The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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December 3. THE 1STEW YOBK CLIPPER. m John Philip Bonsa will conclude bis twen- Fbanch H. McNish, Ihfant son of Frank tyflfth seml-annoal concert tour with hla McNith Jr., died In New York City Not. IB. Mod at Cirnegie Hell, New York, on Dec Coittbacts HAVS id> aiaxaD with 4 Arm 4. Thla U hli seventh transcontinental trip, of archltecta for the addition of • new en- nnd It haa taken the band to such localltlea trance to the kfoste Hall, Boston. This an- as Booth Dakota, Oklahoma and the Indian trance baa a frontage ot thirty feet on Territory, aa well as the more frequently Washington 8treet and Is on* hundred and turning of each opera, and scenic and elec- has juat composed, and he will also offer a trical effects will be right up to the minute, new orchestral suite from bis own pen. The a feature of unusual strength, which Is an soloists at the Carnegie Hall concert will be Innovation In the operatic field, will be ibe Estelle Llebllng, soprano: Jessie 8traus. vlo- superb ladles' orchestra of Boaton, under the iinlst, and Herbert L. Clarke, eornetrJst Mr. l*rsonal direction of Norma Porter. We jus Soaea will then Uke a short vacation before giving to the American theatregoing public sailing for Europe on bis fourth foreign tour a musical attraction for_ which there has with his band. T. B. Harms Co., In their new quarters. 126 music and Sojjj. Notes from the Castleton Opera Co.—This will be one of the strongest musical organl- latlont, thoroughly equipped, with two band- . , . pome Pullman cars, special lithograph iand visited cities of the Pacific coast Mr. Bousa seventy-live feet long. When completed It block paper In greatest profusion. Bpeclsl will slgnsllse his return to New York by plsy- will be one of the handsomest and most attention ^has been given to the correct cos- ing for the first time s new march which he costly entrances ever constructed for the use ot Tsndevllle purposes. This will give tho Music Hall three distinct entrances, the latest acquisition being one of the busiest thoroughfares In the city. Work haa al- ready commenced, and It Is expected It will be opened on Christmas Day. John M. Ibwim writes.—"I played the Howard, Boston, week ot Nov. 7-12. and was , immediately re-booked for a return date on West Forty-Fourth Street, New York, Jan. 28. My latest story, The Reconcilia- tion,' met with instant success at the Bow- doln Theatre recently." Majob and Mas. S. H. Roach entertained the Patmatler Sisters at a dinner on Nor. 9, at their home In Dallas, Tex. sirs. Roach Is known professionally as Pearl Carleton. Died at Jackson, Tenn., Nor. 11, lira. D. Goebel, a non-professional, and mother of Earl Ooebel, cornettlst and violinist of Jackson, Tenn. Tn Richabds Slants ere playing a re- turn engagement at the Butte Theatre, Butte, Mont Chas. E. Botal writes: "After the show at the Auditorium Theatre, Cedar Rapids, la.. Nov. 14. Mrs. Taylor gave the company a supper. The party consisted of: Edward Curran, Madge Milton, Ray Clough, Florence Taylor, Sylvia 8anford, Jack and Helen Davis, Miss Grayce, Young Qulnn Trio and Charles B. Royal." Mast Williams, of the sketch team, Wil- liams and Padre, now manager ot Cnrlay's Curiosity Hall, In 8t Panl, was presented on Nov. 14 with a handsome gold beaded walking stick by the performers and attaches of the music hall, It being bis forty-second birthday. Miss Psdre la in tbe stock at the Orpheum Music Hall In Bt Paul. James Looce, tramp Juggler, writes that been a long felt want. The company la a very large one, receiving high salaries, thus learning tbe production of tbe various op- eras In the nlgbeat artistic manner. The stason will Include a