The New York Clipper (December 1904)

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988 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. December 10. BOSTON, MASS., December 5, 1904. The American debut of i # 441 East 87th Street, New York City. "The Military Bercules," proved a genuine and unqualified success at.Eoston Music Hall today. Hie strength is phenomenal, his agility and dexterity in handling weights, such as One Hundred and Two Hundred Pound Shells, is astouuding. He has a'jaw of iron, a forehead which is a band of steel, and a back which resists the impact of cannon balls and shells falling from mid-air. A gun with carriages attached, which takes six slaie hands to raise upright by pulleys, CONCHAS balances on his chin with masterly ease. He has, in brief, the strength of two Sandows, with pluck, nerve and skill unbounded. That he will create a tremendous furore in this country is absolutely certain. o. MANAGER BOSTON MUSIC HALL, BOSTON, MASS. MEDICINE MEN, MUSEUM OWNERS DON'T nlu tblt. The gre»te«tCROWDOBTTgR ever devised. MW INVENT10N-BURLE8P HANGING MACIIIVF. A 200 pound live man can be dropped through trap door of scaffold 8 or I feet and bang with noose around hii nick, any time desired, wltnoot discomfort: Represents PERFECTLY s REAL execution. Win create an ENORMOUS SENSATION. ASTOUNDING and 1'ER- PI.EX INO all who see it work. (You can revive roar "victim" In jour own wiv). Patented In V. 8., and patent applied for in all Important foreign countries. No infringements will he tolerated. SCIENTIFIC- ALLY CON8TRUOTBD. (Especially designed so that raschlue ctn qalokly he taken apart and packed for shipment). Weight about «w pounds. Kvery man witnessing this startling and phenomenal art will Induce all of his acquaintances to tee same. St&te FCLLY territory covered tiy you. Address PATEIT ILLUSION IACHIHE CO., Cure V. V. CLIPPKK, Hew York City. (Will annonnee location of offices In CUPPER of lith Inst). MANAGERS . BOOKED AT THE ACADEMY, BIJOU and ALHAMBRA THEATRES, CHICAGO, Are hereby ' not 111 ed that the CHILD WflOK UW,M applied to the a tan-, ia being MTIUCTLY . KftFOHCBO. Children under sixteen years of age cannot appaar upon, the stage In Chicago. ( ■ OEOROE HIDDLETON. ADAMS' COMEDIANS; .0. FAITH ADAMS. Hgr., National Printing (Jo., Chicago. 111. MALE PIANIST •.-••' WAXTKD, .. Clirlstmae Night, and for teaion. for Moving natures and {keloid Veqrtevllla. One who can 'double in a Mntloal Act' or Huge nketcb, and thai can arrange when desired, preferred. Also wanted, aSw*et and Poweriul Tenor Singer for Illustrated Bonn, and to double as Btage Man- aier. Reliable people oply, ad<lrei» MANAGER, Rooms so, 81, Mansio n no tise, Ware, km . PICTURE MACHINES. New and second Band Stereoptlooni, Films, Bong Slide* and. Supplies. Picture machines re- built with alt Improvement!. Rheostats any volt- •te. MecUanioaJ effects far sots 'made. Expert Tepslrlng ddne "NBW YQRa, FILM EXCHANGE. N. power, hgr., HI Nassau St., New York. Phone saeo On Hi and.' luck's Famous Minstrels tkiausflood Btaek Face Act, Single or Dojlble, to Do Specialty and . Work In.ld. KnU.. Must be gooti singers] Can use good per form- era and musicians at ail times. Stale lowest; we tlcon'deroia, N. Y., Dec. B; Whitehall o, Salem 12, Soaagbtlooke II, Cor lith 1 J. 1 P. J. PALMER, Manager. WANTED AT ONCE, Good Quartette or Trio, play parte'and make themselves generally fni. Address wills Musioai Comedy Co., Sooth Norwalk, Conn., Deo. tt. 9,10; White Plains, M. Y.. 11,18, ia, u. To ■vvantrd7 Union Stag-e Carpenter For Repertoire.' Capable and wfJifiig to go on for two or tbtee small parts. Qne not afraid to work, aotier and reliable, Btageegperlenre. Age, lieljtbt and vrdlgbt.