The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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950 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3. MI55 (Tipper^ Anecdotes, Personalities and CoDHDeots, CONCEBNINO ST1GE FOLK and Sometimes OTHERS BY J OSEPHINE) GEO. At the flrtt evening meeting of the Century Theatre Club, recently, msny a good etory of stage folk waa told, all pertinently Illus- trating points which the different 'speakers ■ought to Impress upon members and guests. Among these waa one giving a abort conver- sation between Maurice Barrymore, one of tha "hlghest-flylng wits," whose smart say- ings are ao widely quoted at the present time, and Bteele Mackaye, the eminent play- wright. "You're a pretty good actor, Barry," aald Mackaye, one day to him, "but you will never be a really great one until you have suffered Intensely, or until you have gone through aome great disappointment," "Then," replied Barrymore quickly, "write me a play—that's a good fellow." 9 Among the rich and varied collection of head gear worn by Lillian Russell la a beau- tiful turban of Russian aable, the price paid for which waa not far from a thousand dol- lars. On her return from a drive a few days ago she toasted the bat upon the cushions of a big divan In her library, whence It rolled unnoticed to the floor. A moment later a caller In the person of tiny, piquant Edna Wallace Hopper waa announced, and the two stage favorites were aoon deeply engaged In me discussion of Miss Russell's gorgeous gowns which are being built for her forth- coming production of "Lady Teazle." The interesting talk waa, however, Inter- rupted by the angry yapping and anappy little growls from the small throat of Mia* Ruasell'a Japanese spaniel, Mookale, which haa recently been christened "Lady Teazle" for obvious reasons. The tiny animal of Japanese origin was strenously shaking the costly turban of her mistress, dropping It for an Instant, then viciously biting at It again. "Look at that little Jap chewing your sables I" exclaimed Mlsa Hopper In coaster nation. "Yes," said Miss Russell, with her calm, sweet smile, as she crossed the room to rescue ber valuable possession, "like the I'ttle lighters of her country, she Is trying to do up all things Russian." • Tom Wise, the genial comedian, tells of an amusing reply that a brother comedian once received from an Indiana villager. The town waa a small, alow place In the Hoosler State, where the actor bad played for several successive seasons. Instead of Increasing In population like most places, this little town seemed to the actor to be growing smaller et each visit. In conversation with a typical townsman wbo waa lounging near the hotel entrance Wiae's friend said: "Your village ben hasn't grown much since last year—In fact, It seems smaller. People die here frequently, don't they?" "Nope," answered the man, at the ssme time aiming a mouthful of tobacco Juice at the curb ten feet distant, "they die only once in Ibis taown." V J, J. Rosenthal, wbo ts managing "A Chinese Honeymoon," besides looking after the interests of Kathryn Oiterman, shortly to be seen In "The Girl That Looks Like Me," met with a laughable Instance of In- genuous honesty. It was at a matinee per- formance at the Broadway Theatre, Denver.. A stout little woman leading two small boys of five and seven presented one ticket at the door. "Where are the tickets for the boys?" asked Rosenthal. "I never buy tickets for them," protested the mother; "you see, I don't keep a girl, so have to take them when I go anywhere. They alwaya go to sleep as soon as they get Inside, and why should I pay for tbem when they don't see the show 1" With a backward thought at his own boy- hood matinee days, though on the contrary be never "batted an eye" when he waa fortu- nate enough to attend a performance, Rosen- thal quickly decided to let the little woman and ber sleepy progeny go In on one piece of pasteboard. After the first act one of the ushers came to tbe manager and handed him twenty-five cents. •What's that for?" asked Rosenthal. "A little fat woman asked me to give It to you," waa the reply; "she told me to tell you that one of the kids woke op." James Royal, who was with Harry K. Daly's Company last season, aenda for this column tbe following laughable occurance which took place during bis engagement. Daly was playing a part In which he wore a pair of long side