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978 THE NEW YORK OLIPPElt DECEMBER 10. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER rnQPaiBtoas. ALBERT J.* BOKIE, EllITORIAL AXI) BUSINESS WiNiOlE. C. C. at, Cleveland.—The denier alone it* wnv to favor.' William Norris, who lias Clark Street Museum. (Louis M. Bocg«s, hnK I lit right la "give" one, nnd tie dealer tlic title role, Is winning new lourels, uud ninnoger).—Frotks and curiosities and ajjif t - . nnd tbe eldest linml only have the right to the. engagement will go down as unctbar - "" THCFRANKQOKN PUBU^OcO.alSnle,. '^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^^S^LS^S^ not the cards are "tun." , In*.to NUMM prosperity.. '■ ..x'" T. S., Smith Chicago.— Ar there were tint La, Halle Theatre (Albert Campbell, man- HtiDiclent rani* In the deck to deal UtSM flger).—-||!» Highness, the Hey," litis scored to ench plnver, A was compelled to bunch another success T fer "this popular house, nnd the cords nnd giro n new. deal. In Hie title ruleAI. She.m ban added nnotber T. .1. 8., New York.—In'ipker no one suit lent to hhr laurel crown of low comedy MASSACHUSETTS. " nro hot provided stnSmf. li.aieellrtt evenly prosperous SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, liKM. RATES. AdTfrtliements— $2.80 per Inch, ilnill col- Advertltementa let with border, 10 per cent, extra. . tvnscniPTioN. One year In advance, f 4; els montba, f 2; three montbe, f l. Foreign pottage extra. Single copies Will be lent, postpaid, oa re- ceipt of 10 centi. Oar Term* «e Cash. THE CLIPPER Is laiued every Wedae*<Ji» morning. The last four (advertising) page* GO TO PRESS on Saturday at It A, it., and tbe other pages on MONDAY and TUESDAY. The Farias OlOHlnar Promptly, Tues- day, at 10 o'clock a. at. Please remit by express, money order, check, P. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is ot tbe risk of sender. Address All ComniantaatlonB to TUB KBW TOHIC CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York. Registered Ouble Adttrcn, "AcinoBiTr." THE WE8TERN BUREAU Of The Curru Is located at Boob 602, Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K. manager and correspondent, where adver- tisements and subscriptions are received at car regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbonrne tit., London, W. C, Jobn li. Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertlsementa and subscription* ar* received at our regular rates. Tun currsn can jib obtaikbd. Whole- sale and retail, at our ngeut*, Brentano's news depot, 87 Avenue de I'Opers, Pari*, France; M. Lillentbal, Frederick Straste taken precedence over another suit, nnd two striilgbtn of different RUlts, cdtnposed of curds of the same denomination, are of equal value. I). ('. K., Washington.—You have to de- clare thn fact that you "split" n pair, and place tbo discarded card to one side, where you can show It after the hand Is played. •It, R, New Britain.—A Is entitled to bis meld of 100. as be had the.neeessnry ace in his hand. H should have called A*s attention to the error when he (A) made the meld. MISCELLANEOUS. achievements, tils return to the company lias greatly strengthened (he stock force*, and "Ills Highness, the Bey," which starts Opim lis thltd week, 5, look's like another of the winners this house Is noted for. great XoBTuaaa theatre (Fredc. Eberts, business manager).—Bert Leslie, Robert Daly and Tenia Ilnnlon head the company which gives us our first opportunity to see "Paris by Night," the engagement starting Sunday afternoon, 4, ana lasting a week. Then comes Chnrlefl la Grapewln, with "The Awakening of Mr. I'lpp." Ward and Yokes repeated vaudeville blIL ment lierey/btft the* " for ray in form.it loin. and tho }iem«e seem* to nt all times. LoXftON Dime MlBr.lM (Wm.-.1.-Sweeney, manager).