The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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952 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. December 3 PROCTOR'S F. F. PROCTOR, Sol* Proprietorand Msnsgtr. J. AUSTIN FYNE8, flonoral Manager. I BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 6 Devoted to R«a»d Entertainment. Proctor'* sth At*. Theatre. Praetor** 23a It. Theatre, Praetor'* 68th It. Theatre. Proctor'. 186th it. Theatre, Proctor'. Newark Theatre, Proctor'. Albany Theatre. PROCTOR S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Plays. WASTED, BEIT AOTS HT VAUDEVILLE. It 70a do not reesivs a reply. It may be btcaoM the tine 1* filled; you art therefore advised to write inin la (oar week*. Do MOT melon stamp lor reply. Instructions to artists booked: ss. plot* of acta; complete "pros'' Hat; It can open and cloee In one; EXACT Urn* of acta, and of "cloee In;" billing for newspapers and erofrsmmes: end CLEAN PHOTO- GRAPES for LOBBIES TWO WEEKS in ADVANCE OF OPENING DATS AT BACH HODBE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these IN- STBUCTION8 WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to tht BIBS OF CANCELLATION. VATJDB- VILLB BEBBABSAL8 MONDAYS, 9 A. kL, BHABP. Playwrights, Antbora and Play Agents, Vaudeville Artlata and Play era, address J. AUSTIN VYNRS, General Manager, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, H. T. CI TY. & WEIL, 77-61 WOO8TIR 8T. ' tBat. Spring and Brooms), Niw York Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints,. Tights, Wigs, . THEATRICAL JEWELRY) Gold A Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Wo lend goods C. 0.0., subject to Impaction, but require a deposit on all Orders. SEND i eta FOR CATALOGUE No. a. Bend tote, for Cstalogue SO. 6. Bend tots. for Catalogue No. e. ru.ll.HID ■< TMI Case Publishing company. IOOKFOKT, MW VORH Jtdt r M GLOOAU'S Alfohol-Gas Stove •1 BXP. PAID. Can do everything a Sag Btove does. In- Ispensable for nursery, slot room, Chafing Dish. shaving; for tourlBia, boarders, or wherever in la not available or desirable. Vapor- Ires alcohol Into gas. Portable, weighs hot 8 or. Consumes bat ■ cent.' worth of aloohol an hoar. Will boll quart of water In t minutes. Bmokeleaa and odorless. Ubob either wood or grain alcohol. Simple; cannot get ont of order. Safe. Extin- guishes lnstanti j (blows est like a candle). Son- explosive. Solid Span Brass and NICKEL PLATED. Eip. paid, Si. Agentt wanted. C. P. 0 LOG A U » CO., 40 Dearborn St., Chicago. C. W. PARKER, Abilene, Kan. Larseat exclusive manufacturer of Amusement Do- ric*. In the D. S. MERBY-OO.HOUNDS ■BOOTINO GALLEHlEt, Military Band Organs, Or Under Pianos, Nloklo-in-Biot Pla&os,eto 4 UNIFORMS For BANDS.SCHOOLS.FIREMEN,HIIIIABV and .11 others. Send for Catalogue and mention style wanted as we publish several Hats. WESTERN UNIFORM CO. 250 CIsrk Street Chicago 111. ROYALTY FLAYS, MANUSCRIPT. PARTS] AND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS SIND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX.. BYERS.I •.44 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. ILL] HOWARD BROS FLYING BANJOS* OWING TO THE DEL* Y IS THE OPENING OP THE AI DITOIUlM THEATRE, N. Y, CITY, 1 COMBINATION MANAGERS WANTING A STHONO NOVELTY TO 8TBENGTHKN THEIR SHOW FOR ABOVE DATE, CALL AND BEE THIS ACT AT TUB PLAYINQ ANVIL CHORUS, AS 8BOWN IN ABOVE OCT. NOV. »B, VICTOHI*. HRW YORK CITY. DEC. S, CIRCLE. NEW YORK CITY. DEC. 11, OBFHECn, BROOKLYN, N. Y. DEC. 19, OPEN. • "* UNTOD STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make 70a a fortune. If yon bare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK tbatls worth anything, yoa