tour of the United States and Canada and the company will very likely he taken to Australia and throughout continental Europe. No. 2, with a like organization and equipment, will go out about the first of the year. Roster of the Castleton Opera Co., No. 1: Onr Buperb Ladles' Orchestra consists of Norma Porter, leader, and twelve of Boston's most thor- ough lady musicians; Claudia Castleton, Madame Emma Bcrger, Louise Moore, prima donnas: Sylvesta Cornish, character con- tralto; Joseph W. Smith, J. C. Abdlll, ten- era* Robert E. Clark, Ed. Flavelle, oarl- tones: David Yost, William H. Brown, bas- sos ; E. C. Reed, character basso; Judith Le Moyne, Christine Le Lance, soprano and alto. Business staff- E. Drexel Castleton, manager: B. F. Htgglna, business manager: *~suszjBr*JSsrs±sr &££ &**>«&* »• vat™,*™ * Friday f- have a new song success In "I'm Juat Crasy 'Boot You." A. H. Knoll Is to furnish a ladles' orches- tra at Majestic Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark., lor the season commencing Dec. 187 Warren B. Walker, a pianist and song writer, was married to Jennie Qardenler, at Buffalo, N. Y., on Nov. 10. Uaaaeuille and minstrel Talbot and Boobs* have finished It. C Anderson's houses at Cincinnati, and opened over the Kohl & Castle circuit Nov. 21. They report big success with their comedy singing and conversational set and are booking re- turn dates. They have la rehearsal a new act for next season. Haest Dctall writes: "I have been en- to er, Philadelphia, official costumer. Bupernu merarles: George Howard, electrician; Mrs. Elisabeth Harris, wardrobe mistress; Robert Foster, stage carpenter; L. B. Harris, mes- senger; J. C. Abdlll and Joseph W. Smith, stage directors; E. C. Reed, master of trans conation; H. L. Baker, master of properties. The rehearsals for the new opera In which Lillian Rnsssll Is to star, entitled "Lady Teosle," are now well on the way, and the musical score, by A. Baldwin Sloane (lyrics by John Kendrlck Bangs) Is already In the hands of Jos. W. Stern ft Co., who are to publish It May Irwin, In "Mrs. Black Is Back," has secured a new coon song success, entitled "I Love To Two-Step with My Man." Stern a Co. are publishing this song as well ss several others by its author. Hughle Cnnnen. The presentation of Klaw * Erlauger's pantomime, "Huropty Dumpty," at the New • Amsterdam Theatre, New York, gives Jos. W. Stern A Co. another successful produc- tion In which the music la published exclu- sively by this house. Bert E. Gregory and Will H. Barry, the iernoon. Nor. 11, I was presented with a solid silver shaving set by my local profes- sional friends, In the presence of a crowded house, in bonor of my twenty-eighth birthday. Tbe following were Implicated: Blanche Bailey, Tony Baker, Pamabasika, Cbadwlck Trio, John Bray, Geo. M. Stapf, Jos. West and Ida May Lewis, Since tbe above theatre has been opened the attendance haa been far beyond the management'a most sanguine ex- pectations." Fbank Cast, "Tbe Manipulator." has closed with the BroUerton W. W. W. Min- strels, and will spend the holidays at his home in Bay City, Mich. He has some good dates booked after the holidays. Hakbt E. Dalt writes: "I am atill having success over the Eastern circuits In my Im- personation of the opium fiend, snd am booked solid until Sept 1, 1905," Elwood and Mamie Benton played a successful engagement Nov. 7 at tbe London Theatre, London, Ont, and are booked for the next ten weeks through the middle States, after which they will open on Feb. 6, for nine weeks on the Bijou circuit, with the he has closed a successful engagement on the _ in the Hagei cult at the Lyric Theatre, Denver, Col., Not Crystal circuit and opened on the Ha gen clr- 14. An. Cablisls writes from San Francisco, Cai.: "I am In