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963 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3 o. Clipper Po$( Of f Hit. . Ia or*tw to arel* mistake* and to ln«o»*«h« protont delivery ot the letter* advertiser in ihle Hit, an envelope plainly addreiied Utttlt.be aent for each letter, and a written order lor the letter, sinned with the **U name nil address and the llae ot>M«l»e«» followed bjr the lender, mslst also be e.cloacd. Please mention the date (or num- ber) ol TUB CLIPPER In which the letter, sent for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. Alice, Mailgo Alloa, Miss 0. Anfflle, Jeanne Ashton, Mar .Mole, Mrs. K. Aldcu, I'.lvie Andrews UUdoE Avuk). Jenny Alltkiri*.-, Kitty Arilsttli, Eslclle Au*> .iriclll, Flora Anlclcno, l/or» AnieMI. Mile. Ilrimu, Ksla liiinm, Mantle nigger, Lvla lkwii, Lulu JUfaW. lnrx Jt.ll. DoL Urtoneck,' i- -.-• Carrie llroinie, II, a Loolh, 111 tUc liluiiL-uuni,- Nelllc Hrleli, Pantile JlHurttraan. Dora lltnuM, Kdttii Hrannlgan H.tIIc Ucckwlth I.lMlc Iirlatol, Jessie UurtmjD, Oorlle Hurts, Martha linker Mra.l'ete Hell Mn, B. \V Butler. Klluorc Under, ISdythc IIIIUII Katierliic Ctistlgnaoo Pearl Cooke, Julia Cbledtln, Lillian Ctinrell, May CurWn, Llllon cjrestryn. Alice <W, ilyrthr took, Jnsle Cltonanlt, Mm. Lawrence Clinitmau Mamie OfttWIc, acrlie Corbln. Flora Citneroo, Kilty Cho|>ttion Blanch flatter; Aunlo Cnrry, IuA amis, Jenny Ctinmuucy, &' - Agues Cox,-'Ray , Dclvluo, Sosle Pel Habs Lllllnn Davenport, Edna Dally, Queens Urlmir, . .'.. V Charlotte Denltam, Bessie Ditiry, Mrs. Jns. WlM Eleanor Daly, Bcnrtlce Davenport Mary l>e SuiIm. May Dcinpscy, Mme. Dressier, Vlvlnn He Viae, Kittle Deny, Maud Djtlwll. Flora Dpiine, Amy Iniulisr. Miss E. Dolly, Aimy Deer. Mm, J. Do Vnv, Maudo M Venn, Mac lh- Hylfn. Lou DcVerc, Carolta Ih-ltans, itosiua Dean, Bliindt Kluerson, Mrs, Mm Nellie Mm*, Virginia KVerliart. Sis to 1 'rauklhi, Ray Ponder, I'loro Power, Anna riimoiv, Nellie Corrcslor, • Murcella Sir*. M. E l-'letchcr. Hello FIllOll. Zollll 1 l''rencli, |*oiiKy PTankllii. Irene Ootliu. Winifred Gordon, Grace Gladstone, - • Minnie E. flagiiniit. Bello Olrt|ell, Dollle tlowloii, Louise Gllimerol lo Nlua Goth, Jli-«. Kurl Gamble.-,, Hen I rice IJII'HOM, ItCHftU' Gllmm, Nellie Herbert, Mabel Howe'l, Daisy Mamllloii. Mlal M. Iloar.llit, Mm. O. II Ha ring;, M». llctitah Hoffman, . • Nellie D. flnydcn Virginia llerfurd, Joule Hayes, Mabel H11 yen, Urrlle Hurley. Jullh llnrkli ■», J. II, lliin-nnl. IllPllll) IlnvlUllil, Allp'lllll lluuiiiwiil. I 'ii 11 line Hyde, Jicltlo Hanson, (lei lie ilnmraer. ■■ Cliarlotte L. Herbert, Kettle llrasl(y, Mare!) Howlliorne,' ,..,'. •. Vcllna Hunter. Hello llownrd, Nellie Ilorlon, ., . Beatrlw I roll, Marlon Irlah, Annie Jolmaoti, Grace Jobuatou, ' EateTle •lolinalnn, Mrs. J. A. Joliuatiiii. Mm. A. V.. Kraoiae Alma M Kearney, • . Mildred KenfW.l Mlldree Klrkliam, Kitty Kirk, Celene B. iilllliu UntellcL Koinchin. May Kelly, Mn«. T.K Kliemr, Knlrnn Lewla, Mar- ■• turcl P. M. Llnrtni. Florlne i.aMortp. lila ' l.ewla MtsaM.M laWslle. Frances l.lltkUnlt, •• Lillian l.atcll. Florence l.akolu. Carrie Ultoy Mm.Wnll Mr». M'altcr l.rwh. Victoria l«e. Lulu Lane, Ida Lawrence, llolile E. Lawwii, Laura Lgng, Ocrttude l<ong, Violet '.OUIIC. Mra. Rul>3 - LaMirr, Irene Lee. Mm. U. H. l.jni"ful'il, Arn belle Ln Toaka, Mine. Lanrouev. Alice M. I.nwnMiL'c, Mae Lamoinlic, • Benale Italic. Etna La Buy. Ray , l^umlem Sod.B. Lnt-ler Mra.l'reil 1.aw rin 1-e, Jexale Leoimril Sisters Melruw. Nellie MeDoiinld-Mnrlc Maee, Florrlu Mudgc, Era Mortem, Betale Morclla. Edna Maskell. Nellie .Vlll-Mfck-Snil .^nnolile. Walter Alien, Charles AllHTU Mr. Allen, J. Awiley. Herbert Aiulruna, C. II. Allvn, Leon Alfunzo, Mgr, Ailiiilnillll. A.F. Austin, J. a. Ahlllullll Dritmiitic Co. Allen, V. H Allen, W. B. ,Alkn, W. V. Audri'tta, L". lUllhig. W. II. Ualdwlu, Liigeno Bareni, Joe Ilntivard, Bert lllckett, W. K. ■llallcy, Frederic Laker, Wllllmn lleekcr. Kdille -•lluiinell, Gcurue llenwon. A. B. ■ Breiilor. J. K. Bryant. Johnnie BtlM. J. M. _ Krolli^ftoti, C.r Burger. O. It. Utillirlelt. D. B. •Tecchcr, J. \V. Laitlno & . • Ilumlngton Uraunaeli- . .' welver, K , Bond', Frederic Belmont, Harry : lioon, J. C. ' llMaee. J. L. Bradatrect. W. D. Jr. Ili'ondow .VWiley rS: I* ltcrker, E<l«lle lternai-d Gastoa I Burton, T. n. Brownlce. J. W. Hiirteii, Robert Biitoia, a._ Burcli. 