 20, Franklin "10 Klkhts." AXTELLand EARLY „ ORB OF THE Br.sT GPOTFKUirE ("KETCHES IN VAUDEVILLE. w «sk of Nov, u. Caslle Theatre. Elootnlottoo. Ill, Open time Jan. 1 and later. HARRY and MAY HOWARD, uwIFENSfiRl act. ^ 9l "t of the biil^iiia week, sTuets where we III! ieatweek. Week* of, 12,10 and ia open. *4'lressl54 so. IIALSTED ST., Chicago, 111. Have not crossed die Pondyet, but Mill cleaning up. THE AG&VIE. OF and ORIGINALITY. WITH DAINTY DUCHESS CO., Eoosntrlo lualoal Oomodiano. EN ROVTR. 1 > ss. STRONG COMET WANTED, MUST DOUBLE VIOLA or 24 VIOLIN. IMMEDIATE EMAOEIEMT. JOHN W. VOBEL'S BIG CITY MINSTRELS Address ■JNO. \V. VOGEL, Owner auit Manager. IIOIITK: Norrlstown, 1'n,, Nov. W, Burl- ington. X. J., 24: Trenton, N. J., 2U: West Chester, I'o... 28 ; riHrolxvllle, l'a., 20; Potts- town 30. Allentown Dec. J. AT LIBERTY, WRITE or WIRE. UAHItr J. CBABTHKE, Malta, Olilo. WANTED, PARTNER. Good Man, as Partner, To put out MEDICI NK CO. s for I lliat will vet the money. Write me for particulars. WM.' P. PIEUSON. , • - ■ . .»■ P., Topekn, Kuu . THE DURKE-nN COMPANY WANTS 1 GOOD GENERAL ACTOR One who can do 1 Specialties preferred.' Address M. MtCMN, Burk'-McGinn, Week of Nov. 21 Oneida, K. V.; week of Nov. M Oncontu, N. 1'. WANTED, CARROLL COMEDY CO., 6h!m I Hew, Min, String Character Wcrtiin. Those doing specialties preferred. Also good Male I'lunlst und strong Single Specialty Act. State lowest, I pay nil. Make salary right. .V long senson and good treatment. Address IPX CARROL L, Bell ngto n. W. Va. fiOTION PICTOBE OUTFIT, *c. BNTKRPRISESTERKOPTICON-dPTIGRAPUKO. J-SLID1NO ATTAOHMENT-OXY. HVD. JET- MODEL 38 OXY. LITHE GAS ODTFIT-OXY. LITUK-KI'HEK AND LIMES REGULAR. Ill) 60: PRICE, 105.00. HARBACH'S RED STAR STEREOPTIGON ELECTRIC LAMP. RHEOSTAT AND EUREKA DISSOLVLK, J28. UMBMHHv., k,i.&t, f»IU., H. SOME NEW OUTDOOR AMUSEMENTS FOR SUMMER BESOBT. Most liberal terms to right partlea. Addrfb* TOLCHKHTfllt COMPANY. Baltimore, Md. WANTED QUICK, SKETCH TKAM. 8INGLB l'Elll'ORMliRB and PIANO I'LAYISR. Change for one week. No bams or soaks wanted. 'Tell everything Bret letter. Wrlto or wire. PROP. JACK TKOY, New Matanioras, Washington Co., Ohio. Care of Med. Show. WAHTED IMMEDIATELY, A Man for Light Comedy and Juvenile, With Specialty. Would also like to hear from other llsefal i'eople. F. Uolyneanx, Clin Watson. Kussell Shoad, write. Htate all Oral letter. Oood eigavament. I pay board. Address OTTO D. KRAUBE. Mgr. Woods Rialsrs, Bathvllle. Ark. WANTED, LEVIS' UNCLE I08H SPRUCEBY PIAMO DOUBLING BANS. other OOOD Musicians. Winona, Miss.. 31; Co. lumbui 34,8larkvliio lit, Aherdeeu tlolicj Uprlngs 39, Oxford to. Tapelo !8, AT LIBER'""', BIjIBB TUOMBONV, 1:. and 0 ND jump TOO FAR, Address IIEKBV HATER, (Jen. Ds., Eran>vlHe. Ind. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sohmoi- Park ARTISTS OF ALL KINDS WRITE FOR SUNDAY DATE. MONTREAL. ACR03ATS, NOTICE.- OOOD PAD FOR SALE V ft. long, 4IU wide. Iln. •hick. *'0 taken It. Address this wc+k,Orpheiiiu Thcstre, Ull^; wosk, of Nov. 3S, Uolawk Sclie- nectady. N. Y. Addrr^' ACItOCAT. Bow to Flay good Rag Tlmoon the Piano Quickly Taagh t by HaU for II. Write «alck for .« free partlea'ars. PROF. . 