The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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December 3. THE ISTEW YOBK CLIPPER. 957 t\BI.E OK contents. r ° n Bertha Galland. hi "Dorothy Yer- rapr nuu -' had »n excellent bouse at the Milmtlr. MlssOluper's Anecdotes. Etc »3o ..Otis Skinner. In "The Harvester." miE,|.un*iTi Letter.. IM (•DO nr.i Mi fir.:: MI listers De raj* f l.iTsiih,r Tcin»nt Music and Kong VnuAcTllle arsl Minstrel VMM of Players Queries Answered I sir. Chicago totter Our Australian totlrr <;ii|t,*>r Po-t Olflce Latest If Ts-legrai I hi Ihe Kosil 037. 1)38. 03!l Yandetllle limit© Llsl New York Clly—Review mul Comment With II* BUI Poster* OIK Joltings Deaths In trip Profession fader the Tents THEATRICAL ■JOMOKRONBCOK o|s»ned his second week at the Park prc-per- "«sly Popular priced attractions hav- ing umial crowds were: "Me, Him and I." at the (Hobo, and "The tSrcnt Automobile Mys- tery." at the Grand Opera limine... .Stuck. vaudeville nnd burlcMjue bouses had big sf lertiiHin nnd evening audiences OwIdk _.. .■.....,, .iii.i ncuiuri tiniicm '.-> l'SIO£ ■■11 !,-,1 I" the death nf Paul Schumann the husband flim °' Mow. Scbuninnu-Ileink. there was mi pcr- *.'.'.' '.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'j'.' ».*.7 formnnee nf " fa wrt Lottery" at the t'.itoolal. iHin nr.n 003 903 Oklahoma • New Jersey Alalsiraa ...:. ■MM ,.... Kentucky flail KaiwitK Massachusetts District of Gdiiuibls. • Hiki Rliode Inland pprdmylvanls , Canada MnrTliincl ....... Malls> Wnshltigton ..'.., Virginia 1MM Indiana ,..-.,... Ir-wa ,• New York State. I'oullCCtlcdt •««■ Trj)s ..... . liolaware ....... Wlscouslp .. •... ••• Michigan .. California !• •.-■■■•■ Missouri Vest Virginia .. (leorghi ;.., Illluol* ,...-..... I'ulora.l o ,--■-,-•• LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Monday M«cht'« Opening* in All the Big Show Towns. ?v " (.OLDEN G Vl'E GLEANINGS. CINCINNATI, Xor. 20.—(Jood hills . !>,-•». tuhi oftYr.-il ut all Ihe lio.ines, and the openings no;, iwa Sunday were a sue.-?**. At - lhe Walnut "A •Jlrl Irotn Dixie"' opened, to crowded lions—. The vaudeville bill at the Columbia RrntN n hearty welcome "Kscaped from the Harem," at the Lvceittn. nail "Across the I'ncille." at lleuck'-i. plnyed tn nso the usual good Sunday crowds The 933 Horepnngh Stock Co. gave a creditable-iter-' OKI fonnr.nce of "Man's Knemy" at Robinson's. liny Mornlr-g (ilorles tested the seal- In^ rapacity of People"* A; Ilia Orand "The Pit" opened Monday night to good business. Kan'has City. N'ov. 21).—"The Two Or- phans," the nil stjr i-nst, wus Riven at the Willis Wood last nigh!, lo a large audience.... ..Geo. Sidney. In "lliwy Iizv." had n big house ot the Unnd. ..... "Sweet I'lover" pleased the patron* of the Auditorium The Merry Maidens Hur- lenque Co.. at the Century, drew well Sousn's Hand gave two well intended <im- certs at Convention Hall Sunday Com- niunVIng Thurwlay. "The Itoyal Chef comen to the Willis Wood. Wakiiixutox. Nov. L'U.—Jam** K. Haekctt opened at the National, In "The fortune* of the'Klug," lo a full house Graee Van Sttiddlford. ■ "Itcd I'eather." crowdinl the Coliimbln... .Joe Welch, lu "Cohen's Luck." had a eaimrlty audience at the Lafayette. The Hanloos, In "Supcrbn," pi-eked the Academy^ The Fadettefl were' the lieadllners of a Hue bill at Chase's, and'two full hoii<ses mis the result M"-* k Bar- ton'« Big Gaiety Co. filled the Lyceum twice yesterday. Lotnsviu.K. Xov. St.—Jeanne Kowler opened at Jlacauley's, In "Iris," to a" good house A Inrge gathering rltnesseil the opening of "The Sign of the Cross" nt the 9X3 OKI 033 tea ... 03.1 ».-..-■ 033 033 mw and 007 on; 1107 OU7 007 003,»«; »07 007 0tI7 007 007 007 007 '.i."T, fM',3 BOO ooo 001 90S 903 90S General S«<la>fnttlosj la Glrea by Ihe Weeli'* Ope»lii|t«. ,-ptviul hitiwlchrt I'lTur. Xrw Vuuk Clipped. SfAX KbaxCIsco. -Xot. 20.—At the Colnm- 1'ift Theatre'thls In the eecond week of Max- 1^'I'.lllott; 'In "Her Own Way." The en- gagement is. for three weeks. MAJK8TIC.—"In Mlzzoura" Is the current MIL' ■■■■• ALCAZAn.—"The Chrlstlon" Is given this week,. • . . OR-VX-j OPntu Hoisi:.—1'hls is th»> seeond «W lnat week ot "The Show Girl." Wll- !laut| and Walker will follow. CAMtfoBSlA.—"Flnnlgan's Ball" Is here 1 IiIh vwck «:i-\'TBAL.—"Tuo Little Churcii Around the Corner"- Is given this week. Tivoi.i .Opeiia HbL'8t'.