The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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December 3; THE N1W YORK €!LIPPER. 955 and Is beaded by Eugene Cowlea, the basso finger, formerly of the Bostonlsns. Otfiers :ire: Charles Dickson und company, Zcnyard'a Midgets. Wormwood's dogs and monkeys, SlnlHi and Fuller, Lotta GUdrtone.. Mills und Hassan, Josephine Oaisman and her pkikanlnnles and the klnetograph. Mar? ganders, formerly of tbe Castle Square Stock company, made her appearance here last week, In a sketch called "Cinders." and the house was packed with her friends at every performance. Howard Atuenecm (Carl D. Lotbrop, business mannger).—Opentng Monday after- noon, Nov. 28: The Onsch Bister*, the Knt- tomley Troupe, Steeley, Doty and Coe, Green? nild Werner, the La YlneClruaron Trio, Harry Brown, Dixon and Holmes, Al. Ander- son and Billy Hrlggs, Marshall and Lorraine, Kmlly Benner, Jones and Walton, Joe Ed- radnds. Wilson nnd Davis, Qultalan nnd How- ard, the klnetograph and tbe house bur- lesque company, in "A Royal Fln«h." Thanksgiving week was a box office record breaker wltn Bedlnl and Arthur, St. Felix Slaters, Vera King, Maddox and Prouty and Morrlsey and RleE as the vaudeville leaders. Palace Theatre (Chas. Ii. Waldron, man- ager).—Clark's Runaway Ulrls, who were seen at another house earlier in tbe season, return for a week's stay at the Palace, Mon- day afternoon. Nov. 2S. The burlesques arc new and up to date, and the olio Includes: The Lii Vails, Murphy, Mart-he und Bllev, the "Horse Shoe Trio, Reynolds and Gulil, Davis and Rosalie, the Burg Sisters and the Minola Ballet. Big holiday crowds were In attendance last week, the Cherry Blossom Burlesquors being the attraction. Lyckum Tukatm: ((>. II. Batchcllcr, man- user).—Tho Thoroughbreds sre paying their unnuul visit this week. "Looking for a Duke" and "The Thoroughbreds on a Lark" are the suappy burlesques. The vaudeville part of the show consists of: Washburn and 1'lynn, Four Thoroughbreds, Coyne. Ardell, Lawrence and Edwards; Mile. Ln Totka, Tim Healy and Clausen Bisters. Willie Weston, the Dancing Mitchells and Franklin and Hopkins. Last week large crowds saw J. Herbert Mack's World Beaters. ... Austin & Stone's Museum (Stone & Shan-, managers).—The Hovarth midgets arc feat- ured m the curio hall the present week. They arc four tiny people nnd should prove a strong attraction. Other c.trds arc: Tlll'a marion- ettes, Trlxlc. snake queen: Sweet Marie, the fat girl, and Punch und Judy. Stage sbotv : Helen Parr, "Jack" Stewart, Hogun and Ho- fan, Vera Hart. Paniy Trio, Parsons Slsti>rs, lartln and Rldgeway. Humes aud I.cwIk, Pbllbrook and Reynolds, and the Bradys. Bnslness Is ahead of all records of previous seasons. Nickelodeon (L. B. Walker, manager).— Carlo hall leaders: Will Carfington'u Geor- gia Minstrels, Anger Bros., trapeze act. aud others. On tbe stage are: "The Black Statue," a comedy sketch : George West. Rar Ellis, George Lovaine, Annie La Jolc, May Hall and Irene Campbell. Patronage was good last week. Walker's Star ''tmBW—This rc- Bort, which was formerly Walker's Museum, opens Monday afternoon, Nov. 28. There will be no curio hall attractions, a continu- ous vaudeville bill being given at the admis- sion price of five cents. The Initial bill In- cludes: Donna Dean, the Durants, Billy Na- smyth, Alice Jordan, Adams and Healy and the Hartford Sisters. Noras.—Similar concert bills Nov. 26.— Globe Theatre: Simon-Gardner Co., Buseh- De Vere Trio, Dixon and Holmes, Brooks Bros, and company, Mudgc and Morton, Ar- delle-Bayard and company, Golden Gate Quintette, Harper and Stout, tlank Whit- comb and the Globoscope. .lfusfc Hall: Ken- nedy aud Booney, Smith and Campbell, llloom and Cooper, Hclenc Glrard, Anion Hccucr, Wei eh-Montrose Troupe. Ritchie Duo nnd the klnetograph. Uoston Theatre; Goldea Gate Quintette, Mac. .Flower. Gard- ner, West and Sunshine. Butler and Murpliv. Hatch'Bros., Jennie Dc Hann, Hovt and Burke. Cole and;Warner, Happy Jack Lylo und the blogranb. Columbia: Duffin-Redcay Troupe, Teddy Simonds and Company, Gulden c.atc Quintette, Hoyt and Burke, Cole aud Warner, Mclntyre and Primrose, Mine. Flower, Gertrude Reynolds and the klucto- graph. Botrdoln Square: Bedlnl and Arthur, tho St. Felix Sisters, Maddox and Proutv, Charlotte Stammers, Morrlsey and Rich, Vera King. C. E. Johnson, Ilogun Bros.. John Walsh, the La Moines. Hugh BIcVcv, Martin nnd Rldgeway and Say-mans nnd way The Theatrical Mechanics' Rcneflt will be held at the Bostou Theatre Sunday evening, Jan. 8 Tho AVomon's Charity Club hos- pital benefit will be held on the afternoon of Dec. 10, at the Trcmont Theatre The Symphony Orchestra's pension fund concert takes place at Symphony Hall Sunday even- ing, Nov. 27. » Springfield.