The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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December 3. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 953 WATERMELON VINE Companion Boag to "AH V RASSI 3IL.V A Plmalnn)' Love float,. •TILL LEADER, AID AIL TUB RAOB EY*HV \V ilF.RE. ID. MOON. (L.IIN.DY Schotilsche, with Mtnk Choral - OX . ,. * Hebrew Lov. goaganri a Xov.lty PaOFEIIIOSALS—FREE Cople, *a<1 Orchotratloai M recalpt or lata Program. MAMIE A Dalaty Irl.h Walt» long. . ^ '. Hew and Good. CYNTHIA. High Class too. Ballad. COOPER ami ROBIHBOn'R Feature aoaaj, new known •• th» Colored Jews bees with thla natufacr. success • i- XEW .1EHSEY. ' Newark.— Uuithcss Is increaslns a "little here. ., ' ' •XrwAiikTiiEVTUi: .<Le» nttolengul. ronna- ger).—The Oilier Olrl" week of Nov. :!». "The County .Chalnnan" (eastern) made u •.-IjcceM with packed housos l!l-:!0. '"The Se- <-ret bflVMcliinelle" next week. " Kjimuk- (H. M. iiyama, manager!.—"The Volunteer Organist - '- thlaweek. Thomas K. Shcn.received great ntrenilon 1!1-2<1, and drew the biggest" business of' the season at. tills ltouse. - Hie Hays, In "Down the Tike." next week. ■•■«■- • ." ■ . ' 1 Columbia' (M. .1. Jacobs, manager).— (,'eorge KTlmt and'Alma Heani appear in "On the .Bridie, at. Midnight," this week. "Kid- i.spped in New York" drew good audiences nil isst'week. "The Black Mask" next week. : Bi.anuy'n- (J. H. lluckcn, manager).—"A Hace for Life" furnishes varied excitement the present-week. ..••.More to be Pitied than scorned" was well .Iked by large.audiences 2146.-' "The Vacanc Chair' next week. ■ Waldmanx's (W. S. Clark, manager).— The Brigadiers this 1 week. Edmund Hayes, lbur VclsonB, Three Kuhns, Strouec and Yoitnd and Jack Hymonds are features. Last Week' (be Utopians found favor with large audiences. • • PBOOton's.—This .week, the Champagne OnnceTfi. from "The Silver Slipper:" Mylca MH'aXhy and Alda Wolcott. in "The Race Tattle nream:" Healy and Mealy, Kred 7m- ,-bfdtj , [ tBe ''" our ott "- Viola LHival and Bruce npd-Ualgneah: Large audiences last week. Note. —Leonard Gray, a former theatr'cal manager of < thla city, died Nov. 24, front Irrlgat's disease. Kor a number of years he managed-principal meafrps and attractions nf ttm city, including the Grand Opera House and Park Theatre. He was sixty-three years of «ge and leaves a' son. | - i .M#r>«T'City. — "Eight Bells," at the AmJcrrfy, was Just as enjoyable as of yore. ■••'Tricked Around the World." at the BIJou. jirufnd u mclodramn calculated to entertain ibV tniiHt exacting, and the Dainty l>ucbess, with..the -Kugstrom Sisters and a host of cleycr entertainers, at the Bon Ton, pleased imtueaiioly. . 'Acauemv (Frank E. Henderson, manager). —For week of Xov. 28, William Bramwell. Iff "Capta|n Barrlngton." "Two Little Bailor llby*" next week. llliJOU (Joliu W. Holmes, proprietor).—The Bays. In "Down the Pike," i'S and week. "His last Dollar" next week. Bo,* Ton (T. W. Dlnklns, manager).—The New- York StHrs JS and week. Cherry Blos- soms follow.. . -. . a Trenton.—At the Taylor Opera House i Montgomery Moses, manager) "Qulncy AjJaros Sawyer." Xov. 10, bad big business. The Oitbway Indians, 22, did fairly well, Fields' . Stock Co.. SB 24, had good business.- "Plff: Patf!! Pouf!!!," Selma.—At the Academy of Music (Long A Itees. managers) Warde and Kidder, in "Salammbo." Xov. 17. played to a full house. "At Cripple Creek." 