-r-"King Dodo" this'week's bill. Urwikum. —3111 opening Sunday. Si, In iludps: The Three Josslyns. Ciement He V'sonle "After Midnight" opened nt the Avenue Sunday, drawing the usual crowds The Imperial Burlonqtteni packed the Bucklngltam Sunday, nnd vaudeville, at Hopkins*, played to crowded houses Sunday. Milwaukee Xov. S«.—Lew Dockstader's Minstrels, nt Davidson, was the favorite nf this week's ouenlngs "Alone In ' the World," at the Albamhrii, nnd "Queen of the White Slaves," at UIJou. had rapacity hunl- :i«ib Opiienheimer's Kay Kostcr Co. turned iieople uway nt the Hfar.. ..Both Wuchsner nnd Tbsnhouser stock comimnles drew Hue audiences Sunday. ♦ a » AVI-< ON«>I\. is Milnaukie, — Kxcollent attendauce fs- voix-d local theatres the past week. At the Alhamtra the ltcyul Llllputianr mad.' their annuel nppearante Nov. 20-20. jit "Sinbad." The iiertirtakncv was hljhly satlslnctory. Maty "iaker n clever singer and dancer, scored n pronounced success. Manager ti. K. Miller offers "Alone in the World" 27 and week. "How He Wt,n Her" follows. Davidson". —Manager Suerninu Brown dl- i.lon, Sam Klton, \jh Rov and Itlccl, Tyce vlded ;:>at week between Frank Daniels, 2IL r.nd" Jcrraon,-De Wilt, Burns and Torrencc. 21 : Kirc Ketdall. 22, 2a, und "The Wizard Mr. _nnd Mrs. Sidney Drew, Webb's teals of Oz" 2-t-M, All three attractions were and the blogrsph. well received. Lew Dockstadtr's Mlnstrids Guutks. —Progiamme this woek names: -7. 2H. Sonsu and his band JO, "The Kternal 'Ihe Flying Flumes, ltanion and Tracy. Ma- City" Dec. 13, anti "Commoti Sense Brackett" Lei .Lamson, Clarence Sisters, Bentley, Hand 4-7.. Smith nnd the anlmatsscope. Acadkmv.— Manager Edwin Ttianhouser Virrni.—The sixth annual benefit in aid aril*, put on "Twelfth Night" Xov. 28 and of the Eharttv Fund of Up! Associated The- week, nnd "The Turning of Helen" next, iitriroj Managers of San Frnudsco will take Business continues Ural class. "Hearts of place on Friday afternoon. Dec. 1), ou which Oak" held the stage the past week: occasion cverv'theatre In San Francisco will Bijou Opeh\ Hoisi: (John It. Pierce, resl- con.tnH?ute Iti quotn of beat nets Beu dent manager).—"Hearts Adrift" was well OiePtVR Players will present the new luiraclt; received 20-20. K. I„ Snader, W. D. Ingram play,'"The Star of Bethlehem" for one week, aud Alleea Merlelle won vulhuslastir np- luriudlPg uiatluees. ot Lyric Hall, beglunlnj? proval. "Queen of the White Slaves" 27 aud Mondnv evening. Xov. 28. under the man- week, and James J: Corbet! next week. agement of-Will L. Crecnbauro At a Pabst iLeon Wnchsner, manager).— recent meeting of the Theatre Managers' As- "Tnnte Kcglnc" will lie given Its second nro- Koclatkh It was decided to stop the laauance ducllon by.the Wnchsner Co...i!7, and "l»er of All lithograph passes. It has been the custom for the theatres lo give passes In rc- tnrb, for the advertising given nt store doorn nml |n show windows. ■ lliese aro to lie cut w& ■ PROM OTHER POINTS. I'rueue fcwclg." 'Ml. Attendance, since Its brace of several weeks ago, Is Holding up good. St.mi (Krank li. TroUuan, mauoger).— (ippenheltuer's l-'av Poster Co. week of 27. nnd the City Sports Co. will follow. The UentZ'Sontlcy Co. fared well week of 20. "Looping the World" offered many opporluhl- ,_._•,.,., . , ... •,., _ ties to the members of the company. , »- 9 . p " e 1 f f KT i? ok , V5 >ov Sj*VS"' Graxu.— People week of 28 liudude: Mll- Boslnoss for the Week Opeua Well. lnr(J „ nj|1 _ < M| j 0 ^ liOUV Morr , H Mju ,| ev> Chicago, Xov. 29.—The sudden death lu a. K. Caldera aud llunlcy. Logan und Hanley. Manager J. W. Keeuey reports excellent busi- ness. Crystal.— Manager F. II. Winter, as usual, has n high class bill for week of 28. The lleqzllt Trio arc the top liners. Notes'. —Manager Oscar F. Miller returned Xew York ou Sunday night, of Fred It. ll.imiln. who was, until recently, for maay years 'business manager of his father's Grand «'pern House-In this city, mme as a great ■wllot!;- to his friends wheu thi fact wns n-.ade kno'«il In Mutuloy's papers. Wheu the pi-odurlng, linn of Humlln, Mitchell & Fields from Xew. York Inst Wednesday, uud ufter wna OfganlA.'d Mr. lluiulln retired from his the performance at the Alhnmbra. Thursday, lie gave a banquet to the LUIputluns Edwin. Tbanhouser announces the engage- ment of Austin Webb to succeed Mace Green- leaf as leading man ut Ike Academy, com- mencing Dec o The second annual ball of the 1. A. T. S. K. will be held Dec 8 George II. Wilson, manager of the Pittsburg Orchestra, was In the city recently and made arrangements for a concert at the Pahst Feb. 9 The Uulncr troupe of T'yrolese slugers, who appeared on the Pike at St. Louis, have