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946 THE^ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. NOVEMBEB 26. m. mm m m ma mums, 8GENUINE BEDOUIN ARABS-8 Wonderful Human Pyramid Builders, Tumblers, Acrobats and Lightning Gun Drillers. 15 TO 20 MINUTES OF ACTION AND THRILLING EXHIBITIONS. AT LIBERTY, DEC. 4, FOR VAUDEVILLE. Jut Cloud * Richly f aooMrfml Smim ef 27 W.oka with OAafPBCIX BROS.' SHOWS. : i*m^ Troup* of IMPERIAL- R03SIAN CO88AOKS At l_.lb.rty. The Most Dexterous and Daring Company (f Horsemen the World has ever Produced, Executing the Most Difficult Acrobatic Feats and Fancy Riding Tricks in their Native High Saddle. No other Company of Horsemen have been Able to Duplicate their Feats. Equipped in their Gorgeous Native Uniforms, and with Beautiful Trappingp, Swords, Knives and Belts, inlaid with Gold and Silver, they present the Most Marvelous Act Extant First introduced in America by CAPT. GEORGIAN, they have been the Sensational Feature of BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST, the FOREPAUGH-SELLS CIRCUS, PAWNEE BILLS WILD WEST, the F0REPAUGHF1SH WILD WEST, CAMPBELL BROS, and other Leading Attractions. FOR NEXT Addmi (ptrmintnt), :xn OEOROIAN, »s:«r, Wo. 934 East Broadway, Waw York Cltjr, or Ho. 49 Wott Hadlson St., Chicago. The Girls in the Overalls" _^ _ (COPYRIGHTED.) The Beit Advertised Film on Earth. Be* a-Pa«e Illustrated Article In DRW YORK JOURNAL. BAN FRANCISCO EXiniSElt, BOSTON AMERICAN, CHICAGO TRIBUNE and CHICAGO AMERICAN, Etc., Sunday, Oct. 16. LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE, 142. SEND FOB CIRCULARS. IKiluILbJI ^ULUUIIuUIImIIm A LYNCHING HEADLINER OF ALL [The Most Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK. MOVING PICTURES, Film Ever Made. Neg.tlve Actually made in Colorado. Length, 450ft. Price $54, IOHT AT JUAREZ, or*. LENGTH, 600ft. PRICE, »T».O0. WATCH FOR GREATEST SENSATIONAL FILM EVER HADE. READY BOON. BEND NAME FOR ADVANCE Don't forget the 09 a a I hit. BU Tare* Ball* KlUad and BU Horm Bond la Front of c otherbig INFORMATION. SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL H. H. Bl'CK W ALTER, General Wei tern Agent. Denver, Colo. ZOBO BrassBand Instruments Yon cannlay thorn on Bight I No learning i For lied. Phowg, Yandevtne Artists, Darlesauo Cos. Parading Towns, oto. WO 8FE0IAL OFFER, 1 SOLID BRASS CORKCTTO, ric. POSTPAID. KJI 1V^/ ■ iw> t a, JJg B^n Bays: "MyZobo .'i-nULij,haling buccobsi" INF I ^*L "JT 1 fa>x W ■ i^oj stop vandorlng Ii\ the dark, write ng today and got wise. STRAUSS MFC. 00., Dcpt, 87, 895 Broadway. Now York City. WE WANT MEDICINE MEN THAT CAN SELL MEDICINE. THE ORIGINAL QUAKER REMEDIES. Way .ell any'hlng o se when you can always return and se'l more, and the people alwayB glad to see yon. Address •. FRIENDS' HERBAL ASh'N, Elkhart, lad. DR. P. B. ANBBLMB, President. ' ' MORBY STOOK CO. TALL HEAVY MAN AND JUVENILE WOMAN ■ poololtlea Proforred. Address LB COMTB dl