The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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956 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3. BELASCO TBEATBE 42d st VkhRWIIW Ev. 8.1». Mats. Sat. »t 2. W ABPIBIiO COMEDY DRAMA, Th« tVluatlo ajlsmsvt.Br, By CHA RLES K LEIN. Direction of PAVIP BELASCO. PASTOR'S neir 3d At*. lu'acrt CO CENTS. 14th St CONTINUOUS. TBH BROOKE. LAMBERT A;CO., PAJAMA HOYS. McINTYHK Si KICK, THE HIM KLRYR <fc LORKVZO, r. W. MTTLEF1ELD, DOLLINB COLE, Hooney * Holbein, ailday A Fox. Wilkes A Kntler, Hlggln. A Phelps, Mtrrelle A Oleaton, Carl Ilerben, phantasmagoria, The Vltagrapb, An<1. At Extns Attmctl on. flKLVILLk, A; STBTSON. TAB Etttl- • LADIES' MAT. DAILY. Cherry Blossoms. "The Olrl from aiianlejw." 125Ui8L48dAv. LADIES' MAT. DAILY. Bowery Borlesquers. HIQH CLASS BURLESQUES. B. P. KEITH'S International circuit. Theatrical Enterpriae*. F. F. ALBER, Genera] Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE). 8. K. HODGDON, Booking Manager, Association of Vaudeville Manager., St. Jame* Bldg., Broad- w ay and wth at. N. Y. Huber's "£ Museum Geo. H.Hnber, Propr. J. H. Andtnon, MgT. WASTED, Attraction* and Freaks for Curio Ball*. Add, J. H. ANDERSON, aa above. GEO. and MAY WOODWARD, >TUNTIC BBB THIS WEEK. THE MATHIEUS Thli week, Ha. vm.rket Theatre, Chicago, 111 . Harry H. UMOUHT and PAULETTE Louise AND DOG BBNOHIE ALWAYS MAKK QUOD. BERTRAM MILLAR LEADS and HEAVIES, 47 W. 28th St., New York. WALTER BEEMER, AND CelO RUODKS AVE., CHICAGO. JUGGLING GIRL. TUB GERMAN INVENTORS, DEVINE and WOOLEY, I n tfcelr AIR SHIP, with Al. Reevea' Co. ORVILLE AND FRANK THIS WEEK ARRIVE 11 MEXICO. RUF and CUSICK Iflth WEEK VAUDEVILLE FEATURE MADBL PAIGE CO. CHRIS CHRISTOPHER. YOIIL1NG 8IN0KR, VIOLINIST and COMEDIAN. Velvet Voiced, Supple Fingered and Artistic. CLIFTON COMEDY CO. Grace and Victor Belmont ARE DOING FINE IN THEIR ORIGINAL ACT. Weeks of Nov. 2S and Deo. 6, at Eimlra, N. Y. Harry Holman SINGING AND TALKING COMEDIAN. Bn route Harvey > Gage Co. HARRY THOMSON, THE MAYOR OF THE BOWERY (Tltlo Protected). Under the Management nf fil'S HILL. IP. World's Greatest Tambourine Juggler PLAYING THE OASTO CIRCUIT. TUIS WEEK, I.AWRENOB. MASS FUR OPEN TIME address WM. MORRIS. "A CORKER IN CORK," CEO. ATKINSON BLACK FACE COMEDIAN. CHAS. H. DUNCAN. TONY PASTOR'S LAST WEEK. RE-KNGAGED. Permanent addre.B. 217 K. getli St., N. Y. WANTED. Half' ic Pwple At All Times. Can vlaetatonoe. 8. and D. Dutch Comedian, Sketch Team. Explain all first letter Permanent ad- dress WBITE SPEAR MEDICINE CO., 234 So. Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Penna. WANTED, ORGAN PLAYER, Al Fakir; lilllBt do specialties and Work In Ante. Alao Want ortlco Worker. 