been secured by !.eou Wnchsner for three concerts. Dec. 1-3. —■ ■ ' ♦«» I'hlpago. ^tbt-atrlcal Interests and moved to Xew. York, tims severing his connection wltll the Grand Uuera House Kyrlc l!el||jw r.tnrted his third and -JuhI week ut ihe.'Tlbovc house Sunduy night Mrs. <;Ub i !rl..'in "Granny." it Powers', Is the one !"jportant Theatrical novelty and down town <b3ru;e.ut the week her engagement stalling Mofioay.night, with our theatregoers much i')te(Tsted: "Faptana." at tii-: Garrlck : Lulu. Glasor. at the Illinois: Ward and Yokes. - 0 t ihe Great Xortheru: "His High- ness the Bey," at the Ij» Salle, and " 'Way 1'OV" Kas'. at MuVleker's, ure the other ■>fl"lwi|ig<. '_H»it inulng down tow. 1 : for this week Phil Sheridan's Cltv Sports, nt the-'Folly, arid Woodhull's High Hollers, at the rrg--ad>»ro. are the new burlesque shows 'hl< u-eek, their Sundny offerings being to c'lUJU'lty Our vaudeville houses hud their accustomed big Sunday and the bur- iiRtjue stock el Sam T. Jack's filled the house.' "Hilly" .-.'llfford. nt the Criterion. "UoarU- Adrift." at the Albunibra: Xelllc Mcllen'ry. ut the Uliou: Howard Hall, nr the Columbus, and 'The White Tigress of -."pan.." at .the Aendcniy. were the Sninlny MU'HIIJ.W. KnlsinaiOii.—At the Academy nf Music (It. A. Bush, manager) "'Way Down Kasl" came to good business Nov. 10, while Harri- son J. Wolfe, In "Hamlet." pleased 22. "On the Suwuuei' Itlver" drew big business 23. Patrice, lu "Driven from Home." 23: "Darld Ilumm" 2H, llosellc Knott 28. "Qulncy Aduins Suwyer".2t>. "An American Gentleman" 30, Sousa's Baud Dec 1. P.\I.Aii: 01' AMl'SKMKXTS MV.'K. Muuger. 'iffcrliias at- the popular priced houses. Dru- niunugerl.—This .house continues successful mqllit'siock at the Bush Temple aud People s as'p. skating rink. Don and Mac Gordvu. far»(lwell. lu a bicycle and unleycle'act, were good Philadelphia. Xov. 20.—With an array drawing cords week of Nov. 21. The Aherus, 'f uew offerings the week opened well with equilibrists, week of'28. the-local biuses Richard Manstleld. in . » ■ "Ivan the Terrible." had a large and uppre- j« c u«oa. —At the elallve audience at the Garrlck An- other large Catherine greeted Wllllum ttll- letuPi' In 1 "The Admirable Crlchlon" at Ihe Brond. : . i. .-.An audience testlne the capacity of tUp house «tis attrncled by '"ITle Shepherd King,"-at the Chestnnt Street 0]>era House. T'ZlJ';" ..,,..A.dellghted gathering welcomed "Plff '. ^avVet" "I ' Pa*.': roufi!.'" at the Chestnut Street K„rill n Wo if, On tit Road. All Roafea Must Reach la Xot Inter Tlinn V.inriS). . . DRAMATIC. A Ailam«. Mamie iChsrle* Fnsuaan. nisr. i- Sjrra- ruse. X. V.. SO. itulTaUi Hiv. 1-3, Chlcagu, 111.. MM, Allen. Vlila iClmrles W. Alton, mtr )—St. I.oub. Mil. aa-Hw. .'., Pa-lucali. Ky., 3. Aiitflln. il«n:.iiTt |Fm:iI I'erlej. rngr.l—lliiltnlo, X. V.. 1S-30. Indliina.'nlU. Iiul., He-v 7. Atilwv Stnk. Kawteni. Mlltrnihsl Hruttier*' tW. II. Kltigeralil, mgr.)—New Heilfnnl, Mass., 2S- PM 3, A^htanil ilramntlc tllnyman * flloi'ker. mgrs.) — Madison, lml . 3S-30. t'unnnraitlle Dec. 1-3. "Arltrsitt." Fji^lera, M. It. Haymnml's ill. O. Be Mnlli. nur.I—Marhsi. (I.. '10. Heluwarc Dec. I. IMiylvA i', lliiniiltin :|. Rtehmond. tail.. 3, Port- ' Isiut it, lluntinfloa "i. Pern s. Port Wayne 0, KenilxilTllle 10. "Arltous." Western. M. It. Kaynmuira (Wilson S. li ■-*. invr.i — Vi.iiriuiviT. I'.. 0:. 3<i. New Wlmtcan, Wash.. K-- I. Kmrtl S, Olympla 3. Tarwna 3. it. Seattle 7 l«, Prwllrtnn. tire.. I'.', Walla Walla. Wash.. 13. ttilfat 11. Pullman IS. Xpokaue 10, 17. "Aeirisa I lie PaeWc" i.llarry Clay IIUiicv. mgr.) —I'liieh.natl. •).. 27-llec. 3. "At the Olil t^ixa lloails." Western I Arthur 0. At. mm. Bigr.l—Ilea Moines, lu.. He,. 13. "Alone lu the World." MtttcMlial llrothrrs' ifjsin Williams, iii.T. i- Mi'.'nirkec. Wis., ^tDrq. 3. "After Mlilnlgtit" (Siienerr * AUini, mirs. i— l4WlaTllle. Kjr.. 27-De.-. 3. St. Lnuls. Mo., t-R "At Cripple Creek"--AUnuta. lla., S-Slle,'. .".. GaliM-stlllc 3. Oreseirllle. X. C 0. Hpnrtaii- Imrg. S. C 7. Charlnlte. N. C, ft, Couoonl !>. 1 >urIm mi to. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Kllrny k Hrllton. ingr*. i — -Poplar Ulna'. Mo.. 30. West Plains lice. 1. aprliisfleUl 3. Joplln 4, Mlmlen Mines 5. I.lh- erly V, KiChiaotnl 7, Trenton S, Macon 0, faitils- luua 10. "AL ltlak of His Life" (Murk K. Swan, lugr.)— Biirllnk-tini. N. J.. On: U>. "Aerus* the Rockies"—Atlantic City. N. J.. Dee. "An American llentleinaa"—Kalaiuuzon. Midi., . 30, Coliualnu. O.. s-10. B Ilhuielie Bates (llavh! Ik-Usen. isgr.)