The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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December 10. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 981 .TAHLK OK CnXTUNTS. UMf Clipper'! AnwUotee, Etc.. i'6» Dollar TTonpe.... our London Litter.... Vaudeville aid Minstrel Qaerie* AnaveSfejLj. Oar ChicagoJLstter .'., May Irwin—Shttch aurprt ro»t office.. uSS br Telegraph Oo the Bold— Vaudeville Bout* List. .V9T6.' jgK 878, 981, 982. .. 983, Nsw York Olty—Review and Ccmmeat... 986 984 ... 970 __l City— With the BUI Posters ruder to* Tents Music and Song....... Heaths in the-profession Ml'CeJlaneOnS Chess and Checkers TUEAT rical correspondence. New J«I»/....... District of Columbia .,..., Massachusetts Oblo ...... ....«.••«••» «..,... Canada... ... - Connecticut • -- jihode Island... ;. Michigan,: i 'jVnnes«te...i J,>br««ka... ...... Colorado Pennsylvania Maryland California......... Oregon • ■• Maine OkUbomi New fork State... Missouri Indiana. .-... Kentucky Sonth Caroline.... Virginia Texas. Minnesota Wisconsin'...-. '••• lHJaota,......;..; Alabama...... .... I#EEST BY TEL EGfRAPH. Monday XlsTbr. Opening, la All the ./'•--' ■-■■ Bit Ibpw Tomi. GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. , 984, 'ate. H74 074 974 967 987 078 978 070 neo 981 083 984 987 984 084 084 985 SS5 087 977 •j78 978 979 976 979 970 981 979 079 879 990 960 990 960 090 COO 990 990 960 900 990 090 f*K> 981 984 984 084 084 Blir Business la the Report at Every ■TT. • House. fipfojftl Dispatches to The New Yobk Clippbb. jfcix FA*ncisco, Dec. 0.—At the Columbia Theatre this Is the third and laat week of Maxlne Elliott, In "Her Own Way." Busi- ness hax been very good. *M«jS«ic.—Monday, Dee. 5, "The Sena- tor." , Blg'bvtslness continues. On Tuesday, ii, the Native Daughters of the Golden W'cat hake the house for the benefit of their home fFfld. On Wednesday, 7, the San Francisco Conimerclal Travelers' Association has takon ibe House for the benefit of the charity fund; .This theatre has arranged, for the near future, oroductlons of "Cats and "la old- lieldelberg." Ate****.—"The Professor s LoTe Story In ,op for this week. Business last week wo. very big. qiusn. Opera Hottse. —Williams and Walk- er Hiul '4 a two weeks' engagement, pre- senting "la Dahomey." They opened to big California. —Wm. H. West's Minstrel Co. Is lure for one week. The opening perform- sue* drew a packed house. JJsntbal. —"The Suburban" Is the current offering.'" Business has been Immense. - Ttvou Opera House. —This Is the second week at "King Dodo." YlRViirim.—BUI for week beginning 4: Mary Shaw and Co., Howard's dogs and pontes. Ith'ylllg Allen, the Dillon Brothers, Marvelous Frank and Little Bob, the Three Josslyns, Clement De I.ion, SAm Klton, Le Rojtnad Rlccl end the Orpbeum motion plc- CitiTEil.—Programme for week beginning n t: Holmes and Dense. Edward Hart and Mile. Kesale, fiance Smith, Lillian Levy, Mabel I.amson, Clarence Sisters and the blo- NoTOtf-^Morrla Meyerfeld Jr., president of the Orpbeum Circuit Co., left for Denver on business connected with the house there, Nov. 25..... .Irene Outtrlm, an Australian singer, has been, engaged by the Tlvoll Opera House, and wl"i make her first appearance there as Annette, In "King Dodo." She has been slng- Ing'ln grand opera In Melbourne, having made her debut about four years ago .Friday afternoon; Dec. 0, Is the date of the annual uenfKt of the Associated Theatrical Mana- ger*;, pf Bin Francisco, at the Orpbeum, when evejir tbtatro In this city will contribute Its hhare of talent Alfred A. A. Karland, liapjolstv. U announced for ft single concert at SteTuwny Hall on Tuesday evening, Dec. 13. t FHOM OTHER POINTS. Cleveland'. Theatre, Clilcngro, Closed —Helene Ueeins Her Enacaarxneut lp ChlcnKO—Good Bnalnesa Re- - ported From the Various Points. . Chicago, Dec. 0.—Cleveland's Theatre has closefl. 