0. w. Baitnett A Rich . Huiiey. ttaipb Mafley, o. a. Bramvvoll. Wra. Hraker.H. . itucintr, Great Raker ii Lynn Hata^ J. *. WrtOWt. Lan- eaiter ft Co. nnrneo, A. L. Rliekmore B H bli.n.lell Edtvanl f:niwii John Piirlk-ek. II. 0 UuCTia, V, Marshall. K.thel Myern, lrelno Marlon. Cecil Mayberry Etta Mnrtln. Tliereca L, Morrison, Belle Mllla. f/tulae Moran, Mae Murof. Trlxle Mulvey, .Iflaale GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Melrllle, , . Trlxle E. Montague, IlerUia Migumi, Bijou Nelaon, yiiirley Nnrrla. Corluue Norrla. Mantle II. .Nelson, UtiHule tl'BrbMi, Kitty tlBwnl.i, Grace O'Jlrien, Kittle I'lckcrliig. Jcnulo Ptlcc, Lillian D. Parker Lottie B Paltner, Alice Potrteroy, Anna' Peuliotly, Mae 1C PuideHuii, Beatrice Peurce, Mrs. Kliiacl ItobertH. Myrtle lllrcht tlargarot ItoliaMo, Kva nodding. • • Franclsca lieM, Helen heed, Llllle !i«se, ltnUt tocknvll, Clara tomerill, Mtrlc lUfaell,' Marie lllal, Mm. 1. U. liaymond, Blaiiclic Kunscll, Ivhliier Khclton, Tlllle Sandcrn. '• Cressle C. .Storer. Eleanor it. cinlr. Kittle mow, Nellie Scott, Inez ■'easier. Gfnee ■•lerlliijr, Lillian smith Nellie M >ewel, Mnry SIClinena, fieortrlk .School. Untie Shydor. Llaxle pioneer. Nelllo Kmllli. J otic Hyruomlit,. Lottie W. Xtcatl, POvthn .Sharp, Besaln Xinforif, Maud ml Hi. Mm. Josle Stewart Belle C Mmltli, Dolle 8t.Fellx Hlslera rteoot. .Millie \V. i'letre.nl, llattle Sutton Ploy Texnna Mlatem Titus, Mme, Ij-dla X. Taylor. May Tboinpaon. Boitlah Tliompfon, . jlnrglo Townwnd Smile Urguliarl, Mnrcurlte Verne, Ella Vem & O'Brlcu Venio, Prlscllla VniiBurcn, llattle Wliltbcck, . Fannie Wynn, Morui Walter, Anfln J. Warner, Edith Washburn. Blanch Wllnon. Delta Wot ton, Fanny M. Woodford. Mrs. John Westerly, Pauline ".•nlloi-, Mildred Wellington. Einllle Wllks. Anna Wallers, Mrs. Elmer WUIlesldes, Ethel Wella. Nrron Wnlthnnt, Crlulo Wilbur D)lly V Vouug. Cllila U. Benson, B, 11. Brixton, L. T. Bums. T, • P. Browiielle, J. D lluvnl.. IjOuIh Billing, II. II. Buker, Clias. Bonnie Matliew Bennett, II. S. Ilouiie. 0. A.' Lowers, Will Ittnioll, Geo. • Crater, Hanmol <k>Mn». "II" Cobber. Harry Chirk Al'loreuce CbrlsloidieV Chris Cooper C. T Coupnm ft Bacon Cnnliv, gain (V)iiley. J. R Cnrseii, Georgo Clirroiil ft Burke Coilalr. Harry t'nnilcld Charles (Mark. C A. Clifford ft Raymond Curl Is, M. 0. • Chirk. Bert Cearaa, Frank Callahan Jlmiiiy CuriK'ntor, D. K Corleii Hernando Castle, J. F. Chick, Maurice (!um libel I, W. A Cullnhau. Jos. Ciiroil. Frntlk Onart, Jnmca Carr, Leon Cromwell, K. A. Crawford, Jack tVnlon, Harry Cater, Mr. . Caslltla. . Richard Cooke, Herbert Clements. I Chamberlain. Frank Cooiir. E. J. Olargo*. Vernon Church, F. A. Cniup. J. Chusscnd. Mons Cantor. Henry Car keek. Jobs Cdlte. Huary Coyne Proa. Clark C. B. Claman, Mr. Chirk, Hert Casey, John Clinndlw. J. II. Clrnvnt, Win. Iiolildiis. J. It. Dawson, T'. P. iDeavcs, Uoirmau ItuiHigliue, J. W. Itiaine. Sam Jinley, W. R, belnln. Harry Heaven, Bowman Iliirul. J. F. Hiirrell. GOorgo I.tarln, W. C UeVonile. Chester Drumond, M. V Henn. W. .1. Duffy, Janiea USES, w. l. Drew. J. E. DunCurlb ft lliucc DnTls, T. Itlxey, II. E. Devcmatix, Robert Drtvcii|K>rt, A.J, H:iy, Billy Halo, W. U Heluviiy. W. IK'ivs, Nut N. IH-Cnsllllo .Lick Davenport, II.J. Hnwcs, W. K. Dll, C. II. Dleksnn, A. Deer, t!. W. Doer limn. Holey. Georgo Dcumiiug ■ Arthur D.infmth 4r . Bruce Dnwson ftWhlle Duly ft Kelso Hrilke, 1 Inward Do Korreit. Harry Drawee, (ins Dc Kstang. .. ... Marcy Dono:rtta; Alfrlda Del Oro. Lulgl Knlgmarelle El'BaltO EsQictulila, Mabel Emerson, J. B. Emeraon, Janiea l"jners"n, Frank KUwunls, 0. L, Edwards, Al ■ Kdmomls, 8. W, I'dlUOUOi, J, 0, Esant. X. W, RdtMHg «. H. Eartc. WhreUr K.vorsolr, WBV ElrtrwU. Tli* F.ldrhUv, J'ress P.dsall Win- Ihron Qa, Eraua. Kid Emuictt, 'Com, Florence, Eddie Fagan ft • . Metrlam Eltlier ftJMmutt FonJrlbj, Hirry Kg Fleming Carroll Fay. O. II. Freete Brot. Promo, Chas rittgeralfl, I. H rosier. Jean I'ahmey, Harry rarrcll, Charles rordlir.ni, A. 1'ied, raaw Karrrll. L. J. Ference, G. Fubas. Victor Frlnk, Eildle I'errell, Fred Funds, G. C. Free, J. Martin Grnne, Harry Okie, Tom Glynn, Nlcblos Uranlicb. Cbarlen Gardner. Frank (Iraat. W. K. ilaylor, Robert Ullleit, Kdrard aanor.Mr. Jean (Iiirdaer. Dsnlrl flrlhrs, T. J. Urndull Richard Grant, Culoruds dates. J. II. tllllraorc, Boyd dllllliau. Earl flrant. W. H. Illpliel. 'I. J. (ileesmi, John Guy, U. It. Gtsrard Bros. Gordon, A. O. Grimes, Tom (;tfDdOn,,W»ller UfoTlnl ft HelUnl Glnulran, V. It. I lath. Karl Grand I, Bob Cumella. Bob Ollle*. J: M. Grotonl, Mdbter Hodges, Frank Hull. G. A. Harrison, C. H Hotter, Lou Hauler. E, C. Hunter, Frank Bluff, Arthur Haunt ft Dean Hemphill, K. A. Huntley, Gordon mil o. a. Huiitlngton, W. Hottc, Den Wayea,' George Harrlgcn Frank Hunt, Herbert Hall, Franklyn liealy, Tin Huelmer, Fred lloeret, Al Ha mood, F. II. San-Is, Tommy orriec, H. J, Hnller. S. C. norland, Paul Ilnlleu. I'red Hasty, Charles Hollway, Eddie Ilatcli Bros. Huntings. Four liealy, Tim HuikT. Georgo Heath, Tom Ilolrrea, P. W. Husbacd*-aV Shelton Eenry. Lea ■ ntiivwa, H. K. Hale, II. N. llitc, G. W. Harris,- V. 0. Haskell, l-uii.'y Keruaiiden, Etren Hall, Frank Hennlna. Lewis ... ft llcuuliig llo-lRklim ft um Hnrrlson: T. V. liares, W. C. ltaydin. llnlpli Hunt. II. Hawsrl, Lynnc HonTmnii. Dick mil. nun Howard, G. P. Iliiiiiiielelu. J.A. 1pp. Mnrlln Irtrln, J. M. 