—At the Court Square The- atre (D. 0. Gllmorc, manager) "Hiawatha." Nov. 21, presented by Indians, for the benefit of tho Springfield branch of Massachusetts Indian Association, drew two packed houses. Savage's English Grand Opera Co. gave "Par- sifal, 22, to a lurgc audience. Jumcs K. Uackett was seen In his new play, "Tho fortunes of the King," 23. Mr. uackett has n role well suited to him, and praise was given him and his production by our people. ■Tiff! Paffl! Pout!!!" 24. bad sow! busi- ness. V. W. Mace played Eddie Foy's role, and did .well. Alice Fischer and Vlnulc Daly both met with approval. "Shadows on the Hearth." 20, 26, a new play, drew fair houses. Gertrude O'Mnlly, Adeline Mann and James M. Brophy arc the best In the company. Local production of "Louis XI" 20, Annie Russell 30, "The Yankee Consul" Dec. 1, "The Secret of Pollchlnclle" 2, "Our New Minister" 8, "The County Chairman" 0, 7, Dc Wolf Hopper 8, "The Isle of "Spice" 9. New GluionF. Thbatre (Sylvester P. Cal- lanan. manager).—"The Parish Priest," 21- 23, played to good returns. «Sadlc Da I ley was vivacious as Miss Corrlgan. .Frank M. Rain- gcr and Nana Carlcton found much favor. "Escaped from Sing Sing," 24-26, drew big business and was a stirring play. Fred Mou- tngue, Blanche Rowlaud and Elizabeth Sedley were among the most prominent In the com- pany. "Because She Loved" 28-30. "Too Toud to Beg" Dec. 1-3, "Tho Child Wife" 3- 7, "Dora Thorne" 8-10. Pom's (Chas. W. Fonda, resident inana- ?er).—The house has been filled at cvory per- ormunoe. Bill week Of 28: Louis Simons, Grace Gardner and Co., In "The New Coach- man;" Orpheus Com:dy Four, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jimmy Barry, Eckhoff nnd Gordon, Prof. Al- vcnlc's monkey, Allan Shaw and the electro- Graph. Nkmiok 17s. T. Damon, manager).—The Thoroughbreds, last week, had good sized houses. The olio was one of the best features of the show. The Bohemian BurleMpicrs week of 28. Sam Dererc's Own Company next week. Notes. —All of the theatres drew large houses on Thanksgiving. Louis Tay- lor, who has been acting as leader of one of tbe burlesque companies during tbe -ej sun, jojmjip inoisnm sit jo ssauih turned to this city '.Mr. and Mrs. George V. Mnthleson. wbo have been with, l-'orc- pangli & Bells Brothers' Circus the past Summer, bave sailed for Jamaica and South America, where they are to appear in a number of bicycle carnivals. They expect to tour the world before they return to this country Eddie Foy was unable to ac- company the "Plff! Yaffil Poufl!!" Co. on Its tour last week. F. W. Mace, his I'ndcrstudy, filled the-role of Peter Ponffin well The Springfield I.odge of-Eno kept open house on Thanksgiving and enter- tnlned munr vlsltlog Elks.. .Isabella M. Hall. «f the "Winsome Winnie" Co., was tendered a reception at the Wendelf Hotel, Plttsfield, last week, by a number of her local friends. i' Miss Halls mother, Mrs. Mary A. Llall. who Happened to-bo visiting in tbe ctty. was one of the -guests John Nary and Thomas Ilanity, of the International Stage Employes' Alliance, were In this vicinity lait week Negotiations between the Whiting Paper Company and D. O. Gllmorc and I'.T. Shea, for the ttle of the llolroke Opera, were closed it»t Tuesday. The house, It Is under- stood, will be given over to medium priced attractions of the best quality Flora Bowtey, a graduate of last year's class at smith College, Is a member of James K. Hficketfs Co Roger Connor, who has been visiting his parents In Cbleopee Falls, hit returned to tbe Casino, Bar Harbor, Me. ■ ■ ' > Lowell. —At the Lowell Opera House (l-'ny .Bros, ft lloafprd, managers) the Ben- nett-Monlton Co. drew excellent business last week. The company was good and the plays well staged. The featured specialty per- formers were Month and Hodd, very clever performers. Coming: "A Chinese Honey- moon" 28, Ryan Stock Co., In repertory, 20- Dec. 8. Academy of Music (tllchard F. Murpby, manager).—only one attraction latt week, "The Rack Mask," a play new to this city, was given by a very capable company of players. It was well staged and proved a niefodramii of much merit. The company ln full: 11. Emery Groenwcll. Chas. E. Gllson, J. Duke Saione, Edwin Nlner, Clarence Lyn- don. Jiit.. S. Cornell, C. E. Lyndon, Phyllis lii-lmu, Beatrice Tyson, Alice Wrcnn, Ernil Stuart, Lillian M. Volkinau. Coining: Robt. Fltzslinnions and JuUa Glfford, In " A Fight for Love," Nov. 28-30; "A Factory Girl" Dec. 1-3. Cahtu Tilkaiou (Al. llayucs, manager).