The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. December 10, HI INK IX OVK«I! if raa'n Interested In the apballdlDg of yonr net, »o P»rbap. we hKTe IT. If no, wturt willing jrom .UoaM >YO'» TCRRIFIO SBONO 8UO doabt you're looking for t». Br.lloailB til* me i h. r > IT. Um«'i i pretty awtll baneh to mIici ( rket. froiai fly JEPF, T. URANEN and EVANS LLOYD. This Is positively the catchiest song you will tieer In many years. OBEAT Mnsic: GREAT Word?. Armstrong »n«l Holly, Llord and IJ»n Engelton, Bob Harty, Edltl Welma, IJo Brennan, Hazel Selkirk, LUnan Male, Gladys Fisher and dcores of oilier* aro responding to encores wllh It, and all predict It the coming HIT or the season. IT IrVASM'T A. RJESAXji ONE. By JEFF. T. BBANEN and IIBNRV 8.8AWTRB. Tills It wli hour a doubt the funniest Bong wrll ten In yo«M. Every year Jell, t, dranen writes a STAGE niT. Ue wrote ••BLUE, BLE: W, BLEW" and •'CHARMING,''both of which need no Introduction. ■ "It Wain't a Real One" leys over tlicm all. Nat H. Wills, Burton and Brookes. A'm«rong»n<i B>l!y.J«e Demnuns and Lew Bawslos »re the flint to try It out. Evory comedian In tie country will be wondering where they can get It Inilde of the noit three months. Ple n ty of enc ore vers es. ^^^ JUST A BUNCH OF WIIjD PLO'WBRS. By JEFF. I. BRANEN and JOHN C. RYAS. TWs li oor MINSTREL BALLAD that Is sweeping the country. The Slides are the most beautiful ever thrown on a canvas, gc.oo deposit is all wo require. Don't ask to be excused from lesvtng'ui the deposit. ' We treat ell alike. By BRAKES and FRIEDMAN. ^Thls la a beenty-Jnst off the press. The BISTERS HAWTHORNE are the first to feature It. THE • By «FP. T. BRANEN and GEO. F. BBAMHALL. ST IS No greator descriptive ballad was ever written than this. Imitations have cropped out. but the OEI0INAL, lite Banqoo's ghost, will not be downed. ';.,: $6.00 deposit lor set nf these magnificent slides. Illustrated partly in California and Old MeSoa* Cosl Is the botleat Coon Song in the market Don't Be Timid in sending for COAL. Yon can doable your talary (homing COAX for the L.rixra- »i . ByTHEO.F.SNYDER. The Greatest InstrunienUl HITof theyesr. Dumb Acta, Musical Acts, Duck end Wing Dancers I By WALLACE SMITH, snd Orchestra Lestlers, send for Orchestration. Orchestra or Band Arrangement sent on receipt of 2Jots. |. Goat dealers in the town where you're working. COMB DOWN MISB MALINDA; CANT LIVE OH LOVE; BLUE, BLEW, BLEW; I LIVE ALONE FOR TOD; TBE MAN OUTSIDE (descriptive ballad); 9WBET MAID OF TBE SUNSET SEA;'OHARMIBG; TILDY; MY LITTLE BWEETHEAJ1T, .SALLY, are some of our holdovers that never fall to male good.) nor publications. Always something I T. BRANKN, yon. you anj of NEWTON MUSIC PUB. CO., 59 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. j.g, II.