wlskers, known as "Dun- dreary's." It waa tbe actor's custom to nightly apply to tbem the tbtn glue which attached them to bis face Just before begin- ning to make up for bin part By tbe time his make up was completed the glue would be "set" sufficiently to stick tnst. One night as usual Daly bad prepared the whiskers, and contrary to bis habit of plac- ing tbem on the mnko up shelf, glue side up- ward, be put them on n chair. A moment later a friend happening to call at his dress- ing room, he became deeply Interested In conversation. When the cnll boy rapped at tbe door In warning of his cue for bis en- trance, Daly turned to tbe table to adjust bts whiskers. Not finding them In their ac- customed place he searched throughout tha place In vain. Hearing hla cue be rushed frantically upon the stage, as he supposed without his facial adornment. But they were with him—tbe Dundreary's—greatly to tha amusement of the audience end the playera also. Firmly attached to bis coat tails were tha missing whiskers. 9 The Bemsays, * popular vaudeville duo, appearing in their laugb provoking sketch, "The Gal from Bkowhegan," recently played an engagement In Redding, Csl. Bo real waa Mrs. Bemsey'a make np, and ao convincing ber portrayal of the girl of backwoods type, that she became tbe subject of a cast of mis- taken Identity. Mrs. Remsey wss awaiting her husband's return In the parlor of the hotel. Near ber sat two ladles of the place in friendly gossip, "By tbe way," said one of tbem. "Did you go to tbe. show, and did yon see that funny woman?" "Yes," aald tha other, "and she done ber pert real well." - "Nothln' of the kind," aald the other, "aha wasn't actln' out a bit—aba was only doln' herself. The playbill aald she waa from a place called Bkowhegan, but 'taint any such thing. She's from right out here In Shingle town—I've seen ber there lots of times." Mrs. Bemsey declares the mistake of the Redding lady la a tribute to her realistic work In the clever little sketch. 9 Victor Herbert, the composer-musical di- rector, baa recently come Into the possession of a handsome baton, tbe object of a wager between himself and a friend. His friend declared his opinion that a struggling com- poser without fame had a amall chance of receiving recognition or having his work accepted by the popular music publishers. Herbert took tbe opposite side of the argu- ment, declaring that "merit alwaya wins," and that a name Is not the whole require- ment Tbe result of tbe conversation was ODB LONDON LETTER. (raoat ooa own cwnBtrorois?.) Clipper Bnrean, 48 Cranfconrme Street. Leicester Maust*, Loudon, W. O. NOV. 10. Lewis Waller desires to deny the state- ments that have been spread aa to his play- ing In America next Autumn, during which time tbe Imperial Theatre waa to be occu- pied by Mrs. Langtry. Instead of going to tbe United State* next Autumn he Intends to appear In "Macbeth" at tbe Imperial. Mr. Waller wss entertained at supper but week by tbe members of his compsoy to celebrate his birthday and tbe first ennl- versary of bis management of tbe Imperial. Eleanor Bobson, whose performances In "Merely Mary Ann," st tbe Duke of York's Theatre, Is tbe cause of crowded houses at every presentation of that play, leave* for tbe United States Dec 16. She will be greatly missed by London playgoers. Mr. Molllson will play the principal part In a dramatic version of "Beside the Bonnls Erler Bush" at tbe Shakespeare Theatre, Liverpool, April 3 It la an American play and one that haa met with success In that country. Mr. Molllson secured the plsy on Sir Henry Irvlng's advice. An announcement In tbe suburbs tbla week that la of much Importance la that of the commencement of a suburban tour by Mrs. Ijngtry at tbe Camden Theatre, with Percy Fendall's play, "Mrs. Deerlng'a Divorce," which she baa already played for over a year In America. In this Paul Arthur will resume the cnaracter be originated In tbe United Statea. With the gradual modernization, of the Old Drury Lane Theatre, a number of quaint old portions of the theatre, links with tbe psst, many of them celebrated by their association with great actors and actresses, have been awept away. Tbe green room as a green room exists no longer, although for a time the tra- ditional green paper and tbe old fashioned clock and busts of eminent tragedians were kept on tbe walls. Nine years ago, when tbe box office waa enlarged, a circular staircase