— Business was very good last week. Current: Wlllsrd Newell and company, In "Ills Night Out;".Marie .Glrard, Tom Armstrong, Vern and O'Brlea, Marvelous Spauldlng, Smith and Smith. Con wo! I and Swan, and Prof. C. L. Edwards' educated horse, Bonner. . Boston (J. H. Tcbbetts, manager).—The usual big business and a good bill last week. The Boston bioscope Is still a pleasing feat- ure, and the- amateur burlesque of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was very funny, current: Castle aad Collins, Billy Chamberlain, May Morris, Mackey aud Clarke, tbe Dcmacos, and the Boston bioscope. Amateur ulght, "The Country Store." Pkoplk's (Harry A. Woodward, manager). —Capacity business .at all the evening i>er- foruiauces hist week, with good matinees. Harry Burns, Jim Daly and Harry Wood- wards moving pictures were tbe pleasing- features, and. the burlesque, "Who Died First?" was very humorous. BUI 28 and week:' Ben Johnson, Harry Rums, Burkbart. juggler; Kittle Hart, Mamie Lee. William Austin. George Kaln and Harry Woodward's moving pictures. Burlesque, "The City Hos- pital. Mkntioy. —All houses gave extra matinees 24, to S. II. O Shepard's moving pic- tures entertained well pleased audlenrcs at the Opera House 20. Tho same company gives concerts 27 The Boston Theatre Annex (J. H. Tcbbetts. manager) opens for. the season 28 Charles J. Gllpatrlek, the osslQed man (T. H. Flowers, manager), Is exhibiting to big crowds here. Tbe en- gagement will extend through current week. "The Jungle" (John T. Benson, man- ager), a very excellent collection of trained and wild birds, beasts nnd reptiles, opened in tbe Parker Block for an Indetlnte stay 24. There will also be a continuous stage show, with weekly changes. Carl Fritzs trained dogs for current week Carrie Hirschmau. pianist, will give a recital In Colonial Hall 20, Jean t\. Sherburne and Osmond Long assisting... .Lowell Lodge of Elks will hold Its memorial services at their lodge rooms Dec. 4, Rev. Bro. George I". Kenngott. ufuVlallog The first recital of the Lowell Orchestral Society will be given at the Opera House 27, afternoon. The stars will be the Schucker Trio. Lillian Blauvelt. • 'url Bnrlebcn. Rudolph Krassclt, Anita Rio, Jacq Benncrcntc and Prof. Merrill. Wk Day by Day.'/ 21-23, und "Tbo Parish V'rlest," 24-20, played to satisfactory Imtlue**. Booked: The American. Vltaarapb. Co„ with moving pictures. 2S-.UI; "Bccuuso Sko Loved" FuoTtiuitTH.—Tlio llolyoke Opera House wan purchased Nov. 23 by Dwlgbt 0, QlTmorO and P. F. Shea, the well known theatre own- ers nnd managers, o' Springlleld. Tho'price, paid to tlio former owner, Hx-Congressman, William Whiting, was The sew own- ers will run the Opera House at popular prices. Tho hou«c was erected by Mr. wnltltig about twenty-five .years ngo. It is one of the finest and best equipped In this part of the State: m,d posftenses oho of Utc- largest states of any theatre In New England outside of Bos- ion. ' The new owners take possession Jan. i, ioor.. I " Fall Hirer.—At the Ai-ndcmy of Music (Calm & Grant, managers) Mav Klske's Com- edy. Co.. week of Nor. 21. came to good busi- ness, with the exception of 2.1, when "A Chi- nese Honeymoon" was enjoyed by a fair audi- ence. $liepard'B moving picture* pleased large houiies 27, Including mitlnee. Dtie: "The. Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" 28-30, Fenherg Stock Co. Dec. 1-3, Tburber and Naslirr Stock Co. R-tO. Buou (Henry Myers, manager).—There Is every evidence tbat the new policy with which this theatre Inaugurated last week will be a success. "Whoou.Dco-Doo." with the Mutlcal Rennets. Kitty Rlng'iAin, Fred Zohedie. Grace- lyn Whltelmimc, Kcno, Walsh and Melrose, and Lcclalr and Huwim. was enjoyed by well tilled hoilHes, and trace great snllsfaetion week of Nov: 21. . "Tho Jsiwkys" Is tho bur- lesque this week, with a strong olio, Including .Itilmtioii, Ouvcnuort nnd Lon-lla, the Majestic MUslcul Four,'the Tlirce Polos, Llbble Hlon- dcll und Bennett and Rich. Casto. (Al. llaynes, manager). — Good houses were the rule hero last week, with an Interesting bill, headed by Robert Henry Hodtce and company. Booked 28 and week: Frederic Bond and company. Edward Gray, Maurice Hart, Wood and Ray, Jeannette Brooks, Mr, and Mrs. Calhoun, Camlllo nnd Fona, and Mudge and Morton. Siieedy's (M. F. O'Brien, manager).