—Carlo features are: The>majd of •the rapids. Vane, mnglslnn : Mis*^Taylor, long bnlred woman;'Mange's alligators, and the Carteton Sisters,acrobats. On the stage: Helen Conger, Arllna Powers Llllle ilurcenu, I^na Mtltsou, Grace Kxeella and living pic- tures. M • Aitebmath. —Severn! companies have or- ganized here during the past fortnight, to take the roml Immediately or In tbe near -. Boi«toar>irJwo Ts^Boftant Changes of bills nuted the current.iMSS-ar*: Amelia Bingham, In "The Crlmnora,^~At-the Park,-and fTne Yankee CdBsul." ttft -Ra>mlma Bltchaw*, - at tho Tremont. The Globe offers "The* Ninety nnd Nine" and the Orand Opera House •fast Life in New York." Hold over bills include: .Sothcrn and Marlowe, nt 'the Hoi- lis. in "Mnch Ado About Nothing:" Bertha Oallnnd, at the Majestic,. In "Dorothy Ver- non of Httddon Halt:" George Primrose's M'nstrels at tbe Boston, and Mine. Schn- mann-Uelnk at the Colonial, In "Love's Lot- terv." Tlic usual changes occur at the stock, vaudeville arid burlesque houses. Margaret Wvcbcrlv opens Her third and final week Toes- future. The most Important one of the lot day, 6. at Chlckorlng Hall, in n new Yeats' ...in i... .i i »*in ....*■ -i„^,.;_. D " « haw «i,i piny, entitled "The Countess Cnthlecn." will lie "Ah American PrlnccBB," a new play, to be produced Dec. 5, In Toledo. James E. Wilson nnd Mtitnle Ryan will have tbe lends, other principals being John 1). Kellard. Samuel Forrest. .Tncb Doyle, Dorothy and S B Kansas City We have not seen the closed n successful fortnight for "A Pair of Dolly OwelSKe, Harry 8tublis and Bobert E, official'Vote Address'the attorney general links" flnturday night, 3. Tills bouse con- Kvons It. II. Lev/ has been rehearsing * a company, bended by llose Mayo, for a tour in repertory, which opens near here Dec. S. Edwin Votinge has also rehearsed a. repertory company In this city during the past two weeks, to open Dec. fi Robert Lee Allen is perfecting plans to star Margaret Ralph, In "Taming of the Shrew." opening Jan. 15, for a tour of tho Northwest Stewart KoIIIur, of Polk and Kolllns, who played the Olympic Inst week, came In contact with one of Chicago's celebrated "hold up" men Wed- nesday night. The result was xevornl bruises upon his face nnd head and the loss of ?30 In money ElmerWalters will pot out "A Thoroughbred Tramp" as soon as Harry Darlington, who Is here, can perfect the or- ganization. John Llffcrts and Wilbur Mar- of each State. It. II., MorrlBon.—1. K. B. K. wins. 2. See answer.'to S. It, J. J. 8.. Baltimore.—A wins. H. B. 0^ Hartford.—B wins. II. W. M., Stcellou.—We have no record of the game. _^__^^^_^ Our ouicago letteh. MOW 0UB OWS COimESPONDBNT. tlnnes to be one of Chicago's best bread Winners. CniTKKioN Titr.ATr.r. (lien M. Glrour,busi- ness manager).—"Hearts Adrift" will lie here for the week, starling Sunday afternoon, 4. Twice a day will the heart Interest of this excellent melodrama be made known, and fourteen good houses seem assured, as this bouse is enjoying another fine season. ACAUKMY ot- Music (Win. Roche, business munager).—Oils Hill sends his "McFuddcn's Mats to piny the week starting Sunday inatlnec. Billy Barry Jr., the Speck Broth- ers and Ousslc Nelson arc principals worthy the designation. "The White Tigress of Japan" held forth here last week, providing sensationalism to sensation hungry audiences WcHtem Bnrenn, Of the Kew York Clipper, Room 502, Ashland Block, Chicago,. tne BUducn ucutn< ot ^J Tfl ; ^ r " .*.* A- __ i enst a gloom upon the closing days or nn of flxcel | ent 8lJ , c> , [he nclt attraction will bo otherwise uneventful week. The venerable* „ 0n] a Hh olr ,_„ actress bod only fnlrly started upon her fort- awiaaibiia TirnATnn (James H. Browne, night, nt Powers' Tbentre, wlicre sue cpenea DU!) | ue8S manager).—"The White Tigress ot in "Oratfny," Monday evening, Nov;. 2S.^whon Japan .. makCK tbv Ieap froni tne ^ve 8 t side l'.vr.i; Tur.ATKi: (Cbaa. Frohman, Rich & Harris, managers).—Amelia Blngbam, In "The Climbers, opens her engagement Mon- day. 6. supported by Frank Worthing, Harry Woodruff and a strong company. For the second week of her engagement Miss Bing- ham will present, for tbe first time here, "The Frisky Mrs. Johnson." Otis Skinner closed a prosperous fortnights' stay Satur- day, 5, In "The Harvester.' Truaiont Tukatiu: (Jno. B. Schocffcl, man* nger).