my eighth week on the Or- pheum .circuit and have ten more weeks with the Orpheum people. I am pleased to state that my ponies have never felt better or looked better than they do at present, and I have been making lumps from New York to Omaha, Kansas City to New Orleans, New Orleans to Minneapolis snd Denver to San Francisco. Tom, my talking pony, baa caused a great deal of talk along the route. While In St. Louis the mayor of that city came upon the stage and asked the pony several questions, which be answered cor- rectly. On leaving the stage the mayor stated that he was worth hla weight In go! ?d Charles MeAvoy is featuring " 'Cause I Only Had a Quarter to My Name," In Prim- rose's New Minstrels. The song Is also being sung with success by May Roslyn. "I'll Be Your Dewdrop, Rosfe," never falls to call for an encore when sung by Charles Burkhard, Arthur Williams, the Manhattan Comedy Four and T. Blaset. "Sonny Boy" has been placed on tbe re- pertory of the following vocalists : The Young American Quintet, Albert Merrill, Holden ana Florence. The fame of "Goodbye. Little Girl, Good- bye," Is spreading. The following prominent singers are '"Ing It: Tbe Wilson Trio, John Clark, Imperial Comedy Four, Estelle Ward, Victor Belmont and many others. "Let's All Go Up to Maud's," "My Sweet Little Eskimo," "When the Bees are In the Hive," "Don't Cry. Katie, Dear." Hero's My Friend." "Heinle, "My Prairie Queen, 1 ' "You Must Think I'm Santa Clans," "For a Little While," "Just for tbe Sake of So- ciety" are being sung by leading balladlats, IIIWll/. I are beading tbe bill this week at the Krystal Palace, Leipzig, and are a big success. In December we are at tbe Apollo, Berlin, and In January at Carries Theatre, Amster rapacity, notwithstanding the strong oppo- sition encountered and the excitement due from the election. Roster: Jas. E. Henry, proprietor and manager: Dorothy D. Young, dam, Jan. 1-15, going to the Apollo Theatre, proprietor ana manager: uorotny v. xoung, Dusseidorf, lft-30." *P"'"» ""'"» contralto soloist, featuring Illustrated songs Bobby Da Res, comedian and monologlst, Is In bis seventeenth week with Ted E. Faust's Minstrels, as principal comedian and stage manager. Tbe show la touring the Southern States to big business, Mr. De Rue Informs us. Camille and Fona, contortionists and equilibrists, open on tbe Casto circuit Nov. 28 for three weeks, with London, Can., to follow. They report success wltb their act C M. Eaton Is leader of the band with Guy Bros.' Minstrels, having Joined Nov. 14. He reports business aa being big. and Gbovini recently arrived from Europe and will play dates. , Thi Adonis trio, Scanlon, Stevens and Schuster, played tbe Qarrlck Theatre, Wil- mington, Del., week of Nov. 7 t as a_epeclal comic and coon singers In vaudeville, end as feature.' They played the Broadway Theatre, interpolated and big numbers In combine- Brooklyn. Sunday, Nov. 20. » on A » n «j "»««<«*• Tbey are published by Kittm Harbison will spend the Winter F. A. Mills,. wltb her folks In Brooklyn, snd in June, 1905, and moving pictures; James E. Henry, ec- centric comedian and dancer; Irvln D. Giant, character comedian: Maye Giant, singing snd dancing soubrette; Henry and Young, travesty act; Frank McFarland, character Impersonator and Juggler; Chas. T. Mscky, tramp crayon artist; Irvln and Mays Giant, comedy sketch duo; Prof. J. P. Kauffman, pianist Tua Old Reliable is a welcome visitor weekly, and Its news esgerly devoured. The Electric Clauk Sisters write from Victoria, B. C.: "Our alster, Haiel, having ioined us, we will be known aa the Three Slectrlc Clark Sisters, Alice, Maud and Hazel. We opened tit the Savoy Theatre here four weeks ago and will remain until the first week In February. We then leave for