FLBBRBR. Qutbrle, 0. T., Nov. 21 and week; Oklahorna City, O.T. Nov. 28 and week. Man for Genteel Heavy, Juvenile Man, Juvenile Woman, Character Woman; Comedian, with Specialty; Character Man Specialty, Clever Child Specialty, Male Pianist. One night stands. Pay own hotel. Ton get your salary here. Enclose programmes. Tell all ~.INI flrat letter. M. L. KI! S.T? BhreTe, Ohio. atte^on. DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky good, when yon can handle goods that will Mil themeelTee ? Eleotrlc Belts from $1.00 per aos. ap. Large variety to select from. EJectrio Jars, »Bo. do.; Electrlo Insoles, 87 no. dos. pairs; Soap, $2.10 gross; Pins Medical Batteries. Bend 7»o. tor Sample No. 14 E. B., ezp. prepaid. Latest oat One third cash re- quired. Trial order will oonvlnoe. Largest Manufacturers of Eleotrlc Belt, and Appllanoee In U. B. A. Established 1871. Lecture and price list tree. V, <D 'I •^stWWt' W THE ELEOTBIO APFLIAIOE 00., Burlington, III. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 20ln., $T.SO; 281u., $8.50- 82ln., I0.B0 ; 80ln., $10.60; 401n., $12.00. Clren.Trunks,24x18.18, $7.50. Bill Trunks, 80x23.10, Inside. $12.00. Lltho Trunks, 42%x28V4xl2, Inside, $15.00 Shipped in receipt of $3.00, bal. C. O. I)., except over 300 miles, then remit whole amount SIMONS It CO., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est. 1804, 8. W. cor. 7th and Arch 8ts., Phils. IDE GREAT HOBSON, 3 FEATURE ACTS; ne.ai MAOICAN, VKNTHILOtJl I8T (Walking Reliable managers, write. 8 UNION BQ , N. Y. 0. STACK W1HK. Ue.t la the Basinets Klgares). Salary right. Work In ono UNKNOWN OR UNSUCCESSFUL Authors of OneAot Plays, Mono ogues. Bkotohes. or sny thing suitable tor presentation In vaudeville, and vaudeville artlits who are doslrous ot obtaining new material, communicate with TUB VAUDEVILLE ALTHOIts' BUKKAO. 205 East Rich Street, Columbus, Ohio. Artiste send detailed description of what yon wsat SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS tor LTOII (Not too.) TRUNKS STORED FREE. Writs or talepcons and we will meet yon at thT Tslspaoas: NORTH ITS*. in NORTH 0LAKK CO, CHICAGO. b.depoi ~ CHICAGO, MAQICIAN'S Supplies and Stage Illusions. TOST A OOMPANT, U N. Nlntb St, (Bttabllshsd 1(70.) Philadelphia. «- Large new catalogue for stamp. WANTED! FOB TWO WEEKS BEBIB HIN8 DEC. 26, A Great, Big, Strong and Hovel Curio Hall Feature nnST IE Al ACT THAT WILL STAID HEAVY ADTEBT1UI0. All kinds of Curio Hall Features want- ed for immediate and later time. Address quick, C. A. BRADENBURGH, 8th aid Arch ■□seam, F>tHII_aVOaCI>|9HIA.F>*. WANTED, A Mib wltii a Bood, Laud Baritone Voice, To sing two Illustrated songs eaoh night. Most speak every word plain and distinct. Bake we<k stands. Tickets only to parties I know. Honey sure every Saturday night. Blackburn's Big TaadoTllIe Show, Ifa.l. WILL BB IN NEBRASKA ALL WINTER. I hvre the best stereopilcon made In America, B Labia's 1M4 Model. Carry twe've seta of