had to be removed, the stairs of wbtch, In tbe to the Strand. The piece has made a tre- mendous success at tbe former house and does not want to change Its location. H. Vernon Harconrt, who la attached to the foreign office, and wbo la a son of the lste Sir Wlli;«rD Harcoart, has written a play, which he calls "An Angel Unawares." Tbe rights have been secured by Fanny Brougb, who will produce It In London when she returns irom America. The "Angel Un- awares" la a woman from New York, wbo reconciles two young lovers. "The Flute of Pan,' 1 which was put on at the Shaftesbury Theatre last Saturday, by Olga Netbersole snd compsny, was most se- verely handled by the critics aad others wbo saw the first performance. The story In a way suggests the leading Idea of "His Highness, My Husband," a reigning princess determ'n- Ing to marry one who cannot share ber throne, with all the troubles which flow therefrom. The princess, In this case, Is no bread and butter lady, but one fond of ad- venture, whose sctlons are so much under control that, although she loves her husband, he suspects her of a serious flirtation, and hence comes a complication that a few simple words would Immediately have cleared away. but which remain unspoken until the final curtain. Mrs. Brown Potter's newest offering, "For Church and Stage," which was shown to the public on Saturday afternoon of last week, only met with fair success, and the real en- joyment of the afternoon was derived from the presentation of "Cavallerla Rusticana," which followed tbe first named production. I am Informed by Louis W. Jones, press representative of tbe Kilties Bond, that the organization gave a special performance Nov. 9, before the king, at Sandrlngbam. The same success attended this concert as the Initial appearance of the band before the king. I nave also learned from other sources tbat tbe band has played to capacity business during Its provincial tour. Lll Hawthorne, an American who haa made a great name for herself In this coun- try, commenced an engagement at tbe Em- pire, Cardiff, on Monday last, with Swansea, Newport, Nottingham snd Leicester to fol- low. Then Miss Hawthorne goes to Bristol to start rehearsals for pantomime st the Prince's Theatre. SISTER9 DE FAYE. The above cut represents thla trio, known aa tbe "Three Little Musical Maids," and their pet cat, "Karama," at their home In Cleveland, 0. tbe wager which was won by the popular composer. A few dsys later M. Wltmark as Sons, the music publishers, received a manuscript, en- titled "Al Fresco," signed with the name, Frank Roland. With It came a letter asking the consideration of the composition. In course of time the piece of music with a number of other compositions was given a bearing by the Wltmarka. Out of the lot, only one, "Al Fresco," was accepted tor pub- lication. So pleased was Isadora Wltmark with the beauty and Jingle of the piece that he recommended It to Victor Herbert as a number very fit to be placed upon his pro- grammes. Apparently to please bis publisher the composer had the music rehearsed and played at the tint Victor Herbert Sunday night concert. It met with immediate suc- cess, being loudly and repeatedly encored. During tbe Intermission Iaadore Wltmark, who bad attended the concert with hla family, approached Herbert and referred to tbe gratifying effect that "Al Fresco" had produced on the public esr. Herbert then explained the loke—how he himself bad sent in the msnuscrlpt under an unknown name, to prove his opinion tbst merit and not name alone is necessary. The success of the piece which won the new baton for Herbert has necessitated an expensive change on scores of music plates on which has been engraved the name of tbe unknown compoaer, "Frank Roland," whlcb Herbert temporarily used as a nom it plume, <« » — New Association Hall, at Concord Junc- tion, Mass., replacing tbe one burned a little over a year ego, was dedicated by a concert and n. ball on Nov. 14 and IB. — A. E. Davidson haa secured for his territory the rights to produce tha plsy, "A Young Wife/' from T. H. Wlnnett. ♦ ■ » Pennsylvania Railroad Company will . Iaane Clerical Orders for 1005. Pursuant to Its usual custom, the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company will Issue clerical orders for the year 1005 to ordained clergy- men having regular charge aa nettled pastors of churches located on or near Ita lines. Clergymen