'Imrln, Jack lew I it. Jack Juckatn, Adnli'li Jordmis. Flying Jarrls. I'roil J<sies. K. C. Johnston, Albert Jones ft ' V ' ■ Raymond Jackson, J. E. Joseph. Samuel Jeanetb, The .Ionian. Fred Jneks, Sam Jnliiisou, loo Jnnles, W. S. Jewell. Jess Johnstons Mils iolmsluii, J. A. ■illusion, A. K. Jcniitiigs, Slnvi! Jviinroi'. Harry Jorilans, Plying Klncaid, J. A. Kelly ft Vtnlettc Kelly. T. P. Knijip. Harry Kemp. Albert Kornch, Hugo Kennedy. W. F, Kcohfh. r.dwavO Keith,- Eunene Kol aro, Prank Klhit. W. H, Kent. Outs. Kelloiu. I,. J. Kent ft ,- • raatnrasoj Mucoid, J.. W. Kolttirr. Kdgjr Petit. Jack Klotor. \V. h. Kcuiigh. IJlwln Knilstler, Ellill L'llnaloii, It. L. ■Kenedy. Mult ' Ktlli, John . ' Kiilin. J, C. Vennoily Jimmy Knrblcr. Charles Knrr, D. S. ; Kennedy, J. 7. Koppe. Kol , Lucas, 8nm l.Ulllbelto, — I.cimsden, J. Mack ■l.alell. Edwin lsrster. C. 1. 1 nwrence. C F. LotIiii. Harry LnClnlr ft West Llpplncutt, Jack Lyotiti, Tk>l*y Lumnilt, Rbca LalcIL Edwin Lktyil. Horn Limbcrt. . . F. ft Lcillc Lloyd, Charles Unit. Jack LcigUton ft Lelgbton l.strretieo, «. B UVerrc. II. 0 Line, Arthur \a Monte Bros. lion ft Adeline Lewis, Ihibe I .coke. W. H. Ultiii-r. Anion Lambert ft Brooke Lydell ft . Bntterwortli Leslie, Bert LlrlngHione, J.P, l^roy ft Clayton I-ce. Kobt. IL . Llewellyn, Geo. IJjocastor. Jack La Vim. Harry Liimlianl Bros. Ijiwreuoo, Mlephcn Lewis, J. 0. Ltnre, Grant I*o, F. W. Leatjh M. A. Isxm ft Adeline Lyale." ft Couke Sinlth, II. B. I.stell, BdjHf iJiVanlii, Henry Lawrence. W, A Ljtiilnes, The Morrlsuu, W. I*. 5lns.it;. Mam Mllllkcn. Win. Mjlill. M. V.. Monlnne. Mux Moiistlelil. , Wilbur Co. -VcFailund ft Morray oforton, Messrs. Manley, Chas. Jlarlon. Dare Iiartis. w. H. Merrill. ' Boston (2c.) Melanl Trio Miller. R. A. Miller, W. W. Madison, T. II. Mundcn, 11. O. Mart In. W. K. XlcKee. Harry Mortimer, . Charles Mllllkcn, Win Morton Mr.Jess Manny. Eilwnrd Melrose, W. H. Mnchs, Two Am Muijthe, O. O. MalOard, C. 8. Mean. Tom Matnlock, Leon Horrify, T, P. Murphy ft ' Andrews Jfneft. J. 3. Miller,.F. P. Montn, II. N Hoirtj Burke Slurpliy, Mr. Miller ft Kresko S4 under*. C. It Smith, tl. P. Stiolr-s, W. H. Hllvem, E. P. sharinii'lns The Shifcr. Edward Scu'.hi rn, C, L. si one, George Swunson, C. E, eaunuer*. Chalk Spcltnnn. M. F. Sfhroeder, Geo. Kpauldlng, A. fct. Belme, James fthlelds. Prank steel, Harry 8lo«art, II. M. Smith, C. E. fcearey, Frank Stlckocy. Bob Smith, Charles Hilrk ft Hiulllon Bweet, Eugene Stutcmaa, c. E Sandusky James KnllWau. John kit. Ongc, Fred Rmlth, H. O. Pwor, Billy bant, Lonut. SulltTOll, D. If. r'-hen*er, C. II. ScboU, Eugeno Klillllog, Carl Staoley, Mart Steicin Com.Co. Sheldon, A. II. Blotrell, F. II. Sun Bros. Kblroer, B. P. Thermos, B. A. Trers. Cbaa. E. Teauy.-C E. McDonald, Mike Tilt, W. M. Melville, eJiitt klagluTeyi, • The klllaril Bros. Maaaey. G. K. Mnrtlny, E. V. McCole, Larry JIcQratb. T. J. Users, aThe Miirron, ■}. ■ F. McBrlde, Harry Hack, Wilbur Marshall, Jack Morrow, J. A. Mack, Ollle Mortin, J. J. M Irani, Ernest Mudgo, R. O. McCarthy. J. II. Mattleo Stock Co Nelson, Clip Nelson, Joe Nlrhols, J. 0. Nobles, Milton ft. y. Nowb- loy'a Qoart. Nelson. Harry Nugent, Howard Norrls. Wesley Melville, F. Nuun, W. D. totoft' NnrtoV Russell Norton, Joe (>l>el. Ilenry tsflTer. J. W. tJlos ft Knlo Ohnnia, Mr. Provost, Kihlle Phillips. Will Peek. George Pippin, Eugene Phillips ft Merrltt Plant. J, D. Phillips. Tom I'ngsoiii Percy Powell Clnrenco I'reTost ft I'rOTOBt Pooler. 3. % . Pelersoit, J. J. Plrcher, Joseph I 'uiilti.ii ft Duley Pilgrim. Joe t'lekert * : . Whliiiiler Peerc.'. G. I'lekert, Willie Pnrmlter. C. J. Pascos, W. II. Penhy, George IMllo, W. C. Parker. Hurry l"otrs), Waller Parker. Will Pnrmlter. C. J. l'ltasey, Alfred repprv Twins Paten, Joe Qiilnliin, Dan Qulgley, Doc Heady, J. P. Itcnu ft ltlchanla Bobbins, F. S. irccves, Hurry Kay. J. ' Bobbins. C. ft Bessie Rutnsdetl, Louis llnyiuoiid. Al lloileiv, Wl |u nm llonaldo. Bruce Itaymoml. It. R. lteae, Ia>w Rcynolila, • . Bnruoy itiiih, ii. n. Roberts. Sam Pale). John Rnndsoiir, Casey Reap. Wm. Rockwell, J. 0. Ilotnour, J. D. Rood. C. 8. Ritchie Dim Reynard. E. F Rio. Al C. Rulnsoh, <i. R Ransom, C. V, lUdferaau. O.w. SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OP LIST. " t il Rockwell, U. C. Rank, Walter Rcitukt"* ' Brad ham Reynolds, Lew Robinson. II. 1. Itohinsogf. W, A Rbnnldo Edward Miner. 