1U. pleased. "The Burgomaster, S3, played lo a good house. "Her Lord and Master" 24, "Uolly Varden" C. B. Hnnford a Sun Bros.' Circus U due a. .... «■>» . , . MINNESOTA. s Isyed "to big business. Coming: Vogel's llnslrels 'JC. Win. Faversbam 29, "The clglb" Dec. 2, Cecilia Loftus 3. "Parsifal" 1). Statu Stobkt Thkatrr (Frank B. Shelters, manager).—"Sherlock Holmes." Xov. 21-23, had, fair business. "The Little Church Around the Corner." 24. played to standing room.. "The Minister's Daughters" 20, "fast-Life |n New York" 28-30. "A Mid- night . Marriage" Dec. 1-3. "David liarum" 0-F. ;'A Wife's Secret" 8-10. jiStEST .iEdward Renton, manager).—lm- tutSSc business last week. Bill Xov. 28 and week: JlcCrea and Poole. James 11. Cullen Oordon, -Vidocq and Cohen, Kennedy and Uooney,. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins I'lsher, Burke and Dempsey, "The Sunny South" and the bjojrapb. .--^.j .• - - ■ i llobokeii— At the Lyric (II. P. Soulier, manager) "Down by the Sea" Xov. 27-30, George-P.. Hall, lu "A Bagged Hero." Dec. 1-3>.. r 'Why. Girls Leave Home" 4-7. "The Unwritten-. Law" 8-10. Business continues sai ^factory. /fmumrlA. M. Bruggeniann. proprietor). —Another fine offering 28 and week, com- prising Pan.Sherman. Mabel De Forrest and Co.. Victor Moore and Emma Llttlefleld, Del torellrr trod Oll'ssando, Crawford and Man- nlpg.Mlguon Gilbert and Nellie Burt. Ray t'ox.'Callando and l'rof. Bristol's ponies and horses.' Ellanbetb.—At the Lyceum (L'lroy & Dta|)e, -. managerb) "The Flaming Arrow" came iXov. 21-23 to etcellent returu8. "The Stglnof.-Gullt" followed 24. to big business. Tq cotpei: ''A Game of Hearts" 28-30, "Es- caped, from Sing Sin?" Dee. 1-3. "A Fleht tor.Ijove". (Boberl Flttslmmons) 3-7. "Be- cuusu-Bhe Loved" S-10. Sf)l«flI>liS.—:"Brown'K In Town" 21. "Circus Day" 22. "From Rags to Riches" 24. "Uuclc Jnsliv:8priieeby" 20, "Across the Rockies" U& "KaW" Dec. B. If-."! t ' ■Aflah'llc City.—At Ocean Pier Theatre (W.Tfl Shackelford, -manager) good patron- age favored the Uenuett-Moulton Co. week of Nor.-20.. Coming: "A Funny Side of Life" !M>, "A. Koxy Boy" Dee.'1. 2, "AcrosH lbf» Itorklt*" :t. This house will then be closed Bad'Will be .turned over to the bands of the workmen, who will be in possession until ubpuf'the first of the new year. It will be complftely remodeled and put in first class condition 'Inside and out. Xo expense will bc'jmai'ad to-make it one of the llnest theo- trff^u 4 1he State. With the closing of the Ocean-'1'lcr Theatre Atlantic City will be wltlioiit-Ja',Winter playhouse, as ihe new Su- voy.-iTbeotre Is not yet completed and will not' be' in a finished condition until about the'Christmas holidays. By the beginning of thl)'new j-ear thU city will have two elegant theatres' dud with them u strong line of theatrical attractions for some time to ronie. Camden,—At the C'auideu Theatre (M. W. Taylor.-manager) "A Ragged Hero" and "A Lost Boy." With funny Edward Blondell and a pSvy of pretty chorus girls, got uood money ''urifli the week of Xov. 21. Week of 28. i"ho$ Shea. In repertory: "At Plney Ridge" Dec". 3-7, "Why Girls Leave Homo" 8-10. »«» • V. . : ALABAMA. MoiitfEomcry.—At the Montgomery The- ulM Ullrscber Bros., managers) "A Royal Slave." Nor. 10. pleased. "At Cripple Creek" '-•': Herrmano. 