—St. l^iula. .Mo.. 251 Dec. 3. ' Barryniorc. Ethel tChurlw Fruliiuau. nigr. \ —N. V. City 28. ImleOnPc • Bingham,. .Amelia (l.lovil lllu«Uaru, luxr.)—N. V. City 28-Dei-. 3. Button. Maaa., 3-17. L'ellew, Kjrlc tl.lelil«r * Co.. mgrs. i—Chicago. III.. !8-lUx-.:i, tirtriaml. O.. 3-lti. ni—a| II William (lleurl Urvsalll, mgr.)—Jersey City.' N. J.. 3MfM, 3. IV. 3. lllnlr. Kiiwnle iileorge A. Blunieutlial. ingr. >— Xew Harm. Ooiiu.. 2S30,. llartfonl Dec. 1, lrrldansxt 2. 3. llronklvn. X. V., 3-10. Brrrsfonl: Harry (J. J. Culeuiaii, si»r.)—Nash- ville. Tim.. 30. lxialsvllle. K).. Dec. 1-3. M«ill- mh. lml.. 3. Darton, U.. 0, 7, llnmlltuu s, Sprlngilvht P. Mhldletoiru 10. Ueaion, r.ailie lA. II. Wood*, mxr.l—Ulrniliig- Ii-iiii. Ala.. ">-!!«■. 3. MeiupUls. Term.. 3-10. Itludley, Floream (Forrester & Mltlenthal, luiin".) -Brooklyn, ft. Y.. •HiUtv. 3. minting, r.nuna IKnrl Burgeas. mgr.)—Cheater. I'n.. 2S-Uec. 3. llruwii. Kirk (Appell k Deshou, uigrs.)—Erie, Pa... SS-Dee. 3. Ixx-k|a,rt. X. Y.. 5-10. Brci'keurbkre Stock (Charles Breekenrldge, rngri. —Monett.. Mo.. 2*-Dec. 3, Ualena. Kan., 4, Wi-bb City. Mo., 3 7. Carthage 8-10. Burkc-MeCauu tM. MrOanu. mgr.)—Oneida. X. Y.. 28-Dee. 3, lIorucllaTllle 5-10. Belcher's Cvnieilluua (W. M. Belcher, roar.)— Ellsworth. Kau., 2S-30. Oeueseu, Dec. 1-3, Sterling 3-10. ' "Beu Hnr" (Klaw ft Erlauger. mgra.)—Dallus, 'ret., 28-Dee. 3, Austin 5-10. "Bonuic Briar Bush," Jamea 11. Stoddart (Klrke I.a Sheik-, mgr. i—Detroit. Mlcb.. 28-Dee. 3, Ray City 5, Saginaw 0, Lanslug 7, Jackson 8, Klvvuod 9, Ilamlllon. (J., 10. "Buster Brown." Eastern, M. II. Itaymooira (W. S, Bntterflekl. >ugr. | —Waahuictuu. Pa.. So. Butler Dec. 1. .lobinwuburg 2. Dn Rota .",. Brailfonl •!. Okiau. N. Y>. 0, Horuellarlllc 7, Warsaw 8. uBtarlu 3, Nlucorn Fulls IV. . "Buster Brown." Western. M. 11. lbiynioud'a IJctT Ferosletu. uur.)—Cleteloml. O.,. "3-Dac. 3. ClDclnuall 5-in. "llerause She I.uveil" (Martin Jullnu. mgr.) — Sprtmnielil, Mass., :s.;xi. Holyoke Dec. 1-3, Elluheth. X. J., 6-10. "Baueh «f Keys" (tins Botliner.' mgr.)—Falr- laiiy. Xebr.. .*M). ('MK-onlla, Kan., Dw. 1. Man- hattan 2. Lawrence 3. "Break tor Liberty" (J. M. Jacobs, inar.i— Spriugtielil. 0-. Dec. 3. Tippecanoe City 3. Ham- ilton 7. Connersvllle. IwL, 8, Urveuville V, New Castle 10. "llreeay Thhe," liiateni (K. Webster Fits, nurr.) —TslUlioase. Flo.. 30. 'i'uouis,avllle. lis- 9mt. 1. Moultrie li. VuldmU 3. High Spring*, lis., n.. Qalnesvllle 7, Ocola 8, St. Peteralsirg 0, Tamiia 10. ' . . "Bnwsy Time." Western (K. Wcbater Uli. m'gr.l—Alllaiav. Nehr.. 3». Sidney Dee. I. North Plette 2, liulhenbunc 3. Islington 5. Khiik-t it. (Sruiul Island 7, Hastings 8, St. Panl 0. Oril 10. • Bauker'a CUIUI" (llarre SUaunuu. mgr.)—Os- wego. Knn.. 30. Neudnlm, Dei 1 . 1, Curlryvllle 3., Sislan B. Wlntklil 0, Newklrk. Okhi.. 7. Hlackvrell S. Poiica City 0. Perry 10, Prreell, hul. Ter.. 12, Paula Valley 13. "Buy of the Streets ' (Herbert Tuson. max.) — Fanner City. III., 30. Montlccllo Dec. I. Mount PiiUiski 2, Lincoln .'« I'elersburg 5. Jacloon U. Vlnlen 7. Curllnavlllc 8, EdwardaTllle V, St. Charles 10. "lleautv Doilor." Fred K. Wright's (Tiros. W. Prior, mgr.)—Norfolk, Vs., IM-Dec. 3. Blch- umihi ;io. "lllaek Musk" IW. II. Duller, mgr.)—Newark, X. J., 3-1U. c Crane, Wai. II. (Charles Frobouu, mgr.)—X. Y. City 28-IK-c. 3. Crusnian, Henrietta IDaThl Relasco k. Maurice Campbell. mgrs.>— Albniij. X. Y.. Dec. 1, llarl* font. Couii.. It. Altnoy. X. Y'.. 3. Caiunliell. Mrs. I'atrles (Charles Prubman, mgr.) —hHoMBj Mil.. 28-Dee. 3. Conistoek, Nanette (Jaues K. Hackett. mgr.)— Wllllunisport, Pa., 30. Altooua Dee. 1. Treu- ton. X. J., 2. Wlhuluglou, Del.. 3, Phlladelplila, Pa.. 31li. Collier. William (Ch-.rlen Fruhmuii, mgr.)—St. Ijiula, M».. VS-Dee. 3, Kaiisus City 4-7, Crwtoii Onrke (Jules Marry, ingr.1—Hmilmry. Pa.. 30, Wllllamapvrt Dei'. 1. Altuuuu 3, Johus- lowii X. , _ _ Cohan, lieorge M. (Sam Harris, mgr.)—N. Y. City 38. Imleanlte. , . . Corlctl. Jauies J , nu.l ln« Mncauley (Hal Davis. mgr. i--1'en'rla. III., •')", Burllugloii. la., Dec. 1, Mllvaukes-, tl'k. 4-10. i'o'.iV-i;iii..'c-ii HI. W. Taylor, mgr.I— MerMcii, limii..' 28-Dee. 3. Curisnitcr. Frankh- (lere ■ (irailr. mgr.l— Haver- hill; Mass.. 28-Duv. 3. Cliu»eLIHjr Tlieulre. A (Joaeph Farrell, mgr. i —Norfolk. Kan.. 28-Dee. 3. Elk Point, S. Dak., "Child Wife." Wm. T: Keugh's—X." Y. Clly 2S- Dee. 3. .spriii/nrlu. Maaa.. 3-7. "Chllil tUarrs nf Xew York" (J. II. Isaac, mgr.) — Memphis. TVnn.. 2X-Dre. 3. Naalivllle. 