— Business last week was big, and the bill offered greatly pleased. Week of 28 : Helen Austin, Mort Franklin. Adams <md White, the Pryors, Frcdu Lancaster aud tho vita- graph. * Worcester.—At the Worrestcr Theatre (JstueB F. Rock, resident manager) W. II. Thompson comes. In "The Secret of Pollchl- nolle, Dec. 1: Raymond Hitchcock. In "Tho \ankec Consul," 3. "Parsifal" drew TCry well Nov. 21. us did "Plff! PnlT 11 Pouf II ! r ' 23. "A Chinese Honeymoon" did good busi- ness Thanksgiving Day. Mine. Schumanii- 1 Ieluk, in "Love's Lottery." played to a rather : nmil. but very enthusiastic house, 2.1. Rich- ard Carle played In fairly good business 20, In "Tbe Tenderfoot." Franklin Squaue TiikatM (P. K Shea & Co., managers).—Week of 28, tho Russell Brothers, In "Tho Female Detectives." Last wvfk "Capt. Barrlngtou" played to very good business. Next week, "Me, Him and 1." Park Tiikathf. (Shea A Wilton, mana- gers).—Week of 28; Glrard and Gardner, In "Doolcy und I he Diamond;" Artie Hall, tho Epps. Dclplilno and Delmore, Win. II. Fascoc, and Helen Wilcox, ln "Love and War;" tho Four Webbs and the klnetograph. Business excellent. Palacb Theatre (Chas. F. Hoffman, man- ager) .—Week of 28: Reynolds & Allston's Lady Minstrels were successful and are re- tained for week of 28. The bill includes: Geo. Bulilc, Cook and Cook, Santos and Hill, Anger and Ilauicy and Sawtclle and West. The house burlesque Is "A Rubin for an Eight Day Stove." Business to packed bouses. Note. —Tho popular Alfred Wayne,' play- ing at ihu Casino Theatre, tiled suddenly at St. Vincent's Hospital 26, from throat trouble. Ills decease was unexpected and bus caused a feeling of deep sadness among tho profession at the playhouses here. meatus.thai have taken years tu accutnuldto and cnuaot be repHced. « i> OHIO. Lynn—At the Gem Theatre (Charles W., manager) business last week was big. This week: The Baylors, William Juni- per and Ella Hayes, Mlko Scott, Adeline and "Rubber," Dan Lacy and John Earl and tho bioscope. Cole's (Georgo A. Cole, manager).—All performances were witnessed by large bouses last week. Tbe current bill: F. Alan Coo- gan, lienry aud Sadie Daly, Hall and Pray, the Murquauds, Elizabeth Miller and the blo- granb. The closing sketch Is "Take It Back." Nickelodeon (Victor Bros. & Vatcber, man- agers).—This Is the latest addition to Lynn's list of-playhouses. Harry Harrison is stage manager nnd Arthur Bodett musical director. The Eonse opened Nov. 21, with minstrels. Tbls week: Daisy Weber's Dainty Soubrettca and the Dexters, In transmission Of thought; Daisy Allen, ln coon songs, and Emma Bur- ton, in buck and wing dancing. Salem Theatre, Salem (Geo. H. Chcetbam, manager). — The plays presented by the Myrklc-Itarder Co. last week, were witnessed by lurgc audiences. This week the Bennett & Motuton Co. appear every afternoon und evening. Mechanic Hall, Salem (F. L. Munsey, manager).—-Vaudeville continues to draw- large houses to great satisfaction. Rose Stabl Is tho headllner this week, and others arc: Harper, Desmond and Bailey. Mile Cannon- tella, Ada ArnoldBon, Gregory and Wood, Raymond and Caverly, the Btereoptlcon views nnd the blograph. Notes. —tjcorgc Dauphin, at Cole's last week, was successful <u his balancing act The Demonclla Trio left at the close of their engagement lost wc-;k for tbe West, to go on the Cry tit nl circuit..... .Al. Wayne aud Irene Lamar, playing In. Worcester, were, to bare appeared in tbe Gem, In Lynn, this week, but a dispatch was received by Manager Shrufe, Saturday, announcing tuc death of Mr. Wayne. He was a member of Lynn Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, having Joined when playing here two fears ago. No particulars of his death arc known here Harry Blake up. iteared In the city 23, with a store show, ex- hibiting pictures, statuary and the posing girl, to fair business. He closed 20 A new vaudeville house to be located In the Sagamore Hotel building, is the latest rumor here, aud several New York men aro said to be Interested l'ho annual memorlul ser- vices of Lynn Lodge; 117. B. P. O. Elks, will be held In Odd Fellows' Hall, evening of Dec. 4. Hon John Galviu, of Cincinnati, will de- liver tho eulogy. s Ifolyoke.—At the Opera House (It. L. Potter, uiunager) "Shadows On the Hearth," Nov. 21, 22, drew large audiences, It was under tbe direction of Kstha Williams, and re- ceived. 