23. gave a creditable per- fOraiace.' "The Burgomaster" 24, Helen Grautly 20, "Dolly Vnrden" 28, Chaa Haw- tiny 31'- Awftl- ICK A. Xeul. manager^.—"Why lie HU-ntctd Her." 21, 22, bad good bnaluess. CokalBg. "Two Little Walfa" 24-2(1. Obntby'b IVm ant) Pont Show exhibited bete in to fair business. St. Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. X. Scott, manager) "Tbe-Bllllon- alrc" did well .Nov. 2U-2:l. 'The Eternal Cltv," 24-20. came to very heavy business. Ezra Kendall, In "Wcatherbeaten Benson." comes 27-30. and be should draw well: Walker Whiteside l>cc. 1-3. Eva Tanguay 4-7, and nil star cast. In "The Two Orphans." 8<1U. Manager Scott was In Chicago last week. - Grand (Theodore L. Hays, manager).— Kellar did capac'ty business week of 20. Week of 27, "Wedded, But No Wife." "The Curse of Drink" next. Star i J. C. Van Roo, manager):—The High Rollers Extravaganza Co. came In for liberal patronage week of 20. For week of 27,: the Cracker Jacks. The Rentz-Santley Co. nest. Empibr (A. Welnholzer, manager).—Busi- ness wan good week of 21. Week of 28. the usual hill will be given. Holding over : Helen Stewart, Ineatallc Nltram, Kittle Ransom, Otto Flechtl's Tyrolean Quartet, Lou Smith and Itockway and Conway. Xotk.— John Duke Murray, in advance of 'The Two Orphans" all star cast, and Xeal Daniels, in advance of Ezra Kendall, spent Thanksgiving in this city. a MlnnenpolU. — At the Metioisilltau opera House (L. X. Scull, manager) Walker Whiteside Nov. 27-30, F.zra Kendall Doc. 1- 3i "The Two Orphans" 4-7, and Tan- guay 8-10. "The Eternal City" was well re- ceived Nov. 20-23, as was "The Billionaire" 24-20. Buor Oi-era IIouhk (Theodore L. Hays, manager).—Kellar Is here 27 and week. "Wedded. But Xo Wife." follows. "By Right of Sword" drew fair houses 20 and week. I.ycei.m (Dick FerrlB. manager).—"Shall We Forgive Her 7" Is on 27 and week. "Fight- ing Bob" next. "The Henrietta" drew the usual big houses 20.26. .Orphel'm (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—For 27 and week: Dorothy Russell. Tluckey and Nelson. Burton and Brooks, the Three Dumonds, Robert Mone, Lem Welcher and the Melrose Troupe. The same big houses ruled 20-26. Dkwet (M. II. Singer, manager).—The Kentz-8antley Co. 27 and week, and the Fay Foster Co. next week. The Cracker Jacks drew well 20-20. i i i Dnloth—At the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, manager) Walker Whiteside, .In "David Gar- rlck's I/jve," Nov. 23, 24, came to good busi- ness. "The Real Widow Brown," 19, bad fair business. Coming: "York State Folks" Dec. 9, 10, "Cousin Kate" 12. Metropolitan Opera House (J. T. Con- don, manager).—"Joshua Slmpkius," 21-23. and "Wedded, But Xo Wlfe, ,r C4-2C, fared well. Parlor Thbatre (W. J. Wells, manager). —Business, 21-20. wan excellent, and tbe show was one of the best of the season. People opening 2S: /.am and May Razlle, Clara .Marlon, Les Zunoz, Alice Howard, the Plrrise, John Blakesiey, Mlanlo Stewart, W. J. Wells and the stock. The new comedy Is called "An Innocent Sinner." 4 ■ » KENTUCKY. Louisville. — At Macaulev's (John . T. Macauley, manager I Dockstader's Minstrels came Xov. 22, 23, Attracting large audiences. Wilton Lackaye followed 24-20. presenting '•The Pit." to crowded houses. Jeanne Tow- ler. in "Iris," 28-30. Masonic (Chae. A. Shaw, manager).—"A Olrl from Dixie," w<Hc of 21, played to largo audiences. "The Sign of tbe Cross" 28 and week. Avenvk (Cbaa. A. Shaw, manager).