3 1". "niartty Nurse (tleorav II. lAisianl, mgr. i— ilranil Rapids. .Mich.. 27-3". South Iteml. Iml.. Dec. 1. Fort Wswie 2. 3. Cincinnati, ll..-4-lo. '-Ciaiatty Kid" ill. B. Whlttaker. mur.)—(>ilar linis. la.. 3'i. Waterly i>rc. 1, liampiuii 3. Ms'isi Cltr 3. Fort Drslgv 5. Iliinitsihtt 0, Katie drove «. Sac t.'lty s. 9mm \«. "(>r»«'of Drink," Charles K. Illaney's—Kaiisaa OlF. Mo.. 27-lltv. 3. SI. Psnl. Mian.. 4-lu. "Clfens Hav" ill. M. Itelss, mgr.i—t'nnujo- kariV. N. V.. 3». St. Johnsrllle Uss-. I. Mo- rhaniestllli' 2. ilhirersillle 3. 3, llntb >l. Saratoga 7, Fori Plain s, lliens Fnlia P.. Fort 1-lwnnl 1». _ n Dan, Jnhii il'Jiarles Froliuiiiu. uuir.)--N. \. Vtllly 2S, ImU-r.nlti' "Fi»ms' Ferry" (Cliarla* W. Brimrr. mgr.)—ha- I'.nei llle. f*. 30. Mineral Clly Dec. "J. nalesi J. •Fiinnv Shle of Life." I3»arle» A. Loder (Uartla l.aniWrg. mgr. i— Atlantic City, N. J.. 30. •Fiisl Life In New York" (A. II. WooOs. mgr.i — •llvnlon, X. J.. 2S-3U. Wilmington. Del., Dec. 1-3. Ibatlun. Maaa., 310. "Faldo Romanl" (Oscar Jisies. mir.l—Clareniont. bat. D«e. I. Kurt tllbsoa 'J. Fori Smith, Ark.. "Fau«l." IMrter J. While's—Kearney. Xebr., 3o. Ilrnml Islaml Dei-. I. Fremssil 2, Nedraska • tliv 3. Crcston, la.. 4. Perry •>. Atlantic 0, Shiiu City T. I.e Mars a. •Foxy luiy" --Atlanile City. N. J.. !>«'. I. J. "Fkldle-Dn-Di*"—Monlreal. Can.. 'Jajtre. 3. t> llmalwln. X. C. (Onr,vJ. AWselMi. mgr.)—X. V. Cllv 28, Imlrnnlle. , ,„ „ ilillei'te. William tl'liarles Froliinau. mgr.)—Phil- «filly -s, ltiik*rinltc. rlelnliln I'n "s-]mv. 10. "'»»♦*■.• M "? e "v^ ^''ul-nifloo^lvn ivT.'T flllber . Mrs. U. II. (Charles MM, mgr rtdcbesler. N. •.. 30, Hamilton, Can.. Dec. 1, Oihar". III., 38-l>ei'. t». *r,,Thomas 2. Mfigi •'•._ t „ „__ 0ri _, .. H | iii, piarrrs illeiil. <;ns-l, mgr.) — Ortrt ami Ills Players iltenj. Ureel. mgr.)—San FruHclscrf, Cal„ 28-ltn-. 3. (Inlbiod, Bertha (J. P. /Imiurrinnn Jr.. mtr-l — IkMinu. Mass.. HM-lVe. 10. lillwore, I'anl (Jules Miirry. aurr.I - Pine lllug. Ark.. 3». lirrenvllle. Mlas.. Her. I. Cnlumlais J, Hlrinhigiisni. Ala., 3. flrimih, John UeJin M. Illckey. nwr.l—Troy. Alii., :ui, Montgnniery I hi-. I, Aiml'l"" ?• '*■ ' ton. (la.. 3. Clinilniuaign. TVnn., 3. Mietllehl. .tin., n, lluntavllle 7. Fnyettevllle, Tenn., s. rnlumbla I". lllrmliiKliniii, Ala., in. Oilaiore, Barney (Harry M.aiij.Hiirrv. mor.l-- I'nttsrllk-. Pa..'30. Mnhnnof Clly lkn\ I, La- lnmhla S. York 3. Baltimore, Mil.. S-lo. lirapewlu, Charles (John J. Kelraits. mgr._>-Ha«- .hiaky. ti.. 2S. Canliai 20. Maaslllnii Mi, J anal . Hover Dee. I. Alllnaee t, StenheiiTllle 3. WUrellng. W. Va.. 3 Sr, IIHKIIMH ». I^MMllNI .,. Daly. Arnold (Wlnehell Smith, mgr.)—Toronto, I m 1. 2S-11. - 3. Hsalav." Sanfiml- Wbynot. X. Dsk.. Dee. I Dv Orntse, Jnse|.li (Fml A. llaywant, nuir.).— South MeAllsiir. lml. Ter.. 20, Shawnee. '.)kla.. .Ill, •liliknsUn. lml. Ter.. Dec. 1. KhiMosoer 3. KnlA 3. Iilrrkwell 3. Caldwell. Knn.. it. poom City. I'kla., 7, Perry s, sillluatt-r n. lijtlirm Dnvlilsou Stock I A. K. Davidson, mur. I —Tay- IvrvHItf. HI.. 28-liei- 3, Sircator 3 III. IMj>|rHamII IalllMIH !»•. SM** ••• lu " De%e»'-riunWte Slock iTh.muia K. IK- Pew. mar.)—Roanoke, Vs., 2s Dee. 3. llrlatul. rrna., Dale!"'.Marl-. W. R. Martin, mgr.)—Winona, M(ss.. 3S-:iu, Kurani Dee. 1-3. l-allay W. n.. Stoek-SL.Join V IL. 3S^ . a ^Tuff^ „*„" K :k ',,V„„er ft Krr. .mgr..)- Dn Vrlrs Slock (Sura Dii \riea. mar.)—jouna onlnrv III.. 271)is'. 3, Spr ngUebl 4-10, loan X. Y.. SkOn,.3. •^'«"'V.' t " : , N „ nila gS'' Lllimulans. ThcIiii.II*- - MlUbank. S. ■Bownwn—llooiiville. >lo., Dec. 1J. .^ernua , ((( JpjJjJJ | kV- lt uriiton 2. Abmleeu ,1 V Itrdtleid 3. Huron tl, Mitchell 7, Madison N, i:Uwr!™Ya*iJ» , a 1 nI C "loIk-^'level.a.l. O.. !9, Indrll- "lilrl'from Kay's." Sam llernant t«»arle» Prok- rann. mgr.)—Cleveland, t).. 28-Dee. 3, X. Y. "Olrl* friim' Kay'a" (Charles Froliraan)—North- amnion, Maas., 30. Fllchlaira Dr.'. I, Man- ihe.sler, X. II.. 2. l\«wnril 3, Lawrence, Mass.. "(lame Kreier." Thoiuna J. Smith l"»w'» m J.* Clifford, uigrn.)—ilaplner. Jln«-.. .HI. Man- "ll'lfi"of r 'tbe Sl'rcels?"' l.ljilaii Morllmer (J. I.. Verisiee. .ugr.l— Ptilladel|ilila, !■».. 28Dee. .1. '•«llme«.t n ifi«ta" > (A. J. Poltoek. rogr.)-Kll»- •■(Iriniea Cellar' Ihs.r'"-'-Se.itle. Waah.. S/JJ*-^- •drcat Attlon-d'lle Myalery"—Boalou, Mass.. J8- Dee. 3, Pldla.lelphlii. Pa.. "'•••.. ,' . "Illrl and the BaiHlll"-Troy, X. V. Dee. I. Hackett. James K— Washington. U- C 2S-Dec. 3 X. Y. City 3, hulctloltc. .. HaHaiid. Mlldril i lalvraH C W l.lle. lugr.)- .1- lonna. I'n.. 3ii. YaniijaloWM. «.. 