21, Its first production on any stage. The play is by Louts Eagan, and Is In live acts. The scene of <ts action Is laid In the village of Frcuchtown, N. J., tho cuius oc- curring lu the Spring and Autumn of 1801. Strong pcalsowas jjlten the work by the local Sress. and James Ml Brophy's acting wa* capl- il. The cast: Tom Eaton, James M. Brophy; George Berrlck, John J. Plerson: Rev. Arthur Irving, Ben S. Mean; Fred Vaughan, Tbos. H. Incc : "Corp'ral" Derrick, Maurice Hedges; Amos PWIocK,• Percy Plunkctr; Hungry Jas- per. Charles Avery; Ned'Berrlck, J. j Frank Gibbon*; Henry Derrick. Will Enicreoti; Jack Hollowny. Frank Maekln: Bill Bartlett. Wll- Ham J. Mnlson; Kate Berrlck, Gertrude O'Mul- lev: Nell Berrlck, Adeline Mann; Maria Iter- rick, Rita Harlan; Mrs. Pollock, Annie Mor- timer I Mrs. Eaton, Elizabeth Morgan;' Moll McManus. Louise Valentine. "The Fortune Teller," 21. played to big busiuesa. Booked: ITske Stock COs of 28. except 20, when •Tho Girl from hay's" will hold the boardl The Fays next week. •.--.. Emi-iiie (T. F, Murray, manager).—"Now" Lamreaee.—At the Opera House (Grant & Calm, managers) Frankle Carpenter Co., week of Nov. 21, big business. Shepard's moving pictures had good houses 27. Booked: Slay Flske Co. week of 28, except 20, when "A Chinese Honeyuoon" will be seen. "Tho Factory Gill" Dee. 3, local U, "The Girl from Kay's" 7. Colonial (Wcbor & Itush, managers).— Vaudeville Is taking very well, and the house lias been taxed to it;; capacity al every per- formance. Week of Nov. 28: Luwrenco aud Harrington, Scott Bros., Gi-ncey and Buructt, Carmen Sisters, Ritchie Duo, John Zltnmcr, Muddox and Prouty, and the klnetoscope. Casto (Al. llayucs, manager).—Business was big week of 21. Booked week of 28: Robert Horry Hodge Co., Adallne Francis, Victor Woodward, w. S. Harvey and Co., Fields and Hanson, Elliott and Ncff, Gorman and Mooney, and the olograph. Cam iso (W. L. Gallagher, manager).—Busi- ness was very good week of 21. Hooked week of 28: The Mm-rnys, Lillian May Hall, Conlln and Rowe. Bobby Fields, Melrose aud Elmer, and Frunkle Hiucivou, * North A tin in h. —At the Empire (James Sullivan, luuuuger) Paula Edwards, lu "Win- some Winnie," Nov. 21, did good business and pleased. Dot Karroll (,'omedy Co., 22- 20, gave'pleasing performances to satisfact- ory business. Due: "The Girl from Kay's" 28, Bennett & Moulton Co. 20-Dcc. 3, Do Wolf Hopper ». Richmond Tiikatiik (W. P. Meade, mana- ger).—Large audiences week of 21, and tho bill presented was uu exceptionally strong one. Bill week of 28: Seven Eugllsh Girls, Klngsloy andLcwls. Hurry B. Lester, Georgia O. llatoey, W. J. Curtlsi, the Gugnoux Duo and the vitagruph. Henrietta Crosman Dec. 7, *it DIST1UCT OF COLUMBIA. Wa hIi In in on—At tho National Theatre (IV, II. Itapk-y, manager) tbls week, James K. Uackett, ln "The Fortunes of the King." Lust week Nam Itcrnurd and Uuttlo Williams, in "The Girl from Kay's," did excellent business. William Favcrshum, ln "Letty," next. CoLUMDiA TmiATitH (Joseph B. Luckctt, manager).— TIiIh week, Grace Van. StUddl- ford. In "Rod Feather." Last week Margaret Angiiii did well, in "Tho Eternal Feminine." Crctitoro 27. "The Prince of Pllscn" next. Lai'avktte Opkiia llouat (Ira J. La Motte, ClnclniiBtl.—Indications point, to a rec- ord breaking attendance at tho annual con- costs of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra wlilch begin Dec. 23 at Music Hull. The advance sale of seats last week was tho biggest ln the history of tho association's or- BsnUntloli, eleven years ago. Rehearsals nnvo commenced for the opening concert, In which Mme. Ofldsky will be featured, i UBAXli Oi'itiA Uni.-sr. (John II. llnvlln k Harry ltalu forth, managers).—Wilton Lack- eye, ln "The Pit," comes Nov. 28. Viola Allen. In "Winter's Title," Inst week, mnile n pronounced hit with the«blg audience thut lllled the house at every performance. She was supported by a strong company. Sniu Bernard.Dec. 3. W.\txt'T STfteirr TiiK.vrni) (XL P. Antler- sob, manageri.—"A Girl from Dixie" la booked Nov. 27. Although Not M. Wills. In "A Hon of Host," has been seen here before his engagemeut Inst week was a great suc- cess. "Biuter Brown" Dec. 4. Coll-miiia TitcATRi: (M. C. Anderson, man- ngeri.—Robert llllltard will head the vaude- ville bill Nov. 27. Others on the list are: Ward ami t'nrrnu. Mantis nnd Mnxette. Camp- bell aud Johnson, Hooker nnd Davis. Albums and Millar, Irene Franklin and Ford and Wilson. Robinson's Oi'KR.v llonst; (Georgo 10. Fish, manager).—The Forebaugh Block Co. will present "Man's Enemy" Nov. 27. Cleveland.—At tho Opera House (A. V. Hartz, munagcr) "The Girl from Kay's" Nov 28 and week. Maude Adams, In "Tho Little Minister," had excellent huslness wunk of 21. Kyile Bellow, In "Rallies," next week. Colonial (Drew & Campbell, managers). —"Tim WottiiLii lluli.r" Is Hie offering by the Vaughan Glaser Stock this week. "Tosh if the D'Urbvrvllles" Jammed tho bouse nt every performance week of 21. Emi'iiik (Max Fuotkctiheucr, manager).