—"Xo Wedding Bella for Her." week of 20, attracted big houses. "After Midnight" 27- and week. Buckingham (Whsllen Bros., managers). —The Parisian Widows gave a lively and at- tractive performance week of 20. For week of 27, the Imperials. Hopkivs' (Win. ilelcbman, resident man World of Piaven* i —- Mrs. PpMCott, mollier-ln-lnw of'J.'Alex- ander Brown, died In tbla city, Sunday mora- lBg. Xov. 12. ' ■ ' ••—Henrietta t'rosinan Is at present play- ing a four weeks' engagement at the Tremont Theatre, Boston, in "Sweet Kitly ltellalra." She la drawing rapacity houses. Maurice Campbell will produce a new piny for .Miss Crosman next season that bus as yet not beeu mimed. Th(- early part of the season will, however, probably be given over to a re- vival of "Mistress Xell" and "As You Like It.". Miss Crosman will finish her season In "Sweet Kilty Bnlialrs" next Spring and will continue her career under Mr.' Campbell's management as heretofore. : — R. E. v Patton writes: "Gus Hill's 'Happy Hooligan' Co. (Eastern) opened a week's en- gagement at the Xew Glrard, Philadelphia, Monday. Nov. 14, and broke nil records for an opening date there. The roster of the company is as follows: Geo. Melville, .las, B. Leonard. 'Dan Crimmlns, Jas. A. Collins, tlco.'W. Kerr, Karl Oath, Thomas Merrick, Chas. Ktutzman, Bert Cannon, Robt. Rlcb- nrds, Mamie Conway. Rosa Gore. Graco Pat- ton, Blanch King, Clarice Whitney, Lucie Hlilott, Bessie Jackson, Isabel Monroe, Delta Marlon, Anna Spelrs, Blanch Stella. Koto Beer. Lucllla Xormun, Van C. Millar, Warner Crosby; Inez Morlgucy, Daniel A. Kelly nnfJ II. K: Pstton." • — Emll Ankertnlllor, agent for the X. C. Goodwin Cb.<- writes: "George J,. Appleton, manager for the X. C Goodwin Co., broke oho of Ids legs at Columbus, O., early Thursday morning, Xov. 17, wbllc superintending the ulovlng of Mr. Goodwin's baggage cam, pre- paratory to tbe jump from Columbus to Buf- falo." '■ '—»"The Imperial Divorce." with William Humphrey starred In the role of Napoleon, Imglns Its tour very shortly under the man- agement of John M. Illckey. Charles H. Smith will be business manager of tbe com- pany, nnd J. Wesley Stevenson treasure-.'. Rehearsals are now under way. John (Irlf- llth. In "Mncbetb," under the management of Mr. Illckey, is coming pretty well to Ibe franc this season. Charles Dickson's' new plas-. called. "The Htrenuoslty of Teddy," will hare Its title abbreviated to "Tedilv." Mr.Hlckey. who Is to direct Mr. Dickson's tour, is providing an excellent company and route. '—Notes from Mnxatu & Sights Comedians: This company is In Its twenty-third week ntid doing a satisfactory business. -We- have a. company that "makes good," and opera house managers qay "come again." We have been enjoying rblckcn and duck bunt- ing slnco - we have been In North .Da- kota, .'and Manager Maxam Is quite a Mm-' tod. Upon our arrival at I'nderlln Mr. Maxam found a telegram awaiting him an- . r.ounclng the fact that "It is a girl, born last night; weight, eleven pounds: mother and child doing well." We are celebrating his good fortune nnd auxlously await Airs. Maxam's return to the company. ■—Charles Frobmun presented on Xov. 13, at the Criterion Theatre, London, Marie.Tem- pest, in "The Freedom of Suzanne," a light coniedv. In three acts, by Cosmo Gordon Len- nox. The play then received its first produc- tion, and It was pronounced bright, while Miss 'feminist won another personal triumph. — Llebler & Co. have completed arrange- ments with Charles Frohman whereby Kyrle Beiiew nt the end of bis present season In America will return to London and appear next September In one of Mr. Frohman'a thea- tres. In' "Raffles." Mr. Beilew's appearance In London will be under tbe management of Mr. Frohman, by special arrangement with bis present managers. .