Alaska, to remain during the Summer. On our return from Alaska we go direct to New York, our home." Geo. Stcbblefisld, of the Stubblefleld Trio, writes: "Last week JNot. 7-12) Eugene "isaye, violinist, arrived In New win* rail 'fo'r'Euro'pTw'lth her hus'banU/She' $*J<* the Empire Tneatre. Colorado Bprlngs. " will hereafter be known In the profession as Col.. On. Friday night. Annie Stubblefleld York from abroad recently for a concert tour under the management of R. B. John- ston. Hla last appearance In America was six years ago. Anton Hekklng, a well known 'cellist, has come over to tuts country to make a six months' tour under the management of Henry Wolfaohn. The Parker Music Co. has lately opened offices In New York. The list of their pub- H^J 0 ,?". r 1 ?? ud S s i„ T £l B H r ?! 1 F 8 J d *!* E. Taylor, press agent of the Thoroughbreds. Child," "Little Bailie Coben," T *The Boys in Blue are Turning Gray," "One Sweet Kiss," "Resurrection Morn" and "If You and I Had Never Met" Mrs. Dora Archer has recovered from In- juries received last Summer, and will return to Germon opera. She will study In New York. Another musical comedy to be published by tile House of Hnrrls—"His Honor, the Mayor of the Bowery," starring Dan Me- Avoy book and lyrics by George Totten Smith and music by George A. Nichols. Among the new songs published by the F. B. Havlland Pub. Co., are: "Can't You See My Heart Beats All for You," "Make a Fuss Over Me," "A Little Boy Celled Tapa," "Oysters and Clams," "Everywhere," "My Old Sweetheart," "Danuel" and "What the Brass Band Played." Eddie Leonard will feature "Lyna," his latest composition, with Primrose's Minstrels. Tne lyrics are by Ed. Rogers and Henry Frantzen, and the music by Mr. Leonard. Frank Clermont, bandmaster, has closed fell from tbe trapese and fractured a rib on her left side, and Is laying off thla week. Addle snd myself are working double, but we hope to put on our triple trapeze next week. We were booked at Fischer's Theatre, Ban Francisco, Cat, for Nov. 21-26, but were, on account of accident, forced to put onr date one week later, milking It Nov. 28-Dec. i. We have plenty of goooftlme to follow." Billy Boston writes: "I am In my fifth week with tbe Arnold Stock Co. and meet- ing with success doing specialties and parts. I have Joined bands with Bert Beasley. who la now in his seventeenth week with the company. The team will be known as Bos- ton snd Beasley, and will have fifteen die- Mr. Dunbar writes that he haa bad f!.°J*L2S u, «!.!2? n H!* e 7iJ n ? Tl f l ilFi5 tn !?A Kittle Burke. The Thbee Mitcvill Sistxbs closed tbe season with tbe Great Wallace Show, and have signed with tbe Ramblers Barlesque Co. Fbanklin and Hopkins have replaced tbe Sisters Clausen with Frank B. Carr'a Thor- oughbreds, and will work with Tim Healy. Tbe act will be known as the Unique Trio. Louts J. Oberworth Is manager, and Charles Goldeb 'and Lxslie have signed with Marks Bros.' Dramatic Co. for the rest of the season, to do their comedy musical spe- cialty. DiJNBAB'9 HeSD OF EDUCATED BELGIAN Goats, under the personal direction of Harry J. Dunbar, are booked solid until October. 1005. ■ several offers to go to Europe, but will fill bis American contracts before considering the offer. Habbt Abxch, musical director, la now with the New York Stars. Bbookb and Youno, musical team, have finished nine weeks on the Crystal circuit Illustrated songs, the aerial sphere and eleven single and double singing snd talking acts. We will tour Florida for five weeks, then coma North again and start booking parks for the Summer season." While plating the Stab Theatse, Hsnt- ..... . llton, Can., week of Nov. 14, the Wood Bros. with success, and are now on Hagen clrcnlt "« '«iVVasi S «3 , 14TBl i SfinS opening at New Lyric Theatre, Denver, CoL, ffJJJ.?"