8»l*ry or per cent. Join on wire. No iioczera. Wlroor write. VANK. THE WONDER WORK K R, Cross Forks, Putter C o., Pa. I HAV R 3 C IMP OUTFITS FOR SUM* MRU LEFT. I'urtlfs Imudllng my reinedlee litis Winter will get one ontflt free. Prof. John Staler, write. DR. c o. spang leu, Indian Med do., Mlllerslowu, Pa. WANTED, Sketch Team, man and wife. Sin- ties .nd doubles; change for week. Good After- piece Workers that m.ko acta go. Salary paldreg- ul «riT every SondNy. No ticket, unless jou mean to Join. Dr. T. c. Warner, 3x2 Madlaon St., South Des Koines, In. • wanted, Good Piano Player (have good voice to sing Illustrated sougii. Loaf engajre- lhenti money sure. Write or wire loweet .alary. Charley Little anil Carl Jacobaon, wire nnlck. Othor good people, write. Golden Ghost Show, Dr. B.J. Fountain. Prnn.. Pnlioan Rapids, Minn. I WANT TO BUY Hraai Tuba and Alto, aet or Punch Figure, and Ba.« Drum. Must he In Brst class couillt Ion and cheap for Barry Smith, lot mo hear fmm yon In regard to banuers. WILL BnirflHTnw, P.lir.»r. South Carolina, WANTED— Man for General Business,Woman for General Kuslne... T»o*e doing apri laltle. iircfened. Can plait, a good team. Must change tor nun w»ek. Musi jolt, on wire. TDK UAKK1NGTON stock CO., Pawnee, lit, EUGENE CO. 59 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. » That's tho Numbtor, ik* No rVllstak». S.«" - We Will Ship Any nina Advertised in Thli Paper Same Day We Get Your Order. EUGENE CLINE * CO., 59 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. BOW TO START IN SHOW BUSINESS !eopyrlgbt), S different books, 10c All kind. act. lORPHET'S 80HOOI., 837 N. 13th St., Ph RaLPa. I 6 M MUSIC COMPOSED AND AKKA.10ED for any instrument or number of In.trumenu »)ong*,word* and muslo, sketches, etc. send .tamp CHAS. L. LEWIS, 4M Richmond St, Cincinnati, 0. CHEAP FILMS, Moving Picture Machine*. Cameras, Lantern., Lenses, Song elides and supply MM and bought. Special dim. and slide, made. Shows famished Expert mechanic. Repairing. German-Am. Cine. A Film Co.. lot K. 12lh St., N.i. LI iRR to Throw Your Yoioe. Ventriloquism taught. For term, and fnll particular., address Prof. Ltngerman, 706 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER. 641 West Madison St., Chicago; established 1864. Business legal and quiet. Branches and facilities In other States. WANTED TO BUY, MOVING i'lLTl'RE MACHINES, with up to date films. Will employ you to operate same. Conld use large quantities of mnvuig picture lithographs. Address 0. B. TOOMEY. 74 Wlnthr op St.. R o.t bory, Mass. "WAITED, Al MKI). PERFORMERS. Salary ■ore. Must he able lo change for week, and tan pSanii or organ. Dublw keep off. THE M. A N. CHEMICAL CO., I-oo* Box 39. Baxton, Pa. Ooqd Med, f erformerB write at »'l time.. WANTED, BONO AND DANCE MAN AS PARTNER. Professionals only. Address F. W. BARRETT, 137 West 16th St. N. Y. WANTED Quick, Gosd Wild Catting Agent, not afraid lo work. Salary, $10 and ex.; must lie able to Join on receipt of wire. No ticket. -Add. Parker's Empire Mlnatrels, Little Valley, N. V., Mon., Dec. 6. Other Minstrel people write. on SALE—Group of Animal.; all go togetjiea, la arena, 1 Bengal Tiger, 2 Leopard., 2 Pnmu. 