—After a year'* absence Raymond Hitchcock returns with. "The Yankee Con- sul." The engagement Is for one week only. "Parsifal," in English, last week, repeated Its former success nt this bouse. "Tbe County Chairman" follows Deo. 12. Holms Street Theatre (Isaac B. Rich, mnnager).—E. II. Sotbcrn and Julia Mar- lowe enter upon tbe second week of their engagement Monday, "5. with "Much Ado About Nothing" as tbe bill. Last week, with advanced prices, the house was sold out at BUI. ,,ie Public was Immeasurably shocked by tne to tul3 jj,,,,,,,, over „, Dt and Btart8 Sum i a , paay to play • i,,,' announcement that she had died In her'room afternoon upon a week's engagement. "The Dec. 11 t' er " nt the Sherinnu Mouso Friday noos, Dec. .'. (^fity Nurse" followed benignly, nnd Cole, who has In accord with her usual custom she nrote . Hcarm Adrift" was the attraction"preced- by 0 o'clock, and proceeded to take n cold lng , ihXa ll01IS9 i 8 . turning out some big bath, In water drawn at the temperature ot Lake Michigan. She was alone In her room nt the time but tor companion entered about 10 o'clock nnd found tier lying upon tbe bed In intense agony. Tbe bouse physician was Immcdintcly cnlled but before be arrived receipts for its transient managers who bring plays South slders like—aud they like sensntlons. Bijoi: Tiieatbb (Wm. Roche, business manager).—"Escaped from tho Harem" brings visions of lurid adventure to mind, tin arc among those aireudy engaged every performance of "Romeo and Juliet." Rehearsals will soon begin for Amber Law- For the third week, commencing Monday, 12, lord'B tour In "An American Heiress," a play "Hamlet" will be given. written for her by Chns. Eugene Banks Colonial Thkathl' (Chan. Frohman, Rich W. II. Davis Is in town organizing a com- & Harris, managers). — Mme. Schumann- The Diamond Klng,' r opening llclnk will continue to please large audiences Arthur Kbcrns", of Khcrns and with "Love's Lottery the current week, been battling with a eompll- which is Iter second und hut at this house, cation of diseases for the past year, nos Next week, Wm. H. Crane begins a two keen ordered by his physician to quit work weeks' engagement in "Business Is Ilusl- entirely for at least four months. ness." Viola Allen, in *?A Winter's Talc," Sutton and Button are In town for a few is announced Dec. 20. Mrs. Ulllicrt had lapsed Into unconsciousness and West slders are sure to drink their till of the Western territory.. Charles Man- weeks. They open a scries of Eastern book- ings at London. Can., Jan. 13......Joseph Callahan is-Is Chicago preparing to go forth with a production ot "Faust" for a tour and remained In that state until she finally pnssed away, n little after twelve, noon, when her companion discovered ber she com- plained of uuusual pains In her bend, which grow distracting and continued to agonize, her until death's stupor overcome her. The 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N, W., Ger- physicians In attendance stated that the chill Sunday, many; Diamond News Co., 07 Prado, Ha- vana; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Kscoita, Manila, P. I.; Albert & Son, 187- 180 King St, Sydney, Australia. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER pobltsttCB only one edition, and that la dated from New York. QUERIES ANSWEEElT" No llepllos h> Mall or Telegraph. AUPIESRES OB WHEREABOUTS DOT 01V»]f. All in quest or such biioui.d wnixe to THOSE WHOM T1IEV HEHK, IN CABB OV THE CLIPPER Pobk Office. All usTraas will BU ADVEBTI8ED ONE WCEtC ONLY. If THE ROUTE Or AKX THEATRICAL COKFANT IB aouuiir, ncKi-.u xo oun libx or Rouxss ON ANOTHER 1'AOD. WO CANNOT, BIND BOUXM BI V AIL OB TELEGRAPH. DRAMATIC. K. A. K., Avoudale.