— "My Wife's Husband" Is the offering by tho Farnum Htoek Oils week. "Tho Three Mus- keteers hud crowded houses week of 21. I.rc'KUM (J. K. t.'ookson, luuuuger). — "Duster Brown" this week. "Tho Ronnie Brier Hush" had good business week of 21, ■•The Heart of Maryland" ilext weuk. ii I J. K. Cookson. manager),— "For Ills Brother's Crime" this week. "BIc> Faddcn's Flats" hud big houses week of 21. "Tilly Olson" next. Kt: nil's (I,. M. El rick, manager).—1)111 28 and week: Chas. Hopper, Ton Icbl Troupu, Clius. Bi'udshaw- and compuny, Mclltnan Trio, Nqlsun-Farnum Trounc, Matlmws and Ashley, nnd Ut-tuuU uud Miller. Business continues good. Star (Drew & Campbell, managers),—Tho 'Transatlantics this week. Tho 1/ondon Holies had fair houses week of 21. Tho Kentucky Belles week of Dec. 5. manager).—This week, Joe Welch, In "Cohen's Luck. I^ist week Ross and Fenton, In "Twlrly Wlilrly." had crowded audiences. "Girls Will Be Girls" (return engagement) next week, Acadkmy ok Mrsic (J. W. Lyons, mana- ger).—This week, the Hanlona', in "Su> nti-bu." Lust week "Happy Hooligan" packed tile house at every performance. "The Flam- ing Arrow" next, CHASB'M Tiieatuk (Mm H. Wlnnlfred Do Witt, niunager).-rTbls wock: Tho [-"Odettes. Aerial Sbawa. Edmind Day and Co., Howard and-Bland, Paul Birnes, Coakley and Mt- Brldo, and Mr. and Mrs. Watrous. The Lo Bas/tuc Guartct head°d the usual flno bill and crowded houses ruled. Tbe Thanksgiving per- formances worn entirely sold ont a week ln advance. • ., • .•■.••••: LvctuM (Eugene Kcrnan, manager).—Tola week Rice and Barton's Big GakljCo.-Usf week, the Tiger Mil M made good to big bual» nisi. Vanity Fair next, , , .. ,. „, Note.— The Ions by. fire of.tbc gummier homo* Of George Deonam, Walter. Allan. Jamas T. Galloway nnd Morgan Shsrwood, all prominent pi-ofestslonnls, has been adjusted by tho.Insurance cuthnaii'f,: at nbont 14,000, but this Finn will he Inadequate ;o rtunpennati! (hem for tho lyas of the ninny valuable ine- H muck's (lemiA IhicsH (Houck, Stair A 1'enncssy. managers).—"Across Hie Pacltlc" will arrive Nov. 27. Last week "After Mid- night" seemed to please the good sited uudl- eneea, "Charity Nurse" Dec. 4. Lyceum- Tiikathk (Ilodck, Stair & Fen- ucaay, managers).—Charles A. Taylor's "Es- caped from the Harem" la the attraction Nov. 27. Nellie MeHcnry, In "M'llss," playsd to good business last week, "The Span of Life" Dec. 4. People's Tiieatbb (Hubert Hcucb, man- ager).—Berlbncr's Morning Glories will hold tho boards Nov. 27. The Imperial Bur- lcsquers drew well last week. Tiger Lilies Dec. 4. Gossip op TUB Lobby. —E. A. Well ar- rived last week to look after the lutercst of tho ''A Girl from Dixie" Co Florence Randolph, of Viola Allen's Company, was removed to the City Hospital from her hotel. She Is suffering with an attack of appendici- tis, but her condition Is not regarded as serlodR. As soon as her condition will per- mit she will bo taken to her homo ln New York David Baxter, tho Scotch basso, glvo a song recital at tho Auditorium last week Maud Powell, tho violinist, will be.tlio soloist for the opening concert of tho Orpheus Club in December.. ..Manager Wm. A. Brady was hero between trains... .Georgo R. Alexander, of Newport, Ky„ lias Joined tho Lufayette Co Members of tbo Lafayette Co., playing at the Walnut last week, nnd n host of local friends were feasted at tho Majestic Thanksgiving Night by Lafayette. s Colombo*.—At the Great Southern The- utre (0. M. Ilcffncr, manager) Blanche Walsh. In "Resurrection," drew good hou*oa Nov. 22, 2!l. Lew Dockstader's Minstrels played to 8. R. 0. 24. Coming: Week of 28, "Tbe Maid und tho Mummy;" Savage's Grand Opcrn Co. Dec. 0-7, "Tho American Prln- eeW 8. E«rtnu (II. A, Wclsmnn, mannger).—Tbo Empire Stock CO. madu a decided success, In "Lost. Twenty-four Hours," and drew good business. The Jungle Imps Minstrels, Nov. "!it drow to 8. R. O. Tbe staging aud cos- tumes were excellent Tho company was us- Hlxtrrt by tho following local talont: HII (Ulthet-agc, In his clever buck and wing dancing; Borch and Bern, In a German act; Jay Qulgley, Wilton Taylor, tho Eagle Quar- tet, James Naglo, aud Frank Camp, formerly tho lcadlug mnn with the Empire Stock Co., who won the house with his monologue. "Lieut. Dick, 1!. H. A.," will be presented week of 28, und "Moths" week or Dec. 4. Guano Opera Ilui'au (A. 0. Ovens, man- ager),— "The Fortune lluuters" and "Ml Cupllan" divided week of Nov. 21, to good liiiNlucss. Coming: "Tho Sign of the Four" 2X-!!0, "Under Soul hern Skies" Dec. 1-1I, tin; Great Lnfnvcltc 0-7, "An American Gen- tleman" 8-10. Ifiuu Stjou.t Tiieatiii: (A. G. Ovens, mali- nger).