1". IL Scott ft Wilson anlly, J. .F. . Schroder, Qua Schwarlt, Frederick Kcara, Harry , Slarkwenthrr, II. A. Stanch Beld, . Allen Swoad. Bnsaell Sanfortl ft, Wullitna Kthmorr, Emll Syltesler, S. U. Smith. F. II. Sin Clair, Lee Stsniilim Joseph Smith ft Delle Simpson. Eddie sliarplcy, A. J. SpadouJ, Paul Smith, A. p.. Solve, Jacob " ymonr, Peter ■neer, Prank PBNriSTLVAMA. 8«ms ? .*, tt ■frachman, M.J. TrasU, Tom Tencll Znch Modi, Eddie Toylor. J. E. Thomas; W. O. Tbor, Musjcnl Taber, E. T W. - Tahar. Bhclk Had; Tlnch.iA-. L. i Tattle. X. O; Thomas, Win.lt Torbeck. G. M. Ten Brook. James Thompron. B. E Tlerncy, Eddlo Turner, F. J, Thomas, U. H. Thmpeon ft sorltlk Topsy lurry . Trto Taylor, Cbaa, Varney. V. A. VIck, J. IJ. Van Tosscn. Harry Van Avery. IL Vnltoao, Carl Vnss. Victor Van Brocklln. Will Voce. T.- . Vrrrlll; ft. L. Mrdeu ftDunlap Voltouc,. Carl.. Vnkea, .Harry Wink ft Mack Wearer, Wink Wilson. J. R. Webb. JL L. Williams. Mnlcome Winters, W. B. Westeottrtt. 0.- Weaton, Pre.1 Woodford, Cbaa, Wlgle, P. B. Woods, William Walsh, C. A... Wilson, P. II. Wcstoa. Eddlo WalslC Fred Wnlston. C. P. Wlrber,- Burke Walnwrlght, . Bert Way, W. T, Wlsbert .ynung Stock Co. Walker; R. C. Wilson,, II. W. Willisana "David Wallace. T. II. Woodfcnl & 5Iarllaro Wolf ft Wilson Moiling, lleri'u Watson W. n.8. Wyiiu ft Hart Walters. Fred Wiley, ..Clarence Wcgitor. Alliert While. O. K. Wolr'i James A. Wrltbt. Jack Wllfo. J. 'A. Walters. Elmer Willlims.,W. Wilson, ft. W. M'estcrn, Mr. WoKHig. I. S. Wormwood'e Daga Western. Frank Wbltfleld. J. T. Weiden. J. K. Webbrlt. r„- Wulie, J. R. Wilson Broa. Mounded Buffalo Yeoman. George Zurllnclon. Frank ZarfOW Trio dimmer, pave — Notes from the, Do Vrlcs Stock Co.: Tbls Is our flftb week out and house mana- gers say. It la one of the best companies tu the Mmi Time Is olfered whenever we wish - It. Our specialty feature, the Great Auieta, has won new honors for.tyrself. Her new North 8ea IMlar dance Is sottothtfiff wonderful. Harry K. McKec, the stnr, has proved his right to head any company, and the prtsa nnd public speak In the highest praise of hit work. The compnny numbers uluolei'ii in'iiitlry, and wu are booked solid milII .ltil.v'2i>. ir*05. Our "nil." Inst week In your rulunhlo paper l.rouglit iw inure let- lets than wc could answer, nud gnvc us what we wliiiled, Philadelphia. — Last week the nggrc- gatc of -builness undpubtcdly broke all. rec- ords for the ctirrcnt season. Throughout the week tbe,attielldniice w«a of capacity slie, while on Thursday evening It was Impossible to accomnodtte amusement seekers. Thous- ands were turned away to amuse thcrasNves promenading the streets, while every theatre In town wna crowded to the doors. AiMnr.uy ot- MiHic. —There was nothing here last week, br>t ibis week the Iahllndel- phla Urchcstra resumes lis Krldny afternoon nod Haturday evening conrerts, having Vlad- imir dc P.icbmann ns soloist on both occa- sions. Next week tuo opera Season oiwdb With the performance of "Homco Ct Juliette" on Thursday evening, Riioad annex TnUTM (Niton & Zimmer- man, managers}.—William Gillette begins n fortnight's engagement nt this Douse this week, presenting "The Admirable Ctlchton." The large attendance last week brought the engagement of Wm. H. Crane, In "Business is Uuslucss," to a close with a wealth of prosperity. Coming Dec. 11!, William Paver- sham, in "Lctty." . .Oabrick TiDmtbB (Prank Howe Jr„ man- agvc).—This week brings Rlchird MansfleM for a fortnight's engagement. Xbe repertory during the current week Includes: "I»an. tho Terrible;" "Beau Brummcl." "The Merebant of. Venice,'" "Itlchard llf," "A Parisian Itorouncc" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Annie Ktissell's very successfitj engagement In "Brother Juc<|Ues" closed last week. , Chestnut Strebt Otero, Hoase (Nixon ft /.Irumernuin. manngcrs).—The cngagemcDt of Wright liorimcr, la "The Hbephcrd King," begins at this bouse tbls week... Crowded houses continued to greet the lingers Broth- ers last week. .Ciieshct Stueet Emma ISIion & Zim- merman, managers).—P. C Whitney's musi- cal production, "pifr. Part, Pouf." opens at this bouse tbls week for a fortnight's stay. "An American Princess" Is announced to fol- low Dec. 12. Last week closed a prosperous engagement for Grace Van Studdlfoid, In "ifexf Feather." Walni;t BTkEET Tiieatrb (Frank Howe Jr., manager). 1 —"Clnckers," which, was one of the successful offerings at this bouse last season, returns for this and the coming week. No diminution was discornablc last week in the large attendance accorded "The liarl of Pawtuckct" Coming Dec. 12, "Homo Folks." Casino (Ellas. Kocnlg & Ledercr, mana- gers),—Rice's "Merry Shop Girls" Is still entertaining Immense crowds at this house, and shows no signs of diminishing popular- ity Lederer's production of George Uobart's "Smiling Island" is underlined for early pro- duction. Park Theatre (F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, manager).