!* 1 N ,?,• n Ji e .• T "2 K*|JS* BtSS NW 14, and are hooked Eastward. ttJ^wA^»ri«i^ E£S^.*n5K Chab. Huebnib, singing and dancing come- £"».: t^kI' p.i™ tt v.^..^?. t „ , S. : SSL dlan. Just finished fSurfeen weeks on ths g r la ° d i ( I 0 A m E^'J,*™! ^SSSLT'JlSSn Goldsmith circuit and Is at bis home In New- M< £ 0 ?£L?!; i"! 8 * tJ!55 e ,% G ,?f "fe^STEBj ark, N. J., rehearsing a new act £0- Irw i n ' 0oorBe otroud, John Hogan and Job Bubto Is In bis tenth week on the Thomas Dean. New England circuit with fourteen weeks Bob McGinlet, of Bob and Eva McGlnley, booked South. writes: "We take a lay off and go to the i U ., bandmaster, a contract to take' his big concert band Melville and Azell, 'Tbe Bon Ton Duo," World's Fair, St Louis, Thanksgiving week, abroad. He sails for Paris tbe latter part of report success with the Fays. This Is their to visit the vaudeville shows and friends, February. eighth week with tbe company. and return to work again opening at Pres- J. Saunders Gordon writes: "I have re- McGinnib and McGinnib close with Price's ton, Minn. (Tibbett's House), under tbe man- cently concluded the organization In New Floating Palace Nov. 26, and have four weeks agement of Cosh Tlbbetts. We opened up at work In and around St Louis, with tbe Coast circuit to follow. Fox and Wabd hove Just finished sn eight York of the Mantelll Operatic Co., headed by Mme. Eugenia Mantelll. Other prominent members are: Slg. Archllle Albert!, bari- tone; Mme. Helene Noldl, dramatic soprano; Walter H. Wheatley, tenor, and Slgnor Gae- tano Merc'.a, musical director. Selections from 'Carmen,* 'II Trovatore' and 'Faust' will be rendered, all In costumes, snd with special scenery for each. Tbe tour opens Nov. 28, snd Includes a trip of the leading cities to and from the Pacific coast" Belolt Band, with headquarters at Water Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept 16, and have played return dates to banner business. Eva McGlnley has a new line of specialties which months' engagement In California, and are have made a bit thla season, and my new returning East Capt. Sidney Hinuan's new Idea of street advertising Is proving a success In thla city. He uses his four life saving dogs, who pa- rade the streets carrying signs, while he wears one of bis rubber suits. Chick, wbo styles himself "The Wizard of the Wheel,"' reports success at Pastor's songs bring from three to four encores nightly. Llzette Hosklns' illustrated songs are a feat- ure with the show, and she signs them ss they should be sang. The show Is booked up to June. 1905, through Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and North and South Dakota and Canada. We get Thi _™. ^.™, „. LIJ UC au WU ».».. » ,...«.- v. vu C nmo, .«*»>• .!■»«•■ « i .o.u. . Old Reliable weekly. The weather haa loo, la., la booked for ten solid weeks. The Theatre recently In bis new unlcyele act It been fine and eveHrwody Is happy." . members are: T. H. Webb, manager; J. H. was his first appearance In New York, and Mcxbat, Cbauee and Raihond write: Brown, Arcb. Webb, Leo Sternberg, Cbas. be received a return date. He la well booked "We are working at dubs In Philadelphia Harden and Ed. Nngle. up. and meeting with success. We were on tbe Pletro Mascagnl has finished a new opera. Gebtie Da Milt Is with tbe Gly Masquer- opening bill of the Winter season of Blaker'a In one set and two scenes. It Is entitled aders, playing leading parts and doing ber Auditorium, at Wlldwood, N. J., on Nov. 19, 'Arnica," and will be presented first at specialty with entire success, she Informs as. and were immediately hooked for a return Monte Carlo, with Emma Calve In the title Notes nou the Cbackm Jacks. —We are date. Our minstrel act entitled 'The