—"A Midnight Marriage" uud "Across Hie PnelUc" divided week of Nov. 21 to Mnndlng room only business. Coming: "Hbndows of a Great City" 28-110, "No Wed- ding Bells for Her" Dec. I■'■'>. "Queen of tho lllgliwoy" r>-7. "Her First False Step" 810. Nutks. —Bluuehe Walsh suffered a nervous collapse here Nov. 22 Willie playing In "Resurrection." Forepauirh-fiells Bros.' Circus returned hero to Its Winter (iiiurlers 24..... .Hurry Clay Hlaney, of "Across tho Pacific" Co., who Is un old Columbus boy, was rornlly entertained by old friends dur- ing, his Htny Stuart Muyue, Jiivcnllo man with the Empire Slock Co., Iihs re- signed and has been succeeded by Guy Combs. Canton.—At the Grand Opera House (M. C. Harbor, mnnngur) tbo Savage English Grand Opera CO, sang "Lohengrin," "II Tro- vntorv" and "Tonnnauftcr" Nov. 22, 23, to Immense audiences, at advanced prices. "A Child of the Blums," 24, had 8. It. 0., mati- nee and night. "A Double Deception," 23, bv ii mat en rs. Coming: "Dora Thorne" 28, •■The Awakening of Mr. Plop" 2(», Burns-San- tell wrest Hug match Dee. 1, Cnstleton Opera Co. a, "Near tho Throuo" 3, "Rachel Gold- stein"' (1. Gaiipkn Theatre (M. Manning, manager). —Bill for week of Nov. 28: The Cleodoras, Cbna Wll llnrt, tho Taylors, Mile. Zaanore, Maggie Myers and the stock co. Notes. —Geo. J. CUofOn, for several sea- sons speelnl agent for Ulngllng Bros.' Circus, Is nt Ills home hero nnd will be advertising agent for tho Grand Opera House during tbo thentrlcnl season... .Arthur H. Herhst, agent tor Conrny A- Mark, made a flying trip to bis homo Nov. «*, Joining IUh attraction at Fair- mont, W. Vn Chas. Dolus Is at hia homo here, having completed the season wltlr Gollmar Bros.' Circus. This waa tho fiftieth season of this work done by Mr. Bolus, It being probably tbo longest parlod covered consecutively by any circus man In Amirlcs. Mr. Bolus will retire from tho business per- manently. a Yiionitntuivn.—At tho Opera House i Peter Rico, manager) "Sluves of tho Mines" iilaved lo big business Nov. 10. "What Women Will Do" played to good returns 22, 2.1. "Flood Tide,* 25, drew well. "Young Tobo lloxlo" 2l», "Siberia" 28. Peoples' In- stitute Iifrtnra Coursn Dee. 1, "(Jiteen of thn White Slaves" 2,' ."Tlu< Power Bchlnilthei Throne" S. "llncbel Goldstein" D, Mildred Holland 10. Pauk Thkatrh (Cbns. L. Lllllnn, raanu- ifcrl.—Week of Nov, 21. Charles Orapcwltv lit "T'lio Awiikenlug of Mr. Flpp," (Irow bltf houses and pleased Immensely. Week of 28, tbo Great Lafayette. ■ Notes.— T. K. Albiuah, of Akrou, p., la In tbo city, nnd, with Manager Rico, Ib con- templating Improvements on the Opera House In tlic way of additional dressing rooms, etc. Mr. Albnugh has purchased Frank Burt's In- terest In the leaso of the Oner* Hou*e, and expresses himself as w«U pleased with his Interests here and proapeets for tho futuro. .T, C. Matthews, ahead of tbo Great J.nfnyctto Show, was here making prepara- tions for this attraction..... .J. Clyde Uigby. connected with tho Shuberts, of Now York, Is bero visiting Ills parents. i Toledo At the Valentin* (Edw. E. Fly, manager) Savage's Grand Opera Co. Not. 24. 20. :■ IVrcWM (Frank Burt, manager).--"Ingo; mar" was well received 17-lw. "Arlitonn had capacity 20-23. "The Liberty Belles' 21-20, Itoynl Llllputlnna 27-30. , _ Damn (Abn Shapiro, manager).—Thn Ti-uns-Atlnntlc Kxtrnvagania Co. proved ono uf the best offerings of tho current season, nnd dirt a record breaking business 20 and week. Kentucky Belles 27 o»d week. AiifAim fjl. II. Lttukln, manager).—Good business. Bill 27 nnd week; Fanny Rice, Four Madcaps. Five Juggling Normans. Wm. II. Wlndom, Wood aud Bohm, aud Pocard HtJni'H (Frank Burt, manager),—"Tho White Tim-ess of .Innnn," 17-10, nnd "Tlio Charltv Nurse," 20-2,'i, provod popular nt- tractions. "For HI* llrotlior's Crlmo" 24-20, 1)«> t..n — At the Victoria (C. *i. Sillier, manager) Bluucho Walab presented "Tlia KretifiEcr Simula" Thanksgiving mallnco and nlulii to splendid business. Lew Doi-kstud- er s Mlnstrol* utipearcd Nov, 2.1 to a good sized uudlencc. Coming, Harry Bcrcsford Dec. 0, 7. .... National (Gil Burrows, manogcr).—"My Wife's Family." Nov. ai-83, bad good pa- troaagc. "Under Southern Skies'' did splen- did business 24-20. Coming: - "Quooa of tbo Highway" 28-30. "Under Southern Skies" did splendid Dual- not* 24-20. Coming, "Queen of tbe High- war" 28-30. . . Park (Gil Burrows. . manager).