—Wr have no branch, offices. All communications mnit be addressed to the main offlcr. THEATRICAL HOTELS and BOARDING HOUSES. lllLlllnLAme , i doable. Wsbsah A Madison, CHICAGO, o.o. Vauahan, Prop. strictly American Tlan, ts-iu single; HUfs !ik HiW MjU^B $££! Rooms 600. to »c. per day; 12.60 and IS.ooswoek. Indies' Restaurant on second floor. No. e F.. «th BU, Wilmington, Del. O. B. HOLT, Prop. •T. JAHEI HOTKL, TOLEDO, O. Ameri- .iBPlan. ThestrlcAl Headg.carters. $ LB single, si double:, M and tT per week. VIGTOBl BOD8B, 374 E. Indiana St., Ohleego. Room and Board, *s .week. Italian and Ftenob tmlsme., Centrally located. V. OasteUtal, Prop. FALACB HOTEL., ui N. Clark St., Chicago, European, |l par week: With private bath, |7. Turkish Bath, too. H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop. Wfl. TELL, HOUSE), Howard and Somerset Sta., Boston, Mass. Central, location. Excellent meals. , E MI LY; T. BANNWAHT , P rop. iAKAVETTK UOTBL, ALLKSTOWH, J»A. THEATRICAL, HBADtltJABTBRaj, Single, $1 Donblo, t« and j7 per week. TRAFALGAR HOTEL, 110-117 E. 14, N.Y.,nT. Union 8q., Academy. Dewey. Rooms 60a., t*o. , si, tl.Wday; $a.60 togB week. W.D.nANNlOAN, Prop. BHtRMABUHOTBL>,otlt and Pine, 8U Louis, near all theatres', European plan. Room with bath, f 8.(0 to It week. Give trial. B. F. OAHILL, Prop. TUB CASTLE INN. Niagara Sonata. BuflWo, N. Y. Bates, 11 to 14 per day. MR. 0. F, DUNBAR, rrop.i MRS. M. F. liA ift, Mgr. The XeSure, FINEST PROFESSIONAL HOUSE IN FIIILA. \,-l < 8; W. CORNER 18th and LOCUST. HOTEL VELEY BUBOPBAM PLAJf Itl asr Special weekly rates to the proieeslon. Clark fit., Chiosgo. Most oentral location la City WANTED, for STETSON'S U. T. C. CB.. Woman for Ellua and Ophelia, Man for Har- ris ond tit. Clare, Marks mid Haley, Cornet, B. anil 0 . Tuba, l'luno tbat doubles horn. Other intielclaus, write. Can place Colored tilng- crs lind Dancer*.'State sulnry; will advance tjcNyt. WM. KIBBLK, Mgr.. Marlon, Ind. LKAJDING LADY ' WANTID. Must have enough capital- to buy mif lotercit In a well known bTOOK CO. A big paying in- vestment, Coaohed Dy one of I ho best Stage Di- rectors In the.proteaaioo. Rare chance. Send photo. Address . .. W.W.SW1TZER. Oklahoma City, Okie. rSe a PRbmBBBivif al. > Hiosendforonroafoiogof. . Ureair Paintt and Hade V|i guppll.s. . VAN HORN ft MICHL, Mnfs "Carnellan'VOiar- anteed_ Oreaae • Painte, Onitanteed Carrieltan' Oold oream, toota.]b on, Face Powder (t s Shades), 60ot9. n> can. .. Killed Make Xp Boxes, |LU, |a.60and|0.O0. Face Powders, Creams, Kit., OiTlce, Ml N. NlnUi at, . Paolnry, .tie Aroh., PHILA.. P». WANTED, FOR THE LE ROY STtJCK CO. MPBOIALTY PEOPLK WHO PLAY PARTsi HKPBAtTOIBSH PCOPt.ll IN ALL LIJiEl FOB ABOVE CO.. Man wtth Bloving i'lrtnr. Mtaclalne to jilay .itiall pasta. Pay your own. MAirAUBR LB BOY STOCK CO., , , . Qreendeld, lad . Wanted, Piano Player* Oue who oailpiay good Rag Time MdkIc and Over- tures. Mutt Co a' sight reader. J. Hall, kindly communicate. J. A A J. II. OADSER, ' __Hhaoa Hotel, Ithaca, N. Y. HAVE A lOOK.-Flii Bultir AcciBpiil- MBNT8. FLVTf) INSTBUOTOB. EIOBTBONO and DANCE STEPS, KXBRCISK8 IN REEL DANCING, ALL FOR 16 OEN'IS. . ,r>. MDYNAHAN, P. 0. Box 131, Cedarhnrst. I, I., N. Y. Slot Machine Parlor For Sale. Hare chance- Rverytlilng up to date, flood reason for telling. Address PARLOR, care of CLIPPER. Reading and Recitation Books. Catalogue Free. All dranutlo PLAYS, WIGS papers on sale or malted. ciia*. McDonald & cu., aft. Wa shingt on HL. OHICAQO. 8.SNINDHELM,Tliiitrt6alWiK MAKER, flood workforlowprlcee. 