'At Sunday night's performance Man- ager .Cleveland made a speech, declarlug IBM opposition and. the building department were too.much for him. Monday a letter frdm Uutldluj; Commissioner Williams was ppated'oi) the outside lobby doors, in which Mr. Cleveland was Informed that required Htmcturol changes in conformity with the new ordinances must be made by noon, Monday, Dec. r>. or the house would be closed hi (Jia authorities, and evidently Manager OeMlan'd determined not to reopen after Huijday night's performances. Gits Hill, Nan} Scrlbner, Chas. Waldron and Geo. Kraue, Hostein burlesque managers, have (reached Chicago during their tour of In afvictlo'ti uf the burlesque wheel. Many Hire centre about them, but there la no ltd announcement of anr change In the burlesque situation.. ..Margaret Anglin wl|| open an engagement at Powers' next .Monday might. Dec. 12, the bouse remaining dark daring the rest of the late Mrs. Oll- Iwet's booking Blanche Walab scored a ajguil triumph In "Kreutzer Sonata," pack- lif xUcYtcker'g Sunday nlgbt with a most demonstrative and enthusiastic audience.... ThlJubpOay openings were: Mme. Bejane, Maude Adame, the Illinois. .ReJane fortnight of'French drama be- >aylli» great eclat "The Clngaleo'' louts, 'Monday night, at Studebalcer's, tits third week The last three •. of '"Fantana" began Sunday night the Garrlck packed to capacity Is by. Night" was the Great Northern's lay. opening, capacity attendance enjoy- Ino performance The outlying the- nbea^arulch play popular priced comblnn- f'4gs enfurtd big business Sunday afternoon t*aft evening The Crackerjacks bad One *iad»V business at the Folly, and the Bose If)|l,Bt)QW packed the Trocadero Sam .'!'. Jackl attracted more people than could ' commodaied. the dramatic stock houses '.splendidly end tbe vaudeville houses fllted to limit. ausi.PHiA, Dec. fl. —A heavy enow aimpered the ardor -of theatregoers ' g. but. considering adverse con- Ivonago was satisfactory Blrable Crlchton," at the Broad: MatlStlBVvt the Garrlck: "The Bhephexd Hmr »t\lhs Opera House: "Plff! PaSI! MMfue ar tbe Chestnut: "Cbeckera." at y* Wolftnt.- and "The Shop Girls," at tbe lop,] mere nil continued and drew well, alitor lomlilnatlon bouses bad popular ThrMbnflay openings were: M laJflZaza," nt the Grand, and Mi In "The Little Minister," at (•omjiutilea nt Farepnngire, flttindnrd . ntul •glgl JS |M,,, wcrltorloiiK product loux ami delighted patrons .Fine vaudeville at Keiths earned prosperity, and the Bon Ton, With the same style of entertainment, fated J»«ll .Burlesque enjoyed Its niua! poou- larity at the Eleventh, and the Museum had goodly patronage The weather had lit- tle, effect oh the attendance at the Boston Sjmphony concert at the Academy. Bostox, Dec. 6.—Openings last night were good, though not as large as last week:... •The Yankee Consul," at the Tremofit, hRd a packed house Amelia Bingham, In "The Climbers," began her engagement prosper- ously at the Park The Sothern-Marlowe combination had a sold out hottse ar the Ho!- li» Mme. Schumann-Relnk, In "Love's Lottery." had a good sized gntherlng st the Colonial Geo. Primrose's Minstrels also did well at the Boston...'. .Bertha GalMntl, In "Dorothy Vernon," had a fair sited house et the Majestic Popular priced houses aping well were the Globe and Grand Opera House, with "'The Ninety and Nine" and "Fast Life In New Vort* Stock pro ductlone at the Castle'Squire and Bowooin Square The burlesque and vaudeville houses had but little falling off from laat week's openings. Weather threatening thoush but little snow bad fallen up to opening time. Kansas Citt, Dec. 6.—William Collier, In "The. Dictator," opened a week's engagement at tbe Willis Wood last night, to a good house and scored a success At the Grand Dockstader's Minstrels had a big Sun- day matinee and S. B. O. at night. Mr. Dockstader and the big production were splendidly received .Two big bouses were on hand at the Orpheum to see a splen- did vaudeville bill. In which Valerie Bergere was the headllner At tbe Glllls two big houses saw Patrice, In "Driven from Home." At the Auditorium "A Des- perate Chance" bad two of the best houses of the season At the Century the Pa- risian Widows burlesqued to good houses..... The Boer War opens at Convention Hall to- night. Cincinnati. Dec. 8.—Sam Bernard and Hattie Williams Introduced "The Girl from Kay's" at the Grand tonight, and tbe local premier was most successful .Sunday's openings were all well attended...."Buster llrown jammed the Walnut Street- At Heuck's "The Charity Nurse" opened -to a record breaking crush. "The Girl I Left Behind Ma," Interpreted by the Fore- paugh Stock Co., pleased great turnouts Tbe Columbia had n good vaudeville bill:... "The Span of Life," at the Lyceum, and the Tiger Lilies Company, at the People's, all did capacity business. Washington, Dec. 8.—Wm. Faversham, in "Letty," had a good home at the National. "Tbe Prince of I'llsen" came, to »ood business, at the Columbia..... .Al. Leech, In "Girls Will Be Girls," bad a good open- ing for his return engagement at tbe La- fayette ."The Flaming Aftow" packed the Academy The Metropolitan Quartet was the bead liner at Chase's, filling the house twice yesterday.. ....Bob Manches- ter's Vanity Fair had two good houses at the Lyceum. Lotitsritxe, Dec. 8.