—Wo bavo no kuowl- odgo of the present whereabouts ot the party. Address tbe purly in our care and we will ndvertlso tbo loiter la Tub cluteb letter list. H. IL, South Fordbnni, W. U., New York, Mns. M. T.,, Spokane, "J. B. II. 4 Oo.. Atlanta, . . l'llOK. K. C. W. T. S., Albordton, W. C. 1!., Ogden, . Mib» M. W., Taunton, J. A. B. H., Prutt, Mas. L. s..' New York, . P., Kearney, and at this fount of strenuousucss during the fourteen performances of James II. Walllck's new "thriller," starting Sunday afternoon. Nellie Mc-IIenry, in "M'llss, 1 attracted crowds of her loyal admirers last week. Hearts Adrift" will float to this house next of the water in her bnlb brought on a stroke of apoplexy, nnd she was unable to cope with tho shock la her advanced years and en* feebled condition. The pathetic thought that she should die practically alone, after more than three score years a soldier In the ranks. is made more touching by the realization that she has been n star in her own right for only a few Weeks In nil her years before the public. Sympathetic tributes to her goodness of heart were paid her by all tho members of her company, wbo assembled at her hedslito nnd remained until death bad tlually claimed her, uud from all corners of her adopted lund came the outpourings of devotion from tlic men and women of the profession who had. In her long years ot service, known her Intimately nnd learned to love her. The rcmalus were prepared for shipment to New York, aud accompanied by the members ot the "Urauny" Co., who rode in a special. car oa the same train, tlicy left here Hnturday morning at 11 o'clock. Pow- ers' Theatre will remain dark during the current, clays. The arrival of Stmo. Rejano to play for two weeks nt the Orand Opera House murks the chief event of tbe new week, The first local presentation, by Blanche Walsh, of "The KreuUer Sonata," ut Mc- Vlcker's, Is also noteworthy. Maude Adams conies to tbo Illinois for a single week of "Tho Little Minister;" tho departure of Word and Yokes from the Orent Northern makes way for our by Night,*' nnd In the business district lions of "The Clngolee" at tbe Studc- baker: "Fautann," at tbe Oarrlck, nnd "His Highness tho Bey," at tho La. Sulk-. offerings nt tho outlying theatreti embrace ".McFadden's Fiats." at the Academy of Music: "Hearts Adrift," nt tho Criterion; "The Sign of the Four," nt the Columbus ■ ' Tbe White Tigress of Japan," nt tbe Al- hambrn, and ''Escaped from tbe nareni." nt tho BIJou. The Rose Hill English Folly Co., at the Trocudcro, nnd Robert Manches Icy closed ills "Do'wn on the Form" Co. at Newark. O., last week, aud catuo to Chicago. Valesca Starbuck'ls arranging for a starring tour In "East Lynn." lloey and Lee were in Chicago last week. They will play the Anderson nouses and the Hop- kins circuit preliminary to some Eastern bookings Tbe Etcher Sisters ended their engagoinent with the High Rollers at Ti'ocadero and Joined "Billy" Clifford's "How He Won Her." ..May Howard opens for u ten weeks' season ns n feature of the bur- lesque stock company at Ham T. Jack's, next Sunday, It Johnnie De Costa will present a Hebrew sketch as an extra attraction nt the People's Theatre this week. Majestic Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers).—Bertha Gallond, in "Dorothy Ver- non, of Haddon Hall," begins her second ami final seek Monday, C.. Much praise, from good sized audiences, of the work of M'ss Oulluud and the supporting. company, is nightly heard. "Plff, Faff, Tout," Is to have Its first Boston production Dec. 12, to bo followed by Richard Carle, In "The Tender- foot." Boston TnBATKB (Lawrence McCarty, manager).—The current week ■ tho second and last of the engagement of Ucorge Prim- rose and his minstrel company. The well filled houses Inst week proved that the public appreciate "old time minstrelsy." The Hun- garian Band of Boys and Muuiigcr Decker's "The Evolntlou of the Negro" were features on the long bill. " 'Way -Down East" la to come 12. Omni: Theatre (Stair & Havllu, COLt'Mnus Theatre (Weber Bros., mana- gers).—Walter Edwards will have the lead- ing role In "Tlic Sign of the Four," which opens for a week on Sunday afternoon, 4. Jane Mnrbury and Grace lladsell will be bis chief assistants. Next week, "Sweet Clover" will be the attraction. The company la evi- dence last week was beaded hy Howard Hall and they presented "The Waif's Paradise." Tho State Factory Inspector visited tbe the Harry Montague and wife closed their gers).