—The large attendance and en- thusiastic applause for Creston Clarke, in "Monsieur BcincaliT." last week should have proved very gratifying to tbls young star. The current week's offering Is Adelaide Thurston, la "Polly Primrose," with "The Tenderfoot" scheduled to follow. .National Tuiaibk (Joseph M. Kelly, manager)—The melodrama. "Why Girls Leave Home," holds the boards this week. Last week's business tor "Fast Life In New Work" was all, that could be desired. Next week, Joe welch, In "Cohen's Luck." Grand Ortav, Horse (G. A. Wegcfartb, manager).—After a record breaking week with the Rays, ln "Down the Pike," this house now has Lewis Morrison, in "Faust." ."Running tor Offlco." Is scheduled tor the coming week. I People's Theatrb(F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdllng- er, manager).—"A Wife's Secret" Is the melodrama which provides.thrills for the pa- trons this week.. The patrons turned out In force last week and appreciated the per- formances of "A Child Wife." The com. log attraction Is "Dealers in White Women." Blajyev's Ancit Sthekt Tiieatrk (ft s, Bchlesiugcr, managcrl.—The current offering at this house Is "More to be Pitied than Scorned. The performances of "A Working GUIs Wrongs'* were heavily patronized last week. "The Great Automobile Mystery" is underlined for the .coming week. Gibarh. Avr.NirE Theatre I Miller ft Kauf- man, manager-it.— 1'ugenle' Blair and her company. Ill "Iris," proved to he a good Thanksgiving week attraction at this house, and as n result attendance wns of eapaeltv size. This week the card is "David Uarum, with "The Crisis"-coming next week. Uart*h Nkw Tiik.vws (John W. Hart, manager).—Lillian Mortimer, who played an extended engagement at this bouse last . Spring, returns this week, appearing In the melodrama, "A Girl of the Streets.' 7 I.arge Audiences greeted "Deserted at the Altar" last week. FORBPADOn's Theatre (Miller ft Kaufman, ntanagersl.—The stock company Is present- ing for the first time here Lincoln Carter's "AloBko." Rehearsals ore also being held for "Her Marriage Vow." to be presented next week. "Out of the Fold" wns capitally presented by the'- stock last week, and fully earned the commcudatious and heuvy pnt- rouuge hoslowcd. ' Saakk'r Bijou Theatre (Carl Sauke, ruuu- Bgqr).—The German stock company at this house Is appearing this week In '"flic Little Nothing" and "The Merry Wives of Windsor." StAnuaki) Theatre (Harry ft Speck, man- agers!.—The members of the stock company acquitted themselves well last week, In "Jim Hludso,!' and we're rewarded, by crowded attendance. This week the offering Is "Wo- tnuu Acatust Woman.'! with "On the Stroke of Twelve" In rehearsal for the coining week. Keith's New TntUTau (H. T. Jordan, resident nmnagcr).—So many patrons were In attendance lust week that they could not all lib accommodated, on Thursday especially thousands being turned away. Tills week's programme Includes: Fred Hallcn and Molllo Fuller, W. II. Sloan and company, the Five Mownts, Charles F. Semon, Lew Sully, Eight t'ornallns, Le Basque Quartette, tho Savons, Puffy. Snwtcllo and Duffy, Radio Furnum, May Stub, Ariel Smith, J. Warren Kcatie, the Taylors. Julson, Palmer and Jolson, and tho olograph. Bon Tos Theatre (Bon Ton Amusement Co.. manuger).—The bill tbls week Includes: Lorra Trio. Raymond and Clay ion, CarM>u nnd Ynlc. Alcxos and Schull, the Great Yogi, Frank Hurt. Bryant and Sdvlllc. Gibson and Countess, the Splssel Bros., .Kthfl Til- t-on, Metropolitan Trio. Bertha' Clelghtonand muring' pictures. Excellent business pre- vailed last week. ... Eleventh Utueet Oi'Eua Horsy; (Frank Unniout, ninnnger).—"Mrs. Smlth-Illddlc's Servant Girl" and "Croxy for Trading Stumps" arc both continued this week, while a new burlesque, "Who Stole Varc's Big Mule." Is presented for tho first time. The •programme Is decidedly entertaining and the patrons who kept the house crowded last week gave every evidence ot finding It so. Lxcel-m Theatre (John G. Jcrmon. mana- ger).—The Gay Masqneraders furnish the entertainment for the patrons tbls week. The Jolly Grass Widows attracted enough IHrople last week to fill the house ,to over- flowing. Next week, New York Stars. . TnocADEr.o (Floyd Lauman, manager).— capacity business last week was the result of the excellent entertainment furnished by the Vanity Fair Burlcsouers. The boards nrc heldi tbls week by the Dainty Duchcsi Burlcsqutrs. . Ninth and Aitc'tt Mcsecm (C. A.Bradea- bhrgh,. mansprcr).-—A female walking match uutT m.tby other teaturoi.In th» curio halU WW ' Slrons this wiVk. 'DtiUng Hie itant week the management hail ull iney could do to linndle the crowds. , . JJoits— On.lfrldny afternoon ot tiiU week n profeasioual matinee of "More to Be Pitied Than Scorned" Js.to be given at Blaocy's Arch Street Theatre B. F..Keith gave a dinner to the employes of the New. Theatre on ThanksglvlniTJ"! M AB**?? 