Re- role. In our fifteenth week In the Northwest hearsal of William Tell,' made a decided hit" Helnrlch Knote, German Wagnerian tenor, The weatber Is like Spring, In fact have bad of Munich, has sailed for the United 8tates. no cold weatber up to date. Our business He Is under a four months' professional con- has been phenomenal all along the line. At tract here. St Louis we broke all records and at all On tbe occasion of tbe visit of President points we have left behind a winning band, Roosevelt to the World's Fair, St Louis, on which would require a royal flush to dupll- . Nov. 26, the Exposition Orchestra of eighty cate. The papers ipeak In tbe highest terms booked solid on Instrumentalists, will perform Rudolph Aron sons latest composition, "Our President' march, dedicated by permission to the presl- Raymond A. Browne, tbe well known writer and composer of songs, hss Just signed with sol Bloom, for a term of years, to write songs and devote part of bis time to Mr. Blooms office. This does not mean that Mr. Browne has left tbe firm of Harry Von Tllzer, with whom be bas been assoclsted for the past three years, as he still retains hla position as advertising manager. ot tbe Cracker Jacks, and managers ssy tbe show Is one of tbe best seen this season. A few more weeks, then for a visit to tbe East, where we expect to repeat former successes. Mothex Savage writes from ber borne In Louisville asking ua to assure ber friends that she Is not dead, as some one bas re- Owuro to ths ssaious illness of John R. Gleason (of John and Bertha Olaason and Fred Houlihan) they were compelled to can- cel week of Nov. 21 at Washington and week of Nov. 2A at Pittsburg. They will open at Ioulsvllle, Kt., week of Dec S, and are June, 1005. Rawls and KAcruAN write: "We have played twenty consecutive weeks on ths Nov- elty snd 8 L circuits. In California, and onr act, 'Mush,' baa proven • fine success. We sail for Portland, Ore., Nov. 28, to open at Cordray's Theatre for eight weeks. Then we return to San Francisco In January to ported, and will be glad to bear from all her open at Chutes for two weeks and return friends. Scott and Johnson were st Keith at Hyde _ booked until 1905. week of Nov. 14. [eltb's. Providence, B. L: Nov. 21 A Behmens, Chicago. They are til 1905. :. V dates over the same clrcnlt The Old Bb> lublb Is always welcome on Tuesday.'' Ths coinbt dcwts, by J. B. Lnder and his sister. Bos* Lucler, sua one of tbt fea- tures with Lucler's Minstrels. J Ths demand for FEATURK FILMS ts waproeedeated. We fcawe all ap to date SELECTED FILMS ORIGINALS ONLY ll«w Feature Films Always in Stock Wo do aot sell Seeoad Hand Goods of any | description. Pathe Palev & Steiner Melies Ellison jDJJ LUU LUL' LUJ UUU -Ail!i jjjj 'JJJJ Pi !Sj jjj! fflB \.x sjj uj j« JoTt KLEINE OPTICAL CO. Sfxaalut: in PROJECTION APPARATUS SVSSSS 52 State St..CHICAGO,ILL. MAILED FREE.-Sew edition of our catalogue, describing Moving Plotore Machines, atereoptloons, Films and Slides. Pasbon Jos Hunt writes: "The week of Nov. 7-12 was a very unlucky week for us, Lavada May Hunt meeting with a fright- ful accident on Monday, 7, Trot la recovering as rapidly as could be expected. To make matters worse I lost a very One 2H karat diamond stud on 10. All possible efforts are being made to recover the same. We are booked up nntll April. I attended four meetings In four different lodges of IT. O. E. two weeks ago. and witnessed the Initiation of one hundred and eight candidates. Louis- ville hss a fine new lodge room and a fine bunch of birds." , . _ _ _ . Tua La Vibds played the Star Theatre, Hamilton, Can., week of Nov. 14 wltb their new act, entitled The Toorbe Stones," a singing and talking act, and met with suc- cess. They are working their way West Babnbi Fiest, Hebrew