-lidweNt salary. McQILL *. HHIPMAN; Bnrll&gtcii, Vfc, week" Dec. s; Lsw- renoe, Mass., week Dee. it. ORGANS FOB SALE. Mew, Large Orobestrlon, playing by paper mu- sic; New Card Board Organ, or keys, with Drum Attachments, lite uew: Second MM. PiiieBrasa ■ Trumpet. Roller Organ. To keys, with DruuM. Sev- eral Small second Hand Roller Ora>rm, all flrst data condition. •" • HRNaT BOHCKRH, w m k. ink street. New Vote. THE GREATEST 8JBNBATIOW IN ■ LOT PARLORS, ILLUSION MACIUNK. "CREATION OF MAN. AS YOff WKRB 0.0qO»YKARS.AO<)?' '"SKK YOtK FINISH." ••MORNING AJTBIV three III Ml, now in operation' In Leading Tariors In New York. Particulars.- J BENNETT, ^. . ,«» B. ittu Street, New York. MUSIC Arranged, Composed. . and 11BBIE DIM, KFIKINED GRVMAN COMFDY. AT L11IEBTY, 131 g. Hth ST.. g. V. Wanted, People in All Lines. Canute few good AMATLTUK Also Amateur 'gotatatiaa. 10KFHN A IKiDOK. York, 111. Planleu Three night amnde. J AC"" JOHMVIE BKIXt/1% Tue l.ltuo WblrlwlQd Juggler, now playing Clubs and Sunday Concent In and a: AH agents, or per, ail.; 3ia K. HtfiSt. WANTED QUICK. GOOD SKETCH TEAM. Good All 'Houur) ooaiediar. answer. 1IARKY M. ABRLKY. rjlyssss, N eb, ADAMS;: COMEDIANS, 0. FAITH ADAMS, Mir., National Printing Co., Chicago, til. PLAYS For Sale or To Rent A Woman's Love Melodrama in Four Aots. Cast eleven. Seven men and four women. Copyrighted. The Gave of Paradise A Beautiful Dramatn Fonr Aots. Copyrighted. Lured From Home Melodrama In Fonr Acts. Cast ten. Copyrighted. Trinity Chimei Melodrama In Four Acts. Cast fourteen. Rnna from 8.U to 11 P. M. Copyright. Scenery com- plete. Large assortment of paper, fonr colors; bin and frame trunk. Props., Organ, Chimes, Cbolr Suits. Complete for the road. Slave* of the Workshop Sensational Drams In Four Acts. Copyrighted. Eleven people. The Sunset Limited A Reallstle R. R. Comedy Drama. Ten people. O'Hooligan's Wedding Farce Comedy. Ten people. Tim Mahoney's Frolics Farce Comedy In Three Acts. ajjj HMIIC, MUSIC, MYSTERY AND MIRTH! RE-ENGAGED BY' MR. CLKVELAlf D WEEK OK DRC. 4. Keeping 'Em Guessing! Permanent address, care of CLIPPE R. Wanted Quick, 383 Pearl St., Brooklyn, New York. Have on hand to Comedy Sketches that can be played with 2, a or < people. Burlesques to order: nave 100 on band. BIGGER DEMAND Than ever before for OOOD vaudeville acts. No better acts to be bad anywhere tban those In Madison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of stage fan, con- taining al Original Parodies, t new Mono- logues, 4 great Sketches, new Dutoh, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Comlo Poems, Touts and Epitaphs; two roaring faroet, two big burlesques, besides hundreds of new Gags, Stories and Jests—so big pages. One dollar per copy. Back numbers as fol- lows: any 9,11.50: any 8, |2; any «, tlto or Budgets 8,4,7. t and 9, is. Others out of print. Send an orders to my agent L.J. K. HEIL, 1404 Third Are, New Tork. CHAR A WEB C01EDIAB, Wire. FEATURE SPECIALTIES. LKADBB, PIANIST, ABRASGER. State lowest. Pay own. Smith and Dell, Tommy Momr. wire. J. O. WELSH. Dover, N. H., Dec. 12 1 RENT OR FOR IE, CLEVELAND'S THEATRE, Chicago's largest and most popular Vaudeville Ifoinf, now undergoing nltaratlona to comply with lattat < Ity ordinance governing theatres. Address