1 ? 1'rlnccM" is schednled to receive Its first Srodtictlon on any stage at the Chestnut treet Theatre Dec. 12 "Parsifal,"' Bav- flics production in English, la scheduled for the Cnestnut Street Opera House Christmas and New Wear's weeks Mrs. Mary B. Wllks, once a well known actress, died In this city last Friday, aged eigbty-elgbt years. s Pittsbnra- At the Nixon Theatre (Tbos. F. Kirk Jr.. manager) a two week's engage- ment of "Mother Goose" opens Nov. 28. Nat C Goodwin, In "The Usurper," closed a very successful engagement of one week 20. Lnrge audiences greeted the polished work of the star nnd bis r.plendld company with well merited npblnuse. The staging of the play-Wis magnificent. Altin (Harry Davis, manager).—The stock company presents as this week's at- traction "The Milage Postmaster." '(Robert Emmet," last weeks offering, was an ar- tistic production from every pDfnt of view and played to big business. The various mem- bers of the cast distinguished themselves. Next week, "A Fool and Ills Money." • (Utety (James E. Orr, resident managcrl. —For week of. 28, Theodore Hamilton, In "The Mlsaourlans." Brady & Grlimer's Co., in "81berla," drew satisfactorily Isst week. This Intensely interesting story of Russian life was presented In an able manner. Those who were especially successful were: Carl Eckstrom, Elliott Dexter, Darilel Gllteatber, Felix Haney, Sylvia Lyndon, Margaret Ken- more and Marian Chapman. The Three Hcldos (Xlcolnl, Victor and Nathalie), as the court dancers, also won much favor. B. J. Morgan, In "The Eternal City," next week. . . Bijou (R. M. Gullck, manager).—Cbauncey Olcott 28 and week,,In "A Romance of Ath- lone." A week of crowded houses was the remit of the visit of "Shadows of a Great City" which terminated 28. A clever com- Sany portrayed this vivid melodrama In a nlshed manner and received rounds of ap- plause. "The Fatal Wedding" next week. Di-qi.-eske (IL M. Gullck, manager).—Ross and Fen ion, ln "Ttvlrly Whlrly." 28 and week. "Running for Otnce," last week, played to the capacity. The company la high class nnd Was enthusiastically applauded. Much of the ruccesa was due to the well trained, hand- some chorus. Bobby Harrington was a dis- tinct success. "Happy Hooligan" next week. . Kurins.dS. J. McCullougb, manager).— The management has switched to vaudeville this week, presenting Madame Herrmann and company. The programme Includes Mme. Ade- laide Herrmann, Adams, Edwards and com- pany, Elizabeth Estelle, West and Van Sic- Ion, Lavlne and Waltonc, Happy Jack Lyle, Slater and Williams and Ruth Shea and Iter Choir Transformation. Last week Walter Edwards and a good company. In "The Sign of the Four," played to business of satis- factory proportions. Gotthold'a Vaudeville Celebrities next week. Avenue (Harry Davis, manager).—The Travesty Stock Co. offers this week "Bar- bara Fidgety." "Flddle-De-Dee" proved a winner as a Thanksgiving week attraction. The company was largely augmented and showed a decided Improvement over Its pre- vious-efforts. Mesvrs. Rice, Cody, West and North and Misses Kent, Fay. nope and Moyer won particular favor, while the splen- did chorus was not overlooked In the matter of applause. Academy (Harry W. Williams, manager). —The Tiger Lilies week pf 28. The patrons turned out In force last week to see the Moraine Glories nnd received full valne for their money ln the shape of a splendid en- tertainment. Fnn, laughter and continuous applause was the rule from start to finish. The company Is sure, of a warm, welcome on Its return,. Rice ft Barton's Big Gaiety Co. next week. - Grand Opera House (Harry Davis, man- ager).—Big business was again the rule last week. The bill this week: Liquid Air, Went- worth's horses, Frank Eeenan and company, Faust Trio, Allic Gilbert and her Four South- erners, Charles Kenna. Van Fossen and Mc- Cauiey, Rarle and Earle, Poplton and Doley, Helen Belnior. the Edgertone. the Nessens, St. John and Lafevre and kinctograpb. Star (Keystone Amusement Co., mana- gers).—Good business prevailed throughout last week. The hill this week: Milt G. Bar- low Jr. ontl Harriet Nicholson. Ed. F.' Dil- lon, Twin Sisters llarr, Clem C. Magce and the Ftarogrnplt moving pictures. Notes. —Win. Ingersoll and Eva Taylor, who led (he Harry Davis Stock Co., at the Grand Opera House for several seasons, made their first appearance here nt that theatre last week since entering vaudeville. No two people on the stage have a firmer hold on the affections of the theatregolng public of this eitv, a tnef that was clearlv manifested by Die reception extended to them during their too brief engagement.... Madnmc Mclba nnd her company apjieur Monday evening. Nov. 2S, nt Carnegie Music Hull.......Anns Eva Fay is again exliihltini her powers of mind rending at Old City Hall this week. Her mysterious demonstrations lust week created a decided interest, and drew large crowds to the various performances. ......Ono of the features of the Grand Opera House bill this week. Liquid Air. underwent a private experiment on Mondsv morning. 