—Margaret Anglin opened at -Macauley's Theatre to a large house "A Son of Best" opened at the Masonic, to a crowded house "Aeros9 the Pacific" at tbe Avenue, attracted a packed bouse Sunday The. Morning Glories, at the Buckingham, and vaudeville, at Hopkins', played to capdty nouses Sun- day. ««» MINNOSOTA. Minneapolis At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) "The Two Or- Shans" Dec. 4-7, Eva Tanguay 8-10, Tim lurphy 11-14, and "York State Folks" 15-17. Fair business was enjoyed by Walker White- side and Kzra Kendall last week. Buou Opera Hodse (Theodore L. Hays, manager).—"Wedded, But No Wife." 4-10. "Waif's Paradise" follows 11. Keller had fine houses. , , .. LtcBuat (Dick Ferris, manager).—"Fight- ing Bob" 4-10, "A Social Highwayman" 11 and week. "Shall We Forgive Her" was well lecelved last week. • ' Orphfxx (Martin Beck, general manager). —For 4 and week: Jesse Bartlett Davis, Felli and Barry, Josephine De Witt. Fetch- ing Brothers, the Two Pucks, tbe Loz|tts and the Three Dumonds. Fine business continues. Dkwev (M. H. Singer, manager)-—The Fay Foster Co. 4-10, the City Sports 11-17. The Bentz-Santley Co. drew fair houses. a St. Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) Kzra Kendall, In "Weatherbeaten Benson," gave a good performance, and Walker Whiteside came, to good business, Dec. 1-3. Eva Tanguay 4-7, all star "The Two Orphans" 8-10, ''York State Folks" 11-14, Tim Murphy 15-17. . Grand- (Theodore L. Hays,' manager).— Selma Herman. In "Wedded, But No wife," had very good business. For week of 4, Howard Hall, In "The Waif's Paradise;" "The Curse of Drink" 11-17. _,' Stab (J. C. Van Boo, manager).—The Cracker Jacks came In for the usual good bnslness last week. For week of 4, the Bentz- Santley Co.; Fay Foster Co., 11-17. _ , Umpibu (A. Welnbolzer,.manager).—Busi- ness showed a decided Increase last week. New people for week of 5: The Valpos and Beahan and Daken. Holding over: Otto Kelchtl'e Tyrolean Quartet, Bockway and Conway, Lou Smith, Helen Stewart and Kit- tle Ransom. _' OnpHEtiii (John C. Kane, manager).— Charles Frerck has become proprietor of this pretty playhouse and John C. Kane Is man- ager. People for week of 0: Tbe Martlnes, Blanche Ward, Flo Lytle, Marie Collier, Violet Wlllard, Mae Burns, Ollle Padre, Polly O'Neill, Carl Raymond. Lena BolK, Montle Raymond, Harry White,. Eddie Col- lins and Ivdlson motion pictures. Business was good last week. 4 » » — ' MICHIGAN. Saginaw At the Academy of Music (John U. Davidson, manager) Roselle Knott, In "Cousin Kate," Nov. 24; came to capacity. Wm. Llovd, In "Richard III," 28, had a fair house. "The Bonnie Brier Bush" Dec. 0, ••Human Hearts" 7, "the Forbidden Land" P. Jcffers' (Bamford k Marks, managers). —"The Charity Nurse" played to excellent business Nov. 24-30. r 'On. tbe Suwaneo River," 27-30, drew good houses. "What Women Will Do," Dec. 1-3, opened to a good house. The AcADEMr of Music, of,this,city, has been sold to Messrs. Burt & Edson, of Toledo. a , Jackson— At tbe Atbeoaum (H. J. For- ter, manager) Harrison J. Wolfe, In "Ham- let," Nov. 20. pleased. "An American Gentle- man," 20, did well. "David Harum," 30, pleased. "Human Hearts" Dec. 1, Blanche Ring 3, J. H. Stoddart 8, Ward and 0, ,7 Uncle Hcs" 10, '"Due Two Johns" 12, "Arliona" 13, "Under Southern Sklca" 17. L.naaoyr—At Balrd's Opera House (Fred J. Williams, manager) the Corlnne-ttunkel Stock Co.. Nov. 28 and week, pleased. Due: "The Forbidden Land" Dec. a. "Tbe Bonnie brier Bush" 7, tbe Elks (local) will present ••The Mikado" 12, 13. ■ ■' »»> — James T. Kelly and wife (Lnclle Phelps) ..ave closed a long engagement with the How* nrd Stock Co., and have been re-engaged for ipenlng the am of " III direct alt m have closed a long engagement with the How* ' Tjk, and have beta re-r- ock, opening the tti ..jlly will direct all pii_. play character leads and brayles, Jlrs, Kejly the Summer stock, oi 1005. Mr. Kelly sing the"first" of May. " plays and offerings well patronized. Is engaged for characters, jnyenlleie and In The stock genues. Oi He Roada All Rom*. Mut Brnh li Not Later Tn aa Mond ay. DftAMATlC. • • A Adams, Maade (Charles Frobman, nir.l—Cbt- cajro. III., 0-10, Albany. N. Y., 12, rfnrloinelil. Uaas., 13, Hartford, Conn., U, Bridgeport in. Waterbury .10, .New tlaten IT. Allen, Viola (Oiarle« w. Alien, on.)—Padaran, Ky.; 6. Btaaavllle, lad., u. LeilairtoB, Ky.. 7. t.otitjTllle 6-10. Plttstmrg. Ph.. 12-17. Andln. Margaret (Frank Pet ley. mgr.)