'J Hyen.s, 2 llrown Bean, 1 Himalayan Bear anr! 2 Shetland Ponies. Alao 2 Zebra., broken to har- ness. A).o2 forest-bred male lions. Also to ar- rive. In a few day., 1 Rhinoceros ana 1 remale Indian Elephant. Thousands of Shooting Pigeon, always on Wd, and also Flying Homer*. GROSS, King of Wild Beast Merchant., Liverpool. Rug. THE CASTLB INN, Niagara Square. Buffalo, »N. Y. Rates, $2 to $4 per day. MR, 0. F. DUNBAR, Prop.; MRS. M. F. HAIR, MgT. WHY NOT-THE GREAT PILE CURE. 8utrerers from Pile, who have failed to obtaining relief or cure, make a final effort. Try the only and beneflolal "Great Pile Core." Bleeding, Itch. lag and Protruding Piles are cured by this remedy which baa been upon the market for the patttfty years. A trial will convince vou of It. wonderfal merits. Money cheerfully refunded If Immediate relief 1. not given. Price, u cents per box. UNIVERSAL REMEDY COMPANY, Glrard Insurance Building, N. E. Oor. 7th and Chestnut Sis., Philadelphia. Pa., V. 8. A. ; WASTED. JUVENILE WOMAN. ONE DOING SPECIALTY PREFERRED. Must have good ward- robe. Alio SCENE PAINTER that can play parts. Other Useful Actors, write. FRANK J. DEAN, Mgr. Lillian Lyon. Co., Pontiac. Mich., Not. 28- Dec. 8: Chesanlng, Mich., Dec. MO. -WANTED, A good Singing and Darning Eoubrette that can change for ten night*. Salary every night If you want It. Don't misrepresent yourself. Salary $16 a week. Answer at once, to DR. THOMAS A. WALLACE, nindsboro, IJJ. WASTED, AN EXPERIENCED AND RELI- ABLE AGENT TO BOOK CHURCHES with act Ka- tabllshcd Entertainment. Catholic preferred. Ticket- "NO." A good engagement here If yon know your business. AIM a Lady or Gentleman to slug Hlu.lrated Song*. One that can piny own music. Stats lowest salary. GEO. DRUHMOND, "Moving Picture.," Hotel Victoria, 670 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. WASTED-For the National Stock Co., sit];- ^ n rtlng the favorite actress Lizzie>Ucrs, II * R ACTE K AMD OBN. BUS. AND J C V- BNILB MANi long se.son. Address J. M. BODY, Bn.. Mgr., Fillmore, N. Y. iT L.II E. D. McMillan Chincteri, Comedy. Gin. Bit,. Strang - Singing Spiclilty RESPONSIBLE REPERTOIRE ir ONE PIECE. Address Mineral OHy. Ohio. Dec. 1; Salem, Ohio. Deo. 0. ere of "FOGG'S FERRY" CO. THEATRICAL HOTELS and B0ARDIH8 HOUSES. |7-»13 double. ElllnL Ainei Wabash A Madison, CHICAGO. O. c. Vaughan, Prop, strictly American Flan, $8-116 single; Holt's New Hetil Cafe SW SS X. Booms 60o. to 76c. per day; %2M and f&oo a week. Ladle.'Restaurant on second Coor. No. 6 E. 4th »u, Wilmingto n, Del. 0. R. HOLT, Prop. ST. JAMBS HOTEL, TOLEDO, 0. Ametl- jnPian. TheatrioalHeadquarter*. $1.2*single. it donble: is and.$7 per week. VICTOR HOUSE, 274 E. Indiana St., Ohloago. Room and Board, $8 week. Italian and French OnBlne. Cent rally located. Y. OaateUaxL Pro p. PALACE HOTEL, in N. Oterk St, Ohloago. European, $$ per week: with pMvate bath, $7. TttrkBh Bath, too. H. B. HTJMPHRET, Prop. WM. TELL HOUSE, Howard and somertet St.., Boston, Mais. Central location. Excellent meals. EMILY T. BANNWAKT, Prop. LAFAYETTE HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA. THEATRICAL HBADdUARTBRS, $1.2fl Single, $1 Double, $6 and $7 per week. TRAFALGAR HOTEL, 116-117 E. 14, N.Y.,nr. Onion 8q., Academy, Dewey. Room. 6eo., 76c,f 1, $1.60 day; Bjjj to i» week. W.D.HANN10AN, Prop. BERNARD HOTEL, »th and Pine, St. Louis, near all theatres. European plan. Room with Lath, $8.10 to $7 week. Give trial. B. F. CAH1LL, Prop The LeSure, FTNK8T PROFESSIONAL HOUSE IN PHILA. 