desiring such orders should make Individual application for same on blanks furnished by the Company and which can now be obtained from tbe Ticket Agents. Applications should be sent to the General Office of the Company as soon as possible. In no caae later than December 15, so that orders may be mailed by December 80, to all clergymen entitled to receive tbem. §erlod Just before Waterloo, had been trod- en by many a fair and frail visitor on tbe way to tbe saloon above, a meeting place which, if there bad been a County Council In those days, would have been characterised by them aa a promenade. More recently, with the erection of the new offices over what waa once tbe Vinegar Yard, It baa been found necessary to transform one of the ante rooms of the boxes Into an entrance to tbem. This apartment waa known as Mrs. Qarrlck'e. the widow of the great actor having survived him for many years, and owned a box on this tier of the present National Theatre. It ts announced that A. W. Plnero Is writing his next new play for George Alex- ander. The piece will be one of serious in- terest, and will be produced at the St James Theatre after Mr. Alexander's provincial tour in the Autumn of next year. It haa been un- der Mr. Alexander's management that much of the finer work with which Mr. Plnero's name la associated, has been produced. At present Mr. Alexander la giving himself a rest, but will shortly appear In aome after- noon productions. "The Clngalee" reached Its two hundred and fiftieth performance at Daly'a Theatre Not 10, and was received with ss much en- thusiasm as on the opening night, last March. Thla tuneful, amusing and beautifully staged musical play remains one of tbe best examples of the skill of George Edwardes, and la one of the beat drawing cards In London today. At the Court tbe Christmas production will be a musical play, written by Lawrence Haus- man and Granville Baker, the music by Joseph Moorat It is to be called "Prunella, or Love In a Dutch Garden." At the Terriss Theatre, Botherbllthc, last Monday night, F. Melville presented s new melodrama, entitled "The Ugliest Woman on Earth." The play la In four acts and ten scenes. The scenes Include a view of Naples, (he steamship Osprey and the docks of Lon- don and Tilbury. "Le Prince Consort," which has been run- ning at the Athenee Theatre, in Paris, for three hnndred nights, and which, under the title of "His Highness My Husband, u is now running st the Comedy Theatre, Is likely to be brought Into court. Tbe MS. has been seised by a commissary of police, st the Instigation of the widow of the late Edouard Cadot, wbo was for twenty years reader of plays to the Comedle Francalso. It appears tbat Mr. Cadol wrote plsys him- self, snd wss afflicted with a curious mania, having the Idea tbat he was being constant- ly made a victim of plagiarists. He had drawers full of published or unpublished plays, written by himself, and aa soon ss a play waa produced In Paris he unearthed one of these works and claimed that the cblef Ideas hsd been taken from his work. It is stated tbat the new musical plsy which Beymour Hicks baa written to follow "The Earl and tha OlrHat tbe Lyric will be entitled "A Bed of Rosea" Owen Hall and Frank Corson are going to law about "Sergeant Brae" and Ita ^trans- ference from tbe Prince of Wales' Theatre It Is finally stated that James Welch Is to take the place of the late Don Leno In tbe coming Drury Lane pantomime, and bis donkey. Ping Pong, whlcb has been associ- ated with Elm In the comedy, "The New Clown," for three years, will also have a part In the coming production. Hayman and Franklin, who arrived In England Nov. 4, opened on the Barrasford tour Nov. 7, at tbe Grand Pavilion. Man- chester^.and made "a tremendous bit," aa tbey express it They are negotiating for a London opening for March of next year. Again I hear from Radford and Valentine, who are playing at Norwich thlB week. Their letter reads sa follows: "We sre doing our best here and everybody seems satisfied. Even the orchestra laughs, and this Is our third visit here In about eighteen months." Blnns snd BInns were at the Empire The- atre, Nottingham, last week, and their musi- cal work was said by a local paper to be "very smart" Belle Stewart and Dave Fltsglbbons ar- rived In London last Saturday and left on the Monday lollowlng for South Africa, where they are to ploy an engagement. They rame over on the Baltic and had a very rough passage. The following epistle cams from Al. Law- rence too late for last week's letter: "Pardon this communication, but It's my desire to Inform you that my Initial appearance here at tbe Pavilion (Glasgow) lost night was one long to bo remembered. My turn ran twenty minutes, and I was obliged to take Ibree bows and then was compelled to step ont In front of the curtain and make a siteech end also give the audience more of my work. Consequently my turn ran twen- ty-six minutes, and I could have done more, Fudging from tbe applause I received. 