—Indian- apolts, lad.. 7, - Milwaukee Wis., 8-10, CM- csso. Ill- 18-24. Aubrey Stock-OV. t>. Flttgeritld, mgr.)—Taoaton, Mass., 0,10. Aubrey-Stock (W. B. Hardy, mat.)—Akron, 0., 6-10.. "Arlronn." Ea»tern, M; B. Rayotond'a (H. C. De Mulb. mgr.)—Huntington, lad., 7, Hero 8. Fort Wayae 6,. ttendallrille 10. Osldwater. Mich.,.. 3, . iacktoo 13, Lansing 14, Battle Creek 13, 0<»heg. Intl., 10. Vslpatslso. 17, Haaintnnd 16. » "Arlaooa" Western, M. B. It.iymond's (Wilson 9. Boss, mgr.)—Seattle. Waili., *-10, Pendleton, Ore.. 12, Walla Walla, Wash.. 13. Colfax 14. Pullman IZ, Spokane 10. 17, Wallace, Ida.. 19. Mlsonta. Mom.. 20, Hi-leaa 21. Great Falls 22,.Butte 23, 24. "An American rrloceas" —Colombo., 0.. 8, Wheel!?,:, W. Va., 10, Philadelphia, Pa., 18-17. "At. tbe .Old Cioss Kotds" (Arthur C. Alaton. mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo„ 11-17. "AcrosM the PaclBc" (Harry Clay Blaney, mgr.) —Lonbtrtlle. Ky.. 410. "Alone tn the World." Mlttenthal Brothers' (Leon Williams, mgr.)—S.i.-lnaw, Mich., 11-14. Toledo. O.. 1317. • "Atter .Midnight" (Spencer I Aboro, mgrs.)— St. Louis. Mo.. 4-10. "At Cripple Creek"—Charlotte. S. C. 8. Con- cord 6. Durham 10, Richmond. Va„ 13-17. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Ktlmy s Brlfton, mgrs.)—.Richmond, Mo., 7, Trenton 8, Macon 9, Louisiana 10. East St. tools, 111.. 11, Mnr- Phrysboro 12. Cairo 13. Anna U, Carbondale 10, Marlon 16. Padaeab, Ky.. 17. "An Ametlcan Gentleman"—Columbus, 0., 8. 0. "At Bisk of His I .ire" (Mark S Swan, mgr.)— Bnrliogton. X. J.. 10. Trenton 13-14. Bridge- port, Oonn., IS, 10. Waterbury IT. B Blanche' Bates (David Belasco, mgr.)—Denver. Colo., 0-10. Barrynore, Ethel (Charles Frobman, mgr.)—N. V. City S, indefinite. Bingham. Amelia (Lloyd Blogbatn, mgr.)—Bos- ton, Mass., 0-17, Belief. Kyrle (l.lebler £ Co, mgrs.)—Cleveland. 0:, S-10, Toronto, Can., 12-17. Brsmwell, William (Henri Oressltt, mgr.)— Wheeling. W. Va'., 8-10, Pittsburg. Pa.. 12-17. Blair, Eugenie (Qeorte A. Blumlngtoal. mar.)— Brooklyn. S". v.. 3-10, Worcester, Uais.. 12-1,7. Beresford, Harry (J. J. Column, mgr.)—Dayton, O.. 7. Hamilton 8. Sprlngteld 0. Mlddletown 10, Richmond, Ind.. 12, Columbus 13. Terre Haute 15. Danville, III., 16, IT. Boston. Louise (A: H. Woods, mgr.)—Memphis, Tenn., 6-10. Dayton, 0„ 12-14. Bunting. Kami (Karl Dur|*«^. mgr.)—PottsrII|e, Pa.: S-10, Wllllams^ort 12-17. Brown. Kirk (Annell k Deabon. ingrs.)—Lockport. N. Y.. r,-io. Breckenrldge Stock (Charles Breckenrtdge, mgr.) —Webb City, Mo., 5-7. Carthage 8-10, Aurora 14-17. Burke-McCann (M. McCann, mgr.)—Corning, N. V„ S-io. Hornellsvllle 12-17. Belcher's Cbmedlanii (W. M. Belcber, mgr.)— Sterling. Kan., - S-IO. Hut.'Ulnson 12-17. Benton's Comedians (P. R. Benton, mgr.)—Ho- bart, Okla.. 12-14, Anadurka 13-17, Lawtbn 19-21. "Ben Hur" (Klaw h Krlanger. mgrs.)—Austin. Tex.. B-10. San Antonio 12-17. "Bonnie Brier Bush." J. H. Stoddart (Klrke La Shelle. mgr.)—Lansing, Mich., T, Jackson 8. Klwood, lnd,, 0, Hamilton, 0., 10, Cincinnati 121T. "Buster Brown," Eastern. M. B. Raymond's (W. H. Butterfleld, mgr.)—Hornellstllle, N. V.. 7. Warsaw 8, Batavia 9, Nlagura Falls 10, James- town 12, Warren, Pa., l.l, Franklin 14, Oil City 15, MeadvlUe 10. East I.lyeroool. O.. IT. "Buster Brown." Western, M. B. Raymond's (Jeff Bernvteln, mgr.)—Cincinnati, 0„ 0-10, Pittsburg. Pa., 12-17. "Because She Loved" (Martin Julian, mgr.)— KUtabeth, S. J„ 810. Trenton 15-17. "Bunch of Keys" (Ous Botliner, 'mgr.)—Topeka. Kan., 4, EnporU S, Burlltipton 6, Iola 7, Cba- note 8. Parsons 9, Pittsburg 10. Joplln, MO., 11, CnlTeyrllle, Kan.. 12. Bartlesvllle, lnd. Ter., 13. Tulsa 14. Salpulpa 15, Okmulgee 10, Shaw- nee, Okla., IT. "Brenk for l.lbertr" (J. M. Jacobs, mgr.)— Hamilton, 0., 7. Connersvllle. lnd.,'8, Oreenfleld n, New Castle 10, Richmond 12, Klwood 13, 'i'lp- . ton 11, FrnnkHn 13, Linton 16, Sullivan 17. , "Breezy Time." Kastern (K. Webster Fits, mgr.) —Gainesville, Ma.. T. Ocol.i 8, St. Petersburg !). Tampa 10, Bartow 12, Kisslmmee 13, Orlando 14. Daytona 13, 8t. Augustine 16. Pslatka 17. "Breeiy Time," Western lit Webster Fits, mgr.)—Qranil Island, Neb., T, Hastings 8, St. Paul I). Ord 10, Greeley II, Central City 12. Aurora 13. Howard 14, Sutton 15, Crete 16, Wilber IT. "Banker's Child" (Harry Shrnnon, nip.)—New- kirk, Okla., 7, Blackwell 8, Pooca City.9, Perry 10, Gntbrie il, Purcell. I tut. Ter.. 12. Pauls Valley 13. Tiabomlngo 14, Coal Oate 15, South McAlester 10. "Boy of the Streets" (Herbert Tuaon. mgr.)