8. W. CORNER 13th and LOCUST. Performers ATTENTION. When in town come end look me over before going elsewhere; nice clean rooms; bjard first class: rates $600 per week; single or double. EAGLE HOTEL. WM. WEltiBRECUT, Prop., 186 and 187 W. Main St., Springfield. Ohio. HOTEL VELEY ■CHOP PLA". SB- Special weekly rates to the profeaslon. It* Clark fit., Chicago. Most central location In City 47th CONSECUTIVE WEEK OF The National Stock Co., Featuring PAUL BRADY. VIHTPli Good looking young Juvenile Lean- nAIHuVt log Woman; specialty preferred; Character or Good Gen. Boa. Man, who can di- rect; a Man with Strong Danclngor Feature Act, who CAN play responsible parts. Mention lowest .alary flint letter. Pay own board. Morrlsburg, Ont.'io, Dec. l, 2, 3; canton, N. Y., week of Dec. 6. Address OHAS. SCRAP, Manager .1 VAUDEVILLE ACTS Fjr next week and later. Can use Picture Machine an l operator. WALKER'S STAR VAUDEVILLE, 8 Bowdoiu Sq.. Boston, ' Wanted, for Dr.MjllanOr.HjdeCo. Character Woman, Character Man/Juvontlo Lady, Oharaoter Comedian and Entire Cast. Make your siuarte. low. MATT. KUSBLL, 140 w. siat St., New York Oity. PURE FOOD SHOW. HASSBY HALL, TRONTO, CAN., to be held January S-14,1006. Space.of all-klnds i to let, alao want to hear from nrst Class lAaiar Orchestra. A. 0. BYERT, Manager, • 81 Richmond St., Tronto, Ont. Theatre Burnad. ALL CONTRACTS OANCBLBD. Wires like this worry the "old man," bul not the agent who iirs the gap with first money. 1 DO THAT. Incidentally I get you better priest, belter showing and closer contracts tbaa-yea- ever had. At liberty. $28 and transportation, wire. WALTER LEE. 1323 Charlotte, Kausas City, Mo. Agantat Liberty. Good dresser. One appearance, thoroughly un- derstand the business ami am not afraid of work; -.!>'«,■ »nd reliable', etate .alary. EDGAR 0. STKPATH. 164 West IJJdSL, N. Y. C. ' WANTED. SKETCH TEAM That can change for three nights and pot on act*. Must be sole to do strong specialties. 1 know you. Jack Davis, Tnree Rays, Prrf, Tom Hums, Mitchell and Edna, write me. Show open. Dec. 6 or 12. Address, quick, BEN. P. IMHOF, Gen. Del., Kansai City, Mo. HOTE. TREATBICAL IAHA6EBS, YOUNG MAN, wide awake, good appearance, age IS, wlshe. a position In any capacity, taking tickets, etc., or ssslst in advance on the road. P. S.—For the last 10 year, have followed the acribatlc profession for a livelihood. Address M., care AUGUST SCHMIDT. 641 B°r*en Ave., BROSX, NEW YORK CITY. VA2? 3T1 CO, DYKE & EATON (OLLIE EATON), WANT MAN FOR PROPS. { Capable of plarlng parts. P. MACK > Week Nov. SB. Paduo'b, Ky.: Deo. 6, Hen- > derson, Ky.: Deo. 12, Ft. Wayne, Ind.: Dec. 1$, z*nesvli:e,0 ; De;. so, Bnnfington, W. Vs, -J-^-^a^>»^_ Waintod, for Mystic Shriners f CLEVELAND. 