711 Fine AHa BuUdlnf, Chloago. ONGE MORE BACK TO THE .. SUNNY SOUTH. M The Same Hastling ,( Sig. Faranta" Will Open His New ■•■ Theatre on or about Nov. 28. POPTJLiilLll PRIOXSB.: WANTED—STROMi OPEN ISO ATTRACTION. Now booklrg Dramatic, Comedy, Vaudeville and Mlns'ltl Combinations. Also Wantod. Musicians-thai douft'o In brass- Address,- ••■ f. W. FARAMTA, Farsata's Trte.lre, NewOTle»»s 1 La. FRED LA DON AND WIFE. ThankH, m.inngcru, for kind nffera. Swell cafe Ht 1'uloii City, Conn, lwlug nicely. Regards to friends. . if WTTBD, pon JOHN ROBINSON'S TEN BIG SHOWS. FOR SEASON OF* 1905, ACTORS, SENSATIONAL ACTS OF ALL KINDS, BOSSES ALL DEPARTMENTS. Address JOHN IKIDINHON'S TEN 11IU NIIOWH, IVrrat e i'ark. Olilo, •"CUSHMAN 1ST. CLAIRE- WE HAVE WV, ARK s ,tHS.,..THE LEADING VAUDEVILLE FEATURE 171h Week and still with l HABE-LISTEH OO. (A). (JOS. rAHHKI.L-, Mgr.i Always glad to hear from old friends. Doing imniohsely, thanks. ' I MORGAN'S U. T. G. GO. leader Orchestra, Double Urans; Slide Tmmhone, R, and 0.; Pianist, Double ln«»«; fuihi. Dnniiin Raii or Stage: Trap Drunimor; Man for Haley and SI. Clair, Double llrsss. HunI 'bfl iidnipotcui, reliable and sober. Stale salary. Join hum'dlatoly. Addrrsa. MALOflB;, N. Y. FOR ONE NIGHT STAND COMPANY, FARCE GOJWEoT. HOTEL SHOW, Leading Han, Character Old Man, Comedian with Hpeulallles, JuVrnl'b Han. Bbubi'etlc wllu Spcolaitles. Woman lor Ooneral Business, a lied Hot specially Team iliat can hpesk Lluir», Uaoer for B. and 0., seoond Cornet, Clarionet, llantoue, Tuba, Trap Drummer with complete »H of Traps. Performers doubling In brass given proioronce. Tell all you run'do Hist letter. Show nuehs Dev. I. I pay all alter joining. Salary must bo low, for you will get It. Boozora not Uiieiktttl: koep ott. Llndley, Parka and burns, wrlto. Address MARRY BUSKNDARK, "Star Hot," FakriBge,.KaiiH»s. those: mysterious fei-lows LATIMORE j\SX^ I^IEREs'Btl^'V ci«nn»i m kivii vKAitm 8TR0N0, SENSATIONAL VAUDEVILLE FEATURE. A POSITIVE DKAWINU CAW). Roth play sarts.- Address or wire, week of Nov. -.'1, Care o( OFN'L I'KI. , St. I, M"- ^ STRONG FEATURE ACT. Change for week. HMM play responsible parts (man and woman preferred). Clou' In cue. lilro lull particular* and lowest salary um letter, l^tigunrsguneiit. Always pt«a»eu to hrsr fiom.uwd Repertoire Peopc. Address JEFFKHSOK HALL, Manager, Jrdwatd. 1 stock (o . P Beaver Kails, ra., Nov. 31 And week; New Kcimliist u), Fa., Nov. iH-ao: Monongahola, P*„ D«o. i-l), i—»»M———M—«——^»S»^1^—S.MpSMI m "DIAMOND KING" CO. I,fading Man, Heavy Pino, Man for Ocn. Da*,, Ohsrui-ter Old ffun, L.aillnfl l.adjr. Juvenile Lady. Mlnglog and Dunclng boniiretle. Child. Alt must has* first elaas -wardrobe, taa i»e a.1 Agent, I ., > Address W. II. D1VIH, Pu'm> Hnlel, Clilrato, III. LONDON VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, London, Om-t., Canada. \*T * 1|rnnii]I| Vaudeville Acts at All Times—Musical Act*, Aeital A''!*, (tasting Acts, Dog " •'•-Aw M.MUMJ) an<l Pony Auti, Singing, Danciug and Talking Coiiiedlstis, and Sketch Teams. State) lowest in first, we pay no funoy salaries. Break your Jump bcivyion 5>'a# York and and Pony Aula, Singing, Dancing and Talking CoinedlHiis, pay no fanoy salaries. Break j Chicago. We are on the main line of all roads. No snuday shows. BBNHBTr cV VbtmuiQ, Managers, London Vend, till* Theatre. CO MEDIA IS, CHARLES HART. Mil IIIIFTTE. GERTRUDE GILBERT, nosponnlblo managers only address i' > ' flUAJM.FM 1I4RT. AHIi'Mid. Ky. — -h— rsasg-rs HARRY NYE, AGENT. WRITK OR WTHE. MARIFTTA O. A VOICE). A VOICE. a laasM t.,jf r"„K,ff|. CLAUDE RADCLIFFE. ('( tin. A MIMP, LVt'KI'M STOCK CO,. VVA JDHN'H, Is, ■•■ •' ■' : ins OV UIH OWM,