tildes. WANTED, Alsi a Dutch, Irish er Black Faca Cinadiin Who osn sing Illustrated songs. Host have a good voice, for BBOW No. 2- Week stands In Nebraska. State all yon do In first letter. Address DR LEON BLACKBURN, Btromsburg Neb. s J. 0.0088 00. f\ Bulld.r. ef B^■ HOW CANVA Oatalogns AMI [n. tad Hand IM| trBB. DETBOTT HWH. 0 WE HAVE BEEN BUSY FOR THE PAST FEW WEEKS. OH! IVIYI WHAT A RUSH! Ill III ON PROFESSIONAL COPIES FOB V. T. D. PROGRAM. BON PROF., SOcts. ORCHESTBA1IONB, lBcts. . . the whitV music PUB. CO., 738 Prospect At... BUFFALO, N. T. iWAT FBOI ILL 0TIEI8. IE1L BH8IC Ml CLEM COHHT, THE MUSICAL LAUGH MAKERS, FREO EG ANNA In 24 Minutes of Solid Laughs and Applause. Address WM. MORRIS, Agent. WHEN IN CHICAGO, ILL., AND YOU NEED A GOOD SUIT OF CLOTHES, MADE TO FIT YOU, CALL ON BRI£>I>£> «5fe COMPANY, Custom Tailors, 87 Washington Strut, Rooms 406 to 409. SUITS FROM $16 UPWARDS. BEND FOR SAMPLES. Wo are la the Same Bonding as EDWARD BRA TUB'S VAUDEVILLE AGENCY. Transferring, Storage, SCENERY A GREAT CONVENIENCE IN CHICAGO. Palatini, BaUcUasj, Flisyaoonaf, ALL ON THE BAKE PREMISES. RICHARD GUTHMANN TRANSFER CO. aad OUTHMANN aad GOODRICH. Down Town Office, I 25 OABLOADB B0B1IERT. I Studios, Shops. Storehouses and Room l», 23t Dearborn St, cor. DMeTlin Vnnwsra Stables, lor-lis Throop St., Qulnoy. raurs ABU TBUnaa nemr y, n Bnren. Phone, HtrrUon leer 01 HMD FOB SALE. Phone, Monroe HA, N. B.—Prompt attention to all mall ordera and telegrams. YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, MANAGERS WRITE FOR OPEN TIME. T00H0'8 FEB COBFOBATIOS, V. B. 8HACKLEP0BD, BUniger. [CI TO ATP HALF-TONE 3 1 K/% 1 I- PROCESS CO. _ PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A.I rtirc ,8cts. SQUARE INCH- ** ' wul y WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! JAPANESE CRUISER IN ACTION, BOHBARDING PORT ARTHUR, JAPANESE TORPEDO BOAT, JAPANESE BATTLESHIP SINKING BCB8IAN CHVISER, the Greatest Feature Film, ever offered) also the GRBAT TRAIN ROBBERY aad the GREAT BANK ROBBERY, all at bargain pries*. 8end for Hits. Don't Delay. Oaly a limited number of these Bins. WILLIAMS. B ft OWN & E ABLE. Dept. B, 018 Chestnut St., Pblla., Fa. FUNK*CC.^ t .Tpo^ McVICKEH'B THEATRE, Caloasro, HI. Telephone—Central, 604. Send for Catalogue. Tbi Only Tht.lfleal Supply House In Pallidslphlg. «*- OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, CELEBRATED COLD CREAM, POUND CAN, 35c. Ooods sent everywhere 0. 0. D. when deposit accompanies order. Bend for Booklet WAAS 6t SON, 980 Norta Eighth St., PHILA., between Race and Tine Bts, THE KING OF IRELAND, J AlVXES B. DONOVAN There Is so much BAD In the most of ns. That It hardlv BRHOOVES any of us And so m uch GOOD In the WORST of as. To talk about the BEST of US. DOING WELL, THANK TOU. THE ACT THAT HAKES GOOD ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, ALWAYS. FRED and ANNIE PELOT, FLAYING THE KOHL AND CASTLE CIRCUIT. THIS WEEK, OLYMPIC TBEATRB.