—The offering this week la the rural ntru early In tbe week nnd compelled all tho engagement nt Sam T. Jack's lost Sat- drama, by Ramsay Morris, "The Nloctv and "waifs" to conform with the sixteen year old nruay ,and return to New York Nine." The company Is beaded by o. J. age limit. On Sunday afternoon, IS. nt tlic Ourrlc'rC Ashman and Bayonne Whipple. "Me. Ulin Husif Temple op Music (Elizabeth Theatre, members of Chicago Lodge. No. 4. and I." with Blckcl Watson aud -V.-otlic H. t. O. 'Elks, will 'give a minstrel show for ' the benefit "of the charity fund of the or- ganization. .. .Jessie .McLnchlnn, the Scotch prima donna. Is announced to appear nt the Auditorium Saturday evening. 18.... James Wrngtield, advertising manager of the Grand Opera House, wns called to Rochester. N. Y.. last week by tbo deutb of his brother. D. J. Wliiglleld, who, under tbe 'irofessinnal num» of Colbert, has been n member of HI Henry's Minstrels for years Frederick w. Jwd- . dies, who has, for twenty-live years, been superintendent of the Grand Opera House, wns bequeathed $2,500 in tbe will of the late Fred R. Hamlin. .... .F. Wright New- man will "present" Vladimir de Pachinan uud Josef Hofmann at Music Hall, Sunday tbe production of the stock company this Afternoon, 11 Cliff Dean and company week. Tho production for the fortnight left Chicago Saturday to play four weeks on ending 8 wns "In the- Palace of the King." " Omaha. .". In rehearsal for next week, "Richelieu." North Bowdoin Squabd Theatue (G. E. Loth- _jtl! July rop, manager).—"Monte Crlsto" Is presented tetto anil-Gob. K. Spoor's Vlnodrome." Good 22... .. .Irene Watson closed with the High bv the 6tock company this week. Last week business nnd fine vaudeville bills mnrk a Rollers at Trocadero Cbas. A. ("KarP) "Tho Victorian Cross" was well patronized. very huppy condition of affairs at this popu- Onrdncr, who ban a wife and children de- Next week tbe management aunouncc tho lar West side vaudeville resort. pending , upon him, Is in Chicago broken Schrober, munager).—The Flayers' Stock Co., headed by Mabel Montgomery and Geo. Alison, will bo seen this week, in "Rupert of llcntznu." Last week the bill wad "A Strauger In n Strange Land." PeafLCn Thiuthk (Fred G. Conrad, mali- nger).—Eugene Moore and Lillian O'Nell head the slock canipuny Ibis week, In "The Starbucks." Oplc Read's play Is entrusted to competent hands and Is sure t6 attract profitable attention. "For Her Sake" Is in prepnrntlon. "The Christian" last week was tbe biggest production ot the season, and wns most cordially received. IlAY.M.inKEr Theatre (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl & Castle).—Opening Mon- day afternoon, 0: The American Trumpeters, Geo. E. Austin, Kennedy und James, Lawson nnd Nanion, Polk nnd holl'ns, Theresses and' featured, fared well last week. Announced for next week, Ross and Fcnton, in "Twlrly WTilrly." Billy B. Van returns week of 11) in "The Errand Boy." Guaxk Opesa House (Geo. W. Magec, man- ager).—The attraction this week Is another Kusatlonal melodrama, by Theodore Krcmer,- "Fast Life In New York. The play abounds in thrilling scenes and incidents of New York life. The company is beaded by Julian Rose. Lnst week "The Great Automobile Mystery" drew crowded houses. Next week's ■ produc- tion Is "Sky Farm." CASTLE SCEABK THEATRE (L. S. Delnnd, manager).—Kester & Mlddleton's version of Geo. TV. Cable's novel, "The Cavalier," Is tr first views of "Purls company. Pierce and Mazic, iloward Tburs- the Ornheum circuit, opening in Oma tho remaining offerings ton, "Happy" Jack Gardner, Thorno and Thereafter they hrc booked with the Istrlct ineludo cootlntm- carletou, Hayes and Henlev. De Haven Sex- Western Vaudeville Association until InffnlAj*" nt t!l.\ S;i,tll^. ♦.,.... „_.! ^1-_ UF. .. ■ V . . . . j~T . 0O Thaha ll'nt.n. ~.\~r.~* —t .1. .1.™ A, Wi.Nuwburg.—See answer to E. A. K., above. 13. E. s„ Lynu.—Advertise your wants In TlllI C'LHTEIl. II. 0. A., Newark.—The show was recently ter 11 Crnckorjiicks. nt the Folly, will provide purchased bv 3. T. McCadddn. combination btirh-suuo offerings, w'" S. anu C.,' Philadelphia.—Watch our route stock company at Sam T. Jaek's_wlU Hut each week. G. F., Philadelphia.—Wo do not know who tbd party Is. W. H. E.. Trenton.—"Hilly" Rice died March 1. 