— Vlrden. 111., 7, Colllnsylll^ 8. Kwardsvllle 0. St. Charles 10, Colllnsyllle 12. I/julalana. Mo.. 13.' Howling Green 14, Haunlbal 15. Palmyra 16, Sbtlblna IT. "Beauty Doctor," Fred E. Wright's (Thos. W. Prior, mgr.)—Richmond, Vi., 3-10. Wilmington, N. C, 12, Charleston. S. C. 13, Savannah, Co.. 14, Augukta 10, Columbus 17. "Black Mask'.' |W. R. Daliey, mgr.)—Newark. N. J.. '5-10, New Haven, Conn., 12-U, Springfield, Mass., 13-17. . O Crnno. Wm. H. (Charles Frobman, mgr.)—Hart- ford, Conn., 5, Bridgeport 6. Providence, It. 1., s-10, Boston, Mass., 12-24. Crosraan, Henrietta (David Belasco & Maurice Campbell. mgr».>—N. V. City 12-17. Campbell, Mrs. Patrick (Cburlea Frohman, Ogr.) —Albonv. N. Y., 5, 6, Syracuse 7, 8, Rochester 9, 10, Cleveland. O., 12-17. Com-ilnck. Nanette (James K. Hackett, mgr.)— Phlladelnhla, Pa.. C-10. Collier, William (Charles Frihtnan, mgr.)—Kan- sas City, Mo., 4-10, Topeau, Kan., 12, St, Jo- seph, Mo.. 13, Qnlncy, III., 14, Davenport, Is., 19, Oalesburg. 111., 10, Peoria 17. Cohen, Geo. M. (Sam Harrlv. mgr.)—N. Y. City 5, indellnlie. Creston Clarke (Jule. Mnrry, mgr.)—Erie. Pa.. 8. t'orbett, James .1., mid Ines Macauley (Hal Da- vis, mgr.l—Milwaukee, Wis., 4-10, Dalsth, Minn., 15-17. Carpenter, I-'rankle (Jere Grady, mgr.)—Brockton, Mass., 8-10. New Bedford. 12-17. Chase-Lleter Theatre, A (Joseph l'arrell, ogr.)— Elk Point, H. Dak., 5-10, Stouz Falls 12-17. Conro.v and Mack—Washington, Pa., 7, L'plontown 8, Fairmont. W. Vs., 0. East Palestine. O., 10, Canton 12, Yotuurstown 13, Akron 15-17. . Conroy Si Mack's Comedians—East Liverpool, O., 5-10. Cutter 4 Williams Stock (W. R. Cutter ft J. W. Williams, mgrs.)—Wellstvn, O., 5-10, Cbarlea- ton. W. Va., 1217. Corbln, l-'loreui-e (3'. V. Rennle ft J. C. Hcbenck, mgrs.)—DMileford, Me., 5-10. Carroll Comedy (loo Carroll, mar.)—Glen Jean, W. Vs., 0-10. Chicago Stock (Chas. H. Ross Kara, mgr.)—Ge- neva. N. Y.. 3-10. Clifton Comedy—-Tnlsa, lnd. Ter., 5-10, Crescent Comedy (Bergman ft Cnmmlnirii, mgrs.)— OedartowTjl (la.. 310. Athens 12-17. ChampJIu. Cbartei K.—Pouglikcapsle. N. Y., 6-10. Crollus^ Comedy, Josqih J. l'lytu'i—I^wlstuu, Me.. B-IO, . . . ..., t . "County Chairman," Etstern (Hefiry W, Savage, mgr.I—New Bedford, Mam., 5, Hprlngoeld 6, 7, Nortbamntoo 8, Worcester 9, 10, Boston 12-17. "Cooniy Clialtman," Western (Henry.W. (lavage, mgr.)—San Antonio, Tex.. 7, Waco 8. Fort Worth 0. 10. Dallas 12, 13, Conlcaoe 14, Gal- veston 13, Houston 10, Beanmoat 17. "Checkers" (Klrke Ls Shelle mgr.)—Philadel- phia. Pa., CIO, Trenton. N. J„ is. "Collet* Widow" I Henry W. Savtge, mgr.)—N- v. city 3, Indefinite. "Common- Settw Brackett" (Henry W. Ravage, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Wis,, «-7. Cntnmhus, ()., "Cblid Slaves of New York" (J. B, Isaac, mgr.) —Nashville, Timiu... 510, liulltiuniniUs, lud„ 12- - 14. l\itt Wayne IB. 10. "Child Wife." -Wm. T. Keoih'a—Sprlngflrld, Mass., 6-f. Hartford. Conn.. 10. "Charity.Nurse" tOeorge H. Leooartl, mar.) — CtaeiBaatLO.. 4-l0. Chicago. HI.. 11-24. vCMiatry KW" (B. B. Whltiaker. mgr.)—Eagle Orate, la.. 7, Sac City 8, Boone 10, Jefferson 12, Atlantic 14. Red Oak 10, Shenandoah 10, Creston IT. "Cnrse of Driok." Charles E. Blaney'*— Kansas City. Me.. 4-10, St. Paul. ainn.. li-17. "Circus Day" (ft. M. Hells, ogr.)—Saratoga, K. Y„ 7, Fort Plain 8, Uleas Falls 0, Fott Ed- ward 10. O Drew. John (Charles Frobman, mgr.)—N. Y. City 3-24. D'Orsay, Lawrence (Klrke La Shelle, mgr.)—To- ronto, Can., 5-10. - Daly.- Arnold (Wlacbell Smith, mgr.)—Itbaca, N. Y., T, Philadelphia. Ta., 12-17. Dowllng. Robert (P. PI Craft, mgr.)—Cambridge, MO.. 1,' Gaston 2, CrtsdeM 3, Salisbury 3, An- napolis 6, Havre de Grace T. Salem, N. J., 8, weodstown 9, Phcenlxvllle. Pa., 10. De Grasse. Joseph (Frank A. Haywstrd, mgr.)— Ponea City, Okla., 7, Perry 8, Stillwater ». Guthrie 10. Norman 12, Purcell, lnd. Ter., 13, Ardmore 14. De'.Voode, Chester (Phil Levy, mgr.)—Altoona, Pa.. 310. Davidson Stock (A. R. Davidson, mgr.)—Streator, 111.. 3-10. Michigan City, lnd., 13-17. DllgerCornell—Toledo, 0., 8-10. Dale, Marie (W. R. Martin, mgr.)— Hattlesburg, Miss.. SrlO, Canton 12-17. Dnlley, W. K., Stork—St. John. N, B„ O-Jan. 7. De PewBurdette (Thomas R. De Pew, mgr.)— Bristol, Tenn., 5-10, Kaosvllle 12-17. On Vrles Stock (Sam Du Vrles, mgr.)—Anburn, X, Y-. 5-10, Oneida 12-17. Dodge-Bowman—Nevada, Sin., G-7. Galena. Kah., S-10. Webb City. Mo., 1214. Carthage 1317. "David'Harnm," No, 1 (Jnllns Cahn. mgr.)