W. S. CLEVELAND, PRESIDENT W. H. CLEVELAND AMUSEMENT COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. FREE Your mind from care and worry, by purchasing a few legitimate SLOT MACHINES Such as I recommend and manufacture, and there win be plenty of MONEY FOR YOU. The Illusion t« the latest novelty, and a big money ge'ter. The crowd eats H up. Write let- ter for particulars and urlCB. F. B. ZIMMERMAN, 18 W. isth Street, New York ADAMS' COMEDIANS, 0. FAITH ADAMB, Mgr., National Printing Co.. Chicago, ill. CrKro, LEADS or HEAVIES. Toronto, Ohio, week Dec. s. care of DILGKR. CORNKLL CO. After Deo. lo, syraiute,». Y AT LIBERTY (ACCOCNT CLOSING OF CO.), P. J. KANE, SINGING AND DANOINO COMEDIAN, LYDIA KANE. LEADS. Ability, appearance and wardrobe. Address TORONTO. Ohio, week of Deo. 5, care or l>l ger-Cornell Co. WANTED, FOR CIRCUS OUTFIT TO BE SOLD AT NICHOLS BAZAAR, BROAD AND CHERRY, PHILADELPHIA.TtJUR8» DAV, DEC. IS, 11KI4, At NOON, the following property need in tbe Mae Farland A UoMer Circus: t Large Tableau Vagons. i Pole Wagons, one lit for railroad show; l Band Wagon, l Cook Wagon;!Baggage ■wskobh, l double deo* cross cage wagen for small anltnsla.l Pony Tableau, very elaborate and odd: also other Wagons i>std in tbe outfit; i lent, 136ft. Round Top; 8 smaller Tents, The Clowu Pony, and a good one and handsome, does the Bucking Aot, the January and Hie Ring Natters' and Clown Act; alto tells time of day, and edu- cated fit tor the state; 1 Pad. Dog, l Elk. 2 years old; ti baggage Morses,'Pine Parade and Baggage Harness, plumes and everything pertaining to a complete circus; full Cooking umflte, etc. The above Is good property and In good shape and will positively be sold. 65ft. PULLMAN CAR Accommodates 40 people. Six wheel trucks. Fully equipped for fast passenger aervlce. Cash, $1100. JOHN H. FEROC80N. 828 Pearl St., Joplln, Ho. IT'S A SUCCESS! OH A3. WILL F. MORTIMER-CROCKETT COMEDY CO. WANTED—Letdlng Lady, roubrette, Heavy Nan and Gen. Bus. Man. Low, sure salary. State fullest panloui*rs. Address W. c. COOK. Clarion, Pa., or per route. I Tuba, double Piano or Batti. Answer OKO. PECK. 814 W. 43d St., X. Y. Olty. $2,000 TO INVEST. Wanted, party will) the above amount. Small Circus Co tor Soutb America. Have toured tbe country and know It thoroughly, Have several feature aerial acts myself ana nucleus lor small stinw. Those Interested wi l aot promptly. *i- dress P. M. ZOLA. 1707 State 8t .NewHaven.Conn. AGENT AT LIBERTY. One nlgbter preferred. $26 and nay nu own. WALTER LE«, 1838 Charlotte Street, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED. Tanorand Bass Singer,Two Good Trombones, Loud Cornet. WIRK: WILI.8HND TIOKRTS. HARLOW A WILSON'S MINSTRRL8, PerRotlte, WASTKD, FUR IULVEY'8 COMEDY COIPAIT. llepertotre People In All Lines. Prefer those Doubling Brass. Open near Chicago Jan. 2. Must be sober and reliable. Pay vonr own. DR. H.O.'MCLVKV, Week Dec. 6, Dodgevllle, Wis.; week Dec. 12. Holiandale. Wis. FOR SALE-Let if Pletiri Midlines, Punching, Lifting. Lnng Tetters, Electric and Name Plate Machines. Will bay Ferris Wheel If in good order or tDy new attractions. Must be cheap tor ossh. J, K. Cahlll, 764 Wi'st German St.. Baltimore, Md. ADVANCE AfiEHT AT LIBEBTY. Posltlvolj don't drink. Absolutely relltble. Good character and habits. Faithful worker Address A. S. M., Room 6,46 La Salle St., Chicago. 