— Mrs. James K. Hackett (Mary Manner- lug) gave birth to a daughter on Nov. 16, at the New York home or the Iiacketts. .— P. P. Craft writes: "I have assumed the- management of Robert Downing, pre- senting a superb production of 'ingomsr.' Next .season Mr. Downing will produce a repertory, iucludlng 'Out of tbe Wilderness,' which is endorsed as the greatest biblical play' yet written. In 'Out of the Wilderness' Mr. Downing assumes tbe part of John the Baptist. Seventy-five people will be carried next season for this production, and the tour will open at Washington, D. C. ;— Messrs. Braunscbwelger and Settle were uger).—the lovers' nt good vaudeville packed fullers at this ofllee Nor. 18.. They Intend this house week of 20. For week of 27: Char- taking out "ihe Wise Coon" Co. K Brann- uilon. Willy Zimmerman, Trovollo. Laven- der and Tomsoo, Marcus and Gartellc, SI ska and King, nnd tho. Nograph. t Pmiacnh.—At tbe Kentucky (James E. English, manager) Adelaide Thurston, hi "Polly Primrose," was greeted by a big house Not. 21. Win. and Jos. Jefferson Jr., '.':). In "The Rivals." gave an excellent perform- ance. "Ghosts," Thanksgiving, had good liouees, and Harry Bcreaford, In "A New Man," 20, pleased. Coming: Al. -Field 28, "A Hot Old Time" ■ 20. Van Dyke-L'aton Stock Co. 30-Dec. 3, Viola Allen 5, "Miss Bob White" 0, "Papa's Boy" 7, "Babes lu Toylaud" l». I ■» ■ ' ' UTAH. Salt Lake city—At tbe Salt Lake The- atre (Geo. D. Pyper. manager) Maxlne El- liott, In "Her Own Way," did good business Nov. 17-10. Dorothy Morton, in, "Glittering Gloria," played to good business 22. "San Toy" drew (rood houses 23. 24. Guano (Jones & Humuer. managers).— "The IHHh of California" did good business 17-111. ' Ctaiina Tiikai he. —Week of 21 : Nichols Sisters, Walter Spencer, Empire Trio. Hurry Clinton Sawyer, (lose and Severns, the Gro- tesque ItundoipbB and moving pictures. Bon Ton, —Week of 21: Mue La Reno, Smith nnd Myers, Andy Klce, La Renos, lleoublc Sims, tbe Thrillers, Southern Quar- tette and Fisher and Daughter. . ' •■» KAXSAH. Wichita.—At the Crawford (E. L. Mart- ling, manager) "Uncle Josb Spruceby" pleased u large audience Nov. 23. "An Orphan's Prayer" packed tbe bouse 24. Toi.eb Auditomvu (II. G. Tolcr A Sou. proprietors).—Mart King, story teller, as- sisted by tbe Southern Trio, entertained a large audience 22. Fruuklia Jolly, lecturer, 2l». (Harry Lewis, uiuungeri. — Tbls house opened week of 21 with Brooks and Young, Marjorlc Lake, tbe Lees, and moving pictures. Good business was done. ' scbwelger will be business manager, and Jas. Settle, stage manager. —11. E. Slgoian Is In bis seventeenth week as,musical director with the Harris Purkiu- sop Co.. This is his second season witb the above attraction. He writes that business has been good ever since the opening of the company. ; — David ' Belasco has announced ■ that the new play In which Mrs. Leslie Carter will star this season under his management is entitled "Adrea." It