— Trenton, N. J.. 5-7, Wilmington, Del., 8-10, Washington. D. C, 12-17. "David Harnm," No. 2 (Julius Cabn, mgr.) — Wabash, lnd.. 0, Logansnort 7. Kokomo 8, Muncit 0, Marlon 10. Klwood 12, St. Marys. 0., 13, Van Wert 14, Lima 13. Flndlay 10, Bowl- lag Green 17. "Devil's Auction," Charles H. Ysle's (M. Wise, uurr.)—Vanconver, B. 0., 7, New Westminster 8.' New Whatcom, Wash.. 0. Everett 10, Seattle 11-14, Ellentllle 13, North Yakima 16. Walla Walla 17. Spokane 18-20, Wanlner, Ida.. 21, Wallace 22. Missoula. Mont., 23, Helena 24. "Dor* Thome." Eastern (Rowland ft Clifford. mgrs.)—Troy, N. V„ 5-7, Sjirlngfleld, Mass., "Dora Tbome," Western (George E. Crowder, mgr.)—York. Nebr., 7. Fan-bury 8, Belleville, Kan., 9. Sallna 10. Manhattan 12, Concordia 13, Belolt 14, McPberson 13, Newton 10, Wichita 17. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (L. E. Pond, ogr.)— Holly. Mich.. T. Saginaw A-IO. Grand Kaplds 11-14. Allegan 15. Kolamatoo 16, Lansing 17.. "Dealers In White Women" (A. 11. Woods, ogr.) . ApMladelphla, Pa.. 510. "Darkest Russia" tW. C. Cunnlnghim, mgr,)— Portland, Ore., 4-W. "Deserted at the Altar" (Percy O. Williams. mar.)—Wllkctharre, Pa., 6-7, Harrlsburg 8-10, Plttshnrg 12-17. . , "Down on the Farm" (P. L. Jarvls. mgr.)— Bowling Green, Ky., 7, Rnssellvllle 8, Clarlts- vllte, Tenn.. 10. "Dangers of Working Girls" (A. H. Woods, ogr.) —Pottstown, Pa.. 12. South Bethlehem 13, Al- lenlown 14. Reading 10, 17. "Dr.' Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (Cotter ft Williams, nvrrs.i—Du Quoin. III.. T, Marrlssa 8, Green- ville i', Effingham 10, Virginia 12. Beardsiown 15, Ottawa 14. Walnut 15, Braldwood 16, Ham- mond, lnd... IT. "Down by the Ses" (Phil Hnnt. mgr.)—Wilkes- barre, Pa., 5-7, Scranton 8-10. "Desperate Chance." Forrester ft MIttenthal's —Kansaa City. Mo., 410, St. Louis 1117. "Devil's Lane," Eastern (Eunice Filch, mgr.)— Clarksburg, W. Va„ Dec. 10, Msnnlogton 12, Wilton 13. Buckliannon 14. "Driven from Home." Patrice (Forrester ft Mlt- tenthal, mgrs.)—Kansas City, Mo., 11-14. "Denver E*pre»a" (George B. Holden, mgr.)— Akron.' O., 8-10. "Down Our Way"—N. T. City 1217. IS Elliott, Maxtne (0/ B. Dillingham, mgr.)—San Francisco, Cal.. 3-10, Los Angeles 12-17. Edeson, Robert (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—Vlcks. burg. Miss., S, Memphis, Tim,, 6, 7, Nashville 8, F.vansvllle. lnd., 0, Terre Haute 10, St. Lottls. Mo.. 11-17. Edwards, Wnlter (Wells, Dunne & Harlan, mgrs.) —Grand Kaplds, Mich., 11-14, Toledo, 0„ 15- IT. Ellnare Slaters—M, B. Raymond's (Milton Gunck- el, mgr.)—Birmingham, Ala., 5-10, Atlanta, a*,. iVit. Emeiwn, Mary (Samuel Lewis, mgr.)—Waynes- bnrg. Pa.. 0, Charlerol 0, Conellsvllle 7, Cum- berland, Md„ 8, Sooernet, fa.. 0, Johnstown 10 Ewlpg, Gertrude (Lou Harrington, bus. ogr.)— Denton, Tex.. 11-10. McKlnney 12-17. Eltrvn. Lome—Bennington, Vt., 0-10. Hooslck- FalU. N. Y., 12-17. EdMll-Wlnthrope Stock (Edney Ridge, tins, mgr.) —Doanoke, Va., 5-10. "Eternal City" (Llehler ft Co., mgr..)—Pitts- bnrg, Ps., 5-10. "Eseaped from tbe Harem," J, H. Walllck's (Harry Karl, mgr.)—Chicago, 111,, 4-10. Jollet 11, Oaleiburg 12, Canton 13, Peoria 14, Au- rora 10- "K»*yy«an" (George C. Dent, mgr.)—Topeka, Kati, 7. "Eight Bells." Bro«. Byrne—Syracuse, N. Y., 5-V. Rochester 8-10. "East Lynne"—Biy City. Mich., 12. "Escaped from Sing Sing," James H. Parker's— Brooklyn. N. Y.. 010. "Bben Ifolden"—Decatur, III., 8, Cedar Biplds, Fluke. Mrs. (Harrison Grey Flake, mgr.)—N. T. City 3, tutfeoulte. Faversham. William (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— Washington D. C, 3-10, Philadelphia, Pa„ 12-84. Flttslmoona, Robert, and Julia May Gilford (Jos. Rdtnonstou, up.)—Elizabeth. N, J., 5-7. Kead- Ing, Pa., 8-10 Camden, N. J., 12-14, Wiltulug- (oti, Del.. 1317.. Feaberg Stock (George M. Fenberg, mgr.)—New- po?t, H. I., B-10. Ferru) Comedians (Harry Bnbb, mgr.)— Aslita- bolt, 0., 410. Fleming, Mamie (W. II. Grocey, mgr.)—New- burgb, N. V., 510. J'Iske. May (J. C. Crosgrove, tngr.)—Haverhill, MIM., S-10, Msncbester, K. 11., 12-17. FlskTat Stock (P.. D. Flake ft T. V. Stock, mgrs.) —Gloucester. Mast., 5-10, Waltliam 12-17. Franklin Stock (U. F. Slnipsou, mgr.)—Big springs, Tex.. 0-7, Colorado Oily 8-10. Fisher ft Wallers' Own (R. It. Fisher, mgr.)— Monesson, Pa., !5-!T. "Flaming Arrow," Lincoln J. Carter'a (W. F. .lacksoti, mgr.)—Washington, D. (J., 5-10, Phil- adelphia, Pa., 12 17. "Fatal Wedding," Central, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' (Cary McAdow, mgr.)—Pittsburg, i'a., 010. Cleveland, 0„ 1217. "Fatdl Wedding, Eastern, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' (W. .