comedian, reports meeting wltb success over ths Western cir- cuit Qudxi Middlbton opened at ths Orand Theatre, Butte, Mon., Nov. 6, for one week, and Is engaged at the Family Theatre, Butte, beginning Nov. 20, for four weeks. Blaxkb's Acditobium, at Wlldwood, N. J., opened Its Winter season Nov. 19. The "opening bill included: Murray, Cramer and Raymond, in "Tbe Rehearsal of William Tell:" Samuel Llngerman, ventriloquist i Phil Bado, acrobatic dancer snd contortion- ist; Jay Raymond, monologue, and Lucy Llngerman. Each act waa well received. Jaueb R. Pobvis, tbe Irish tenor. If in his slxteentb week with John W. Total's Big City Minstrels, doing Onely. MANAon Habbt 8. Uealt will open Ban- ger Hall, Elisabeth. N. J. for Sunday con- certs, commencing Nov. 27, for the Winter Hbnbi Pbsnch opened Nor. 27 at Cleve- land's Theatre, Chlcsgo, for a three weeks' eD Qao. W. Leslie was obliged to cancel fonr weeks' work on account of being called to hit home, Buffalo, N. 7., to settle some busi- ness matters. While there he was made a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 46. . . ^ Fbank Kibk, tramp musical acrobat, bas Joined hands wltb Wm. Cooper, snd the team will be known as Cooper and Kirk, In their comedy musical sketch, "Tbe Photographer and the Tramp." All properties and Instru- ments used In this act are of their own manu- facture. Jas. Mulligan, "The Irish Swede," Is In his twenty-sixth week st tbe Central Theatre. Hurley, wis. Tbe following people appeared last week: Tbe Edward Bisters, Maud Adams, Rita Gibson, Grace Adams, Hattle Arnold, May Briers, Jennie Pierce, Philip Fields, Chss. Scobey and Jas. Mulligan. Ribbell and Bimclaib report success with tbelr act "Tbe Choir Boy. r ' Miss Sinclair has added a new wardrobe and Is making three changes In ber dance. Abtiiub Btoabt, late of the Musical Stu- arts, Is now working slone, presenting a singing, dancing and talking act which, he Informs us, la meeting with pronounced suc- cess wherever It la presented. He la this week st the Main Street Theatre, Peoria, III. Edith Helena played In Genoa, Italy, Nov. 18-27. and bas thirty weeks to follow In otber cities In Italy. Pets Detzel, eccentric dancer with tbe Ted Faust Minstrels, after being 111 In hos- pital for seven weeks wltb typhoid fevsr, nt Sumter, 8. C, bas returned to bis home at Erie, Fa., where he will remain until the first of January. John B. Nalon played Bheedy'i Theatre, New Bedford, last week. This week he la playing In Woonsocket, B. I., at tbe Hob Theatre. Tub Bobbbts Fori, sfter a successful year on the Pacific coast, are again beaded East and are booked solid up to Msy, 1905. Their bookings Include tbe Kohl-Castle clr- clrcnlt snd tbe Keith and Shea circuits. Tbey nave In preparation a new act. Mb. and Mas. Feed J. Titos were en route for Australia at Isat advices, dated Csps Town, 8. A . Oct. 20. Dow net and Willaed are playing the Kohl « Castle circuit They are booked up solid nntll March 20, 1005, playing s return date on ths Kohl ft Castle circuit In March, wltb their new set, entitled 'The German and ths Widow." CALL. McMAHON'8 Famous Thculrlcal RESTAURANT 47a eUXTil AVENUE. Between 28l)i and nth St., NBW YORK CITY. Best ot Food, Perfectly Cooked, Dellclously served. Prices reasonable. Special Dining ltoom for Ladles, Mmunawaror canvassu FRED ZOBEDIE. the great: HAND BALANCER Proctor's Theatre, Newark, W. t ., this week. FIri Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS,TRIORS, Etc. Orand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 2oc, free by mall. Catalogue or Parlor Tricks free MARTINKA A CO.. MfrS., 493 Blxth Ave., N. Y. y> PISO'S CURE FOR BBa» Al-TOSM, flBUIU u4 rVSUU ,PJ tfXABBBS aw rt*0-» CVBB UHrMflAM 1*9 is< sake asi Efssssl Sir,—w. |a^J CONSUMPTION