Is a historical trag- edy and has as'Its leading character an emo- tional role said to be admirably Butted to Mrs. Carter. "Adrea" was written by David Be- lasco in collaboration with John Luther Long. Tbe company to support Mrs. Carter will In- clude Charles A. Stevenson, Tyrone Power; K. D. MncLean, Claude Gllllngwnter, II. R. Roberts, Edith Cran?, Maria Davis and Jrma Perry. ■ ' . —Dcroodo, Mayo, a daughter of the late Frank Mayo, was married Nov. 17, at the Church of the Holy Trinity. Philadelphia, to John Green, of New York City, ' :■„ it "?». -—Fred It. Gleun. stage manager - at tbe Academy of Music. Pottsvillc, Pa., was mar- ried to Cora Kenton, in that city, on Xov. 13. — The Kl More Sisters write -they have met with emphatic success In tbelK'flrraml opera 'travesty, 'wii'rb they Introduce us a specialty with "A Devil's Lone" (Eastern) to. Their travesty Includes several recita- tions, nu iirla, a duel and flower songs. — Matbliue Willing has digued with tbe "Amos Skeefr" Co. — Notes from tbe L*wis k Elder Comedy • Co.: We niv touring Southern Indiana, mak- ing week, stands, ind business is big. We. ■ uri-j- u beautiful self-propelling steam calli- ope as an advertising attraction. Cbarlottx, ilie ffrc dancer. Is meeting with success, as l». also Mens. Elder, tbe cornet soloist. Prof. Adams, plcnist, surprises them with bis sing- ing. Eddie Bushnett Is s favorite. V. :.\. Klder, our comedian, makes them laugb. Prof. Lewi*' moving pictures are well re- ceived. We change for one week, and will stay lu Indiana and Illinois oil Winter, 7—Grace Chtldcrs writes that she Is in«et-- lug. with Mirvess In the South with Gor- don It Dennett's "A Royal Slave," playing the Koubrette role and Introducing bcr kid' singing and buck dauclug specialty, 167 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. We offer this week a 'special line of very handsome blue— black; and oxford Kerjeys and Meltons for Overcoats. Some striking woisted cheviots, too, in overplaid—herringbone and basket—narrow, medium and wide wales (blues and blacks only)—these for suitings. We'll make suits or overcoats tq order at $20- They are $40 and $r>0 values. • ■ Send for samples, fashion cards and measuring outfit. ARNHEIM, i. i ■ Broadway and 8th St., New York. .—.Minnie Howard produced her new play, "How Women Itulti Men," for the first time at'Flshklll-'un-Hudsiin. X. Y., and It will be sent out as u production after tho holidays. — Notes or tho Mack Hwnln Theatre Co.: The company has been playing to Al busi- ness all season. Fur the next four weeks return.dates will be played. Boater: 'i'heo f.orcii, Martin Frmklln, Cecil Pay. Mack Swam, Corn King Swain. Julia Hell William Hutchison, Hurry Fabrney and Martin Frank- lin. A. II. McAdnin Is musical director, with Chas. IlartsoUKb In ndvnuce. -.*— K J. and Lydln Kane Joined tho 1)11- PXT-Cornoll Co. Oct. 21. at Parkersburg, W. Vs., I.yd In' Knnc rcplacelng Martbu Drake In the leads. —-'Marie Weeks uud Lylllan Lotghton write that they arc touring the Northwest with their own company and nre meeting with ' marked success. Miss I«lghtou ex- pects to be ready to open with her uew play, v/ulrh bus'been written especially for her, irf February. They will carry all'now scen- ery, two horses uud the two bloodhounds. Max mid' Jack, wilt hlso hu used in their new tfroductlon. — Ivy Williams. Hie daughter of Odell Williams. Is still with Bert Whitney's "isle of Spies" Co. .