1». r . Hawlrey. Charles . (Chnrlcs 1'r.Hiinaii, m»r)- Munlgoaiery. Ala.. 3U. Ailanla. •'•••.'•»•-■ I '.' llMit.mi. CI.. .les II. IF. 1 siirenee })*}*"• "E, 1 —VlekH.urg, Miss., no. Jis-ksnn He. 1 . 1. >'" "' Jj S, Ala., .1. Itlrulliutlialli 6. Colunl.ln. Tenn, (L Na-h»llle 7, •-. «• J"""- HiIwMil A |1"ii '(llenrj Plerwa., mgr Clilnis". 111., 27-1 N-c. 3. S-T, (lalec.i. Koa... 8-10. "Hnrld llarum." No. I (Jnllns Culm. ni«r.)_ Phlladelplila. Pa.. 28-Drr. .1, Treaiua, S. J., ,1-7. Wilmington. Del.. 8-H>. "Dntld llarum.'? Nu. 2. (Julius t ahn. mgr.) — Jurkaoa. jllih.. 30, Coldwater Di-c. 1, Ui Purte. ■•lL*H'. a A«lb.'L" !, «'l«rlei. II. Yale's (M. Wise, mgr.)—Porlland.- Ore.. 30. Ijec 1. Taconui. Wisli.. 2. Vlelorlfl. II. C, 3. Natwmlo ... \ au- ..xryiT 0. 7. New Westminster 8. New WImlnsii. Wtili. n. F.verelt l». Seattle 11-14. Kllenfllle 1B.-X.irih'Yoklma 10. Walla Walls '•• "Hora lliona-." Eastern (Knwlnud ft t.llffor.1. lugrsl—Salem. O.. 30. Oil City. Pa.. He.-. 1. Corning. N. Y.. 2. Wsverly 3. Troy 3-7, Sprlno- Meld, Mass.. S-10. , , "Injra Tbdrne." Westrrn (Heorge I-.. Lroffiler. „l«r.)—Co.rn.ll Bl«rr». Is.. 30, Sluuv Clly Iks:. "Dr "Jekyll and Mr. Hyle" (L. K. P.m.1. lugr.;— Aahhisl. O.. :»>. Akron Dec. 1-3. Klyrls .., l/>- rain 0, Holly. Mich.. 7. Saglunw S-lo. "Dealel-s In- While Women" lA. II. «i-«ls. mgr.i ^PnTvldeu*; ,11. I-. 2»"ec. 3. Phlla.lel|«ila. '•llarkea't Rsssla'' (W. C. Cunnlnghiiui. mgr-\— Taiimia, Wash.. 38 30. Olruiplu Itv- }•>'<>■ ,,nloin 2. l Ahenleen 3. Chehslls 4, Portland. Ore.. ■laWWaV nt the Altar" (Percy «. Wnilama. iVapV)- Hen.ll.ig. I'n.. 283H, Seronlou Dee. 1-3, Wlkeslsirre 3-7. llairlalsirg »-lo. "INjwn ou the Farm" IP. •■. J.irrls iugr.1 — Mount Pleasant. Ky.. 30. Itlehmond _Dee. 1, WlfSiester 3. Shelliyvllle 3. Da.irllle 5. F.Ilia livthlowa li. Biiwllng llreea 7. Russellvllle 8 Clarkstllle. Tenn.. 10 ^^Vorknig im.." (A. II. WoasJs, aegr.) uE&'SZ* }M£?9&tt t £& " uwrs. .-Cuba. 111.. Dee. I. Athens 2. Kdwanta- ville 3. rhester 3. Marhm li. Du Qolu ., Mar- rlinu H. llnsoivllle P. EUlugham .10. •Ifcisii t.v the Sen" (Phil Hnnl, mgr.)—tlol.iken NV.J.. 2T : »0. Clly 28U-C. 3, Jersi-y Clly. V J- "'"■.„ lleiidrlekl. Ben. (William «»'«,>•.. «■«'•. - ' J,' Molnis. la., 28-30, Perry Dec. 1. Itouiie -. wmt HahTfleorge F. (W. J Klejillng. m«o -Wllmbia- l.ui. Did.. 2B-30. ltobokcn, N • J-- „'» • '; • Voilker,. X. y.;.". Ponghk. r »U.... Alha. •l&n^me.'' Forrester ft MltteaUi.l's- „.£», E-SSW «. ■**- »• «« * • llcrllT PJinV'' M (Kudee Vl**. mgr.)-Ia-ilng- Utag^MMilM-A. HhnnuHeln. mgr.)- "iJn^'fromHiime." Putrlee j WM I— g. » »g- thentbil. ingrs.l—Kansas Clly, Mo., Dec. 4-10, K Sbaiuuklu, Pa., 28-llix'. 3. Hnw'nl IhirM* U. M. » r. has. 'ugr.l-Sls. terTllle, W. Va.. 38-18V. 3, (;larksbnrg 0-i, Itariiwvllle, (>... 810. _ liariiisoiiic, ii., o-i". ii i iw i Muxluc ,C. 1L Dllllnghaia. mgr.,-San H.rconrt £»%*$*£• Z™ W &1& { \ FranchH'". Cal.. 28-Dee. .J. HovPa Pumeily III. <• Allen, mgr. — Bllokl. OSSZ Hubert (Henry II. Harris. mgrO-New Hoy jji «^J*W i JlerUUn 5 70. I"So« "dislers^M H hiymoud's iMII.on Uum- Uuejler Hliuw (J«ek lloelller. Mgrl-ApakWi. "SCJ^.^!-'. T*:- *.«=?«•!!?.»* n^.^JffSni (W. M. (la... mtr 1. UldJlelioro. Ky.. 3. ChstUiKsiga, Teun lltraitagham, Ala., 510. Ewhig. (icrtru*; »m» llarrlnglon. Isls. mgr.)— Wjnwrlgbi. Te*..■ SH-Hee.,3. Deonm o-»0. Eilljw Sl.ek (Lk.v.1 ft Center, mgrs.i—Port | (a I ■ 14 'l'f V «i I "■' , '- Fdwanla Slotk (Jelter-uiu Hall, mgr i—Sew Km- slailon. Pa.. 3M-30. Mois.iigHbeU Dec. l-.t. Krn2od, II. J., Stock—Waslilngliai. X. J.. 28-.IO, lleMleM Dec. I. '.'. MWdletown. Dri„ 8-5, LelKilt Vk Hawkins. I.lods—Kemuierer, Wyn.. 28- . 30. Mout|ieller, Ida., 5-H Ij|sall-Wlnlhn-|»- (Edncy llhlge. mgr.I—Martina- . vtlte. Vs.. 28-Dee. •"•■ .. , , "F.ti-nial i3ly" (l.lelrter * C«i.. nigra. )—l.a Crta*e. Wb... 30, Milwaukee Dee. 1-3, Pills- uiin. Pa., 3-10. "Krraod Boy," Billy II. Van (Sullivan. Harris ft m'SkIs, nigra.)--X. t. City 28-D-c. 3. Hruuk- •>jght"Bells,'' U Bro's. Byrne—rtlea. X. Y.,.Dec. I. "Kse«p«d from Hie llsruui." J. II. Wollleks (Harry Karl, mgr.i—Lliwlunatl, n.. 3i-Dee. 3, Chlragn, III., 410. "Elsai llolileii"—Frankfort, lml.. 30, , Aiiih-raon Dei, 1. "131 und Jam;"—Mouut Sterllug, O.. Dec. 1 Sdl'lna' 2. Jaiiti-tl.iwu 3. "Eacatssl from Sing Sing," James II. Piirker's— KlliaK-tli. X. J., Dee. 1-3. Biuiklyn, .N. 1„ »»!► . v Flake,'Mrs. (Harrlsou Grey Flake, lugr.)—X. Y {•Air 38. hl'lerlillle. Ilm-Oler. Jack, Kaaleru («. >'■«!''"'■ , m|,r 'J" 7 Oiuuha. Nehr., 3K-Dcc. 3. IK- Molisf. lo.. 37. nigra. I—Myailc. in.. 2* Dee. 3. Moravia S-10. Henry 4 <:»«>' Cnuie.1)- N.