should copyright It. Don't take chances when yon can secure oar aery- Ices at small cost. Bendfor oar SPCCUL OTTER TO NVtNTORS before ap plying for a patent, it mil fay you, gUNDSOW on paUnlt text THE. We advise If patenta- ble or not. 1"RCE. Wa Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small lees. Consult nt, WORMELLE ft VAN MATER, Caleeaili Ceeyrlgbt ■ Patent Co. tec. WASSMST0N.D.C. ■llkoline Tights, ta.OOj Worsted Tights, la.ODt Cotton Tights, •I.O0) Silk Tights, fkorn ta.9S np; ■hlrta to match all same price as tight.1 Pumps S49c*nt.1 Salt- an, si.00; Rlaatle Supporters, 111 Cloth Supporter., AS rent.. Send for catalogue and .ample. of tight* free. Positively a d«- required. Satisfactionguaran- teed or money ref nnded. BPIOER BROS., St Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Old stand bat new address. OPEN TIIVIE AT TWO GOOD 0PB1U H0D8BS, Edwards and Utica, Mississippi. Large stages; seating capacity, 400; popnwtfbn,; good snow towns, write for dates. New management. Everything new. Address B. H GRAFTON, Mgr. Opera Boose, mica, Miss.; FREDERIC W. WAJBLINGER, hgr. Opera House, Edwards, Mies. MRW YORK. CHICAGO. HEFsHEiaEl, WIO MAKER, MM W. aSS STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, N. T. CHICAGO BRANCH. CHICAOO OPERA BOUSE BLOCK, A. KERhHAW, Resident Partner. Bend for Catalogue 0, either offloe. STEREOPTICONS FROM SI2.II JafflNK* M HANDS FILMS, MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND BONO SLIDES. PEAROE j 80BE0K, 2U N. Calvert St., Balto.,Md. FILMS § MACHINES FOB SALE. 10,O0OfL FILM, FROM 8 to Seta. PER BOOK. Bookings with c'.abs, theatres, etc., for Moving Plotnro Entertainments. Popular prices. F. H. DEUKKR A CO., N. Y. Entertainment Bureau, lie eta Avenue, N. T. City. BABODA DIAMONDS Just discovered. Brilliant as the genuine: one-thirtieth the cost; Bland acid test and PUZZLE EXPERTS; BOL1D GOLD MOUNTING; thorough examination allowed before payments. Write for cata- logue and apeclal terms. Agents wanted. THE BARODA CO., Dept.s.61-71 Wabaeb Ave., Chicago, 111. ODD FELLOWS' HALL DuLnJlOa Pa. 1 New Building, every convenience, Including Electrice Light and Steam Heat. Beau 400. Busy cosi town; good money for email shows, medicine men, eto. Address it Liberty, ADVANCE AGENT. Largs experience, thoroughly up In all details. State salary; Join at once. Write or wire, 1). M. c, Nlemeyer's Hot»l,«or. Washington and Hilary Streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. TENTS. WRITE US fir Mew. Lirgi Stock New and Second Band TENTS always on band. TBS CHARLES P. SIEDKK TENT AND AWNING O0.,8nooeeaore to T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dopt, Detroit Bag and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. "I WARTS AKICtTI ™! DIR.' to be a AINutL -c-o- ..-,_ FREE COPT AND ORCHESTRATION. WULSCHNEB MUSIC CO., Indianapolis, lad. PLAYS, Reading and Recitation Books. Catalogue Free. All dramatlo papers on eale or mailed. chab. Mcdonald a co., 18 Washington St, CHICAGO. M^at^Sc^VScroB Importers of Theatrical Hose and Tights. We have ju.t received large Importation* of Theatrical and Silk Hosiery, comprising Tight, of every deacrln- Hon, 1b all aualltle.) Opera Length Stockings, In all grades) Silk Stockings, in every conceivable .hade and In varlou. qualities) Symmetrical, for all shapes. Oar price* are the Terr lowest, and entire aatl.faction guaranteed with every sale. NOTE—Special care taken In measurements of tight* to order. E s tim ates tarnished by mall or as desired. Theatrical Silks and Satins. In onr collection of "Theatrical" Silk* are to be found many dl.tlne tly new effects, including Persian, Dresden and Self Colored Brocade., Roman