— Notes from the CbaseLlstcr "A Hun- awdy Match" Co.: At St. Joseph, Mo., tho company was cntertulued by Mrs. Frances KrurYt, niotlwr of Edwin Krnffl. a member of bill' couipnuy, with u 0 o'clock dinner at their home. The company met at tbe the- atre and went iu a body to Mrs. Krafft's bime, where they had luncheon, music and refreshments. After dinner tho men en- joyed a smoke with Mr. Krafft, and every- body present wished blm good luck. Tboso present were: Ulanrho Ulgden, Bessie Rob- bins,' Criue Burdctte, Adeltna Rockburn (Marie ICi.ifft Kenoon). Ella and irma Krafft, Frances Kcnuon.' Mrs. Frances Krafft, Glenn F. Cbnse, Ray A. Brown, Clint Hob- hlns and Edwin Crafft.. — Kdward Hi ration writes from Hoiyoke, Mass.: " 'Shadows on the Item Hi,' from (he pen .if Lonls Kagan, and under the manage- ment of Arthur Alston, wss given Its Initial performance at tbe opera house this evening before au r.iiilleiicc that packed the house to its fullest capacity. Tho plnv and plsyors Were enthusiastically received,' — Clma.'rt. Schsil writes: "Tuo Xallonsl Stock Co., supporting I'nul Brady, will con- clude their Canadian tour in two weeks, then play New York Statu for tbe remainder of this season; Our repertory of plays includes: ' Track,' 'Monte Cristo.' 'Struck 'The Inside XUV imiUC lltlin, .1UU1U '-IIDIV, "u uv. Gay,' 'World Against Her,'. 'Blow for Blow, 1 "Two Orphans/ 'For'Love's Sake,' 'East Lynne.' 'The Gamblers,' 'The Wife,' 'Jesss Janes and a new melodrama, entitled 'The Dure Devil of Japan,' written by J. A. Grit- tin, who bus been engaged for leading heavies for the remainder of this season. Roster: Paul Brady, Chas. Belied, A. L. E. Rhine, Geo. X. Van, A. Denning. W. II, McDougal, Cgrrluau La Vaunt, Fraukle Partridge. Minnie Gordon, Chas. Whltehuuse, Leo Brown, 3. A. GrlBlrt, Barn' Miller, Gerald Cameron and the feature, Brown and Doyle." — Hurry II. Vlckers writes: "Tbe busloeu of tlie Fenberg Btoek Co. stilt remains most excellent, and so strongly arc managers Im- pressed with the excellency of the organiza- tions that the attractions will do eight weeks of. repeats this season In -the big cities of Xew England. Notwithstanding the, strength of thltr company, Manager Feu berg bus se- cured the sen-Ices of Clifford Storch for lead- ing business, and Morris Burr for characters. While the attraction played Taunton the past week the members of the organization visited the grave of l'vu Gruy (n much respected member of the company lust season) and ex- pressed u token of sorrow for one we kuew for' her goodness of heart, Tim grave was strewn witli floral pieces, one u magnificent design from Manager Fenberg and Mnrlc Mc- Neil."- --Edwin' Holland has left Robert Hllllard. — It K. Ht.'vcni: Joliiud It. B. Muntell, as manager, Xov. '8. Max ZocIukt being III, but expects to rejoin Mr. Mantel) on Dec. & ' — flbra Kuolt left the "Dealers lu While Wontou". Co. • .Nov. 10. — Marie Fulls leaves the "Mrs Mac, the Mayor." Co. Dec. 8, ufld will, be replaced by Neva. Harrison, . , - — • I'm! Itnwmati reports mj'Ctlnic with suc- cess lis I hippy Hool'gati, with "Peck's Had Boy" (Western), cu ivula for. the Paclli'j eohst. — Sidney Angeles. i:ugei,i- Purklss and I'red-t.'amjihi.'ll o)M.'n wlili "In Ibe Shadow of u Night" Co.. commencing next week under the. auuiiigeincut of. Hurry