118 West Stta BTRBET, New York. nd ttatu; lor price list. CROSS PPINITINO CO. illlUmBiUlU Dmapa.CAfiu7caMm.Tsr/aim at jx**.,. Pkg. STAGE MONEY, 16c. TRICK OAItrW, to. Book of outs, sec, containing over 600 engravings, BI0B SHOW MANAGERS. *<%S2Z$" Side Show Banners; After 2* yeara'cxpcrlenco In New York city, ha» PERJUNEHTLYESTJIBLISHE9 B1II8ELF III CHICAGO where be will conilnuo to produoe Hie BIDE SHOW FRONTS that can be produced in the United states. Addrens LEE A PAVOC8T;' ' '■ ' : 181 Grand Ave., Chicago, ill.'. X*f A IN T m D For CO. S NO. 2 and 3, IVIecJIolne 9h. ACTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MUSICAL ACTS, SINGLE ACTS OF ALL KINDST Al LEOT0RER.P1ANO PLAYER. ' Btate lowest salary. No fanoy sal arics paid. MCBT JOIN MONDAY, DEO. 12. OSBORNE A VAN HAl'SEN, Berbcn Med.Co., Cordova, Keb. WANTED, 'OR St. Louis Comedy Co., Al 8IBT0B TEil, PIAIO PLAYEB • ABD ALL BODID C0IEDL1R. RELIABLE AGENT WANTED TO BOOK SHOW. Others write. ■ M. M. 8C0TT, Minigir, Anderson, W. V». WARD BOB E FOB SALE CHEAP IS I'alrs of Ladles' Solid Spangled Tights, ?1C; 25 Pairs of Ladles' Woolen/rights, dlf- ereut sizes and colors, .10: 60 Ladlea' Fancy Waists, different sites and colors, .20; lti Ladles' Gimps, 7lth Skirts and Aprons, gold braid, t6; 8 Pairs of Ladles' Striped Knee Pents, (5; 8 Pairs Ladles Knee Pants, ss- sorted colors, $5; B Pairs Ladles Knee Pants, white, with red stripes down side. (3:7 Red Shoulder Jackets, S3; 6 Wide Blade Swords, .2; .12 Fancy Belts, different colors, and 12 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, different sites, ID. All these articles have been In use and will deed Borne repairing. You can buy any of the above lot separately, at the price given, or the whole lot, together with three trunks, for tec. 1'ou must call and see this lot of wardrobe; cannot explain by mail. Here Is the Oreatut Bargain on Record: $300 Royal Pnoto-optlcon, double lens, finest lantern made, with trunk and a large canvas for pictures, all complete, with CO to 60 views; will take .120. Over 30 of the finest S. S. Stewart and J. D. Scball Banjos, and other makes, with leather cases for same, will sell at a,great sacrifice. Also sleigh bells, staff bells, wooden xylophones, organ pipes, and wire dulcimer. CHICAGO—1-12 TV'. Madison St.—CHICAGO. psivatb dancino bchool, 191-108 8. Clark St ROACH Cot This Out ROACH. WANTEfi Hl >c* *'"'">' Hutch and Irish Song rv an abu, snd Drove Comedians, that put on acts and change tor one week. Also Al Piano Player. Must be Al.- Salary right,'or all you are worth. Those who wrote before please write agatn. Beat regards to all friends. Addreie SIOUX REMEDY CO., Wentoma, Waushara Co., Wis. PROF. CHAB. P. COOK, Proprietor. JAB. i. CARNEY, Manager. WANTED, FOR T STETSON'S MM T(M1 CO., flood Working Agent, and Mau for Small Farts,' Double Cornet In Band. Stato age, height, weight and lowe»t salary flrst lottcr. Address OEO.PEOK, Mgr.,2U W. Bjj St., New York Oily. $ rorBANDS,SCtlOOLS.Fiar,HEN,Hlim..._ - and all others. Send for Catalogue and mention style wanted as we , several Hits. WESTERN UNIFORM CO. 5B0 Clark Street Chteasto III. WANTED, ■AH WITH PICTURE MACHINE, Also A GOOD BAGICIAlf. Address D. F. KOWLElt, Port