1 nve been highly complimented by the man- agement, which has Issued extra advertising matter regarding my act Everything con- sidered, I feel highly elated over my success, which seems complete. No doubt you will learn of It other than direct from me." The Parros Brothers were Clipper Bureau callers on Monday last. They Just finished an eight months' engagement on the conti- nent and will open at tbe London Pavilion Nov. 28. with other first class halls to follow. Their head balancing speaks for Itself and needs no additional recommendation. Dave Meier, of Meier and Mora, writes as follows from the Lyric Theatre, Liverpool: "Just a line as promised. The weather out here Is something nwfuU We haven't seen the sun ahlne for two weeks, but It makes the show business great, as tbe balls are packed every nlgbt Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes were with us at Oldham last week, and their act la one scream from start to fin- ish. Tbey are topping the bill here next week. Imro Fox Is at the Hippodrome and Is a big card. Charlie Wballen, of Wballen and Doyle fame. Is featured at the Royal. Mr. Wballen, who la late of the Buffalo BUI Show, has a great chance of a favorite In this coun- try. His dancing at the finish of bis set gets tin two and three curtain calls every night. Gersldo, tbe club Juggler, waa at the ein-., drome last week, and Is at the Tlvoll, Leeds this week. He Is producing a new comed'v act I aaw tbem practising snd the new art is a corker. What they don't do with tue clubs Is not worth doing. Tbe comedy part Is Immense and original. Mabel La Blanche the first one to alnx 'Blue Bell,' In this coun- try, Is scoring heavily with It here. Well i think tbat will about all for the present'' Phroso, who Is st the Bedford Palace this week, called lost Monday. The offering still contlnuea to bewilder all wbo see It A trio to America Is contemplated. Jim Young, who Is manager of an Amer- ican restaurant In this city, and who Is well known by the theatrical folks In America states that he has an offer to bring over James Thornton to appear exclusively at one of the best halls here. Nat Wlxon, Harry Thornton, Bert Eaton and William Fuller, who comprise the Trou- bsdour Four, arrived In London last Satur- day on the Baltic. They open on the Stoll tour, at Cardiff, Nor. 28. As they played up to tbe week they left the United Btates tbey bad some very Interesting news of things theatrical In that country. The four Is also booked for the Coliseum In the near future. Others who came over on the same ship and who were with the Barnum Show In America; Sutcllffe Troupe, Scottish bag pipers snd dancers: Frlsky's clowns snd r'rldkin's Troupe of Russian dancers. Post Mason Is sn American wbo has been over here so many years that he bos been almost forgotten by his countrymen on tbe other side of the pond. Mr. Meson has an excellent tenor vonce, snd has worked stead lly for the past three years on the principal tours In thlB country. He would like to re- turn to America, but solid booking prevents him from doing so. Frank Whitman, the dancing violinist wbo Is here on a eight seeing trip, has had a good offer of work and has accepted Bame He plays the Oxford Music Hall next week' and If be Is successful In putting back some time already booked In America, he will re- main la London for some time. One of the big cards nt the Alhsmbra, Paris, Is the Manhattan Comedy Four. Like all good acts they have been there some time and age seems to Improve their drawing powers. After an absence of nearly seven years Hart and Leo returned to America last Thurs- day. The trip Is partly for pleasure, and a return voyage frill be made In January. Mr and Mrs. Hart are accompanied by their son Have Just heard of Flake and McDonough's opening at the Bordealey Palace, Nov. 7. The following Is from a leading