28, In the presence ot an audience composed largely of professional and scien- tific men. and mechanical experts, who at- tended at the special Invitation of Manager Davis. lard, in "The Power Behind the Throne" drew a good house Nov. 21. F. and M. Co'l- legc Green Room Club presented "Richelieu " tinder direction of Rev, Edwin h. Tanner'a former actor, to a large audience 2L*T Lll- linn MofHroor, In "A Girl of the 8treota," HA well f>4 : "fthArlfieV ttnlmoe" „*/>L-„.i .,' An American former actor, to a lar Hnri-liburir. — At the Lyceum Theatre (M. Itcis, manager) the Lew Fields Stock Co. played to good business Nov. 21, 22, ln "It ilitpiiened ln Nordland." Tho piece was a big success musically, the costumes fine and the libretto was good, hut the usual drag of a first night wob In evidence. The piece wns given personul stage direction by Julian Mitchell. Victor Herbert, who wrote the music, and George Rroadburst, were also present Creutoru's Band had fair business 2a. This organization closed at Washington, D. C. 2tt, until Jim. 0, when It will resume its lour across the continent. L. W. Guy In business representative of the organiza- tion, "Buster llrown," with-Giovanni In the title role, had S. R. O. 24. Tho week closed, to good business, with Mildred Holland, in "The Trluulph of an Empress." She was given a warm welcome by the local Shrlners, members of the Zcmvo Temple, In which Miss Holland Is Interested. Coming: "The Serlo Comic Governess," with Cecilia. Loftus. 20: "Girls Will Bo Girls," return engagement, Dec. 1; "Slberlu" 3. * Opera Hocuk (M. Rcls, manager).—The John Hlmniclein Ideals, Including the How- son band nnd orchestra, did big business week of Nov. 21. Tho Bcnnett-Moulton Co. conies week of 2S. Notes. —Edward C. White, manager of Mildred Holland, was here 27. Kafnerlne wiliurd, also under tils management, ln "The Power Behind tho Throne, closed at linlontown, Pa., 26 "In the Shadow of Night" ulaytd at Mlddletown, Pa.. 20 Fred C. Cbauncey, of this city, and a mem- ber and stage director of the Kirk Brown Co.. will marry Grace btlcffer, of tho same company, at Erie, Pa., Dec. I Paulina He Vere. of tbls city, is a member of the St. Louis Stock Co,.....The production of "My Partner," at- Mt. Joy, Pa.. 24, by local talent, was a big success. The company will take the road after the bolMays. starring with the", capital, wutluuoug. vaudavflle Jo; Maude Reber, of this city, In "The .Lost tjie tuNitre. Shottjd ptrtve rMwomjMa the Ilelroks,' and will be managed by Vansdalen Lnnoaiter—At the Fulton Optra Bouit . (Chas. A.. 1'ecker, manager) Kau«rlnt> Wu- did well .23. - ^Sherlock Holmes" packed the house Thnnkcglvlng. Mrs. Gilbert, i n "(irnnnv," delighted a large bouse 25. iv Wolf Hopper, In "Wang." came to good busi- ness 20. Coming: Mildred Holland 28, "The Missouri Girl" 2!>. Wm. Faversham 30, Na- nette Comstock Dec. 1, "Siberia" 2, "Girls Will Be Girls' 3. Note. —A correction is due the "Cncle Josh Spruceby" Co. In reporting a light house 8. Though playing against election night excitemen t they.had a very good house. Willlamiport.—At the Lycoming Opera House (Lyman J. risk, manager) Mildred Holland, In "The Triumph of an Empress," played to B. R. O. Not. 24. Robt Mantcll, In '•Othello," pleased 25. "Her Mad Marriage" 20, Stetson's ':U. T. C." 29. "The Crisis" an. Creston Clarke Dec. 1, "A Llttlo Outcast" .'!, "Jesse James" fl, "SI Plunkard" 8. "In the Shadow of the Gallows" tt, Adelaide Thurs- ton 10. Note. —The Elk lodges from Wllllamtport, Milton, Sunbury, Danville and Lock Haven will Join in.a union, memorial service with ltenova Lodge, at that place, Dec. 4. ~" i i so ran ton.—.u the Lyceum (A. J. Duffy, manager) Brothers Byrne, In "Eight Bells," Nor. 28: Creston Clarke 20. "Ulrbt Will He Girls," 24, had large bouses. Lewis Morri- son, In "Faust," 26, was well received. Academy (A. J. Duffy, manager).—"The Minister's Daughter" 28-30.- "From Rags to Riches," 24-20, played to good houses. Star (Alt G; Herrlngton, manager).— ltclllv & Wood's Co. 28-30, Jolly Grass Wid- ows Dec J-3. The Trocaderos, Nov. 24-26, drew large bouses. Ottpngult (D. D. 8ears, manager).—Vaude- ville, 23-26, bad good houses. Dark week of 28. • . : T a ■ Erie.