1U02, at Hot Springs. Ark. Olympic Theatre (Abe Jacobs, manager dpwn in health nnd In very impoverished C Kohl & Castle).—Opening Monday after- circumstance*. With a view of relieving his on, 0: s Tbc Qulnn Trio Dclmore and Dar- distress, temporarily at least, John P.Hogaa, for noon rcll, ' Little Mildred, Campbell, Dillon and company, St. John, and Lvfevrc, Mlett's dogs, Claru Hcsb, West and Van Slclcn, Knight Bros, aud Suwtcllc, Lewis McCord and com ill provide pur, Gotham Comedy Four. Uanry Lee, wbllc the Walter C.Kclley, Slnon and Paris, und Geo. U continue h. Spoor's klnodrome. The packed houses, burlesque, with vaudeville. The dramatic which began with the reopening of this dodu- Ktock compaules at tho Bush Temple and lar resorr, continue. People's Theatre will preBont "Rupert of Chicago Opura House) (C. B. Draper, Ilentzau" and "The Stnfbucks," resiicctlvely. ninnager for Kohl & Castle*.—Opening Mon- Vautlcvlllc will ho supplied by the Chicago day afternoon, 5: Clayton White. Marie exper advise you to attend one of tbo lending dra- matic schools in this city. Mrs. I. II., Uolyoke.—Tho party you men. Hon Is best tilled to answer your query. We do nut reply tn queries concerning the religion or private life of any one. 8. C. New York.—Wutch our route list each week. Wo never give routes more ilmn two weeks nhcud. aud what routes wo have appear In our ruuto list euch week. Miss B. B., Providence.—We bnvo no Idea . - --. w --- whnt rovnlty is mild lng Monday nlglit, 5. She will give way to Two Old Fuikni»s; Watcrtown.—1. Tho . 9 »'?. Bi-rmira and Hattlo Williams In "The word Ingenue Is derived from lugeuuous nnd HSrEC M? * F, he rortu,g V t J ° .^ A nd ' signifies artless. Ingenuous. Hence, an ort. SS-iTfi^E l^TSK I ? 1 "8 n,< " ,t0a '."^l' 0 ."": larlty In which Lulu Giaser was held, and ndded a goodly amount ot coin to the man- . ti *i . -^" »..- . ■ m.i ..u,.w.o, * n:v4 UIIU JVUL1IU ItTlUl, UU JlUllO Hull nt the Grand Opera House: Lulu Glnser i, a ji a ,,| e> tuo uoldsworths, Rosa Leo Tvler, concludes a prosj>erous fortnight, with "A Wm. Avery and Geo, K. fph klnodrome Madcap Princess.'' at the Illinois, nnd "'Wfcy Kxcellent business results from tbe presentu- I)own Lnst" departed from McAlekcr s titter tlon of fine vaudeville bills nt tills house, three weeks at big litis ness. Real Winter KXM & iie-hmax's Theatrb (Archie E1II3, began last Friday, ushering In fba month of manager 1.—Opening Monday afternoon, 5 • general manager foV Lincoln J. Carter, has begun steps for a benefit performance to be given Jan. 11, next, at McVickers's Theatre. ..,. .Clias. F. Whittnker, manager of "Billy" S. Clifford, paid a visit to the show at the Criterion last week, and made some changes. Tom North, who has been back with the show, has gone ahead, and will bo succeeded by R. M. Feltus. Tbe Misses Sawtclle and Sears retire from the acting company and are succeeded by tho Escher Sisters Ilyrou aud Foster, "The Gold Dust Twins," left here with the High Rollers Mile. Lntina left for New Orleans Saturday morn- ing to begin a tour of the complete Orphcum circuit, presenting her artistic contortion act. Genera! Manager Martin Beck and President M. Meyerfcld, of the Orpkeum clr- Bcv. Wilson S. Frltch, supported by Char- lotte Hunt, hi "The Wages of Sin." ' Columbia Music Hall (Harry N. Farrcn. manager).—"The Japskys," seen here earlier in the season, returns for another week. Thn fun makers arc: Dan Anderson, Leonard Iloward. Sam Shannon, Llbblc Bloudell and Grucla Murquette. The olio mentions: Yea- per. Perrln and Yeagor, tho Ritchie Duo, the Webb Family of five, Llbblc Bloudell, Two American Mucks, aud Howard and Anderson. "Hurly "Burly," laBt week's burlesque, was Sresented in excellent style, and tilled tbo ouse at every performance. Keith's Theatre (B. F. Keith, manager). —Delia Fox Is the feature of a strong pro- gramme this week. Others ore: Rose Stabl, Geo. W. Day, Callahan and Mack, Cbas. F. Scnion, Bros. St. Once, Murphy nnd Francis, Harding and Ah Sid. Mile. Olive, Edwin Nicnnder, Carew and Hayes. Tom Armstrong. Marlowe-Plnnkett Co., Duffy, Snwtelle and slgultles artless, ingenuous. Hence, an art less or Ingenuous character, and also an net rcss wbo portinjH such it role. S. In politics plurality slgnllles thu excess of the highest number of voles cast for any one. candidate over the next highest number cast for one of the other candTdiites. 