111. SPARLINe & BURK, PL AY WRIGHTS. Sketches and songs for Vaude- vlilo. I'rlcea rlgnt. HAMMOND. Ind WANTED, VEB8ATILE LEADIlffi WOIAH. COMMAND il'OBD. Norfolk. K. Y-. wesl; Dae 0; uaranao Lake Dee. 12, ADAMS' COMEDIANS, O. FAITH ADAMS, Mgr, National Printing Co., Chicago, 111. I Want the Best People That Are At liberty, for G. FAITH ADAMS' XKVT WK8TKBX CO., ••■-■•>"•"Jft""■"*»■ ADAMS COMEDIANS. 4. M VAajqmn a Yoodr, Attractive Woman for Leads and some Soni>rettes, who can DP.LIYER IJ1F TTSnibU, KEAL 00008, DRK8S THE PARTS and LOOK THEM (00)601—to act—not matri- mony). Also People in All Lines, Character Man to Direct Stage, some with Speclalilea: MUSICAL TKAM THAT CAN ACT, THAT PLAY VIOLIK and PIANO and CORNET; Mao with Picture Machine that can play parts or do specialty, to run props. Photo, age and lowest salary In first letter. Addrets, csre of NATIONAL PRINTING CO., Tribune Bldg., Chicago, 111. I will personally conduct this attraction. In preparation, my new comedy. ••WILL HE HARRY BIS WltTaVS IICBUASD'S WIFE I" The Chadwick Trio In HANK HOOVER'S HOLIDAY. A Comedy Sketch of Society Foibles and Bustle Simplicity, Embracing a Variegation of Humcr, Harmony and Dancing. THIS WEEK, KEITH, IMOV gt* By WM. D. HALL, of Philadelphia. Address AL, HAVER, S«. James Bldg., N. V. SOMETHING NEW IN VAUDEVILLE. THE FRENCHMAN AND THE OTHER FELLOW. Something new and np to date. A laugh from start to finish. Contrary to all rumors, this It the original team of William mitchkll and JOHN J. caim. have OfEN TIME for VAUDEVILLE OR FABCE COMEDY. Address all communications to 15«3 «th ST.. Borough Par*, Brooklyn, N. Y., or AGENTS. AI.G. Field Greater Minstrels BAND EEADER, B-FLAT CORNET. Hntt Doable First Violin In Orch*»tm, have latest mmli, and be capable or lending a flrat class Iiaad. Heferencos required. Afldreis Roanoke, Vn., Dee. 8; Charlottesville, Vs.,; Rlcbmond, Va.:Dee. 10. Permanent Offlrei SO BKOID ST., COLlMBls, O. Marguerite Johnson, SoBkittis and Ingenues, Sieging and Dancing Specialties. Toronto, Ohio, week of Dee. 5. Jeanette Johnson, Characters aid 6eaeril Business, Can of CO. m Emotional, Light Comedy and Sonbrette leads. "— I U~" WW— w» J www WW WW. V..V WWMWDI Fine line of special paper. Have been starring at the head of my own Co. for several seasons. Clos- ing lieoaote tne worlc of managing In connection with starring Is too great a strain.' Pine wardrobe. would U se to hear from responsible managers only. Address JUBNBONriURG, PA. TOM Grll^IvE^. «• •• NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. At Keenej's, Brooslvn. last week. Oneof the biggest nits lhat ever played that honse. At American, Sunday, Dec. I, I closed entire show. On at 111*. M., anil !i„. a,ld ' e ' lce l»"lfhed right ont lond for to minutes, and 1 followed oneof the big iilisof the show, TDK QRI.AT TASOOTT, Uoon Sbonter. Deo, 12, Empire. Hoboten. WM. MORRIS. JOE PAIQE SMITH. B. A. MYERS, WALTER PLIMMKR have booked time forme. Perm, address, m East Utli St., S.T.C SMITH'S OPERA HOUSE Grand Rapids, IVIIoh., To Responsible Parties Only. Can give Immediate possession. . Address MRS. WM. B. SMITH. TO LEASE THEATB.E, CITY OV 10,000 OR RORB, THIS SBABOK OR NKXT. ADOUII • -*■ I 1 *. K.. Oar* of CLIPPER. "THE LITTLE GIRL WITH THE BIG VOIGE" (MISS LILLIAN LK ROT). Keith'sCllronlt, K.Y.: Philadelphia,!; Provioenoe, 13; Boston, is; then Cleveland, PlttlbBTf, _•»'!• more, Washington, etc.; Chicago, Uydo A Behman"s, Dec W. , ■ !_. Wanted, 111 First Class Dramatic and Specialty People. Can be used for the -TAR STOCK COMPANY at ad itsies. No rare?. Mast be Al. JOSEPH BALL, MANAGER MTAIt THEATRE, LTlUk, -V. Is