—At the New Majestic (Eric Amuse- ment Co.. managers) Savage's English Opera Co.. In "Lohengrin." Nov. 21, was favored with a packed house at advanced prices. Walter E. Perkins, with fine support, In "Who Goes There V" won many encores 24. anil had very large attendance, pleasing every bodv. Due: Victor's Band 28, Nanette Com- atock, In "The Crisis," 20. PARK Opera Hovsr (J. L, Gllsou. mana- ger).—The Myers Stock Co., 21 nnd week, at popular prices, was favored with good business. Billed: Kirk Brown Comedy Co. 28 and week. a Attoono.—At the Eleventh Avenue Opera nousc (I. C. Mlshler, manager) "Queen of the White Slaves'' had a big house Nov. 21. Katherlno Wl'lard, ln "The Power Behind the Throne," did good business 22. "Buster Brown" filled the house 23. Sam Thome, In "The Peddler," pleased a full house 24. Do Wolf Hopper, In "Wang," 25: "Bachel Goldstein" 20. Coming: "in the Shadow ot the Gallows" 28, "A Midnight Marriage" 20. Mildred Holland, In "The Triumph of sn Empress." 30: "Siberia" Dec. 1, Creston Clarke, In "Monsieur Beaucaire," 2; "One Night ln June" 3, William Bramwell 5 Kaiton,—At the Able Opera House (w. K. Detwlller, manager) Henry Ludlam, in "Borneo and Juliet," enjoyed very good busi- ness Nov. 11. "A Prisoner of War" played to fairly good business 12. Margarei An- f;lln. In '*The Eternal Feminine,' drew a arge and well pleased audience 10. The Payton Stock Co. played to good business 14. 15, 17-19. "A Wife's Mlatakc" canceled 23, Due: "The Strange Adventures of Amos Skeeter" 29, Cecilia -Loftus 30, Wm. Faver- aham Dec. 3, "A Lost Boy" S, Lewis Mor- rison C, "Red Feather" 8. «» » CANADA. Montreal.—At His Majesty's (U. Q. Brooks, manager).—House was da'.;: Nov. 21- 26. "Cupid ft Co." 28 and week. Academy of Music (H. C. Egerton, man- ager).—"Me, Him nnd 1" played to S. It. O. 21-20. "King Dodo" 28 and week. "The Fortune Teller" follows. Frascais Mdsic Hall (F. W. Howarth, manager).—Vaudeville and burlesque. "The Japskvs" bad fair business 21-20. "Fiddle- Dec-Doe" 28 and week. . Tiieatm: Royal (F. W. Le Clair, mana- {[cr).—"A Woman's Struggle" played lo good todses 21-26. "A Struggle for Gold" 28 and week. ... Tiieathe National I'hancais (Geo. Gauv- rean, manager).—Tho permanent French stock company, ln "Pocbarde," came to good business 21-26. "Madame Sans-Qenc" 28 and week.. ......... Theatre pes Nouveaetes. —The permanent Freuch stock company. In "La Robe Botige," had good business 21-26. "Le Secret dc I'ollchlncllc" 28 and week. ' i Toronto,—At tho Princess (0. Ii. Sbep- pard, manager) "Cupid & Co.," Nov. 21-26, played to big business. Arnold Daly, In "Can- dida" aud "A Man of Destloy," 28 and week. GuAXti Opeqa House (A. J. Small, mana- gcrl.—"The Crisis." 21-20, came to large audlcnccE. Week or 28, "The Liberty Belles.' Majestic (A. J. Small, managcrl.—"On the Bridge at Midnight" came to fair busi- ness 21-20. Week of 28. "A Little outcast." Biiea's (J. Shed, manager).—A capUal programme did big business last week. Bill week of 28: Pcwltr, Harry Gllfoll, Edwin Latell, Robert Troupe. Oracle Kmmctt ft Co., Louise Dresser, Eckcrt and Berg, Jack Not- worth and kinctograpb. Masse* Music Haxl (Stewart Houston, mnnagei). ; —Eugene Ysayc, assisted by Hope Morgan and M. Jules de Bcfve, filled the hull to capacity 21. . Coming: nope Morgan and Melster Glee 81ngers Dec. 1, Mclba "<■ , Stab (F. W. Stair, manager).—Majestic Hurlesquers, Nor. £1-20, played to tbo ca- pacity. Week of 28, Bon Tons. i i Hamilton.—At the Grand Opera House (A. R. Loudon, manager) ".On the Bridge at Midnight," Nor. 18. 19, bad big audiences: "Human Hearts," 21, 22, drew'hlg business: "The Prince of Pllsen," 23, bud a capacliy house. Guy Bros.' Minstrels 25, Victors Venetian Band 28. "The Earl of Pawtucket Dec 1, "On the Suwanee River" 2, 3, "Can- dida" (Daly Co.) 6, "The Liberty Belles" i. "Shadows on the Hearth" 8, 0, "Faust (Louis Morrison) 10. , Stab (J, .0. Apnlcton manager).—W cck of Nor. 21 big buBlncas ruled. Bill week of 28: Martlnette and Sylvester, Bean and Hamilton, Frank Waldo and company, the Francclllas, Frayne and La Monte, Bcu Daw- son and Vlrdcn and Dunlsp. i London,—At the Grand (F. X. Kormsn, manager) Guy Bros., Nov. 18, gave a very satisfactory minstrel performance. Nanette Comstock. In "The Crisis," 19, bad two fairly good bouses. "The Prince of Pllsen, lu packed the house. Marks Bros." No. 1. Co-, 22-20, pleased. _ _ LONDON VATOEVr_LE THEATRE (TV. C. Fleming, mnnager).—For week of 28: Tnj Rtanfords, George W.. I>ealle. Bobbins and Trenamnn, Mardo, Jack and Lllllsn Brown, Jeanlngs and Renfrew, Beeker, Wilkes and Co., Illustrated songs and the klnetograpn- St. John.—At the Operia nonse (A. 0- Sfelnner, .manager) the Dalley Stock C*. opened week^T N4V. 21 with "The Mori* trnte" to a good house. "Boldlew of* 01 * tune" 24-20, "The New Dominion" 28^>0- Xobs (Bobt D. Hyde, manager).—\auae-