'S. W. T., Philadelphia.—Wo cau not fur- Blah such a list. S. B. A. Jit., Grand Rapids.—We can not nld you agcrlnl exchequer, Poivr.uK' TiiBATitn (Harry J. Powers, man- ager).—Mrs. G. II, Gilbert began her first Chicago engagement, as n star, on Moudny night, Nov. 28, presenting Clyde Fitch's "Granny. She bade "farewell to the stngc" Thursday nlgbt, 30, death claiming her on Friday, at noou, as noted above. Tho house m: L., New York.—Tbo parties played Tony »»'»« < '!"K I , ,!!l t ",i,1 *«?.\ .'.TfS, Monday, but viaim- 1 . it,»v,,i.v •rii.ntm 1,. iBvV * nt this writing the attraction nouueed. is last week, completing the current bill. Jules and Ellu Garrison won particular favor as cxtrn itltractlous In last week's programme. Iho attendance here mnlntains a good aver- age, aud the house is galnlug In popularity. Sam T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Euson, niuiiiigor).—Stock burlesque, with a vaude- Tlllo Intervening, is rctalucd as the euter- tulniueut featuro here. "Tho Effendl's Troubles" nnd "The Lady Students" are the current burlesque, features, whllo tho vuudc- vllle will employ Mazuz and Mazetto, Martin nnd ijulgg, Franklc Drew, Walter Daulels and the Trolley Cur Trio. During tho past week capacity audiences ruled most of the not an- time, visitors to tho Live Stock Show, many of them, mnklng a visit lo this bouse a feat- cult, returned to Chlcogo, Saturday, from an Duffy, and tho blograpb. The usual big busl- Inspectlon tour Tvhich Included the Orpheums ness resulted last week. The management in Denver, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City announce ns feature nets next week: narrv (mil Minneapolis. Accompanied by C. E. oilfoll, Paul Spadoul, Cole and Johnson and Kohl, of Kohl tc Castle, they will go to New Dlgby Bell. Orleans this week to Join George Custle, who Music Hall (C. W. Anderson, manager). 5 now in the Crescent City. After a week In —The featnrc of this week's bill Is Paul ,ew Orleans' Mr, Meyerl'eld will sail for Conchas, who makes his American debut In ■uropc, to remain abroad two-years. a novel Juggling net. Others mentioned are: '. S g * ': ' 11-1_ - Olive May and John W. Albuugh Jr., In a sketch, entitled "Tbe Inspector from Kau- sas:' Amelia Summcrvllle, the Sandor Trio, -At the National Theatre Bon nnd Thompson, Stlnson and Merlon. DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA. WnsbltiB'ton.- (T\. H. Rnpley, manager) this week William B'ck Temple, the Golden Gnto Quartette uml •''■TSH'"!?' !? Letty." James K. Hackett, the klnetogrnpb. Attendance contluucd good In Tb ?.J! ".r 1 ""?? ot n . K 'ng. hud fair bust- '"-it week with Eugene Cowles. Clias. Dlck- ness. "Mother Goose" 12-24. Columbia (Joseph E. Luckett, manager). —This week '"Phe Prince of Pllscn." Last wee'.t, "Red Feather" ' Chaunccy Olcott, " liAlMVETTH Eugene Cowles, Chas. Dlck- "U'lund company, Zenynrd's Midgets uud Suiitli nnd Fuller ns favorites. HowAtto Athenaeum (Carl D. Lolhrop, Pastor's Howery Theatre lu 18' D. J. M., IVrry.—Address him personally. Ji. M. »., Pine Bluff.—It is not iiosslblo to prepare for the stage.by correspondence. Attend snmo good dramatic school. C C. Norfolk,—It was, Tho play wss en- titled ''Land of the Midnight Sun." BASIJUALL. B„ Wlnslcd.—It all dopends upon whut. It was that B bet. If he wagered thut the Bellew played to the utmost capacity of tho turned for fourteen more uerforniniuSs Jin lor. Wood Brothers and the vltugranb. Last team uumed bv A would not win, be Is en- houso throughout his engagement of three "The Lovee," openlug Suudav afternnnn Tr ' ek '. the Fadettes headed a iTuc bill and titled to the boneilt of Hie tie, and wins; wooks, which ended SnturcTay night. 3. "Ruf- Rob Van Out en und Saui J AdYms wfii ffiSi «f?wd«d the house at every performance If, however, be expressed blmsolf as mewing tics" wns the bill, aud plu.v und star de- ' ' dn.-i.