Homers. ; —will i-'. Gardner closed his.second sea- son with ltlugllng Bros.' Car Xo. 1. and Is tiuw visiting with his people at West L'ulou, In. Ills fullier, J. W. GuTdner, died Sept. ill. at bis home lu West Union, lu, Mr, Gardner has signed-with Henry U. Muck's "Out of tin- Fold" Co., us agent. --Potten & Perry Notes: Wa arc doing n splendid business everywhere we pluy. Our new -llthos are beautiful, aud our baud and orchestra Is u big feature. — Ulllle Lackaye, who bus been' playing Ihe principal comedy lu-tbn "Mr. Plaster, of Purls," Co.. I'nder the direction of K. Willis, met with a serious ^accident Oct. 21. While hunting nt Okotoks Alts. Can,, be sustained u dislocated unkle and a broken leg. He has been .confined to his bed since then and will Is- unable to walk for several weeks. Us would be pleased to bear from friends. — Julia'L'. Spies has been granted an In- terlocutory degree or divorce from John J. !4rrit«!. In San Francisco. — Notes and roster of "A Romanes of Coon Hollow" Co.: Wo have: Just finished four weeks on the Ores! Northern Railroad. from Seattle to st, I'aul, and tbe business, To Get to Philadelphia Quickly USE THE READING ROUTE NEW JERSEY CINTRAL , A Train Every Hour On the Hour Direct to Reading I f&.&i, Terminal. P.rlM C«k NEW VOMC STATIONS, Ft. Um A . N. R. sss S«k Fw>. NEW YORK, Is more talked about on the stage than any other store In the World. That is because it is the most popular. W« Allow A SFBCIaL DIBCOOHT OP 10 PBB 08HT. 01 Ihelr Kehuw 11 titlr nimet in h w Utrillon looks.' NO CONNECTION WITH ANT OTF1ER STORK iw. ks snat aarrinoo; ^ smsi Xs»»l ■ U "" ,BU ' • —ta> '«rn«rt > i.a>Jf V «Wa* ITstntfu NBW YORK. MAISON BERNARD MODES. Stage and Street Half. Exelnilve Designs. . , Seven West Thirty-first St., mw YORK. u Par Cant. Off to the Profeisloo. WaVTED, Al Sketch Testa, man and Wife. Change for week. Irish and UufcD; Novelty Aot. Ho boozers, Tloketi if not too fsr. lieoatds to friendt. Wellington duos., Ilriniaeld, III., euro of Wellington fun Makers. AT 1.IBBHTV. A U00l> MONO HOOK KELLER, and willing lu sunlit on props, and canalile of pitying small parts. Knr this season or next tcusou. flUAKLKH J. JollNwiN, II Orient Ave., Jersey OKr. N. t. FULL »IZE (islates Illusion, lieu; Life olzn Bunt (ialstts, |7i; Hecretaand I'luos, $i: Fspler MaoheBtatae, |li; Hint, »7; Flying Ludy Quint, |i'>t;Wax ITgures, Ulsck Art, VentrHoQiiHt I'lg- ii res, etc, Ijsts for * i am p, W. Bhsw, Victoria, Mo. U'ANTED—Mlnttrol Foople, Hnilcsi Team, Cornet, Trio.,' Hsrltone, tais and Tonor Sing- ers; slso comedian; those donlillegllrsss given preference. Btsto all ilrm letter; imsll,' sure ssiarlus: unst have dreis oust; all street persdn stuff freei oanalwsjs place inaelclau* ihstsrc good singers; dou't ask for ticket*; qooc-lo suy- ody: Bicker, wont last; have all I waut. I.. M. 110VER.ygr. Chi Bros. Mln*trel», Oxford, N.C. ronnlderlng the *hv nt the tuwos, wus won- derful. We ascrlhu It to the fact Ibat com- panies playing the larger cltleu have never gone over tbe road. In .fifteen towns-out of the last eighteen we nruke the house record. Hester: A. C, - Allen, manager; Chas. 8. Cnllahau. aUvitnce: Kutn'Gaines. carpenter: (1. W. Hnuwdsn. property man; 'leu. V. fliiliieN, I.ouIh Hklimi'i', Junies Hur- ley, KraukUu Hiiiilshur.v, Arthur Vomer, Akin Gurdnei,' Kstelle Kerry, Loin liavls and tlia i.'uioliuu tjuiiilct. :