\. Bsilsbury, mgr.)—Bonhani, Tex,. T, Paris 6. Denlimri V, Sherman IV, Gaines- ville 12, Fort Worth 1.1, Dallas 14. Khreve- port,' La., 16, Texnrkana, Ark 16, Msrsball, 'le.T., 17. "Fatal ; Wedding." Western, Sullivan, Harris A Woods' (K, T, Zlegler. mgr.)— \a>* Angeles, 'Cal., M-10, Ventura 12, H.utn Barbara 13. San Luis Obispo 14, Salinas 13, Hauta Crtis 16, San Jose 17. "Female Detectives," Russell Brothers (Hsniuel Blair, mgr.)—New Haven, Coon., 67, Hert- ford 8, 0. "From" Itigs to Riches." Joseph Bsntley (M. M. Meyers, mgr.)—N. Y. City 610, Brooklyn, N. • Y.-, 18-17.' "For His Brother's Crime" (Geo. N. Bellinger, mgr,)—Syracuse, N. Y., G-7, Rochester 8-10. "Factory Olrl." Eastern (Phil B. Isaac, uigr.)— Scranton. Pa.. 5-7, Wllkeibarre 8-10, llobu- EE N. J.. 11-14. "Rectory Girl," Tranicontlnenlal (Charles (I. Wtiert,mgr.)—Kxeler, N. II., 7, Rocklsud, Me., "For Mother's Sake," Rusco ft Holland'. (Win. Pottle Jr., mgr.)—*Hau Francisco, Cat., 4-10, Sscrsmeoto 11. Chlco 12, Ashland. Ore., 13, Eugene 14, Salem IS, Centralis, Wash., 16, .Seattle 18-24. "FlouUmn's Ball" (Ollle Mack ft Josenb W. Spears, ogra.)—Ponorvllle, Cat., 7, Vlscalla 8, Hsoford ft, Bskersdeld 10. "Friend of the Family" (W. K. Gorman, mgr.)— Denver. Ota,, 4-ln, "Plddle-DeeDee"—Fall River, Mass., n-io. "Fast Life la New York" (A. II. Woods, qigr.) — ltiwlon. Mm*., 0 H>. Slirluwdekl 12-14, Uarltord, Cooii.. 10-17. "Fanst," Porter J. While's—Atlantic, 1*.. 7, Sioux City 8, Le Mars 9. Cherokee 10, Mason City 12. Iowa Falls 13. Boone 14, Lincoln 13, Klrlsvllle, Mo., 10..Macon IT. O Goodwin, N. C. (George J. Appleton, mgr.)—i N, Y. City A, indeBolte. Gillette. William (Charles Frchmsn,. mgr.)— Pblladelnala. Pa., 3-10. ' Oailaod, Bertha (J. F. Zimmerman Jr., mgr.)— Boston, Mass.. 0-10, Lowell 12, Lawrence 13, Salem 14. Maiden, 13, Norwich, Conn., 10, Mertden 17. Ollmore. Paul (Jnles Mnrry, mgr.)—Mobile, Ala., 8. Selma 0. . . Qrlolth, John (John M. Hlckey, msr.)-.Hunts- vllle, Ala., 7, Fayettfvtlie, Tenn., 8, Columbia P, Birmingham, Ala.I'lO, Tuscaloosa 12. Colum- bus, Miss., 13, Aberdeen 14, Holly Spring to. Greenwood 16. Olarkadale 17. Gllmorc, Barney (Harry Montgomery, mgr.)—Bat* tlmore. Md.. 0-10, Philadelphia. Pa.. 12-17. Granewin,' Charles (John J. Kelraos, mgr.)— Wheeling, W. Va., ST. Bowling Green, 0., 8, South Bend. Ind.. 10, Chicago. 111., 1117. - Glnser, Vaughan, Stock—Clevi-land, 0., 0, Indefi- nite. Grace Hajward Stock (Winters & Kress, ogrs.)— Springfield, 111., 4-ln, Jacksonville 12-17, German Llllputlans,, Tschudl's — Mitchell. S, Dak., 7, Madison 8, Canton 0, Parker 10, Yank, ton 12, Elk Point, Neb.: ID, Ponca, 14. Orlese Dramatic (J. Orlese, mgr.)—Holden, Jto., ' 3-7, Warrenabilrg 8, Pleasant Hill 0, 10, But. ler 12-14. "Girt from Kay's," Sam Bernard (Charles Froh. man. ogr.)—Cincinnati, 0., 4-10, Chicago, III., 12-24. ' "Girl from Kay's", (Charles Frobman, mgr.)— Lawrence. .Mass.. 7, Salem 8. Gloucester to, Portsmouth. N. H„ 10. New Bedford, Mas.., 12, Brockton 13; Taunton 14, Woonsocket, It, !., 10, Newport 10, Fall River, Mass., IT. "Game Keeper." Thomas J, Smith lltowland'At Clifford, mgrs.)—Laconlai N. it, 0, Marlboro, Mass.. 7. Lowell 8-1(1, Fltchbarg 12. ."Girl of the Streets," Lillian Mortimer (J. L. Veronee, mgr.)—N. Y. City 5-iu. Newark, N. J., 12-17. T . "Great Automobile Myitery"—Philadelphia, Pa., "Girl and the Bandit"—Montreal, Can., 640, Ot- i tawa 13. "Game of Hesrla" (A. J. Pollock, mgr.)—Cam- den, N. J., 6-7. M Hackett, James K-—N'. Y. City S, indefinite. Hawtre.v, Charles (Charles Frohman, tngr.)— —„ 13,^3. Memnhls, Tenn. Holland, Mildred rd C. White, mgr.)— Ybnngstown, 0., 10. Unnford, Charle. B. (F. Laurence Walker, mgr.) —Nashville, Tenn., 7, Memphis 8, 0, Jones- boro. Ark,, 10, Sprlpffleld, Nlo., 12. Jopllu 13, Wichita,, Kan., 14, Wloneld IB, Pittsburg in, Parsons 17. Howard Hall (Henry PItrion. mgr.)—St. Paul. Minn., 4-10, Mlnnrnpolls 11-17. lllggms, David (Stair ft Nicola!, mgrs.)—Jersey City, N. J., B-10. N. V. City 1217. Humphrey, William (John M. Mickey, mgr,) — Norrlstown, Pa., 3, Shtmoklo 5, Mahonoy City 0, Hnxleion 7, Plttiton 8, Wllkesbarre 0, Scran- ton 10, Mnuch Chunk 12, Heading 13, Chester - 14, Trenton, N. J., IS, En Hon. I'a., 10, Allen- town 17. Ball, George P. (W. J. Fielding, mgr.)—Albany, X. Y„ 8-10, Paterson, N. J., 12-14, Carbondale, Pa.. 13, Towanda 10, Wavrrly IT. Hendricks, lien (William Grav, tngr.)— Wakefield, Neh„ T, Wayno 8, NortqlB, P, Council llluffs, la.. 11. Red Oak 12, Shenandoah l.'l. Auburn, Neb., 14, Tecumseb, 10, Beatrice 16, Falrbury Hall,' Don C—Salt Lake City, U., B-10. Hlmmeleln's Imperial stock |R. F. lllmmeleln, mgr.)