Huron, Mloh. WANTED, ACTORS and MUSICIANS Tliat Doable U. and Stage. ' ESPECIALLY WANTED CHILD FOR KV, MINNIE MASON, Write . ' ED. 1'. DAVIS, Tort Huron, Mloh. ZAMBEZI CEM one-tenth. Great Discovery. Experts can not detect It from gen- . utne diamond. Costs bnt In brilliancy and cut it has no equal. Betting solid gold. Write for illustrated catalogue ROWS A CO,, Dept.O,, S58 Dearborn St., Ohlofgo, Al BOUBRETTE. own. Other good ret State lowest and pay your w people, write. WltiL LEW bros.' STOOi CO., Yellow Snrtngs, 0. WANTED QUICK, 611H All Around Black FAOB COMEDIAN. CP IN AOT8. I pay alt after joining. Address nil, FBED H. MILLER, Modern Remedy Co,, Boschdrte, pntnsnt County, nfoj - E.ISII Plclur* Uicilnis, Sttmiticiis. Bong Slides, Films, Lenses, Oat Outfits, Kleomqal Goods, eto Send for catalogue and) etrcnlara. L. MANASSE CO., 88 MrnUton Street, Chicago, III. JOHS A. WKST, ■ "Th» Maslcal Browrilf." ■FEB, 11) OPE>. Fsrmaaesiti »»04 Anaosur Ave., Cbiicago Telephone 1&4» Boat li. CHICAGO PBOFESSIONbL SUPPLY CO., .430 MCK80N BLOCK, CHICAGO, ILL. We buy, sell, exohange and handle on commls- slon ail kinds of Second Band and Now Show Goods. Highest cash price paid for Films, Ma- chines, Slides, illusions, Tents, etc. We examine alt Alms and adjust all machines, both old and ii»w nedt. before shipping. All the latent Talk- ing Machines, with latest Illustrated Bong Bee- inuH.,two verses and two choruses. Special prices to the profession. Let us know what you want or have to dlspcee of; we' can save you money on anything laour line. - MEDICINE MEN. If yon are looking for the best llnr of Kemedlei on the market. If you Want Easy Sellers and Big JJoaey, address DILL REMEDYiCO. . , ■ . EAST BANGOK. PI. . ; •. ELK THEATRE, POCATELLO, IDAHO, JOB ML'BPIIY. Proprietor. A. J. WAV1.B. Staste Manager. Acts playing llutte, Mont, Ogdeu, Bult Lske, I tali, break your Jump here, tstooa and First Part Ladles Wanted at All Times. Act* that bate worked with mo write. A. J. WAYNE. WANTED, :■ MAN WITH ABILITY AND PHYSIQUE, FOR SHERLOCK HOLMES, 1 IN TOM ARTHfll'S "A Study in Scarlet" Co. Also People lu ALt OTHER LINES. Wire and write full particulars. All " hearsals Deo. 19. Address All photos returned, Rt. artloulara. 1». _ MORT W. SANFORD, Faribault, Minn. At Liberty, COBHET AID 8EC0HD VIOUH. v r r .„.. w ..... Add. OARL FRANK, Ord, Neb. ' ■**■•»• AVAOlVaT A X , Wiitid, fir tte Will LiwIres. StMk^r p g^* Gen?Baai' L ' , REPERTOIRE OR ONE PIECE. WARDROBE APPEARANCE, ABILITY. OREENVILLE, TEXAS, Second Hand BARD IN8?BUMENTS bought, SOLD and EXOH ANOED. Bend for com- plete list. - FKAMK HOkTOR A CO.. lorT. Madison Street, Ohleatro. m. IRWIN'S BIO SHOW. FRED IRWIN. :... .Manager CONSEQUENTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, JOLLY ZEB The Tramp with the Funny Voice. THERAT8ELBENDER8 An Anstrlan DrlU. A Specialty In Fencing, Marching, Etc. First time In America. THE FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL ZEB & ZARROW TRIO Sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist.. Extra Feature, : WATOH FOR UB AT THE DEWBT. 