Striae* sued new coloring* In Sunaet Silica. We have added to oar staple line* of Linen and Cotton Back Satins many of the new and much needed ahades. Oar prices are a* follow.t 211n. Linen Baek Satin, none better made, f 1.18 yd. 241n. Cotton Back Satin, very strong, and bright finish. ... .69 yd. For many year* we hare successfully catered to the theatrical trade, and onr reputation for correct styles and complete assortment* 1* widely known to the profession all over the country. Having acquired this reputation by selling only the "best qualities at the lowest prices," we still adhere to that policy. Special Diiceut to the Profession. Orders by Rail Pilled the Day Received. BROAD WAT, EIGHTH A NINTH STREETS, WARDROBE FOB SALE CHEAP IS Pairs of Ladles' Solid Spangled Tights, SIS; 26 Pairs of Ladles' Woolen Tights, dif- ferent sizes and colors, $10 ; 80 Ladles' Fancy Waists, different size* and colore, $20; 10 Ladles' Gimps, with Skirts and Aprons, gold braid, $6; 8 Fairs of Ladles' Striped Knee Pants, $6; 8 Pairs Ladles Knee Pants, as- sorted colors, $S; 6 Pairs Ladles Knee Pants, white, with red stripes down side, 13; 7 Red Shoulder Jackets, $5; 8 Wide Blade Swords, f2; 12 Fancy Belts, different colors, and 12 airs of Ladles' Slippers, different sixes, $5. All these articles have been In nse and will need some repairing. Yon can buy any of the above lot separately, at the price given, or the whole lot, together with three trunks, for $65. You mutt call and see this lot of wardrobe; cannot explain by mall. Here la the Greatest Bargain on Record: $300 Royal Photo-optlcon. double lens, finest lantern made, with trunk and a urge canvas for pictures, all complete, with 60 to 60 views; will take $120. Over 80 of the finest B. S. Stewart and 3. B. Recall Banjos, and other makes, with leather cases for same, will sell at a great sacrifice. Also sleigh bells, ataS bells, wooden xylophones, organ pipes and wire dulcimer. CHCAQO—142 W. Madison St—CHICAGO. PBIYATa DANCING SCHOOL, 191-198 8. ClSTk St BOACH Cut This Ont ROACH. A Sweet Little Home in the Country. APPLY TO THE SUBURBANITE. Keith's Theatre, Cleveland, this week. Films for Rent Spectacular, War, Historical, Scenic, Mysterious and Comedy Feature Subjects to Select From. LATEST ILLUSTRATED BONG BETS RENTED. Write for list. Terms right C. E. VAN DUZEE VS^X~iSSi PAD SAI.C ONE MAMMOTH RHESUS IUB DAIlA. — MONKBY. Does about fif- teen good tricks and willing worker, Including a back somersault Price, fifty dollars. ONE SMALL REAL MULE. Price, seventy-five dollar*. CHAB. B- RICE, New Albany, Ind. Second Hand BAUD IRSTBDHENTS BOUGHT, SOLD and EXCHANGED. Send for com- plete list PRANK HOLTON A CO., 107 E. Madison Street, Chicago, 111. ACROBATS, NOTICE. Wanted, a young man that la a good tumbler. Good amateur considered. Butte toil particulars. Address O. Comedy, care Pen. Del.. Columbus. O. wig; Sei 8. SHINOHELH, Thiatrteti Wig MAKER. Good work for low prices. 118 West asm street, New Tort, nd stamp lor price list Edison Picture Hichlnis, Stiriepllcons, Song Slides, Films, Lensee, Gaa Outfits, Electrical Goods, eto Send for catalogue and circulars. L. MANA8BB CO.. 88 Madlaun Street, Oblcsgo, III. BOSTON FILM BXCHANGE. second Hand Films, Pong Slides and Machines Bought, So'd and Exohanged. 