0.. ONE NIGHT, DEC. 15. FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS. R. D. MORGAN, 2382 Wtllson Ave., Cleveland, 0. Union Carpenter AT LIBERTY AFTER DEC. 4. Address OHAS. FILLMORE, No. 11* N. 6tli.Watertown.W I.. XHAS 6IFTS FOR THF BOYS, TOY Magic LaDtuos, Slides, Fountain Pens, Cameras and other Novelties, etc. Catalogue K mailed free ty request. L. kUNASSt, Chicago, in. THE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L. BALLAUF Manager ANDERSON « WALLACE TRAVESTY and TRAGEDY STARS. MARIE BARRISON, THE GIRL WITH THE YELLOW HAIR. BILLY NOBLE, THE SEAL COON SHOOTER. BELLE WILTON, THE DARK EYED DAUGHTER OF SPAIN. A BIT OF GERMAN NONSENSE, FARRON and FAY, In "THE LAST QUART OF BEER." LARRflcCALE. THE MAN BEHIND THE COMEDY GUN. 5-SISTERS BELLATZER-5 Europe's Premier Lady Gymnasts. MAUDE EVELYN HARVEY and WALKER THE CHARMERS. Aba Lrewltt'. Famous RENTZ-SANTLEY CO, LEO LEAVITT Bnslness Manager, BIJOU COMEDY FOUR. Peer of All Comedy Quartettes. —CUuSTWlTEZ-™" Singers and Eccentric Bock Dancers. CLIFF "FASRELL, The Merry Musical Minstrel. THE NOVELTY DUO, erneitthe RAGKETTS claba Introducing the Steeple on the Hill. HAWTHORhTs BURT, Premier Eccentric Dancer*. CHAS. W. DOUGLAS, Monolognlng Parodist. | Some or the Olio ir eat urea With ROSE BYDELL'S LONDON BELLES. W. S. CAMPBELL. Manager NOVELTY, COMEDY Mi HARMONY BIJOU C01EDY TRIO, 0*0. L. Doraey, Harry Waltjen, Edward Wright. RELYEA, World's Greatest Exponent of Physical Culture. A HITI JACK and BERTHA RICH, Singer*, Talkers and Wooden Shoe Dancers. KENNEYlmf BOLUS, Comedians, Vocalist* and Impersonator*. Feature* wltn L. LAWRENCE WEBER'S DAINTY DUCHESS CO. A. D. GORMAN.... Manager CHAS.l0B,NS0N. The Laugh Maker. BESSIrTcUFFORD, Startling Sensation Is Tight*. JAMES SSADiELEONrRD, In "The Wrong Tib." IRWIN'S BIO SHOW. FRED IRWIN Manager °-- "THE KLEINS- ,i Dutch Comedian and Sonbrette. CONSEQUENTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, JOLLY ZEB The Tramp, with the Funny Voice. THE RAT8ELBENDER8 An Anstrlan Drill. A Specialty In Fencing, Marching, Etc. First time In America. THE FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL ZEB & ZARROW TRIO Sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist. Extra Feature. WATCH FOR U8 AT THE DEWEY. 4--THE CONOLLY8-4 Singers and Dancers Supreme. PRINCIPAL LEAD. MI88 JE88IE MOORE Contralto. "THEM FELLOWS," WIL80N & 80RC Talking Humorists. ROBERT GORDON MANAGER t'Harphy'." Prodnced by BEID and GILBEBX. An Uproariously Funny Farce Comedy. TERRY and BLHER and iPEL In "THE DANCING MISSIONARY,' HARMONIOUS SELECTIONS. RELIANCE aUARTET. THOMAS, REYNOLDS, K1RBY, CHAPPELI- CHARACTER ENTERTAINERS. BRODERICK andJESSICA. CLEVER COMEDY COUPLE. THE GINGER GIRLS, ALLEENE and HAMILTON, ACROBATIC DANCERS. RENRATIONAL ACROBATS, 3 LUIGI BROS. 3 The Smallest Big Act Before Uie Public. VAUDEVILLE FEATURES WITH ED. F. RUSH'S BON TONS. 8IM WILLIAMS Acting Manager. graceTeonard, THE AMERICAN VEST A TILLEY. iOSIOAlTsTMPSONS, ARTISTS PREMIER. BCIv-COOIvTcOOK-Ben Mirthful Blending of Comedy and Song. THE MONTE CARLO MILLIONAIRES. WILLIAMS and ADAMS In Black Face Style* and Habit*. THB MARVELOUS LIVINGSTONS, SOCIETY ACROBATS. WANTED QUICK. REO.RL.E: p-on "DB. JE1YLL AND IB. HYDE." ABBOTT * HBKSBL, Mgr*., FREDERIC RELLA. Address as per ronte. . WHO WANTS HI) Fred Spires, ADVANCE AGENT. Can join at once. One night stand co. preferred. Addresacareot BILLBOAHli. 172 Washington Street, CHICAGO ILL. It Liberty after Dee. 5, '04$ TwoAt BAND MEN. Solo Cornet and Baritone. Baritone can double violin, Address ■ W. P.. RICE, Dodge Center, Minn.