-tr Braiiawli-k. V J.. 38De.'. 3, llnveralrnw, X. Y„ 3-H. Puiigllkeeisilii UarrlnVlon St.a-k (Ernest llarrlnalnu, mgr.)— Powaee, III.. 'JH-Dcc. 3. Aulsirn !i 10. "Heart <if Maryland" (David Be a.w mgr.i— Hurrah., X. Y.. 28-li-s., 3..Ch^ ; 3-IO- "llumptr Dimuity" (Klaw ft hrlanger. mgrs.)— X. v. Clly 28. ludenlie. ,_, "Heart of Chicago." l.ln.s.hi .1. I arler a (» ■ uaiud Manky. mgr.I-Denver. ^}"^.£j\vli«.,' "Her Only Sin." .hi.iilu J. Carter s—Waho., Nel.r„ 30. i^lunilnis Iks-. 1. York 2. Ik-ntrlea 3. ■ Fulls City 3. Marysvllle. M.... n. Trenton .. l.fillllcollie 8, St. Joseph V. 10. "Holy Clly." Kaslem. Ilwrdun ft Ik-uncll a (FsJ- Wnl Tuybtr, mgr.i - CainbrHge. O.. JO, X™- urk D-c I. New Pklla.VI.sila 2. UhrlehsTllle " WeMobiirg. W. V.I., '•, Wnslilnglim, Ha„ «. >Vayaeslwrg 7, Scltihile *, (;.innellaTllle 0. M'cKeeainrt HI. ' ^ • ,.,_ , u _,,. " City." Western. ..'.ii.l.m ft I mi net « {Hjiify llarrbasi. mgr.i—Js.:k*.ntllUi. III.. ■«'■ .*», i town I>iv. 1. Peoria 5. a**ag*,£■!* Prlncelisi 0. Mendo'.ia T, Vlvm ». ••"' t """ lll . "Hearta Adrift" (8uen-er ft Alsini, nigra.)—Cbl- —Xowark. X. Y., '». Lyo.|S_l>ec. I.'Palmyra .. .3. ygik-mhurg ... l>««;eg» 0, Cort- liiinl 7. Xorirleh s. Hlnglinuloii ». 10. • .. . .. . ..... ........... 1. llrawliMlni. lull.I I. .sorwirn ". #iiiia...,M,,v.- — •-" \x\j in., iii-iroiiiw. -M»r U..I Marrlaire" (MnH-l"ft (Irgsholni, mgrs.) Favepdmrn. William (Charles Frobmun, uigrl- ^ r Bo S«?w K. V., 28-30 Hvrnrtin- Dec. 1-3. UlCjaler. Pa.. 30, Essl.m Dec. 3, Washing- ^Y^SSTtiM " Kali^ Wats-n niif/Colmn. mgr' luu, D. ti.. 3-10. -Jjilnlsis b. :W Lima Dec. l. T Bowllnc Oreea 1'iankeuDeld. l.anrn (Santord Dodge, mgr.)— -~^T' l !""-. "v. •'".• ..!:'_'!'? . ,.-.i—..-«. ii n>r. .J._.TT7.... %i -u. Kim,...I ftl li.' —Xorf. :-lb. ' 'Jliilliv... ■... ."Checkers," ot Oie Walnut, p.'Oj*M,.«'pii|iir. . . ."The Merry Shop lilrls.' at' the Casino, and other combination offer- i n«v > fared' well Patrons did not neg- lect stock houses, where meritorious nro- iluctlrjns prevailed... .Vaudeville at Kclth'a bad-'oVertlowlog attendance Burlesque houseg siird'-iHl crowds, and the Bon Ton. with fboil vaudeville, prospered The Eleventh Street Opera Honsc end the Mu- Btnoj bad the'r usual good attendance. Athenteum (II. J. Porter, manager) '"Way Down Kabt," Xov.. 17.' had good busln-ss. Sam T. Jack's llur- lesijuers IS. "Kben lloldeu," • HI. slid well. Howe's moving pictures. 20. 21. came to big business. Itoselle Knolt, In "Cousin Kale." large house. VQulucy Adams 'On the Suwanee Itlver" 25. Harrison Wolfe, lu "Hamlet." 26: "Au Amer- ican Gentleman" 2!L "David Harum" 30. "Human Hearts" Deo. 1, Blanche King ". 3. II. Stoddart S, Ward und Yokes tl, "Uncle Hex" 10. - Bar Cltv.—At the Washington Theatre (W. J. Dauot. manager) "David Haruoi" pleased a large audience Xov. id. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" gave good satisfaction IT. Haskell's Indian Hand (Y. M. 0. A. coursei packed the house 18. "The Mummy and the ay I, . ..... .ntlr. Vi'ianm. Humming Bird" did good business 10. Wm. of.^ 8 ir^««. OT Wo 9 ^U„1, , s, e ia , S r , e Stffrt ^ W^^MrierlSfiaS openings .were the most brllUaut of the Ken- »*••;„ ^ffitt" 7. NOn: 'the Sutliorn.Msrloh'i' .oniulunlli.ti, in ' "flsuuno Olid .lllltel," llllisl Ihe Holll*.. "I'atsltol." . In UiiKllsli. 3t the Tremmit. "Hielied nt Ore-thirty, with a good house.. .. Oco.-rriuirose's Mloslrel Co. packed the Bos- .: ' % '4: o)a » Jojix Y. Ci.Ani: played sueereasfully the Gotham Xov. 27. lie is Introducing much uorel materia). Gun-ivy and MackrJ'smm-tle, Pa.. Dr*.-. 3. Xew Knisiiiu-ion 5, (.unniwhuni 0. Washington 7, Uuloutuai-n S, Fulrmont, W. Vs., 0, laist Pales- Hue 0.. 10. Curls Pruuisllc (M. 11. Curls, mgr.)—Ouelila, Kan., 30. Dec. 1. Ci-ntrallu '.', 3. Couroy ft Mack's Comedians—Fslrmonl, W. Va., 3SDee. 3, Kast Lii-'.uool. O.. 3-10. Cutler A Williams 81-H.k (W. It. Culler ft J. W. Wlltlnra*.' nigra.t—(!tcvoMd, O.. SS-Dec 3, Wellslou 4-10. Carroll Conwrdy (Ion Carroll, mgr. 1—Montguoi- ery. W. Vs.. Dee. 1-3. Uleu Jean 5-10. . College Dramsthr (C. W. Wallla. mgr. I—Fuller- ton. Neh.. -6-30. Corhln. Floreuec (T. V. Bonnie ft J. C. Schcm-k, uigrs.i— Llveruioic I'slU. Me., 28-lKv. 3. Hid- deford o-IO. Crelcent Comedy (Bvrvmun ft Cummbigs. mgra. I — Mailetta. Ga.. 'Js-biv. 3, Cclartown 5-10. Cliuou Comedy—1'oo.a. Okla., 28-Dec. 3. Tulsa, Hid. Ter.. 3-10. Chleain suck (CharlM If. K»*< Kaui, uigr.!-- Brsdford. Pa.'. 28-D.