6«4 WASHINGTON BT., Room st, Boston. Mai., opp. Adsms House. AT LIBERTY, C01IIT, CLAEI01ET aid T10U0I1, FOR B. aid 0. Address OLARENOE 0. BROWN ("Brownie"), BooweU, Ind. Fir Sill, Ertra Wall Midi, Viry Fim 30li. R0LL1NQ GLOBE. Very light with padded ratan canvas and hair cover. Writ* for partlenlere CLYDE PHILLIPS, teg 6th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. PLAYS For Sale or To Rent A Woman's Love Melodrama In Four Acts. Cast eleven. Seven men and fonr women. Copyrighted. The Cave of Paradise A Beautiful Drama In Four Acts. Copyrighted. Lured From Home Melodrama In Four Acts. Oaatten. Copyrighted. Trinity Chimes Melodroma In Four Acts. Oast fourteen. Runs from 8.16 to 11 P. M. Copyright Scenery com- plete. Large assortment nf paper, four colors; bill and frame trunk. Props., Organ, Chimes, Choir Salts. Complete for the road. Slaves of the Workshop Sensational Drama In Fonr Acts. Copyrighted. Eleven people. The Sunset Limited A Resllstlo B. B. Cornedy Drama. Ten people. O'Hooligan'B Wedding Farce Comedy. Ten people. Tim Mahoney's Frolics Faroe Comedy In Three Acts. 383 Pearl St., Brooklyn, Sew York. Have on hand (0 Comedy Sketches that can be played with 2, 8 or < people. Burlesques to order; nave ISO on hand. ft*--"*"™"!! Uleve i_A n-I 144 BOWEI1Y, SEW YORK CITY For a half centnry we have been giving real bargains In diamonds. It Is ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enormous rents prevail, can compete with us. A comparison of goods and prices will convince the most sceptical. VALUE I11S3. NOW S68. This is the ring we have been selling for $12*, but for qnlok action we offer a limited number at $68. Diamonds will be reset In gent's rings If desired. Chance of a lifetime. Bend for onr Forfeited Loan Catalogue. Mall Orders Filled. Inquiries Solicited. ! Calcium Gas and Moving Picture Outfit You Can M.k.BllM.n.r Ent.rt.lnlni III. Public. We start you.f urnlBhln(rrompleteont6t» with .Imple sad explicit Instruction.. The Field Is Large, comprising the regulartheitre and lecture circuit. il»o loc.1 field. Id Churches. Pulillc Schimlr, Lodge, and General Public Gathering*. Nothing affords better opportunities fur sn^rdipitaL Our Outfit Comcrises the C. P. CO.'8 model, PURE CALCIUM OA8 OUTFIT, the greateatoandle power,the safest and most economical gas-making outfit ever Invented. Wetf.tsoi... Stirtoptlcoi, Moling Plcfuri Hichlces, nin. eti... »nd every scceswry NIBI, 511011 seeded for complete entertainment!. Absolutely the UteU (lima and views on the market, Including all subjects for the public's enjoyment. FREE entertainment supply catalogue and SPECIAL OFFER fully explains everything. CHICAGO FMJECTIabCO.. UJDnrbeni St..Dipt. 20L Chlcsgo. ''HowTo Illustrate' SI.OO AND "ArtcfC-ricature" 9> .bo Te^ii UKroerblr drawta i and IUo» tratlag. to all It. brmocbea. Prk*. both booka, SLAB pcrt-p*id. II pg- Illaa. Catalogue on r*GQt«t. BROWN fUBLISHINC CO., Root. 833 IM HfthAvclfewrerk. MONES8EN, PA. Wanted, Good Repertoire Co., FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK. New house; jost opened. Dec 7 first Rep. show tn bouse. Guar- antee good business. Write or wire. A. N. 8HUSTER, Manager. JUST OUT, I24PA8E ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOGUE, Sac,; SUP. OATAL., SO, NOSM ttf. Only N. B. Agent for Makattaa, 18c W. D. LEROT, 10S Ooart St, Stallman's Dresser Trunk rEasy to get at everything without disturbing anything. No faUsM In packing and unpacking. Lis"'-. atrong, roomy drawers. Holds as much and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand-riveted j strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chlffonlsr. C.o.D. , with privilege of examination. to. ata&P for Catalog. - y.AITlIIsUI.WT.trllagla, WgM Electric Caraljoit DIAMONDS. The Latest Scleatiuc Uisrotrry ssssaV •MSsaa.awssM •■' brUllaucr th»7 rq*U Uk- rtoits-, all Ml »ad |S*W. SSS"** On.lvcQIIfth tba til-en*. Baa. ttw Willi rrlillea. cfMaminall <r. For particular, price,, .tc, adJiH. EUCTRK DUMOM) CO.. !37Rems«aSUCoBO«,N.Y. M. OTRAOiMAN, ATTOBNEY, 858 Broadway, Nsw York City.