— Shetojiah, Wis;, 11-14. ■ . (A. M. Miller, bus. mgr.)—Clark.. burg, W. Vs., 0-7, Barneavllle, a, 8-iu, New- ark 12-17fc ' ' ' £> «.', Henderson Stock (W. J. ft It. R. Henderson, mgrs.)—Moravia, Is.. O-lo. Harcourt Comedy, Charles K. Harris (W, H, Shine, mgr.)—Salem, Ma«., B-10. Portland. Me., 12-17. Hoyt's Comely (H.. 0. Allen, mgr.)—Meridian, tilts., 0-10. Tyler, Tir., 12-14, Paris 1017. Hammond, Pauline (Clifton Whitman, ogr.)— Houlton, Me.,.0'10, Prtaquo Isle 12-17. Harvey ft Gage Comedy—Haversiraw, N. ¥,, o- 8, Fooghkeepile 0-17. ' UoeOer Show (Jack Hosier, mgr.)—Appleton, Wis.,, 0, indefinite.- , Hoeffler, Jack,' ICaatam ' (W. M. Gale, mgr,)— D*» Moines, ia., 0-7. Harrington Stock (Ernest Harrington, mgr,)—< Auburn, N. V.. B-IO. "Heart of Maryland" (David Belasco, mgr.)—« Cleveland, 0., 0-10. "Ilnmpty Dampty" (Klaw.ft Krlanger, mgrs.)— ' N. Yi City f), lndejlBiit. "Heart of Chicago," Lincoln J. Carter'. (ICdmoad Manley, mgr.j—Csplral City. Nebr., 11, Idaho S[irlngs 12. Boulder, Colo., 13, Ixivemont 14, Loveland IB,,Fort Wlpna 10. Greeley IT. . "Her Only sin," Lincoln J. Carter'a—Trenton, Mo., 7, Chllltooth. 8, St. Joseph 0. 10, Leaven- worth, Kan., 11, LesvSDwortb (Soldiers' Home) 12. Atchison 13, Topeka 14, Msnbattan 16, Clay Center Hi, Junction Clly IT. "Home Folk*"—Philadelphia, Pa„ 12-17. •Holy City," Eastern;i»M0ii ft Bennett'a (Ed- ward Taylor, mgr.)—watnesburg. Pa., T. Scott* dole 8, ConneJIsvllle 0, McKeesport 10, Morgau- town, W. Va,, 12,• Krotthurg, Mil., 13, /air- mont, W. Va., 14, Monplngton 13, Point Pleas- ant 10, Huntington 17, "Holy City." Western, Gordon ft Bennett'. (Henry Usrrlaou, mgr.)—Memlottii, ill,, 7, IUxoo 8, Galena 0, Olltttiin 10. Auoinosi, la,, 12, Cedar Kaplds Hi, Waterloo 14, Clarksvllle 15, Clarion 10, Iowa Falls 17. "Hearts Adrift" (Spencer ft Auorn, mgrs.)—Chi- cago. 111- 4-17. "Hoosler Daisy," Western (Benedict, Sweet ft Allen, mgrs.)—CortlsRd, N. Y„ 7, Norwich 8, Bingbamtoii I), 10. BJIabeth, N. J.. 10-17. "Hei'.Mad Man lege'.' (Mayer & Gratbelm, mgrs.) —OolODbus, O.j IB-IT. ,"Hoosler Girl," Kate Walton (Ous Cohan, mgr.) —Barberton. 0„ 7, tJhrlchtvliia V. Newark 10. Oosbocton 12. New Oomeratown 13, CambrUgs 14, Woodaaeld 10, 'IfbConiiellsvllio 10, Zsnes- "Her First FaiieBlep," q. V. Whlteker's (K. A. Hchlller, mgr.j—Dtytou, 0., 5-7, Columbus 8- 10, Cincinnati Xl-ll. "HI, Si end 1," ■ Borer ft Hurke'a (Backenstoe ft Hamilton, ragrs,)—Toronto, 0., 7, East Pales- tine 8, LeetonT* fl, Saleru 16, Allhmce 12, IU- venna 13. Kent 14, Barberton 16, Orrvltle 10, Caoton l.T. _ "How He Won Her" (Tom North, mgr.)—-Mil- waukee. Wis., 410, ,Des Molues, la., 12-14, Orouha, Nebr,, 10-17, "llttman Hearts," Eastern (Jesse M, Bisnchorfl. mgr.)—Jamestown,>N, Y., 10. "Human Hearts," Western (Cloud Saunders, togr.)—Kalamttoo, lllcg., 3, Muskegon 4, Man- istee 5. Bay City-6, Saginaw T, Lansing H, South Bend. Ind., 10. Racine. Wis., 11, Betolt ■ 12, Jsnesvllie 13, Madison 14, Steven. Point IB, Antlso 10, Foot! qtl l,.e IT, Osbkosh 18. "Human Hearts," Southern (Jay Slomons, mgr,) —Orltfln, (la., 3, Troy, Ala., 0, Thonmavllle, fln., T. Ualnhrldge 8, pensucola, Fla., 0, Mobile, . Ala.. 10, "Homespun Heart" (F, L. Hunt, mgr.)— Grand ■lipids, Mich.. 4-7. "Hot Old Time." On* Hlll't (Harry Hill, mgr.) —St. Louis. Mo., 41(1, Mi'llne, III., II, Dsven- tnrt, la., 12. Clinton 13. Harshalllowii 14, Dee Moines IB-IT. "Hnpny Hooligan," Eaaltrn, Gus mil's (D. A, Kelly, mgr.)—Plttiburg, Pa., S-IO. "Itsppy Hooligan," Weittru, Gus Hilt's (Al. Dolson, rnay.)—Memphis, Temi., 10. "Heart of Texas" (A. Vallate uigr,)—Delpboi, o., T, MeGontb 10. "Hottest Coon la Dixie" (Eugene Hpoirord, mgr,) —Pearls. 111.. 7. "Happenings of r Hoollgsp" (Riltledge ft Diiotsp, mgrs.I—Williamsburg, lo,, 7, Waterloo 8-10. "Hans Hanson" (Jaa. T. McAlplu, mgr.l—Flor* eiii-c, Kan.. 7, Pealsuly V, McPberson 0, Lyun* 10, Klngisau 12, AUgJIBta 13, El Dorado 14, Ystes Center 10, Ls ■Havpe HI, lull IT. "Hello, Bill" (GoMlhoe ie Kellogg, oigm.)—Mo- bile, Ala., 6, 7. "Holly Tolly" (Jo*. M. dalles, mar.) spoils, lod., 0-7, Columbus, ()., 1214 ' . I "1 Irwin, May (Etlwird It. Salter, mgr.)—N, Y. City B. indellnlie. Inter-Ocean ComMy—Pikln, III., ft-7. "In Old Kentpcky," Jacob Lltt's—Ht. Lonls, Ms., 4*10, "Irish Pawnbrokers" ,(ni|le Mock ft Joseph W. Sneers..• mawl^WKkhlnston.' Is.. T. Klrkv rltlc Jin., h qnlncy. HI.. It, llannlhsl, Mo., 10, Ht. Charles 11, Louisiana 13, Mexico 13, 1—Indians . #' .7 . 4K-i