-C 3. Oeaevs. X. Y„ 3-10. "County Chairman." (Henry W. boruge. mgr.)—Xew Hurjn. Couo.. 29. 30, Ilaitfurd Dee. 3, Spilngfleld. Mnaa., 6, 7. "Couuty Chairman," Weateru (Henry W. Sav- age, mgr.)—Los .Uncles, Cal.. no-Dec. 3. "Checker..." TUnnou. W. Rims (Klrlo La Suelte. laar. I—11illailel|ihla. Pa., 28-Dee. lo. "Cullpae Wl.k>w" (Henry W. Huvsgr. mgr.)— X. Y. CPy 2S, linlednlle. "Cisinn'Si 8e«H. Braekell" (Henry IV, Savage, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wb... Dec 4-7. 'iiirntovlijis., "MJiin., 30, Mllbauk, S. Dak., Dee. -0. . Kllnuuamon*. RolaTt. nnd Jnlla May OltTor.1 (Joa. KduuUHlvti. mt-r.i—Isiwell. Mass., 28-30,'rniui- lon T)ec. 1. Norwich. Cuiin.. 3. Mlikllelown 3, Kllcabelh. X. J.. 3-7. ' ' Funbrrg Slock (Ris.rge M. Feuberg. mgr.)—Fall lll»«r; Mass.. 28-Dec. 3. Kewport.-R. Li .old. Pleasing, .Mamie. (W. II. Oracey. mar. I—I'.mgh- lieepale, X Y„ 28-H«. 3. Kiakc; May (J. P. Coagrote. awr.i— laitrrrnre. Uas's..' 28-Dec. 3. ,., , Ferris a.misllaiis I Hurry lluMi, mgr. I—Llyrla, (►. t "8-Dev. ■■'.. AahtolMila 4-10. Flak., ft Stock IE. II. I'lske ft T. V. Sto.;k, mgra.) — Ilolyi.k'. Mosa.. 'JS-Dh.-. 3, lllianealer 3-10. I'rsnkllii' St'-* (II. F. Sluipsou. nigr.I—Sweet- waKr. TVi.. 38 mi, (ailorado Clly Dee. 1-3. Fnv. Ivliin (Kdnln Weaver. uigr.)-^!lefelanil, Xeum. "8-3(>. "Flgailug -Arrow." J. Carter's (W. F. .laegsou. mgr.)— Bultluiore. Mil., 28-Dee, 3. Wjaillngtwi. D. I.'., 5-10. "FnUil Wtddlug," <>-.itral. Sullivan. Ilagrls ft Woods' (Cury MeAduw, mgr.)—X. 1. City 38- Dec. 3. Pittsburg. P«.. 3.|0. . "Fatal Wedding," Mm, lulllvaii, Harris * Woods: lW. X. Halltbary. uigr.)—Tempi.'. Tel., 30. Illllaboru |l«s-.. I, Goraleuua 2. Tyler 3. (Jreenvllle 3. MeKlimey 0, Ihmhsm 7. P-rls 8, DiSilwni II. Sbeiuisii I". "Fatnl Wtskllng." W'Stern, Sullllvan. Harris * Woodi' (E. I'. Klegl.-r. mgr.)—4<uu Deruurdlnu, Cal.. 30. IllH'Talde Of'- 1. San Diego 2. Is.s Angeles 4 10. Vrutn.a 13. San Luis llhlapo 13, Sanaa* lu. Son Jose 17. "I'etrlule Detectives." Itiusell Brolhers (Samuel FUalr, nuri.)—Worcisatrr. Maaa., 28-Dec. 5, New llavan. Coun., 5-7. "F»om Ruga to BU-h.-s " Juseub Santley (M. II. Myera. mur. I—Albunr, X. \.. 28-30 Troy D«<-. I-S, X, Y. City 3-1,1. "For Ills Brother's i>Iuih" (Geo. X. Bellinger. rugr.)—Clereluud. ■).. 38-Dee. 3. Ilvclicstrr, X. V. 5-7, Syvacuae « 10. "Foclory Olrl." Kaatern (Phil B. Isaac, mgr.i— Brooklyn, X. V.. JS-Dec. 3. Scraatou, Pa.. 5-7, WUkrabarre 8 10. "Factory Olrl," Transcontinental (Charles II. Wuerg. mgr. i--Xew Bedford. Slas,.. 30. Lowell. Dec. l-'i. Lawrence 3. Portsmouth, X. II., U, liiater 7. Rockland. Me.. 8. 2. Sa»iasky'3."'A4liiaad 5.' Wadiwarlh 0. Bar- •-M..H 7. Uhrlelisville ti. New««.'° . .„ . "Her First False BUT." C F. Whlttaker'* IB. A. Khlller, mgr.)—Colunilins. O,. 810. "111. SI iin.r I." Bor.-r ft U.irke's (nakeimloe ft llaiulllisi, mgrs.)—Arisnlnle. (»., Dee. J. <-■»• laston 3. Fbrlehavllle 5. Ca.lls U, Toronlo .. East PalcMhie 8. ISHitunla li. Suliin 10. "How Un W.m Her" (Tom Xorlh. mgr.)—Cldea- on, III.. 27-Dis-. 10. "Hiimnu Hearts." Western (Claisl Saulsk-rs, mgr.i - -Jarksou. Mich.. Iks-. I. Bailie llreek 2, Bay ••IliuVld Time," I in- Hill's Mlsrry Hill, ragr.l , -llenihrson. Ky., 30. K.vaiisvllbi. hid., He.-. I. Torre.Hanlr !S, C.Milralla, III., 3. St. Isiuls. '•Hmi'iy ilis'illgnn." Kaalern. On- "Ill's (••.;*• Kelly, mgr.)—Bullluiurr. Mil.. 28-Dee. 3. Pitts. Iiitr*' I*iti> *i"I". * "llomespuu Heart" IF. L. Hunt, mir.l—Toleil-i. I).. IK-.-. 1-3. Oruii.l Rapids, Mich.. 1-7. "liana Hanson" Uas. T. Me.Mpln. mgr.i—Boh;- iihiii. Kan.. 30. I)"'. j. (tounell ilrove 2. Osage Clly 3. Muillsun .1. Strong Clly II. Flnn-nce 7, IValmdy 8. MePberaou U. Lyons 10. . "Heart of Te«ua" (A. Vlllslr. mar.)—Teeuraaeh, Mick., SO. Wuii.ion. ')■■ \>•■••■ I. "Holly Tolly"—Vlacennea, Ind., 30. Irwin. May fKdwanl R. Sailer, mgr.i—X. Y. Clly 'Jh.lluledulle. Inter-Ocean Coinedy—Tucqla, III.. Dee. 1-3, Pi- "In Old 'Kentucky." Jacob Lilt's—(Julncy, HI., Dr.-. 11. St. Louis. Mo.. 4-10. "Irish Pawn brokers" .Ollle Mack ft Joseph W. Sucara, nigra.)—Xewiuu. la.. 30. AlMa Dee. I. i.vnir.illu 3. Oltumwa 3. Furl Mudlsost 4, Fair* grid 5. Obkalooaa II, Wssblngdw 7. Klrk-vlliv. Mo., 8, Quliicv, III., u, Hannibal. Mo.. 10. "In'list Far East" (Uumutou ft Hopkins, mgis.i •llouiistuu. 111.. 30. Danville Dec. |. Llm.-oln 3, Alton 3. Kl. Charles. .Mo.. 4. Mundiysbon,. ill.. C, Anna o. Cenlerrllle 7, Murlon 8. Ilcrrhi li. Mount Vernon 10. "In the Shadow of the Gallows" (Morgan D. Wil- son, uur.)—Wllllauuporl. Pa.. V. "Iris." Jeanne Towler—Louisville. Ky.. 2830.