4-THE CONOLLY8--4 Singers and Dancers Supreme. PRINCIPAL LEAD. MI88 JE88IE MOORE Contralto. "THEM FELLOWS," WIL80N & 80RC Talking Humorists. OH. MY, IB DOT SO. oe ° -THE KLEINS- L °" tto Dutch Comedian and Soubrette- SKKTflHTR Songs, Etc., Written. Send OBAiUBM BUnB.'or No Reply. Al Ret- ereuces. Sample Parody and s Gags, ioc. MARY S. PROSPERT 'THAYBR,i;« rineSt., Prov., R. l. ROBERT GORDON....... MANAGER BBMBATIOMAX) ACROBATS, 3 LUIGI BROS. 3 The Smallest Big Act Belorc the Public. I'Bssrjphy'a Hasgoerade." Produced by EEIJD and GILBEEX. , An Uproariously Funoy Farce Comedy. TERRY aniliJEB and iPEI In "TBI DANCING MreBIOKARY," IIAR5IOMOUS SELF.CTIOS8, RELIANCE aUARTET, TflOMAS, REYNOLDS, K1P.BT, OHAPPELL. CHARMTEn EVTERTA15ER8. BRODERICK and JESSICA.. . CLEVER COMEDY COUPLE. TUB BIRGER GIRLS, ALLIINE arid HAMILTON. ACROBATIC DANCERS. THE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L. BALLACF. .Manager MAUDE EVELTH HARVEY and WALKER THE CHARMERS. ' UNDERSOrf^" WALLACE TRAVESTY and TRAOEDY STARS. ' MaRIElJlRRISON. TBE OIRIi WITH THE YELLOW HAIR.- . BILLY NOBLE, THE REAL COON SBOUTER. bellFwTlton, .»iE . TBE DARE EYED DAUGHTER OF 8PAI>>. A BIT OF GERMAN NONSENSE, '" FARRON and PAY, In "THE L AST QUART OF BEER." > ! LrRRYIIcCrLE. J THE MAN BEHIND THE COMEDY GOB.; • 5-sistersIeIutzer-s ■ Europe's Premier Lady Oy mn asts. ■ ; Abe Leavltt's Famous ' RENTZ-SANTLEY CO. LEO LEAVITT. .Buiiness Manager. MVRTLK Borne of the Olio Veatares With ROSE SYDEIX'8 LONDON BELLES. W. S.CAMPBELL.............: Manager RENNET and HOLLIS, Comedians, Vocalists and Impersonators.. NOVELTY, COMEDY and ilAItMOl Y BIJOU COMEDY TRIO, Q.o. L. Dorsej, H arry "Waltjen , Edward Wright. BELYEA, world's Greatest Exponent of Physical Culture. a hit; JACK and BERTHA RICH, BIngers, Talkers and Wooden Bhoe Dancers. CHAS. W. DOUGLAS, Monologuing Parodist, .-. '•.,', ' ; BIJOU COMEOr FOUR, Peer or All Comedy quartettee.->' i •; ' CUOSlJlTEZ ... Singers and Eccentric Buck Dancers. ' V CUFF PARREL^- ', The Merry Musical Minstrel. • — — ^ -I fi. _. ' . . THE NOVELTY DUO. bknk.t the RACKETTS ^ AUA introducing the Steeple on tho HUI. HAWTHORNT& BURT, Premier Eccentric Dancers.?!.. .- Fea tares -with L. LAWREN01>WEBER'S At I*it>e:rt:y 9 8.8. PIANIST, LEADER. ' ARRANGER, CORNET IN BAND. SOUBRETTES. ■, ::«_ l IN0ESUES ANDjrrvBNILES, B, 8. BOYEB, aio E. 2d St.. Ft. Worth, Tex. WANTED AT ONCE, Fine lllnstrated Song Singer Oeutieniaupreferied: salary sure; work all year; stat* lowest salary and .ail .you can do In rust letter, also enclose photograph and age. No boozers need write.' Address • • ■ - 1IR1NT0N ENTERTAINING CO., Washington, la. DAINTY DUCHESS CO. A. D. GORMAN...... Manager JAMES &SADiELEONARD, In " The-Wrong Tip." chas.1ob1nson, The Laugh Maker. bessieIUfford; atartilns; Sensation In Tlehtgl AN "A" ONE .'/ General Actor Also FEATUBE SPECIALTY. Address KLAKKariBAN Co., ".•*•'• Dover, New Hampsnirn W«ntodto Buy. . WlflON SI0W PROPERTV. Wagons. Tenrs, Seats, Lights. Stags Scenefy, Cook House, Horse Tents. Everything to completes TC or 14 wsgou show. • Wsgoss soltaMc to go • lu parade. Also Want Prattle Schooner; aUoorer lknd Ooacb. Hare got the cash; make yotlrprlce. risht if. you went to sell. Address foyurtsr Qusrters. m. L. P., Byesvllle, Ohio.'