paper In that dis- trict : "Another clever turn Is thst of 0. T Flske and Nellie McDonough. In the'r one act comedy drama, "Brocky's Temptation" It Is more corerctly described as melodrama they give evidence of considerable histrionic ability. The sketch, too, Is thoroughly enter- taln'nir." Juat before the raising of the curtain for the performance of 'The Flute of Pan," at I he Shaftesbury Theatre, last Monday night, a gas gridiron at the back of the stage fell, and In falling fatally Injured the head gas- man, Mr. Plgott. The unfortunate man was nt once taken to the Charing Cross Hospital, hut died from his Injuries soon after. He lived In Walpole Street, New Cross, and leaves a widow and six children. Mr. Plgott was n great friend to the members of "The Prince of Pllaen" Co., when thst organiza- tion hod Its long run at the Shaftesbury. McPhee and Hill are at the Empire, Glas- gow, this week. They began a twenty weeks' season on the Moss tour at Newcastle-on- Tyne Inst week. Marks and Verity finished the Moss tour last Monday and commence on Monday an en- gagement at Sunderland. James Marba, who Is considered one of tbe best acrobats In this country, was recently Interviewed as to his views on tumbling, snd the article, which was In an Edinburgh paper, was a very lengthy and Interesting one. Mr. Marba Is sa American, and his partner In the act Is also his partner In private life. Mrs. Msrbs Is a native of Leeds, England, and made her first appenranee on the stage as a ballet girl In the pantomime. Mr. Marba first visited this country with s ma ! e partner, Billy Heeley, with whom he played for over eight years, but four years ago the Idea of combining the knockout business with a dancing show caught his fancy. The Gotham Quartette sailed for South Africa last Monday on the same ship with Belle Stewart and Dave Fltxglbbons. Dave Msrlon called today. He. was billed for Glasgow, but bad to cancel because of sickness. George W. Leslie and company. In "Chums," top the bill at the Alhambra, Brighton, this The Four Lukens, Charles T. Aldrlch, Whistling Tom Brown snd Morris Cronln sre American acts still reaping tbe honors at the Empire Theatre. 4 » » OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma City. — At the Overholser Opera House (Ed. Overholser, manager) the Lyric Opera Co., Nov. 14-17, came to fair business. "Why Women Sin," 19, pleased. Lyman Twins, 20, did the usual big Sunday night business. ««» DOROTHY TENNANT, Who Is now appearing In tbe role of Jane Wlthcrspoon, In ''Tie College Widow," at the Garden Theatre, New York City, Is a native of San Francisco, and has been on the stage but three seasons. Her first professional en- gagement was with "Lovers' Lane," and later she was Robert Edcson's leading woman, In "Soldiers of Fortune." Last season, when Mr. Edeson starred In "Banson's Folly," Miss Teonant succeeded Sandol Mllllken in the leading female role, and later played Mary Stuart, In "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall/' In support of Bertha Galland. In the title role of "The College Widow," Miss Tennant Is charming and Is winning marked success. «»» — Notes from the "Your Neighbor's Wife" Co.. J. I, McGovern, manager: Bus'ness still contlnnes good, and have had several S. n. O's. Played a ten daya' engagement at Mitchell, 8. D., two performances dally, to enormous business. Master Wilfred Dun- bar still continues to be a feature. Our roster Includes: C, R. Mauzy, A. J. Hobble. F. W. Menrs, C. H. Bye. E. W. White, J. T. White, J. M. Dunbar, E. E. Peck, B. J. Stanley, Charles Lampke, Trlzle Stanley, JoBephlne Dunbar, Master Wilfled Dunbar and Baby Norms. We are carrying seventeen people and a band and orchestra. Hugh Ettlnger and C. Daly are In advance. Master Dunbar rendered two solos st the Corn Palace Exposition, at Mitchell, & D-. during the engagement of the company at the Opera House, tbat city. J. T. McGovern, as Happy, the tramp, and Master Dunbar, as Buster, sre dividing tbe honors with tbe company. The show is booked to tbe Pacific coast. — Alda Lawrence Informs us thst she closed with the "For Mother's 8ske" Co. (doing the lead) Oct. 27, In Oklahoma Ter- ritory, In order to open Nov. d, with C. 8. 8ulllvan's "Dors Thorns" Co., as Lady Char- terlB. 4 ■ » There la only one Empire State Ex- press, and It runs over the Ifew York Central at the most rapid rale for the distance of any train la the world. -