—Llttla Egypt's London Gaiety Oll-ls appeared 21-23 atiA proved -ono of the best burlesque coin- BaaJts ever . se'ca at this bouse. "Tho Younger Bros." appeared 24-20 to good pat- ronage. • _ .'- ■ , SoLBtEus' Home Tiieatui:. —"Tba Hooiiar GlrL" 22, bad big bu*io««*. Coming, "Art- aolfi- Dec. 2. • - " ' - Oreo;* (Jar. T. Cnrran, mnnoger)^—Good patronage week of Nov.-21. Jiiaitlln Hush,' Mark Field, Jessie -Phillip*, John A. logan nnd Cluts. and Jcimui Welch .complete tho bilk "What Women Will Do" 27-30. Kit urn v!He_At Weller, Theatre (J. 0. Hnglund, manager) "The Midnight Flyer pleated Nov. 10. "Siberia," 18, hud a fa r liuuse. "Thou Shalt Not Kill," 17, did fair l.iislness. "Ml Oapltnn" 23. "A Midnight Marriage" 24, "Tho Johnstown Klood" 2(1, "Tim Holy Clly" 20, "Hla Majesty und tho Mn Id" DO. HprlnwllclU At the Grand Opera Houso (L. J. Dalle, manager) "Slborln" en mo to fulr bualnesu Nov. 17. "Obcininm'.'rgau" had a well lilted houso 24. Blanche Wa ah, in "Resurrection," -0: "The lloosior Girl' ML "Why Ho Divorced Hor" 28, Nat M. a-iiIh •'» ••llmlr.i- Hiiiirhni-n Skies" 30. Wills 211, 'Under Houtheru Skies' *>■» nilODB ISLAND. l'rovl(l«in«c.—A eontliuuillon of tho almost perfect weather which has prevailed throughout tlio greater purt of Novuniber proved good for tho theatres week of Nov. 21. ul! of them reporting excellent business. Thanksgiving Duy audiences were, us always, tin lo llie capacity of the house. A rumor bus been circulated that a Boston ilrm m trying to lunsp the Park MUsle Hall with the Intent of turning It into a large nrnrket. Spltii & NHthanson, tho tnonrlotorB, admitted that there had beuu talk along that line, but siild thut tbo Boston people would not uccept tho terms offered. . _ _. ■ Pjiovipusch Ophoa HotiHii (Follx B. Won- delscliuofer, mnnngerl.—"Tlio Sleeping Beauty oast," 21-28, did good business. Wll- nnu tho Roast,' Hum If. Thompson null coinimny, In "The So- cret of PollvlllUttlto," 2S-U0. "Tlio . Tender- foot" Dec. 1-3. Suvnge's compony will pre- sent "Parsifal" 6-7. Rubin (loldiimrk will lec- ture on tho music of "Parslful" 1 und 0. l-;»i'im; (Spitz & Nathiiiihoii, managers).— Georgo W. Monroe scored u success In "Mrs. Mun, tho Mayor," Nov. 21-20. A solisutloiial melodrama, ''Dealers In White Women," 28 aud weak. "Sky Farm" next week. i.Mi-mtiAi, (Felix It. Wondolschaofer, miin- nger).—The Provldcnco Druniatlc Block Co. pluycd "Tlio Prlvato Secretary" 21-2(1, beforo good Tha pluy fur 28 and week Vs "Tho Wife," mid HiIh will ho followod bv "The Coinpiorors." Business during tho week of .1-1, when "School for Scandal" was given, was tbo heaviest the company him (lone, as ii result of which It has boon de- cided to giro four more old Fngllsb pluys. KkitiCh (Cburlcs Lovonborg, manager).— t'hrystul Home, In a ono act pluy, "Botwcen thn Acta," beads tho bill 28 und week. Others uro: Tbo Nichols Sisters, Callahan and Mack, Al. Fields, Lcs Dahlias. Georgo W. Duy, St Ooge Brothers, Uurdlng and Ah Sid, tho Norcross Mlnstrols, Mile. Olive. Lauru Conrntoek, tho Nohrens, Murphy und l-'ruiicls nnd Barrow*, Lancaster and Co., in "Wlieu Gnorglna Was 18." Fabk Munic Ham. (Harry Young, resident lnunager).—"Flddlo-Dcc-Dcn," 21-2(1, furcd well, It Is followed 28 and week by "FousKn cafe," which boasts of a pony ballet aud some excellent olio features. ■ Wkhtminhyhr (Georgo H. Bafchollor, man- nger).—Miner's American Burlcsiujitrs guvo u good showing Thanksgiving week. Tbo Dluo Ribbons 28 and weok. i * Woonsookeit.—At tbo Woonaockct Opera llniiso. (Josh K. Ogden, manager) Henrietta CroBmun, In "Hweot Kitty Bollslrs," Nov. 28 ; "Tho Black Mask" Dec. 1 and "A Clilnesn HoBoymoon !l. "Escaped from Sing Slug" played to good returns Nov. W. Aubrey Stock Co. bad good avcrugo business. Booked: Qulnlun A Wall's Minstrels Dee. 8, "A Foxy Boy" 0, Tburlxr * Nasbor Stook Co., with Florence Hamilton, week of 12, oxcept 15, when "The Girl from Kay's" will bo with us. Uvti (Jas. W. Conklln, manager).—James A. Nalon'a All Star Specialty Co. this week. Tbo bill last week draw good business. « i » — Roster of the Record Stock Co., sup- porting Cora Lawton Mltcboll: J. Wnllaco Clinton, George Salisbury, Frank P. Haven, John K. Dvorak, Fred Barker, Harry Sloan, Mildred. Barker. Bertba Davidson, Luetta Salisbury and Mile. Sou**, the lady with tbe doves. Executive staff: Frank P. Haven, manager; Sam S. Black, advance represonta* tlvej George Snlljhliry, ntoge director; Jai, Phillips, luiulcal director; Fred Darker^ eleos trltlnd.