-ivi.. .... o. r., i.^ that, the other club would win, tho tic makes lighted the throngs immeasurable. McVicitiui's Theatue (Geo. C. Warren, business manager).—Blanche Walsh gives lis our first views of "Tho KreuUer Sonntn" on ?cnther" had excellent bouses, business manager).—No falling off from tl u "&? T i'? n 1 C T^. Dcc ' 12 - 17 ', H S .!, nl h ls b ,n, s , ln e?8 will be noticed this week. (Ira J. La Mottc, manager, with the following as the cards: Japuneso —(Jhls week a return engagement of "Girls Imperial O Will ■ be Girls." Last week, Joe Welch, In Us and Wi "Cohen's Luck," packed the house. "David Wocdford. harum" 12-17. Fox. Glidt .. Japuneso (ittards, Nora Bayes, Ilolcombc, Cur- 'ebb, Mario and Aldo, Le Roy and Mclntyre and Rice, Gllday and ^IgtJ'- W. Uon,, ( mBn.ger).-Th, s Wmar^LTw^ee '&^SS£^SSl week ;;Tbe Flaming Arrow." I>ast week. "Su- Grnclc and Revnolds, the Wafion Sisters ^"X?!.?.":.? 8 ! 1 *!!? 1 ?',}--!?;, .. * „ r'\° ■SStt New mot on pictures und the Makta^LS! ^. ltf ' Srh 1 '^ 6 »»Ps«y. in a aSr "kit. ont.ltted ) Metropolitan jThe^Goods,^ round out_thc bill. The Gssoh Chase's (Miss' mnnngei').—This Grand Opera Quartette. Glmrd and Gardner, Sherman and De Forest, Bruno and Russell MHo-Chester's statue dog. Adamlnl and Tav- a draw of It J. II. IL. Philadelphia.—He was for tour seasons—1872 lo ISTfi, Inclusive —a member of'the old Athletic team of your oily, which pluvcd ou tbo gronudu located at Twenty- tlflb and Jefferson Streets from 1871 to 1877, inclusive. ROWLING. S. 11. II., TituBvllle.—The rule In refer- ence to tbe foul line states • that "a player cro.8lng the foul Hue commit* a foal. 1 ' As the case you cite is clearly governed by this rule a foul wns committed. CARDS. R. R., Rrouklyn.—I>;WlnR with low. 1. J.. P., Clovolauil.—C wins, as he Sunday night. 4. She will reman the at: tained their reuutatlon fo• g^od euterth WiS n r>^ tre ,^ .^1.*. M fe 8»ie follows meul. the dumiuy of altrncnVe 7 tw nln y ^S&ftEUS'fJi X*!*M?*J!!J l l'l!!l uu !. >hc nilri.ii of good, comedian* y „ Jesse p. Gotobth. formerly of Ibc Goforth oi ' ] *" P<-os(>«red last week" lnucAiiixo TuiiATKB (Robert Fulton, amn- Z™ 5 ? Is lying very 111 at bis home. No 1V4 Lvceum Thkatue (O. h scrl.—Rice 4; Barton's Rose Hill EngJhTh s<luta r "" v ' *"" aEffl—.. business during Its three^wcSsTc'ndinFSnt: "= .u.comBdla,** urday night, f. a Gabiiick Tticvrni: (8am P. Gewon. bust- Folly Co. Is tho BtfrictTon" OMBlncTJire iiesa managerl.-'Fantana" near* It* cen- Sunday afternoon for fourteen cwronCenter. tury uinrk- of success, the e ghty-tb rd, per- talniueuts. Millie Da Lchn thn "r-iri V, formance being billed'for Him^Wffilp for a thl'i-d week aJ in ThBrc reualw QMS more weeks of this ^'ea- extra attraction hn", The comSfr Srlu pnclty" wicceMful Mtrnctlon In which Jeff clpaW Include: Pongo and r eo^ondfc New l/o Augoits, Allele Ritchie. Katie Burry, Julia isunb. SttTKvm \£ I Whcr-ii" fb *lSS BttVEraffSc^MW ^ErBs^^^Z. SlfeSS^S uejoanu to put hint uut. busluess mnnager).—■•The Clngalec" has wun week ot prosperity^wOlilg SatMuay^fght,-3! ut, ,., Vl '*» ••;«—*• «***, iuu uiii. A UU VWrUJ| Sisters, the Itottomcley Troupe. Stecley, Doty and Cole, Greene nnd Werner and Harry Brown wore strong factors last week. n «J\ lAC r Ta EATBB (Chas. IL Waldron, mon- h?»i. ) 'T,r om .. M,ll , e . r8 B °h«nlan Burlesquers Is the attraction Manager Waldron offers the "** "A Day at the Races" Is the Tlvcn by the large companv, r <:s*nts: Vlnnlo Ilcnshaw. Bert Calder. Ida Nlcolal. ir t 'tr A , nd y„ Gardner, Frank 1. i' , Ke "rF Hlgglns and Berg- Uiw. Clark's "Runaway South Cook "Street, TtSMgSRi HL, 'ant ?£«):—;'Du "Moat's 'iVr "sb^nnd^'urnai would be glad to hear from ollfrlendi '[^ ■» »-una Park." arc the P two burlesques ■ ■■ *'* : ' i^v Am . P 5; l J an .^ n . r J e .*quers are seen In-thl* lilalit boon aad afieea ^\ n ^ <»inpan'y"irb«3ed hF'to'l* iVl'g- xulnato^ M'Ji» FaX'v^rerPon: Vork Central's Umpire Slate Express; most fatuous train In the Trqrld. 1 Last week, the Thoroughbreds bad good pa- Arsfrv ft Stone's BICREint (Stone ft bhaw. managers).—The Hovartb Widgets Bcorea.a Mlt.M this rescrt last weekend